Another Open Mic Wednesday is upon us, as per usual you've got the floor gents, enjoy. The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues Stay Individual(In Your... Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated: ”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?” Government: “NO” ”If...
Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, nothing major to report this week outside of the same Covid plandemic/scamdemic continuing to be used to usher in...
Evidence: For those who continue to seek out the truth regarding this Covid-19 plandemic/scamdemic as well as those who wish to know what's really...
Please excuse any errors in the audio recording: [audio mp3=""][/audio] Evidence: [video width="426" height="650" mp4=""][/video] A young guy in Israel collapses after receiving his Covid...
Evidence: [audio mp3=""][/audio] This is exactly what happens when you put your faith and trust in the State as well as believe that your...
The Covid-19 hoax continues to unravel: [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] Meanwhile, these pro black female/B1 clowns continue to exalt and uplift women who simply aren't...
Evidence: [video width="640" height="480" mp4=""][/video] Yep, that's right folks, NO NEEDLE. These bread and circus, pretending to be vaccinated monkey shows are getting so sloppy...