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On This Week’s Open Mic Wednesday!
These young women are beyond cooked and delusional to the core. It’s always the same case for them, whenever they begin approaching the end of their prime years, only then does the light bulb come on, they’ll then look back and realise they’ve wasted their best years on foolishness and vain living.
As for that black female rating herself a 10, you can’t get more delusional than that. Take off the red weave, the heavy makeup and those stupid caterpillars on her eyelids and I’m positive she’d just about score a 4, 5 at best. In 2025 most Western women stay over-inflating their dating and sexual marketplace value well beyond what it actually is.
The saying that women do not live in the real world rings so true. Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process
Stay Individual(In Your Mind)
Most High Bless
Notice how this white whore said she hates kids disgusting. Kids are not for everyone but hating kids is too much
Unfortunately in 2025 most Western women have been trained, indoctrinated, brainwashed and programmed to chase pleasure, instant gratification and nothing else, that element to plan long term and think about the future(children, family etc) has been completely removed from their mindset and DNA.
Brother, check this out!
Richard Jacobs,
Appreciate the drop, I’ll be checking that video out shortly.
I reckon alot of these south asian women e.g pakistanis etc. I reckon a good percent of them want to date a black guy
I suspect they do, however their male counterparts/family members can be and typically are extremely insecure, hostile and will engage in ultra spiteful behaviour including and not limited to so called honour killing. If South Asian men weren’t so extreme with their jealousy, I believe we’d be observing many more South Asian women with black men. In my opinion traditionally minded South Asian women are some of the best females on the planet.
You don’t need to tell me. I was in a platonic relationship for six years with a south Asian woman.
Yes they do prefer white/light skin men (caste system dies hard) but brothers would be their second choice if they could.
They wouldn’t be a choice to me. It’s either I’m their first choice or no choice.
Again due to their caste system I wouldn’t choose them, however they can prove me wrong.
No need to play second fiddle
Here it is. I’ve got something worse than a man purse…
This is the thing you’ve been waiting for.
A brother, a big Nigerian brother colleague asked me if he would look good with fake dreads.
**Fake** dreads. Not real ones, fake dreads!
I said to him he has actual real dreads, but he wanted some on the side of his head. I honestly thought he was joking around, until he showed me a YouTube video of somebody applying it to his head
It’s the male equivalent of women’s weave.
Like, seriously?
I just about got over men wearing jiffy pops in an attempt to emulate their mothers but this? Are nighas masculinity that much in a sunken place that they will glue FAKE HAIR on their freshly faded head? This is not simply to cover up pattern baldness, or a Clark Kent style wig, this is a full weave. It’s not a masculine thing to do and it’s appealing to the absolute worst gutter stereotypes of black male “culture” and guess who appreciates this utter fakery?
I honestly thought this brother, a well to do, masculine appearing dude had no need to debase himself in nonsense like this, but then again he had no father figure present. He also wants his nails done in a nail bar…
Man, society has done a number on black folks. They knew exactly what they were doing.
The guy narrating was right, this is straight up sorcery on another level and no different to the black witch and her weave/wig addiction. The tragedy is most of the guys that are engaging in diabolical practices like this are doing so to get the approval of Keisha or women in general. Black men need to do much better for themselves, why are some following in the footsteps of their failed female counterparts? The emasculation and the effeminisation of the Negro male at this point is off the charts. Get ready for black males to be out on the streets en mass wearing skirts, blouses and other female regalia next, smh.
Happy Open Mic Wednesday! My gosh, those videos have cemented my wish to see “Man-on-the-Street” interviews go the way of the dodo bird; what edification does anyone receive from this? Those females also are as exciting as watching lead paint dry on plaster walls; Western females are socially and culturally dead. They have NO redeeming qualities in 2025! Speaking of dead people, there was an unfortunate incident where 2 Black twin brothers were found dead in Georgia:
There’s something fishy about this situation; there’s plenty of videos on this case, but I’m sharing the 2 videos that I have watched. I hope the family hires a private investigator because somebody knows who did it; people talk in small towns.
SYSBM: It’s getting warmer, babes.
White sugar honey: I know. Today was lovely!
As I see these two videos, I’m not really surprised at all. I know how Western women act. I know why men in the West find it hard to find a good woman in the USA and sometimes in Britain. So, they decided to get their passports and leave quick as they can and find a honey to make her his wifey and have children with.
I know that the passport brothers movement is more of an American thing and I understand why it is. As I saw the women say that rather get ran through by five guys then get breed off, I was like “Okay,” but they can get breed off by getting ram though by five guys one of them or five of them cream it.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
Quality women in the West have become like gold dust, they’re extremely few and far between. More quality women can be found overseas however that window is fast closing because of their access to social media and the smartphone.
Yeah, that is true!
‘Devious’ mother-of-two faked having terminal cancer to con her wealthy partner to pay for a boob job and luxury spa treatments – and even let her daughter think she was dying: Judge slams ‘calculating and cruel’ lies as he spares her jail
This is why I won’t risk dating anglo saxon women period.
I’m only interested in foreign congregations to find either a conservative pre-christian white girlfriend or a white christian goddess.
The judge spared her jail?! Whatever bad behavior they demonize men for, women get a pass to do the same with little to no consequences.
Women have the right to bear false witness against any man with no consequence. And these idiot tradcucks wonder why Gen-Z ain`t trying to hookup with these shebeasts; you`re playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic!
Wittexton Witwijf,
These older women foolishly believe they can compete with women in their late teens and early to mid 20s. This is the typical modern day female mindset, they’re never satisfied with what they have, their appetite for material, superficial and other vain things is insatiable. Non traditionally minded females are a profound liability and should be avoided at all costs.
Stragg Amazon employee goes off on homeowner for being “lazy” because of frequent deliveries she made to his home; turns out that the homeowner is wheelchair bound:
It’s kinda weird how she would get mad at a customer for keeping her busy, but this is scraggle daggle logic for you; apparently, she got fired after this incident. She acted as if she were doing this for free, but this was literally her job; shoot, I’ve delivered DoorDash orders to customers who lived right up the street from the store, but I keep my personal feelings about it to myself.
Blue Collar Trevor,
According to the video the person ordering all of those items is disabled, you cannot make this stuff up. I don’t understand this either, it WAS her job to make deliveries, what’s the problem here?
The problem is fat black dyke bitches are lazy. I watch old movies and TV shows where guys would make deliveries with a smile. Give ’em a tip and they’d be on their way. Not today’s lazy female gorillas. We need a total purge of these hoes STAT! Help us, President Trump!
We rightly rag on black harridans here, but today I have to put these emotional communitah black males on the hot seat due to a couple of stories I’ve come across just recently:
So some guy innocently complimented a bdub’s tattoos, didn’t touch her, say anything sexually inappropriate, nothing. Her lowlife, waste of space simp Pookie boyfriend walks over to them and confronts the man over it and ends up shooting him dead in broad daylight in front of witnesses and cameras, despite the fact the guy was backing down even after being slapped twice. This male went and threw his entire future away over nothing. Then his Keisha mother had the nerve to ask the judge to be lenient on his behalf, while he gives some fake apology to the family of the deceased as if they’re gonna give a fuck about “sorry”. His victim was white too so you know the system ain’t letting that one slide.
So now that he’s behind bars hoping that Bubba and crew won’t make him their bitch, his chick is most likely out somewhere taking selfies and dancing on tiktok while getting smashed by another dude complimenting her tattoos. SMH. What a fucking idiot.
Another one:
Imagine being a grown 57 year old man and fighting and stabbing a kid young enough to be your grandson for wining on a woman during carnival just because she’s related to you. All those years on earth and he didn’t get the memo that men and women wining on each other is literally a part of carnival culture. It’s not like the woman was his wife or girlfriend. I’m not defending the honour of an adult female relative who let’s a dude wine or grind, that’s on her. That doesn’t have shit to do with me.
The young dude was a boxer, so no doubt the guy got his ass beat and had to save face by using a weapon.
What someone said the other day about black males out of all men being the biggest simps is true. I notice these Keisha raised Pookies/roadmen really don’t know how to handle their emotions and are always quick to crash out on behalf of Keishas over the smallest of things. Dudes acting all extra over female relatives when it’s not needed or because they’re with some Keisha they want to impress. We’ve all seen or personally experienced it. This is why you can’t go to certain places, especially these majority blackity black events, I hate to say it. When you read these stories, nine times out of ten some female is in the picture.
Interestingly, you very rarely if ever hear about Keishas crashing out on other women fatally on behalf of their man. Yeah they might snatch each other’s wigs off here and there when fighting over a Pookie, but they don’t have that same fanatical stance that black males do in their defense. Prisons and graveyards are full of Pookies because of shit like this.
Yep, black “culture” is actually quite feminine, on par with Latino culture in the female worship department. Men killing other men over mere hearsay yet have no smoke for these hoes who started the whole mess in the first place! Women do not have the physical strength or the mental courage for direct aggression, so they do their violence by proxy. It doesn`t help that the state enables their foolishness at every turn and forces all men to handle them with kid gloves. Bring back the days when it was acceptable to slap a hysterical broad.
SYSBM Forever,
These are all the results of fatherless homes, no fathers were present to install discipline as well as teaching these men to control their emotions. It’s the same old story, dudes flying off the handle at the most trivial nonsense imaginable.
This is why separation is of the utmost importance, the black witch has unleashed a multitude of her devil spawn seedlings into society and she doesn’t care what damage and destruction they bring about.
Keisha has trained her black male, blue pilled simp underlings well, they’re willing to wreak havoc at any given moment and they’re happy to mow down anybody who stands in their way.
You have to laugh at these black sirens and “Da Communitah” they occupy and operate and lord over. They love snubbing the forward, progressive, intelligent brothers for leaving yet they themselves are unable to bring about any improvements to the dunghill called black society.
Emotional Tyrones just like the black siren herself are a serious problem that need to be avoided at all costs.
Lil Yachty Labels BLM A Scam On Cooking Show:
Of all of the languages he could’ve spoken, he chose to speak FACTS! I think the video Asmongold reacted to was several clipped moments edited together because there seems to be some details missing from their dialogue (e.g. what charity did Lil Yachty mention that prompted her to suggest BLM); I don’t know about you guys, but it sounds to me like Lil Yachty may have listened to a certain type of content online (if you know, you know).
They just make it so easy to be and remain SYSBM…..
But wait…I thought the B Dubs were sapiosexuals?
Why brothers with their shit together subject themselves to these bad-built, weave-and-wig-wearing babymamas’ rejection is beyond me.
Well, well, well……
Look like it’s definitely over for the Hotep Walrus. While he was being so busy putting on all these theatrics and dick watching other black men, his daughter has crossed over to the dark side and is an anti black man divestor chatting with the main witch Synthetic G the Crazy Baldhead.
Too bad he wasn’t SYSBM, he wouldn’t have had this problem lol.
SYSBM Forever,
Looks like the Black Witch of Scalp Summit is back. YouTube must has rescinded her ban. Dr Umar “Gerbilface” Johnson is a knucklehead, telling black men to remain exclusively with black women knowing full well what these wicked witches of the West are like.
Now he’s out here talking that “black men need to unite” rhetoric. Nope, you’re on your own pal, relentlessly slating off black men just like the black witch herself but we should still consider forming a confederacy with you???? Nope, that’s not going to happen over here, NEVER.
As for his daughter, we already know her story, dicked down by multiple Tyrones and now in her mind all black men are trash, hence her ventures down Divestor Avenue. It’s the same old chestnut with the black harridan, you can draft out her life blueprint with incredible accuracy.
When he stated that professional black men are more to blame for the problems in the “black community” than even the Pookies themselves by abandoning it, that alone should have got him permanently cancelled.
To actually say that black men should be staying in the hood no matter how dysfunctional and dangerous the environment is in order to be a “role model” to a bunch of wild degenerates and take on single black mothers kids like the ones HE created is way beyond absurd, even for him. Does he sell magic forcefields we can purchase in case bullets come our way? Does he provide a stipend for black men to help cover the cost of taking care of some Keisha’s snot faced little brat?
He nor anyone else consulted me before producing a whole bunch of kids, so how is it my job to take on that burden? What’s in it for me? What about MY own offspring?
It’s just ironic that he himself is literally a part of the problem. Not only has he produced a kid he doesn’t take care of, now she’s spreading her own poison which is creating more chaos.
Not only that, but these pro blacks are always stating we want to move to white neighborhoods. No, we just want to move to relatively safe and peaceful environments. Duh. That’s common sense. We don’t all worship white folks and have them on the brain like they (pro whacks) obviously do. A mixed neighborhood is the way to go IMO.
I’m not uniting with any fuckface who sold black men out in order to gain financial support and brownie points from a horrible demographic who is the cause of our suffering. He can take that “brother” shit somewhere else.
In fact, even if you’re not SYSBM, if you’re a black man and you don’t hold black females accountable or push patriarchy, you have nothing to say I wanna hear.
Had to get that off my chest.
SYSBM Forever,
Off-topic, but did you hear about the German influencer who deleted her TikTok account because of all the hate she was getting from white dudes after she posted a pic with her black bf/husband ? They are the most insecure men on earth.. >>
Since this is off topic I moved it to last week’s Open Mic Wednesday, however feel free to re-post it again in tomorrow’s Open Mic if you wish. We already know the 2 main groups that normally pile on the hate when it comes to black male/white female couples, the black witch’s coven as well as her white lord and saviour General Blizzard.
However in this particular case Admiral Frosts from different parts of Western Europe are putting their deep insecurities on public display, smh. And they wonder why more white women are walking away from them and straight into the arms of brothers.