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Nope, sorry, the UK departed from Christianity and Christian values a very long time ago. The UK and the people within it now subscribe to and celebrate atheism, hedonism, superficiality, materialism, the worship of Mammon as well as the idolisation of themselves.
In recent times things have gotten so bad in the UK in terms of the indigenous White English population throwing God to the wayside. They don’t even have a passive acknowledgement of God The Father nor Jesus Christ anymore, yet alone an active one.
I’ve always stated that once a nation throws off religion and thereafter stops believing in a higher power, the moral compass is the next fundamental pillar to disintegrate and it normally crumbles very quickly post abandonment.
The number one reason why the UK is in such a sorry state is because the founding White English population doesn’t believe in Jesus Christ anymore despite claiming the country is Christian.
The “Christian glue” that once held the country together has long gone and has been replaced with the devil’s adhesive. For the brothers here in the UK, when was the last time you heard a white English man/woman talk about God or Jesus Christ, I’ll wait?
As the saying goes:
“Those who stand for nothing fall for everything”
These are the same white folks who are complaining about the mass invasion of the country, yet very few if any of them have the fire in their chests to stand up for what is right, why?
Paleo Christianity unlike atheism actually places value on the individual, also unlike atheism classic Christianity teaches to care and look out for other individuals especially if they’re in need.
That selfless spirit has also long gone and has been replaced by spirits of selfishness, greed and apathy. Nations that choose to embrace degeneracy, reprobation and decadency are a breeze for invaders to overrun and take over, this is what is currently taking place in the UK as we speak.
You cannot abandon Christ and not expect serious repercussions as a result. If the Most High God of the bible is supposed to be your foundation, don’t you think you should at least be paying regular homage to him?
Don’t even get me started on the Church of England and their “woke”, non judgmental approach to anything and everything especially when it relates to acquiescing to the sodomites as well as the LGBTQP abominable degeneracy.
It’s absolutely sickening to observe these sodomites as well as the rest of that band walking freely and expressing themselves via the engagement of abominable acts, both in public and at their so called “pride” parades.
If Christ were to descend from the heavens at this moment, without hesitation he would immediately throw down all of these so called “churches”(regardless of their denomination) and utterly burn them up until nothing remained.
None of these modern day churches stand for anything valuable anymore, they don’t even have the nuts to hold the fort, maintain frame and speak out against abhorrent actions the scriptures clearly condemn.
Very few if any individuals or groups are standing up for good in the UK, this is why the country is currently being ravaged by evil. You cannot have a strong nation without a belief in a higher power as well as a solid and robust moral compass.
You’ve chosen to throw God, Christ and the Bible into the sewer pipe in favour of socialism, communism, hedonism, materialism and carnal pleasures, yet you still can’t put the pieces of the puzzle together and realise that all of those latter philosophies ultimately lead to pain, misery, suffering, destruction and death.
Countries and nations that choose to embrace evil, wickedness as well as persecute the good eventually fall hard and perish, the UK will NOT be any different. In all my years being alive in this country, NOT ONCE have I ever seen the government here work in favour of the common people, NEVER!
UK brothers, get your money up, even if you can’t leave this place permanently, at least try your hardest to put yourself in a position where you can spend more time elsewhere. leave these knuckleheads, NPCs and bots to continue playing the political two party ping pong.
As much as white men over here love to yap on about how great Britain used to be and how “foreigners” have spoiled it, note that said foreigners are being given all their freebies by the same white governments said men continue to vote in.
I now understand why a portion of the English left this country and kicked out to the US. As bad as the US is getting, it’s still leagues ahead of the UK when it comes down to still holding to a belief in the Most High God, free speech and the right to protect one’s self without being penalised by the State or the criminal(at least in the Red States).
Finally, I’ve noticed on X that a lot of “troublemakers” have been stirring the racial pot by attempting to attribute any and every fight and scuffle recorded on camera to so called “foreigners”, here is an example of what I’m talking about:
However this was the tweet that accompanied that video:
Firstly, the thugs are NOT imported, they were born here, you can clearly hear this in their accents. Secondly, the young girl swinging is NOT an employee of London Underground, she’s clearly wearing a school uniform. Watch out, X is filled with plenty of mullet heads as well as Agent Smiths attempting to stoke up ordinary people into engaging in senseless violence.
Don’t believe me, here is another one I came across last Friday:
And once again here is the Tweet that accompanied the video:
Once again, this battle royale had nothing to do with immigrants and everything to do with a school girl getting beaten up by other school-children.
Like I said before, watch out with X because there are a lot of shifty individuals(the majority of whom I suspect are working for and being paid by the State) deliberately stirring the pot in the hopes that some knuckleheads will automatically react without first cross examining what is being presented to them.
Weak men create hard times. English and other Western white men are not even a shell of their former ancestors, they’ve become so weak and fragile, they’re completely beyond recognition. Anytime folks depart from God and throw away their morality and sound ethics, they’re guaranteed to run into the hands of tyrants who WILL take full advantage.
Oasis reuniting to once again go on tour isn’t going to save this country, trusting in Jesus Christ(the same guy you claim your country is founded on), following his commandments, reestablishing a moral compass, sound principles and ethics, abandoning the hedonism, atheism, materialism, social media worship etc and standing up for what is right is THE ONLY WAY the UK can be redeemed from the gutter.
As I always say, those who choose to serve and carry out the works of the devil must always be prepared to pay the price for doing so. People think it’s all fun and games dancing in the devil’s playground until it’s time to pay the toll.
The “do whatever you want, live and let live doctrine” will always cause any nation that embraces it to crash and burn out because eventually, most folks will typically gravitate towards decadence and living without boundaries, checks and restrictions.
In 2024 the word Christian in the West totally sucks and is nothing short of a joke and a laughingstock, it no longer has any solid meaning. The West is done, conflagration is coming, if at all possible, abandon ship and never look back. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
When Those In The West Refuse To Fight For Their Own Countries, Sit Back And Watch Them Burn
Most High Bless
This white british woman that claims the UK is still a Christian nation is living under a rock.
The illegal immigrants in 5 star hotels are staying there for free on behalf of tax payers money.
I don’t see far right conservatives fighting against white genocide from white feminism.
I don’t see far right nationists fighting against the list of liberal globalist organisations.
●The club of rome
●Council of foreign relations
●Chatham house that is formerly known as the royal institute of international affairs
●Tavistock institute of human relations
●Other British intelligence agencies that does MK Ultra Mind Control with long range penetration warfare on UK population to a point where the average UK citizen can’t think for themselves
●United Nations
●World Economic Forum
●Scottish Rite Masonry
●The Royal Monarchy Family
●The Jesuit Orders
●Zionist Jews
●Committe 300
●Committe 100
They would just watch the premier league while their nation is being destroyed from within.
Wittexton Witwijf,
Unfortunately the problem is most of the white English public still believe that devils can be reasoned with via the processes of voting and marching in the streets.
The only way that Western governments(including the UK) will once again begin serving the people that elect them and not corporate interests is when they are TAUGHT that severe consequences will follow if they choose to throw their constituents under the bus for bribes and brown envelope under the table payouts.
They’re all navel gazing while their country gets flushed down the toilet by the same people they continue to vote in.
This is exactly what happens when you trust in dodgy politicians to keep your country safe and don’t lift a finger to ensure they’re doing their job properly.
You’re so on point, these guys would much prefer to watch premier league football and cricket while their country literally goes up in smoke.
I’d also like to add The Trilateral Commission to that list you created as well as George Soros as he is the one who took over from Zbigniew Brzezinski(who died in May 2017) when it comes to sponsoring riots and uprisings in various countries.
These recent UK riots have George Soros written all over them. I find it extremely suspicious that a soon as Labour take control of the country, riots immediately kick off giving them the grounds required to pass all of the draconian garbage they prepared earlier. The math just isn’t mathing.
I am noticing more and more that Western nations are all adopting the same Christian nationalist language to decry the immigration crisis; I don’t believe that this is by chance. Now, I’m not from the UK, but I do notice similarities between what the UK brothers describe is happening across the pond and what is taking place here in America; like clockwork, the bad actors are at work spreading misinformation. Now, in that first video, the guy recording the video was calling him by his name, Muhammad, throughout the whole ordeal; so, if it weren’t for that detail, would Dane (who has that ominous blue check) have bothered to address what is obviously just a fight amongst two young Black Brits? Also, wouldn’t common sense tell this person that it’s unbecoming of a London Underground employee to be fighting with a passenger? I guess it doesn’t matter when you’re hell-bent on attacking Islam and immigration in one fell swoop; what a dummy! As for the second video, why do these jokers act like school age children getting into fights is a new phenomenon? This ish has been going on for decades! Also, isn’t it odd to see all of these bad actors coming out in droves to stir up racial animus in the weeks leading up to the election? All of this is manufactured to bring about a certain attitude in the masses; the powers that be run the same play every time. Stay woke, brothers.
Real Eyes
Real Lies
Blue Collar Trevor,
It’s nothing short of a joke, they’re trying to invoke Christian values without actually turning towards said values they claim have kept the country together.
The UK has been slipping for a long time, white folks kicking true Christian values to the kerb in exchange for hedonism, superficiality and vanity, yet they sit here baffled and perplexed as to why they country has taken a serious turn for the worst.
I also saw how most of these clowns over here folded and acquiesced during the Convid-1984 scamdemic, calling the so called “conspiracy theorists” covidiots for not trusting in a totally untrustworthy government as well as rightfully questioning why the companies who made the jabs were given complete immunity from prosecution.
2 Timothy 3:1-7 reads as follows:
1 – This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
2 – For men shall be LOVERS OF THEIR OWN SELVES, covetous, boasters, PROUD, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, UNTHANKFUL, UNHOLY,
3 – without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, DESPISERS OF THOSE THAT ARE GOOD,
4 – traitors, heady, HIGHMINDED, LOVERS OF PLEASURES more than lovers of God;
5 – having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
6 – For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
7 – ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
The above scriptures currently fit the UK to a T, I’ve seen many videos where police are arresting preachers simply for stating that homosexuality is a sin or for telling people to repent of their sins. But this is supposed to be a “Christian” nation, right?
The massive problem in the UK is the laws are no longer reflective upon what is morally correct. The police for the majority part have no problems following orders and statutes that are morally wrong.
Some of the public here are clued up, however most are asleep at the wheel and are apathetic to what is going on around them as long as they themselves are not being affected.
I don’t have any problems following laws that are morally sound, however statutes which typically depart from what is right must and always will be rejected.
SYSBM: You think that England is still a Christian country?
White sugar honey: I’m not big on religion, babes but I haven’t heard anyone talk about Christianity.
Right, I wanna about Christianity. I’m not religious man but there are still people preach on the streets. But all I see now in England is dysfunction, wretchedness, betas, degeneracy and so on.
They say that England is a Christian country as 53 per cent of the nation says that they have no religion.
Now the other videos of the kids. Them kids are from the UK and mostly I say they are from London. You can tell by the way they talk; you get me?
The second video it was a white girl getting stomped out, her blonde hair getting pulled and shit. Let me ask you this. Do you know how many white girls I’ve seen getting beaten up?
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
No religion typically leads to no moral compass which eventually leads to decadence, debauchery, reprobation and hedonism ie a life without checks and balances. The English majority are finding out exactly what happens when you throw sound religious values into the toilet.
That’s true!
I’m sure you’ve seen this:
It couldn’t look more staged if they got a bunch of toddlers acting this out. You mean they’re so desperate they had to get a Russian chick to wear a Trump shirt and a couple of African sellouts to dress up like it’s 2003 and yell in some pseudo jive lingo that any deaf person could tell is fake. I was just waiting for one of them to yell “we wuz kangz and sheeeit” like a lot of these racists online. The terrible acting makes Steven Seagal look like Morgan Freeman!
But the UK was never a righteous place. I’m not a christian or religious myself, but the population as a whole was never spiritual. I don’t care what they ever professed to be, their nature has always been wickedness. It’s really only black people in this country who, as a group, have been seriously carrying the christian torch. We can rightly call out the trash who entered this country illegally, but let’s not forget when black folk en masse came to this country they were as christian as you can get and still had to endure hostilities. I remember speaking to an elder black man years ago and he told me when he was looking for a church to join, the first one he stepped into told him he’ll need to a find a west indian church since he’s making the worshippers uncomfortable and agitated with his presence. I thought we were all brothers in Christ?? lol. I know the deal, I’m just being tongue in cheek.
Like I mentioned before, this whole ‘Christ is King’ stuff you see on Twitter handles is simply pushback against Islam in this country. Those with that banner are white supremacists and couldn’t give a shit about ‘christian values’. Many National Front members also claimed to be christian.
Shahid Bolsen sums them up in a nutshell….
For the record I’m not a fan of the small hats, but he’s right to call out the Anglo Saxon hypocrisy. Was God blessing the UK with all the injustices they’ve inflicted? I think not. Immigrants are just easy targets and it’s vogue to attack them and blame them for everything. But let’s not forget who is the cause of all the atrocities and pillaging which is causing many people to leave their homelands in the first place.
Oh and AmeriKKKa may be a christian nation, but look at the place. That’s literally the headquarters of Babylon.
SYSBM Forever,
That link you posted on X, I’m glad folks in the comments are calling out the bad acting for the premium garbage that it is, however there are plenty of supercharged mullet heads who being unable to think critically, have already taken that video at face value and now are on a rampage seeking revenge, smh.
I remember writing in my book The Institutional Church Beast Infrastructure regarding white folks and those who worship them, nationalism will always come first for them above treating others in the faith according to what the scriptures teach.
Black people are the only folks who actually practice the “we’re all brothers and sisters in Christ” motto, we’re the ONLY ones who will actually look past a person’s colour if we share common interests with them.
I have a friend who is black and for a short period of time they attended a so called Christian church that was run by Indians. Do I need to say anymore? Unlike the elder black man you talked to, they didn’t tell them in blunt terms that they weren’t welcome, they just made the individual feel uncomfortable to the point where they felt the unwelcoming vibes coming on very strong and as a result they wisely chose to kick out.
I can agree with black folks being the ones who carried the torch of Christianity, I can also say that white folks in larger numbers(though only for a little while and back in the day) did adhere to some Christian values even if they were basic ones based upon the fact that the UK was a much more pleasant place to live in 15-20-25-30 years ago.
However, in recent times they’ve thrown off what little they clave to and have reverted back to full neanderthal, savage man mode albeit without purpose and direction. This is why white folks here are unable to galvanise themselves effectively to stand up against the foreign invasion.
As I’ve stated before, the only effective way white people in the UK can push back against Islam is to have lots of children(exactly as the Muslims do), however the men here have lost control of their women to the point where large swaths of UK white females have thrown the idea of having children deep into the sewer pipe.
White women here for the most part are just as lost as the men, mindless NPCs and bots with TikTok brains who are addicted to the internet.
They see what’s unfolding in front of their eyes but they’re too busy being engrossed in social media and how the next woman is living to care about their own lives and futures, smh.
Bolsen is right about the hypocrisy, however white and Jewish people are the same to me because they all originate from mainland Europe.
Yes, as bad as the US has become, there are still small pockets you can find where moral principles are still being adhered to and practiced despite its incredible downfall, the same however cannot be said for the UK. The entire country has become a morally bankrupt barren wasteland which at this stage is only fit for the fire.
Hear hear. Nothing more needs to be said.
I don’t take the neo-Christians seriously, even though they celebrate Trump. They can write and quote the Bible, then call for the maintenance of white male supremacist ideologies in the same breath. We all know who Tom Robinson and Nigel Furrage really work for, but the likes of Elon Musk, Twitter and the bot accounts stirring racist hatred and race riots are also high level traitors.
Don’t get me started on white men rioting to “protect the race”. None of them went to Brixton, Whitechapel, Moss Side, Bradford, Alum Rock, Nottingham. Where were white men’s concern for children when that nurse Lucy Lethby allegedly killed babies in hospital? Exactly. Jokers the lot of them.