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Alpha Male Strategies Apologises To The Passport Bros! #SHORTS

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I’m sure many of you guys have already come across this video. I have to commend AMS for having the testicular fortitude to step forward and admit that he was wrong about the Passport Bros unlike many of these dating coaches and black male internet influencers who have instead chosen to double down on their hostility towards the movement.

As an Original SYSBM™ Knight I fully understand why true Passport Bros have opted out of dealing with Western women altogether especially the black American female.

Let’s just get something straight, unlike what many of these dating coaches and relationship gurus will tell you, you’re NOT any less of a man because you choose to walk away from a dysfunctional dating market that’s square deep in the toilet.

This ludicrous idea that has been pushed by many feminist dating coaches and so called relationship “experts” in recent times trying their hardest to save their lucrative gravy trains from derailing, instructing you that you have to navigate this derelict dating arena in the West, is beyond ridiculous.

At the end of the day, the aim should be to give the best advice to your clients according to the particular environment, however as we’ve seen with many folks out here, they’re more than prepared to hand out dodgy advice in order to keep their pockets fat.

You don’t have to stick it out with dysfunctional females, you’re not noble, heroic, a man of valour or admirable if you choose to deal with broken beyond repair women in the West, you’re simply playing yourself in a game that is rigged and heavily stacked against you.

It’s NOT a “cope” if you decide enough is enough, throw in the towel on the Western dating market, purchase or pick up your passport and opt to deal with traditionally minded foreign women instead, that’s a wise, strategic and common sense manoeuvre.

Gentlemen, be sure to stand your ground and don’t hesitate to give both barrels to anybody out here attempting to attack your masculinity by calling you a coward, a lame and a wuss because you’ve chosen to give the irreparable women of the West an extremely wide berth.

Let’s sit back and see if any other black male influencers, so called “relationship experts” and dating coaches will step forward and admit that SYSBM™ as well as Passport Bros were right all along to walk away from such a mess of a dating scene. I don’t expect many will, so I won’t hold my breath.

Brothers, always remember that as men YOU control the relationship and marriage realms, if women are seeking a long term commitment, they’ll have to get onboard with YOUR program, not the reverse. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Sticking It Out With Dysfunctional Women Doesn’t Pay

Most High Bless

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29 thoughts on “Alpha Male Strategies Apologises To The Passport Bros! #SHORTS

  1. Brother verbs, the man on the video is what I describe with several names
    1. Yaya bin hotep
    2. Student of Umar Johnson the shameless liar
    3.The attack dog of the she-demons led by Cynthia-G the Lilith.

    I have watched this video over 3 times wondering why such simps still exist . Madbus driver states clearly that the scraggle daggles has completely bewitched such black men, worshipping these so called “queens” whose kingdom is almost at the verge of collapse.

    Brothers, like I stated in the previous article, the communitah led by Umar Johnson the shameless liar is not going down without a fight , they will not allow you to ride off into the sunset with your Becky,Maria, Ling Ling and Yakamoto, that is the reason why they send their Yaya bin hoteps to do their dirty works for them.

    Brothers, the black witch and the communitah at large is a lost course ,the non- black women are already pouncing high-value brothers at a faster rate. Just check out interacial Tumblr bm and ww .

    Brother verbs, what is your say concerning this matter?, what should brothers need to do when they join the SYSBM ship and the passport bros train?


    1. Edward Maina,

      It’s exactly what I said in my book Negro Wars, the final battles within black male society would be between free thinking black men and the blue pilled, pro black simps.

      Just as racist white men have gotten the modern day black female to do their dirty work without lifting a finger, the black siren in turn has her black male flunkies carrying out the heavy grunt work on her behalf.

      For black men, the main goal when joining either SYSBM™ or the Passport Bros need to always look forward and never look back. Unfortunately there are still too many black men on the fence believing that their “unicorn” black female is out there somewhere.

      I have to laugh so hard because when SYSBM™ first came on the scene, black women were laughing and not taking us seriously at all. Now the Passport Bros have gone mainstream and said black women are travelling abroad and seeing for themselves that black men are serious about departing, now all of a sudden these heifers are in a major panic and initiating all kinds of cope mechanisms, lol.

      The black community is finished and these hotep, pro blackity black fist pumping cronies look incredibly stupid every time they attempt to shame free thinking brothers back onto the plantation.


      1. To be honest brother American blk man the worst behavior the communitah has which goes hand in hand with single mom mentality is poverty mentality.

        For example if you’re successful in the corporate world you will called Uncle Tom, sell out, coon and other derogatory terms since you don’t subscribe to the propaganda of the black communitah,ask Robert Smith what happened when he cleared the student loan of a certain black college only the black communitah discovered his spouse is Caucasian.

        1. “…if you’re successful in the corporate world you will called Uncle Tom, sell out, coon and other derogatory terms since you don’t subscribe to the propaganda of the black communitah…”

          But that same “communitah” a.k.a. the Black Matriarchy who did NOT help you get rich will sniff around begging for you to share your resources with them (a.k.a. subsidize single mothers) while getting nothing in return.

          “…ask Robert Smith what happened when he cleared the student loan of a certain black college only the black communitah discovered his spouse is Caucasian.”

          He cleared debt for BLACK MEN ONLY that’s what caused all the ruckus with these black heffas. That he was with a white wife was icing on the cake. The IRS investigated him after that, just to let you know we live in a Black Matriarchy sponsored by White Supremacy d.b.a. the US gubmint.

      2. There is only one thing or two things I disagree with.

        1) Black women have given up on the idea that SYSBM or Passport Bros will marry Black women of any stripe.

        What they don’t want is video after video of Black men with other women calling them out, flipping them the bird, saying FU and goodnight.

        Black men are angry you forced them to consider someone else, because that goes into my next point.

        2) That your Black Community Membership will get revoked if you marry a non-Black woman. This is obserd of course as Frederick Douglas was married to a non-Black woman and nobody says shit. Julian Bond was married to a White woman and Emeritus of the NAACP.

        So this idea that you not only have to shut up when you marry out but also keep out of Black affairs is nonsense.

        That said if you are SYSBM you don’t give a fug anyway about the “Commuath”.

        So it’s the Passport Bros who are the problem here as being fence riders. They are unsure if they get to keep their membership to the Black Community.

        That is the main reason most of them avoid going to Europe to look for a wife.

        You are supposed to say fine, my new Community is called Blackish and it’s the new Black Community, it’s the hoteps/Pro Blacks who are in denial.

  2. Brother verbs, the man on the video is what I describe with several names
    1. Yaya bin hotep
    2. Student of Umar Johnson the shameless liar
    3.The attack dog of the she-demons led by Cynthia-G the Lilith.

    I have watched this video over 3 times wondering why such simps still exist . Madbus driver states clearly that the scraggle daggles has completely bewitched such black men, worshipping these so called “queens” whose kingdom is almost at the verge of collapse.

    Brothers, like I stated in the previous article, the communitah led by Umar Johnson the shameless liar is not going down without a fight , they will not allow you to ride off into the sunset with your Becky,Maria, Ling Ling and Yakamoto, that is the reason why they send their Yaya bin hoteps to do their dirty works for them.

    Brothers, the black witch and the communitah at large is a lost course ,the non- black women are already pouncing high-value brothers at a faster rate. Just check out interacial Tumblr bm and ww .

    Brother verbs, what is in your mind about this?

      1. The simp cannot stop the passport bros train, it’s full steam ahead already,let them continue whining and crying about passport bros leaving them claiming they need like minded brothers to come and use their hard earned money to fix the already dead black communitah led by Umar Johnson the shameless liar.

      2. LaDarrion Robinson,

        The video isn’t available anymore, a shame because I wanted to see what the matrix minded, blue pilled simp had to say. Who is this guy, what’s the name of his channel?

  3. Verbs 2015..
    I don’t blame SYSBM black men and Passport Bros men for leaving the western world to find girlfriends and wives in Eastern Europe and Asia became those types of women in those countries tend to still be traditional when it comes to dating/relationships and marriages. I hate to say it but when it comes to dating in the western world it’s fucking shit and a hell hole because women in the western world have unrealistic expectations in the type of men that they want to date and those type of women ain’t all that good looking.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      The Western dating market is fragged and it’s been this way for at least the last 15 years. In recent times things have simply gotten worse.

      Any man who is honest can completely understand where SYSBM™ and the Passport Bros are coming from. It’s only these pro blacks as well as other blue pilled simps who are desperately holding onto the belief that dating in the West is still viable.

      The Western dating market is exactly what happens when you give women so called “options”, they’re guaranteed to make incredibly stupid decisions and mess it up for everybody else, smh.

      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with you bro and I personally think that dating in the western world started to get worse from 2007 onwards.

  4. I will make this post very brief.

    There is a huge dearth of attractive black females in the US. There are attractive black females, but from my observation, less than 3 in 10 rate a 4 or higher.

    I’m sure the same is true for England. Having become very familiar with black women from the horn of Africa (and they tend to be physically beautiful), I can honestly say that the west African female demographic is one of the least attractive female demographics on the planet.

    Given that most black females in America are of west African decent, something must be terribly wrong with black males who employ dating/game coaches in order to attract the black female in America. Most of these females are physically unattractive (many are obese and repulsive with bad feminine hygiene), and that doesn’t even factor in the negative and toxic psychological baggage they carry.

    Black men in the US, really need to travel more.

    1. ABM,

      It’s even worse for us in England. There’s literally really nothing for us good brothers here. They’ve always had funky attitudes, but I remember back in the 90s when they were a lot more attractive and took pride in their physical appearance and had some type of class. You’d never see one walking around with a bonnet on their head back then or twerking in public and being so overly ratchet like many of them are now. That was unheard of. Back in even older times like the ‘Lovers Rock’ days, they’d be shamed and pretty much ostracised from what was still a black community.

      If I fell into a coma as a teenager and woke up today in 2023, I wouldn’t even recognise these harridans now.

    2. “Given that most black females in America are of west African decent, something must be terribly wrong with black males who employ dating/game coaches in order to attract the black female in America. Most of these females are physically unattractive (many are obese and repulsive with bad feminine hygiene), and that doesn’t even factor in the negative and toxic psychological baggage they carry.

      Black men in the US, really need to travel more.”

      American Black Man,

      This is the reason they’re so desperate to keep productive BM on the US plantation. Low self esteem Black American men are the only demographic who will actively simp for 400 lb. Section 8 Shaniqua and KKKeisha with Pookie babies. They know they can’t compete with even white or ethnic women in their same city let alone foreign women. And once most intelligent BM get a taste of REAL femininity, they jump the fence and never come back. This is why sustahs HATE those videos of a cute white girl with a nice body serving and SUBMITTING TO her Black Man.

      SYSBM and by extension Passport Bros siphon would-be simp resources away from sustahs who feel entitled to a productive BM’s wallet while offering nothing in return (in her perfect world, the friendzone cuck would subsidize her financially while simultaneously getting dicked down raw by Pookie). So-called “dating coaches” are also watching their money fly away as more dudes get more confidence and self-respect and stop simping for Precious and Swamp Thing.

      Props to AMS for admitting he was wrong about Passport Bros.

      1. Schadenfreude,

        If only more black men knew what quality is available to them by expanding on their dating options instead of sticking to Keisha ie the literal devil they know. Again, all we can do is show them that there is a different path that will yield better result, however it’s up to them to take the initiative.

        Black women claim not to care about who black men date and marry yet they’ve demonstrated that they’re more than prepared to follow us to the ends of the earth.

        Actions speak much louder than words, these black sirens have been severely wounded by intelligent brothers exiting the building, I’m just laughing at the lengths they’re going to trying to pretend they don’t feel gutted and defeated.

    3. AmericanBlkMan,

      Speaking from this side of the pond I can confirm that the dearth of attractive black women is a common theme over here in the UK as well. Bonnets, sundry coloured weaves/wigs, fake eyelashes, fake nails, tattoos, thick makeup wearing, overweight and out of shape specimens are all you see walking the streets of London these days, I’m sure other UK brothers here will confirm the same.

      Going to school and college back in the late 80s and early to mid 90s, I remember a time where there were many more reasonable looking black women walking the streets who actually took pride in their appearance, however mutant feminism in recent years has really taken a very hard toll on the modern day black female.

      As I keep on saying, since black women as a collective want to be men so badly, nature has been obliging them with that desire. Most of these blue pilled, pro black simps are still hung up on times past where you could find more decent looking black females, however those days are long gone.


  5. I haven’t listened to AMS in a while, but from what I remember he’s still stuck on the KKKweenz. However at least he admits he was wrong about Passport Bros which is a start.

    These content creators can put on a show and front all they want, but they know what we’re saying is true. They just don’t want to alienate their audience and lose that gravy train. You got western chicks proclaiming with a straight face that you need to cashapp them $200 before you even get the “privilege” of taking them out on a date. If that’s not a sign that the west is done, I don’t know what is.

    There’s a youtube channel called Legion of Men by this white guy living in Croatia who exposes western women better than anybody. He’s got a ton of videos from the aforementioned delusional females to the ones who finally have to admit they fucked up. Interestingly, he hung out with and interviewed our friend Auston “I walk, swim and quack like a duck, but I’m not a duck” Holleman when he was out there recently.

    Most of the dudes who fight against Passport Bros are either stuck with Keisha and/or can barely afford to pay child support and bus fare anyway. Brothers overseas living the life is just a reminder of what they can’t have, so of course they’re gonna hate and call those black men “lames” who “can’t get no pu$$y at home”. You’d think they’d be happy so many lames are leaving, cos surely that’s less competition and more pu$$y for them, no? But I guess if I was stuck with some ugly, overweight, mouthy, disrespectful harridan while watching videos like this….

    …I’d be feeling some kind of way too lol. (That chick is BANGING!! Good lawd….) You think a brother in that position cares what these defeated Plantation Bros have to say?

    If that’s the life of a “lame”, any man who has the money and freedom should gladly count themselves in and sign on the dotted line.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Most Western women have turned into hedonistic, materialistic, superficial devils who in their delusional minds now believe that all men are supposed to serve, pamper and spoil them unconditionally without anything in return. Most of these dating coaches see this but because of their selfishness and greed will still attempt to shame and bully men into conforming to the dysfunction and degeneracy.

      It’s evident that the overwhelming majority of Western females have clearly lost their way and as a result are defective and no longer fit for purpose. Therefore it makes perfect sense for black men with their heads screwed on straight to seek women who are still NORMAL.

      Fortunately NORMAL women can still be found in countries that still embrace traditional customs/values and where feminism is NOT the main meal of the day. SYSBM™ and Passport Bros for the win.

  6. Apology is one thing but why choose to still be in the blackistan manosphere?

    The apology means nothing if he still has an issue of dating out.

    Has anyone notice that white feminism wants mixed babies with black men?

    Has anyone notice that black feminism wants mixed babies with non black men?

    Has anyone notice that a white woman has never had an abortion of black male babies?

    Has anyone notice that a negress female has never aborted mixed babies?

    These questions is saying everything that everyone needs to know.

    1. Brother Wittexton am a afraid it’s over for the communitah the white feminism already infected the black communitah and Umar Johnson the shameless liar is urging brothers to come back and rebuild the already dead ,maggot- infested communitah led by the leader of the she -demons synthetic “plastic” G.
      Umar Johnson will continue to say “black queens forever snow bunnies never” well for the SYSBM ship and passport train they need to use head phones to avoid noises of the black sirens

    2. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Too many black men are too used to dealing with gutter trash black females and have drunken the black female’s Koolaid that tells said black men they can’t do any better for themselves. SYSBM™ and the Passport Bros cannot be stopped.

      1. Exactly and I recently found that all you need is a $70 Passport Card to enter Colombia.

        Many of these men self admit to trying to convert street walkers and single mothers into viable wives. Now what I will say Latin Culture is such that even these women, the right one of course will submit.

        The fact that a good man from America gives them a chance is good enough for them to change.

        That said, it just proves that the barrier of entry has been lowered and more Passport Pookies are making it down there. A few are getting a body bag as well but I guess that is just par for the course.

        We can’t save everybody,. Your Passport is not a shield.

  7. SYSBM: Alpha Male Strategies apologise to the passport bros.
    White sugar honey: That’s nice.

    Yeah, I have seen this video but just a little bit. Well, I really don’t think about these dudes on YouTube I’m thinking about the book of short stories I’m writing and the current one is goanna be over ten pages. But add least he said he was wrong. Anyway, listen to me. when a man said they are alpha male, I stay away from them men from far. Why? Because the dude who say they are alpha males are big time beta males. I’m no alpha, sigma or a beta. I’m just a guy with an opinion.

    And second of all. Why do a man need a dating coach? I know that you need a coach for a football team but a dating coach for dating? Are you kidding me? There are so many of these dating coaches that are scamming these incels money and they are having a good time with that dough they got from these incels. And they are paying a huge amount of money. When I did the speed dating in Central London, I only spend fifteen pounds.

    I don’t have an issue of any man who wants to go overseas and find a honey to make her as his wifey and I don’t blame black men being passport bros because they have tried to date black women and they turn out to be ratchet like their mothers, aunts, grandmas and female siblings. That is the reason why they are getting their passport with the quickness. Even though the passport brothers movement is more of an American thing but I stand by it if a man can’t find a decent woman in their country as Britain is more like interracial thing.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  8. You know, this one apology from AMS is a start; there are many more that should be given, but at least we now have an idea of who’s honest enough to admit they were wrong. Keep on giving out those red pills daily, because it will eventually wake up more of these dating coaches to the reality of the dating industry as it stands currently; I’m certain they already have an idea of how bad it is out here for men, but it’s on them if they’ll admit their fault in misleading young naive men who pay them for dating advice. Big ups to AMS for having the fortitude to admit he was wrong.

    1. BCT,

      The Western dating market is a complete and total wreck, we know and can see it, these dating coaches are the same. At the end of the day black men who recognise women in the West are failures simply have to look for their female companions elsewhere. Most of these dating coaches are banking on the fact that most men are not willing to expand upon their dating options on an international level. As I always say, that’s their problem not mine. For those men who want to stick it out here in the West, they’re going to need all the help they can get.

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