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Where’s Your Hairline Though? #SHORTS


I’ve kept the original link up even though the video has now been removed from it. I honestly wish that this would happen more often, where these fake Becky wannabe black females would be exposed for the bald headed deceptive miscreants that they are. Remember, these are the same black harriets who will step to black men and demand that they bring A,B,C,D,E,F and G to the table, yet these heifers can’t even bring their own hair or hairline into a relationship.

Black women must honestly think that the world around them is dumb enough to believe that their kinky hair has all of a sudden morphed into that of white women. Everybody knows what the black woman’s hair is supposed to look like, only these mentally ill, delusional black females believe that they’ve fooled everybody around them.

This modern day black harpy at this stage looks incredibly dumb, we’ve seen the ridiculous and unhygienic processes black women as a collective go through in order to install white women’s hair upon their heads, the cornrows, the netting that goes over their natural hair, the installation of the weave followed by the gluing process in order to hold the contraption in place etc.

As you can see, when the wig was removed, her hairline had clean gone back to the Cambrian Era, she really wasn’t happy that the top of her head had been exposed for the barren wasteland that it is, a Cro-Magnon type creature in the flesh looking like grandfather Mac, smh.

Black women stay deceiving, fully steeped in witchcraft and sorcery attempting to hide their natural looks, any external appendages they can grab a hold of and utilise to their advantage, they’ll snap up in a second. Claims she likes doing HER OWN HAIR but she practically doesn’t have any, lol.

This is your bald headed modern day black female right here, trying her hardest to look like the white woman but at the same time has the audacity to call you a sellout, a coon and an Uncle Ruckus simply because you choose to date out, make that make sense.

These are the types of females who these pro black Negroes are trying to shame free thinking black men into returning to, a bunch of skiffle headed, evil, nasty, unappreciative, deceptive, thug and criminal loving ingrates, not a chance, bye Felicia.

Please show me white and other non black women with hairlines at the back of their heads, I’ll wait. Lastly, note how in typical black female fashion she resorted to being violent once she was exposed as a fraud, nothing new here at all. Black women, the only group of females on the entire planet spending billions upon billions purchasing the hair of non black women to glue upon their own heads, smh. #SYSBM

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Bald Headed Black Women Are Everywhere, Beware

Most High Bless

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31 thoughts on “Where’s Your Hairline Though? #SHORTS

  1. If I end up wealthy I could start a salon business but I would choose not to cause I don’t want to deal with customers in general, especially female apes.

    My advice to all negresses in the world is to be bald, no wig weaves and no real nappy hair.

    Got me thinking would any blackistan male date their ape queens if they are all bald everywhere on earth?

    The answer is probably yes.

    The elephant ass is number one to most black males but definitely not to me at all.

    The elephant ass stands out to negroes than other features cause of lower standards.

    My standards are too high towards white women from the east and I want to go very far away from the west of babylon.

    1. “If I end up wealthy I could start a salon business but I would choose not to cause I don’t want to deal with customers in general, especially female apes.”

      One of my relatives owned a hair salon but closed it because hood bitches caused too much drama…staff and customers both. She reopened it as a men-only barbershop before closing it altogether. This is what happens when you try to build in Blackistan. SYSBM.

        1. Brendan Dubalos,
          Nice to Meet a Fellow Guyver Fan & Your Right!!!

      1. “Got me thinking would any blackistan male date their ape queens if they are all bald everywhere on earth?

        The answer is probably yes.”

        As I have said at least a million times, the delusional scraggle daggle’s hyper sense of entitlement and self importance is caused by the behavior of the black male simp.

        SYSBM men do not contribute to the scraggle daggle’s delusions, this is all on the black male simp. But SYSBM men are a very small percent of the black male collective.

        The overwhelming majority of black males worldwide are hyper simps. Hoteps would deny this statement, but the facts overwhelmingly support it. Let’s look at the facts.

        Most scraggle daggles are ugly beasts. In fact, most scraggle daggles are ugly obese beasts. Most lack intelligence, character, and morals. They carry all manner of venereal diseases, at rates higher than any other cohort of females. They hate their ethnic features and the hair that God gave them. Even the few who don’t look bad, hate their ethnic features and hair. They make the world’s worst mothers and the world’s worst mates.

        Now some white and nonblack beta males like to ghetto gag them, because they are easy playthings for these males. But other than that, white and nonblack beta males typically place no value on the scraggle daggle. I mean, a white alpha male is too busy enjoying white and nonblack women to have time to fool with them. The typical whIte beta who cavorts with them, has trouble getting white women. It is only the black male simp who proclaims night and day that these beasts are goddesses.

        He prostrates himself before them. He will eagerly give them his meager resources. He works and stresses himself to an early grave to please them. No matter how much they shit on him, he worships the ground they walk on. He literally worships their stinky elephant asses.

        It is the black male simp who keeps this unholy mess going. Without him supporting them and being their beasts of burden, the scraggle daggle would have long since faded away into oblivion.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    Black women hate being black that’s the reason why they wear white womens weaves and wigs on their heads because they are trying to conform to the European standards of beauty and by doing that black women are the biggest self haters on the planet. I will never ever change my appearance just to get with a non black women because I am proud of the way I look. A black womans kryptonite if you pull that white women wig/weave off their heads they lose their magical superpowers and they feel less womenly. What pisses me off about black women these days is that just because they wear a white women blonde wig on their heads, got multiple university degrees, they wear high heels, they wear a dress and they have a flash well paid job they somehow think that they are better and superior than black men.

    1. Hair is BW’s weakness, weight is WW’s weakness. BW hate their natural hair, WW hate being fat. Check out PAWG Instagram and watch how those fat white hoes try to gas each other up. If it wasn’t for thirsty simp negroes, both race women would be out of business. Know your enemies weaknesses, then move accordingly. SYSBM.

      1. When you say that Black women’s weakness is hair and white women’s weakness is weight, I was thinking that you hit the nail there.

        1. I am absolutely correct. “Curvy” WW want BW’s “confidence” and BW want WW’s long, flowing hair.

  3. Verbs and brothers,

    I want you brothers to notice something and pay attention:

    Any man take their weave off to show their baldness, they get aggressive and more mean. Their strength and defence levels goes high. Why? Because you show their weakness.

    When ghetto BW fight each other and I mean physical brawl (we all seen this so social media), the first thing they do is to aim at the weave. Once the weave is pulled off you see the weakness.

    Taking off the fake hair is equivalent to them being naked and expose their true nature.

  4. Yes, Mumia Obsidian Ali is trying to bet black men and THAT to have ‘the conversation’.

    1. I like Obsidian for entertainment value, but he’s another one who can’t let go of his black queens even though they have ridiculed him for being short, crippled, etc. “Why I Refuse To Be The Clean Up Man” is like the shot heard ’round the world, can’t take that away from him.

        1. Like Tommy Sotomayor, he’ll ALWAYS be a slave to his maaaamaaaa.

        2. “Schadenfreude,

          It’s a damn shame he doesn’t stand by this principle anymore, smh.”

          When you start out on top, there’s nowhere to go but down.

      1. He sees the money in “Black Female Fuckery”. You really think he’s staying with his lady friend if he becomes super rich?

  5. Happy Friday, Gents!

    Ayanna Presley cracks me up whenever I see that bald-ass dome looking like the black female Lex Luthor. I can’t take that shit serious. You notice she had hair while running for office. She got in and the dome was revealed just like at the end of Superman: The Movie when Lex Luthor takes off his toupee hahahaha. Trojan horse. I hope they vote her ass out, I hate The Squad.

    BM are the only race on earth that has to deal with masculine, bald-headed ass hoes. They actually try to gaslight us into thinking Michael B. Jordan fades and bald heads are attractive on women. But then again half of these gender-fluid bitches are not trying to look good for BM at all, but other dyke bitches.

    Avoid the insecurity, gender confusion and drama and get you a woman whose long, natural hair grows out of her head. SYSBM.

    1. So true LOL. Genderfluidity is a next problem I have with these people

    2. The only thing missing from her head is the number 8.


    1. @Upgraydd

      Wow, that content is GOLD! Definitely a must see.
      I can’t fukin stand that fake ass weave/hair shit.
      It drives me batty bcuz I’m like “THESE are suppozed to be MY people – the original inhabitants of all races?? Fuk that!”

  6. Black women spend over 10 billion dollars (Over 7 million pounds) of buying weave just to look like their arch enemy, known as the white woman. Black women always try to compete with the white woman but loses every single time because white women can grow their long wavy hair and black women have to sow it or glue it. Black women are losing their hair and ending up bold like Steve Wilkos because all they do is putting weave in their head. Every single time I see a black woman, you can’t step to her and talk to her because she has weave in her hair. Do you know many black women I see in the street with weave in their head? And the Asian dude like hair owner Mr. Patel and Mr. Chong will supply the weave for them, half price! And these simps out there are saying to guys like me who ain’t marriage material that we should wife up these ratchet black women. And when the dude snag that weave of the woman’s head, she just start beating him like she’s Ike Turner.

    Keep you white sugar honey safe because these ghetto ratchet, scallywags black women will cut off the white sugars and try to glue it on sow it in their hair trying to look white.


    1. When BW get money they spend it on weave, waist trainers and crab legs. When BM get money we supposed to build schools, rec centers, and grocery stores.

  7. Just like Samson’s weakness was exposed when Delilah cut off his hair, the scraggle daggle’s weakness is exposed when you snatch their wig to reveal their baldness; peep the Jekyll-Hyde switch when homeboy pulled the wig from behind (I didn’t even know he was there). I love how the guy just laughed and said “she’s bald headed” into the camera while she’s going off. She claims she loves doing her own hair, yet we now see her own hair is a mess; maybe she should actually start doing her own natural hair instead of hiding it under wigs made with non Black women’s hair.

  8. Even the bowling balls are saying her bald head puts bowling balls to shame.



    In the case of the scraggle, the question should be: WHERE’S YOUR HAIRLINE BRUH?


  10. So how are these how’s running around begging and bumming again? They single-handedly make weave a billion industry, but expect to be felt sorry for when it comes to finances? Hell, if just half of them used that money to send their kids to better schools out of the hood, they’d be better off.

    But WE are the ones with self hate? These chicks act as if God has personally spited them when these weaves come off. They are ashamed to be… well, themselves. Granted, I don’t blame them, but cool it with that “self-hate” crap.

    Wouldn’t it be self hate to send a racist Korean store owners kids to college all while yours are too dumb to pass 6th grade, all to look less black? Asking for a daggle.

    The world’s lies are mothered by the scalps of black women.

    1. >Wouldn’t it be self hate to send a racist Korean store owners kids to college all while yours are too dumb to pass 6th grade, all to look less black? Asking for a daggle.

      Ironically, some of the largest consumers of weave are the strong, independent, edumucated scraggles who work in middle management with the racist Korean store owners kids as their bosses.

      Go figure….


      1. Remember about 3-4 years ago, that Chinese chemistry student that tried to poison his Black roommate? He was literally on the plane to go back to China when the cops stopped the flight. I wondered how ironic it would have been if black females weave addiction funded the Chinese kid’s tuition and airfare?

  11. EXCELLENT post, Verbs!
    No lies detected about the fake ass hair PANDEMIC in the “negroid womansphere”. smdh

    Remember, these are the same black harriets who will step to black men and demand that they bring A,B,C,D,E,F and G to the table, yet these heifers can’t even bring their own hair or hairline into a relationship.

    Black women must honestly think that the world around them is dumb enough to believe that their kinky hair has all of a sudden morphed into that of white women. Everybody knows what the black woman’s hair is supposed to look like, only these mentally ill, delusional black females believe that they’ve fooled everybody around them.

    PRICELESS!! Copied for a future commentary in Jami Forums or KenyaTalk when I find time. 👆🏽👍🏽👌🏾

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