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Even When They Turn Into Snatch Eaters, They Still Can’t Get Along With Each Other, Smh!


Firstly yes, I know, nobody would believe that all of the people in the thumbnail are women(even though they biologically are). It isn’t a secret(at least not here anyway) that same sex relationships suffer from higher rates of domestic violence when compared to heterosexual ones, it wouldn’t be a stretch to conclude based upon the renowned violent tendencies of black women that those particular same sex relationships would contain the highest amounts of violence.

At the end of the day black women as a collective are a bunch of violent brutes who love engaging in street fights and local block battle royales for the sport of it, it’s not like we haven’t already seen black women engaging in massive brawls.

Unfortunately YouTube is now adopting an extremely suspicious intrusion of privacy policy where any videos that contain some form a violence they now require you to “verify your age”. Sorry, I don’t love the platform that much to begin divulging my personal information.

Anyway, just to drive the point home as always, here are some videos of black women engaging in their usual pastime from other social media platforms:

I’ve already stated in my book Negro Wars that black women love throwing fists and spilling blood, and they wonder why they continue to remain single at such a high clip.

This is the very image they are choosing to put out concerning themselves, they can’t blame black men for any of the above, even more so because these two grossly overweight, masculine looking, black female cooch lickers have decided to forego men altogether.

It really doesn’t matter what route the black female takes, as I’ve stated before black women have the Midas touch of death and destruction, they continue to dig themselves deeper into degradation and degeneracy. This is what their “levelling up” and “divesting” looks like once their attempts to land themselves a Captain Rogers fails.

As I stated before in the past, side chickism, lesbianism and singledom are the only options available to the overwhelming majority of black women at this late stage. White men who wouldn’t have minded dealing with black women in the past in light of their present gutter condition are now choosing to give them a wide berth, the same goes for free thinking black men who realise that they stand a much better chance of finding higher quality women elsewhere.

Commenter and fellow blogger Afrofuturism1 is spot on, the overwhelming majority of black women are ticking time dykes and are definitely one clip away from diving straight into another black female’s contaminated cooch.

SYSBMFORLIFE gents, I don’t really care what these anti SYSBM proponents say as they can never provide any counter material to what I continually post on this website 3 times per week. The modern day black female is done and she’s brought this calamity upon her own head.

Many black women complain about black men stating over and over again that there are no good members of black male society remaining(something we already know is NOT TRUE), they leave off dealing with 12 Gauge Mike, Chunky Bruh, Field Mouse, Two Snacks and Slim Sauce, cross over the fence only to dive into relationships with other black females where they are still getting their heads bashed in.

Like I said, black women have the Midas touch of death and destruction, nothing they put their hands upon ever renders good results or anything positive, NOTHING. Finally, this also goes to illustrate how the so called comradeship black women claim to have amongst each other is nothing but a load of old guff and flatulence. #SYSBM

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Even Carpet Munching Cannot Save The Modern Day Black Female

Most High Bless

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19 thoughts on “Even When They Turn Into Snatch Eaters, They Still Can’t Get Along With Each Other, Smh!

  1. “Many black women complain about black men stating over and over again that there are no good members of black male society remaining(something we already know is NOT TRUE, they leave off dealing with 12 Gauge Mike, Chunky Bruh, Field Mouse, Two Snacks and Slim Sauce, cross over the fence only to dive into relationships with other black females where they are still getting their heads bashed in)”

    Yep. Good BM exist, they just avoid most BW. If you look at the BM vs BW marriage rate it appears that its more than just BM who are avoiding BW. Given the fact that most Black children in the US are born to and raised by single mothers, they should look in the mirror if they want to complain about all of the no-good BM out there.

    Black lesbians are some seriously messed up and crazy chicks. The Black bull dikes are the worst, just being around them its almost like you can feel the mental illness radiating from them. Most of them are flat out gross looking as well. Keep the Wall up.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    Black women these days are so bloody masculine that it’s beyond a joke. I am so glad that I never had sex with a black woman because from the stories that I heard from other guys who have dated them and had sex with them that black women are not sexually open and that they are the least sexually adventurous women on the planet. I am a good black man with no baggage and I am SYSBM for life man. 😊😎

    1. BW *are* sexually open and adventurous…just not with decent BM.

  3. Hmm, So I guess “Love isn’t Love”, then? Keep “leveling up” ladies 😆

  4. Same sex relationships and trannies are no different when I see negresses. It’s the same in my view of them. #SYSBM #TeamWhiteQueens

  5. First video looked like the New Grappler Baki Sumo Arc. That humanoid? was doing axe kick head stomps and double jump kicks. Jeezus.

    Definitely stay away from these zoo brawls unless you have Hanma invulnerability.

  6. Man, those daggle dykes in the thumbnail all look like dudes; even as carpet munchers, the scraggle daggle remains unoriginal also in swag and adornment, looking like prime NYC guys. The reason why you don’t hear about domestic violence in same sex relationships is because they want the masses to believe that men are the sole aggressors in relationships while same sex couples have nothing but love for each other; this is what they get for allowing liberals to define what is and isn’t abuse for them.

    “It really doesn’t matter what route the black female takes, as I’ve stated before black women have the Midas touch of death and destruction, they continue to dig themselves deeper into degradation and degeneracy. This is what their “levelling up” and “divesting” looks like once their attempts to land themselves a Captain Rogers fails.”

    Precisely; whether they are with Slim Sauce, Dykin’ Diabla, or Sargaent Sleet, they are either always getting their butts whooped or they are whooping somebody else’s behind. When it comes to the stragg, DON’T trust the Midas touch, ever! #SYSBM

  7. Right, when you see black women fighting, these black men are recording the fight. But Hope everyone is doing well. Hope everybody enjoyed their Easter but it was a cold one because today was freezing. Let me tell you something. The reason why black men don’t stop these fights is because that when a black man tries to stop the fight, these scraggle daggles will turn on them. And these men who are recording black women fighting, they are mostly simps. Let me tell you something. These simps get turned on by this shit. These camera simps love recording these scraggle daggles fight. And the first videos with the two black women fighting. I’m not surprised that black women can’t stand each other. The black woman who got beaten up by her girlfriend, she realise that women sucks.

    Keep your white sugar safe from these scraggles. Laters!

  8. These videos were depressing, especially the first one. Even though I give the straggle daggle a wide berth, I am not a cruel man. So I would have called the police or done something to end the fight in the first video. The woman on the ground in the first video, might have sustained serious injury. I just didn’t like the look of that beatdown.

    The simps standing around instigating and urging on the violent crazy dyke in the first video, were no doubt thirsty degenerates who were getting off on the fight. Every simp in that video would have gladly eaten the nasty snatches of both these land whales. Black Ceasar used to say that the scraggle daggle is the spiritual twin of the white man. Well, the black male simp is the spiritual twin of the scraggle daggle.

    1. I think of the same thing we are on the same wavelength bro.. It is disgusting action on both parts.

    2. Wow! Great post, Verbs!
      These videos provide confirmation that I chose wisely to get the fcuk out of toxic “Western civilization”. The way the Western world is degenerating these days, well, let’s be honest here, them good ol’ days of the 1970s, 80s, 90s & early 2000s ain’t ever coming back. Things are going to get much, much worse from here on folks. Get that nostalgia out of your heads.

      “Western” governments are so overloaded with toxic debts. They can’t even provide adequate social services any more. And the feral kids are being raised on junk Hip Crap NOISE (I refuse to call that shit MUSIC!!).

      Really, there’s nothing much left to say. The West is DEAD. Dead, dead, dead!! At least I’m an 8 hour flight if I need to keep heading East to EurAsia.

      To all SYSBMers still living in the West, get your black asses outta there. Truth be told, I have ZERO desire to return to the West cuz I can’t fcukin stand feminized Western womin — regardless of race.

  9. That first video is sad, how could those people watch it get to that point? The other chick was getting punched and kicked in the head and the Slim Sauces just stood there recording and watching it. It actually felt like the chick doing the assaulting got more hype when she realized people were watching. Disgusting!

  10. Just remember that without the black male simp, there is no market for the scraggle daggle. Even bottom shelf Brad is avoiding her. He knows about the crabs, the gonorrhea, the fungus infections, and the other diseases that lurk within the steaming cauldron of her smelly snatch. A black male simp will go down on these beasts right off the streets, without using a drop of water to clean them first.

    I found the simps in the videos just as nauseating as the scraggle daggles.

  11. Tick, tock, black women can’t find a decent cock. Isn’t it funny how liberals bitch about “cultural appropriation” but these faggots and dykes literally appropriate the worst supposed traits of either sex. Fruits act like airheaded bimbos and dykes act like trailer trash, gutter level junkyard men.

    Homos also love beating the hell out of each other, especially the dykes. What else do you expect when there’s rampant mental illness among them, much like how trannies are constantly milking themselves (thank God, they need to do it faster though).

    Black dykes are a recipe for disaster and there’s no way in hell people, especially non-blacks should look at daggles as human women when you see the kaiju level violence they inflict on each other and get back up from it.

    Daggles are the MOST dysfunctional “humans” around sans maybe desi men. LGBTFSTaHGGsvFxvFgztFBvS: Dawn of Social Justice types are also equally as dysfunctional. Put them together and you have a group just waiting to either Jill themselves or each other.

    There are NUMEROUS stories of black dykes just beating the hell out of each other. Do I view them as sad? No more than I tear up while watching paint dry. 🥱

    As for the daggle getting beaten, idgaff. Not my woman, not my problem. They’re the property of simps, the State, and the occasional fellow dyke. I don’t view these animals even killing each other as sad, hell I’m only sad because they don’t do it enough. Again, unless you looked like Al B. Sure, you think they’d cry over your black ass? Let em get they ass beat, it’s about time.

  12. As James SYSBM mentioned, most dykes look like gutter trash on the best of days. Likewise, most black women are nasty and filthy as hell. Add up dyking, extreme obesity, smelly cooches and weave and you have a recipe for disaster. Just IMAGINE how gross these women smell, let alone their cooches. Never mind the fact that they’re all about as cute as wet dog shit.

    I used to work with a black bisexual chick when I was in the illustrious fast food industry. This woman’s face was always dusty and craggy, because again, they don’t clean themselves. If she’s working in FOOD and SERVICE and that’s how bad her FACE is, just imagine her cooch. And of course, he “bruh” was some big gorilla ass dyke that looked like a homeless rapper. Get this, the dyke didn’t work! So you’d clown an actual man for that, but a knockoff man gets a pass? And why date this creature if you claim to like “women?” Then again, with black women, they’re one step removed from Ving Rhames anyways…

  13. I couldn’t finish watching that video, it was just too violent. That woman is probably suffering from a concussion and possibly brain damage.

    Anyway, I can’t remember what country in Europe it was but they came to the conclusion that lesbian relationships have a really high domestic abuse rate but they the covered it up because they didn’t want to upset anyone.

  14. In the first video it’s good to see brothas getting hip. You heard the dude say let them fight. If you put on your red cape trying to break it up, the police roll up and end up shooting YOU. Remember when that brotha got shot by cops and paralyzed trying to break up two black hoes brawling? Nope, these fat dyke bitches are on their own in 2021. SYSBM is undefeated!

  15. What da hell is dis? Who hurt you incels? How dare you talk bad about black womxn? You should be uplifting da sistahs dat gave you life! As far as dykes, y’all no good ass black men drive us into each other’s snatches cause ain’t no good black men to proteck us we gots to be da man AND da wombman in da relationship! Lucky I done leveled up and divested wit my wHitE mAn, Topher! His white skin done washed away my past and dysfunction and I’m a born-again virgin! He even took on my son Ja’Marquavious dat I had with one’a y’all no good NIGGAS! I am raising him to be a male feminist who supports black womxn and vote for President Kamala he betta not bring home no snow bunny!!!! I hope yall SYSBM niggas get COVID-19 and die!

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