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He Told The Truth, No Lies Detected – Pt 3!

Evidence: [video width="400" height="400" mp4=""][/video] [video width="640" height="360" mp4=""][/video] He told the truth, no lies detected at all. I have to laugh really, for...

You Heard It For Yourselves, Smh!

Evidence: [video width="1280" height="720" mp4=""][/video] [video width="400" height="400" mp4=""][/video] Well, officially it looks like the "I'm still caught between two places" black men's "unicorn"...

Dealing With Passport Hating Scoffers!

Evidence: [video width="400" height="400" mp4=""][/video] So let me get this straight, we're broke yet we can afford to travel internationally?? Make that make...

Why Are You So Pressed Though?

Evidence: [video width="400" height="400" mp4=""][/video] Recently I've been noticing a sharp uptick in attacks on US black men who've decided to get their...