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Vaxx Watch!

If you have any news, info or links to information regarding these Covid kill shots or vaccines in general, PLEASE feel free to post them in the comment section below.

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237 thoughts on “Vaxx Watch!

    1. Afrofuturism1,

      But you’re immediately labelled as a “conspiracy theorist” if you even entertain the possibility that the bioweapon could be the cause of all of these sudden deaths in otherwise young healthy individuals, smh.

    2. @AfroFuturism1
      That’s the one explanation that’s not allowed to be even considered. You could even say it’s aliens causing these athletes’ to drop like flies, but any mention of the shot is crazy talk. And most of these athletes went along with this, very few spoke out so now they’re getting what they asked for. At this stage the population is so stupid I can’t even blame the nwo for trying to exterminate them. I’ve had people tell me that they don’t feel safe around people that don’t want the jab. Who can’t hear must feel.

  1. Welcome to the new Slaying Evil COVID article page, a spin-off from Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

    COVID hoax news Compiled Thurs. 4 Nov. 2021 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Aussie nurse says VACCINES are causing deaths, not COVID!

    Nov 1 2021 decision in NY Rabbinical Court: The vaccines were very dangerous for children and caused pregnant women to abort:

    Physician and Army Lt. Col. Theresa Long Silenced by U.S. Army After Grounding Pilots Experiencing Adverse Reactions to Covid Vaccines. “In one morning I had to ground 3 out of 3 pilots due to vaccine injuries.”

    FDA Panel Member Discussing Giving Vaccines to Children: “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

    INDIA: No Covid-19 Cases In 24 Hours After Implementing Ivermectin Protocol:

    Gene Decode Link to Protocols to Reverse Covid-19 BioWeapon Vaccinations:

    Aussie nurse makes it very clear to the mainstream media poodles that VACCINES are causing deaths, not COVID! Robert News

    A Romanian MEP explains to the audience how Big Pharma forced governments around the world to sign secret agreements in exchange for vaccines. Moreover, 90% of the information on these contracts is carefully hidden.

    Sir Jeremy Farrar has walked out of his role at the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), claiming he’s done all he can, as No. 10 rejected his “vaccine plus” proposals to fight Covid.

    Indian TV Reveals How Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots! Clinic Study CONFIRMS. The results found that if you have received the J&J COVID-19 vaccine, you are 3.5 times more likely to develop brain blood clots than those who are unvaccinated.

    Florida Gov DeSantis states, “A recession is when your neighbor loses his job; a depression is when you lose yours; a recovery is when Dr. Fauci loses his.”

    Despite the lack of data, the FDA Panel ok’d Covid Shot for Kids.

    Vaccine Mandate Violates Constitutional Rights:

    Sen. Rand Paul blasts Dr. Fauci: “The preponderance of evidence now points toward this coming from a lab and what you’ve done is change the definition on your website to try to cover your a** basically.”

    1. This article on RT (Russia Today) is just the beginning of the downfall for Establishment “medical doctors” & “scientists”. Nobody with a thinking brain trusts them any more which will have huge implications for future legit medical challenges.

      I don’t ever go to hospitals – unless maybe to visit someone. But I will NEVER ever visit one in the future for personal medical issues. That ship call “Trust” has long sailed. Suffice to say that a majority of doctors & nurses are simply untrustworthy hacks who do not give a flying fuk about the Hippocratic Oath.

      ‘I’m a doctor and I fear we will never regain the public’s trust after Covid’ – Nov 9/2021.

      R. M. Huffman is a physician, author, and observer of culture.
      One undeniable outcome of the pandemic is that the public’s faith in scientific and medical authorities is perhaps at its lowest point in living memory – and no objective observer can truly be surprised.

      At the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the US President’s Chief Medical Adviser Dr Anthony Fauci and US Surgeon General Dr Jerome Adams told us not to wear masks, until they instructed us to wear one everywhere we went.

      The Covid vaccines were declared to be effective at [preventing the spread of disease], until breakthrough cases around the globe proved that [wasn’t so], and that effectiveness was downgraded to “against hospitalization and death.”

      Both [The Lancet] and the [New England Journal of Medicine], two of the most prestigious medical journals in the world, have issued embarrassing retractions to widely publicized papers eventually found to have too little validity to be published.

      Anyone who suggested that the pandemic originated in a Wuhan laboratory and not a Chinese wet market was labeled a conspiracy theorist by official sources who later had to admit they were [possibly correct]. The same proved true for everyone who accused Fauci and the National Institutes of Health of funding gain-of-function research at the lab: they were crazy, until they were [right].

      The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists urged all pregnant women to be vaccinated, asserting that the new injections were completely safe. Now, a new review of that same data suggests that one in eight women spontaneously aborted her pregnancy after getting the jab.

      Even medical terms – such as [‘herd immunity’], and the word [‘vaccine’] itself – have literally been redefined over the past few months…

      read full article to see all [links]:

      1. Regarding the above 👆🏽 RT article…
        You SEE? Regular everyday people do NOT trust doctors any more. Check out this Russia Today commenter. Spot on!

        Believe me, Naturopathic Doctors are about to see a huge rise in business globally. We should probably start compiling lists of NDs throughout the world for the benefit of the awakened. 👀

        VallejoD • 13 hours ago.

        How am I supposed to trust doctors who tell PREGNANT women to take an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG?? You don’t take ANY drug during pregnancy that is isn’t absolutely critical. A healthy woman of child-bearing years is at almost zero risk from Covid.

        Are these “experts “ so totally ignorant that they haven’t heard of thalidomide? Or DES? Or the Dalcon Shield? I don’t need studies to tell me that injecting an EXPERIMENTAL DRUG into a pregnant woman is malpractice per se.

        Just as appalling is forcing an experimental drug into young children, whose risk of dying from Covid is .00075% (74 million US children- less than 700 have died from Covid.) Jabbing children is a crime against humanity.

        The FDA has even displayed their incredible contempt for us has by telling us on camera that “we won’t know if it’s safe [for children] until we try it”!!! Absolutely f-ing ASTOUNDING- ADMITTING in public that they intend to use our CHILDREN as Big Pharma lab rats. Jesus F Christ.

        The author is correct: My beliefs about “science “ have been shaken to the core by this massive Big Pharma/fascist governments (sic) fraud.

        But I really shouldn’t have been surprised. When I asked my doctor for pain killers for VERY occasional use, she tried to put me on an anti-depressant- a long-term, dangerous “take forever “ drug risky to get off of. She didn’t even tell me it was an anti-depressant when she recommended it – I had to look it up online!!

        This is what the Medical Industrial Complex has degenerated into.

        source: ‘I’m a doctor and I FEAR we will NEVER regain the Public’s TRUST after Covid’ – 9 Nov, 2021 18:28.

  2. Gentlemen,

    So these evil satanic sorcerers at Pfizer have decided to move in on the children telling them that they’ll gain super powers if they get jabbed up, smh:

    Matthew 18:6 reads:

    18:6 – “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”

    1. Absolutely despicable!! They ALWAYS gotta have some token black kids in these diabolical videos to convince the skeptical black sheep.

      I don’t think I need to repeat myself AGAIN that the sheep need to temporarily becomes WOLVES to whack all of these vaccine tyrants. But I have little hope seeing how the ignorant sheep line up to get their jabs in the video I posted below — even after seeing others drop like flies in front of them. smdh

      Oh well, NOT my problem if parents are too careless in the “parenting” department.

  3. This video is a MUST WATCH! It’s like an ongoing saga of adverse vaccine reactions & deaths from around the world. Truly SHOCKING. Please share!

    Note: I saw this disturbing video at Godlike Productions forums via the “Popular Threads” link here: Said thread currently has 8 pages of comments whereas comments are turned off on Bitchute.

    via BitChute:
    Childrens & People Dropping Like Flie from The V@ccine … Disturbing Video !!!

    via Godlike Productions:
    Childrens & People Dropping Like Flie from The V@ccine … Disturbing Video !!!

    { Note: ALL web visitors can view all Godlike Productions forum threads for FREE without needing to sign up or be a member. But when you first visit their website, do this in order to view the discussion thread:

    1. At this page that has this text ( You are attempting to enter a Private Virtual Country Club. Entrance to this private establishment requires membership but not an account. ), simply scroll to the bottom of the page & checkmark the 2 boxes that says the following:
    a) I Agree to The Terms of This Membership Contract.
    b) I have read and accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

    2. Next, click the Continue button to proceed without having to sign up.

    3. Enjoy! }

    At the 46 second mark, Eva Holzeitner an Austrian MP collapses in Parliament. She had said that the “mistrust of the vaccine is unfounded”. Really, bitch??

    Between 2:08 & 7:00 minute mark, a Finnish MP warns Parliament that these vaccines ARE a CRIME so that they all KNOW what’s going on.

    1. This was an interesting comment from the above forum regarding the response from 2 vaxxed TEACHERS. No wonder the state of K-12 education is so deplorable in the Amerika: the teachers are dumb as fuk. 👇🏽

      📌 this is the truth and i can’t believe this.. my wife is a teacher(unvaxxed) and she said two teachers were asking each other if they got their booster. one says, “i’m immunocompromised so this is my 4th shot”.

      That’s not the part, this is where it gets good. The other says, “i’m on my 3rd and it did a doozy on me.. I went into a seizure” and the other one unironically says, “Oh dear, that’s the body’s way of showing you it’s doing its job!” 📌

  4. via the Freedom Armour app Telegram channel: 👇🏽

    These mRNA injections are experimental gene therapies. Experimental gene therapy using synthetic mRNA has never been attempted on humans before because of its failure in previous animal studies.

    • THE JOHNSON & JOHNSON AND ASTRAZENECA “vaccines” are adenovirus-based vaccines.

    They do not provide immunity to disease; they do not prevent transmission of the disease; they do not meet the CDC’s own definition of a vaccine.

    New vaccines take on average 7-12 years to develop; these new “vaccines” were rolled out in 9 months. ALL were FAST TRACKED for rapid use through Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) bypassing long term trials, animal trials and regulatory approval.

    BMJ (British Medical Journal) Associate Editor Peter Doshi reviewed the data concluding these “vaccines” are at best 19% effective.


    • There are no peer-reviewed published human trials of mRNA vaccines at all, and no mRNA vaccine has ever been FDA approved.

    • The Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 injections use lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG), a synthetic, non- degradable polymer associated with adverse immune responses, that shield the mRNA and promote cellular uptake.

    • AstraZeneca is an adenovirus Covid-19 injection which uses an adenovirus that infects chimpanzees. AstraZeneca halted its Covid-19 clinical trials several times as trial participants developed transverse myelitis. 2/3 of the individuals who experienced this remain permanently disabled.

    • Johnson & Johnson’s injection is an “adenovirus vectored” vaccine that “tricks” the cells into making coronavirus spike protein. The injection uses a genetically modified live common cold virus as a Trojan horse to “shuttle” spike protein DNA into human cells. The J&J Covid-19 injection is the first “adenovirus- vectored” injection authorized for general population use.


    A form of pathogenic priming, meaning the vaccine can result in a more severe disease. COVID-19 vaccine trials were not designed to detect ADE. Prior attempts to create a coronavirus vaccine killed all the test animals after they encountered the virus in the wild.

    • PEG:
    The mRNA strands in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines” are coated with polyethylene glycol (PEG). PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been correlated with anaphylactic shock, inducing allergies, autoimmune disease and causing liver damage.

    Dengue vaccine is an mRNA vaccine. Used in the Philippines, many vaccinated children had far worse outcomes than unvaccinated children upon subsequent exposures to dengue, and many died. This had been known to happen with ferrets and with cats. In all cases, the vaccinated animal or human became more vulnerable to worse disease when confronted with it.

    Guillain-Barré syndrome • Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis • Transverse myelitis • Thrombosis • Cerebral Hemorrhages • Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis • Convulsions/seizures • Stroke • Anaphylaxis • Acute myocardial infarction • Autoimmune disease • Infertility/Miscarriages • Deaths • Thrombocytopenia • Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children.


    F U C K N O !!!!!!

    Track record of bribery, illegal & corrupt marketing practices and suppression of adverse trial results. Fined $2.3 billion in 2009 for false claims.

    Never successfully produced a medicine of any kind nor obtained FDA approval for any of its previous 9 “vaccine” candidates. Awarded “worst example of profiteering and dysfunction in healthcare” by the Lown Institute. 📌

    1. I forgot to include the permanent post link above in case any1 uses Telegram, which every SYSBMer should using since it blows WhatsCrapp away in every category (speed, efficiency, unlimited storage, unlimited device sync, unlimited users in groups/channels, can also post comments in channels IF the admin allows it, Internet voice radio chats, not linked to a Fortune 500 corporation, etc.).

      Here it is:

  5. Salute to everyone and salute to Black Picard for his ideal on these sections/tabs for this site. I can post articles and information that I may not be able to post on other areas. Even SYSBM-related areas.

    ou might want to start by not subtly insulting the markets intelligence and avoid the subtle condescension. At least act as if you can bring us solutions to someone’s problem. Even if your intentions is to do the opposite.

    This fucking shot is as effective as Viagra erectional pills?! GTFOH!!
    And this commercial…

  6. COVID/Vax Hoax news Compiled Fri. 5 Nov. 2021 by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    SC Gov Issues Exec Order Barring Agencies From Issuing Or Enforcing Biden Vaccine Mandate

    NYC Trash Piles Up As Sanitation Workers Fight Vaccine Mandate. Trash is piling up in areas around NYC as sanitation workers refused to be vaccinated after mandates took effect on Monday.

    Texas AG Paxton sues Biden administration over new OSHA vaccine regulations.

  7. This Walensky CDC bureaucRAT needs to be hung from a lamp post OR tied behind a moving vehicle & dragged into submission OR simply just to be injected with 1 LEGIT dose of Pfizer, Moderna & Johnson & Johnson in front of all to SEE from an unVaxxed nurse. Yes?

    She can’t even fuking tell the truth on how many CDC staff are vaccinated. And yet ignorant sheep are still going to get jabbed when the peddlers aren’t even eating their own dogfood? GTFOH!

    ‘What Percent Of CDC Employees Are Vaccinated?’: Cassidy Grills Walensky At Senate Hearing
    At today’s Senate Health Committee hearing, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) asked CDC Director Rochelle Walensky about her department’s vaccination rates.

    view original post & discussion here:

  8. I’m fully convinced we’re in a world war right now, except the terms of engagement are far different from what we’ve seen before. The sides are the elites vs human beings. The weapon is the killshot. The goal is depopulation.


    The government and Biden had lost their damn minds. Sooner or later, folks gonna learned the hard way that Biden and the government are not your best friends. How long has this parade been going on, because I’m ready for all this crap to end before a huge event occurs, and it will destroy the whole world, maybe the whole earth too? If they forced that poison into my body, I swear, they coming down to deathrow with me. Sorry if I’m sounding this way, but this party needs to end, and its needs to end now, before they cause more severe damage to the point where they can’t hide this shit, and everything will be trace back to them. All these bodies piling up from the poison, it’s gonna pile up more and more, and Biden made a dumb move trying to make businesses with the employers requiring the employees to get vaccinated, even though I might be losing my jobs in a few days if my job does require me to get vaccinated. All I can is guys, be prepared for a fight.

  10. JUST IN – Pfizer’s new experimental Covid pill “Paxlovid” cuts hospitalizations and deaths by 89%, the company claims.

    The company said it planned to submit the data as soon as possible to the Food and Drug Administration to seek authorization for the pill to be used in the United States.

    The pill is a 3CL protease inhibitor, a type of antiviral medication that has been used against HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.


    Dr. Ben Carson Reveals Why Kids Should ‘ABSOLUTELY NOT’ Get COVID Vaccine – ‘Giant Experiment’

  11. Compiled Sun 7 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla was arrested at his home and charged with fraud, complete media blackout.

    Australia: MASSIVE Melbourne Protest Against Mandates, Segregation & Terribly EVIL Proposed Bill

    Italy: The streets of Trieste packed to the rafters against covid mandates and passports. Chants of “people like us never give up” in Genoa tonight as Italy rises as one against Corona virus passports.

    Germany: Merkel’s minions spraying tear gas and using batons on the elderly who were out protesting against covid passports and mandates today in the city of Leipzig.


    The 5th Circuit Court has halted the enforcement of OSHA’s new vaccine mandate pending a full review of arguments in the case. “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate …”

    NYC Firetruck Availability Down To 55%, Manpower Shortages Due To Vaccine Mandate: NY Firefighters

    The US government canceled a contract with Emergent BioSolutions, a vaccine manufacturer after it was blamed for a bad batch of 15 million doses of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine.

  12. COVID/Vax Hoax news Compiled Mon. 8 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    On November 1st, the Rabbinical Court officially decreed that the mRNA COVID shot is “absolutely forbidden” for children, adolescents, young men & women.

    Senator Johnson Vaccine Panel: Dr. Linda Wastila ‘Autopsies Show Vaccine Is Dangerous’

    People Dying of Cardiac Arrest After Vaccine:

    Pfizer Covered Up Link Between Covid Jabs & Myocarditis in Kids. Drs. McCullough and Rose jointly published an article that revealed how the VAERS database showed a substantial cause and effect relationship between the COVID-19 vaccines and Myocarditis. Dr. Toby Rogers points out that “Pfizer’s clinical trial in kids was intentionally undersized to hide harms. This is a well-known trick of the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA even called them out on it earlier this summer and asked Pfizer to expand the trial, and Pfizer just ignored them because they can.”

    Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis Link Probed by Researchers:

    CNN And Sesame Street Collaborated To Push Vaccine Propaganda For Young Children!

    BREAKING: 8 Confirmed Dead, 11 Cardiac Arrests At Travis Scott Astroworld Festival; Proof Of Negative COVID Test Or Full Vaccination Required For Attendance:

    Bayer executive admits in public that mRNAs are gene therapies and that, without the pandemic, no one would have been willing to have them injected.

    Doctors And Vaccine Victims Testify In A Panel in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows.

    DETECTION OF GRAPHENE IN COVID19 VACCINES BY MICRO-RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY TECHNICAL REPORT Almeria, Spain, November 2, 2021 Prof. Dr. Pablo Campra Madrid ASSOCIATE UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR PhD in Chemical Sciences Degree in Biological Sciences

    US Cancels Contract With Major COVID-19 Vaccine Manufacturer Emergent.

    Mike Adams With Dr. Brian Ardis: One Million Deaths From Remdesivir And Ventilator Homicide

    Australia: Aussies united against tyranny. Let’s go Brandon!!!

    Frontline health workers march in Central Coast today against medical mandates.

    Switzerland protest against covid passports and mandates. Switzerland with their unique and loud protest against covid passports tonight, which are essentially health apartheid and the people won’t be divided!

    Federal Appeals Court Freezes Biden’s Vaccine:

    32,000 NURSES at Kaiser Permanente going on strike

  13. Fraudski & his other tyrannical politicians better start wearing kevlar vests. Check out this comment thread. Are the sheep about to inflict pain on their tyrants by turning into WOLVES? 👀

    William Dunn replied:
    “Fauchi needs a bullet in the head.”

    Mike Mathis replied to an AFDLS post of 100-200 members of Congress & their families taking Ivermectin ( ):
    “The Politicians need a bullet”

    America’s Frontline Doctors said [Video]:
    “They lied from the very beginning. Share this everywhere!”

    Reinhardt Richter replied:
    “Some righteous patriot needs to put a bullet in his head”

    N M replied to Reinhardt Richter:
    “Agreed, where are all the activists and false flag shooters now? They can tear up some poor private business but this guy still has a face in one piece?”

    Map K59 replied to an AFLDS post on their lawsuit against New York Mayor deBlasio’s vaccine mandate ( ):
    “A bullet is too good for some of our Satan loving politicians!”

    Rick aptly replied to a Nigerian kneegroe Governor’s vaxx manadate for his state ( ):
    “Sounds like this individual needs a bullet in his head. Also looks like this is the pharma-nazis plan so be ready to respond in America.”

    In response to this CDC message here ( ):
    “The CDC is now listing vaccinated COVID-19 deaths as UNvaccinated deaths if they die within 14 days of the vaccine.”

    Joe Gadget replied to the new CDC vaccine policy mentioned above:
    “Not surprised. Criminals! Hang ‘em ALL!!!”

    while Pete responded to Joe Gadget:
    “Need more rope to get them all! Bullets are faster!”

    As I’ve said a zillion times, IF Fauxi, deBlasio, Biden, Soros, Gates, Walensky & all their WHITE Anglo Saxon cohorts were BLACK, they’d all be hanging from lamp posts a looong time ago. This is why I wish they were all BLACK bcuz I know King Snowie would seek out vengeance swiftly as fuk.

    1. Another thing regarding “bullet” comments mentioned above in the AFLDS Telegram channel…

      Just remember how quickly Lord Whitey destroyed a fully thriving independent (no government handouts!) Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma back in 1921 out of jealousy based on a “little white lie” from a frigging Karen.


      And now, today in Q4 2021, these same Anglos CAN’T even eradicate their own psychotic institutional white elites who are reigning terror on ALL races around the planet with this Convid Plandemic kill shots? GTFOH!

      This is why I feel SYSBMers should choose feminine Asian, Latino & EurAsian women & avoid Western Anglo Saxon wommin bcuz, well let’s be honest here, white people have ALWAYS been flakey as fuk when it comes to tackling institutional evil from their own kind as if it isn’t “a big deal”. Fact!

  14. It will be very interesting when playoffs come around next year in the NBA & NFL once these killshots begin to overwhelm the body. Lots of info in this blog post about other athletes retiring or dying. MUST READ!

    That being said, Vinny Curry is NOT doing himself any favours for LYING. The vaxx obviously fuked him up. Yo Vinny, the Jets, its owners & the NFL don’t give a fuk about u! Your career is OVER so tell the TRUTH so u can help others! 👀👀

    📌 Vinny Curry: career likely over for New York Jets (NFL) defensive end after post-injection blood clots, “rare blood disorder”. Sept 1/2021.

    UPDATE September 15, 2021 – Vinny Curry says his situation is “hereditary,” not caused by mRNA injections.
    He responded to people who linked The COVID Blog article on Twitter. After 33 years on Earth and nine NFL seasons with the best doctors in the world examining him closely every year, he’s just now learning about a hereditary spleen issue. And the blood clots were caused by the surgery, not mRNA and viral vector DNA injections that are known to cause blood clots, according to Mr. Curry.
    Vaccines are the leading cause of coincidences, of course. We do hope Mr. Curry can resume his career next season.

    — A 33-year-old NFL defensive end will miss the entire 2021 season and is likely done playing professional football. Mainstream media, however, are completely censoring the reason why.

    Mr. Vinny Curry received one of the experimental mRNA injections sometime this summer. He did a public service announcement promoting and encouraging people to get the “safe, effective” injections. Mr. Curry also confirmed that he received the shots himself in the PSA. Atlantic Health System in Morristown, New Jersey produced the PSA. It is one of the largest healthcare networks in the state, encompassing six hospitals in 11 New Jersey counties. Atlantic Health posted the PSA on Facebook on August 3….

    read more: The COVID Blog 📌

    1. Cont’d from above link.👆🏽 I just wanted to share these other revelations that is NOT being mentioned in Lord Ziostein’s mainstream press.

      📌 Strange world of the NFL and COVID-19
      ESPN, Sports Illustrated and NBC Sports are three of the top U.S. sports mainstream media outlets. All of them reported on August 25 that Mr. Curry would miss the entire 2021 season due to blood clots and a “rare blood disorder.” However, none of them mentioned that he received one of the experimental mRNA injections sometime over the summer. Jets Head Coach Robert Saleh said in a July 28 press conference (9:42 mark) that 81 of the 90 players on the training camp roster had received the experimental injections…

      …Wide receiver Cole Beasley is non-vaccinated. He was sent home to quarantine for five days because he came in close contact with a “fully-vaccinated” team trainer who tested positive for COVID-19. Beasley also allegedly was not wearing a mask. So again, the fully-vaxxed trainer tested positive. Non-vaccinated Beasley tested negative. But Beasley was sent home to quarantine. Isaiah McKenzie, another non-vaxxed Bills receiver, posted the letter on Twitter from the NFL fining him $15,000 for not wearing a mask.

      Bills free safety Jordan Poyer was not among the five Bills players sent home. But Poyer’s wife, model Rachel Bush, called out the sheer silliness and ridiculousness of the entire situation on Twitter. She also stated the facts when she said, “the vaccinated are putting others at risk.”

      Vaccinated Seattle Seahawks tight end Luke Willson retires:
      Lost in all the Buffalo drama was another vaccine casualty on the other side of the country. Seahawks tight end Luke Willson announced on August 25 via Twitter that he was retiring from football. The 31-year-old cited several days spent in the hospital over the summer due to “pericardial effusion.”

      …NFL players aren’t the only professional athletes losing their careers and livelihoods after the experimental injections.

      We wrote about Italian volleyball player Francesca Marcon last week. The 38-year-old missed her team’s opening practices last week and is unclear if or when she will return. Pedro Obiang is a Spanish-born soccer player. He was hospitalized for 10 days over the summer after developing post-injection myocarditis. Mr. Obiang had received the second dose of either Pfizer or Moderna mRNA five days before he was hospitalized. Doctors say he’s out for at least six months. But mostly likely, his career is over.

      The MLB (baseball) Network is forcing Hall of Fame pitcher John Smoltz and former New York Yankees pitcher Al Leiter to do their analyst duties remotely. They are no longer allowed in the studios because they are non-vaccinated

      …So far two NFL careers (Curry and Willson) are likely over because of the mRNA injections. We’ve already covered the story of two cricket players collapsing on the field during a match

  15. This is so tragic & such a waste of a perfectly cute sporty 19 year old gal that any SYSBMer would go for. I definitely wouldn’t throw this gal out of my bed:

    Her employer should be sewed for forcing her to get jabbed since she was hesitant to do it. These LYING doctors need to start dropping like flies. I’m tired of their bullshit misdirections.

    Glamorous young equestrian, 19, claims she was left fighting for life because of ‘one in a million’ reaction to a Pfizer jab – but not all doctors agree. Oct 26/2021

    – Promising teen rider rushed to hospital after second Pfizer Covid vaccination.
    – Cienna Knowles’ mum claimed she suffered a severe ‘PVT reaction to Pfizer’.
    – Ms Knowles’ mother Rebecca confirmed doctor blamed contraceptive pill.
    – Ms Knowles has left Gosford Hospital and is recovering from at home.

    via The COVID Blog:
    Cienna Knowles: 19-year-old Australian horse trainer received second Pfizer mRNA injection “to keep my job,” develops numerous blood clots, can no longer work. Nov 8.

    GOSFORD, NEW SOUTH WALES — A 19-year-old equestrian is accepting that her life of Instagram modeling and horseback riding is likely over after caving to pressure and coercion.

    Ms. Cienna Knowles received her second Pfizer mRNA injection on October 21, according to her Instagram account. Her entire existence flipped upside down later that evening. Ms. Knowles said she woke up with myriad adverse effects, including heart palpitations, muscle aches, headache, vomiting and blurred vision. She knew “something was seriously wrong” with her that night…

    “No jab, no job” ultimatum
    Ms. Knowles posted another update on TikTok from the hospital. She was scared to get the shots and held off for as long as she could. “But I toughed it out and did what was right to do,” she said. Ms. Knowles reported chest pains due to the blood clots in her lungs and other adverse effects that she’s keeping private because she’s “struggling to come to terms with them.” Doctors told Ms. Knowles that she is the first person from Australia to develop blood clots after the Pfizer injections…

    Another cute pic here:
    Teen star rushed to hospital after Pfizer vaccine: ‘So much pain’

    1. They really want Cienna Knowles to die due to the fact that hospital personnels has her wearing a mask and blocking fresh air from entering her lungs.

  16. COVID/Vax Hoax news Compiled Tues. 9 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    White House DEMANDS businesses proceed with vaccine mandates DESPITE court-ordered pause. The Biden Admin is defying the US Court of Appeals pending review of vaccine mandates, and instead was pushing forward with the requirements (CNBC)

    Luciferase and Biochips found in CV-19 Vaccines, large number of unreported deaths resulting from blood clotting caused by vaccines (see well documented article at end of this section).

    13,000 doctors are signing declaration against vaccine mandates.

    Hundreds of Thousands to Go on Four-Day Nationwide Strike Over Vaccine Mandates: Organizer

    FDA panel votes 17-0 to endorse #COVID19 vaccines for kids 5-11 years old in the US under an “Emergency Use Authorization”.

    NY city schools begin vaccinating kids on Mon. 8 Nov. Pull your kids out of school. Don’t let them have the deadly vaccine that causes blood clots and kills.

    ICYMI: US court blocks Biden’s vaccine mandate for companies:

    12,000 USAF personnel reject Pentagon’s vaccine mandate:

    German news agency compiles a list of 75 European athletes who have died “suddenly” in the past 5 months since being fully vaccinated.

    Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR “test” is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR “tests” were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA. The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It’s at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people’s senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us. They’re knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload as Celeste spoke about in previous videos. This is war. Serious warfare. DECLINE THE “TESTS”, REFUSE THE MASKS AND NEVER LET THEM STICK YOU WITH A NEEDLE.

    Dr. Fauci heads the list of those involved in Child and Puppy Abuse, Torture and Murder. Here are just some of the experiments he has headed using US Taxpayer dollars:

    Dr. Fauci and the NIH’s History in Experimenting on Foster Children and Using Aborted Fetal Tissue to Develop an HIV Vaccine – Medical Kidnap. Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster Children – Over 200 Died | Politics | Before It’s News (

    Dr Fauci agency funded Frankenstein research that saw aborted babies’ body parts grafted to MICE to grow hair and organs (

    Dr. Fauci Tortured Dogs in US Taxpayer-Funded Labs:

    HOSPITAL C-19 TREATMENTS ARE LITERALLY KILLING HUMANS!!! A Combination of drugs called Remdesivir, Dexamethasone & Vancomycin being used in hospitals to treat the fake virus is causing massive kidney failure and the subsequent filling of the lungs with liquid. (Dr Bryan Ardis) This is how you drive death figures up in the name of covid. Stay away from the hospitals if you can help it. Your life depends on it.

    Graphene Oxide has now been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitiser! They want to drown us in graphene oxide! What on earth is the pupose of this highly conductive material to be present in all aspects of this scamdemic?!!! I dare not think of the answer.

    NHS accused of ‘lying’ about Covid stats to promote vaccination:

    California: Thousands protesting vaccine mandates in Los Angeles today. “We will not comply.”

    Biochips implanted via vaccines: As most of my followers on social media and Substack must know by now, I have spent a considerable amount of time the last two years trying to discover the actual ingredients of the new COVID vaccines. The reason is simple: Big Pharma has gone to considerable trouble to hide them. Do the Big Pharma companies want to submit the vaccines to independent analysis? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies want to disclose all the ingredients? They do not! Do the Big Pharma companies have any liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines? They do not.

    We have a leaked copy ( of the legal agreement that Big Pharma companies (allegedly) have forced nation-states to sign in order to get the new COVID vaccines. These contracts include indemnification clauses that no sane human being would ever sign. This copy leaked ( from Albania: (,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/

    One thing is certain: Big Pharma is not standing behind these products. They’re totally experimental and untested and so forth — so why are the world’s governments so hellbent on injecting their citizens with this stuff?

    I received a tip regarding some of these ingredients, and so I did what nobody in American corporate journalism does anymore: I checked the primary sources. Allow me to share my secret and very profound methodology:

    1) I went to the MODERNA website.

    2) I clicked to the PATENTS page.

    3) I found PATENT US 10,703,789

    4) I conducted a keyword search for something called: Luciferase.

    Such are the complex technical skills which have been lost by corporate journalists. So what did I find there? Well, sitting on page 46 in table 4, you will see that I found something called Luciferase:

    Was Luciferase listed as an ingredient in the COVID vaccines by Big Pharma? No it was not. (You can check here ( at the CDC website.) So the next question becomes: why would Big Pharma not disclose that Luciferase is an ingredient in the vaccines – since it’s clearly listed (in at least one patent from one company) as being used?

    The reason is rather ominous: Big Pharma has big plans for Luciferase and Big Government has big plans for it too. The U.S. military’s technology arm DARPA is currently fighting with Moderna ( over the ownership of the COVID vaccine because DARPA has “funded an implantable biochip” that could be used “to deploy” it:

    Despite this, however, one obstacle to the deployment of Moderna’s vaccine is the method of delivery. While Moderna is developing its own system, it’s unlikely to get Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval any time soon. Enter Profusa, which is developing a nanoscale biochip that can detect symptoms of an infection.

    Profusa’s biochip is made using a technology called “hydrogels” that were a product of the “In Vivo Nanoplatforms” (IVN) program that DARPA’s Biological Technologies Office (BTO) launched in 2014 to develop implantable nanotechnologies.

    These hydrogels are soft, flexible nanomachines that are injected beneath the skin to perform monitoring. This hydrogel includes a specially engineered molecule that sends a fluorescent signal outside the body when it begins to fight infection. This signal can then be detected by a sensor attached to the skin that can then be sent to an app or even to a doctor’s website.

    Why is the U.S. military working with vaccine companies to create micro-chips (that’s “hydrogels” or “nanotech”!) that will send a “fluorescent signal” (that’s Luciferase!) detectable by an app on your smartphone? When did DARPA get involved in public health policy exactly? That strange question leads to other strange questions like: why did the Pentagon fund the Wuhan Lab of Virology to “study” weaponizing bat coronaviruses ( Neither DARPA nor the Pentagon are well known for being leaders in health care, to say the very least.

    In fact, Big Pharma and Big Government have big plans for future vaccine shots that have “dissolvable needles” and quantum dot tattoos ( along with other amazing technology like embedding vaccine records beneath the skin of your children with invisible ink ( According to one article: “Along with the vaccine, a child would be injected with a bit of dye that is invisible to the naked eye but easily seen with a special cell-phone filter, combined with an app that shines near-infrared light onto the skin.” That article was written in 2019: that’s just before the COVID crisis. That leads me to another thought: COVID-19 seems to be a very convenient “accidental lab leak” from China for introducing new technology (

    Under the cover of vaccinating people, we are really preparing to tag and track people. The once free nations of the West are testing a new authoritarian system of total control under the guise of public health. Just look at Australia or New Zealand or Canada or Italy to see how basic civil rights have been suspended indefinitely and a pseudo-medical tyranny has been installed. The Great Reset is being implemented with the lie that it’s all about “protecting your health.” Our military and intelligence agencies are not confronting China — they’re copying China. A totalitarian nightmare is being imported into free countries through surveillance technologies.

    You don’t have to be a Christian to understand that such technology will be used to build a global surveillance state. The vaccine mandates have already led to vaccine passports. The vaccine passports are basically QR codes to track you by connecting to your smartphone. This will inevitably lead very soon to biometric ID embedded into your body. You won’t be able to enter restaurants or buy groceries or go to work without it. As the Bible says: no one will be able to buy or sell anything except those that have the mark. You will know the mark by its name, which is the name of the beast: the enemy of all mankind who, before he fell, was an angel of light named Lucifer. That’s why “Luciferase” should send a chill down your spine.

    So I sent out the following tweet to my followers (with a video showing the Luciferase patent information) earlier this week:

    (,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ one tweet was sufficient, apparently, to get the word “Luciferase” trending on Twitter. (I didn’t notice at the time because I was busy covering the Glenn Youngkin victory on election night.) It was not until the next day that it became clear this one tweet had stirred up all the Big Pharma bots working remotely from Beijing.

    The largest producer of misinformation in America, The Washington Post, ran a piece ( on my tweet where I was branded a “COVID conspiracy theorist.” The Daily Beast ran a piece ( and then ran a second piece ( Something called The Hill ( ran a piece. The forgotten boomer finance magazine Forbes got involved ( Vanity Fair, the perfume ad magazine, did a little column ( on it. Then it became an international thing ( with The Independent and The Daily Mail chiming in (

    (,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ you have to ask yourself: are my tweets about vaccine ingredients really making headline news around the world? I checked with my husband first to see if I was indeed that famous. His response was disappointing. He told me: “At best, you’re semi-famous.” When corporate media outlets around the English-speaking world all start to scream in such coordinated fashion, you know you’ve hit a nerve. Why would they suddenly go crazy over the COVID vaccine ingredients?

    It’s because Big Journalism is being paid by Big Pharma to not disclose the truth. In fact, Big Pharma is paying Big Journalism to actively hide the truth around the world. Why do you think the COVID journalist Alex Berenson got kicked off Twitter? Why did the corporate media unleash a hate campaign against feminist icon Naomi Wolf? Why isn’t ex-Pfizer chief scientist Dr. Michael Yeadon allowed to speak? How is it possible that the inventor of mRNA vaccines himself, Dr. Robert Malone, is not a household name around the world? You know the answer: they have all warned us about the dangers of the new COVID vaccines. They have been silenced by Big Tech and Big Pharma because they have all dared to tell the truth.

    They are not alone. How many thousands have been banned or suspended already by Big Tech for questioning the COVID vaccines in our supposedly free nation? How many of your civil rights, your constitutional rights, can they trample before your very eyes? America is no longer a constitutional republic: it’s more like a corporate oligarchy where Big Pharma and Big Tech and Big Government tell you every day what you’re allowed to do on Zoom calls from the CDC with Dr. Fauci. They’re not even pretending anymore. This is something like Day 575 of “15 days to slow the spread.” Our so-called civil servants and elected officials are never going to give up their new “emergency powers” on their own. They mean to rule over us, and everybody knows it.

    That’s why the COVID-19 pandemic is being used to force everyone to get the new vaccines. That’s why natural immunity doesn’t count to anyone in the medical community. That’s why religious exemptions have disappeared at your work, along with medical exemptions. That’s why Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (and every other therapeutic drug) were swiftly outlawed. That’s why your 5 year old child will be “encouraged” and then coerced and then forced to take the jab, just as you were “encouraged” and then coerced and then forced to take the jab. That’s why the global vaccination campaign never stops when the already vaccinated start to get sick with COVID, or young boys suddenly die from heart inflammation, or world famous soccer players collapse on TV in the middle of games. That’s why health data (whether from Israel or Sweden or Florida or your local hospital) is totally irrelevant. The vaccine is being forced on everyone because the vaccine and the vaccine passport are the essential tools of a global surveillance system that will end everyone’s basic human freedom. You have been warned.

    Breaking: The FDA has decided to use children in deadly vaccine experiments instead of Beagles.

    New COVID-19 vaccine mandates went into effect Monday in Los Angeles — prompting large crowds of local firefighters, law enforcement and other city workers to gather outside City Hall and protest, as they can lose their jobs if they are not fully vaccinated. Thousands protesting vaccine mandates in Los Angeles today. “We will not comply”

    Thousands swarm NZ govt building in Covid protest. Scuffles reportedly broke out near New Zealand’s ‘Beehive’ government building as around 3,000 anti-Covid restriction protestors forced the parliament’s largest security response in almost 40 years, according to House Speaker Trevor Mallard.

  17. COVID/Vax Hoax news Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    German chief pathologist sounds alarm on fatal vaccine injuries. The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over forty autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of their vaccination. Schirmacher expressed alarm over his findings. The regional daily Augsburger Allgemeine reported: “Schirmacher assumes that 30 to 40 percent of them died from the vaccination. In his opinion, the frequency of fatal consequences of vaccinations is underestimated – a politically explosive statement in times when the vaccination campaign is losing momentum, the Delta variant is spreading rapidly and restrictions on non-vaccinated people are being discussed.”

    32,000 nurses and healthcare workers will walk out on November 15. Perhaps 10,000 more EXPECTED.

    Canadian Ethics Prof Straight talk on Handling of Covid by Canadian Govt

    Germany: 12-Year-Old Child Dies TWO DAYS AFTER TAKING PFIZER VACCINE in Germany – Officials Pull Back on Mandatory Shots for Children.
    “I can no longer silently accept the serious harm being caused by the Covid‐19 vaccines.” US doctor Patricia Lee, to CDC and FDA.

  18. Travis Scott and Drake just did a concert where you had to have not one, but two jabs to get in. Kids passed out and died there and they (main stream lying media) claimed it was because the the people got crushed to death as there was no room/overcrowding yet all footage clearly shows that was not the case. These kids having heart attacks and falling dead was most likely from being double vaccinated and their story is just a cover up. Here are some links. Like

    1. Upgraydd,

      I see how the mainstream media is trying to cover this up, additionally this was besides all of the satanic symbolism that was built into the concert itself, smh.

  19. Special Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    “Vermont is the most vaccinated state in America: 91% of all people aged 12 years and older are at least partially vaccinated. Vermont now has one of the highest infection rates in the country: daily cases are more than 300% higher than in November 2020.

    Investigative reporter Steve Kirsch claims that children’s hospitals across the country are being filled with newborn children with serious heart problems, and all because their mothers agreed to be “vaccinated” against the Wuhan Corona virus (Covid-19).

    Adults who prefer to get vaccinated is one thing, but obliging children to undergo experimental mRNA vaccination is a completely different story, warns Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. “I won’t vaccinate my kids, I’m telling you that for sure,” McConaughey told writer Andrew Ross Sorkin in a 40-minute interview during The New York Times’ Deal Book summit. “I cannot oblige younger children to be vaccinated. I still want to know more information about it.”

    Numerous schools in a Michigan town closed on Monday after many of their employees fell ill, faced with a “negative reaction” to vaccinations against COVID-19.

    Demonic CDC Director ADMITS the Death Shots KILL PEOPLE!

    Three More Reports of Teen Deaths After COVID Vaccines:

    CDC Confirmed mRNA C-19 Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Myocarditis/ Myopericarditis!!!

    Dr. Peter McCullough: The C-19 Vaccine Represents BIOTERRORISM! The Spike Protein Is PATHOGENIC!

    CDC, NIH Officials Were Eco Health ‘Partners’ During Controversial Wuhan Gain Of Function Collaborations:

    U.S. Navy Seals have sued the Biden administration for refusing to be exempt from vaccination for religious reasons.

    Morocco was rising up against the vaccine passports.


    _CDC Confirmed mRNA C-19 Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Myocarditis/ Myopericarditis!!!

    35,924 People Died Within 21 Days of Having a Covid-19 Vaccine in The UK!:

    _CNN Confessed! Vaccines Don’t Work And Destroy Immune System! It Still Promotes The Vaccines!

    _The world is starting to notice how many young athletes are DYING after taking covid vaccines:

    _RIGGED: British health agency deletes study that found COVID jabs substantially increase infection risk:

    _REVEALED: CDC, NIH Officials Were EcoHealth ‘Partners’ During Controversial Wuhan Gain Of Function Collaborations:

    _Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About Covid Vax Mandates:

    From World Awakening:
    ▪️French President Macron announces a new mandate for revaccination, as France is allegedly experiencing the beginning of the fifth wave of Covid.

    ▪️The Governor of California, Gavin Newsom, who experienced adverse reactions after vaccination, appeared in public for the first time. He accused Trump and his supporters of being overly fond of “conspiracy theories.”

    The daily rate of new Covid cases in California is now twice as high as before vaccination. In Florida, which has abandoned covid restrictions, everything is still fine.

    ▪️Pfizer vaccine was brought to Kazakhstan.

    ▪️Moderna was accused of “deceiving American taxpayers” in the patent dispute over the Covid vaccine.

    ▪️The German Vaccination Commission (STIKO) now does not recommend using Moderna for people under 30 years of age.

  20. ​​A new study suggests that Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine increases the risk of developing rare blood clots.

    Specialists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, compared data obtained among the population before the pandemic with data taken from reports of side effects after vaccination that Americans suffered from.

    The study revealed a “significantly higher” incidence of cerebral vascular thrombosis (cerebral venous sinus thrombosis / CVST) in people after vaccination with the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine. The greatest risk was observed in women aged 30 to 49 years, with most cases of cerebral vein thrombosis occurring within 15 days after vaccination.

    Despite the fact that this is a serious side effect, the authors warn that the higher frequency of this rare side effect should be considered in the context of the effectiveness of the vaccine for the prevention of COVID-19.

    Blood clotting, in particular cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (TCVS), is a well-known side effect of the J&J vaccine, and its use was discontinued in April due to the discovery of this risk.

  21. From Telegram:

    💥 BOOM! Demonic CDC Director ADMITS the Death Shots KILL PEOPLE!

    CDC Confirmed mRNA C-19 Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Myocarditis/Myopericarditis!!!

    Dr. Peter McCullough: The C-19 Vaccine Represents BIOTERRORISM! The Spike Protein Is PATHOGENIC!

  22. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 11 Nov. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    WARNING: The Deep State goal to reduce the population and rule the world was being carried out via CV-19 and Covid Vaccinations:

    COVID-19 vaccinations have caused neurological issues, blood clotting and a large amount of unreported deaths due to heart problems.

    Luciferase and Biochips have been found in CV-19 Vaccines.

    WARNING: the PCR Covid Tests were a form of nasal vaccine.

    Over 13,000 doctors have signed a declaration against vaccine mandates.

    The Corona PCR “test” implanted a microchip Nanobot called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvested DNA.

    A Combination of drugs called Remdesivir, Dexamethasone & Vancomycin were being used in hospitals to treat the fake virus and caused massive kidney failure and thus a filling of the lungs with liquid.

    Graphene Oxide has been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitizer.

    The NHS has been accused of ‘lying’ about Covid stats to promote vaccination.

    Big Pharma, which has refused to submit the vaccines to independent analysis, has gone to considerable trouble to hide the ingredients.

    Big Pharma companies have no liability for lying to the public about the proprietary ingredients in their vaccines.

    Big Pharma was not even standing behind these vaccines that were totally experimental and untested.

    The U.S. military’s technology arm DARPA was fighting with Moderna over the ownership of the COVID vaccine. DARPA has “funded an implantable biochip” that could be used “to deploy” it.

    Under the cover of vaccinating, they were preparing to tag and track people.

    The vaccine was being forced on the public and now on school children, because the vaccine and passport were the essential tools of a global surveillance system that would end everyone’s basic human freedom.

    Florida now has the lowest Covid death rates in the nation – and has always had the least restrictions including a ban on Covid passports, masks and vaccines:

    Iceland has joined Sweden, Denmark, Canada and Finland in stopping vaccination due to it causing blood clotting and heart problems.

    Pfizer’s Long Shady History: Racketeering, Bribes, Buying Approvals, Children As Human Guinea Pigs:

    Open Letter to US Special Forces: As you know, our country is under attack and the unconventional warfare tactics being executed against us have escalated to a breaking point. As we have made clear in our previous statements and videos, we know that the proven ineffective and harmful mRNA nanotech injection mandate is the greatest failure of military leadership in United States history, at best. At worst, it is the most treasonous and devastating attack against the U.S. military and American people ever. To be 100 percent clear, from this point forward, anyone who continues to be involved in enforcing this unscientific, unconstitutional and fascist mandate will be held personally accountable for Treason and Crimes Against Humanity. The Supreme Court has made it very clear that it is up to the individual to know which orders and laws are unconstitutional and unlawful.

    Senior NIH Doctor Pushes Back on COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates:

    Bill Gates saying the vaccines don’t really stop transmission.

    Australia: Nurse confirms hospitals full of those suffering adverse reactions to vaccines:

    Germany’s Vaccination Commission (STIKO) now advises against Moderna for people under 30 years of age.

    South Carolina: Over 40 SC House lawmakers will introduce a bill against vaccine mandate, Senate will follow soon:


    California: More than 30,000 Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers prepare to strike:

    AMTRAK, “America’s Railroad” is poised to fire their loyal employees that are not in line with “Amtrak Joe” Biden’s mandate.

  23. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 12 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Reports of ‘Rare’ and Serious Condition Linked to Moderna Vaccine:

    Brazilian President tells WHO Director “People are Dying” After COVID Shots.

    Dr. David Martin: “This is not a vaccine; it is a bio-weapon they are shooting into your arms.”

    “Vermont is the most vaccinated state in America: 91% of all people aged 12 years and older are at least partially vaccinated. Vermont now has one of the highest infection rates in the country: daily cases are more than 300% higher than in November 2020.

    Investigative reporter Steve Kirsch claims that children’s hospitals across the country are being filled with newborn children with serious heart problems, and all because their mothers agreed to be “vaccinated” against the Wuhan Corona virus (Covid-19).

    Adults who prefer to get vaccinated is one thing, but obliging children to undergo experimental mRNA vaccination is a completely different story, warns Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. “I won’t vaccinate my kids, I’m telling you that for sure,” McConaughey told writer Andrew Ross Sorkin in a 40-minute interview during The New York Times’ Deal Book summit. “I cannot oblige younger children to be vaccinated. I still want to know more information about it.”

    Numerous schools in a Michigan town closed on Monday after many of their employees fell ill, faced with a “negative reaction” to vaccinations against COVID-19.

    Demonic CDC Director ADMITS the Death Shots KILL PEOPLE!

    Three More Reports of Teen Deaths After COVID Vaccines:

    CDC Confirmed mRNA C-19 Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Myocarditis/ Myopericarditis!!!

    Dr. Peter McCullough: The C-19 Vaccine Represents BIOTERRORISM! The Spike Protein Is PATHOGENIC!

    CDC, NIH Officials Were Eco Health ‘Partners’ During Controversial Wuhan Gain Of Function Collaborations:

    U.S. Navy Seals have sued the Biden administration for refusing to be exempt from vaccination for religious reasons.

    Morocco was rising up against the vaccine passports.

    A Patriot from New Zealand: “I have a very good friend who was at the Wellington Protest. She sent me photos and the message: ‘The news said this was a violent racial protest of misinformation. The protest was totally peaceful and anything but racist with 20000 people in attendance.’ I believe my friend – she’s not communist – which sadly seems to have overtaken our government.”

    Pennsylvania Department of Health Refuses to Provide Full COVID-19 Death Data:

    10 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Healthcare Workers


    _CDC Confirmed mRNA C-19 Vaccines Increase The Risk Of Myocarditis/ Myopericarditis!!!

    35,924 People Died Within 21 Days of Having a Covid-19 Vaccine in The UK!:

    _CNN Confessed! Vaccines Don’t Work And Destroy Immune System! It Still Promotes The Vaccines!

    _The world is starting to notice how many young athletes are DYING after taking covid vaccines:

    _RIGGED: British health agency deletes study that found COVID jabs substantially increase infection risk:

    _REVEALED: CDC, NIH Officials Were EcoHealth ‘Partners’ During Controversial Wuhan Gain Of Function Collaborations:

    _Courageous LA County Sheriff Tells The Truth About Covid Vax Mandates:

  24. Special Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 12 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Bayer executive: MRNA shots are ‘gene therapy’ marketed as ‘vaccines’ to gain public trust.

    Bill Gates Admits Coof Jabs Only Slightly Reduce Transmission.

    In response to an attorney’s FOIA request, the US CDC admitted that it has no record of an unvaccinated person spreading COVID after recovering from COVID.

    China Confirms There Is No Virus…How Do You Have A Test And A Vaccine If There Is No Virus? We’re Facing An Extinction Event But Humanity Can Still Be Saved! Squalene – Global Population Reduction! This Is A Bio-Weapon They Are Shooting Into You! | Christian News | Before It’s News (

    Pfizer CEO Albert Burla says that he has not been vaccinated and is not going to do it because he is no longer at that age and is completely healthy.

    An in-depth study of adverse reactions to certain batches of Covid-19 vaccines revealed that an extremely high number of adverse reactions and deaths have been repeatedly reported in relation to specific batch numbers of Covid-19 vaccines, and now further analysis shows that each state received completely different amounts of the most harmful batches. See article below.

    World Awakening: “Did Americans unwittingly take part in the largest experiment ever conducted?”

    Did Americans unwittingly take part in the largest experiment ever conducted in the real world? In-depth study of adverse reactions to certain batches of Covid-19 vaccines revealed that an extremely high number of adverse reactions and deaths have been repeatedly reported in relation to specific batch numbers of Covid-19 vaccines, and now further analysis shows that each state received completely different amounts of the most harmful batches.

    The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is an American vaccine safety program jointly managed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The program collects information through reports from doctors, nurses and patients about adverse events (possible harmful side effects) that occur after the introduction of vaccines to determine whether the risk-benefit ratio is high enough to justify the continued use of a particular vaccine.

    Reports filed before October 15, 2021 were taken from the database, and they included all adverse reactions reported in relation to Covid-19 mRNA injections from Pfizer and Moderna, as well as injections of the viral vector from Janssen.

    The graph below shows the percentage of adverse event reports relative to the number of doses administered in each state. The average adverse event rate is 0.09% / 9 adverse event reports for every 10,000 doses administered, and as you can see, the chart shows a completely different story about which states were most affected by adverse events caused by the Covid-19 vaccine.

    California now appears to be one of the least affected states when the number of doses administered is taken into account, while Indiana now appears to be the most affected state.

    The 20 most harmful party numbers hit the state of Indiana. The worst batch number is 013M20A, attributed to Moderna mRNA injection, and to date it has turned out to be almost three times more harmful than the 20th most harmful batch number EN6201, attributed to Pfizer mRNA injection.

  25. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 13 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Pandemic Quiz:

    Does anyone find it odd that 1.5 million cell towers went up while we were in lockdown?

    Does anyone find it odd that the CV-19 symptoms are identical to radiation poisoning?

    Does anyone find it odd that the creator of the PCR Test stated that the test “should not be used as a diagnostic tool”?

    Does anyone find it odd that they were arresting people during the Pandemic for filming “empty hospitals”?

    Does anyone find it odd that a journalist put up $1,000,000 to prove CV-19 exists and no one has won the challenge?

    Just asking for a friend…Matt


    Wow! Really?! Verbs, I hope you might catch this because they getting real desperate on the vaccine passports and the jab mandate, and once again, the bodies and the severe side effects, these stories getting piled up by the everyday about people dying seconds, minutes, days, hours, weeks after getting their 2nd dose or booster shots, or getting severely injuried to where they can’t do shit anymore, it’s gonna get to the point where these psychos can’t hide or wordplay this shit. These people talking about just shut up and get the jab, you gonna have to get the jab since they forcing us to get it, please just get the jab so things can go back to “normal,” yeah I don’t think so, and I’m disappointed. Ain’t nothing gonna go back to freakin normal if everybody got the damn jab, Nothing. These corrupt mofos move the goalpost one too many times. With the vaccine passports, these companies and businesses trying to mandate this poison, and make people show proof of vaccination so people can work, eat, shop, and even breathe, you call that going back to “normal?” Man, the doors to unwanted events are opening up to where all this mess is gonna effect everybody. Babies, Kids, Teens, Adults, Men, Women, Police, Doctors and Nurses, Firefighters, Entertainers, Celebrities, Sports Athletes, Blue Collar, White Collar, Black, White, Latino, Asian, EVERYBODY! And you can think these mothafreakin power, money hungry son of bitches. The Unvaccinated are gonna get the last laugh in this war. These people who got vaccinated intimidating the unvaccinated, labeling us conspiracy theorists, “trump” supporters, liars, yeah the poison got them F’ed up for sure, and I don’t feel sorry. Not one bit because that poison send them to any early grave. These people saying “Oh, it’ll be too late to do anything, this and that,” well you still breathing is you? F all that it’s too late stuff, It’s NOW OR NEVER to end this shit.

  27. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 14 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    U.S. federal appeals court affirms hold on Biden’s vaccine mandate, calls it “staggeringly overbroad”. Biden’s vaccine mandate “raises serious constitutional concerns” and “exceeds the federal government’s authority,” the ruling of the federal appeals court continues. The court orders OSHA to refrain from implementing or enforcing the mandate in any way. Full text here:

    Fourteen Kids Dead After the Jab:

    Moderna Therapeutics has officially begun testing its experimental COVID-19 vaccine on the youngest children in America. At the end of October, the Moderna clinical trials, dubbed KidCOVE, began phase III, during which the controversial mRNA vaccine technology is being tested on children aged 6 months to 5 years. The experiment will be conducted at 79 locations in 13 states and about 13,250 children will take part in it. Phases I and II of the trial, which involved children aged 12-17 and 5-11, respectively, were completed within the last few months. Now researchers are turning to toddlers and infants to conduct their experiments. It is important to note that the mortality rate from Covid-19 for children of any age is virtually zero. “The main goal of the KidCOVE study is to test the safety and efficacy of the vaccine under study, called mRNA-1273, which can protect children aged 6 months to 12 years from the disease if they come into contact with SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19,” the official press release says. A lot of people are still convinced that Covid is extremely deadly because they completely bought into the propaganda of fake news. In addition, parents are offered some cash, so it’s not surprising that so many adults are willing to make guinea pigs out of their children.

    False Positive Results Leads To FDA Recall of Over 2 Million COVID Home Test Kits: “Use of these tests may cause serious adverse health consequences or death”! This is the link:

    Sign petition Ban Federal Vaccine Mandates!:

    Fauci’s 5 Felonies Exposed: Congress must act to end EUA and Pharma immunity:

    URGENT: Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Immediate VAXX HALT. Vaccine Created Spike Protein and is Deadly. Dr. McCullough newest protocol advance is oral nasal decontamination shown to abort catching Covid 19 by 75%.

    Swedish Doctor Demands The Pfizer Jab To Be Banned!

    FDA Alert: 2 Million At-home COVID-19 Tests Recalled Over False Positives:

    Covid Cases Surge in Vermont, the Most Vaccinated State in the Union – Doctor Blames Delta Variant, Unvaccinated People.

    Researchers from the University of California have received a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation to develop a technology that allows the introduction of experimental Covid-19 mRNA vaccines into spinach, lettuce and other edible plants. A team of nanobiotechnology experts is currently working on the successful delivery of BioNTech’s DNA-containing mRNA technology to chloroplasts – the part of plants that instructs the DNA of their cells to reproduce the vaccine material. The researchers are tasked with showing that genetically modified plants can produce enough mRNA to replace Covid injections, and inject the right dose into plants needed for consumption in order to replace vaccines. “Experimental mRNA vaccines will be edible,” said Juan Pablo Giraldo, associate professor of botany and plants at UCR, who is leading the study. “Ideally, one plant would produce enough mRNA to vaccinate one person,” Giraldo noted. “We are testing this approach with spinach and lettuce and setting long-term goals for people to grow it in their own gardens, and farmers can occupy entire fields with such plants.” Millions of people who refused an experimental mRNA vaccine may soon be forced to use gene therapy with food, without knowing it.

    Bill Gates Embraces World Leaders to Spend Millions on “Germ Games”:

    Australia: Tens of thousands protested in #Melbourne today against new pandemic law that would give the executive indefinite emergency powers to “protect public health”.

    Austria: Like the Dutch, Austrians hit the streets tonight too as the government announced a new lockdown for those not willing to be injected with the experimental covid vaccine!

    Netherlands: Protests broke out in The Hague, after Dutch PM announces 3-week partial lockdown in Netherlands.

    Swedish Doctor Demands The Pfizer Jab To Be Banned!

    Florida School Board Drops Mask Mandate Due To A Brave 8-Year Old’s Act:

    FDA Alert: 2 Million At-home COVID-19 Tests Recalled Over False Positives:

    The U.S. Court of Appeals has re-confirmed the suspension of Biden’s mandates for the introduction of the Covid vaccine for private business.

    In Florida, a child was mistakenly injected with a vaccine against Covid-19 intended for adults.

    A surge in Covid cases in Vermont, the most vaccinated state in the United States – doctors blame the delta variant and unvaccinated people for this.

    Understanding how some of those infected with Covid-19 naturally resist the disease may lead to the development of universal vaccines against the virus, the BBC reports.

  28. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 15 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Dr. Fauci Admits The Truth About Jabs – The Jabbed Are In Danger. On Friday, Dr. Anthony Fauci finally admitted the chilling truth about the COVID-19 vaccines, saying that they did not work:

    Big Pharma, Big Media and Big Tech doesn’t want you to know about these numbers. Shocking Latest Numbers In The VAERS Data, Safe & Effective Narrative In Shambles:

    DOJ Responds After Federal Appeals Court Halts Biden’s Vaccine Mandate, “It should be permanently blocked.”

    CDC Finally Reveals Its Estimate for How Many Americans Have ‘Natural Immunity’:

    The Stew Peters Show – Pfizer Exposed History of Killing Kids, Marburg Virus Incoming, Rittenhouse (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    Regulator Reviewing Reports of ‘Rare’ and Serious Condition Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine:

    An in-vitro study conducted in Stockholm, Sweden, showed that the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus penetrates into the cell nucleus and disrupts DNA repair. ” We found that the spike protein mechanistically localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair, preventing the attraction of key DNA repair proteins BRCA1 and 53BP1 to the site of damage.”Covid-19 vaccines use mRNA to transmit instructions to cells to produce the same spike protein. When the spike protein enters the nucleus and inhibits DNA repair, it potentially increases the likelihood of developing cancer in the future.” Although this is one in-vitro study, and it has not been conducted on humans, its results indicate how risky it is to experiment on humans with mRNA vaccines, and about long-term consequences that we do not suspect.”

    Fauci told The New York Times podcast that vaccines don’t work as advertised and that people are at risk due to weakened immunity. As a solution to this problem, he suggests more doses of the vaccine per person. According to Fauci, officials are now beginning to observe some weakening of immunity against infection and hospitalization a few months after the initial vaccination. He pointed to the incoming data from Israel, which, as he noted, is usually “ahead of all countries in terms of the next outbreak for a month and a half.” Many of those who agreed to be vaccinated thought they would be left alone after the two promised doses. But this is not the case.

    They call it ‘horse de-wormer,’ but it sure seems to work. Unvaccinated Aaron Rodgers Recovers From COVID, Used Ivermectin – Set To Start For Packers Today:

    @MichaelYeadonQ: Hello, I am Former Researcher and Vice-President of Pfizer Inc. You can google me. I was recently banned from Facebook and Twitter so Telegram is currently the best and most secure communication app so I’ll share here, everything that they denied me. But first, I would like to ask you to share my channel so that as many people possible can gather here. In 7 days I will start sharing SECRET documents, human trials and everything Pfizer Inc. has been hiding from the public. If you are prepared for the truth, JOIN and SHARE this post everywhere you can.

    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was at the huge Milan protest against covid passports.

    Italy: Chants of “people like us never give up” in Florence tonight has become a chant of the people across the world against covid passports, mandates and lockdowns

    Palestine: 16th consecutive week against covid passports in Tel Aviv.

    Canada: “Doctors are calling for an immediate end to the use of 5G. The latest information shows the connection between 5G and new “vaccines”, as well as operating systems. On the one hand, technologies pollute the environment with high levels of EMF, on the other hand, they generate a signal for “vaccines”, and then a certain component contained in their composition is included in the work.”

    Austrians protesting the lockdown of unvaccinated citizens. Wake up calls continue to echo across the world.

    Thousands of people report the development of abnormal tumors after injections with the COVID vaccine. There are no studies on the carcinogenicity of COVID vaccines, just as most childhood vaccines do not have studies on their effect on the development of cancer. A 63-year-old previously healthy man from Michigan, for example, after a Johnson & Johnson/Janssen injection against COVID-19, a seven-centimeter tumor formed, which led to respiratory failure and life-threatening cardiogenic shock, in which the heart could not pump enough blood to vital organs. Thousands of similar cases have been reported. VigiAccess, a World Health Organization database that collects information on the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, currently reports 3,709 cases of “neoplasms” or new tumors, which include breast, lung and brain cancers, as well as numerous non-cancerous neoplasms after vaccination against COVID. The Yellow Card adverse Event registration system in the UK registered 731 reports of neoplasms (including 454 related to the COVID vaccine manufactured by AstraZeneca in the UK and 248 related to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccination). These reports do not describe events, but the American Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) contains hundreds of more detailed reports describing the sudden appearance of brain tumors, breast cancer, oral tumors, skin tumors and colon cancer after vaccinations against COVID. There are reports of an increase in tumor markers, a sharp exacerbation of previously harmless cancer and cases when the patient’s condition deteriorated rapidly and he died. Doctors talk about “explosions” and a rapid increase in the size of tumors after the COVID vaccination and about a sudden exacerbation of the disease. There are stories about the ulceration of tumors and the appearance of new symptoms or about the unexpected metastasis of old cancerous tumors. Cancer patients describe how “everything went wrong” after vaccination, and doctors suggest that vaccination undermined the immune system, so cancer can lead to the rapid death of many people. In one of the reports about the rapid deterioration of a woman with cancer, the doctor noticed that “the elephant in the room was the vaccine.”

    Special Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 15 Nov. 2021

    Evidence of Children Being Mass Murdered by COVID Jab Can End Emergency Mandate:

    19 times MORE CASES of Myocarditis in children since the ‘vaccine’ rollout. And the peer reviewed study suddenly vanished???

    New VAERS Analysis Reveals Hundreds of Serious Adverse Events That the CDC and FDA Never Told Us About- Blows Doors Off Safe and Effective (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (
    China Confirms There Is No Virus…How Do You Have A Test And A Vaccine If There Is No Virus? We’re Facing An Extinction Event But Humanity Can Still Be Saved! Squalene – Global Population Reduction! This Is A Bio-Weapon They Are Shooting Into You! | Christian News | Before It’s News (

    The 29-year-old winner of the US national title in mountain bike racing, Kyle Warner, fell ill with Pericarditis after being vaccinated by Pfizer – now his career is ruined. Warner was diagnosed with Pericarditis, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and reactive arthritis a month after taking the second dose of Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine ruined his career, he is still sick, unable to work and ride a bike. “As soon as they introduced the vaccine,” Warner said in an interview in October, “a strange metallic taste ( of saline solution appeared in my mouth. I asked the medic, “Is this normal?” and he told me that they don’t know anything about it.” In the pinned video, Kyle Warner says that his career is over due to side effects after vaccination. At some point, he begins to cry, describing how his life has changed after vaccination.

  29. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 16 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Dr. Robert Malone (inventor of mRNA vaccine technology), “Pfizer is a corrupt criminal enterprise and their product has killed tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people. We live in an authoritarian pharmaceutical war game developed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum, Johns Hopkins University and the CIA. They are implementing it in a single impulse, moving, in their opinion towards the inevitable completion of what they believe is a necessary process for compulsory vaccination.”

    Little Evidence Supports Use of Cloth Masks to Limit Spread of Coronavirus: Analysis

    Fauci Confessed That Vaccines Don’t Work! The Vaccinated Population – ENDANGERED!

    COVID-19 mRNA vaccines update 18: This video discusses new surprise discovery (yet to be confirmed by other scientists) that SARS-CoV-2 full length spike protein inside nucleus enhancing DNA damage.

    Doctor exposes the truth: Marburg, Ebola, Aids – all Hidden Inside The Vaxx!

    Australia: Welcome to the Revolution in Melbourne Rally. Patriotism is the way to fight back against tyranny. Never stop fighting. Never throw away your freedoms and your liberty. The people of Melbourne are on the right side of history, fighting against the authoritarian policies of communist dictator Dan Andrews and his Labor Party. Protest against draconian Covid-19 measures in Melbourne, Australia.

    Austrians are protesting the lockdown of unvaccinated citizens. Wake up calls continue to echo across the world.

    The 29-year-old winner of the US national title in mountain bike racing, Kyle Warner, fell ill with Pericarditis after being vaccinated by Pfizer – now his career is ruined. Warner was diagnosed with Pericarditis, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome and reactive arthritis a month after taking the second dose of Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine ruined his career, he is still sick, unable to work and ride a bike. “As soon as they introduced the vaccine,” Warner said in an interview in October, “a strange metallic taste ( of saline solution appeared in my mouth. I asked the medic, “Is this normal?” and he told me that they don’t know anything about it.” In the pinned video, Kyle Warner says that his career is over due to side effects after vaccination. At some point, he begins to cry, describing how his life has changed after vaccination.

    Dr. Bryan Ardis | The Reveal Report – October 12, 2021 Dr. Ardis discusses prevention treatments and vitamins to help you with your immune system! Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19 Full Interview (& see description):

    100 mg of Zinc per day. A virus cannot replicate in the cell when there is enough Zinc in the cell.

    Preventative dosage:

    * IVERMECTIN: 12 mg / wHCQ: 300 mg / w

    * Vitamin C – minimum 5000 mg / d (work upto 10000 mg / d)

    * Magnesium – 500 mg / d

    * Selenium – 200 mcg / d

    * Apple Pectin – 700 mg x 2 / d for the jabbed 6 months.

    * Zinc – 100 mg / d

    * Vitamin D – minimum 5000 IU / d

    Two doctors from Oklahoma, Dr. John Sutton and Dr. David Jane, shared their stories about using Ivermectin to treat their patients with Covid-19.

    Dr. John Sutton is an internal medicine specialist in Woodward, Oklahoma, with over 38 years of experience in the medical field. He served three nursing homes in Woodward and Dewey Counties where the COVID-19 outbreak occurred. And Dr. Jane works in Edmond, Oklahoma, and specializes in family medicine and prevention.

    Government intervention in the treatment of patients with Covid-19 is very worrying for both doctors. “The government is trying to reassess its powers… Doctors have been pretty autonomous ever since the first doctor appeared. The doctor could think for himself and do what he thought was right for the patient. And I don’t think the government should tell doctors how to practice medicine,” says Sutton.

    “I treat them and guess what? They’re getting better. I can’t back down and do nothing when I know I can help people,” says Dr. Jane.

    Report Oklahoma Public Relations Council:

    “There have been Covid-19 outbreaks in all three nursing homes served by Sutton. In the first house, the outbreak occurred before vaccines were widely available and before Ivermectin was even a topic of discussion,” Sutton said. According to him, in this nursing home, the mortality rate among those who have contracted the virus is 30 percent.

    By the time the outbreak occurred in the second nursing home, Ivermectin and monoclonal antibodies were known treatments and were provided to residents. Sutton also ordered that all residents receive Ivermectin, “regardless of whether they are sick or not.”

    Of the 56 residents of this house, only one died from Covid-19. “What was different from the first nursing home were monoclonal antibodies and Ivermectin. When an outbreak of the disease occurred in the third nursing home, a similar course of treatment was carried out. Out of 75 residents, only one died. I am very proud of my results,” Sutton says, “because in the media you hear that there has been a complete disaster in nursing homes.”

    Larry Becraft Esq. – the Dean of the Patriot Lawyers Reporting on the Pending Vaxx Cases!

    “My daughter-in-law, who is unvaccinated and just delivered, was told by her doctor to not get the vaccine during her pregnancy because her last three patients all had miscarriages right after receiving it.”

  30. CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. (CBS19 NEWS) — In addition to COVID-19 vaccines, doctors are encouraging people to get another jab: their flu shot.

    Dr. Bill Petri, an infectious disease doctor at the University of Virginia Health System, says this year could be particularly bad for the flu, as natural immunity is down due to masking.

    Me: So, what they’re saying is that mask wearing is making you sick and the powers that be did it on purpose so get the poison cocktail to end it all.

  31. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 17 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Doctors and health professionals continued to speak out about dangers of the COVID vaccine, now referred to as the “Death Jab.” The latest was Dr. Ariyana Love in Finland where over 1,000 doctors, nurses and healthcare practitioners have walked out of their jobs because they refused to administer the “Death Jab Vaccination.” Taiwan suspended the second round of Pfizer COVID Vaccinations for children due to the heart problems found.

    Taiwan Suspends Second Round of Pfizer COVID Vaccines for Children Due to Heart Problems:

    In the UK, a huge number of young people suffer from heart problems. It all started after vaccination against Covid-19.

    RFK Jr. Drops COVID Vaccine Bomb – Says Jab Is ‘Killing More People Than All Vaccines Combined’:

    Dr. Ariyana Love, MD: In Finland over 1,000 doctors, nurses and healthcare practitioners who have walked out of their jobs because they won’t administer the “Death Jab Vaccination.”

    Pfizer Will Allow Generic Covid Pill To Be Made And Sold Cheaply In Poor Countries

    Scientists now developing mRNA vegetables so that grocery stores can sell “vaccines” hidden in food:

    More celebrities all over Latin America are getting hospitalized and DYING because of COVID-19 vaccines – Brighteon.TV:

    13 States Sue to Block Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

    Oklahoma Doctors Have Tremendous Success in Treating Nursing Home COVID Patients with Ivermectin:

    Latest UK Study Reveals 99.995% of Children And Young People SURVIVE Covid-19; Only Two-in-A-Million Chance to Be Fatal:

    Dr. Ariyana Love, MD: In Finland over 1,000 doctors, nurses and healthcare practitioners who have walked out of their jobs because they won’t administer the “Death Jab Vaccination.” Over 50,000 signatures went to Parliament on a petition against the vaccine mandate.

    Taiwan Suspends Second Round of Pfizer COVID Vaccines for Children Due to Heart Problems:

    More than 10,000 Australians have applied for compensation after side effects from the Covid-19 vaccine. The Government of the country has been billed $37 million. The Australian government may face a bill of more than 50 million Australian dollars related to the Covid-19 vaccination program, as thousands of people have registered for compensation as a result of health problems associated with vaccination. More than 10,000 people have signed up for the state program to receive compensation for loss of income after hospitalization due to rare but significant side effects from vaccination. The amount of one compensation is from 5,000 Australian dollars, which means that the program will cost at least 50 million Australian dollars if each claim is satisfied. The Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration has received almost 79,000 reports of adverse side effects from 36.8 million doses of the vaccine, according to its website.

    VIDEO: Dr. John Campbell:

    BMJ Pfizer Clinical Trial Whistleblower:

    More about Maddie de Garay:

    Astrazeneca Vax Publication:

    Pfizer EUA press release:

    Brighton Collaboration list of approved adverse events:

    Task Force on Global Health takes over Brighton:

    CEPI manages Brighton:

    CEPI uses it’s own people for Vaccine Adverse Reaction Definitions:

    Senator Ron Johnson’s Senate Panel on Vaccine Mandates testimonies:

    In Austria, the blocking of the unvaccinated has begun. Now the police are cruising around the cities, checking random people for their vaccination status, requesting green passports for verification.

    Italy: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joined the “Green Pass” protest in Italy.

    _Taiwan Suspends Second Round of Pfizer COVID Vaccines for Children Due to Heart Problems:

    _RFK Jr. Drops COVID Vaccine Bomb – Says Jab Is ‘Killing More People Than All Vaccines Combined’:

    _Latvia Bans Unvaxed Politicians From Voting, Suspends Pay:

    _Scientists now developing mRNA vegetables so that grocery stores can sell “vaccines” hidden in food:

    _NIH claims co-ownership of Moderna COVID vaccine patent, demonstrating how taxpayer money is used to develop therapeutics that make drug companies wealthy:

    Special Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 17 Nov. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna making combined profits of $65,000 every minute. Big Pharma is cleaning up from Covid-19 vaccines – raking in a collective $65K per minute, the People’s Vaccine Alliance has calculated.

    OSHA has suspended implementation and enforcement of Biden’s vaccine mandate after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction. Any employer who enforces the vaccine mandate is doing it outside of the law and risks being sued.

    Conservative-Majority Court Chosen to Decide on Biden’s Private Employer Vaccine Mandate:

    Ireland reimposes COVID-19 restrictions including a midnight curfew. 93% of the adult population are fully vaccinated.

    Gibraltar, the most vaccinated country in the world, cancels Christmas celebrations due to COVID-19 outbreak.

    Austria has massive outside demonstration against the lockdown.

  32. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 18 Nov. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    BQQQQQQQM!!! OSHA Announced it will Comply with 5th Circuit Court Order to Suspend Implementation and Enforcement of Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Said by Doctors to be a “Death Jab.”

    BQQQQQQQM!!! Effective Cure for Covid, Antidote for Vaccine Toxin;

    Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker: Chlorine Dioxide is a 100% effective cure for covid | EU | Before It’s News (

    Exclusive: Dr. Judy Mikovits: Antidote for Vaccine Toxin and Warns Against Dangerous Fake One (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    Dr. Pablo Campra / El Toro TV (GRAPHENE oxide in COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’) – WorldNews (

    “Hell No!” US Trucking Association CEO Warns of Supply Chain CATASTROPHE – if vaccine mandates pushed. “37% of our drivers not only said ’no,’ but “hell no,” to Biden’s vaccine mandate Chris Spear said. He went on to suggest that if 3.7%, hypothetically, not 37% were affected by the mandates and left the workforce, the trucking industry would be short 250,000 truck drivers amid the supply chain crisis.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci and the NIH were discovered to be using an island off the coast of South Carolina to breed monkeys for use in horrific “maximum pain” animal experimentation. Around 600 monkeys a year are being tortured and killed in the tax payer funded and possibly illegal experiments.

    Gates Foundation was found to grant millions to Newsrooms globally, while MSM “fact checks” Bill Gates Vaccine Comments.

    Texas Doctor Resigns After Hospital Suspends, Investigates Her For Warning About Covid Shots, Promoting Ivermectin:

    Pfizer, BioNTech and Moderna making combined profits of $65,000 every minute. Big Pharma is cleaning up from Covid-19 vaccines – raking in a collective $65K per minute, the People’s Vaccine Alliance has calculated.

    OSHA has suspended implementation and enforcement of Biden’s vaccine mandate after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction. Any employer who enforces the vaccine mandate is doing it outside of the law and risks being sued.

    Conservative-Majority Court Chosen to Decide on Biden’s Private Employer Vaccine Mandate:

    Ireland reimposes COVID-19 restrictions including a midnight curfew. 93% of the adult population are fully vaccinated.

    Gibraltar, the most vaccinated country in the world, cancels Christmas celebrations due to COVID-19 outbreak.

    Austria has massive outside demonstration against the lockdown.

    Dr. Anthony Fauci and the NIH are using an island off the coast of South Carolina to breed monkeys for use in horrific “maximum pain” animal experimentation. Around 600 monkeys a year are tortured and killed in the tax payer funded experiments in a lack of regard for the well-being of these highly intelligent animals. “Our new investigation has found that Fauci’s revolting record on taxpayer-funded animal testing is even bigger than Beaglegate. He’s also wasting millions of tax dollars to subsidize a secretive island where primates are bred for his labs that inflict punishing pain on monkeys and ghoulishly withhold pain relief,” Devin Murphy, Communications Manager at WCWP.

    The FBI and CDC are investigating “questionable vials” labeled smallpox found at Merck facility (Lab) near Philadelphia – Yahoo News

    Special Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 18 Nov. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    They’re Killing Our Children:

    Covid vaccines were considered Bio-weapons and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction against Biden’s vaccine mandate on Tues. 16 Nov.

    Doctors and health professionals have labeled the shots as “Death Jabs” because of the high amount of heart problems found in children that appeared related to the untested vaccination.

    On Wed. 17 Nov. OSHA suspended implementation and enforcement of the Biden mandate – a story that the Mainstream Media has refused to publish including information on the heart problems in children and court injunction.

    There were 13,000 Scientists and Physicians who had signed a declaration saying “Do not vaccinate healthy children; do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune and stop blocking physicians from treating patients,” yet the White House was still pushing kids’ vaccination, claiming 2.6 million aged 5 to 11 had been given the shots to date.

    Other stories that the Mainstream Media won’t cover:

    Pfizer’s business model was found to be manipulating data to say that their drugs were safe and effective and on Thurs. the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed it was recalling some two million COVID-19 testing kits because they produced False Positives.

    Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Suspended by Dept of Labor; Judge Issues Injunction

    FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data…Why?

    Pfizer’s business model is manipulating data to say that their drugs are “safe and effective.” Criminal fines are written off as operating expenses when they represent less than 1% of revenue. Whistleblowers have already come forward destroying the credibility of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials. Nonetheless, Pfizer expects $36 billion in revenue from their *ZERO* liability Covid-19 vaccines this year. Based on Pfizer’s criminal track record, why wouldn’t they manipulate the Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials?

    Dr. Robert Malone: 13,000 Scientists and Physicians Signed The Rome Declaration: Do not vaccinate healthy children, do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune, and stop blocking physicians from treating patients.” There are more scientists and physicians that have signed off on this than are employed at the entire HSS. Let that sink in for a moment. We’re not a bunch of right-wing proud boys nut cases. Not to disparage proud boys, but that is how they want to paint us. It’s this intentional targeting of physicians. The press is hunting physicians in coordination with big pharma, that’s what is going on, and they are doing it all over the world.”

    White House: 2.6 Million Kids Aged 5 to 11 Vaccinated

    Italy: Italy next up for “unvaccinated lockdown” following Germany & Austria. Five Italian governors are urging the govt to follow Germany and Austria’s medical apartheid lead, amid rising Covid case rates in the country. (Daily Mail)

  33. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 19 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Judy Note: Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR “test” is implanting a microchip. Covid vaccines were considered Bio-weapons and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction against Biden’s vaccine mandate on Tues. 16 Nov. On Saturday Nov. 13 at a summit in Florida leading experts warned that young children would be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from COVID-19. “The real risk for healthy kids is about zero—it does appear to be lower than the flu,” said Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent mRNA vaccine technology on which the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is based when he was at the Salk Institute in the late 1980s. “Vaccinating 28 million children ages 5 to 11, Malone said, could lead to “a thousand or more excess deaths.”

    Corona PCR “test” implants a microchip:

    Former FEMA Whistleblower Celeste Solum explains that the Corona PCR “test” is implanting a microchip. So the Nasopharyngeal Covid19 PCR “tests” were never tests at all. They are implanting chips, inserting Nanobots called Nanites with a bioweapons payload for the brain, while at the same time harvesting DNA.

    The PCR swab is inserted straight to the Nasopharynx behind the nose and forehead where your eyes are. It’s at the blood brain barrier and next to your pineal gland. I believe they are knocking out people’s senses with these Bioweapons and killing human intuition and your ability to cognitively see what they are doing to us. They’re knocking out our senses and targeting the brain with Nanites that carry a payload. Decline the “tests.” Refuse the masks. Don’t let them implant the microchip.

    They’re Killing Our Children:

    Covid vaccines were considered Bio-weapons and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction against Biden’s vaccine mandate on Tues. 16 Nov.

    Doctors and health professionals have labeled the shots as “Death Jabs” because of the high amount of heart problems found in children that appeared related to the untested vaccination.

    On Wed. 17 Nov. OSHA suspended implementation and enforcement of the Biden mandate – a story that the Mainstream Media has refused to publish including information on heart problems, radiation in the vax and court injunction.

    There were 13,000 Scientists and Physicians who had signed a declaration saying “Do not vaccinate healthy children; do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune and stop blocking physicians from treating patients,” yet the White House was still pushing kids’ vaccination, claiming 2.6 million aged 5 to 11 had been given the shots to date and on Thurs. 18 Nov. the White House Press Secretary said that “nothing has changed… businesses should go forward” despite two court orders to stop the OSHA federal vaccine mandate.

    Urgent Message From Doctors’ Summit in Florida: “Don’t Inject Young Kids With COVID-19 Vaccines.”

    On Saturday Nov. 13 at a summit in Florida leading experts issued an urgent warning: Young children will be harmed in an ill-advised rush to vaccinate a population with very little chance of severe infection from COVID-19. “The real risk for healthy kids is about zero—it does appear to be lower than the flu,” said Dr. Robert Malone, who helped invent mRNA vaccine technology on which the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is based when he was at the Salk Institute in the late 1980s.

    Vaccinating 28 million children ages 5 to 11, Malone said, could lead to “a thousand or more excess deaths,” he told the audience of 800 doctors, nurses and advocates. Though harshly criticized for keeping schools open, “Sweden had not a single death of a child from COVID,” said Dr. Richard Urso, a Texas ophthalmologist citing published data.

    “Children don’t get severely ill. Children don’t die from this infection,” said Dr. Paul Alexander, a clinical epidemiologist and former senior advisor on pandemic policy in U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. “We’ve been fed a lot of misleading information.”

    Other stories that the Mainstream Media won’t cover:

    Ivermectin Tablet – According to research, Ivermectin has the potential to treat COVID-19:

    Pfizer’s business model was found to be manipulating data to say that their drugs were safe and effective and on Thurs. 18 Nov. the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed it was recalling some two million COVID-19 testing kits because they produced False Positives.

    Biden’s Vaccine Mandate Suspended by Dept of Labor; Judge Issues Injunction

    FDA Asks Court for 55 Years to Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data…Why?

    OSHA has suspended implementation and enforcement of Biden’s vaccine mandate after the 5th Circuit Court issued an injunction, a story that has yet to be carried by the Mainstream Media.

    Media ignores mandate suspension:

    Top 10 signs that Covid vaccines are BIOWEAPONS and much more lethal than Covid-19 itself:

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) confirmed Thursday it is recalling some 2 million Ellume at-home COVID-19 testing because they can produce ‘false positives.:

    Pfizer’s business model is manipulating data to say that their drugs are “safe and effective.” Criminal fines are written off as operating expenses when they represent less than 1% of revenue. Whistleblowers have already come forward destroying the credibility of Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials. Nonetheless, Pfizer expects $36 billion in revenue from their *ZERO* liability Covid-19 vaccines this year. Based on Pfizer’s criminal track record, why wouldn’t they manipulate the Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials?

    Dr. Robert Malone: 13,000 Scientists and Physicians Signed The Rome Declaration: Do not vaccinate healthy children, do not vaccinate or restrict the naturally immune, and stop blocking physicians from treating patients.” There are more scientists and physicians that have signed off on this than are employed at the entire HSS. Let that sink in for a moment. We’re not a bunch of right-wing proud boys nut cases. Not to disparage proud boys, but that is how they want to paint us. It’s this intentional targeting of physicians. The press is hunting physicians in coordination with big pharma, that’s what is going on, and they are doing it all over the world.”

    White House: 2.6 Million Kids Aged 5 to 11 Vaccinated

    Italy: Italy next up for “unvaccinated lockdown” following Germany & Austria. Five Italian governors are urging the govt to follow Germany and Austria’s medical apartheid lead, amid rising Covid case rates in the country. (Daily Mail)

    Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Germany and Austria impose banns for unvaccinated.

  34. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 20 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Bio Weapons For Babies: Profits High For Killing 5 Year Olds, The Stew Peters Show:

    Dr. Fauci Admits Vaccines Did Not Work as Advertised and that Vaccinated Are in Great Danger Today. Vaccines didn’t work so get your boosters shoots that do not work either. What a scam!

    Scientists Mystified as Africa Continues to Avoid Disaster Despite Lower Than 6% COVID-19 Vaccination Rate @COVID19Up:

    When COVID-19 first emerged last year, health officials warned the pandemic would likely sweep across Africa, killing millions. They were very wrong.

    There is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said. Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated against COVID-19, and yet the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” for nearly the entire pandemic in its weekly reports.

    The impact of COVID-19 has also been relatively muted in poor countries like Afghanistan and Yemen, where experts predicted outbreaks would prove catastrophic.

    Vaccine Expert Warns of CV-19 Vax Catastrophe: Vaccine Expert Warns of Covid Vaccination Catastrophe – The Highwire with Del Bigtree | Health | Before It’s News (

    Frankenstein Code: These Are Not Vaccines!!!: New Dr. Carrie Madej’s Latest Bombshell Revelations: “The Frankenstein Code – These Are Not Vaccines!” | Prophecy | Before It’s News (

    Yet Another Doctor Loses Job After Speaking Against Vaccine Mandates:

    More people died who took vaccine than those who did not (20 vs 14) in Pfizer COVID vaccine trial.

    Eight nations have suspended Covid-19 vaccines for younger age groups due to risk of heart inflammation. Meanwhile, the United States is pushing these same vaccines for children as young as 5.

    ▪️Taiwan suspends 2nd Pfizer vaccine for 12-17

    ▪️Iceland suspends Moderna for all ages

    ▪️Sweden suspends Moderna for under 30

    ▪️Finland suspends Moderna for under 30

    ▪️Denmark suspends Moderna for under 18

    ▪️Norway suspends Moderna for under 18

    ▪️France suspends Moderna for under 30

    ▪️Germany suspends Moderna for under 30

    Scientists Mystified as Africa Continues to Avoid Disaster Despite Lower Than 6% COVID-19 Vaccination Rate: When COVID-19 first emerged last year, health officials warned the pandemic would likely sweep across Africa, killing millions. They were very wrong.There is something “mysterious” going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. “Africa doesn’t have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the U.S., but somehow they seem to be doing better,” she said.Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated against COVID-19, and yet the WHO has described Africa as “one of the least affected regions in the world” for nearly the entire pandemic in its weekly reports.The impact of COVID-19 has also been relatively muted in poor countries like Afghanistan and Yemen, where experts predicted outbreaks would prove catastrophic.

    Australia Covid Rules:

    Pfizer Secures Billion From US Government for 10 Million Courses of COVID-19 Pill! This is the link:

  35. U.S. Definition of “Vaccine” Changed Before “Ourbreak”

    As has been stated here at Slaying Evil, the mRNA shot is NOT a vaccine, yet these sneaky weasels were able to secretly change the definition of what a vaccine is to where this death shot can be included; also, that White lady in the clip near the end has more balls than most White men in the West and has the spirit of a true Protestant. Lastly, I can’t gloss over that little bomb he dropped on Trump being apart of the scheme; turns out he’s not the outsider we thought he was.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      As much as I liked the overall direction Trump was moving in, Operation Warpspeed was one of the most stupid, detrimental and dangerous initiatives he ever agreed to.

      1. Verbs,

        I understand your sentiments on this subject. Trump did endorse HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine) and other therapeutics as a form of vaccine prior to Operation Warp-speed but you know the big media wanted to discredit what he said because he wasn’t a doctor so the giant pharma companies put out their experimental deadly cocktail drug out in the market. Right now, we have two choices of drugs on the market via Op. Warp-speed, the ones that Trump endorsed or what the big media, big pharma and crooked politicians, entertainers and the likes promoted.

        The 60-year old plus Hydroxychloroquine is FDA approved while the poison by Moderna, Pfizer, etc… is still in human trail phrase of killing off people for the money.

  36. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 21 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    The Real News for Sat. 20 Nov:

    Small Business Lawsuit Against Biden Mandate:

    Austria introduces 20-day isolation for the entire population from Monday and makes vaccination mandatory from February 2022. Lockdown tensions explode in EU: Austria faces riots TODAY after Dutch police open fire:

    London: No vaccine passports demonstration.

    Guadeloupe France has imposed a curfew on it’s overseas territory of Guadeloupe and is sending extra police to the island, citing days of “violence,” unrest and vandalism in response to harsh pandemic restrictions.

    Russia: Tbilishi Georgia was rising up against vaccine passports.

    Rome Italy: Anti-‘Green Pass’ demonstrators gather in Rome for new round of protests. Protest against vaccine passports in Genova Italy.

    Croatians have surrounded a Fake News Station.

    Switzerland rising up against Covid Tyranny.

    Lithuania rising up against Covid Tyranny.

    Japan rising up against Covid Tyranny.

    Belfast Northern Ireland rising up against Covid Tyranny.

    Vancouver and Toronto Canada protests against Vaccine Mandate.

    Netherlands rebel against Vaccine Passports.

    Oslo, Norway was rising up against Covid tyranny.

    New York: Protests against Covid Tyranny and BLM on the streets of New York: “Every city, every town burn the precinct to the ground.”

    The next Coronavirus may come from rats: rodents may be asymptomatic carriers of viruses similar to SARS, according to a new British study.

    US Gov. Bought $113 Million In Smallpox Vaccines!

    The FDA may allow Moderna boosters for all adults as early as this week.

    Germany: Merkel says that the fourth wave of infections is coming, as daily cases in Germany allegedly reach a record high of 65,000 people. Germany introduces new restrictions for unvaccinated people: participation in public life will be limited based on the “level of hospitalization”. German Vice Chancellor Olaf Scholz, who is expected to succeed Merkel: “In order to survive the winter, we will see radical measures that have not been taken before.”

    White House press Secretary Psaki says that “nothing has changed – businesses must continue to operate,” despite two court orders halting the federal vaccination mandate.

    The FBI and CDC are investigating “questionable vials” of smallpox samples found in a research laboratory in Pennsylvania.

    “Died Suddenly” Trends Following Vaccine Rollout:

    Special COVID/Vax Hoax news:

    First Responders Fight Chicago Vaccine Mandate

    Massive European Protests Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates Erupt Into an ‘War Zone’:

    Dr. Joel Wallskog is an orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin who saw 5,000 patients a year and performed about 800 operations before taking the experimental Moderna vaccine from Covid-19. The orthopedic surgeon performed 800 operations a year, but now he cannot work due to an injury caused by the “vaccine” against COVID-19. Now he suffers from transverse myelitis, which affects the spinal cord, and it is difficult for him to walk. He can no longer work as an orthopedic surgeon. His 19-year career, which took him 14 years of study, is over.

    Italy protesting the health pass for the 18th weekend in a row. Unbelievable scenes in Rome as Italians push back against covid tyranny.

    Australia: Close to 1 million people in Australia protesting today and rising every week.

    Belgians taking a leaf out of their Dutch brothers and sisters books and going for the jugular against covid tyranny, the people have had more than enough, and they just kept pushing, the fire is lit.

    Brussels looking like a warzone today as the people take the fight against covid tyranny to the home of the EU.

    “As the World Health Organization has made very clear about the side effects of vaccines and medicines, experimental vaccines against Covid-19 appear to be more dangerous than any other. It can’t be hidden! But politicians and mainstream media don’t care.

    Each drug and each vaccine may have an adverse drug reaction (NLR). It is ok. And usually the benefits of a drug or vaccine outweigh the potential harm. Everything else doesn’t make sense. Isn’t it? However, new data from the World Health Organization (WHO) calls into question, at least, the serious benefits of an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. It is quite unlikely that the mainstream media will publish this data. This is due to the fact that they contradict the generally accepted opinion that these experimental vaccines are “safe”.

    In 2015, WHO created a database (VigiBase) on the side effects of vaccines and medicines. There is open access to this database via VigiAccess. It publishes all reports of side effects (although here they make up only a small part of all side effects). The current data speaks for itself.

    For example, people have been vaccinated against mumps since 1972. Do you know how many side effects have been reported since then? 711. After 49 years. Even the measles vaccine (since 1968) has only 5,827 reported side effects. We are talking about about 110 cases a year around the world. What about the polio vaccine? A total of 121,988 cases of side effects have been reported since 1968. Thus, about 2,300 per year. In fact, this figure is surpassed only by influenza vaccination with 272,202 reported cases of side effects over 53 years. This is slightly more than 5,100 per year.

    And now the “highlight of the program”: an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. A vaccine that does not protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection and does not even prevent the spread of the virus. WHO has also collected data on this. Result: 2,457,386 reported cases of side effects. Since 2020.

    The list of registered side effects is also very long (in the appendix below)

    In general, one may wonder why politics continues to rely so heavily on mandatory vaccination. On the one hand, we have side effects like no other vaccine or medicine, on the other hand, the rudimentary protective effect lasts only a few months. Is it really worth it? And we didn’t even mention the numerous “sudden and unexpected” deaths that the media and obituaries are filling today.

    When you look at the long list of side effects in such a short time when using experimental Covid vaccines, you also realize that the situation with deaths as a result of this does not look much better. We are also talking about the longer-term consequences of death, for example, in myocarditis. The main side effect of mRNA vaccines. About 40 percent of the injured die from the consequences within ten years. This means that these cases are not yet included in the data on vaccination deaths. If they are included at all. But neither politics nor the mainstream media are interested in this.”

    The Lancet, a popular and respected journal in scientific circles, published an article in which it is reported that stigmatization (branding) of the unvaccinated is not justified.

    “In the USA and Germany, high-ranking officials used the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, implying that people who have been vaccinated are not related to the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase could prompt one scientist to state that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated with COVID-19.” But this point of view is too simple.

    1. There is increasing evidence that vaccinated people continue to play an important role in the transmission of the virus.

    In Massachusetts, USA, during various events in July 2021, 469 new cases of COVID-19 were detected, and 346 (74%) of them were in fully or partially vaccinated people, 274 (79%) of whom had symptoms. Cycle thresholds were equally low between people who were fully vaccinated and people who were not vaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown, indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.

    2. In the USA, by April 30, 2021, 10,262 cases of COVID-19 were registered among vaccinated people, of which 2,725 (26-6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9-7%) were hospitalized and 160 (1-6%) died.

    3. In Germany, 55% of symptomatic cases of COVID-19 among patients aged 60 years and older were reported among fully vaccinated people and this proportion is increasing every week. In Munster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of the 380 people who were fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 and attended a nightclub.

    4. Vaccinated people are still a significant part of the pandemic, so it is wrong and dangerous to talk about a pandemic of unvaccinated people.

    Historically, both the United States and Germany have generated negative experiences by stigmatizing part of the population for skin color or religion. We call on high-ranking officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, which include our patients, colleagues and other fellow citizens, and to make additional efforts to unite society.”


    I’m just sitting here shaking my head to death because this Covid-19 shit done did a good job creating an extreme, huge amount of problems to where it’s gonna be extremely impossible to hide and talk about. Deaths, Adverse effects, Division to who vaxxed and unvaxxed (which is unfolding to us in our own eyes right now), Dangerous Technology that being developed by these corrupts to watch us eat, sleep, walk, and shit, the lying and goal posting moving, vaccine passports, endless booster shots (More like they gonna OD the human race to death with that poison), the mandates, high prices, inflation, strict lockdowns, corrupts granting freedoms for the vaxx (which is a complete damn lie), punishment for the unvaxxed, yeah the whole world is in big, big, big, trouble. At the age of 22, I’m completely worried about my future because I’m damn sure am not putting that damn poison into my body. Like I said, they forced that poison into my body, and something happens to me, then it’s on, and I’m not backing out. If I were, in some type of way, to tell the people around the world who are getting real curious, I would tell them this: WE ALL GOT PLAYED, BIG TIME!

  38. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 22 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    ER’s Are Suddenly Filled With Seriously Ill, But Not With COVID: Signs of medical apocalypse are surfacing in hospital ERs across the country. The system is being overwhelmed with seriously ill patients that do not have COVID, but blood clots and heart conditions.

    2,433 dead babies in the VAERS Side Effect Reporting system: another study showed that mRNA injections are unsafe for pregnant women.

    Fauci Responds to Changing Definition of ‘Fully Vaccinated’:

    @MichaelYeadonQ: Hello, I am Former Researcher and Vice-President of Pfizer Inc. You can google me. I was recently banned from Facebook and Twitter so Telegram is currently the best and most secure communication app so I’ll share here, everything that they denied me. But first, I would like to ask you to share my channel so that as many people possible can gather here. In 7 days i will start sharing SECRET documents, human trials and everything Pfizer Inc. has been hiding from the public. If you are prepared for the truth, JOIN and SHARE this post everywhere you can.

    “As the World Health Organization has made very clear about the side effects of vaccines and medicines, experimental vaccines against Covid-19 appear to be more dangerous than any other. It can’t be hidden! But politicians and mainstream media don’t care.

    Each drug and each vaccine may have an adverse drug reaction (NLR). It is ok. And usually the benefits of a drug or vaccine outweigh the potential harm. Everything else doesn’t make sense. Isn’t it? However, new data from the World Health Organization (WHO) calls into question, at least, the serious benefits of an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. It is quite unlikely that the mainstream media will publish this data. This is due to the fact that they contradict the generally accepted opinion that these experimental vaccines are “safe”.

    In 2015, WHO created a database (VigiBase) on the side effects of vaccines and medicines. There is open access to this database via VigiAccess. It publishes all reports of side effects (although here they make up only a small part of all side effects). The current data speaks for itself.

    For example, people have been vaccinated against mumps since 1972. Do you know how many side effects have been reported since then? 711. After 49 years. Even the measles vaccine (since 1968) has only 5,827 reported side effects. We are talking about about 110 cases a year around the world. What about the polio vaccine? A total of 121,988 cases of side effects have been reported since 1968. Thus, about 2,300 per year. In fact, this figure is surpassed only by influenza vaccination with 272,202 reported cases of side effects over 53 years. This is slightly more than 5,100 per year.

    And now the “highlight of the program”: an experimental vaccine against Covid-19. A vaccine that does not protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection and does not even prevent the spread of the virus. WHO has also collected data on this. Result: 2,457,386 reported cases of side effects. Since 2020.

    The list of registered side effects is also very long (in the appendix below)

    In general, one may wonder why politics continues to rely so heavily on mandatory vaccination. On the one hand, we have side effects like no other vaccine or medicine, on the other hand, the rudimentary protective effect lasts only a few months. Is it really worth it? And we didn’t even mention the numerous “sudden and unexpected” deaths that the media and obituaries are filling today.

    When you look at the long list of side effects in such a short time when using experimental Covid vaccines, you also realize that the situation with deaths as a result of this does not look much better. We are also talking about the longer-term consequences of death, for example, in myocarditis. The main side effect of mRNA vaccines. About 40 percent of the injured die from the consequences within ten years. This means that these cases are not yet included in the data on vaccination deaths. If they are included at all. But neither politics nor the mainstream media are interested in this.”

    The Lancet, a popular and respected journal in scientific circles, published an article in which it is reported that stigmatization (branding) of the unvaccinated is not justified.

    “In the USA and Germany, high-ranking officials used the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated”, implying that people who have been vaccinated are not related to the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase could prompt one scientist to state that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated with COVID-19.” But this point of view is too simple.

    1. There is increasing evidence that vaccinated people continue to play an important role in the transmission of the virus.

    In Massachusetts, USA, during various events in July 2021, 469 new cases of COVID-19 were detected, and 346 (74%) of them were in fully or partially vaccinated people, 274 (79%) of whom had symptoms. Cycle thresholds were equally low between people who were fully vaccinated and people who were not vaccinated, not fully vaccinated, or whose vaccination status was unknown, indicating a high viral load even among people who were fully vaccinated.

    2. In the USA, by April 30, 2021, 10,262 cases of COVID-19 were registered among vaccinated people, of which 2,725 (26-6%) were asymptomatic, 995 (9-7%) were hospitalized and 160 (1-6%) died.

    3. In Germany, 55% of symptomatic cases of COVID-19 among patients aged 60 years and older were reported among fully vaccinated people and this proportion is increasing every week. In Munster, Germany, new cases of COVID-19 occurred in at least 85 (22%) of the 380 people who were fully vaccinated or recovered from COVID-19 and attended a nightclub.

    4. Vaccinated people are still a significant part of the pandemic, so it is wrong and dangerous to talk about a pandemic of unvaccinated people.

    Historically, both the United States and Germany have generated negative experiences by stigmatizing part of the population for skin color or religion. We call on high-ranking officials and scientists to stop the inappropriate stigmatization of unvaccinated people, which include our patients, colleagues and other fellow citizens, and to make additional efforts to unite society.”

    First Responders Fight Chicago Vaccine Mandate

    Massive European Protests Against COVID-19 Lockdowns, Vaccine Mandates Erupt Into an ‘War Zone’:

    Dr. Joel Wallskog is an orthopedic surgeon from Wisconsin who saw 5,000 patients a year and performed about 800 operations before taking the experimental Moderna vaccine from Covid-19. The orthopedic surgeon performed 800 operations a year, but now he cannot work due to an injury caused by the “vaccine” against COVID-19. Now he suffers from transverse myelitis, which affects the spinal cord, and it is difficult for him to walk. He can no longer work as an orthopedic surgeon. His 19-year career, which took him 14 years of study, is over.

    Joe Rogan: World’s Top Static Breath-Hold Diver Diagnosed With Myocarditis and Pericarditis From Pfizer Vaccine:

    Italy protesting the health pass for the 18th weekend in a row. Unbelievable scenes in Rome as Italians push back against covid tyranny.

    Australia: Close to 1 million people in Australia protesting today and rising every week.

    Belgians taking a leaf out of their Dutch brothers and sisters books and going for the jugular against covid tyranny, the people have had more than enough, and they just kept pushing, the fire is lit. Police Vehicles Are Being Attacked In Belgium As The Protest Spirals Into Anarchy.

    Denmark, Portugal, India, Netherlands, Japan rising up against mandate tyranny.

    Brussels looking like a warzone today as the people take the fight against covid tyranny to the home of the EU.

    Rome and Vienna large protests against lockdowns, vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations today.

    Australia: Millions of awaken people stood up for their rights and freedom against their corrupt governments, tyranic mandates and evil globalist agenda.

    Tens of thousand march ‘for freedom’ in Australian cities. Protesters thronged the streets of Australian cities on Saturday, demanding an end to what they called the “tyranny” and “oppression

    Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday .Protesters marched across the city centre with banners decrying the proposed COVID rules, requiring proof of vaccination or recovery to access the public places.

    Brussels: Tear gas vs barricades – Tensions flare during anti-lockdown protests in Brussels right now!

    Denmark: ‘Men in Black’ hold anti-COVID restrix demo in Copenhagen

    Protests against renewed Covid-19 restrictions turned violent in The Hague. The unrest comes a day after several demonstrators in another Dutch city, Rotterdam, were injured amid police gunfire.

    Hundreds of ‘anti-vaccine passport’ protesters marched through Oxford Street in London on Saturday to demonstrate against the government’s COVID-19 mandate, including child vaccination.

    Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday – watch!

    Tens of thousands march ‘for freedom’ in Australian cities .Protesters thronged the streets of Australian cities on Saturday, demanding an end to what they called the “tyranny” and “oppression” of lockdowns, vaccine mandates

    Protesters are take to the streets of Rome on Saturday, November 20, to demonstrate against the mandatory requirement for workers in Italy to have the so-called ‘Green Pass,’ a digital or paper certificate showing proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or recovery from COVID-19.

    France: Yellow Vests 3rd anniv. Paris: tear gas, clashes with police – WATCH! The Yellow Vest movement has called on supporters to protest against mandatory vaccinations, jabs for children

    Austria: Protesters scuffle with police at anti-COVID-restrictions rally in Vienna. The lockdown for all citizens will start from Monday, November 22

    France has imposed a CURFEW on its overseas territory of Guadeloupe and is sending extra police to the island, citing days of “violence,” unrest and vandalism in response to harsh pandemic restrictions.

    Two WOUNDED after shots fired at Covid protest in Netherlands

    The U.S. Court of Appeals temporarily suspends Biden’s mandate for vaccines for business.

    Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for violating Covid rules have had their bank accounts raided and their property seized.

    The fully vaccinated Mayor of Los Angeles Garcetti tested positive for Covid, he is isolated.

    The Newsmax host stated that he “will not comply” with vaccination requirements after the network announced that all employees need to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

    Hillary Clinton and Dr. Fauci met at the funeral of a fully vaccinated Colin Powell and discussed something for a long time.

    In a new publication, the CDC changes the definition of “vaccine” because the previous definition allowed people to “declare that the COVID-19 vaccine is not a vaccine.”

    Bill Gates calls on the US and the UK to spend billions of dollars to create a global pandemic task force that will practice “microbial games” in preparation for future pandemics or biological attacks.

    Dana White, the president of the UFC, will not require vaccination from fighters because they live in a “free country”.

    In Western Australia, there is reportedly no COVID, vaccination continues, but hospitals are overwhelmed.

    The Governor of Kansas opposes the Biden administration’s new vaccine mandate.

    248 employees of the Toronto City Hall have been suspended without pay for the lack of confirmation of vaccination against COVID-19.

    In Kazakhstan, unvaccinated people are prohibited from visiting shopping malls. Judging by the reaction in social networks, no one was upset, since the refusal to go to the shopping center is not a global problem for many.

    The shares of global vaccine companies are falling.

    Special COVID hoax news:

    Israel begins injecting #COVID19 vaccines in kids ages 5-11. As of yesterday, 3 million children age 5-11 have been vaccinated in the U.S. with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine.

    Press Sec. for Israeli PM: Vaccinated people now dying and going to hospital very sick:

    New York City, Olympia Washington, Minnesota protests against vaccine mandates.

    Austria 10-day Nationwide LOCKDOWN Begins – with apology to vaccinated citizens.Protesters scuffle with police at anti-COVID-restrictions rally in Vienna. The lockdown for all citizens will start from Monday, November 22:

    Australia: Tens of thousands march ‘for freedom’ in Australian cities. Protesters thronged the streets of Australian cities on Saturday, demanding an end to what they called the “tyranny” and “oppression of lockdowns, vaccine mandates:

    Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday .Protesters marched across the city centre with banners decrying the proposed COVID rules, requiring proof of vaccination or recovery to access the public places:

    Brussels: Tear gas vs barricades – Tensions flare during anti-lockdown protests in Brussels right now!

    Denmark: ‘Men in Black’ hold anti-COVID restrix demo in Copenhagen:

    The Hague: Protests against renewed Covid-19 restrictions turned violent in The Hague. The unrest comes a day after several demonstrators in another Dutch city, Rotterdam, were injured amid police gunfire:

    London: Hundreds of ‘anti-vaccine passport’ protesters marched through Oxford Street in London on Saturday to demonstrate against the government’s COVID-19 mandate, including child vaccination:

    Amsterdam: Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday – watch!:

    Italy: Protesters are take to the streets of Rome on Saturday, November 20, to demonstrate against the mandatory requirement for workers in Italy to have the so-called ‘Green Pass,’ a digital or paper certificate showing proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or recovery from COVID-19. Italy protesting the Health Pass for the 18th weekend in a row:

    France: Yellow Vests 3rd anniv. Paris: tear gas, clashes with police – WATCH! The Yellow Vest movement has called on supporters to protest against mandatory vaccinations, jabs for children. France has imposed a CURFEW on its overseas territory of Guadeloupe and is sending extra police to the island, citing days of “violence,” unrest and vandalism in response to harsh pandemic restrictions:

    Netherlands: Two WOUNDED after shots fired at Covid protest in Netherlands:

    Millions are on the streets around the world:

  39. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 23 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    A team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have started the Nuremberg 2.0 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity – including their mandates of deadly Covid vaccines.

    CNN TO Face Lawsuit For Illegally Targeting Children With COVID Jabs:

    Graphene Oxide has now been confirmed to be found in vax vials, in masks, in swabs and now in hand sanitizer! They want to drown us in Graphene Oxide! What on earth is the purpose of this highly conductive material to be present in all aspects of this scamdemic?

    COVID-19 vaccine mRNAs “dramatically increase markers of endothelial inflammation and the risk of acute coronary syndrome (ACS),” measured by the PULS cardiology test, a study recently published in Circulation, the most prestigious cardiology journal, showed.

    OSHA is still trying to force citizens to get the deadly Vaxx. Forcing citizens to receive dangerous, experimental gene therapy shots for a flu that is over 99% survivable, is a direct violation of the Nuremberg codes and is both unconstitutional and unethical. The death shot has caused hundreds of thousands of fatalities worldwide. If you are complicit in this vaccine mandate, you are a murderer and will be held accountable by God Almighty as well as prosecuted to the fullest extension of the law.

    Press Sec. for Israeli PM: Vaccinated people now dying and going to hospital very sick:

    New York City, Olympia Washington, Minnesota protests against vaccine mandates.

    Austria 10-day Nationwide LOCKDOWN Begins – with apology to vaccinated citizens.Protesters scuffle with police at anti-COVID-restrictions rally in Vienna. The lockdown for all citizens will start from Monday, November 22:

    Australia: Tens of thousands march ‘for freedom’ in Australian cities. Protesters thronged the streets of Australian cities on Saturday, demanding an end to what they called the “tyranny” and “oppression of lockdowns, vaccine mandates:

    Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday .Protesters marched across the city centre with banners decrying the proposed COVID rules, requiring proof of vaccination or recovery to access the public places:

    Brussels: Tear gas vs barricades – Tensions flare during anti-lockdown protests in Brussels right now!

    Denmark: ‘Men in Black’ hold anti-COVID restrix demo in Copenhagen:

    The Hague: Protests against renewed Covid-19 restrictions turned violent in The Hague. The unrest comes a day after several demonstrators in another Dutch city, Rotterdam, were injured amid police gunfire:

    London: Hundreds of ‘anti-vaccine passport’ protesters marched through Oxford Street in London on Saturday to demonstrate against the government’s COVID-19 mandate, including child vaccination:

    Amsterdam: Thousands rally in Amsterdam against COVID restrictions on Saturday – watch!:

    Italy: Protesters are take to the streets of Rome on Saturday, November 20, to demonstrate against the mandatory requirement for workers in Italy to have the so-called ‘Green Pass,’ a digital or paper certificate showing proof of vaccination, a recent negative test, or recovery from COVID-19. Italy protesting the Health Pass for the 18th weekend in a row:

    France: Yellow Vests 3rd anniv. Paris: tear gas, clashes with police – WATCH! The Yellow Vest movement has called on supporters to protest against mandatory vaccinations, jabs for children. France has imposed a CURFEW on its overseas territory of Guadeloupe and is sending extra police to the island, citing days of “violence,” unrest and vandalism in response to harsh pandemic restrictions:

    A sharp decrease in the incidence of COVID-19 in Japan occurred due to the self-destruction of the delta strain of coronavirus. This opinion was expressed by a professor at the National Institute of Genetics.

    The Italian government is abandoning plans to tighten the rules of covid-isolation.

    Fauci says he is concerned about the increasing number of hospitalizations among people fully vaccinated against COVID-19. He also said that Biden is ready to change the definition of the term “fully vaccinated”, including booster vaccinations.

    “Vaccines” against Covid-19 are programmed to self-destruct the human body. In this article, Dr. Christian Fiala, founder and medical director of the Gymned Clinic in Vienna, clearly describes how mRNA “vaccines” work and the risks associated with them.”First of all, our immune system is very complex. The identification of a pathogen or a foreign cell on its cell surface and the destruction of the cell carrying these antigens – this is the basis of vaccination. To do this, the pathogen is usually inactivated so that it can no longer cause infection. The most important feature of the immune system is the strict differentiation between the body’s own and foreign cells. This is the only way to live in good health. It is this essential difference and the basis of life that is being questioned by the injection that we are currently experiencing and which is being distributed under the name “vaccination” against Covid-19. The spike proteins that have become famous are a characteristic that allows you to recognize the corona virus, an antigen.

    A war against one’s own side. When the Covid-19 virus enters the body, the immune system recognizes the invader by the spike protein antigen and destroys the invader or already infected cells. With mRNA “vaccination” against Covid-19, for the first time in history, the body’s cells are intentionally programmed genetically through mRNA to produce a spike protein as an antigen (foreign) on their surface, even if they are absolutely healthy and not infected with the virus. The mechanism of action of the “vaccination” against Covid-19 is to label healthy cells as foreign. As a result, the immune system reacts immediately; it recognizes the antigen as foreign, produces antibodies to fight it and destroys the spike protein by destroying the cell that carries it.This means that the “vaccination” tricks our immune system into attacking and destroying our own healthy cells. In the army, this is called “shooting at your own”. This poses a radical danger not only to our health, but also to our survival. We know this phenomenon from autoimmune diseases. They are rare, but usually serious and can be fatal.

    Disney cancels employee vaccination requirements thanks to a new law by Florida Governor DeSantis.

    Special COVID hoax news:

    Government Mandated Lockdowns: Nick Fleming Update: Something to Think about | Operation Disclosure Official

    11/22/2021 Something To Think About

    Government mandated lock down is happening all over the world and coming to US shortly. Within weeks we’ll have this horrific push. In Austria, the Covid Antigen tests are required every 2 days to any that/don’t want don’t have vaccine – in Netherlands, UK, Australia, all over the world. And the government is not paying for it. These people are against the forced coercion. They are against the subterfuge. Pfizer signed with the US Government, a 55 year waiver to all liability from the vaccine. In “Occupied Europe” the pressure is intense. It’s impossible to fathom how we can move from normalcy to insanity so quickly but here it is. It’s coming to US in a matter of weeks.

    In Europe the people are required to carry passes to allow dining in restaurants, to allow shopping in grocery stores, visiting malls. People are being stopped in the street to check their vaccine passport.

    GOOGLE is taking over every app on “Smart Phones” cataloging/registering/reporting everything. This is tracking every movement, every conversation, text, comment – looking for what? Coercion, forced action, absolute adherence to these Draconian measures, is standard operating procedure. The German Health Minister said, “By the end of this winter all Germans will either be vaccinated, cured or dead.” The Paris Health Minister, discussing separating the vaxxers from those who are vaxxed said, “How do we eliminate these anti-vaxxers?” The French Military have said, “Good luck with that, we won’t be checking people’s health pass.”

    The push is on for the US to conform to these WEF, WHO, UN mandated standards and with this Administration, its obviously headed that way. This Global Theft of Every Individual’s Sovereign Freedoms is amazing in that it’s such a well-orchestrated global totalitarian takeover using a mass hypnotic message, “the VAX stops infection.” According to an Israeli study of 600,000, so does natural immunity – but natural immunity is 20 times greater at fighting Covid than the VAX. This Globalists Agenda though, won’t allow this message to be shared.

    The best hope here is that we are in a week of FRESH STARTS. The US Constitution stands for Freedom from Tyranny, Freedom from Royal Decree, and Freedom from all of the incredible overreach being forced out now. If Tuesday tells the story we’re expecting then Wednesday brings blessed relief.

    Professor: Vaccinated People Have ‘Relevant Role’ in Spreading COVID-19:

  40. The fake coronavirus and the missing study: the secret in plain sight
    Oct 12, 2020 by Jon Rappoport.

    Does the Virus Exist? SARS-CoV-2 Has Not Been Isolated? “Biggest Fraud in Medical History”/ By Prof. Chossudovsky
    By Contributing Writers – October 10, 2021

  41. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 24 Nov. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    “We have to love our freedom more than we fear a germ.”
    …Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    Nuremburg 2.0 trials have already been initiated: A team of 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have started the Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity – including their mandates of deadly Covid vaccines.

    The CDC just quietly admitted that the vaccines cause Myocarditis.

    Sweden did not vaccinate nor mask children and there were ZERO deaths from Covid among children.

    Switzerland, Zurich – Anti-Covid Protests Continue.

    Vax Bottles with Code for Placebo, Vax or Kill Shot:

    Dr. Fauci Wants Lifetime Booster Shots:

    Professor: Vaccinated People Have ‘Relevant Role’ in Spreading COVID-19:

    A nurse who has worked in the intensive care unit for more than two decades reports alarming negligence, which she witnessed and which she was subjected to in the hospital department during the “pandemic” of the Coronavirus.

    “Covid injections kill healthy young people at an unprecedented rate and deplete the natural immune system,” warns Helen Smith, a nurse with extensive work experience who suffered psychological trauma from what she observed and experienced while working in the intensive care unit during the “pandemic”.

    “I have been working as a nurse for almost 25 years. I spent most of my career in the intensive care unit. I’ve never seen anything like this in my entire career,” Smith admits. “They don’t allow doctors to do what they want to do to help patients. Everything is regulated by the authorities in hospitals.”

    Before the introduction of the Covid vaccine, patients actually died not from the virus, but from medical negligence, Smith explains. “They were dying because doctors immediately intubated patients and supplied them with Remdesivir, an expensive drug that does nothing to treat Covid or respiratory disease, but is capable of shutting down organs,” says the nurse.

    During the first wave of Covid, doctors suddenly abandoned the protocol that was usually used for patients suffering from severe respiratory illness and were instructed to follow rules equivalent to carrying out mass killings. “A big part of why people died from Covid-19 was that they injected people with Remdesivir and intubated them. The only drug they’ve given people is Remdesivir, and we’re still using it. Remdesivir costs $5,000 per package and does not affect anything. It can turn off your organs. Many patients with Coronavirus who have received Remdesivir go on dialysis,” Smith reports. “Intubation of patients is, in fact, a death sentence, especially with the delta option, we save very few.”

    “At some point, one of our doctors started giving patients Ivermectin because he had great success in his outpatient clinic, and he coped. The clinic’s management threatened to fire him if he continued to do this. He was not in the mood for confrontation and agreed to continue working.”

  42. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 25, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Dr. Robert Malone has accused Dr. Fauci and the team of killing at least 500,000 Americans since the beginning of the pandemic: Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, spoke out after “Dr.” Fauci attacked Navarro for “spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.” Dr. Malone, in turn, accused Fauci of patronage and lying. “He gets a gold star for lying… For some reason, all the distortions he makes serve the interests of large pharmaceutical companies. Listen, Tony, there are more than half a million deaths from this virus in the United States, which is completely unnecessary because the federal government is very actively blocking the ability of doctors to provide vital medicines in the early stages of infection. They have established a policy according to which doctors should not treat on an outpatient basis, they should only treat in a hospital. And you are allowed only when your body is quite effectively destroyed by the virus. And that’s why we have such a high mortality rate.”

    Deaths among children are 44% higher than the 5-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 Vaccine.

    Stew Peters Show: Exclusive Leaked Pfizer Emails Reveal Graphene Oxide Cover-Up With Dr. David Martin (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    Africa is only vaccinated by 6%, but Covid has practically disappeared. Scientists are “puzzled.” The only regions of the world where mass diseases and mortality are observed are those that promote “vaccination.”


    What the Military is telling the depressed people of Melbourne, Australia who have been in lockdown for weeks: “All this will stop when we ourselves decide that it’s time to end all this, when we deprive them of their tools. If this continues, it will kill us all. It’s not about health or illness. They want to destroy human existence, you know? Starting today, stop your (work) activities. It doesn’t matter what excuse you find – depression, unused vacation, overtime. Just don’t work until Christmas. Block the whole country before Christmas, take it out of control. And it will all end, and you will win!”

    Australian Federal Senator Bob Katter says there are eight people working in his election headquarters. Of these: – Two died shortly after vaccination – Two remained disabled – Three have lifelong serious health problems – One was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit and is in critical condition.

    As if things couldn’t get any worse, they are now targeting the indigenous tribal communities in Australia with an army presence. This isn’t the first time this has happened, going back to the 1700’s they were forced into genocide by British invaders. Australia is part of the commonwealth, one of the Five Eyes nations that is under control by the British Crown Corporation, people need to understand their history because it’s repeating itself.


    1:27 – Why did I write this book

    3:30 – FDA receives 45% of it’s budget from BigPharma

    4:36 – CDC and NIH own thousands of vaccine patents

    6:38 – The Kennedy Family’s deep entanglements and knowledge of Fauci and the heath agencies

    7:41 – Fauci has transformed the NIH into an incubator for pharmaceutical products

    8:08 – Since Fauci came on board in 1968, we went from 6% of Americans with chronic disease, to (by 2006) 54%

    8:59 – Vaccines and Autism – it went from 1 in 10,000 in RFK’s generation, to 1 in 34

    11:07 – Environmental Toxins

    12:14 – We went from 3 vaccines, to the 72 doses of 16 required vaccines

    12:39 – 1986 The Vaccine Act

    15:58 – Gold Rush

    18:01 – The lack of safety testing

    20:52 – VAERS

    23:59 – HHS Study

    25:21 – CDC Coverup

    26:46 – Fauci & Bill Gates

    28:09 – Philanthrop Capitalism

    37:09 – Tribalism

    39:28 – Coup d’etat

    45:52 – 2nd Amendment

    48:09 – Read the last chapter

    The White House Vaccination Coordinator, Dr. Bechara Chukayr, will leave his post on Monday.

    French Prime Minister Jean Castex, who received two doses of the vaccine, tested positive for Covid-19.

    Lawyer and economist Peter Navarro: “Millions died because the “sociopath” Fauci hid details about the laboratory in Wuhan from the Trump administration.”

  43. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 26, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Canada: 13 year old at the hospital after getting the shot, her heart keeps stopping and she can’t breathe on her own now.

    The CDC just quietly admitted that the vaccines cause Myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle leading to heart attacks and sometimes death).

    63% UK COVID Hospitalizations: Vaccinated & COVID Jab Can Induce Immune Suppression 50% of the time.

    Portugal, one of the most vaccinated countries in the world, declares state of emergency and imposes new restrictions to curb the sudden surge of #COVID19 cases.

    Ulhasnagar: Slum kids make COVID SWAB KITS in Ulhasnagar !!

    Michael Flynn says that Covid was intentionally released on the world by “Global Elites,” but “their little plan with Covid didn’t work” because “digital warriors” exposed the truth. Now he says the “elites” are about to unleash another virus to control the population.

  44. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 27, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Dr. Vernon Coleman feels the vaccines must be stopped now and quoted from the Medical Journal that the vaccine was a kill shot, “We conclude that the mRNA vaccine dramatically increases inflammation on the endothelium, and T-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

    Omnicron will be used to scare the general populace as people go through the normal cycles of getting sick through the winter. The common cold now has dystopian branding, and that will never stop while the vaccine manufacturers are raking in billions with their fear campaigns.

    Dr. McCullough states that Big Pharma laws are being broken by the biased advertising on CNN and Sesame Street seducing children to take the vaccine without any regard for harm or remorse. He says no rational person would go on TV and do that. Dr. McCullough states that Every school that mandates children get vaccinated, that school should be held accountable by the parents by directly causing harm due to any student that suffers Myocarditis.,14fbdea2,15029ed2&ns_mail_uid=c4c7eecf-ba73-4dd7-8004-fd6711c8cf89&ns_mail_job=DM278901_11262021&s=acs&dkt_nbr=010102dgvghp

    Markets Rocked as Asia, Europe Tighten Curbs as New Covid Variant Emerges

    Retired Slovenian Nurse Says 30% Of Population Getting Vaccine Placebo (August 2021):

    Trigger for Mossad Mockingbird Media Change of narrative (vax no longer works, stay indoors stay safe) to facilitate imminent worldwide Lockdown.

    WHO hosts special meeting on worrying new COVID-19 variant. Advisers to the World Health Organisation are holding a special session to flesh out information:

    Lawmakers Tell Biden to Halt Mandate: Nearly 200 State Lawmakers Tell Biden to Immediately Halt Vax Mandate

    The Real News for Fri. 26 Nov. 2021:

    Passengers from South Africa are currently not allowed to exit the plane in Amsterdam amid fears over the new variant.

    The fire rises for the 4th night in Martinique (A French Island). People are rebelling against vaccine passport. The government has issued a state of emergency and curfew but it doesn’t appear to be effective.

    Israel bans travel from South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, and Eswatini amid new variant.

    UK bans flights from South Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Botswana, Eswatini, and Zimbabwe from midday on Friday amid new variant.

    U.S. bans travel from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique, and Malawi amid #Omicron variant starting Monday.

    BioNTech/Pfizer expects lab test data on the impact of the “new variant” within 2 weeks; then decide whether the vaccine “may require an adjustment.”

    New York ER Closes As Employees Refuse To Comply With Vaccine Mandate:

    The new variant hysteria comes from the same Gates-funded Imperial College that has been wrong about every prediction made since the start of covid-19.:

    Bitcoin tumbled almost 8% on Friday after the discovery of a new, potentially vaccine-resistant coronavirus variant saw investors dump riskier assets: vaccinated Canadian singer Bryan Adams tests positive for #COVID19 for the second time in a month.

    How COVID Lockdowns Destroy Small Businesses and Aggravate Income Inequality:

    Pfizer & Moderna Stocks BOOSTED after New Covid Strain Discovery. Pfizer stock has jumped 6.75% to a record high of $54.94 on Friday:

    Here we go again! Key US oil index sees prices slump by 10.5% as COVID ‘Nu’ variant sparks fears of fresh downturn, while Boeing stuck also plunges as US bans travel from eight African countries:

    Dr. Peter McCullough: Booster Shot So Much Worse Than First 2 Doses:

    il Donaldo Trumpo: “The new variant is bullshito by the way…”

    Gateway Pundit: There Are Now 365 Studies that Prove the Efficacy of Ivermectin and HCQ in Treating COVID-19:

    RedPillPharmacy: Birds of a feather flock together!!!! Gates sent more than $54m to Wuhan

  45. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 28, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Trump +Q Great Awakening: The new variant hysteria comes from the same Gates-funded Imperial College that has been wrong about every prediction made since the start of Covid-19. The corporate media and compliant governments jump on the hysteria just in time for the global booster shot propaganda push as the northern hemisphere enters winter Covid season. It’s all lies, fear, and nonsense made up by the Pharma-industrial complex.

    It’s starting…11 year-old Massachusetts girl within 5 minutes of her Pfizer vaccine: Couldn’t “feel her ears,” Became unconscious, Had a seizure lasting 5 minutes, Asked mom to “make it stop.”

    Covid 19 Variant:

    10 doctors who discovered cancer enzymes in vaccines have been found dead or missing.

    ‘Omicron’ Covid variant could be worst-ever – making vaccines 40% less effective, scientists say. The UK Health Sec. sounded the alarm over the new B.1.1.529 variant of Covid – warning it could be more vaccine resistant and transmissible than any version before. “Our scientists are deeply concerned about this variant. I’m concerned, of course, that’s one of the reasons we have taken this action today,” the Health Sec. Sajid Javid said. Multiple countries banned flights from southern Africa Friday, where the variant was first detected.

    Anti Virus Frequency – Immune System Booster – Cleanse Infections, Virus, Bacteria, Funga:

    Naturally Immune Little Risk:

    California Town Declares Independence From ‘Dictatorship Powers’ of State, Federal COVID Mandates:

    A man, seriously ill in hospital with Covid on a ventilator with only a 10-15 percent chance of survival was REFUSED IVERMECTIN!!! The patient’s daughter took the hospital to court to force them to administer IVERMECTIN.The judge ordered the hospital to ‘move aside’ and let an UNVACCINATED doctor administer IVERMECTIN to the patient. By all accounts he is now FULLY RECOVERED!!!

    Britain on Saturday confirmed its first two cases of the new Omicron strain of Covid-19, both linked to travel from southern Africa.

    Israeli “Real-time News” reports: “Urgent! 500% increase in deaths of FIFA players in 2021.” Since December, 183 professional athletes and coaches have suddenly lost consciousness. 108 of them died. According to the literature, the phenomenon when an athlete faints for reasons unrelated to injury is rare. So what was the cause of this sudden epidemic? Each of us knows the answer to this question.

    Cellular and molecular biologist, Dr. Christina Parks opposes the “one-size-fits-all” approach used by the medical community in relation to Covid-19. “We have treatment methods. There are other ways, but our doctors are no longer doctors. They are told from above what they should do. And they are rowing everyone under the same comb.” This is very important to understand and realize today – many of the doctors are no longer doctors. They sold out for a warm place, a big salary, someone was intimidated, someone does not even want to understand the situation and joins the herd. There are many reasons. Mafia in white coats is a more accurate definition for such “doctors”. But it’s a good thing that not all of them turned out to be corrupt. Honest specialists who care about what is happening stand up and tell the truth no matter what.

  46. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 29, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Omicron news triggers BLOODBATH in crypto market. The world’s number-one digital asset, bitcoin, has entered bear-market territory, having dropped 20% from its all-time high of around $69,000, as fears over the new Omicron coronavirus variant threw global investors into a panic. The price of bitcoin fell below $54,000, marking a daily drop of nearly 8%. The slide to $54,321 brought it to its lowest level since early October.

    South Africa: Omicron Pretty Mild So Far, Say South African Health Experts: Symptoms linked to the omicron coronavirus variant have been mild so far, according to a Covid-19 adviser to the South Africa government and the Pretoria doctor who first sounded the alarm.

    South African doctor who discovered “Omicron variant” says there’s nothing to worry about, only has very mild symptoms.

    The South African Medical Association has debunked hysteria about the Omicron variant of Covid-19. Angelika Kutzi, chairman of the South African Medical Association, which was the first to raise the alarm about the new variant, reported interesting information and now says that the new variant, known as “Omicron”, causes”unusual but mild symptoms.”

    “This disease is mild, with symptoms of muscle pain and fatigue during a day or two of poor health. At the moment, we have found that infected people do not lose either taste or smell. They may have a slight cough. There are no pronounced symptoms. Some of those infected are currently being treated at home,” Dr. Kutzi said.

    “Yes, it is transmitted, but at the moment, as practitioners, we don’t know why there is such a fuss, as we are still studying it. We will find out about it only in two or three weeks, as there are several patients admitted, and these are young people aged 40 and younger, ” she added.

    Dr. Kutzi also said that about two dozen of her patients were tested for the Omicron variant, mostly healthy men who came just “feeling tired.” Dr. Kutzi disagrees with other countries that ban flights from Africa, arguing that it is “premature because there is not enough information about how dangerous it is.”

    It is starting! Get ready for lockdown 2.0. They are closing borders again. Israel and some other countries To Ban Entry Of Foreigners From All Countries Over Omicron:

    Covid live news: UK, Germany and Italy detect Omicron cases; Israel bans all visitors | World news | The Guardian

    World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India. The Indian Bar Association have filed murder charges in India’s High Court against two billionaires responsible for murder via the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection:

    There was a 5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021. There are 183 professional athletes and coaches who have suddenly collapsed! 108 of them died! According to the literature, the phenomenon of collapsing athlete breakdown for reasons unrelated to injury is rare. So what is causing this sudden epidemic? List of 74 Athletes Collapsing/Dying as of 11/8/21:

    Netherlands and Denmark: At least 15 cases of the new Omicron Covid-19 variant have been confirmed in two EU nations – 13 in the Netherlands and 2 more in Denmark, their health authorities said on Sunday. All cases were discovered in airline passengers arriving from Africa.

    Australia: Health officials in Australia said that they’ve detected two cases of the Omicron variant in travelers from southern Africa.

    Morocco: suspends all flights due to Omicron variant.

    UK: Schools may have to break up early for Christmas as surge in Covid cases wreaks havoc in classrooms:

    Chaos at Johannesburg airport as airlines cancel flights due to new COVID variant.

    List of countries with confirmed cases of Omicron variant of Coronavirus:

    – South Africa

    – Botswana

    – UK

    – Netherlands

    – Germany

    – Hong Kong

    – Italy

    – Belgium

    – Israel

    – Denmark

    – Czech Republic

    – Australia

    – Canada

    Chaos at Johannesburg airport as airlines cancel flights due to new COVID variant. Passengers were stranded at Johannesburg airport on Saturday as airlines cancelled their flights to Europe, after the EU’s imposition of ban on inbound travel from South Africa due to the detection of a new variant of COVID-19. The new variant, known as ‘Omicron’ (B.1.1.529), was classed on Thursday as a ‘variant of concern’ by the World Health Organization (WHO) and contains “a large number of mutations, some of which are concerning.”As a response to the emergence of the new virus, the European Commission on Friday announced a new set of restrictions on access into the EU from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique and Namibia. In a similar move, the UK added ten countries to its red list.

    WHO handed over 50 million smallpox vaccines to Africans and already on May 11, 1987, an article under this heading was published in the British The Times: “The smallpox vaccine caused a wave of infections with the AIDS virus.”

    ▪️The risk of Covid infection gradually increases after the second inoculation of the Pfizer vaccine, according to a new study.

    ▪️Israel closes borders to foreigners for two weeks because of a new strain – the decision was approved by the ministerial commission on combating coronavirus at an emergency meeting.

    ▪️The UK reports the third confirmed case of a new strain of Omicron, several suspected cases of the disease are being investigated in the country.

    ▪️Morocco suspends all incoming flights due to the new Omicron option.

    ▪️The Czech Republic is investigating a suspicious case of infection with the omicron variety Covid.

    ▪️The Dutch health authorities said that, judging by the results of the first tests, among the approximately 600 passengers who arrived at Amsterdam airport Schiphol on Friday on two flights from South Africa, probably dozens of people are infected with the Covid-19 virus.

    ▪️The countries of the Middle East “are not going to take risks with the Omicron virus variant” and impose travel restrictions.

    ▪️President Jair Bolsonaro said that Brazil and the world cannot cope with a new vicious circle, as his country’s health regulator proposed on Friday to suspend flights from South Africa due to fears of a new variant of Covid.

    ▪️The first case of the disease has been identified in Europe, and global travel bans are intensifying due to concerns about the new option. All EU countries agree to impose a travel ban from South Africa because of the new COVID variety.

    ▪️Canadian politician Peter Guthrie condemns Covid mandates promoted by his party: “The view shared by many Albertans is that we should have less government interference in our personal and business lives, not more.”

    ▪️In Dubai, booster doses of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine will be available six months after the second dose for those 18 years and older.

    ▪️The French scientific journal The Lancet: “It was expected that a high level of vaccination against Covid-19 would reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among the population by reducing the number of possible sources of transmission and thus reduce the burden of the disease. However, recent data show that the epidemiological significance of people vaccinated against Covid-19 is increasing.”

    Special COVID hoax news:

    Doctors by the Hundreds Testify of CV-19 Vaccine Hoax | Politics | Before It’s News (

    England’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said it is “inevitable” the Omicron variant will spread across the world over the next few days.

    There was never any test to confirm any new variants, and there was never an accurate test for “Covid”. The White House has released a 360 word statement from Joe Biden on the new variant and his announcement to level a travel ban “as a precautionary measure until we have more information”

  47. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 30, Nov 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Fauci, the Truth Exposed, Charlie Ward:

    Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals BLOCKS San Diego Unified’s student COVID-19 vaccine mandate from going into effect — one day before the school district’s deadline for students to get their first dose.

    Sen Rand Paul has laid into Anthony Fauci again for “the absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science” after the White House medical adviser suggested Republicans were trying to make him a scapegoat.“It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity,” Paul tweeted. Sen Ted Cruz also tweeted that Fauci was “an unelected technocrat who has distorted science and facts in order to exercise authoritarian control over millions of Americans.”

    Healing from the MRNA Vaccine:

    Doctors Testify of Vaccine Hoax: Doctors by the Hundreds Testify of CV-19 Vaccine Hoax | Politics | Before It’s News (

    England’s Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty said it is “inevitable” the Omicron variant will spread across the world over the next few days.

    Pain Relief Drug Induces Risky Behavior:

    There was never any test to confirm any new variants, and there was never an accurate test for “Covid”. The White House has released a 360 word statement from Joe Biden on the new variant and his announcement to level a travel ban “as a precautionary measure until we have more information”

    One of the thousands of proofs that everything was planned in advance and does not happen by chance. On March 28, 2016, Dr. Peter Dashak, a scientist who worked closely with Fauci, described in detail how scientists can create a virus in a Chinese laboratory that will lead to a global coronavirus pandemic:”We found many other coronaviruses in bats. Some of them were very similar to SARS, so we sequenced a spike protein that attaches to cells. Then we, well, I didn’t do this job, my colleagues in China did the job. You create pseudo-particles. You create spike proteins from these viruses that just bind to human cells. Every step of how you approach this virus can really become pathogenic to humans.”Today there is both documentation and e-mail confirming that “doctors” Peter Dashak and Fauci worked in collaboration with Chinese virologists at the Wuhan Virology Laboratory. I published all this on the channel earlier.

  48. Covid/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 1 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Covid Vaccine Causes Heart Problems/Death: Dr. Peter McCullough, Doctor of Medical Sciences, consultant cardiologist confirms that “now there are studies that show that the nanoparticles of the vaccine get directly into the heart. The heart expresses spike protein in its cells, and the immune system attacks the heart.” Thus, fatal Myocarditis occurs from an experimental drug.

    Through the Covid crisis People from every country have come together to form the biggest Patriot movement the world has ever known.

    Omnicron Hysteria was being made up much like the COVID scare, though African doctors testify of the mildness of the virus.

    The Truth Exposed on Fauci, Charlie Ward:

    Travis Scott Satanic Astroworld Human Sacrifice Concert by Frequency and Graphene Oxide Jab: “Graphene Oxide reacts to sound frequencies, and everyone who attended the Luciferian concert ritual had been double jabbed. Imagine what was happening inside them as Scott was causing the Nano-particles to attack their hearts. Was this human sacrifice by tonal vibration?”

    Home Recipe For Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ):

    Andrew Shepherd in FUCK the JAB, Glen Beck:

    More soldiers died from Vaccine than from Covid, Army Doctor Australia Intelligence: Chief Nurse claims Vax vials serial ending with No 1 is placebo, No 2 is mRNA Vax, No 3 is RNA stick containing ONC gene. Chief Nurse of the University Medical Center, Ljubljana Clinical Center, (who deals with the administration of vaccine vials and manages everything), quit her job, went in front of TV cameras and took out vaccine bottles. She showed the gathered journalists the codes on the bottles, each with the final number 1, 2, or 3 in the code, and then explained the meaning of these numbers. For these who get jabbed from vial whose code ends in the number 3, she says people who received them will have soft tissue cancer within 2 years. She said that she had personally witnessed the vaccinations of all politicians and tycoons and that they all received the preparation number 1.

    Oct. 2019 Fauci Planned the Pandemic: see Fauci 7:16, 2:54-4:46, 5:20-5:50

    All over a world: Many Protests especially France, Australia, Sudan and Bucharest, Romania. People wanting NEW Governments, know that the Covid-19 thing is a scam.

    “There is no alternative to the compulsory vaccination” of the general population in #Austria, confirm health minister Mückstein and constitution minister Edtstadler (Krone)

    Moderna’s CEO set off fresh alarm bells in financial markets after he warned that COVID vaccines were unlikely to be as effective against the Omicron variant as they have been against the Delta – Reuters

    Israel’s domestic intelligence agency has been granted temp. permission to access the phone data of people in the country with confirmed cases of the Omicron variant for contact tracing – New York Times.

    Dr. Vernon Coleman feels the vaccines must be stopped now and quoted from the Medical Journal that the vaccine was a kill shot, “We conclude that the mRNA vaccine dramatically increases inflammation on the endothelium, and T-cell infiltration of cardiac muscle, and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

    Omnicron (new made-up Covid Variant) (See Below) will be used to scare the general populace as people go through the normal cycles of getting sick through the winter. The common cold now has dystopian branding, and that will never stop while the vaccine manufacturers are raking in billions with their fear campaigns.

    Global Summit on Covid:

    The new variant hysteria comes from the same Gates-funded Imperial College that has been wrong about every prediction made since the start of covid-19.

    New York ER Closes As Employees Refuse To Comply With Vaccine Mandate

    How COVID Lockdowns Destroy Small Businesses and Aggravate Income Inequality

    Dr. Peter McCullough: Booster Shot So Much Worse Than First 2 Doses

  49. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 1 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is blowing the whistle on Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Joe Biden’s foolhardly universal vaccination mandates, warning of “vaccine resistant mutations” of COVID-19 and economic destruction.

    On Sat. 27 Nov. 2021 Dr. ANDREAS NOVAK (Germany) was killed after he blew the whistle on the vaccines findings. His wife blames DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS which has been proven true in military and CIA operations. Are they tracking whistleblowers through their phones and location and killing through military High Technology direct energy WEAPONS?

    Dr. Andreas Noack: It’s been known that the Graphene Oxide in the vaccines are creating blood clots, heart attacks and nerve damage amongst other deadly issues. But what’s becoming clear is the how the Graphene Oxide is like razors in the blood cutting up the body and from the inside vein vessels, heart, brain and organs. “Graphene Hydroxide was found in all the vaccines studied. Graphene Oxide form structures in the blood stream approximately 50 nm wide and 0.1 nm thick. They are very thin but very strong. They act like little razor blades in the blood stream that can cut the blood vessels. They do not decompose. Once in the bloodstream they will be there forever (short of the person getting a blood transfusion to remove them). Their effect on the blood vessels is cumulative. The longer they stay in the bloodstream, the more damage will be done to the blood vessels over time.” Getting the Vax is like playing Russian Roulette. The people who die immediately or soon after getting the vax are like victims of Russian Roulette. It is when the Graphene Oxide hits the blood vessel wall immediately that causes the death or collapses immediately after getting the vax. Doctors performing autopsies on victims of the Vax are not going to find anything. These doctors are looking for something biological as the cause of death but the Graphene Hydroxide is not biological so it will not be visible in their tests. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death from the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do. As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood then you are a murderer. The question to ask the vaccine makers and the politicians is this: WHY ARE THESE RAZOR BLADES INSIDE THE VACCINES? How can they justify them being inside the vaccines? And now they want to force vaccinate children from age 5 with this horrible thing!

    Here’s How Much Money the Gates Foundation Has Sent to China Since COVID:

    The new Covid Variant is like watching a comedy show:

  50. Another SYSBM naysayer:

    What was this dude even saying? He was just all over the place with his rhetoric; as usual, it’s the ugly, dusty communitah eunuch who has something negative to say about SYSBM. Also, near the end you can hear a daggle screaming outside which, as he stated himself, defeated the point of his conversation.

  51. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 2 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Judy Note: In his new book Robert Kennedy Jr. reported that Anthony Fauci tortured and murdered at least 85 New York orphaned children in medical experiments in the 1980s. Other reports showed that over 200 children died. Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster Children – Over 200 Died | Politics | Before It’s News (

    Dr. Andreas Noack has reported that Graphene Oxide in the vaccines were creating blood clots, heart attacks, nerve damage and cancer amongst other deadly issues. The vaccines don’t have their ingredients listed on the label, were not approved by the FDA, were experimental only, have not been found to be effective in warding off CV-19 and contained nano particles that were dangerous to health. Dr. Daniel Nogase said the vaccines have caused still births. A Military doctor has stated that more troops have died from the vaccine than from Covid. A German Doctor was murdered just hours after publishing secrets of the vax:

    A judge has blocked Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers across the United States (Reuters).

    Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. claims Fauci is a child killer. Recent stories about the torture of beagles and macaques caused a great resonance on the Internet and Fauci was condemned. But even less is known to the public that this evil doctor conducted his monstrous experiments not only on animals. We are talking about the “medical” murders of at least 85 orphaned children in New York, children who were vulnerable, could not fight back and who could not be missed. This was reported earlier, but this case has not yet received such a resonance. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says Anthony Fauci is the American Josef Mengele. These statements are the subject of a new book by Robert F. In chapter seven, the Kennedy heir recounts stories about NIAID’s “barbaric and illegal experiments on children.”

    Kennedy claims Fauci used orphaned children as cheap testers for chemotherapy and harsh AIDS drugs. These children were buried in mass graves at the cemetery in Hawthorne, New York, Westchester County, and they were immediately forgotten about. Last month, Robert Kennedy gave an interview to journalist James Corbett, in which he outlined some key arguments from the book and specifically explained some facts:

    ▪️Fauci tested harsh chemotherapy drugs on orphaned children to determine their use for AIDS treatment in the 1980s.

    ▪️Fauci gained full control over foster families in 7 states of America.

    ▪️Children were tortured to death

    ▪️The children were denied guardians and any legal defenders.

    ▪️Feeding probes were installed for children who refused to take Fauci’s medications so that pharmaceutical companies could administer the drugs even when the children resisted.

    ▪️Most of the children did not have HIV/AIDS, they were simply used as guinea pigs to test whether they could survive after a harsh regimen of medication.

    ▪️At least 85 children died during these experiments.

    These statements are so frightening that hardly anyone will defend Fauci, but Jeanne Bergman, a writer and editor of Housing Works magazine, writes: “Should children of three, six or even 12 years decide whether they will take medications or not? Of course not, especially when irregular dosing can lead to the proliferation of drug-resistant HIV. All responsible parents and guardians understand that children cannot make decisive decisions about life and death for themselves, and the law also recognizes this fact, so that children can neither consent nor refuse medical care.”

    According to these defenders of Fauci, mandatory treatment of children was necessary. Refusal on the part of children is not allowed, and the use of force-feeding probes is preferable to giving children the opportunity to choose.

    CV-19 Patient Recovers After Hospital court-ordered to administer Ivermectin:

    Former White House trade adviser Peter Navarro is blowing the whistle on Dr. Anthony Fauci and President Joe Biden’s foolhardly universal vaccination mandates, warning of “vaccine resistant mutations” of COVID-19 and economic destruction.

    On Sat. 27 Nov. 2021 Dr. ANDREAS NOVAK (Germany) was killed after he blew the whistle on the vaccines findings. His wife blames DIRECT ENERGY WEAPONS which has been proven true in military and CIA operations. Are they tracking whistleblowers through their phones and location and killing through military High Technology direct energy WEAPONS?

    Dr. Andreas Noack: It’s been known that the Graphene Oxide in the vaccines are creating blood clots, heart attacks and nerve damage amongst other deadly issues. But what’s becoming clear is the how the Graphene Oxide is like razors in the blood cutting up the body and from the inside vein vessels, heart, brain and organs. “Graphene Hydroxide was found in all the vaccines studied. Graphene Oxide form structures in the blood stream approximately 50 nm wide and 0.1 nm thick. They are very thin but very strong. They act like little razor blades in the blood stream that can cut the blood vessels. They do not decompose. Once in the bloodstream they will be there forever (short of the person getting a blood transfusion to remove them). Their effect on the blood vessels is cumulative. The longer they stay in the bloodstream, the more damage will be done to the blood vessels over time.” Getting the Vax is like playing Russian Roulette. The people who die immediately or soon after getting the vax are like victims of Russian Roulette. It is when the Graphene Oxide hits the blood vessel wall immediately that causes the death or collapses immediately after getting the vax. Doctors performing autopsies on victims of the Vax are not going to find anything. These doctors are looking for something biological as the cause of death but the Graphene Hydroxide is not biological so it will not be visible in their tests. There are pictures of coagulated blood coming out of the nose. People bleed to death from the inside. Especially the top athletes who are dropping dead have fast flowing blood. The faster the blood flows, the more damage the razors will do. As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood then you are a murderer. The question to ask the vaccine makers and the politicians is this: WHY ARE THESE RAZOR BLADES INSIDE THE VACCINES? How can they justify them being inside the vaccines? And now they want to force vaccinate children from age 5 with this horrible thing!

    Here’s How Much Money the Gates Foundation Has Sent to China Since COVID:

    The new Covid Variant is like watching a comedy show:

    Judge blocks Biden’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers across the United States (Reuters).

    Australia: Thousands currently gathered at parliament House in Perth, Australia against Covid mandates, those who have already lost their jobs because of it, place down their uniforms.

    UK: Cancer breakthrough as ‘effective’ treatment targets ‘major cancers’ without side effects. CANCER researchers have developed a “very, very effective” new therapy, which they claim can switch off “most major human cancers.

  52. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 3 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Suspends Vaccine Mandate Enforcement:

    Proof Of The Graphene Oxide Wireless Network, The True Defender. The deadly shot is indeed the most sophisticated spying equipment – and that has been proven numerous times.

    FORBES CONFESSED: mRNA Alters Human DNA And Worsens The Situation!

    EXPOSED: Vaccinated Patients With MILD Symptoms From Omicron In Botswana! Unvaccinated, DON’T SHOW SYMPTOMS!

    Yet Another Doctor Proves The Real Covid Shot Agenda: Depopulation:

    Judge Blocks C-19 Vaccine Mandates On Healthcare Workers In 14 States!

    Triple-jabbed doctor says he caught omicron in UK. Cardiologist says he fell ill days after attending conference with more than 1,200 other people:

    Ted Cruz calls Fauci the “most dangerous bureaucrat” in US history. The Texas senator ripped into Dr. Anthony Fauci during an interview with FOX News’ Sean Hannity, after the NIAID head said he represented ‘science.’ “I don’t think anyone has hurt science, has hurt the credibility of the CDC, has hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci,” Cruz told the FOX host. Cruz was of course referring to when Fauci had said criticism directed towards him, was actually criticism of science, because “I represent science,” he told CBS Monday.

    Who exactly FUNDS the Center for Disease Control? All of the below companies have played a role in the pandemic and appear to have benefited GREATLY from it over the course of the last year and a half: More companies:








    -Bank of Commerce

    -Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation



    -Cambridge University Press


    -Charles Schwabb Corp

    -Cisco Systems

    -Citi Bank

    -Coca Cola


    -CNN/ Time Warner



    -Data Processing Management Inc


    -Delta Airlines

    -Diazyme Labs


    -E.T. enterprises







    -General Electric

    -General Mills

    -General Motors


    -Government of Canada

    -Hampton Inn

    -Hilton Hotels



    -Infectious Disease Counsultants Inc


    -Johnson and Johnson




    -Liberty Mutual


    – MailChimp








    -NY society of Infectious Diseases


    -NorthAmerican Vaccine Inc



    -Oxford University



    -Proctor&Gamble (PG)


    -Quaker Oats

    -Quest Diagnostics












    -Trojan Condoms







    -World Health Communications Inc

  53. Exposed: Klaus Schwab’s School For Covid Dictators, Plan for ‘Great Reset’ (several Videos) 11.10.21
    Davos, Switzerland: How is it that more than 190 governments from all over the world ended up dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic in almost exactly the same manner, with lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccination cards now being commonplace everywhere? The answer may lie in the Young Global Leaders school, which was established and managed by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, and that many of today’s prominent political and business leaders passed through on their way to the top.
    The German economist, journalist, and author Ernst Wolff has revealed some facts about Schwab’s “Young Global Leaders” school.
    The reason may be due to the contacts Schwab made during his university education, including studying with no less a person than former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. Wolff also points out that while Schwab was there, the Harvard Business School had been in the process of planning a management forum of their own, and it is possible that Harvard ended up delegating the task of organizing it to him. 
    The WEF succeeded in bringing together 440 executives from 31 nations already at its very first meeting in February 1971. Today, there are currently about 1,300 graduates of this school, such as Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy, and Tony Blair, and the list of alumni includes several names of those who went on to become leaders of the health institutions of their respective nations. Elites included are Bezos, gates, Newsome, politicians and heads of state; and corporations like Pfizer, BlackRock, BBC, CNN, IMF, Global leaders.
    An elite of super-wealthy and powerful individuals effectively control everything that goes on in politics, to the point that democracy as we knew it has been silently cancelled.

  54. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 4 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    WHO Says No Evidence Booster Vaccines Offer Protection to Healthy:

    Judge Orders Pfizer/FDA Docs Release: Shows Vaxx Killed Thousands In 1st Month!! – Alex Jones Must Video | Health | Before It’s News (

    Graphene Oxide Wireless Network:

    Medicare and Medicaid Services Suspend Vaccine Mandate Enforcement:

    Nevada Impose Surcharge on Unvaccinated Workers:

    Oklahoma Sued for Vaccine Mandate:

    Germany Enforces Lockdown for Unvaccinated:

    Ireland: Parents striking with their children in Dublin today against mask mandates for kids in schools.

    India: World’s first Covid Injection Murder Case against Bill Gates filed in India. The Indian Bar Association filed murder charges in India’s High Court against two billionaires responsible for murder via the AstraZeneca Covid-19 injection.

    Canada: Calgary Police officer of 24 years tells other officers not to bow to vaccine mandates.

    Australia: A massive protest against lockdowns and forced vaccinations at the Parliament building in Perth, Australia. People who lost their jobs because of vaccine mandates folded their uniforms on the steps. Firefighters, police officers, nurses and teachers are involved.

  55. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 5 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    This (past) week it was revealed that CV-19 was planned and human made.On March 28, 2016 Dr. Peter Dashak, a scientist who worked closely with Fauci, described in detail how scientists could create a virus in a Chinese laboratory that would lead to a global Coronavirus pandemic. All US Senators and House Representatives, plus all Congressional staff, 6,000 White House employees, all employees of Pfizer (2,500), Moderna (1,500) and Johnson & Johnson (120,000), 15,000 CDC workers and 14,000 FDA employees were totally exempt from having the vaccine. Not surprising since it has been proven to cause cancer, plus blood clotting leading to heart attacks.

    Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity finally Kicks Off in Poland:

    The Omicron Variant reportedly has mild symptoms like soreness and exhaustion – the same thing you’d feel after a hard day of work. No wonder Liberals are terrified of it.

    Data analysis showed that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines DO ALTER OUR DNA and they rapidly promote cancer formation.

    The FDA Slaps Major Warning About Pfizer Drug as Vaccine Reactions Come Under Scrutiny:

    CV-19: It was all planned and human made. On March 28, 2016 Dr. Peter Dashak, a scientist who worked closely with Fauci, described in detail how scientists can create a virus in a Chinese laboratory that will lead to a global Coronavirus pandemic:”We found many other Coronaviruses in bats. Some of them were very similar to SARS, so we sequenced a spike protein that attaches to cells. Then we, well, I didn’t do this job, my colleagues in China did the job. You create pseudo-particles. You create spike proteins from these viruses that just bind to human cells. Every step of how you approach this virus can really become pathogenic to humans.”Today there is both documentation and e-mail confirming that “doctors” Peter Dashak and Fauci worked in collaboration with Chinese virologists at the Wuhan Virology Laboratory.

    Glenn Beck: “The Government totally owns the vaccines. Here’s proof.”

    The following people are totally exempt from the ‘vaccine’: all US Senators and House Representatives plus all Congressional staff; 6,000 White House employees; all employees of Pfizer (2,500), Moderna (1,500), and Johnson & Johnson (120,000); 15,000 CDC workers; and 14,000 FDA employees.

    New Jersey GOP Lawmakers Defied COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate:

    More than 2,000 employees have filed a class action lawsuit against United Airlines for religious and medical discrimination over an unconstitutional mandatory vaccine. Captain Sherry Walker, co-founder of Airline Employees 4 Health Freedom, said many of her colleagues were fired by United for not wanting to go against their faith, or for being too sick to get an injection.”The stories are sad and evil. Our CEO is harming our people and perpetuating the destruction of our country for his profit,” she added. The lawsuit is sent to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals of the State of Louisiana. Below is a copy of the letter they sent to the legislators.

    The Real News for Sat. 4 Dec. 2021: Australia- massive protest in Australia against the mandate. Crowd singing “We’re not gonna take it.”

  56. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 5 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Australian CV Concentration Camps: Para Kas-Vetter: What on Earth is Going on at Binjari, Australia?

    Operation Disclosure | By Para Kas-Vetter, Contributing Writer

    Submitted on December 4, 2021

    What on earth is going on at Binjari, Australia?!!!!!!!

    We have indigenous people making videos crying out for help, SOS in desperately calling for help to save them.

    We now have three aboriginal teenagers who escaped what they say is a quarantine camp but is a concentration camp. These three aboriginals actually jumped a 5 meter high fence!!!!!!!! and escaped.

    They have no covid. And it is said there is experiments going on to create super-soldiers.

    What on earth is going on in Binjari, Australia for goodness sake?!!!!!!!!!!!

    The three teenagers have been captured. Why on earth is this a major alert if the teenagers are negative covid? Even though they should not be in there in the first place.

    How did they leap with such powers over a 5 meter fence like that?

    What are they doing there? Why the secrecy?

    Infowars released an article titled “Australia Freaks Out After Three Covid-Negative Teens Escape A Quarantine Camptating” stating that “Aged 15, 16 and 17, the teen boys are from an aboriginal community called Binjari where they were placed into the camp after being marked as close contacts of positive cases in the area.

    Despite the fact that all three escapees tested negative for Covid the day before they broke out, police conducted a major operation to find them.

    Masked officers stopped citizens at checkpoints and searched their vehicles for the runaway kids.”

    “NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner said, “Absconding from Howard Springs isn’t just dangerous — it is incredibly stupid. Because we will catch you and there will be consequences.”

    Natural News has also released an article of great concerns about what is happening at Northern Territory of Australia , titled “THE GREAT ESCAPE from Australia’s COVID concentration death camps”.

    “Three teenagers at the new Australian Covid Death Camp, who don’t even have Covid, scaled the concentration camp fence and escaped the dangerous leper colony ghetto, a quarantine prison near Darwin, in Australia’s Northern Territory.

    These teenagers were not convicted of a crime, and they’re not sick, and they’re not Jews living in the early 1940s in Germany. They are innocent teenagers trying to live their lives under a medical-police-state tyranny where the government pretends to be fighting the Covid “black plague” that has yet to kill a teenager anywhere.

    Only the Covid vaccines are killing healthy teenagers, athletes and military members in perfect condition. Now the Australian Covid Death Camps are set up to punish anyone who doesn’t fully believe in and bow down to the false narrative.

    Police recaptured the 3 teenaged escapees who fled Australian Death Camp called “Howard Springs Center for National Resilience”

    Police warned locals to evacuate the area where the teenagers who don’t have Covid escaped from the death camp. They are considered extremely dangerous fugitives of the state, who are “resilient” terrorist rebels because they’re not interested in getting experimental gene therapy clot shots they don’t need. Considerable law enforcement personnel and resources were used to recapture the healthy teenagers. Authorities had set up Nazi SS-Police checkpoints and now the 3 teenagers face thousands of dollars in fines and possibly life in prison (like the Jan. 6th peaceful US Capitol protestors) for disobeying direct government orders.

    Even though the teens have NOT yet tested positive for China Flu, the SS police claimed they might have come close to someone who did. Most PCR tests read false-positives for just about anything from a common head cold to seasonal influenza, or even bacterial infections of the mouth from wearing a Covid mask, but that doesn’t stop the authorities from making wild assumptions (not science backed at all) and imprisoning anyone they don’t like.

    What is this Gunner doing? Why are the Indigenous people alerting Australians and Internationally alerting urgent SOS to help them?

    What are the secret documents about that entail hybrid super-solder experiments using Indigenous People!!!!!!!!!!!!

    What is disturbing is according to What Does It Mean’s Article titled “US Military Created Covid Virus Morphs Into Omicron Variant Giving Teens Superpowers”.

    It quotes “According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified transcript permitted to be openly discussed among various ministries, it sees Security Council Members intently focused on a document prepared by the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) related to an event now known as the “Great Escape from Australia’s Covid concentration death camps”—an escape from a Covid concentration camp in Australia by 3 aboriginal teenage boys aged 15, 16 and 17, who were placed into the camp after being marked as close contacts of Covid positive person—an escape launching a nationwide manhunt that resulted in the capture and arrest of three teenage boys—and whose escape from this Covid concentration camp SVR analysts reveal came when all three of these aboriginal teenage boys “bounded in a single leap” a 5-meter (16-feet) fence—an exact translation from “odinochnyy pryzhok na 5 metrov” appearing in this transcript.

    With them having superpowers being the only logical way to explain these how three aboriginal teenage boys leapt this incredible height, it makes sense why the Australian government would launch a nationwide manhunt to find and capture them—and also explains why this transcript sees Security Council Members receiving a briefing from Russian multi-billionaire Dmitry Itskov, the leader of the “2045 Strategic Social Imitative”, whose “goal is to create and realize a new strategy for spiritual enlightenment of humanity based on five principles of high spirituality, culture, ethics, science, and technologies”, and today sees Itskov being one of the foremost experts in the world in the use of genetic manipulation to create superpower humans.”

    The article has also appeared on fourwinds10 that has been one of the most long time respected news that have been reporting for decades.

    What is even more interesting is that the teenagers are not the only ones that escaped or set fire to aspects of the concentration/quarantine camps.

    According to the following source Blue League Politics, they have reported in an article titled “Manhunt Ensues After Prisoners Escape Australian Coronavirus Quarantine Camp” the following:

    “A manhunt has proceeded after several prisoners(who haven’t been convicted of any crime) escaped from a mandatory quarantine prison near Darwin in Australia’s Northern Territory. Australian police captured three prisoners who fled after being incarcerated in the camp, which is known as “Howard Springs Center for National Resilience.”

    Police have indicated three youths scaled a fence keeping them inside the prison. The authorities warned locals to stay away from the area following the escape, with considerable law enforcement resources utilized to capture the dangerous fugitives. The three escapees were arrested later Wednesday, seeming not to make it far away from Howard Springs.

    Authorities set up checkpoints around Howard Springs after the escape. The three teenagers who escaped hadn’t even tested positive for the virus- they had close proximity to someone who did. Police sources indicate that the three youths were captured after a chase on foot. The youths could face fines amounting to thousands of dollars for disobeying the directive of an Australian health officer.

    Another man previously scaled the fence and attempted to escape through a waiting car in Darwin.

    These people didn’t choose to be there. Australians who return to the Northern Territory from overseas are required to conduct a quarantine at one of two facilities, for a mandatory duration of fourteen days.

    Australia has some of the most draconian and authoritarian coronavirus policies in the world, with law enforcement breaking up protests, surveilling critics of government policies, and ripping away freedoms from Australians who decline to receive the vaccine.”

    “So, if the government is treating people with so much respect and helping them fight for their lives, why are so many taking risks to get out of the camps?

    On Wednesday, a man in the Australian state of Tasmania was captured after escaping a quarantine hotel.

    A 27-year-old man managed to clandestinely leave the Howard Springs quarantine camp just days ago, but he was also caught by police.

    Last week, a woman was arrested and charged with arson in Queensland, Australia after allegedly setting fire to the hotel where she and her two kids were forced to quarantine for two weeks.

    A few weeks ago, Australian law enforcement vehemently searched for a 35-year-old woman who supposedly walked out of a quarantine hotel in South Australia.”

    Considering right now we have endless politicians in Australia stepping down, being removed, resigning, given notice for their arrest or to appear in court, reports are now coming out with 17 politicians in Parliament who are being investigated. Also there are evidence that state the number of Politicians who were on the sex crimes report for committing sexual crimes.

    We now have disturbing concerns about the Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner who is very fixated with the help of police and army that appears to be foreign and compromised personals, to ensure that all Indigenous people are experimented upon and locked up. Doesn’t he know that we have reached now the tipping point of do unto others as you want to be done unto you?

    Furthermore, there is also deep disturbing concerns with the Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan involved in the conspiracy.

    If there is no concern we would not be having Aboriginals/Indigenous desperately calling for SOS. And if there is no secrets then there should be no problem to investigate the locations of the concentration/quarantine camps to investigate what exactly is going on there.

    Who on earth is building those concentration/quarantine camps? Who is funding them? Who is behind it all? Who is controlling them?

    Are Aboriginals targeted?

    Para Kas-Vetter
    *”Philosophia” *Writer *Oracle *Spiritual *Creative

    Sòlance Voyage Gallery
    ‘Sacred Whispers’ ‘Sacred Journey’ ‘Spiritual Quest’
    A Pilgrimage to Unlock the Sacredness of Life.

    Back to Judy’s news: Following a court ruling, 10 US healthcare organizations have suspended mandatory vaccinations policies.

  57. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 6 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    The Deep State completed the blood-clotting killer Vax in 2015.
    Biophysicist Andreas Kalker has developed a 100% effective cure for Covid-19 and all its varieties, but his information was being blocked from the Internet.
    SHOCKING: 2,809 dead babies in VAERS Report on vaccinated pregnant women.
    Ten US healthcare organizations have suspended mandatory vaccinations policies following a court ruling, while a locked down Australia enforces CV Concentration Camps similar to Nazi Germany.
    Vitamin C Cures Disease but Doctors and Pharmaceutical Companies Do Not Want You to Know This.

    The Truth About the United States’ “Continuity of Government” Plans & The Coronavirus Perfect Storm:

    SHOCKING: 2,809 Dead Babies in Latest Trending VAERS Report:

    UK: Hospitalized Children Suffer Myocarditis Because Of C-19 Vaccines!!!

    Biophysicist Andreas Kalker has developed a 100% effective cure for Covid-19 and all its varieties. He has been researching a substance called chlorine dioxide for more than 13 years. NASA called this substance a “universal antidote” in 1987. His treatment method was first used to combat Covid-19 by military, police and politicians in Bolivia, who recovered in four days. Then a law was passed that made this tool nationwide. As a result, the death rate of 100 people per day has dropped to almost zero. Then clinical trials confirmed the effectiveness of this treatment method against Covid-19. Now more than 5,000 doctors in 25 countries use chlorine dioxide (or CDS for short) to save lives. However, Andreas Kalker came across an amazing thing: as soon as it became known that his method of treatment cures people from the Chinese Coronavirus, he was subjected to mass censorship. All his social media pages have been deleted, his scientific account on has also been deleted, and the book on Amazon has been blocked. Obviously, this medicine must be hidden at all costs.

    This is why they don’t want you to know about Ivermectin:

    Omicron May Provide Natural Immunity:

    The Truth About CLONES! This Is WHY They Push The SHOTS! – The True Defender:

    Pandemic of Manufactured Fear:

  58. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 6 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    News Headlines for Mon. 6 Dec. 2021:
    The CV-19 Vaccines of Pfizer, Moderno, Astra Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson and Novax have been found to cause blood clots, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Bels Palsy, alter DNA, abortions in pregnant women and death.
    CDC Scientists admit they manipulated study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination.
    New Lancet Research: “Ignoring the vaccinated population as a source of virus transmission is gross negligence. The results of a new Lancet study should force decision makers to rethink their desire to vaccinate the entire population and disregard basic human rights when it is proved that infection and transmission of the virus cannot be prevented by these “vaccinations”.

    The Omicron variant could wreck the need for mandates. Essentially, it has 32 new mutations that the current vaccines won’t be able to stop whatsoever. It spreads far more rapidly than previous variants, but is far more mild than previous variants. In a nutshell, it’ll likely spread like wildfire with minimal health risk while creating natural immunity worldwide – totally negating the need for vaccines and mandates altogether.
    No Jab No Food Mandates Land Quietly in Canada New-Brunswick:

    Covid/Vax Hoax:

    The CV-19 Vaccines of Pfizer, Moderno, Astra Zeneca, Johnson and Johnson and Novax have been found to cause blood clots, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Bels Palsy and death.

    CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination.

    New Lancet Research: “Ignoring the vaccinated population as a source of virus transmission is gross negligence. The results of a new Lancet study should force decision makers to rethink their desire to vaccinate the entire population and disregard basic human rights when it is proved that infection and transmission of the virus cannot be prevented by these “vaccinations”.

    Vietnam suspends “batch” of Pfizer vaccine in Thanh Hoa province after hospitalization of 120 children.

    No Jab No Food Mandates Land Quietly in Canada New-Brunswick:

    The latest mortality statistics in England indicate a systematic misclassification of vaccination status and uncertain effectiveness of vaccination against Covid-19. A research team that analyzed mortality data for November in England concluded that, despite the apparent evidence in favor of the effectiveness of the vaccine, this conclusion is doubtful due to a number of serious inconsistencies and anomalies.

    “Up to 300,000 people in the UK are susceptible to cardiovascular diseases due to post-pandemic stress disorder (PTSD), two London doctors warn. This could lead to a 4.5 percent increase in the number of cases of cardiovascular diseases in the country due to the effects of PTSD, with people aged 30 to 45 years at the greatest risk, they say. Mark Rayner, a former senior NHS psychotherapist and founder of EASE Wellbeing CIC, said that up to three million people in the UK are already suffering from PPSD, thanks to the stress and anxiety caused by the Covid-19 effect.”

    JuliansRum: “I’m warming to the idea that the Omicron variant will wreck the need for mandates. Essentially, it has a 32 new mutations that the current vaccines won’t be able to stop whatsoever. And it spreads far more rapidly than previous variants, but is far more mild than previous variants. In a nutshell, it’ll likely spread like wildfire with minimal health risk while creating natural immunity worldwide. Thus totally negating the need for vaccines and mandates altogether.

    Bosnia has suspended the issuance of vaccination passports. Mirnes Ayanovic is a politician from Bosnia who openly opposes the introduction of vaccination passports. Bosnia also has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Europe. Many people in the EU are now asking on social media how to move to Bosnia. This sets a very interesting precedent for the rest of Europe. “If they dare to introduce covid-certificates, discriminate against citizens, then it will not end well. The people are ready to resist. In Bosnia, no one is forcing anyone to do anything anymore. We all have rights that are defined by the Constitution,” warns Ayanovich.

    Scotland: High mortality of vaccinated people from Covid-19 in Scotland.

    Unvaccinated Germans can only visit places of basic necessity, such as pharmacies, and cannot gather with more than two people from other families.

    Every person returning to Israel from a country included in the “red list” is sent to a quarantine facility, including vaccinated and those who have natural immunity, until they receive a negative test result and continue to be isolated at home.

    Australians returning from abroad must be quarantined in government facilities and face arrest if they attempt to escape before the end of their stay. The Government of the country calls them “centers of national sustainability”.

    The Austrian authorities extended the nationwide isolation regime until December 11, bringing its total duration to 20 days.

    Travelers entering Singapore under the vaccinated system will now be required to take a test every day for seven days upon arrival in the country and submit their results to the government every day.

  59. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 7 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    First Batch Of Pfizer Docs Reveals Over 42,000 Adverse Reactions.

    Spike Protein Induced by COVID Vaccines Inhibits DNA Repair & Is Linked To Cancer, Swedish Study:

    Bosnia has suspended the issuance of vaccination passports. Mirnes Ayanovic is a politician from Bosnia who openly opposes the introduction of vaccination passports. Bosnia also has one of the lowest vaccination rates in Europe. Many people in the EU are now asking on social media how to move to Bosnia. This sets a very interesting precedent for the rest of Europe. “If they dare to introduce covid-certificates, discriminate against citizens, then it will not end well. The people are ready to resist. In Bosnia, no one is forcing anyone to do anything anymore. We all have rights that are defined by the Constitution,” warns Ayanovich.

    1 in 2680 young men develop acute myocarditis/pericarditis in adolescence after vaccination in Hong Kong. Dr. Robert Malone: “There is no such thing as “mild” myocarditis in children. Myocarditis causes damage to the heart. Damage to the heart remains for life – the heart is not restored by replacing damaged cells. It’s scarring. Scars on the heart can lead to changes in electrical conductivity in the heart muscle, which in turn can lead to sudden death due to changes in the regularity of heart contractions and muscle contractions of the heart. Another proof that vaccinating young people with this vaccine is bad medicine, bad policy and indicates the wrong decision by the FDA to hastily grant EUA status to these vaccines, especially for male adolescents and young adult men. With such convincing data as in this article, parents should think very carefully before making a decision about vaccinating children. Finally, the idea that this vaccine should be mandatory in schools is absolutely wrong, and if we do not reverse these decisions of national authorities, states and local school boards, we will sentence a significant part of our youth to heart damage at the request of the government.”

    Australia’s ‘mass death camps’ and manhunts for ‘quarantine prison escapees’ are showing the world the globalists tyrannical hand:

    Dr. Tenpenny Issues Stark Warning To Mentally & Spiritually Prepare For Millions Of Dead Kids:

    ZERO Deaths From COVID Among Healthy Children. Why Are They Forced To Take Dangerous Vaccine?

    7-Year-Old Child Suffers Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Shot:

    2,809 Dead Babies in Latest Trending VAERS Report:

    Two More German Footballers COLLAPSED Unexpectedly In The Same Match!:

    Ages 5-11 Bioweapon Injury and Death Begins to Explode‼

    VAX HOLOCAUST: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen says she’s considering forcing covid “vaccines” on all of Europe:

    COVER-UP: New York physician assistant says she was forced to stop reporting covid “vaccine” injuries:

    First Batch Of Pfizer Docs Reveals Over 42,000 Adverse Reactions From The “Safe & Effective” Gene Therapy Shot:

    Dr. Zelenko Speaks Out Against Medical Tyranny, ‘If They Come To My House, Someone Is Going To Die’:

    Cyprus hit the streets against Covid passports and mandates, again, the mainstream media pretending it’s not happening.

    Copenhagen Denmark Rising up against vaccine passports.

    Brussels: Massive protest in Brussels against new Covid curbs.

    Portugal: Word on the street here in Portugal was that there were many military & police who do not want the vaccine and against measures, but waiting for the public to wake up. Jennie Espelho:

    New York Mandate:

    Scotland: High mortality of vaccinated people from Covid-19 in Scotland.

    Unvaccinated Germans can only visit places of basic necessity, such as pharmacies, and cannot gather with more than two people from other families.

    Every person returning to Israel from a country included in the “red list” is sent to a quarantine facility, including vaccinated and those who have natural immunity, until they receive a negative test result and continue to be isolated at home.

    Australians returning from abroad must be quarantined in government facilities and face arrest if they attempt to escape before the end of their stay. The Government of the country calls them “centers of national sustainability”.

    The Austrian authorities extended the nationwide isolation regime until December 11, bringing its total duration to 20 days.

    Travelers entering Singapore under the vaccinated system will now be required to take a test every day for seven days upon arrival in the country and submit their results to the government every day.

    Florida’s Biggest Hospital Systems Bans All Covid-19 Mandates!:

    Dr. Rand Paul: Vaccine Is POISON!:

    Yale Epidemiologist: COVID is a Fear-Pandemia /is a disease used to control the masses:

    (Dec. 6): 3,200 Fully Vaccinated Cruise Passengers Suffer Massive Outbreak, 17 Confirmed Cases:

  60. Truth about Remdesivir.

    Remdesivir, ventilation can do more harm than good against COVID – Pete Santilli reports on Brighteon.TV

    The Strange Story Of Remdesivir, A Covid Drug That Doesn’t Work

    Thousands dying from Remdesivir poisoning

    26% of those prescribed Remdesivir for COVID died, according to Medicare database – LifeSite

    Remdesivir: An Epidemic Failure

  61. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 7 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    Must see videos: Mike Adams with Christine Massey and Stew Peters with Dr. David Martin:

    Christine Massey And Mike Adams | Truth In Plain

    Stew Peters: Interview With Dr. David Martin Where He Makes Explosive Claims Of ‘Patented Genocide’ (

    HIV, AIDS, and HPV viruses have never been isolated. Polio was caused by chemicals sprayed on crops. The Omicron virus is more bullshit.

    Ex Pfizer employee scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon says Midazolam was created as a depopulation tool.

  62. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 8 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    In “clinical trials” on US Taxpayer dollar Dr. Fauci tortured and killed over 100 innocent New York Foster Care children between 1988 and 2002, with full knowledge and approval of the State of New York. They were buried in a mass grave – all of which gave Fauci the title of “America’s Dr. Mengle” by author of a recently released book about him, Robert F. Kennedy.

    Fauci – America’s Dr. Mengle by Thomas DiLorenzo:

    America’s Dr. Mengle by Thomas DiLorenzo:

    In his must-read new book Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. describes how journalist Liam Scheff chronicled Fauci’s “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002” (p. 245). He describes in detail how “Fauci’s NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and his Big Pharma partners turned Black and Hispanic foster kids into lab rats, subjecting them to torture and abuse in a grim parade of unsupervised drug and vaccine studies . . .” (p. 246).

    The real Anthony Fauci was a greedy egomaniac hell bent on creating an image of himself as The Savior of the World during the AIDS crisis while generating billions in profits for his pharmaceutical industry “partners.” The “partners” would then share some of the loot with Fauci and others in various ways, including sharing in patent rights, the “revolving door” of very highly-paid jobs for former government bureaucrats, paying multi-million dollar “user fees” to the NIAID, distributing shares of stock, etc.

    The pharmaceutical industry “remunerated Incarnation Children’s Center . . . for supplying children for the tests,” writes Kennedy. The “tests” involved giving the children experimental drugs that were “toxic – they’re known to cause genetic mutation, organ failure, bone marrow death, bodily deformations, brain damage, and fatal skin disorders” (p. 246). Torture is not too strong a word to describe what happened to these children. “If the children refuse the drugs,” says Kennedy, “they’re held down and force fed. If the children continue to resist, they’re taken to Columbia Presbyterian hospital, where a surgeon puts a plastic tube through their abdominal wall into their stomachs. From then on, the drugs are injected directly into their stomachs” (p. 246). This wasn’t science fiction or a sick horror movie, says Kennedy, but Fauci-funded “AIDS research.”

    Many of these children died as a result of the “research.” Investigative journalist Vera Sharav, who spent years investigating all of this, told Kennedy that Fauci “just brushed all those dead babies under the rug. They were collateral damage in his career ambitions.” She said that at least 80 children died from Fauci’s drug torture chamber in the Manhattan foster home alone.

    You probably never heard of this, but the BBC produced a documentary of “the savage barbarity of Dr. Fauci’s science projects” in 2004 entitled “Guinea Pig Kids.” A BBC investigative journalist said in the documentary that “I found the mass graves at Gate of Heaven cemetery in Hawthorne, New York . . . . I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was a very large pit with AstroTurf thrown over it . . . . Under it one could see dozens of plain wooden coffins . . . there may have been 100 of them” (p. 247).

    The New York City Administration of Child Services commissioned a four-year investigation of Fauci’s Dr. Mengele-style “experiments” and found that 80 of the 532 children who participated in Fauci’s “clinical trials” died, and 25 died while enrolled in a medication trial (p. 251). By 2003 Fauci’s NIAID was running 10,906 clinical trials involving children in ninety countries (p. 257). Today Fauci, his longtime vaccine-manufacturing billionaire partner Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the World Economic Forum are desperately campaigning to have every child in the world – even infants – injected with their latest “vaccine.” These are the same people who have publicly fantasized about all humans someday having an implanted “digital I.D.” in their bodies to achieve their goal of “transhumanism.” They say they want a “digital I.D. implanted into everyone for purposes of government monitoring of all human behavior by some kind of super, international, government institution. (Where is James Bond when we need him?).

    Another charming fact about Fauci that Kennedy discuses is that Fauci has also funded (with your hard-earned tax dollars) experiments where Beagle puppies had their heads locked into cages where they could be eaten to death by flies. He also gave University of Pittsburgh “researchers” $400,000 to “graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto living mice and rats” (p. 253). Not exactly the type of job one would expect a good Jesuit Catholic school boy like Anthony Fauci to have. Fauci is a Catholic in the same sense that abortion worshipper Joe Biden is a Catholic.

    The man is in reality “a sociopath who has pushed science into the realm of sadism” writes Kennedy (p. 253). Who else but a criminal sociopath would have any involvement at all in such things? (Or for that matter in dropping atomic bombs on helpless Japanese civilians; firebombing entire European cities occupied by civilians; lobbing thousands of artillery shells a day on your own country’s cities also occupied only by civilians, i.e., Atlanta, Charleston, and Vicksburg during 1861-1865; killing 400,000 Filipinos for refusing to be occupied and conquered by your government; mass murdering 50,000 Plains Indians “to make way for the railroads,” as General Sherman once announced, etc., etc. ad infinitum? But I digress).

    The Lying Man:

    Government bureaucrats love crises like wars, hurricanes, depressions, pandemics, etc. because in times of crises millions of average citizens become child-like, their I.Q.s seem to be cut in half (at least), and they beg for a substitute mommy and daddy to protect them, their new mommy and daddy being the state. All of a sudden they are willing to abandon all of their civil liberties and embrace totalitarianism like a drowning man embraces the side of a lifeboat. This is exactly the behavior of millions of Americans since March of 2020.

    The absence of a crisis, on the other hand, creates a crisis for government bureaucrats. To the bureaucrat there is a crisis crisis whenever there is no real crisis. It is imperative, therefore, that every government bureaucrat becomes an hysteric who is constantly trying to alarm the public with the perception of a crisis or an impending crisis. He is professional liar, in other words, and can rely on the socialist indoctrination organs known as “the media” to hype his crises. After all, it’s perceptions that count in politics, not reality.

    Fauci is no more than your ordinary, run-of-the-mill bureaucratic crisis monger and serial liar, as Kennedy documents in Chapter 11, “Hyping Phony Epidemics: Crying Wolf.” Early in his government career Fauci was involved in promoting hysteria over what was called the “swine flu.” NIAID and its pharmaceutical industry puppet masters told Congress and the White House that the swine flu was the same strain of virus that caused the infamous 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic that is said to have killed 50 million people worldwide. The government poured money into Fauci’s NIAID and Big Pharma made Big Bucks by getting President Ford (in 1976) to give them $135 million to supposedly inoculate 140 million Americans. In the end, writes Kennedy, “the actual number of pandemic swine flu casualties in 1976 was not 1 million but 1” (p. 358).

    Patients injured by the experimental swine flu vaccine filed 1,604 lawsuits forcing the government to pay out over $80 million in damages and incur tens of millions in legal fees. Kennedy hits the nail on the head when he concludes that “At the dawn of Dr. Fauci’s career, he learned that both pandemics and fake pandemics provide an opportunity to expand the bureaucracy’s power and to multiply the wealth of its pharma partners” (p. 360, emphasis added).

    Then there was the 2005 “bird flu” hysteria where Fauci once again predicted “unprecedented carnage.” This time he partnered with Bill Gates and hired the now-disgraced and discredited British conman statistician Neil Ferguson to construct “models” that predicted up to 150 million people could die from the bird flu. In the end, about 100 people died from it, and most probably had co morbidities that were the real causes of death. That was after President Bush asked Congress for $1.2 billion for Big Pharma to come up with another of its experimental vaccines.

    The 2009 Hong Kong swine flu caper was a carbon copy of the earlier ones. Fauci promised to “fast track” a vaccine once again, and the LMS (Lying Media Scum) dutifully poured on the government-sponsored hysteria. Some things never change, do they?

    By the Fall of 2009 thousands of Americans were complaining about devastating side effects of the new Fauci shot. Fauci promised the public that Big Pharma’s new drug was “perfectly safe’ but in reality there was “an explosion of grave side effects, including miscarriages, narcolepsy, and febrile convulsions” as well as “severe neurological injuries, paralysis from Guillian-Barre syndrome . . . and cataplexy” as well as brain damage (p.365). Some things never change. The epidemic never materialized and “As usual, there was no investigation of Dr. Fauci or the other medical officials who choreographed this multi-billion-dollar fraud” (p. 366). Congress would never “investigate” it because too many fingers would be pointed at them for funding the whole charade. They just collect their millions in “campaign contributions” from Big Pharma as a form of kickback for the millions in taxpayer dollars given to these corporations and then move on to the next phony health crisis for which they will also take no responsibility.

    In 2016 Fauci diverted billions from taxpayer-funded research on malaria, influenza, and tuberculosis to his newest scam, the “zika virus.” Right on cue, he enriched his Big Pharma partners with $2 billion to produce yet another vaccine to prevent microcephaly, a supposed effect of the zika virus. In the end, there were 15 cases of the virus in the U.S. and none of them was associated with microcephaly. “Dengue fever” was another Fauci scam in that same year that funneled additional billions to Big Pharma with – surprise ! – the exact same scenarios and results.

    In every single instance, Kennedy writes, Fauci and others at NIH, the FDA, and the CDC load up the committees that vote for permission to market all of these experimental drugs with people who have Big Pharma connections or who are current executives for one or another pharmaceutical company. It is all rigged, all permeated by mountains of lies repeated over and over by the lying lapdog media which pockets millions or billions in advertising revenue from Big Pharma. (Have you watched network television lately?). It is not about public (or private) health at all, but to make more billions for Big Pharma, to bloat the NIAID budget even more than it already is, while throwing a few crumbs to Big Pharma’s supporting cast of house pets in the “public health” bureaucracy and academic world. They fully intend to keep this racket going forever – even if it kills you.

    Main Covid/Vax Hoax:

  63. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 8 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    FDA: “We were falsely mislead by Pfizer about the safety of the vaccine. Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines. The vaccines are killing two people for every one life saved.”
    Ex Pfizer employee scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon reported that Midazolam was created by Pfizer as a depopulation tool.
    The COVID virus was manmade and has never been isolated. The CV Vaccines were not FDA approved, considered experimental and caused major health issues such as blood clots, heart attacks, abortions and cancer.
    A federal court in Georgia has entered a nationwide injunction against the federal-contractor vaccine mandate. Now ALL of the Biden Administration vaccine mandates were in question:
    Between 1988 and 2002 in clinical trials paid for on US Taxpayer dollars, “America’s Dr. Mengle Dr. Fauci” tortured and killed over 100 innocent New York Foster children and then buried them in a New York mass grave.

    New Zealand: Protesters hold a funeral for freedom from Vax Passports.

    Italy introduces Super Green Pass that prevents those who have not received an experimental vaccine against Covid-19 from visiting public places on the eve of Christmas, including public transport.

    New York Mayor DeBlasio announced the introduction of vaccination for “all private sector employers” in New York.

    Massachusetts Hospital [UMass Memorial] FIRES 200 EMPLOYEES For REFUSING Covid Vaccine.

    Germany: 150 large corporations have changed brand requirements in Germany as part of the largest “vaccination promotion campaign” in history.

    In the United States, they are discussing the possibility of imposing restrictions on travel between states for the unvaccinated.

    In Australia, unvaccinated people will no longer be allowed to undergo medical operations.

    In LA Outraged mother says her 13-year-old son was vaccinated without her consent at Obama Global Prep Academy in LA after school bribed him:

  64. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 9 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    The COVID virus was manmade and has never been isolated. The CV Vaccines were not FDA approved, considered experimental and caused major health issues such as blood clots, heart attacks, abortions and cancer.
    Finish naturopathic Doctor Ariyana Love says there’s new research out of Spain supporting the idea that at least some batches of the coronavirus vaccine have graphene oxide in them. She tells Stew that graphene oxide is included as a way to deliver nanotechnology into the blood of the vaccinated, as well as components of Ebola and the Marburg virus.
    EPIGENETICS: Vaccines Are Deleting Human Genes & Transfecting Cells With Ebola/Marburg
    SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro
    SCIENCE HORROR: Vaccine spike protein enters cell nuclei, suppresses DNA repair engine of the human body, will unleash explosion of cancer, immunodeficiency, autoimmune disorders and accelerated aging:

    FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data

    Sudden Deaths after Covid Injection:

    Swedes were getting Covid vaccine passports implanted in their hands or elsewhere under their skin.

    Government Official’s Statement On The Omicron Variant Debunks Big Media’s Entire Fear Campaign:

    FDA: “We were falsely mislead by Pfizer about the safety of the vaccine. Heart attacks are 71x higher than other vaccines. The vaccines are killing two people for every one life saved.”

    Donald Trump & Rand Paul Ordered To Fight Fauci’s Medical Tyranny Takeover:

    New Zealand: Protesters hold a funeral for freedom from Vax Passports.

    Italy introduces Super Green Pass that prevents those who have not received an experimental vaccine against Covid-19 from visiting public places on the eve of Christmas, including public transport.

    New York Mayor DeBlasio announced the introduction of vaccination for “all private sector employers” in New York.

    In the United States, they are discussing the possibility of imposing restrictions on travel between states for the unvaccinated.

    In Australia, unvaccinated people will no longer be allowed to undergo medical operations.

    Vietnam: It turned out that the director of the CDC of Thanh Hoa Province suspended the use of a batch of Pfizer vaccine after 120 teenagers were hospitalized after a group vaccination at school. In the central province of Thanh Hoa, Pfizer’s vaccine has been administered to children aged 15-17 years since November 30. Earlier this month, Vietnam launched a vaccination campaign for people under the age of 18 and expects nine million children to be vaccinated. According to the Provincial Center for Disease Control (CDC), 120 children were hospitalized after experiencing nausea, high fever or difficulty breathing after the injection, VN Express International reports.

    Three children also died after Pfizer Covid-19 vaccination in Bakjiang, Hanoi and Bin Phu Quoc over the past week. The cause of death was determined as an “overreaction to the vaccine.”

    Forget the pitfalls of mRNA, or that the spike protein is the disease … it’s the graphene oxide that’s killing people. And if this video is to be believed, graphene IS in EVERY Covid Shit Shot. Sadly, the guy in the video was ambushed and murdered the very next day after he made the video! Hmmm, that alone is enough proof for me. (His wife’s testimony at the 19 minute mark is heartbreaking.)

    I’m sure you’re exhausted reading all the Covid articles but, folks, this one is worth your time. Just stunning. How anyone could take the Shit Shot after seeing this is beyond me. And, I’m not even going to make ANY exceptions anymore … like, “I need the money to feed my family”. Hey, pal, you won’t feed your family when you’re DEAD! Or, “I need the shot to visit Austria”. Hey, pal, Austria has turned in a Dystopian Shithole! Don’t take the shot … EVER!!!

    Pfizer CEO Albert Burla claims that the main threat is that omicron may become “more transmissible, but at the same time mild,” because mutations can “arise” if it spreads among “billions of people.” In an interview with the WSJ, he added that the “new vaccine” will be available by March, “if necessary.” This, in turn, means that Pfizer will be able to sell billions more doses.

    Remedy for vaxed:

    Protocol for vaxed:


    Ivermectin treatment for Covid is now supported by 113 studies, 73 of which have been peer reviewed. This includes 63 controlled trials with a total of 26,398 patients, and 31 Randomized Controlled Trials. Here is a direct link to 51 of them:

  65. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 10 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    CV/Vax Hoax:
    Pfizer director Burla: “… the data we have received is data that we call a “pseudo-virus”, that is, it is not a real virus, it is a virus that we have created in our laboratories, and it is identical to the Omicron virus…”

    “This video needs to be deleted”: A mistakenly leaked email shows Biden’s FDA pressured Google to censor a “problematic” YouTube video about a monoclonal antibody drug to treat Covid.

  66. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 11 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford is caught behind an open microphone saying things no one should have heard about covid restrictions and vaccination. “Let’s hope that people don’t have the sense to ask whether it’s a decree or a council.” This is literally how they act. They consider us, to put it mildly, stupid and uneducated.

    The Spanish Flu of 1918 was not a flu, but an experimental vaccine given to the Military who then went around the world exposing others. The majority of those who died did so from bacterial phenomena they received from wearing a mask. Spanish flu vaccines killed millions of people 100 years ago. Every 100 years cycle there’s a “Fake” Plandemic with killer vaccines. History repeats itself.

  67. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 11 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    Seven thrice-vaccinated Germans were infected with the omicron variant in South Africa. 6 out of 7 had a booster (third) dose of mRNA from Pfizer/BioNTech.

    The CDC reports that the majority of reported cases of Omicron variant infections in the United States occurred with people who have been fully vaccinated. A third of them received a booster dose of the vaccine.

    Omicron will become the dominant option in the UK by mid-December, according to the British Medical Safety Agency.

    A 28-fold increase in the number of stillbirths in several regions of Canada. There were 86 stillbirths in Waterloo from January to July, when there is usually one stillbirth every two months. The women were fully vaccinated.

    The Japanese Ministry of Health has issued a warning about heart problems regarding Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The risk of myocarditis has also been identified in Israel.

    560,000 operations postponed due to “overreaction” to Covid-19 in Canada alone.

    The Cabal continued to push deadly vaccinations: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: “We have also seen the spread of misinformation about Covid through social media. Therefore, we have made it a priority to create a “journalism fund in the public interest” to help our media continue to create stories.”

    Journalist Alex Storey reported on the mind control human rights restrictions using Coronavirus in EU countries: “Some children (in Germany) are asked daily to stand in front of the class and name their vaccination status. Those who are vaccinated are applauded.”

    CDC Makes Interesting Announcement About Omicron Variant And Vaccinated Individuals.

  68. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 12 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Australian Federal Senator Bob Katter says there are eight people working in his election headquarters. Of these: – Two died shortly after vaccination – Two remained disabled – Three have lifelong serious health problems – One was immediately admitted to the intensive care unit and is in critical condition.

    The World Health Organization, represented by Gebreyesus, recognizes that vaccines are not effective, and new restrictions will be required.

    “Africa is only vaccinated by 6%, but covid has practically disappeared. Scientists are “puzzled.” The only regions of the world where mass diseases and mortality are observed are those that promote “vaccination.”

    Seven thrice-vaccinated Germans were infected with the omicron variant in South Africa. 6 out of 7 had a booster (third) dose of mRNA from Pfizer/BioNTech.

    The CDC reports that the majority of reported cases of Omicron variant infections in the United States occurred with people who have been fully vaccinated. A third of them received a booster dose of the vaccine.

    Omicron will become the dominant option in the UK by mid-December, according to the British Medical Safety Agency.

    A 28-fold increase in the number of stillbirths in several regions of Canada. There were 86 stillbirths in Waterloo from January to July, when there is usually one stillbirth every two months. The women were fully vaccinated.

    In the Kursk region in Russia, pregnant women are promised to pay 5,000 rubles for vaccination. The Prime Minister of the country calls for increasing the rate of vaccination of the entire population, since “collective immunity” has still reached the required level.

    Dr. Vernon Coleman talks about the mRNA injection against Covid-19 and its negative impact on the cardiovascular system, giving facts, arguments, referring to the results of a peer-reviewed study.

    The Japanese Ministry of Health has issued a warning about heart problems regarding Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. The risk of myocarditis has also been identified in Israel.

    560,000 operations postponed due to “overreaction” to Covid-19 in Canada alone.

    The Cabal continued to push deadly vaccinations: New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern: “We have also seen the spread of misinformation about Covid through social media. Therefore, we have made it a priority to create a “journalism fund in the public interest” to help our media continue to create stories.”

    Peter Navarro and Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, spoke out after “Dr.” Fauci attacked Navarro for “spreading misinformation about the Coronavirus.” Dr. Malone, in turn, accused Fauci of patronage and lying. “He gets a gold star for lying… For some reason, all the distortions he makes serve the interests of large pharmaceutical companies.” Dr. Robert Malone then accused Dr. Fauci and the team of killing at least 500,000 Americans since the beginning of the pandemic: “Listen, Tony, there are more than half a million deaths from this virus in the United States, which is completely unnecessary because the federal government is very actively blocking the ability of doctors to provide vital medicines in the early stages of infection. They have established a policy according to which doctors should not treat on an outpatient basis, they should only treat in a hospital. And you are allowed only when your body is quite effectively destroyed by the virus. And that’s why we have such a high mortality rate.”

    Journalist Alex Storey reported on the mind control human rights restrictions using Coronavirus in EU countries: “Some children (in Germany) are asked daily to stand in front of the class and name their vaccination status. Those who are vaccinated are applauded.”

    CDC Makes Interesting Announcement About Omicron Variant And Vaccinated Individuals.

    Australia has been in total lockdown for some time, with those testing positive for CV (even some who were not positive) placed in isolation camps. Even the Military there is rebelling. Military in Melbourne, Australia: “All this will stop when we ourselves decide that it’s time to end all this, when we deprive them of their tools. If this continues, it will kill us all. It’s not about health or illness. They want to destroy human existence, you know? Starting today, stop your (work) activities. It doesn’t matter what excuse you find – depression, unused vacation, overtime. Just don’t work until Christmas. Block the whole country before Christmas, take it out of control. And it will all end, and you will win!”

    The farmers decided to have “fun” and vaccinate the chicken, and after 4 months they wanted to cook soup from it, but THE FLESH OF the VACCINATED CHICKEN FROM “COVID” CONTINUED TO LIVE AND MULTIPLY. The chicken was vaccinated with the applied MRNA liquid of death, which is killing people. The alien artificial nanotechnology of the synthetic GMO MRNA “vaccine” continued to live actively in the dead headless carcass.

    BQQQQQQQM The death jab is loaded with over 47 pathogens including HIV proteins, graphene oxide, mRNA, Luciferise, human DNA, fetal tissues, animal DNA, monkey cells, liquid metals such as mercury the list goes on and on. This is why I’d rather die than get the jab and live a life of hell.

    Genoa Italy, France, Luxembourg Germany, Vienna Austria all protesting against vaccine mandate.

    French Prime Minister Jean Castex, who received two doses of the vaccine, tested positive for Covid-19.

    White House Vaccination Coordinator Dr. Bechara Chukayr will leave his post on Monday.

    Helsinki and nearby cities recommend returning to remote work, as well as expanding the use of masks.

    Special COVID/Vax Hoax:

    Pfizer Will Not Give mRNA Shots To Countries Where They Face Legal Liabilities For Side Effects. “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.” – World Bank President David Malpass. So safe that Pfizer won’t give it to you if you can sue them for adverse reactions.

    CDC Admits Omicron Spread Almost Entirely By The Vaccinated.

    Vietnam suspends “batch” of Pfizer vaccine in Thanh Hoa province after hospitalization of 120 children.

    Pilot Deaths increased 1700%. And that’s only the first 9 months of 2021 over 2020! I’m sure this has nothing to do with the #covid19 #vaccine most of them were coerced into taking. Pilot Deaths: 2019: 1, 2020: 6, 2021: 109 (through September).

    Paris, Luxembourg, Vienna Austria mandate protests.

    Australia: Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with us, it’s all over.

    Australian Senator Explains How He Was Forced Into COVID Camp Despite Multiple Negative Tests:

    Japan: “Although we urge all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid-19, it is not mandatory or compulsory. Vaccination will be carried out only with the consent of the vaccinated person after the information provided. Please vaccinate by your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in the prevention of infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. Please do not force anyone at your workplace or people around you to get vaccinated and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”

    France: 60,000 scientists call for an end to mass vaccination. The scientific community speaks out against the health policy of the authorities: the declaration of Great Barrington (USA) against massive injections of mRNA has collected 870,000 signatures.

  69. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 13 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Pfizer vaccine documents reveal variety of side effects. Documents released by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reveal that drug maker Pfizer recorded nearly 160,000 adverse reactions to its Covid-19 vaccine in the initial months of its rollout. These reactions ranged from the mild to the severe, and 1,223 were fatal. The majority of these case reports involved people aged between 31 and 50 in the United States. More than 25,000 nervous system disorders were reported, along with 17,000 musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders and 14,000 gastrointestinal disorders. A range of different autoimmune conditions were reported, along with some peculiar maladies, including 270 “spontaneous abortions,” and incidences of herpes, epilepsy, heart failure and strokes, among thousands of others.

    Pfizer Will Not Give mRNA Shots To Countries Where They Face Legal Liabilities For Side Effects. “Pfizer has been hesitant to go into some of the countries because of the liability problems, they don’t have a liability shield.” – World Bank President David Malpass. So safe that Pfizer won’t give it to you if you can sue them for adverse reactions.

    CDC Admits Omicron Spread Almost Entirely By The Vaccinated.

    Vietnam suspends “batch” of Pfizer vaccine in Thanh Hoa province after hospitalization of 120 children.

    Pilot Deaths increased 1700%. And that’s only the first 9 months of 2021 over 2020! I’m sure this has nothing to do with the #covid19 #vaccine most of them were coerced into taking. Pilot Deaths: 2019: 1, 2020: 6, 2021: 109 (through September).

    Paris, Luxembourg, Vienna Austria, Kieve, Ukraine rising up against vaccine passports. mandate protests.

    Australia: Reports of police stations raising the Aussie flag upside down are coming in from across the country. If the police side with us, it’s all over.

    Australian Senator Explains How He Was Forced Into COVID Camp Despite Multiple Negative Tests:

    Japan: “Although we urge all citizens to get vaccinated against Covid-19, it is not mandatory or compulsory. Vaccination will be carried out only with the consent of the vaccinated person after the information provided. Please vaccinate by your own decision, understanding both the effectiveness in the prevention of infectious diseases and the risk of side effects. Please do not force anyone at your workplace or people around you to get vaccinated and do not discriminate against those who have not been vaccinated.”

    France: 60,000 scientists call for an end to mass vaccination. The scientific community speaks out against the health policy of the authorities: the declaration of Great Barrington (USA) against massive injections of mRNA has collected 870,000 signatures.

  70. Now, I might be jumping the “sudden death” gun here. But I doubt it.
    Looks like one of the NFL’s top players (recently retired), age 33, just died “suddenly” in his shower.

    Demaryius Thomas’ sudden death leaves former Jets teammates stunned
    The NFL world is reeling after the sudden death of former Pro Bowl receiver Demaryius Thomas at age 33 late Thursday night, including in the New York Jets locker room where Thomas spent the final days of his remarkable career.

    Thomas was found dead in his home in Roswell, Georgia, on Thursday night. Police said that preliminary reports show Thomas might have died from a medical issue

    W1SER @Wiserman2020 – Dec 10:
    “Thomas died from medical complications stemming from a vehicle crash, KOA’s Benjamin Allbright learned. He died in his home state of Georgia.” @MadLabMMA watch for the bot trolls my man

    S Chatte ^..^ @WCat1976 – Dec 10:
    #demaryiusthomas only had minor injuries from that 2019 rollover crash. I seriously doubt it had anything to do with his passing.

    Heritage American 🇺🇲 @IIIResistance – Dec 11:
    How long ago did he receive the jabs?

    James Curran @JamesCu13191408 – Dec 10:
    Replying to @AllbrightNFL @Wiserman2020 and 2 others{
    Such despicable misinformation. How can they immediately say complications from a car accident that happened years ago? He was an NFL RB for goodness sakes years after the accident.

    Yeah, suuure! I bet that “medical issue” had something to do with the vaxx. I’m sure this missing info will soon surface.

  71. It has been stated numerous times here at Slaying Evil that the “black Communitah is dead.” Well, this Covid Blog post by Brian reaffirms that 1000%.
    I’ve snipped parts of the article, but please read the original post linked below. Let’s be honest here. The majority of “Christians” in the West are absolutely pathetic! smdh.

    Matthew 6:24 – Thousands of U.S. Christian churches are serving the wrong god by facilitating mRNA and viral vector DNA injections – December 14, 2021.
    Pew data found that 77% of Americans identified as some sort of Christian in 2009. That number dropped to 65% by 2019. But one thing remains unchanged. Christians rely on God and their houses of worship in times of uncertainty and need. That is particularly the case when it comes to COVID-19 “vaccines”and all the dystopia since 2020.

    Clergy and religious leaders are second to only doctors when it comes to trust in seeking advice on the COVID-19 “vaccines,” according to an October Pew survey. But that same survey found that 39% of clergy encourage people to receive injections versus only 5% who discourage it. The most glaring part of that data – 64% of historically Black Protestant clergy encourage people to get the injections. That’s compared to only 21% of Evangelical clergy encouraging the shots…

    …Thousands of churches and pastors across the country are encouraging their congregations to receive the injections. The worst part is that they’re using God as justification for the injections. It’s impossible to list every church and pastor that has used the power of the pulpit to push mRNA and viral vector DNA injections. But this snapshot give you an idea of the organized agenda of using God as a spokesperson for Pfizer, Moderna, et al. Every one of these people are doing a disservice to their congregations and God.

    – Emory Fellowship United Methodist Church (Washington, D.C.)
    – Koinonia Baptist Church in Baltimore.
    – Affinity Missionary Baptist Church in Cleveland.
    – Somerville, Massachusetts Vaccine Day at churches.
    – McNeil Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Longs, South Carolina.
    – 60 Charlotte, North Carolina churches inject congregations.

    – Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ in Smilax, Kentucky.
    Pastor Billy Joe Lewis of Full Gospel Church of Jesus Christ in Smilax, Kentucky, told his conservative, rural White congregation in October via NPR, “a COVID-19 vaccine will not leave the ‘mark of the beast’ nor rewrite genetic codes.” He allowed a mobile vaccine clinic in the church parking lot to offer the injections after a regular service.

    – Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church in Norfolk, Virginia.

    – Pretty Prairie United Methodist Church in Kansas
    Reverend Angela DeVore had extra incentive in convincing her rural, predominately White congregation at Pretty Prairie (Kansas) United Methodist Church to get injected. She received a $10,000 grant from the Kansas Pandemic Assistance and Vaccine Equity (PAVE) program.

    – Whole Man Ministries in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
    – Shoreline Church in Knoxville, Tennessee.

    – Bethel AME Church in San Diego
    Reverend Harvey Vaughn of Bethel AME Church told NBC 7 in San Diego that “hundreds” of people came to a mobile vaccine clinic at his predominately Black church in San Diego in early December. Vaughn also admitted that people are more likely to receive the injections because it is being offered at a church and encouraged by a person they trust – their pastor. Only 47% of Black San Diegans had received at least one injection at the time of publication, according to NBC 7 in San Diego. That’s compared to 64% of Whites and 71.1% of Asians.

    – Shiloh Baptist Church in Erie, Pennsylvania
    Shiloh Baptist Church in Erie, Pennsylvania allowed the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center to inject area residents and church members this past Saturday. A second vaccine clinic is being held at the church in January. Adults can receive boosters, and kids as young as 5 can get their first shots. The United Way is offering $10 cash for everyone who comes in and receives an injection.

    – Nehemiah Ministries Christian Church in Las Vegas.

    – Friendship-West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas
    Reverend Dr. Frederick Haynes offered up his Dallas church for a vaccine clinic on December 12 as well, specifically targeting kids ages 5 to 11. L&H Scientific Labs and Trustn Diagnostics administered the injections.

    I’m sure everyone reading this comment will agree with me when I say “nothing surprises me any more! Nada!” We are so far down the rabbit hole. I just don’t really know if the human sheeple can ever get that damn colonial elite monkey off their backs.

    1. Black Picard,

      This directly feeds into the theory I presented in my church beast book that the overwhelming majority of these so called pastors and clergy members are actually well trained actors marching the parishioners they’ve managed to gather straight into the pit of hell. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to recognise the blatant witchcraft and sorcery at work with this covid bioweapon disguised as a vaccine.

      These so called church beast pastors, reverends, bishops, evangelists and the like will all pay an extremely heavy price for going along with this farce of a pandemic as well as encouraging their flocks to do the same, smh. It simply goes to show you how your average church beast member doesn’t think and reason for themselves, their church leaders perform all the thinking and reasoning actions for them.

      1. Agree with everything u said, Verbs! There’s a reason why my gut instincts always told me for many many YEARS to avoid the scandalous Westernized “Christian” church scene.

        The amount of fake virtue signaling I see from most of the church goers I know confirms to me their place of worship is a fraud.

    2. “Be baptized in the vaccine” as some of these ‘pastors’ might be saying in their minds.

  72. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 13 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    Gothenburg, Prague, Czech Republic, Turkey, South Korea rising up against vaccine passports

    The FDA is detaining Ivermectin imports. When you need a lifesaving drug, you can trust that the FDA will make sure you don’t get it.

    Brazil: It won’t make the headlines in the mainstream media. The city of Itajai in Brazil offered its citizens Ivermectin during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results were impressive. The number of hospitalizations and deaths has halved. “At the beginning of the pandemic, before vaccines became available, the city of Itajai in southern Brazil offered patients Ivermectin as a preventive treatment.

    In Germany children are forced to “go in front of the class and state their vaxx status, those who are vaxxed are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they are not.”

  73. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 14 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST
    Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Gothenburg, Prague, Czech Republic, Turkey, South Korea, Thailand, UK, Belgrade, Switzerland, Austria, Riga Latvia, Jerusalem, Germany rising up against vaccine passports

    The FDA is detaining Ivermectin imports. When you need a lifesaving drug, you can trust that the FDA will make sure you don’t get it.

    Michael Flynn posted a speech this morning on his verified GETTR account that was given this weekend at the QAnon conference in TX. The speaker says vaccines are “child sacrifice” and they are in “a biblical war.”

    Brazil: It won’t make the headlines in the mainstream media. The city of Itajai in Brazil offered its citizens Ivermectin during the Covid-19 pandemic. The results were impressive. The number of hospitalizations and deaths has halved. “At the beginning of the pandemic, before vaccines became available, the city of Itajai in southern Brazil offered patients Ivermectin as a preventive treatment.

    In Germany children are forced to “go in front of the class and state their vaxx status, those who are vaxxed are applauded, those who are not have to explain why they are not.”

    *My (brotherdanunlimited) take: The mention of the unpopular QAnon in the above note, I don’t subscribe to it.

  74. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 14 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    FBI Terrorizing Americans – Victims Speak Out. Vaxxes Athletes dropping DEAD. Anonymous Postpartum Nurse Blows Whistle on Dead and Injured Babies and Delivering Moms:

    FOIA Reveals Pfizer Knew Of 158,000+ Adverse Reactions In First Two Months of Vaccine Rollout:

    Protests in several eastern German cities against Covid restrictions and compulsory vaccinations. In #Magdeburg, people chant “Resistance, resistance.”

    Germany freedom fighters Marco Buschman (FDP), the German Justice Minister, wants to take action against the messenger service Telegram as it is used to oppose Covid measures. “What is spread on Telegram is disgusting, indecent, and criminal,” claims the new German Justice Minister.

    WAYNE ROOT: If the Vaccine is So Great, Why are So Many People Dropping Dead? Heart Attacks Skyrocket:

    Brazilian City Cuts Hospitalizations and Mortality Rates in Half After Implementing Ivermectin as Prophylaxis for COVID.

    Everywhere you look, covid “vaccines” are failing:

    US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after Covid Vaccine rollout:

    Senior Cardinal Warns Elites Ushering In “Total Control Surveillance State” Through COVID.

    Wuhan Lab Partner EcoHealth Alliance Joins New York’s Pandemic Response Effort:

    Hong Kong Forcing UK, US Arrivals Into Quarantine Camps After Single Asymptomatic Omicron Case:

    New Zealand Approves Orgies Of Up To 25 People As Part Of New COVID Rules:

    FDA Colluded With USPS To Destroy Ivermectin Packages Sent To Patients Via Mail:

    Vaccine Side Effects And Risk For Autoimmune Disease!

    CORONA CONSPIRACY: German Cardinal Warns of “Surveillance State” with “Total Control” German Cardinal and high Vatican Judge Gerhard Müller has warned against an allegedly planned synchronization of people and a surveillance state – claiming in an interview, there were financially strong elite behind the measures against the Corona Pandemic. (German Press Agency – DPA)

    Child Vaccine Mandates Divide Europe: The European Medicines Agency has approved the use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s lower-dose vaccine for use in children age 5-11, however many EU countries are seeing resistance to inoculating kids. In the Netherlands, which has much of its adult population vaccinated, nearly 42% of parents surveyed said they wouldn’t have their children jabbed against Covid. (Reuters) Nearly two-thirds of respondents in Italy backed vaccinations, but that number plummeted to just 40% among parents with kids aged 5-12. Will children be denied basic rights if they aren’t fully vaccinated?

    Dr. McCullough was dropping Red Pills on Joe Rogan’s podcast. There’s Proof The Pandemic Was Coordinated, Planned Effort For Mass Vaccination – Dr. McCullough

    FOIA Reveals Pfizer Knew Of 158,000+ Adverse Reactions In First Two Months of Vaccine Rollout:

    Germany’s health minister plans to end testing requirements for those with “booster” injections because of the “latest scientific data.” Health minister Lauterbach adds: “Ending testing requirements will also make the booster [injection] more attractive.”

    US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after Covid Vaccine rollout. Previously healthy U.S. airline pilots are passing away at an unprecedented rate. Pilots are required to be in tip-top physical condition, but in 2021, the entire airline industry conspired against the pilot’s individual health and threatened them with termination if they did not partake in the covid-19 vaccine experiment. As a result, over one hundred young pilots have mysteriously passed away in 2021, as countless other pilots suffer silently from adverse events and depleted immune systems. A total of one hundred eleven pilots died in the first eight months of this year! This is a 1,750% increase from 2020, when the world was supposed to be in the middle of a pandemic. A list of the deceased individuals was published in the Air Line Pilot Association magazine. In comparison, there were 6 airline pilot deaths in 2020, and only one death in 2019.

    Sen. Rand Paul Tells Dan Bongino What The COVID Restrictions Are Actually About: “These people will not be happy until they receive your newborn, they really want your newborn to be vaccinated before he leaves the hospital.”:

    California will re-impose the public settings mandate for all residents, regardless of vaccination status, starting Wednesday until Jan. 15. It will also recommend that travelers returning to California get tested three to five days after arrival.

    Italians are staging protests in shopping malls and Christmas markets with a message against the use of vaccination passports.

    The cordon in Austria is “over”, but the unvaccinated are forbidden to leave the premises without urgent need.

    New York: Covid-propaganda in the New York subway.

  75. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 15 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST
    Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    FDA Colluded With USPS To Destroy Ivermectin Packages Sent To Patients Via Mail:

    Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA technology on why you should not “vaccinate” your child with Covid mRNA “vaccines.” (4 minutes, 34 seconds)

    Vaccine Side Effects And Risk For Autoimmune Disease!

    CORONA CONSPIRACY: German Cardinal Warns of “Surveillance State” with “Total Control” German Cardinal and high Vatican Judge Gerhard Müller has warned against an allegedly planned synchronization of people and a surveillance state – claiming in an interview, there were financially strong elite behind the measures against the Corona Pandemic. (German Press Agency – DPA)

    Child Vaccine Mandates Divide Europe: The European Medicines Agency has approved the use of Pfizer-BioNTech’s lower-dose vaccine for use in children age 5-11, however many EU countries are seeing resistance to inoculating kids. In the Netherlands, which has much of its adult population vaccinated, nearly 42% of parents surveyed said they wouldn’t have their children jabbed against Covid. (Reuters) Nearly two-thirds of respondents in Italy backed vaccinations, but that number plummeted to just 40% among parents with kids aged 5-12. Will children be denied basic rights if they aren’t fully vaccinated?

    Dr. McCullough was dropping Red Pills on Joe Rogan’s podcast. There’s Proof The Pandemic Was Coordinated, Planned Effort For Mass Vaccination – Dr. McCullough

    FOIA Reveals Pfizer Knew Of 158,000+ Adverse Reactions In First Two Months of Vaccine Rollout:

    Germany’s health minister plans to end testing requirements for those with “booster” injections because of the “latest scientific data.” Health minister Lauterbach adds: “Ending testing requirements will also make the booster [injection] more attractive.”

    US pilot deaths increase by 1,750% after Covid Vaccine rollout. Previously healthy U.S. airline pilots are passing away at an unprecedented rate. Pilots are required to be in tip-top physical condition, but in 2021, the entire airline industry conspired against the pilot’s individual health and threatened them with termination if they did not partake in the covid-19 vaccine experiment. As a result, over one hundred young pilots have mysteriously passed away in 2021, as countless other pilots suffer silently from adverse events and depleted immune systems. A total of one hundred eleven pilots died in the first eight months of this year! This is a 1,750% increase from 2020, when the world was supposed to be in the middle of a pandemic. A list of the deceased individuals was published in the Air Line Pilot Association magazine. In comparison, there were 6 airline pilot deaths in 2020, and only one death in 2019.

    Sen. Rand Paul Tells Dan Bongino What The COVID Restrictions Are Actually About: “These people will not be happy until they receive your newborn, they really want your newborn to be vaccinated before he leaves the hospital.”:

    California will re-impose the public settings mandate for all residents, regardless of vaccination status, starting Wednesday until Jan. 15. It will also recommend that travelers returning to California get tested three to five days after arrival.

    Italians are staging protests in shopping malls and Christmas markets with a message against the use of vaccination passports.

    The cordon in Austria is “over”, but the unvaccinated are forbidden to leave the premises without urgent need.

    New York: Covid-propaganda in the New York subway.

  76. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 15 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    Wuhan lab leak ‘now the most likely origin of Covid’, MPs told. Dr Alina Chan says there is also a risk that Covid-19 is an engineered virus.

    On Friday 10 Dec. the CDC’s COVID-19 response team released a weekly report in which the vast majority of patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the U.S. were fully vaccinated. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of 43 cases of COVID-19 caused by Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of the fully vaccinated, 14 people received additional vaccinations, five of them received third doses in less than 14 days. Only 8 people were unvaccinated and infected with the new variant. The CDC added that “mutations in Omicron may increase transmisity, confer resistance to therapeutic agents, or partially evade immunity caused by infection or vaccine.” This means that vaccines do not protect you from Omicron.

    New York: Independent Journalist Leeroy Johnson says they will be suing Cheesecake Factory restaurant after 5 people were arrested by NWO troops tonight for simply trying to eat without a vaccine passport. He says they are looking forward to setting a precedent legally for the rest of the nation.

    Australia: The Austrian lockdown ends, but only for those injected with the experimental COVID jab. They’re trying every route to make people comply, but everyone is holding the line.

    Germany: Under the name @FriedlichZusammen (peaceful together) largest Freedom Demonstration for the Saturday 18th of Dec., at the Brandenburger Tor (starting 12h) in Berlin expected!

    The people of Berlin and Germany want to show that they are united and can’t and do not want to be divided by any discrimination like the vaccines-mandates is.

    Dr. Peter McCullough: “In the early stages there was a deliberate, very complete suppression of early treatment to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death (from covid). And it seems like it was completely orchestrated and deliberate to create an endorsement and then promote mass vaccination.”

    Tedros Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization, admits that Omicron is an easy option, but at the same time states that “vaccines” will not stop its spread and more attention should be paid to preventive measures.

    We all know Governor Gavin Newsom is sick from the Vaccines. There is no use in waiting for the media to report it, or his family, or Newsom himself to tell the truth. The vaccines caused neurological damage in his central nervous system (Guillain Bar Syndrome). Most likely he will retire in the months to come and start to be less and less in the media. In a few days he should do a fake happy go lucky update. (He has to continue promoting the Vaccines: This is part of his 33°mason’s promise. When you’re at the 33° LEVEL you must do as (Satan) 33° bible tells you. If not, they kill you and your family). Newsom is far deep inside the Hollywood Pedophilia Protection Ring that is connected to Kamala, the vice president.

    Corruption and enrichment on the grandest scale through genocide. As the pandemic raged, at least 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies making COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests. All these bastards will face Military Tribunals and might be executed. Many big fish are already gone.

    Damning Emails Between Fauci And Zuckerberg Surface; “Data Reports” To Help With Lockdowns And COVID Jabs.

    NY Times Casually Admits New FDA-Approved Merck COVID Drug Might Actually Mutate Healthy Human DNA by Accident and Impact Male Fertility.

    Vaccine Side Effects And Risk For Autoimmune Disease!

    NEW – Puzzling heart disease in football: “An unusually large number of professional and amateur football players have collapsed recently” (Berliner Zeitung) https://www-berliner–

    UK: Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to “post-pandemic stress disorder,” physicians in the UK now claim.

  77. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 16 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST
    Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Covid/Omicron/Vax Hoaxes:

    Europe is awakening! Explosion of Freedom Protests all across Europe last week! The criminal global Pharma-Fascism lost all Europe. People stand united against the Pharma-Nazis. The revolution is now!

    Wuhan lab leak ‘now the most likely origin of Covid’, MPs told. Dr Alina Chan says there is also a risk that Covid-19 is an engineered virus.

    Moderna was working on the vaccine before the virus ever even came out of the lab. There is strong evidence that this was premeditated, coordinated and utilized “to railroad the population into mass vaccination.” The only thing they got wrong in their “prediction” was the date. They said this would all occur in 2025. Did Trump force [them] to rush their plan?

    Heart Inflammation Risk Higher From Moderna Vaccine Than COVID-19 for Those Under 40:

    On Friday 10 Dec. the CDC’s COVID-19 response team released a weekly report in which the vast majority of patients infected with the Omicron variant identified in the U.S. were fully vaccinated. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that of 43 cases of COVID-19 caused by Omicron variants, 34 people were fully vaccinated. Of the fully vaccinated, 14 people received additional vaccinations, five of them received third doses in less than 14 days. Only 8 people were unvaccinated and infected with the new variant. The CDC added that “mutations in Omicron may increase transmisity, confer resistance to therapeutic agents, or partially evade immunity caused by infection or vaccine.” This means that vaccines do not protect you from Omicron.

    Virginia Hospital Allows Ivermectin For C-19 Infected Patients After Court Finds Them In Contempt! The Hospital Faces $10K Per Day Fine.

    Virginia Hospital Allows COVID Patient to Get Ivermectrin After Court Holds It in Contempt: Family

    New York: Independent Journalist Leeroy Johnson says they will be suing Cheesecake Factory restaurant after 5 people were arrested by NWO troops tonight for simply trying to eat without a vaccine passport. He says they are looking forward to setting a precedent legally for the rest of the nation.

    Australia: The Austrian lockdown ends, but only for those injected with the experimental COVID jab. They’re trying every route to make people comply, but everyone is holding the line.

    Germany: Under the name @FriedlichZusammen (peaceful together) largest Freedom Demonstration for the Saturday 18th of Dec., at the Brandenburger Tor (starting 12h) in Berlin expected!

    The people of Berlin and Germany want to show that they are united and can’t and do not want to be divided by any discrimination like the vaccines-mandates is.

    Dr. Peter McCullough: “In the early stages there was a deliberate, very complete suppression of early treatment to promote fear, suffering, isolation, hospitalization and death (from covid). And it seems like it was completely orchestrated and deliberate to create an endorsement and then promote mass vaccination.”

    Tedros Ghebreyesus, director of the World Health Organization, admits that Omicron is an easy option, but at the same time states that “vaccines” will not stop its spread and more attention should be paid to preventive measures.

    We all know Governor Gavin Newsom is sick from the Vaccines. There is no use in waiting for the media to report it, or his family, or Newsom himself to tell the truth. The vaccines caused neurological damage in his central nervous system (Guillain Bar Syndrome). Most likely he will retire in the months to come and start to be less and less in the media. In a few days he should do a fake happy go lucky update. (He has to continue promoting the Vaccines: This is part of his 33°mason’s promise. When you’re at the 33° LEVEL you must do as (Satan) 33° bible tells you. If not, they kill you and your family). Newsom is far deep inside the Hollywood Pedophilia Protection Ring that is connected to Kamala, the vice president.

    Corruption and enrichment on the grandest scale through genocide. As the pandemic raged, at least 75 lawmakers bought and sold stock in companies making COVID-19 vaccines, treatments and tests. All these bastards will face Military Tribunals and might be executed. Many big fish are already gone.

    Damning Emails Between Fauci And Zuckerberg Surface; “Data Reports” To Help With Lockdowns And COVID Jabs.

    NY Times Casually Admits New FDA-Approved Merck COVID Drug Might Actually Mutate Healthy Human DNA by Accident and Impact Male Fertility.

    Vaccine Side Effects And Risk For Autoimmune Disease!

    NEW – Puzzling heart disease in football: “An unusually large number of professional and amateur football players have collapsed recently” (Berliner Zeitung) https://www-berliner–

    UK: Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to “post-pandemic stress disorder,” physicians in the UK now claim.

    Special COVID/Vax Hoax news:

    75 Lawmakers Making Bank on Vaccines:

    Australia: Kerry Chant, Australia’s NSW Chief Health Officer recommends “instead of Christmas shopping, everyone shops for a Covid booster online. That is the best, exciting gift that can be given.”

    FDA Warns Over Severe Condition Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine

    Rising up today against Vaccine Mandates, Covid tyranny: Munich Germany, Wellington New Zealand, New York City

    Covid/vaccine discussion: Dr. Peter McCullough with Joe Rogan (Pandemic):

    Anonymous source: Epoch Times reported that the WHO has returned its requests for comment and confirmed that the agency cannot indicate any deaths related to Omicron. CDC Director Rochelle Walenski confirmed Friday afternoon that only one patient has been hospitalized in the U.S. due to Omicron. Suddenly, the “new option 500 times more deadly” officially turned out to be useless. This news also hints at new orders given by Lagarde. The new German Finance Minister Christian Lindner made his debut as finance minister, announcing the injection of 60 billion euros into the fight against climate change. The funds will be received from previously unused debt. This is a sign that the central bank of Germany has been seized, and the “unused debt” is paper money printed in order to protect the environment. So we see leaders downplaying concerns about the pandemic by printing money for reasons unrelated to war and disease. Remember that ultimately we are dealing with a battle over the psychological process of deciding what we, as a species, will do in the future. The battle is between those who want to use fear and hatred to enslave us, and those who want to build a better future together. On this front, we receive a lot of contacts about mass meditation on December 21 to promote positive thinking. These meditations are not religious, but rather designed to develop positive thinking, because the best way to deal with negativity is positive.

    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s net worth rose to $25 million in December 2021, compared with a net worth of just $800,000 last November. Maybe it’s because of the connection with Pfizer? Otherwise, why would she say: “This vaccination program will not have an end point (…) we need them to come back, or we have to go to them.” Remember that these so-called vaccines have not even been proven to prevent Covid, despite all their unpleasant side effects.”

  78. This is so lame for ex Liverpool outcast Daniel Sturridge to be pushing the jab — especially Australia of all places where there’s a serious fascist medical tyranny going down. Talk about having zero situational awareness.

    Seriously, are these athletes thaaat stoopid, or what? I’d laugh if a fan sued one of them for life changing vaxx side affects after getting encouragement from their favourite player to get jabbed.

    Daniel Sturridge posts hilarious Covid-19 vaccine song to Instagram from his quarantine hotel in Perth as he urges his fans to ‘take the shot for me’
    ….Daniel Sturridge has urged people to get the coronavirus jab in a hilarious song filmed from quarantine. Sturridge, 32, is currently isolating for two weeks in a Perth hotel after an unnamed player at his new club Perth Glory tested positive for Covid-19, leaving him ‘fuming and devastated’.

    And the former Chelsea, Manchester City and Liverpool striker turned to social media to encourage fans to get jabbed….

  79. Poo, poor Sergio Aguero. Feel really bad for him having to retire at 33 after getting the jab. I would be looking for heads to roll from my medical advisors. But he’s one of the more humble top flight athletes compared to the other primadonas.

    Note how the lying media doesn’t mention that Aguero’s perfectly fine “heart problem” from the “past” while he was scoring all those goals — ALL OF A SUDDEN — strikes him AFTER he took the jab.

    Devastated Sergio Aguero breaks down in tears before he can even start to announce his retirement, aged 33, at a special ceremony, after doctors told Man City legend to quit over irregular heartbeat
    Sergio Aguero sobbed uncontrollably as he admitted he had been forced to retire by a heart condition, at the camp Nou on Wednesday.

    In front of Manchester City coach Pep Guardiola, who had flown in especially for the Argentinian’s farewell announcement, Aguero admitted hearing the news that his career was over aged 33 was hard to take.

    But after a video of his greatest goals, and an admission that his league-winning strike for Manchester City is one of the moments of his career he laughed about the way he will want to be remembered.

    1. Black Picard,

      As far as I see the article didn’t even bother to mention the fact that he was jabbed up, however there were a few folks in the comment section who connected the dots.

  80. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 17 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    75 Lawmakers Making Bank on Vaccines:
    Australia: Kerry Chant, Australia’s NSW Chief Health Officer recommends “instead of Christmas shopping, everyone shops for a Covid booster online. That is the best, exciting gift that can be given.”
    FDA Warns Over Severe Condition Linked to COVID-19 Vaccine
    Rising up today against Vaccine Mandates, Covid tyranny: Munich Germany, Wellington New Zealand, New York City
    Covid/vaccine discussion: Dr. Peter McCullough with Joe Rogan (Pandemic):
    Anonymous source: Epoch Times reported that the WHO has returned its requests for comment and confirmed that the agency cannot indicate any deaths related to Omicron. CDC Director Rochelle Walenski confirmed Friday afternoon that only one patient has been hospitalized in the U.S. due to Omicron. Suddenly, the “new option 500 times more deadly” officially turned out to be useless. This news also hints at new orders given by Lagarde. The new German Finance Minister Christian Lindner made his debut as finance minister, announcing the injection of 60 billion euros into the fight against climate change. The funds will be received from previously unused debt. This is a sign that the central bank of Germany has been seized, and the “unused debt” is paper money printed in order to protect the environment. So we see leaders downplaying concerns about the pandemic by printing money for reasons unrelated to war and disease. Remember that ultimately we are dealing with a battle over the psychological process of deciding what we, as a species, will do in the future. The battle is between those who want to use fear and hatred to enslave us, and those who want to build a better future together. On this front, we receive a lot of contacts about mass meditation on December 21 to promote positive thinking. These meditations are not religious, but rather designed to develop positive thinking, because the best way to deal with negativity is positive.
    New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s net worth rose to $25 million in December 2021, compared with a net worth of just $800,000 last November. Maybe it’s because of the connection with Pfizer? Otherwise, why would she say: “This vaccination program will not have an end point (…) we need them to come back, or we have to go to them.” Remember that these so-called vaccines have not even been proven to prevent Covid, despite all their unpleasant side effects.”
    Dr. Vernon Coleman: What does the Covid-19 vaccine do to our brain? “In my December 11 video, I described in detail some of the health problems faced by gullible people who succumbed to lies and misinformation from the government and the medical establishment in the mainstream media. In that video, entitled “This is why most vaccinated people will die prematurely,” I mentioned my fears that as a result of vaccination against Covid-19, vaccinated people may have brain damage.

    It was found that people do not know much about injections against Covid-19, and the willingness of the Medicines and Medical Products Regulatory Agency in the UK to license a product about which, as it turned out, there was not enough information, has not received an adequate explanation.

    However, we know that, as I first reported, the MHRA received a huge amount of money from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has financial ties to injection manufacturers such as Pfizer. As for the effects on the brain, the main question is, will lipid nanoparticles be able to transfer mRNA through the blood-brain barrier?

    The brain barrier is a semi-permeable barrier of cells that prevents the penetration of certain substances from the blood into the protective fluid around the central nervous system. It is very important to know if this is happening, because if so, then all bets are on what can happen to the brain. After all, liquid nanoparticles are already being used to deliver other drugs across the blood-brain barrier.

    If mRNA gets into the brain, then neurons, brain cells, can be marked by the body’s immune system as foreign. And as the number of repeated injections increases, the problem will get worse. The concern is that brain cells can become a target for cytotoxic T cells and die.

    It has now been established that mRNA is found in all human tissues except the kidneys. It has been found in the heart, lungs, liver, testicles and brain. A Japanese study, for example, showed that the vaccine actually gets into the brain. Also of concern is the fact that scientists have called for research to investigate any link between vaccinations and acute demyelination of the central nervous system.

    What damage will it do? How long will it take before brain damage can be determined? I haven’t the faintest idea. Just like everyone else. In a normal experiment with a new drug, doctors would look for and check all possible problems before releasing the drug for widespread use. But injections against Covid-19 are administered to billions of people without having the slightest idea what will happen. If you have been given an injection, the first certainty is that the mRNA of the vaccine will get into your brain. The second danger is that the more vaccines you have been injected with, the more dangerous it will be.

    Only time will tell how many cells of your brain will die. And children, of course, will be more vulnerable because they are more vulnerable anyway and because they are more likely to live longer. Some experts, advisors and regulators will tell you that the risks are small. But how can they know that? And what is a small risk? They told us that the problems with blood clotting are small. In my opinion, getting one of these vaccinations is like taking a huge dose of LSD and waiting for what happens next. And hope that you don’t become like Peter Green, for example. And, remember, vaccination against Covid-19 will not stop you from contracting the virus and will not stop you from transmitting it. According to the NHS’s own guidelines in the UK, you can get infected or spread Covid-19 even if you have had three vaccinations. The choice whether or not to get vaccinated should be yours.”

    Special COVID vaxx report:

    At least 60 Italian priests have died after contracting Coronavirus:

    Thousands march in NZ against vaccine mandates & lockdowns.
    Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Not ‘Preferred’ Due to Link to Severe Condition: CDC Advisers
    FOIA Reveals Pfizer Knew Of 158,000+ Adverse Reactions In First Two Months of Vaccine Rollout

  81. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 18 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Thousands march in NZ against vaccine mandates & lockdowns. Protests in Germany, Ireland.

    Pfizer Adds Dangerous Drug to Children’s COVID Vaccines. Pfizer secretly added heart attack drug to children’s COVID vaccines as reports of cardiac arrest in the vaxxed becomes the norm

    Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine Not ‘Preferred’ Due to Link to Severe Condition: CDC Advisers

    FOIA Reveals Pfizer Knew Of 158,000+ Adverse Reactions In First Two Months of Vaccine Rollout

    19 times more cases of Myocarditis in children since the ‘vaccine’ rollout. And the peer reviewed study suddenly vanished???

    75 Lawmakers Making Bank on Vaccines:

  82. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 19 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    On Fri. 17 Dec. there were large Freedom and Mandate Protests in Glasgow Scotland, Vienna, London, Melbourne and Cardiff Australia, Bournemouth, Malmo Sweden, France, Genoa and Turin Italy, Austria, Luxembourg, Turku Finland, Paris France, Israel, Hamburg and Cottbus Germany, Barcelona Spain, Denmark and many other European countries.

    Invermectin Helps Prevent CV-19 Deaths?:

    The FDA will allow abortion pills to be obtained through the mail permanently. God forbid you import Ivermectin though, the FDA will detain your package.

    In 2012 the Securities and Exchange Commission accused Pfizer Inc. of violating the Corrupt Practices Abroad Act (FCPA – WIKI) when its subsidiaries bribed doctors and other medical professionals from governments.

    In 1996 Pfizer prescribed an experimental drug in clinical trials to 200 children in Nigeria, without informing parents that their children were the subjects of the experiment. 11 children died, many others suffered from side effects.

    In 2002 Pfizer agreed to pay $49 million to settle allegations that the pharmaceutical company defrauded the federal government and 40 states by overcharging its cholesterol drug Lipitor.

    In 2004 Pfizer agreed to plead guilty to two felonies and paid $430 million in fines to settle charges that it fraudulently promoted the drug Neurontin for unauthorized use.

    In 2008 “Experts concluded that Pfizer manipulated research” by delaying the publication of negative studies, distorted negative data to present them in a more positive light, and controlled the flow of clinical trial data.

    In 2009 Pfizer paid $750 million to settle 35,000 complaints that its drug Rezulin caused 63 deaths and thousands of cases of liver failure. As a result, the drug Rezulin was completely withdrawn.

    Former Premier of British Columbia, Canada, Bill Vander Zalm (left) believes that the ultimate goal of the pandemic is total control of the world’s population and the creation of a dictatorial world government.

    “22,060 cases of eye diseases were registered as adverse reactions to injections of the Covid-19 vaccine, 461 of them – complete blindness. Now “fact checkers” together with the authorities are trying to hide this data and declare it unreliable. Their argument is that “just because someone reports an event after vaccination doesn’t necessarily mean it happened because of the vaccine.” Also, as of December 8, on December 21, the MHRA received 652 reports of stroke due to Pfizer mRNA injection, which is currently the main booster injection administered to Britons. These reports include 14 reports of subarachnoid hemorrhage, which is an extremely rare type of stroke, 48 reports of cerebral hemorrhage, 55 reports of ischemic stroke, and 414 reports of cerebral circulatory disorders. Unfortunately, these 652 registered strokes resulted in 47 deaths.”

    mRNA vaccines have never been used on humans before. That, by very definition, is “human experimentation” #NurembergCode: Article 6, Sections 1 and 3. Vaccinations forced BY ANY MEANS, INCLUDING TAKING RIGHTS FROM PEOPLE, are 100% in violation of the Nuremberg Code. Threatening people with restrictions for not taking the vaccine is force by coercion!

    A small study of seven Covid-19 cases in South Africa shows that Omicron can break through booster vaccine vaccinations, one of the scientists involved in the study said on Thursday – Reuters

    The U.S. Department of Justice has asked the Supreme Court to reinstate the federal mandate to vaccinate some healthcare workers across the country.

    Fauci says that not all Covid-19 tests detect omicron, adding even more confusion to the holiday season.

    Several vaccinated BuzzFeed employees were found to have Covid-19 after a holiday party in New York, despite the requirements regarding masks and the use of vaccination passports for entry.

    Biden administration health officials are privately warning test manufacturers and laboratories that demand for Covid-19 tests could double or even triple over the next two months due to a sharp increase in Omicron cases nationwide.

    ▪️The Covid-19 vaccine may become mandatory in France, President Macron said.

    ▪️Omicron-the coronavirus strain is spreading at an extremely high rate. The number of cases of infection doubles every two to three days. This was stated by the special envoy of the World Health Organization for Covid-19, David Nabarro, on the Sky News channel.

    The State Duma of Russia approves the use of vaccine passports (QR codes) with a result of 329-87 votes in the first reading.

    *How PCR tests caused the fake whooping cough pandemic in 2006.:

    At that time, it went unnoticed by most people, but 15 years ago there was an epidemic of whooping cough, but the only problem is that it did not actually happen, because the “pandemic” was the result of false PCR testing. The same fraudulent tests that are used today to detect the Chinese Coronavirus Covid-19 were also used in 2006 to detect the epidemic of fake whooping cough, which frightened many medical workers, forcing them to panic and inject vaccines to people.

    The New York Times reported that about 1,000 medical workers at a hospital in Lebanon, New Hampshire, tested positive for PCR, resulting in being fired from their jobs. They were injected with antibiotics and chemicals, but eight months later everything was revealed.

    “… Medical workers were stunned to receive an email from the hospital administration saying that it was all a false alarm,” the Times reported in 2007 about the unpleasant incident.

    “Not a single case of whooping cough has been confirmed by a definitive test for growing the bacterium Bordetella pertussis in the laboratory. On the contrary, it seems that the medical workers probably suffered from common respiratory diseases such as colds.”

    How could it happen that people were mistakenly diagnosed with whooping cough when in fact they only had a cold? The answer is simple: PCR tests are inaccurate and their results can be easily manipulated to push society to the right narrative.

    The only thing PCR tests do is increase the DNA particles in the sample until they become visible. Depending on how they are calibrated, they can pick up almost anything, even non-existent ones.

    “The increase in PCR is measured by the number of cycles required for DNA to become visible. The number of cycles, known as the cycle threshold (Ct) or quantification cycle number (Cq), means that the greater the number of cycles, the smaller the amount of DNA in the sample,” explains the Brownstone Institute.

    Another thing to consider is the fact that Carey Mallis, the man who created the PCR test and won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry back in 1993, said that PCR tests cannot be used to detect diseases.

    Speical COVID hoax report

    Judy Note: Omicron may be a White Hat designed cure for CV-19, while the Cabal continued to push blood clotting vaccines that contained among other genocidal ingredients, Graphene Hydroxide that shut down the body and society through illegal mandates.

    Is Omicron A White Hat Designed Miracle Covid Cure? MUST WATCH!! | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    FDA Strengthens Warning Over Severe Condition Linked to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine:

    Recently, S. Oelrich, member of the Bayer AG board and head of the Pharmaceuticals Division referred to mRNA vaccines as “cell and gene therapy” and stated that if you had asked people two years ago about their willingness to have such a “therapy injected into their bodies” you probably would have gotten a “95% refusal rate.”

    Dr Robert Young: Shocking Results for CoV Vaccine Ingredients & the Path of Destruction They Cause. Ultimate Video Proof of Secret Vax Ingredients Attack on the Body of the Vaccinated. Videos, Articles and Abstract | Alternative | Before It’s News (

  83. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 20 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Los Angeles, New York, Madrid Spain, Genoa Italy, Nuremberg and Brussels Germany, Denmark, Melbourne and Cardiff Australia, Israel, London protests against mask mandates, plus Protests in Paris, London, Vienna, Hamburg and many other cities in Europe against Covid restrictions and mandatory vaccinations. Freedom protest in Bournemouth: The apple store becomes under attack by anti Coronavirus tyranny protesters in central London. Hugest Protests in UK‘s history after Johnson‘s Covid-Regime announced to take the last of freedom the people still have: the freedom of their body. Thousands of Freedom protesters in front of police station in Melbourne: Raanana, ISRAEL large Freedom Protest: Thousands on the streets of Hamburg, Germany tonight, millions worldwide rallied today against covid tyranny, growing every week. Danish young and old hit the streets against covid tyranny tonight, not a mask in sight! Israelis standing up for freedom and against tyranical covid-slavery tonight, water cannon deployed on protesters! The Revolution NOW: We are born free and we’ll stay free! The home of the EU, Brussels packed to the rafters with protesters against covid-slavery TYRANNY Germany, People are born to be free, not slaves. ITALY International Flags flown in solidarity with nations in the same fight in Italy/Genoa SPAIN .Spanish freedom activists fill the streets of Madrid in protest against covid

    Is Omicron A White Hat Designed Miracle Covid Cure? MUST WATCH!! | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    FDA Strengthens Warning Over Severe Condition Linked to Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 Vaccine:

    Recently, S. Oelrich, member of the Bayer AG board and head of the Pharmaceuticals Division referred to mRNA vaccines as “cell and gene therapy” and stated that if you had asked people two years ago about their willingness to have such a “therapy injected into their bodies” you probably would have gotten a “95% refusal rate.”

    Congressional Covid Money Laundering:

    1. “Fauci and Friends” bioengineer a virus in a lab

    2. Knowing the new virus is coming, Congressmen buy stock in vaccine producers like Pfizer and Moderna

    3. Vaccines are purchased and subsidized by federal governments around the world (the ‘market’ is now ‘made’)

    4. Money flows from governments to manufacturers

    5. Private and public industry collude to green light billions of dollars to advertise vaccines, much of it coming from tax dollars.

    For each person vaccinated, Congress profits from their stock holdings in vaccine producers. Are there any restrictions on what stocks FDA, CDC, NIH, or NIIAD employees can trade in?

  84. Special COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 20 Dec. 2021 Compiled by Judy Byington.

    If one Australian 12 yr old every day got Myocarditis or Pericarditis after death shot, you’d think that was too many, wouldn’t you? ANOTHER 36 CASES ALL AGES FOR LATEST AVAILABLE DAY + 2 DEATHS

    BREAKING: The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests. After 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear mongering.

  85. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 21 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    UK in lockdown as of Mon. 27 Dec.

    JUST IN – Mayor Bowser declares a state of emergency in Washington, DC. New York’s Times Square New Years Eve celebration on hold. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio will announce this week whether the famed New Year’s eve celebrations in Times Square will go ahead , or if revelers will be allowed to gather at all.

    JUST IN – United States raises travel alert for #Ukraine to the highest level 4, “Do Not Travel.”

    Whiplash347: No one in, No one out, No one escapes: Israel has agreed to ban travel to the United States, Canada and eight other countries (amid the rapid, global spread of the omicron variant).

    Protests against CV mandates on Sun. 19 Dec: Athens Greece, Vienna, New York, Los Angeles, Lithuania, London, Birmingham, Tokyo, Oslow, Turkey, Brazil, Cape Town South Africa, Frankfort, Hamburg, Oranienburgh, Rostock, Halberstadt and Manheim Germany, Australia, Jerusalem,

    CDC Scientists admit they did manipulate study data to show the Covid-19 Vaccines are safe for Pregnant Women as researchers discover 91% of pregnancies resulted in miscarriage following Covid-19 Vaccination

    If one Australian 12 yr old every day got Myocarditis or Pericarditis after death shot, you’d think that was too many, wouldn’t you? ANOTHER 36 CASES ALL AGES FOR LATEST AVAILABLE DAY + 2 DEATHS

    South African doctor who discovered “Omicron variant” says there’s nothing to worry about, only has very mild symptoms.

    BREAKING: The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests. After 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear mongering.

    Special COVID/Vax report:

    Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up. They made mistakes and people started to wake up earlier and quicker.

  86. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 22 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up. They made mistakes and people started to wake up earlier and quicker.

    Graphene found in Co-codamol medication.

    Fox News Tucker Carlson has published the great news that METICORE is the cure for every ‘modern’ disease and it is a great protection from Covid-19. It will kill every infection and help you lose weight! As they published the truth, Joe Biden tried to STOP this product everywhere because it’s not going in his favor. We are sorry if you won’t be able to order Meticore if they stop this product. We recommend you to order while they are still here!

    No one at CNN has died of Omicron but there has been an outbreak of pedophilia.

    Convid vaccines link to heart attacks confirmed.

    Robert Kennedy Jr: Anthony Fauci blocked early treatment of CHY-NA virus causing upward of 80% of what were AVOIDABLE DEATHS in the USA. WHY??? Because he wanted to enrich himself and his big pharma friends. Fauci is a murderer, Nuremburg trials 2.0 for him and his kin. Despicable EVIL man.

    Lethal Drug Included In Over The Counter Covid Test Kits. Big Pharma adds lethal Sodium Azide to DIY test kits.

    Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh Has a Message for Biden Admin Regarding OSHA Mandate.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    Covid Revealed – Episode 1 Dr. Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Erin Rhodes. Episode2 Episode3

    Anti-govt RIOTS in Republic of Abkhazia. Riots gripped the region to Russia’s south on Tuesday, as some have accused the govt of failing to tackle Covid, an energy crisis and accused it of an alleged crackdown on the opposition.

    Tunisia: Authorities must halt implementation of overly restrictive vaccine pass.

    Demonstrations this week also took place in Magdeburg Germany,

    Graphene has been found in vax shots as well as Co-codamol medication.

  87. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 23 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    WHO Head Admits Vaccines Being Used To Kill Children. The truth wants to come out and after pushing an experimental gene therapy on the public. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros admitted on camera that countries are using boosters to kill children.

    In the UK rail bosses warn crucial services could be cancelled as thousands try to scramble home in time for December 25 with staffing levels decimated by Omicron. Britain’s Rail Delivery Group has said that around one in 20 train services were cancelled in the past week.

    On Wed. 22 Dec. Revolution protestors came out against CV-slavery tyranny in Hamburg, Brussels, Magdeburg, Munich Germany, Spain, Paris, London, Vienna, Melbourne Australia, Israel, Italy, Republic of Abkhazia, Tunisia, Jakarta Indonesia,
    U.S. Intel Agencies Were Involved In Wuhan Lab Leak Suggest Robert F Kennedy Jr.:

    965,841 Vax injury/death report filed in the US through 10 Dec. 2021.

    Everyone is about to have updated natural immunity. Existing vaccines focus on recognition of the spike protein. Suddenly new variant with 50 changes shows up. FAR outside normal deviation. 32 of them on the spike protein… meaning existing vaccine related antibodies are unlikely to recognize spike protein and block infection. This makes Omicron spread faster. But somehow it’s also more mild. If true… this is a serious threat to Fauci & Co because everyone is about to have updated natural immunity… and that means the MSM is about to have their hands full trying to help keep excuses for lockdowns going while cases plummet worldwide.

    Covid Revealed – Episode 1 Dr. Peter McCullough, Del Bigtree, Dr. Robert Malone, Erin Rhodes. Episode2 Episode3

    Graphene has been found in vax shots as well as in Co-codamol medication.

    Wed. 22 Dec. Switzerland: There is a lot going on at the moment. Various people are reporting detonations that were perceived. The borders with Germany and Austria are getting closed. Military Everywhere – Mass Arrests Starts after Lockdown. GO GO GO HERQS

    There was a 46 page legal filing that Dr. Mike Yeadon and others filed in the International Criminal Court for violating the Nuremberg code. 1) Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates, Borris Johnson, and the CEOs of the 4 main vaccine manufacturers are listed as defendants; among others. 2) The vaccines, PCR tests, gain of function, the US funding gain of function research, graphene hydroxide (PAGE 7 IS MUST READ MATERIAL), inflated covid figures, ineffectiveness of masks, alternative treatments, and many more reasons for mass concern are all listed in the complaint. 3) Event 201, Agenda 21/30, and parallels to 1930s Germany are also cited. If you were to read it from start to end, you would have a SOLID understanding of how the last 30 years were shaped to lead us to this single “Covid” event.

    Army set to announce a vaccine that protects against all CV variants (God is Great!):

    Special COVID hoax report:

    The last lock down in Western Australia came on a Sunday at 6pm.

    The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests. After 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear mongering.

    Thurs. 23 Dec. Protests against CV Mandates: Lima Peru,

    24 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children:

  88. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 24 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    The CDC is withdrawing its standing request to the FDA to grant emergency use authorization for Covid-19 PCR tests. After 20 months of lies, the CDC can no longer hide that its use of Covid-19 PCR tests was fake “science” but true fear mongering.

    Thurs. 23 Dec. Protests against CV Mandates: Lima Peru,

    24 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children:

    Special COVID Hoax report:

    The Center for Disease Control was backing down on their toxic CV tests.

    US Air Force Military Whistleblower: The Plan Of a Military Purge through vax:

    A woman politely asks a CVS pharmacist to pull a Moderna safety insert from package. It’s blank!

    24 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children:

  89. As I will continue to say, you cannot make deals with the devil and come out on top. Additionally, those who choose to carry out the works of Satan must always be prepared to pay the price for doing so when the bill is due:

  90. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 25 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Planes, Trains Grounded:

    Travel Chaos: More than 1,600 Christmas Flights Cancelled amid Omicron Panic. Major airlines around the world have cancelled hundreds of flights between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, with some citing the recent spike of Omicron cases. In the US, United Airlines alone cancelled at least 150 flights scheduled to leave Friday. At the same time Australia saw the cancellation of more than 140 flights to and from its most populous cities — Sydney and Melbourne. (Flight Aware data)

    A woman politely asks a CVS pharmacist to pull a Moderna safety insert from package. It’s blank!

    24 States Sue Biden Over COVID-19 Mandates for Children:

    CNN Reported Fake Omicron Death:

    Senate Committee on State Affairs: They stopped the vaccine testing because animals were dying.

  91. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 27 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Gates, Fauci, Daszak Charged with Genocide in International Court Filing:

    The Real Reason They Want to Give COVID Jabs to Children | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    New Symptom for Omicron Variant Emerges

    Florida Surgeon General Promotes Nutritionals for Covid:

    Police march against Corona virus restrictions on Christmas 25 Dec. evening in Reutlingen, Germany. Christmas Day 25 Dec. Protests in South Korea, Vienna Austria, France, Germany, Barcelona and Velincia Spain, Tibilisi Georgia, Argentina.

    49-Year-Old New York Times Editor Dies of Heart Attack One Day After Posting About Getting COVID Booster Shot.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    Leaked Project Pandore and Magneto. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Graphene oxide is creating an operating system inside our body. This is the Trans-humanism Agenda.

    Gates, Fauci and Daszak have been charged with genocide in an International Court Filing.

    Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing Big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up, they made mistakes, and people started to wake up earlier, and quicker.

    Lockdowns and Masks Linked to Lower IQ in Children:

  92. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 28 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    A Pfizer Scientist warned that the CV-19 Vaccine was a depopulation weapon; the UN chief confessed that the Vax was killing children and doctors admitted that the Vax causes brain bleeds and heart attacks. Dr. Ariyana Love: “Hydras and Parasites in Vaccine” causing crystallized blood. A Columbia University Study showed that CV-19 Vaccinations have resulted in 983,756 Adverse Events, 108,572 Hospitalizations, 107,860 Urgent Care, 12,317 Bell’s Palsy, 10,429 Heart Attacks, 20,560 Myocarditis, 34,615 Permanently Disabled, 20,622 Deaths, plus FOIA revealed that Pfizer knew of 158,000+ adverse reactions in the first two months of the Vaccine Rollout.

    Lockdowns and Masks Linked to Lower IQ in Children:

    Mass Flight Cancellations Continued – more than 11,000 delayed over Christmas Holiday.

    Leaked Project Pandore and Magneto. The zombie apocalypse is upon us. Graphene oxide is creating an operating system inside our body. This is the Trans-humanism Agenda.

    Gates, Fauci and Daszak have been charged with genocide in an International Court Filing.

    Trump forced the hand of the Cabal as he knew the jab was already made in 2018. This brave action destroyed the need for lockdowns, which were not supposed to end until late 2024 and the jabs released from 2025. Trump getting the jab released early justified an end to the lockdowns and an end to the Emergency Usage Act, again forcing Big Pharma to seek proper FDA approval of a commercial vaccine, which the FDA would never have given approval for. This is why they came up with new strains, to keep the EUA and lockdowns. This also caused the Cabal to speed things up, they made mistakes, and people started to wake up earlier, and quicker.

    Dr. Ariyana Love – Hydras and Parasites in “Vaccine” Causing Crystallized Blood – Stew Peters Show:

    Lockdowns and Masks Linked to Lower IQ in Children:

    CDC has just revised its COVID “isolation guidelines” from 10 days down to 5 days for asymptomatic persons. The change is “motivated by science”, the agency says.

    Today Mon. 27 Dec. protesters against health apartheid hit the constitutional court in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana. In hundreds of small and large German cities, people were taking to the streets in so-called #Spaziergaenge (“walks”) against compulsory vaccinations. There were huge mandate protests in New York.

    Pfizer Scientist Warns Vaccine is Depopulation Weapon:

    3 year old dies after Covid Vaccine Jab:

    Four Soccer Stars die after Vaccine Jab:

    Drs. Fauci and Collins Worked to Smear Anti-Lockdown Scientists:

    How Many Died from Vaccine, Columbia U Study:

    UN chief confesses that the Vax is killing children:

    Brain Bleeds, Heart Attacks from Vaccine:

    What’s Happening:

    Dr. Mercola on how to end this:

    Mark of the Beast Microchip Tracking Vaccine:

    CV-19 Vaccinations resulted in 983,756 Adverse Events, 108,572 Hospitalizations, 107,860 Urgent Care, 12,317 Bell’s Palsy, 10,429 Heart Attacks, 20,560 Myocarditis, 34,615 Permanently Disabled, 20,622 Deaths and FOIA Revealed that Pfizer knew of 158,000+ adverse reactions in the first two months of the Vaccine Rollout.

  93. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 29 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Pfizer antiviral pills discovered to be risky, the antiviral cocktail causing serious interactions with widely used prescriptions, including Statins, blood thinners and some antidepressants.

    Why does Trump keep pushing the vaccine?
    Pfizer Exposed:

    The IMF and the World Bank along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation talking about a digital ID along with your health and financial data. Let me translate: Your vaccinated status has expired, no 5th booster? No access to your money. This is not a conspiracy theory it’s a conspiracy fact!!!

    Almost 50% of patients in English hospitals with #Covid19 admitted for other reasons but have Covid. Around 29% admitted for other reasons from the community. 19% caught Covid-19 within hospital (based on last 7 days total cases vs. those who came from community)
    CNN admits cloth masks do not stop COVID.

    Pfizer antiviral pills may be risky with other medications – One of the two drugs in the antiviral cocktail could cause serious interactions with widely used prescriptions, including statins, blood thinners and some antidepressants.

    Canada has been secretly tracking 33 million phones during the Covid lockdown. Of course 33:

  94. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 30 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    In the 1960s the CIA did secretive US taxpayer dollar funded and tortuous experiments on over 200 orphaned Danish Children, while in the 1980s Dr. Fauci oversaw secretive US taxpayer dollar funded and tortuous Big Pharma experiments on 532 New York Foster Children, killing over 200.

    A new study showed that at least 93 people have died due directly to the CV-19 vaccine, while today Wed. 29 Dec. inventor of the MRNA jab, Dr. Malone, was banned from Twitter after posting the dangers and adverse affects of the vaccine.

    NIH spent over $1 million on puppy experiments. A beagle mill housing thousands of terrified dogs is being funded by your tax dollars.

    Woman politely asks a CVS pharmacist to pull a Moderna safety insert from package. It’s blank!

    Bautzen, Germany is rising up against the great reset and mandatory vaccination! German nationalists defended themselves after being attacked by NWO troops. Several NWO troops have been reportedly injured.

    93 people died of the vaccine:

    American Heroes in NYC taking a stand.

    The inventor of the MRNA jab, Dr. Malone, speaks about the dangers and is banned from Twitter:

    Special COVID hoax report:

    Fauci Gets Largest Pension in Fed. History After Killing over 200 Foster Children in Taxpayer Funded Human Experiments: Dr. Fauci to Get Largest Pension in U.S. Federal Government’s History Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster Children – Over 200 Died | Politics | Before It’s News (

    Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed.

    There were no studies in existence that showed Face Masks worked, though they did tend to reduce a person’s immune system.

    Vaxxed Moms Delivering Black Eyed Babies: Vaxxed Moms Delivering Strange Black Eyed Babies Swollen Testicles or Micro Penises (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    Pfizer CEO says FDA approved a digital pill that contains a microchip that transmits information once swallowed.

    Trump Destroys the Vaccine Mandates:

    Fauci Gets Largest Pension in Fed. History After Killing over 200 Foster Children in Taxpayer Funded Human Experiments: Dr. Fauci to Get Largest Pension in U.S. Federal Government’s History Fauci, Big Pharma Tortuous Experiments on Foster Children – Over 200 Died | Politics | Before It’s News (

    Vaxxed Moms Delivering Black Eyed Babies: Vaxxed Moms Delivering Strange Black Eyed Babies Swollen Testicles or Micro Penises (Video) | Alternative | Before It’s News (

    There were no studies in existence that showed Face Masks worked, though they did tend to reduce a person’s immune system.

    Mask Mandates were also used in the fake Spanish Flu Plandemic of 1918. It is used by the elites as a control ritual, a proof of power, humiliation ritual and de-personalisation of the masses. People lose their confidence and strength. If somebody tells you to stop breathing, or puts a tissue on your face, it reduces vital oxygen. Viruses are 40k times smaller than your masks fibers. It’s even written on the box it’s not protecting against viruses in ANY way. The VARS system in vaccines appeared dangerous. A Harvard Study showed that 29,000 people have died as a direct result of the vaccine – a report on only 1% of the population, which would put the number at 2.9 million who actually died. The latest figures from the UK Health Authority show that the fully vaccinated UK population was responsible for four out of five COVID-19 deaths in the last four weeks.

  95. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 31 Dec. 2021 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Judy Note: As air travel globally was coming to a halt with 2,874 cancelled flights on Thurs. alone because of CV-19, head of the CV-19 Plandemic, Dr. Fauci, was set to receive the largest pension in the history of the federal government, even though he was not prosecuted, nor even investigated for killing over 200 Foster Children in taxpayer funded human experiments in the 1980s.

    A Pfizer CEO announced that Fauci recently had the FDA approve a digital pill that contained a microchip that transmitted information once swallowed. There were no studies in existence that showed Fauci’s mandate of wearing Face Masks worked, though they were known to reduce a person’s immune system and vaxxed Moms were delivering black-eyed babies.

    Southern cancels London Victoria trains for two weeks over Covid. Firm cites ‘isolation and sickness’ as it says it will run no services to or from station until 10 January:

    It’s another tough day for air travel, with more than 1,100 U.S. cancellations. JetBlue and Alaska Airlines are among the hardest hit as weather and the latest Coronavirus wave continue to snarl operations.

    Yesterday, flight tracking service FlightAware noted 2,874 cancelled flights globally ( Of those, 1,084 were within, into, or out of the United States. Today, those numbers have improved a bit on the global side (only 2,626 cancellations so far) but have gotten even worse domestically:

    US airline cancellations piling up as over 1,000 flights canned on day before New Year’s Eve. Thousands of cancellations have been made by multiple airlines in the United States as Coronavirus cases take their toll on the industry and heavy snow hits the West. (Bloomberg). JetBlue canned 17% of its December 30 schedule, Allegiant scratched 18% of its service and United binned 8% of its flights, according to data from FlightAware-com.

    Mask Mandates were also used in the fake Spanish Flu Plan-demic of 1918. It is used by the elites as a control ritual, a proof of power, humiliation ritual and de-personalization of the masses. People lose their confidence and strength. If somebody tells you to stop breathing, or puts a tissue on your face, it reduces vital oxygen. Viruses are 40k times smaller than your masks fibers. It’s even written on the box it’s not protecting against viruses in ANY way. The VARS system in vaccines appeared dangerous. A Harvard Study showed that 29,000 people have died as a direct result of the vaccine – a report on only 1% of the population, which would put the number at 2.9 million who actually died. The latest figures from the UK Health Authority show that the fully vaccinated UK population was responsible for four out of five COVID-19 deaths in the last four weeks.

    Germany: instead of making arrests, police in Nuremberg tonight enabled and accompanied the protest against Covid tyranny.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    Vaccines Kill People: The stats do not lie.

    Antarctica: Vaccinated polar researchers hit by Omicron outbreak miles from civilization:

    CIA: Origin of the term Conspiracy Theorist. There is an old CIA memo from 1967 to all bureau chiefs around the world. This memo is the source of the phrase “Conspiracy Theorist.” After the Warren commission published its conclusions about Kennedy’s assassin, books were published casting doubt about the report’s conclusions. The CIA instructed its agents to quash all debate by labeling anyone asking questions as Conspiracy Theorists. What was the CIA so afraid of? What’s wrong with questions and debate? What were they trying to hide? Why is it that anyone who questions the nature of COVID-19, potential treatments and concerns about vaccines is labeled a Conspiracy Theorist?

    Vaccine Protests in China, Indonesia, Czech Republic, Brazil

  96. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 1 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    “This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.” …Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA.

    Vaccines Kill People: The stats do not lie.

    Antarctica: Vaccinated polar researchers hit by Omicron outbreak miles from civilization:

    CIA: Origin of the term Conspiracy Theorist. There is an old CIA memo from 1967 to all bureau chiefs around the world. This memo is the source of the phrase “Conspiracy Theorist.” After the Warren commission published its conclusions about Kennedy’s assassin, books were published casting doubt about the report’s conclusions. The CIA instructed its agents to quash all debate by labeling anyone asking questions as Conspiracy Theorists. What was the CIA so afraid of? What’s wrong with questions and debate? What were they trying to hide? Why is it that anyone who questions the nature of COVID-19, potential treatments and concerns about vaccines is labeled a Conspiracy Theorist?

    Irrefutable Evidence that the COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing People! Doctors Arne Burkhardt and Sucharit Bhakdi provide evidence that the COVID-19 vaccines cannot protect against a viral infection and trigger self-destruction within vital organs

    NY Health Commissioner Makes a Confession About Child COVID Hospitalizations

    Vaccine Protests in China, Indonesia, Czech Republic, Brazil, Guadeloupe.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    REPORT: Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People:

    “This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.” …Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA.

  97. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    On 6 Dec. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Melinda Gates, William Gates III, and twelve others accused of numerous violations of the Nuremberg Code in a stunning 46-page legal filing to the International Criminal Court. These included various crimes against humanity and war crimes as defined by the Rome Statutes, Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21, and 53. Gates, Fauci, and Daszak charged with Genocide in Court Filing | Columnists |

    There’s no FDA approved vaccine available. They’re using the vaccines under the EUA. Here’s proof. People need to stop complying and get a lawyer.

    Eight top Pfizer, Moderna Shareholders $10 Billion Richer After Media Hypes Omicron Fears.

    REPORT: Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People:

    “This is the first time in history that the ineffectiveness of a medicine is being blamed on those who haven’t taken it.” …Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA.

    The Phizer inoculations for Covid 19 – More HARM than Benefit! Phizer 6 months data shows that the vaccine create more illness than they prevent! Plus an overview of the Phizer process and flawless in both design and execution! Why this data analysis can’t be shared with the US nation? I strongly advise you to keep yourself and your children away from this dangerous experiment!

    This video will show you all the flaws that Phizer vaccine is having!! Only HARM no Benefit!

    Dr. Kary Mullis Tried to Expose Fauci and the AIDS Controversy for 30 Years. “Thirty years ago, Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Health, made a name for himself by pushing for higher doses of the deadly drug AZT, an old cancer chemotherapy too dangerous for approval, onto AIDS patients. Dr. Mullis was hired to measure HIV in people’s blood samples with his PCR. He was working under the premise that HIV was the probable cause of AIDS. But when he went looking for the proof, there was none. They just made it up. ‘This whole thing is a big sham’ -Dr. Mullis”

    Pfizer’s revenue could reach $101.3 Billion in 2022…! It’s all about the money, not your health.

    Paris: Tensions on the Champs-Elysees where nearly 100,000 people gathered despite Covid ban. Protests also in Israel.

  98. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    The Real News for Sun. 2 Jan. 2022:

    The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens.

    Dr. Robert Malone: “The thing for me has been the personal journey of coming to terms with what the World Economic Forum really represents, it’s all documented, then you see it being deployed. It is a full on globalist totalitarian vision.”

    Sri Lanka: ‘There is no money left’: Covid crisis leaves Sri Lanka on brink of bankruptcy.

    Who Owns the World, Covid Revealed:

    5G and Coronavirus Exposed:

    Did Dismissals of Safe Outpatient Drugs Cause Needless COVID Deaths? Dissenting Doctors Say Yes:

    Official German data suggests Vaccinated will develop AIDS by the end of Jan 2022.

    Dr. Simon: Stress kills as it elevates the blood cortisol levels. Fearmongering and the resulting existential fears, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle due to the measures, can be seen as the root causes. Lockdowns and curfews lead to less social interactions, less physical activities and lower vitamin D blood serum levels. There’s plenty of evidence that these factors reduce life expectancy. Media is spreading fake news about alternative therapies. Vitamin D, Ivermectin, melatonin etc., are dismissed as quackery, whereas experimental drugs are heavily promoted.

    Top Health Expert Blows the Whistle on Cloth Masks and Their Effectiveness Against COVID:

    Netherlands: Hundreds protest COVID restrictions, lockdown extension in Amsterdam despite ban.

    Brazil: Citizens beat up the Mayor of Toritama in Brazil after he mandated vaccine passports.

    Calgary Canada: This is the second time the thugs at Calgary Police have chosen a shock-and-awe arrest of a peaceful pastor. Dragging him into a busy street — this time in the middle of the night. That’s not police work. It’s politics. It’s humiliation. So gross.

    Amsterdam: Horrific scenes in Amsterdam this afternoon as police set dog onto anti Coronavirus tyranny protesters, baton anyone trying to help! Protests also in South Korea.

    CV Protests in Europe, New York, Holland, Germany

    Covid-19: Pharmaceutical giants, Gates, Fauci, UK officials accused of crimes against humanity in International Criminal Court complaint:

    Download 46 pages lawsuit document:

    The Supreme Court has canceled universal vaccination. Bill Gates, US Chief Infectious Disease Specialist Fauci, and Big Pharma have lost a lawsuit in the US Supreme Court, failing to prove that all of their vaccines over the past 32 years have been safe for the health of citizens! BREAKING NEWS: The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine, Is Unsafe, And Must Be Avoided At All Costs-Supreme Court has canceled universal vax – best news here

    The lawsuit was filed by a group of scientists led by Senator Kennedy. Robert F. Kennedy Jr : “The new COVID vaccine should be avoided at all costs. I urgently draw your attention to important issues related to the next vaccination against Covid-19. For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called mRNA vaccines of the latest generation directly interfere with the patient’s genetic material and therefore alter the individual genetic material, which is genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and was previously considered a crime.

    The Coronavirus Vaccine is not a vaccine. It was always the pathogen itself – a microbe or virus that was killed or attenuated, that is, weakened – and it was introduced into the body in order to produce antibodies. Not even a coronavirus vaccine! It is not that at all! It is part of the newest group of mRNA (mRNA) allegedly “vaccines”. Once inside a human cell, mRNA reprograms normal RNA / DNA, which begins to make another protein.

    That is, nothing to do with traditional vaccines! That is, it is an instrument of genetic influence. Genetic bioweapon! That is, they were going to destroy from earthlings, and the survivors will become GMOs! Following the unprecedented mRNA vaccine, the vaccinated will no longer be able to treat the symptoms of the vaccine in an additional way.

    Vaccinated people will have to come to terms with the consequences, because they can no longer be cured by simply removing toxins from the human body, as in a person with a genetic defect such as Down syndrome, Klinefelter syndrome, Turner syndrome, genetic heart failure, hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, Rett syndrome, etc. ), because the genetic defect is forever!

    This clearly means: if a symptom of vaccination develops after mRNA vaccination, neither I nor any other therapist can help you, because damage caused by vaccination will be genetically irreversible.

    Vaccination – Bio-weapons of genocide of the 21st century. Former Pfizer Chief Scientist Mike Yeedon has once again expressed his position that it is too late now to save those who have been injected with a substance publicly called “the Covid-19 vaccine.” He encourages those who have not yet received the lethal injection to fight for their lives, those around them and the lives of their children.

    The internationally renowned immunologist goes on to describe a process that he says will kill the vast majority of people: “Immediately after the first vaccination, about 0.8% of people die within two weeks. The average life expectancy of survivors will be a maximum of two years, but it also decreases with each new “injection”.

    “Additional vaccines are still being developed to cause deterioration in certain organs, including the heart, lungs and brain. After two decades at Pfizer, Professor Yedon was familiar with the functions and research and development goals of pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, and states that the ultimate goal of the current “vaccination” regime can only be a massive demographic event that will make all world wars put together, like Mickey’s staging Mouse.

    “Billions of people have already been sentenced to certain, inevitable and painful death. Anyone who receives the injection will die prematurely, and three years is a generous estimate of how long they can survive.”

    Special COVID hoax report:

    With the main function of the World Health Organization being to make money for pharmaceutical companies, they have controlled the information going to doctors and their patients – which has nothing to do with better health of the public.

    The US Supreme Court has cancelled universal vaccinations after Fauci and Big

    Pharma failed to prove all vaccines over the past 32 years were safe for public health.

    Vaccines have been found to contain toxic ingredients that have been linked to Autism, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Blood Clotting and Death.

    Bill Gates was behind the Ebola vaccination and worldwide depopulation agenda.

    Aids was a manmade virus.

    COVID was manmade and not a virus, with US taxpayer dollars paying for the development of CV-19 under Obama and Dr. Fauci.

    Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.

    Cancer was cureable. 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.

    A fully vaccinated US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin tested positive for Covid-19.

    YouTube starts deleting high-profile interviews about the vaccine with Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan.

    More than 4,000 flights were canceled on New Year’s Weekend due to staff shortages caused by Omicron and Biden’s vaccination mandates.

    The Los Angeles Public Schools canceled their vaccination mandate after 30,000 children refused to be vaccinated.

    The wave of Omicron infections will come to an end by February 20, 2022, it is assumed that this is the last mutation of coronavirus infection, said Greek professor Demosthenes Sariannis.

    The UAE prohibits unvaccinated citizens from leaving the country from January 10.

    Sun. 2 Jan. 2022 violent Mandate Protests in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

    NY Health Commissioner Admits Using Overblown Claims About Child COVID Hospitalizations to Scare Parents Into Vaccinating Their Kids:

    C. Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: “I’m going to tell you three things that you should remember: (1.) As soon as the government acquires power, it never lets it go voluntarily. (2.) Any power that the government acquires by using this pandemic as an excuse, it will eventually use with maximum efficiency. (3.) No one has been able to get out of totalitarianism yet. Every time you comply, the requirements get tougher.

    “We must decide here and now that this is the hill on which we must die. They came for our work, they came for our transport, now they will come for our children. We, as parents, are obliged to protect them. There has never been a government in history that has said to its people: we will demand that children sacrifice themselves and take risks to save the elderly. Everything always happens the other way around. Old, mature, adults always put themselves at risk to protect their children. This is an ethical issue. It’s a moral issue. It’s a question of the character of each of us.”

  99. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    With the main function of the World Health Organization being to make money for pharmaceutical companies, they have controlled the information going to doctors and their patients – which has nothing to do with better health of the public.

    The US Supreme Court has cancelled universal vaccinations after Fauci and Big Pharma failed to prove all vaccines over the past 32 years were safe for public health.

    Vaccines have been found to contain toxic ingredients that have been linked to Autism, Cancer, Heart Attacks, Blood Clotting and Death.

    Bill Gates was behind the Ebola vaccination and worldwide depopulation agenda.

    Aids was a manmade virus.

    COVID was manmade and not a virus, with US taxpayer dollars paying for the development of CV-19 under Obama and Dr. Fauci.

    Our food was full of chemicals and drugs.

    Cancer was cureable: 42 years ago, the cure for cancer was discovered.

    Dr. Malone recently visited the popular podcaster Joe Rogan. He suggested that the United States is in the midst of “the formation of mass psychosis”: “Our government is out of control,” Malone said. “They are doing lawlessness. They completely ignore bioethics. They completely ignore the federal general rule. They have violated all the rules that I know about, which I have been taught for many years (…) These mandates are clearly illegal and clearly do not comply with the Nuremberg Code, they clearly contradict the Belmont Report (…) They are absolutely illegal, and they don’t give a damn about it.”

    Dr. Stephane Gaye, doctor at the Strasbourg University Hospital, infectious disease specialist: “We know perfectly well that there are thousands of deaths. There are very serious side effects: paralysis of the lower extremities, strokes… This is serious, unheard of, I am more than outraged, this is a scandal. At the same time, pharmaceuticals is not responsible for this.”

    Mon. 3 Jan. 2022 violent Mandate Protests in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Germany. Brazil: 3 million people protested in Brasilia yesterday. Additionally, +2 million in SĂŁo Paulo and +1 million similarly gathered in other Brazil cities.

    The Los Angeles Public Schools canceled their vaccination mandate after 30,000 children refused to be vaccinated.

    YouTube was deleting high-profile interviews about the vaccine with Dr. Robert Malone and Joe Rogan.

    The wave of Omicron infections will come to an end by February 20, 2022, it is assumed that this is the last mutation of coronavirus infection, said Greek professor Demosthenes Sariannis.

    The majority of German residents (57%) no longer trust the Covid figures provided by the government, according to a new survey by INSA (BILD). Only 32% of people still trust official information.

    NY Health Commissioner Admits Using Overblown Claims About Child COVID Hospitalizations to Scare Parents Into Vaccinating Their Kids:

    Can Covid vaccines increase the risk of cancer in susceptible patients? “Since nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccines strongly activate T-follicular helper cells, it is important to study the possible effect of approved SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines on neoplasms affecting this type of cell. It reports and discusses the unexpected rapid progression of lymphomatous lesions after the administration of the BNT162b2 mRNA booster vaccine to a man who was recently diagnosed with AITL.”

    Covid Facts by Physicians and Experts worldwide: What is going on in our world?

    Leading experts speak out… (

    Fauci received a email in late February 2020 that virologists from the Rockefeller Institute want to discuss the happenings from Wuhan, possible lab-leak/release and a theory that covid contains yeast (Yeast is what hiv survives off in the body). “They want to share their ideas and perhaps start a U.S. government effort similar to the Manhattan Project”

    Illuminati and Covid – 33 Degrees of Manipulation:

    Pfizer Vaccines Are Dangerous Report Data Proved – Canadian Covid Care Alliance 500+ Doctors:
    BREAKING: Pfizer’s own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more.
    PPT Slides:

    The number of journalists participating in White House briefings has been reduced to fourteen socially distanced reporters due to concerns about Omicron.

    More than 4,000 flights were canceled on New Year’s Weekend due to staff shortages caused by Omicron and Biden’s vaccination mandates.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    The Center for Disease Control has halted PCR Tests due to false positives.

    Dr. Mccollough claims that outpatient treatments for CV-19 have been suppressed.

    Life Insurance companies have sounded death warnings over nearly 100,000 excess deaths per month perhaps related to vaccines.

    China’s Latest COVID outbreak spreads to two new cities, including home of world’s largest port. This could have serious ramifications for China’s economy, not to mention the global economy.

    UK: The English newspaper “The Cheltenham Post” publishes the number of dead and injured of the genocide vaccine. Reports that 6,636,471 people died and 40,679 dead from GMO poison in the UK, European Union and US alone. “These Transgenic Vaccines have never been used on people and are not approved, other than for emergency use.”

    Dr. Mccollough claimed that outpatient treatments for CV-19 have been suppressed:

  100. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Wed. 5 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    People are rioting in the streets all over the globe. Nuremberg, Article 6, Section 3 makes it clear what can be done and what exactly can’t. War Crimes judged by Military Tribunals as required by Law, are about to commence.

    REPORT: Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People:

    Fauci guilty of genocide during the 80’s:

    UK: The English newspaper “The Cheltenham Post” published the number of dead and injured of the genocide vaccine. Reports that 6,636,471 people died and 40,679 dead from GMO poison in the UK, European Union and US alone. “Transgenic Vaccines have never been used on people and are not approved other than for emergency use.”

    Dr. Mccollough claimed that outpatient treatments for CV-19 have been suppressed:

    India: What If The Largest Vaccine Experiment On Human Beings In History Is A Total Failure?

    Sadly, we passed two milestones on VAERS. Over 1 million adverse events and over 21,000 deaths. 30% of those deaths occurred on day 0, 1, or 2 following vaccination. When will federal agencies start being transparent with Americans? Why do they continue to ignore early treatment? It is well reported that only about 1% of cases are actually reported to VEARS. So you could multiply these numbers by 99x.

    100’s of Athletes Collapsing and Dying Worldwide from Heart Failure Caused by Toxic Vaccines:

    Fauci’s wife is head of NIH Bio Ethics, the company that approves drugs for the FDA.

    As of 18 Dec. 2021 in the US there were recorded 34,337 deaths and 3,120,439 injuries contributed to the vaccines.

    Corona virus in Wuhan, Dr. Peter Daszak: So Fauci and Obama only gave $3.5 million to Wuhan. Or perhaps the real truth is that through Obama, Deep State operators in the Pentagon gave $39 million to a charity that funded the Corona virus in Wuhan.

    Special COVID hoax report:

    On Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 the World Council for Health called for an immediate Cease and Desist to CV-19 Vaccinations. Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, reported that he was likely to shift his position to one that stated these “vaccinations” made no sense for anybody anymore, the risk greatly outweighing any good.

    Covid 911 – Insurgency

    Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 World Council for Health Calls for Immediate Cease and Desist to CV-19 Vaccinations: Globally renowned experts in the medial and scientific fields have called for a halt on the experimental COVID-19 mRNA shots that are killing millions and injuring millions more. Now, the World Council for Health, including doctors, lawyers and others assisting is making that same call in a declaration. In a declaration posted at, these experts laid out the reasoning for stopping the administration for the shots. “We declare that Covid-19 vaccinations are dangerous and unsafe for human use,” they wrote. “The manufacturing, distribution, administration, and promotion of these injections violate basic principles of law. The declaration was put forward in November 2021 with no Mockingbird media coverage.

    America’s Frontline Doctor Warns Parents About mRNA Shot, Myocarditis & Their Kids (Video)

    US Doctor Warns: 20 Times Increase Of Cancer In “Vaccinated” Patients! (Video)
    Scamdemic Produced Big Pharma Billionaires As Doctor Warns Of “Bioweapons Thrust Upon The Public”

    Scamdemic Produced Big Pharma Billionaires As Doctor Warns Of “Bioweapons Thrust Upon The Public”

    America’s Frontline Doctor Simone Gold Warns Of Risks In “Experimental COVID Vaccine” (Video)

    Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, telling the world that he is likely to fully shift his position to one that states these “vaccinations” make no sense for anybody anymore, the risk greatly outweighing any good.

    Wed. 5 Jan. Q, The Storm Rider: Why does TRUMP push vaccines? That answer is connected to Military Tribunals, War Crime Courts and Crimes Against Humanity Nuremberg Code Trials. Trump will expose the world to the corrupt system through producing evidence that will bring down the World Cabal. He will show why Fauci, NIH, CDC, NIAIH, WHO Health Boards, World Banks, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the CIA and UN all colluded to give out false evidence and information of a Pandemic and illicit vaccines. He will show how the first batches of vaccines released through Operation Warp Speed were mainly fake placebos and why infiltration into the Deep State vaccine world was necessary. Trump’s early release of the vaccines threw the Deep State plan into chaos. The World Banks, investors, brokers and share holders of pharmaceutical companies went into panic mode. Half of trillions of dollars were lost in the unsure Stock Markets in the first days of Jan. 2020. Trump will answer to Military Courts and show that the false data, false evidence and other falsified information that the Deep State put out on Covid-19 and the vaccines will bring them down.

    Germany is once again rising up against covid-tyranny and mandatory vaccinations. 1,390 protests are planned across the country, including large cities and small villages. The people of Germany are waking up, and the mainstream media completely ignore what is happening.

    Bernama Hong Kong to suspend flights from 8 countries over COVID-19:

    Australian supermarkets grapple with Covid-based staff shortages:

  101. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 6 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    On Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 the World Council for Health called for an immediate Cease and Desist to CV-19 Vaccinations. Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, reported that he was likely to shift his position to one that stated these “vaccinations” made no sense for anybody anymore, the risk greatly outweighing any good.

    A study by Dr. Suharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt has found that the vast majority of deaths occurring after vaccination against Covid-19 are actually caused by injections. In all 14 vaccine-related deaths of the study, the researchers observed the same underlying health problems that included: Inflammatory phenomena in small blood vessels (endotheliitis) characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and deposited; dead endothelial cells in the lumen of the vessel; extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes and massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissues by T-lymphocytes.

    A Pfizer patent application was approved August 31st, 2021, and is the very first patent that shows up in a list of over 18500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide.

    Wed. 5 Jan. Situation Update GLOBAL ALERT as 10 million people PER DAY are set on irreversible countdown to VACCINE DEATH:

    Dr Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccines, telling the world that he is likely to fully shift his position to one that states these “vaccinations” make no sense for anybody anymore, the risk greatly outweighing any good. Dr. Malone has explained how Blackrock, Vanguard and massive Wall Street firms were the true overlords of Pfizer and the big pharma corrupt industry. Their ONLY purposes of these companies are ROI return on investments and profits. Our government was also US Incorporated and thus companies owned by global elite secret investors, hedge funds, CCP China, etc. had the same goals. It’s all and only about money

    The COVID vaccines are made in different batches, and some batches have been withdrawn due to severe reactions seen almost immediately after injection. Dr. Elizabeth Eads says one Moderna batch was so deadly it pulled off the market in California, but then sent to Red States for use there.

    A study by Dr. Suharit Bhakdi and Dr. Arne Burkhardt has found that the vast majority of deaths occurring after vaccination against Covid-19 are actually caused by injections. In all 14 vaccine-related deaths, the researchers observed the same underlying health problems that included: Inflammatory phenomena in small blood vessels (endotheliitis) characterized by an abundance of T-lymphocytes and deposited; dead endothelial cells in the lumen of the vessel; extensive perivascular accumulation of T-lymphocytes and massive lymphocytic infiltration of surrounding non-lymphatic organs or tissues by T-lymphocytes. The study examined 15 corpses of the deceased, which, according to coroners or prosecutors, were not associated with vaccination. However, it turned out that 14 out of 15 cases, or 93 percent, actually died as a result of vaccination. According to research, all people died between seven days and six months after the injection. Their ages ranged from 28 years to 95 years. Journalist Steve Kirsch wrote about the study: “The most attacked organ was the heart (in all deceased people), but other organs were also attacked. The consequences are potentially huge and could lead to millions of deaths. Vaccines should be stopped immediately.” However, it is unlikely that the worldwide vaccination program against Covid-19 will stop, since the researcher’s work has not been published in a peer-reviewed journal. Therefore, most likely, it will be ignored and will remain unnoticed by the scientific and medical community. Despite this, the work entitled “About Covid-19 Vaccines: Why They Don’t Work, and irrefutable evidence of their causal role in deaths after vaccination” attracted widespread attention on the Internet. Bhakdi/Burkhardt pathology results show 93% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine. The conclusions contained in the article reveal the true dangers and risks of vaccines, which governments, the medical community and scientists continue to hush up.

    Dr David Martin calls out “The Vaccine Criminal Cartel who see five years olds as experimental commodities they can profit off, even if it means death for the child.”

    A Pfizer patent application was approved August 31st, 2021, and is the very first patent that shows up in a list of over 18500 for the purpose of remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the “internet of things” by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the Grapheme Oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the death-shot.

    Robert F Kennedy Jr. gives the back story on the Hepatitis B vaccine: “Merck when it developed the drug was told by the FDA and CDC we want you to develop this for those vulnerable populations. When they didn’t buy it, the CDC said we’ll just recommend it for children. We’ll force everyone to buy it.”

  102. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Fri. 7 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Last 31 Aug. 2021 Pfizer was awarded a patent that gave the Cabal’s Big Pharma the right to remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide. This tracking was embedded in the vaccines and reason for Vaccine Passports.

    On Tues. 4 Jan. 2022 the World Council for Health called for an immediate Cease and Desist to CV-19 Vaccinations.

    Travis Scott Satanic Astroworld Human Sacrifice Concert by frequency and Graphene Oxide Jab. “Graphene Oxide reacts to sound frequencies, and everyone who attended the Luciferian concert ritual had been double jabbed. Imagine what was happening inside them as Scott was causing the nano-particles to attack their hearts. Was this human sacrifice by tonal vibration?”

    2015 Agreement between the US and Moderna on the Jab, Glen Beck:

    WARNING Vaccine passports: For those considering or already have.. Be WARNED… Inside the Vaccines passport term agreements lays the insidious plan to completely track your bank accounts, body moments. Temperature readings, record all your conversations, track all your computers, emails , private messages and allot more. The technology hidden in the vaccines passport is leading off to the full control and future control of All your discretions and hesitancy to future vaccines ( more), booster ( more) shots. The powerful servers Collecting data vaccine passport technology is creating the World’s strongest digital CONTROL System (to date). Those who have vaccine passports and decide not use the next Vaccines or Boosters will face fines, media restrictions and All collection data of temperature readings will be sent to AUTHORITARIAN Outlets for criminal local laws, infection laws, and those who are hesitant to take the recommend every 6 months boosters and incoming new vaccines are subject to full extent of the laws in All countries. This means they take over your bank accounts, seize assets, take control of your social networks, use the temperature data to imprison you or family. (Use all the recordings for public records and court cases) WARNING TO ALL especially those in Europe where vaccines passports are becoming mandatory. (Bill GATES/DEEP STATE found a way to track every human bank accounts and found a way to seize assets through (corrupted) laws and newer laws being created in almost every major country connected Vaccine Passports.

    Don’t let them tell you this is normal…after the vaxxs

    33 year old pro dancer Santo Giuliano suffers heart attack 5 days after jab

    32 year old Olympic Tennis player Joachim Gerard collapses during match with heart problems

    19 year old Football player Jalen Leavey dies at campus after the game

    23 year old Baseball player Daniel Brito suffers stroke during game

    19 year old Football player Tirrell Williams dies following on-field collapse

    21 year old Football player Okafor Kelechi dies during training

    29 year old Football player Lee Moses dies during training session

    15 year old Footballer Stephen Sylvester collapsed and dies during conditioning practice

    18 year old Football player Emmanual Antwi dies after collapsing on the field

    13 year old Football player Cajetan Chinoyelum Nsofor dies during practice

    15 year old Soccer player Moira Claire Arney died during practice.

    Junior High School Baseball Pitcher Andrew Roseman died suddenly and unexpectedly, no further information given

    17 year old Footballer Nickolas Lawrinas died suddenly and unexpectedly, cause given by media, unclear

    17 year old Footballer Miquel Lugo collapsed and died during practice

    16 year old Football player Devon DuHart mysteriously died in July 2021

    16 year old Footballer Ivan Hicks dies of Cardiovascular Disease during Scrimmage

    19 year old Footballer Joe Bradshaw dies mysteriously off campus, not conclusion of death

    16 year old Football player Drake Geiger collapses and dies during game

    15 year old Football player Joshua Ivory collapses and dies during game

    19 year old Football player Quandarius Wilburn collapses during practice and later dies

    17 year old Football player Dimitri McKee passes out and dies after practice

    28 year old Rugby play Tevita Bryce collapses during game from heart attack

    29 year old Rugby player Dave Hyde collapses and dies after match

    27 year old Baseball player Yusuke Kinoshita collapses and dies during practice

    32 year old Champion Speed Skater Kjeld Nuis suffered Pericarditis after the jab

    24 year old Olympic Cyclist Olivia Podmore dies suddenly and mysteriously in her room and during that week another athlete sprinter Cameron Burell also dies mysteriously

    23 year old China Olympics Champion Gilbert Kwemoi collapsed in his home and died on the way to hospital

    37-year-old former French professional footballer Franck Berrier dead

    Germany goalkeeping coach of SV NiederpĂśring suffers heart attack

    24 years Bordeaux pro Samuel Kalu suffers cardiac arrest

    25 years old Belgian soccer player Jente Van Genechten suffers cardiac arrest

    31 years old Fabrice N’Sakala Besiktas Istanbul collapses on the field

    29 years old Pedro Obiang Italian first division after jab has myocarditis

    30 year old Venezuelan National Marathon Champion Alexaida Guedez dead

    29 years old JosĂŠ dos Reis (Luxembourg) collapses on the field and has to be resuscitated

    Germany C-League Dillenburg a player from Hirzenhain collapses, the game is canceled

    16 years old Diego Ferchaud from ASPTT Caen suffers a cardiac arrest

    Austria player of ASV Baden collapses on the field and has to be revived

    16-year-old unnamed football player in Bergamo suffers cardiac arrest

    27 years old Belgian amateur soccer player Jens De Smet dead

    13-year-old soccer player from the Janus Nova club collapses on the field with cardiac arrest

    17 year old soccer player Dylan Rich dies of a double heart attack during a game

    Player from Birati Club MĂźnster suffers cardiac arrest

    24 years old Lucas Surek from BFC Chemie Leipzig suffers from myocarditis

    49 years old Ain / France: FrĂŠdĂŠric Lartillot succumbs to a heart attack in locker room

    45 years old Andrea Astolfi, sporting director of Calcio Orsago dead with no previous illness

    22 years old Abou Ali collapses with cardiac arrest during a two-tier game in Denmark

    19 years old ice hockey player Sebastiaan Bos dead. Passed away suddenly and unexpectedly

    40 years old A half marathon runner collapsed during the race and died a little later

    Special COVID hoax report:

    Cabal’s Pfizer Awarded Patent Right to Tracing of Vaccinated Humans Worldwide.

    Last 31 Aug. 2021 Pfizer was awarded a patent that gave the Cabal’s Big Pharma the right to remote tracing of vaccinated humans worldwide. This tracking was embedded in the vaccine, was the reason for Vaccine Passports and set for release on Wed. 19 Jan.

    The 5G Virus: We are coming into the SUPER dangerous part of the WAR: 5G, of which the official rollout in the US was expected after Wed. 19 Jan. The 5G Virus was rolled out in Wuhan at the same time as COVID. 5G was no joke and full unauthorized testing has been taken place in the U.S. and abroad. The power behind 5G was more than a human can FATHOM. DARPA can use 5G as a weapon in many, many ways, including replicating sickness and antagonizing the body cells to excrete proteins/ spike proteins. Graphene Oxide combines with 5g to control the body. There are many factors to 5G causing illness (as known even 3g, 4g cause cancer as written in your phone manual. 5G is FAR more dangerous). In many instances in the early classified testing of Military use of 5G the weapon can be used to KILL subjects through positioned directed weapons (small energy weapon and can find subjects through Nano, phones, WiFi, RFIDs.

    There were over a million adverse reaction cases to the COVID Vaccine and over 21,000 Vaccine deaths for year 2021 according to the VAERS website.

    VIROLOGIST: Omicron Looks Like Something A Vaccinologist Would Design on Purpose:

    Moderna CEO says people may need a fourth Covid shot as the “efficacy of boosters” is likely to decline over time.

    WARNING: The chief infectious disease specialist of the USA Anthony Fauci and Pfizer are working on the creation of a vaccine against Covid-19 for six-month-old babies.

  103. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Sat. 8 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    946,000+ COVID Vaccines Side Effects, Injuries and Deaths – Real OAN News

    There were over a million adverse reaction cases to the COVID Vaccine and over 21,000 Vaccine deaths for year 2021 according to the VAERS website.

    Dr. Robert Malone about vaccinating children. Among other things, he says that 50% of vaccinated professional athletes can walk with undiagnosed Myocarditis and be at constant risk of sudden death.

    VIROLOGIST: Omicron Looks Like Something A Vaccinologist Would Design on Purpose:

    Moderna CEO says people may need a fourth Covid shot as the “efficacy of boosters” is likely to decline over time.

    All Vaccinated People With Severe COVID-19 Had One Thing in Common: CDC Study:

    Vaccine Passports: For those considering or already have.. Be WARNED… Inside the Vaccines passport term agreements lays the insidious plan to completely track your bank accounts, body moments. Temperature readings, record all your conversations , track all your computers, emails, private messages and allot more. The technology hidden in the vaccines passport is leading off to the full control and future control of all your discretions and hesitancy to future vaccines (more), booster (more) shots. The powerful servers collecting data vaccine passport technology is creating the World’s strongest digital CONTROL System (to date). Those who have vaccine passports and decide not use the next Vaccines or Boosters will face fines, media restrictions and All collection data of temperature readings will be sent to AUTHORITARIAN Outlets for criminal local laws, infection laws, and those who are hesitant to take the recommend every 6 months boosters and incoming new vaccines are subject to full extent of the laws in All countries. This means they take over your bank accounts, seize assets, take control of your social networks, use the temperature data to imprison you or family. Use all the recordings for public records and court cases.

    The American organization Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) presented a brief summary of the case being considered today in the US Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in favor of the Biden administration’s introduction of the COVID-19 vaccine for medical workers in institutions receiving federal funding. “The medical community believes that currently available injections of the Covid-19 vaccine do not prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. The relevant federal agencies have repeatedly confirmed this consensus. Therefore, there are no scientific or legal grounds for dividing into people who were injected and not injected. Indeed, since Covid-19 injections do not endow recipients with immunity, but, allegedly, simply reduce the symptoms of the disease, they do not fall under the long-established definition of a vaccine at all. Instead, they are a treatment and should be analyzed as such in accordance with the law.

    WARNING: The chief infectious disease specialist of the USA Anthony Fauci and Pfizer are working on the creation of a vaccine against Covid-19 for six-month-old babies.

    Last month, Italy introduced tough new restrictions for the unvaccinated amid concerns about the Omicron variant, which, according to the results of many studies, infects mostly fully vaccinated people. On this occasion, Italian students have published an open letter asking for help in overcoming the tyranny of the authorities. “Italy has become a country in which there are no longer any freedoms and human rights. Day by day, Italy is becoming a truly authoritarian and apartheid-based sanitary regime, led by a powerful and self-confident Prime Minister capable of acting without any real control, restrictions or responsibility.

  104. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Mon. 10 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    Mandate Protests on Sat-Sun 8,9 Jan: All overFrance, South Korea, Albany New York, Prague, Czhech Republic, Brussels Belgium, Salzburg and Innsbruck Austria, Emden Germany, Denmark, Lisboa Portugal, Goor Netherlands, Seattle Washington, Amsterdam,

    “We’re Approaching A Million Vaccine Injuries In The U.S.” …Dr. Peter McCullough with Del Bigtree

    The BBC won’t tell you that 4 in 5 Covid-19 Deaths in past month were among the Triple/Double Vaccinated according to Official Data.

    Sen. Ron Johnson and Dr. Pierre Kory Talk Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Big Pharma Blocking Early Treatment:

    CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky refutes Justice Sotomayor’s statement that “over 100,000 children” are hospitalized due to COVID, with “many on ventilators.” The number’s not 100,000. It’s roughly 3,500 in hospitals now.”

    Airlines are banning vaccinated Pilots after they die or suffer side effects from the vaccine and warn passengers not to fly

    New York Times Editor makes video about taking his third booster shot and then dies the same day of a heart attack.

    Over 95% of Omicron Cases are in Vaccinated People. So it’s a vaccinated Plandemy. Pure bloods are safe now. So vaccinated should not go to restaurants, bars, grocery stores, etc. They are the danger now.

    Dr. Robert Malone Warns Parents on CV-19 Vaccinations:

    Scientists Reveal Covid Vaccine: Scientists Reveal COVID Vaccine Ignored by Government

    Philippines: Patrick DaCosta of Dinar Chronicles writes: “The local governments here in the Philippines have begun to crack down on the unvaccinated. We are being prevented from buying essentials at local establishments because the government made it a requirement to present a vaccination card. However, there is local backlash against the government. There are currently around 300k vaccinated and around 150k unvaccinated in the city I live in. A report from major hospitals in the country: St. Luke’s Medical Center: 40% vaccinated, 40% unvaccinated, and of the 10% who received booster shots, two were in the ICU. Philippine General Hospital: 60% of CV-19 patients were vaccinated and only had 25% ICU occupancy; Mandaluyong Medical Center: of 67 CV patients 9 were unvaccinated, 68 vaccinated.”

    UK: Janet Ellis writes, “I work for the NHS in the UK and I woke up to this madness back in March 2020, the MSM was telling the public that the hospitals where busy, but on investigation our hospital had 2 empty wards, also A@E was empty. So I starting researching, met many people who researched the same as me and came to the same conclusion . I can clearly see the reason why the health care establishments did not want the families of patients to see their relatives, for the sole reason to use deaths of relatives so they can use them to scare the public, keeping families away from their loved ones can be enough to kill, so cruel, especially when the Covid 19 has never been isolated or purified. Nothing of what our governments where saying made any sense, 6 ft apart etc, crazy. After the Covid jab roll out started last year, which normally takes 10 to 15 yrs to be sure of its safety, serious health problems and some unexplained deaths started to happen. Now I see on a daily basis many health induced Covid jab problems, such as clots, heart attacks and serious heart problems, blood problem such as low platelets, cancer the list goes on, many will die soon, sadly some have. Many have not reported their health condition on the yellow card reporting web site, and I advice them too. I feel this will come to an end soon, but only sadly when people have lost their loved ones especially their children, if only they had researched like me. This has traits of the Nazi era and CCP to control the peoples of the world and I like many have seen through their evil plan to rule the world. I have heard that the 13 families who rule the world are gone, I hope is true. I like many will never give up and will fight until we have our god given freedom back. In the end it’s all about saving the children.”

    Dean Koontz, popular US writer, is the author of the book “Eyes of Darkness”, released in 1981. In it, he talks about a biological weapon called “Wuhan-400”. Kunz predicted that the weapon would be widely used in 2020 and affect human lungs.

    Australian MP Craig Kelly “This is a pandemic of the vaccinated.”

    Lebanon: Hundreds Protest Measures Targeting Unvaccinated:

    Fauci the Jesuit created the Virus for the purpose of depopulation of the earth with a vaccine he created. Phizer , Moderna were forced to comply. You guys are focused on the creation of the Virus. That’s good. Now focus on what’s in the “Vaccine “. They want to depopulate by taking our the military, police, right wing senate with this mRna spike protein. This way its going to be much easier to achieve the One World Order. Vatican Jesuits, Mainstream Media, Social Media, CIA, FBI, compromised Judges, Democrats, Free Masons, Illuminati, Government and leaders of countries were all one gang. One doesn’t stand without the other. They have each other’s back just like any gang does. Who’s the gang leader?: General Jesuit of the Vatican. Have you ever asked how can the government get away with this? Who runs the government? Jesuits do. Again, ask yourself this… How does the government get away with the things taking place in the world? Alan Lamont – The Jesuit Priesthood Of Lucifer: Alan Lamont – The Jesuits are the soldiers of satan: Eric Jon Phelps – These men called Jesuits rule the world: Georgetown Jesuits rule the world:
    Dr. Kary Mullis Tried to Expose Fauci and the AIDS Controversy for 30 Years. “Thirty years ago, Anthony Fauci, head of the National Institute of Health, made a name for himself by pushing for higher doses of the deadly drug AZT, an old cancer chemotherapy too dangerous for approval, onto AIDS patients. Dr. Mullis was hired to measure HIV in people’s blood samples with his PCR. He was working under the premise that HIV was the probable cause of AIDS. But when he went looking for the proof, there was none. They just made it up. ‘This whole thing is a big sham’ -Dr. Mullis”

    BREAKING: Pfizer Vaccines Are Dangerous Report Data Proved – Canadian Covid Care Alliance 500+ Doctors: BREAKING: Pfizer’s own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm. Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more. For the PDF of this presentation visit: PPT Slides:

    Special COVID hoax report:

    WARNING: Vaccines are killing large majorities of people. CV-19 Vaccines are known to cause blood clots and heart attacks and now are also considered deadly when given to those with conditions that make it difficult to breathe. This includes your airways, lungs, certain blood vessels, and the muscles that power your lungs: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis.

    Clots in jabbed blood form in 3 Minutes after taking the Death-Vax.

    ICU Nurse: Medical Authorities Withhold Treatment, Murder Patients:

    Sun-Mon 9, 10 Jan. Anti-Covid Vaccine Pass Protesters continued their rallies in France, Melbourne Australia, Seattle Washington,

    The author of the book Deadly Deception Dr Robert Willner Accused Anthony Fauci of Genocide thirty years ago. “For nearly thirty years, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been an un-elected medical science bureaucrat directing the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH.) Not even subject to Senate confirmation, Fauci has amassed informal power over HIV-AIDS research grant proposals funded with billions of taxpayer dollars. Pretty interesting that Fauci is front and center directing the President during this pandemic.

    Over 1,000 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals say the vaccines are dangerous. The latest CDC data reports elevated rates of post-vaccination Myocarditis for boys aged 12-15, 2.5-24 times higher in the 7 days after first dose, and 24-228 times higher in the 7 days after second dose.

    Dr Bhakdi: Killer Lymphocytes Invading Hearts & Lungs Of Vaxxed People Will Cause DEATH!!!

    After FDA says it can release COVID-19 vaccine data by 2097, federal judge orders all info to be shared this year

    Killing the masses quickly through vaccines is coming from China: Fentanyl Opioid Epidemic! It was all strategically planned by CHINA, Deep State, DAVOS, CIA. The effects of Opioids on CNS and Respiratory depression is killing those who took the VACCINES in quicker numbers. Not only Fentanyl and Opioids medication, but Meth addiction , alcoholics, Severe Smoking lung diseases, emphysema from cigarettes, cigars, pipes, marijuana, and even electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes have a harmful effect on your entire body, but especially on your respiratory system. This includes your airways, lungs, certain blood vessels, and the muscles that power your lung: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes things like emphysema and chronic bronchitis. These can be life-threatening conditions that make it difficult to breathe when mixed with vaccines are killing large majorities. Now you understand why SOROS paid groups pushed for medical marijuana through the country and legalized. It was all planned – the Deep State Agenda.

    Instead of ending this pandemic as promised, the widespread availability of experimental vaccines has caused a dramatic increase in COVID-19-related cases and deaths worldwide, according to a recently published preprint of a study that looked at data from 145 of the world’s most vaccinated countries.

    Leondios Kostrikis, a professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, discovered a new Covid strain combining Omicron and Delta, and dubbed “Deltacron”, Bloomberg reports.

    BBC admits one of their own employees died from the vaccine.

  105. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of Thurs. 20 Jan. 2022 12:01 am EST Compiled by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: “Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities.”

    In addition to owning the most farm land in the US Bill Gates was also believed to have made billions off the CV Pandemic and said, “Future pandemics could be much more transmissible and deadly than Covid.”

    Last week an official UK government study was released that showed the CV-19 vaccine contained dangerous substances that caused heart attacks and other heart problems, fetal abortions, multiple sclerosis and other serious health problems including sudden death – the findings of which the Alliance Military sent to all Mass Media demanding publication by last Mon – which didn’t happen.

    British Police were served papers from the International Criminal Court to close vax centers.

    Dr. Peterson Pierre MD Confirms miscarriage link to vaccine.

    The Mexican government is giving its citizens free Ivermectin in their Covid kit. Maybe some of that common sense can make it’s way through the border?

    UK to scrap Health Passports, face masks. Boris Johnson will gradually roll back ALL Covid restrictions, as the PM faces the heat over his ‘leadership.’ He announced a deadline of March 2022.

    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tells his National Guard Biden is NOT their ‘commander-in-chief’ as he sues the White House over ‘unconstitutional’ military vaccine mandate.

    CV-19 Microchips implanted under human skin:

    The head of WHO warned about new strains coming after Omicron.

    UN Secretary-General Guterres once again called on humanity to prepare for a new pandemic.

    Pfizer has announced the effectiveness of its pills against the Omicron strain.

    Only those people who have received a booster dose of the Covid-19 vaccine will be admitted to Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

    In Hong Kong, they decided to destroy about 2 thousand hamsters with coronavirus because of suspicions that they could infect people.

    January 19, 2022 London, New York, Brussels: Big Pharma CEO’s hunted by Sheriffs as protestors use Warrants to shut down ‘vaccinations’ worldwide.

    Protesters on three continents are shutting down COVID ‘vaccinations’ this week in the wake of the recent historic conviction of Big Pharma, government, and church leaders by an international Court. And convicted Pharma CEO’s are facing imminent arrest by Court Sheriffs in New York City and London.

    On January 15, the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) convicted corporate, government, and church leaders of Crimes against Humanity and ordered the arrest of seventy five individuals.

    Last Monday and again today, ICLCJ Sheriffs armed with arrest warrants sought to detain the convicted felons Albert Bourla and Emma Walmsley, the CEO’s of Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline, at their homes in Scarsdale, New York, and Greenwich, England. Both CEO’s became incommunicado last weekend when news of their conviction was widely reported.

    Meanwhile, new waves of protesters are halting COVID ‘vaccinations’ with new ICLCJ Warrants that allow anyone to lawfully refuse the COVID shots without fear of reprisals, to confiscate the banned drug as a “product of genocide and mass murder”, and to prosecuteanyone who imposes the COVID injections.

    Yesterday, indigenous elders in Manitoba, Ontario and on Canada’s west coast occupied reservation band offices and confiscated and destroyed the COVID ‘vaccines’, after issuing copies of the ICLCJ Warrants to the tribal police and RCMP. The police did not intervene.

    Since Monday, and in more than a dozen communities across North America, Italy and England, Warrant-bearing protesters have shut down ‘vaccination’ centers and stopped the delivery of COVID shots to clinics and hospitals.

    “These Warrants turn the table on the tyrants, and make giving and taking the COVID shots a crime,” commented ICLCJ advisor Kevin Annett today. “We call on everyone to use these Warrants to not only defend themselves but put an end to the COVID Corporatocracy. The police have been asked to assist us in making arrests, seizing the ‘vaccines’, and restoring the rule of common law and justice in our communities.”

    The ICLCJ and its sponsoring common law Republics are organizing and educating people around the world to mobilize their communities to refuse the COVID ‘vaccines’, resist the COVID police state, and establish new sovereign nations. Contact the ICLCJ at and tune in this and every Sunday for news of the resistance at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern, and 11 pm GMT at

    Special COVID news report:

    According to the below report by Dr. Noak CV-19 vaccinations contain Graphene Hydroxide Nanoparticles, a highly intelligent poison that caused internal bleeding, cut and destroyed the heart, brain and cardiovascular system and in many cases was the cause of death of those injected.

    Reese Report: America’s food supply has been fertilized with human remains and coated with Nanoparticles.

    There were over 1000 published Covid Vaccine Studies that show dangerous adverse reactions to the jab.

    Microsoft owner Bill Gates will be charged with murder for CV-19 deaths by the Indian Bar Association:

    Peter Doshi, a senior editor of the BMJ – one of the world’s oldest general medical journals – calls for the full and immediate release of all data related to COVID vaccines and treatments. The BMJ is a weekly peer-reviewed medical trade journal, published by the trade union the British Medical Association. The BMJ has editorial freedom from the BMA.

    Rep. Jim Jordan Says Dr. Fauci Is ‘Covering Information Up’ On Covid-19 Coming From The Wuhan Lab. “They go from this thing looks engineered. This thing is not consistent with evolutionary theory. This thing could not have happened in nature. This thing would have been easy to do in a lab. To completely changing their position. And here is the kicker, the two guys who said those things–Dr. Anderson and Dr. Garry–three months later get rewarded with a $8.9 million grant from Dr. Anthony Fauci.”

    Thurs. 20 Jan. 2022 Protests Against Vax Mandates:

    Rome Italy: Hundreds of lawyers against health apartheid hit the headquarters of the palace of justice in Rome.

    Paris France: Protest of teachers in Paris against health and education policy.

    Trump Put Fauci Center Stage to Expose the Truth:

    [FAUCI] covered up of HIV being a BIOWEAPON in the 80s

    [FAUCI] covered up the real treatments for the HIV

    [FAUCI] covered up for the FAKE HIV treatments that killed people

    [FAUCI] covered up CANCER virus that infect VACCINES stock piles across the World

    [FAUCI] created the GAIN OF FUNCTION in Covid-19 and proceeding Strains

    [FAUCI] created the Vaccines

    This isn’t the first time FAUCI is involved in PANDEMICS and is directly connected to the WORLD ELITES who all help fund him…..




    Dr. Noak Report on Graphene Oxide in the CV-19 Vaccination:

    On 2 November 2021 a startling report was made public on CV-19 Vax injections. Dr. Noak, a chemist and the world’s leading expert in the development of activated carbon and graphene, stated in the report, “The vaccinations contain Graphene Hydroxide Nanowires which was a highly intelligent poison of exceptional stability that caused internal bleeding, cut and destroyed the heart, brain and cardiovascular system and was not biodegradable. Even if people don’t drop dead right away, it cuts blood vessels little by little. We are absolutely sure that if you put Graphene Hydroxide in the blood, you are a murderer.” Noak was killed just a few days after publishing the report.

    “Lethal injections against Covid-19 with graphene in the composition: the evidence speaks for itself.” Graphene oxide, graphene hydroxide and other graphene variants are actually injected into people by governments and large pharmaceutical companies. Fact checkers funded by the pharmaceutical cartel, Big Tech platforms and mainstream media are making a concerted effort to conceal evidence and slander people who disclose it. On November 2, a well-known professor at the University of Almeria, Dr. Pablo Campra, reported the discovery of grapheme. Dr. Noak is a chemist and the world’s leading expert in the development of activated carbon and graphene. Dr. Noak defended his doctoral dissertation on how to convert graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide.

    Graphene hydroxide (GHO) is a single-layer activated carbon with a length of 50 nm and a thickness of 0.1 nm (atomic layer thickness). Thus, the injections contain nanoleads of exceptional stability that are not biodegradable (a fact that every chemist knows). In fact, these nano-blades cut and destroy the heart, brain and cardiovascular system. Epithelial cells become rough, so objects stick to them. He says toxicologists can’t find them in a Petri dish by conventional methods, as they don’t move, and they don’t expect to detect nanoscale razor blades. Graphene hydroxide is a new material, and toxicologists don’t know enough about it yet. That’s why people drop dead from these deadly shots, especially athletes, explains Dr. Noak. This is a “highly intelligent poison”.

    What’s even more terrifying is that if you do an autopsy, you won’t find anything. This hidden weapon cannot be traced even after death. Graphene hydroxide nanowires cause internal bleeding in humans. “Even if people don’t drop dead right away, it cuts blood vessels little by little. I can say as a chemist that we are absolutely sure that graphene hydroxide is there… as a chemist, if you put it in the blood, you know that you are a murderer,” said Noak. Dr. Noak was killed just a few days after he reported it by posting a corresponding video.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Yep, what we knew all along. Let’s face the truth, these so called “vaccines” offer absolutely no protection/immunity from this so called “covid” virus, however too many folks around the world have been hoodwinked into thinking otherwise.

      1. In spite of this revelation from the CDC, folks will still tell you to get vaccinated and act like this was never said.

  106. COVID/Vax Hoax news as of February 7th, 2022.

    If it can be proven that both Delta and Omicron were as a direct result of shedding spike proteins from the vaccines everyone who caught the variants have cause to sue for vaccine injury. Reiner Fuellmich says he has scientists who can prove causation between the shots and vaccine injuries. “There is a fingerprint that only the vaccines leave”

    CDC Admits Natural Immunity Trumps Vaccine Immunity — 5 Months After Touting Vaccines as Superior. Five months after issuing a statement that vaccine immunity protects against COVID better than natural immunity, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention sent a report showing the opposite is true!

    The latest Covid-19 mortality data from Australia shows that 95% of those who died were vaccinated with at least one dose.

    HISTORY IS MADE: Top 6 Covid Corruption Whistleblowers of 2021 and 2022:

    Covid Deaths Following Vaccination: It is known that Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines can cause the inflammatory heart conditions myocarditis and pericarditis, mostly in young males, while the Oxford/AstraZeneca can cause blood clots and strokes. We do not know to what extent, and how many children have died or been permanently disabled as the result of a Covid vaccination. We know that 2.9 million children have received first doses of Pfizer and 20,550 have had first doses of Moderna, while 11,600 children have received first doses of Oxford/AstraZeneca’s vaccine (though it is no longer recommended for the under 40s because that age group is more susceptible to potentially fatal blood clots). Nearly a million under 18s have received second dose!

    Feb 1 2022 – Vatican Connection To Plandemic Exposed: China has paid the Vatican Billions to push Plandemic and pro vaccination agenda.–feb-1-2022-vatican-connection-to-plandemic-exposed-china-pays-vatican-bill.html

    Maher: Medical Establishment Responsible For ‘A Lot’ Of COVID ‘Misinformation’

    Pfizer admits in confidential document that COVID-19 vaccine causes Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (same thing as Antibody Dependent Enhancement).

    FDA Restores Moderna Vaccine Approval Document:

    Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA Covid vaccines can cause the inflammatory heart conditions Myocarditis and Pericarditis, mostly in young males, while the Oxford/AstraZeneca can cause blood clots and strokes.

    1. Greetings fellow brothers. It has been a long while since I last commented and gave my thoughts on BS-19™ as well as the typical western female dysfunction continuing to make things easy for free-thinking BM to fend for themselves and seek better opportunities.

      How’s everyone doing?

  107. Out of curiosity, any links to detoxification methods regarding the sharpshooter or BS-19™ idiot jab? Not for me, but for kids as young as 5 or up to 10.

    I am aware what I am asking is a waste of time given their lives are permanently altered and doomed in a matter of when.

    However, I do want to at least prolong their life so they can live it to the fullest. Despite the irresponsibility of their parents. That is all.

    1. Blackdjedi,

      Feel free to look through the comments because I believe commenter Blue Collar Trevor has posted some information here regarding detoxing from the bioweapon.

  108. Gotta give a big shoutout of support to all the AWAKENED students at my former uni who are protesting against having yet more toxic “safe and effective” vaccines. Of course, Pfizer donates money to Western University for “research” and the Chancellor is obviously compromized considering other Canadian universities have relaxed on the vaxx crap.

    📌 Enough Is Enough Western – @students4agency
    This Saturday at 12pm we say #enoughisenoughwestern on Concrete Beach. We’ll be joining this mass student protest- will you? @WesternU @huronatwestern @KingsAtWestern

    Kwadwo Kyeremanteng @kwadwo777
    Western University’s updated COVID-19 rules aren’t sitting well with some students who’d already paid tuition | CBC News

    The Counter Signal @TheCounterSgnl
    McMaster University and the University of Waterloo announced that, unlike U of T and Western University, they would not have a vaccine mandate for the fall semester.

    Dr. Jimmy Yam – @JimmyJoeYam
    Western University in London, Ontario will require all students to have at least 𝙩𝙝𝙧𝙚𝙚 #COVID19 vaccinations 𝙖𝙣𝙙 wear a mask during the duration of all classes and seminars on campus, because “shut up and do what we say”. Madness.
    #StoptheShots #wednesdaythought 📌

    My beloved Canada — a country with one of the best public education systems on the planet over the past 60 years, and a model of a vibrant peaceful diversity for decades — is now firmly under the control of the WEF AngloZiostanis. Goodbye Oh Canada, for I am never ever coming back to you. 😔

  109. This Thai Vaxx study should be quite an eye opener to the braindead sheep running Western governments – if they’ll look at it.

    📌 Izzie @IzzieKraft – Aug 16
    #unvaccinated #VAXXED
    The 1st prospective study (preprint) of adolescents between 13-18 yrs. Neither US, nor UK nor Europe has done any such study but, thanks to Thailand, we have freakin scary data. 😳 Study focuses on Cardiovascular effects after #Pfizer

    Thai vaccine heart complications
    Cardiovascular Effects of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Adolescents.
    Study focuses on cardiovascular effects, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis events, after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injection, in Thai adolescents, 13 to 18, both sexes.
    This prospective cohort study, students from two schools aged 13–18 years, who received the second dose of the BNT162b2 vaccine. All healthy and without any abnormal symptoms before receiving the second dose of vaccine. 📌

    Call me when medical tyrant heads are about to roll.

  110. This is an EXCELLENT rebuttal to the “My body, my choice!” feminist hypocrites who feel we don’t deserve a choice when it comes to rejecting these toxic experimental mRNA gene therapy vaxx jabs.

    Essentially, a woman can avoid an abortion by NOT getting pregnant or by using protection. But to be told by government bureaucrats to take a dangerous untested vaxx jab is beyond ridiculous for obvious reasons.

    📌 Casper the Friendly Ghost @XJCasper
    Tried to explain this one time and time again. The far-left just does not get it.
    #VaxXed 📌

    So where are all the strong independent black wommin in the Communitah to relay the very same common sense message this Becky just did in the above video?? 👀👁🧐 Crickets!
    Independent? My black ass!!

  111. I’m still waiting for heads to start rolling over this diabolical COVID Plandemic. I can’t stand the braindead vaxxed sheep who should all be getting their pitchforks out for some serious payback. lol

    Hundreds of doctors declare ‘international medical crisis’ over COVID jab injuries, deaths
    A declaration, which originates among concerned medics and professionals in India, points to a link between the rollout of COVID-19 injections and excess mortality.

    Wed Sep 14, 2022 – 11:39 am EDT
    (Daily Sceptic) – Over 400 doctors, scientists and professionals from more than 34 countries this morning declared an international medical crisis due to “diseases and death associated with the ‘COVID-19 vaccines’.”

    Launched at a press conference on Saturday, September 10th, the declaration states: “We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’. To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.”

    It continues:

    The large number of sudden deaths in previously healthy young people who were inoculated with these ‘vaccines’ is particularly worrying, as is the high incidence of miscarriages and perinatal deaths which have not been investigated.

    A large number of adverse side effects, including hospitalisations, permanent disabilities and deaths related to the so-called ‘COVID-19 vaccines’, have been reported officially.

    The registered number has no precedent in world vaccination history.

    The declaration, which originates among concerned medics and professionals in India, makes eight “urgent” demands, including an immediate stop to the vaccinations and investigation of all deaths in previously healthy people.

    Read the full text below, and if you are a doctor, scientist or other professional, do consider signing.
    — Article continues below Petition —


  112. Salute fellow free thinking Black men, how are things. Regarding the BS-19™ scamdemic and the sharpshooter, any information regarding shedding and loss of energy for those who didn’t take the “vaccine”?

    However experience the sluggishness from being in the same vicinity as those who took it.


    This video has gone viral since it was posted; I just marvel at how these people could have such a lack of awareness while sharing these revelations to somebody IN A PUBLIC SETTING. They are having having dinner at a restaurant, for Heaven’s sake! Any person can just walk past them and overhear their conversation, but he got exposed regardless; he may not have a job at Pfizer after this.

  114. Thoughts on Flu shots? Especially since there’s a lot of information of their side effects and more.

    This is Ace. Also the same person who commented on this post and many others before.

    1. AceAlbaz,

      I personally would avoid the flu shot like the plague. The arch enemy of the flu is vitamin D3. You’re better off either getting a Vitamin D3 injection(a large dose) or you can supplement orally with the same.

      At minimum an individual should be getting at least 8000iu of Vitamin D3 everyday. I supplement with between 20,000iu – 40,000iu daily. Additionally, make sure you take your D3 with Vitamin K2 to prevent calcium buildup in the arteries. Many companies combine both vitamins.

      You can also throw in some Zinc into the mix while you’re at it, yep the same Zinc that was heavily demonised by big pharma during the Convid-1984 plandemic. Ensure the Zinc you take has a high ELEMENTAL zinc content.

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