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This Is Exactly Why You NEVER Bring Them Back! #SHORTS

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These are the malevolent masculine Jezebels that spring forth whenever a western man is foolish enough to bring his foreign female back to the West permanently. It’s a known fact that foreign women who hold to traditional values once they reach Western shores typically change for the worst.

This is why the Passport Bros hold steadfast to the creed that you must NEVER bring your foreign woman back to the West, instead your aim should be to move to her country or at least spend longer periods of time over there.

We at the SYSBM™ Knights Roundtable agree with their sentiments, bringing a foreign woman back to the West is suicide, as sure as night follows day they will pick up and replicate the same bad behaviours and degenerate mannerisms as these broken beyond repair females of the West.

Additionally, Western women will only be too happy to lead foreign women astray and induct them into their cult of feminism, quickly indoctrinating them on how to “be free” and not allow themselves to be “oppressed by men”.

We already know that so called “freedom” to Western females is their ability to liberally adopt a lifestyle of being masculine whores without being judged, this is what bare bones feminism really boils down to.

It’s such a shame to see foreign women do a literal Jekyll and Hyde, 180 degree flip over time when they begin to accustomise themselves to the way the West works and how it exalts them over men in addition to letting the Devil get into their heads via listening to silly, unlearned, foolish women on social media as well as in person.

The Thai female in the first video looks halfway decent but as soon as she opens her mouth, any physical attraction is immediately overshadowed by her masculine, uncouth, unbridled speech and bully boy mannerisms.

Social media is encouraging women to monetise their looks and the attention they get from blue pilled simps instead of said women using their brains and utilising their attractiveness to get the best man possible to raise a family in order to keep their legacy and family tree in continuance.

The attention women get from so many men on social media is literally addictive, they can’t give it up and like being hooked on drugs, they crave more and often times are willing to go those “extra steps” in order to garner more views, clicks and likes, smh.

Gentlemen, any women who are engrossed in social media must be avoided like the plague, if you can manage to go abroad and meet a decent woman, for Pete’s sake, DON’T BRING HER BACK TO THE WEST unless it’s for a short term visit.

These Western females gleefully rub their hands together every time a foreign woman sets foot on their shores, don’t let your woman be a victim or you’ll be sorry. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Don’t Bring Foreign Women Back Here, Let Them Stay On Their Own Home Turf

Most High Bless

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11 thoughts on “This Is Exactly Why You NEVER Bring Them Back! #SHORTS

  1. Asian Woman Wants Liberal Feminism To Take Over Japanese Women and Japan

    At this point a passport is not going to stop feminine women globally of becoming liberal feminists.

    All they have to do to be led astray is go on onlyfans, social media or travel to western nations.

    I may need a valid visa in future to live in South Africa hoping I would be accepted after applying.

    If I get accepted in, I would know what I need to do immediately.

    If I travel to South Africa in future, I would only live where white afrikaner women are living in.

    I would never travel back to Europe for a holiday with a white afrikaner goddess for 8 reasons;

    1. Hot weather all year round
    2. More organic food
    3. I would be richer over there compare to where I am when exchanging EUR to ZAR currencies.
    4. One of the lowest divorce rates in the world in white afrikaner communities.
    5. One of the lowest abortions in the world in white afrikaner communities.
    6. One of the lowest rates of single motherhood in the world in white afrikaner communities.
    7. White afrikaner women are the most traditional white women who still want a nuclear family.
    8. White dutch women are second best to white afrikaner women.

    The only downside is blackistan societies so I would have to avoid the higher crime rate areas.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      As we’ve been observing for many years, slowly feminism had been rotting out the minds of women but social media within the last 10-15 years has super charged the process.

      It’s so disappointing to encounter so many women who’ve completely lost the ability to think critically as well as think and reason for themselves.

      They’re so desperate to fit in with the sisterhood, they’ll adopt and implement any philosophies put out by the group even if they are the most janky, dysfunction and degenerate practices known to man.

      Outside of Eastern Europe, white Afrikaner women are the only other white females on planet earth who still value families as well as other traditional customs. Personally I’m not sure about Dutch white women because they’re based in the West so there’s a much higher chance of contamination.

      Feminism is a pestilence that needs to be stamped out, men can do this easily by upping their standards and not accepting anything less.

      The only reason why large swaths of Western women subscribe to feminism is because they know they always can fall back on the blue pilled simps who’ll accept them and lick their muddy boots regardless.

  2. Wow, bro. This is the exact opposite reason why you’d get with an Asian chick. The mouth on that b*tch, damn. This is that Jeannie Ma, Pookie-ized, Mandingo-ized type Asian chick who hangs around a bunch of black b*tches picking up their habits. You are correct, Verbs, if you’re lucky enough to get a foreign woman from Asia, don’t bring them back.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      The West is a cesspool of trash that infects the weak minded, sadly most women here have demonstrated beyond a doubt that they really don’t have the ability to resist degeneracy and 304 activities, be they foreign or domestic.

      Yet these will be the same females who’ll talk about men not respecting them, yet their own actions clearly show a serious lack of self respect. I’ve come across so many accounts of Western men bringing their foreign women back to their respective Western countries and the rest is history, it all goes downhill as soon as the female places her feet upon Western soil.

  3. I 100% agree with everything you said; daggledom is a demonic stronghold in Western society. Keep in mind, these foreign women come from countries where the men don’t put their women on pedestals, and their place was in submission to their husbands. You pluck them out of that environment and bring them to Jezebel’s playground (Western society), you might as well say goodbye to the sweet, feminine foreign girl you initially met. It pains me to see this, but this is why you don’t bring them back; you will be keeping both her and yourself Keisha free in the process.


    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Indeed, it’s a chicken wrap as soon as these foreign women set both feet on Western shores if their stay here is to be a permanent one. This is why I believe the scriptures wholeheartedly when they state the man is the head of the woman and he is also supposed to rule over the women. I’ve said it here before and I’ll say it again, women do indeed need men to save said women from themselves. Women cannot be left to their own devises, they’ll ruin everything they touch including themselves if they’re given too many freedoms. The West is a clear and present example of this.

  4. SYSBM Tenet #22: “SYSBM brothers do not deal with non black women who have black females as friends because hanging around black women is guaranteed to leave them contaminated and thus no different to the dysfunctional black females we walked away from to begin with.”

  5. SYSBM: Did you see the Filipina who is turned ghetto?
    White sugar honey: She went hood like the girls in South London, shit!

    This is the consequences of a passport bro bringing their honey from another country to the US. At first, when you hear these YouTubers saying that a man shouldn’t bring their boo to the USA, I was wondering what do they mean about that. Not until now. Because that if you bring your foreign sweetheart to the USA, she will be brain washed or get encouraged to be hood and ghetto.

    I thought that something like this is impossible but it looks like it is and the result is frightening. I know how the US is like and as these passport bros, they can’t bring their foreign cuties to the US. I don’t know about the UK as the passport bros is more of an American thing.

    I have no issues of the passport bros even though the passport brothers need to avoid Cartagena, Columbia for now as they are drugging male tourists to sleep and robbing them but when it comes to these foreign sweeties, they can’t bring them to the US because they will change from good to bad.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Cartagena, Colombia has changed a lot from what it was 10-15 years ago, now it’s square deep in the gutter. The worst place by far for robbing and drugging foreign men is Medellin, however Cartagena isn’t far behind.

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