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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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Once again, a big shout out to TeamWhiteGirls for the evidence. It seems that Admiral Frost isn’t happy that his female counterparts are homing in on black men.


Tyrell, Dushane, smh? I’ll never understand white males like this. As black men we don’t make up/create the rules, we simply deal with the cards that we’re given. General Blizzard has militantly been using his own media arm in propagandising himself as the main character, the star of the show, the best thing since sliced bread to all women as well as the world for so many years.

It’s not our fault that his own female counterparts aren’t buying into the hype anymore and instead are choosing to expand on their dating options to include the brothers. As the saying goes, there is only so long that you can remain at the top.

Once again, as black men we cannot force white women to date, marry and have sexual relations with us, they either choose to or refuse to. Nobody is holding a gun to the heads of white females instructing them to open up their dating options to black men, those that choose to are coming to black men VOLUNTARILY because they want to.

Besides, as we already know most white women stick to dealing with WHITE MEN, it’s a small minority of white women who are getting with the brothers, however in the eyes of Major Sleet, one white woman “going astray” is one too many.

It’s NOT the fault of the black man that Captain Snowy is losing serious traction in the dating and mating market, that situation has been brought about via his own hands. Additionally, let us not forget that CHAD and BRAD(two of his own kinsmen) have also been running through Becky, Sharon and Kylie.

The majority of ran through white women have been made that way by their own WHITE MALE COUNTERPARTS, this dude needs to look in the mirror and chastise himself and his brethren first. Meanwhile, on the same topic of white male insecurities:

I tweeted back the following response:

“54% of black men are SINGLE AND CHILDLESS, 30% of black men are MARRIED. Of the minority 16%, most are going to be dealing with their own female counterparts. Contrary to your propaganda, most black men aren’t out here creating single mothers regardless of their ethnicity.”

Here we have yet another example of Captain Euro bemoaning the fact that he’s losing his main character/default man status. This whole “pay the toll, toll paid” mantra is complete and utter rubbish because it is the actions of white men themselves that have been driving more white women into the arms of black men.

Feminism, LGBTQP, equality, diversity, inclusion etc have all be created, spearheaded, funded and propagandised by WHITE MEN, like I said before, white men have brought this change of events upon themselves. Pushing men to become more like women and you wonder why your female counterparts are fervently looking elsewhere for masculine men, smh.

Most single white mothers are having children with WHITE MEN, this ludicrous idea that black men as a collective are spreading their seed far and wide amongst the white female population and abandoning their children is utterly ridiculous and sounds much like the modern day black siren when she talks about “deadbeat dads”.

As clearly demonstrated by the CDC back in 2015 and surprisingly reported by mainstream media outlets, black men are the most involved in their children’s lives when compared to other races of men:


Brothers, keep doing what you’re doing, as can be seen, we don’t even have to have significant amounts of money to rattle the cages of the white male contingent and have them running around like headless chickens and stray dogs. Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, you’ve got the floor gentlemen, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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17 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. These white beta males make me laugh all the time ,they are crying because of white feminism and they themselves took part in creating the monster that is devouring their sanity?

    Let me explain to you why most white women in fact all of them are checking for brothers despite most of them are drinking the feminist cool .
    1. Most white men are obsessed with cuckold behavior ie allowing other men to bang their wives while they watch them
    2. Despite racism ,poverty, disease and colonialism black men have stood tall in the face of adversity whether you are an African American, African European or African as a whole have a mind of metal ie not giving up. It’s no surprise many ww both young and mature are going for black men.

    3. WW despite embracing feminism still know they cannot survive without a man that is why they tend to go for brothers because they see them as providers of the house hold both physical and emotional.

    4. Black men despite racism and hatred we continue to have that bond of brother hood infact as an example many African American brothers often come to my country Kenya to mentor the youth in terms of sports business and agriculture it’s no surprise many races of women are drawn by this because they see us as an inspiration and brothers do not be surprised when u see a snow bunny proposing to an African brother 😂😂.

    As for Umar Johnson and the demons of the communitah ie scraggle daggles and her blue simps Yaya bin hoteps,it’s goodbye and good riddance.

  2. Isn’t that first guy with a black/mixed race woman???

    Yet he’s got US on his mind using stereotypical names from Top Boy, but it’s alright for him to be a “coalburner” (while posting pictures posing with black men like he’s their friend while secretly envying them) lol typical. I’m not surprised, I know his type.

    As for the loser in the second video – you can just tell from the way he speaks that he’s a socially awkward, basement dwelling incel who hasn’t seen pu$$y since he came out his mother. I can just picture the freckled/spotty face and disheveled Shaggy hair, porno mags, empty pizza boxes and soda cans all around his floor. He sounds like he would bore any chick within the first five seconds, because I was while listening to his rant. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s the next mass shooter.

    The worst type of haters are the white men are the so called “wiggas”. You think they’re down, right? Wait til they see you get a lot of sexual attention from white women in general. All that Marky Mark “yo,yo,yo” and UK “wagwan blud” shit will go right out the window. The baseball cap to the back will quickly get replaced with the klan hood or St Georges flag lol.

    Funny how these types never talk about all the white men who travel to Africa and the caribbean and smash anything they can get their hands on while leaving them with some kind of disease or pregnant? I got two mixed race twin cousins because some white man had a fling with one of my distant relatives in Jamaica the night before he flew back home to the states, obviously never to be seen or heard from again. They never talk about THAT though.

    The obsession and fear of black men is ridiculous but at the same time somewhat understandable. If we had half the power and controlled our image, it would be a wrap for all men. We don’t have competition like that, nor do we have to sweat it or feel paranoid whenever other men are around because our sexual value speaks for itself.

    Sucks for white men that they no longer have all the spoils for themselves and finally have competition, but it is what it is. It burns them that the same men they portrayed to be the most savage, unintelligent and ugly STILL manage to bag white females – especially black men straight from the continent. Forget Germany, Icelandic white women literally can’t wait for any opportunity to pounce on brothers from what I’ve heard lol. Apparently you’ll have no problem at all out there lmao.

    Like you said, no one’s forcing white women to be with anybody. That whole “you guys only get the ugly/fat white women” shit clearly doesn’t fly because black men get with chicks who make Sydney Sweeney and Margot Robbie look like ogres. If that wasn’t the case, they wouldn’t care about us taking the so called “rejects” off their hands.

    My preference is for melanated darker skinned Asian/Latina women anyway. I’ve never really been into white women heavy like that, but of course I’d smash lol. I just prefer that brown skin….excluding you-know-who of course.


    1. Even if all we DID get with were fat and ugly white women, why do they care so much?

  3. Verbs 2015.

    The white lord and saviour white man is very upset now that alot of white women in 2023 are now going for us black men. It’s not my fault that white women like SYSBM black men like me and I don’t have high status in society and I am not rich either. My type of woman that I go for is Greek women, Greek Cypriot women, Turkish women, Turkish Cypriot women, White women with brown eyes and Indian women because those are the sort of women that like me also.

  4. A lot of white men view the blackistan males and the thinking black men as one and the same.

    In the views of many white men, all blackistan males and the thinking black men have the blackistan culture mentality by default.

    Black men can’t be seen as individuals in the western world by non black men.

    Minority black men are automatically grouped with the majority of blackistian males.

    White women aren’t dating just any black man.

    White women are dating and marrying the thinking black men for the most part.

    Funny how white women can look at black men as individuals in the west and out of anglo saxon societies.

  5. Happy SYSBM Wednesday!

    Part of the original feminist push including gubmint benefits for not having men in the home, was to neutralize Black male leadership in the communitah, and for single black mamas to raise generations of queers and simps, not leaders, forestalling the rise of another Malcolm X or MLK. But as with every white scheme to destabilize and eradicate American Blacks, it eventually boomerangs back on them in a generation or so. They tried killing us with AIDS in the 80s, but didn’t reckon with white men who were switch-hitting and bringing it back to the white hetero population. Whites are now having their own crack epidemic with fentanyl, and having their own girls and women empowered by feminism and punitive laws, to rebel against them, the same laws they crushed us with.

    The only downside as far as SYSBM is concerned is that modern-day Becky next door in her zeal to rebel is going straight for Road Man Jake, Pound Town Pete, D1 Bobby, and Slim Sausage just like the BW they emulate, when in former times, they went for the clean-cut, intelligent Will Smith type, i.e. us.

    This is where Passport Bros comes in.

    Back to topic, have you ever been walking down the street minding your business, and there’s a white couple walking towards you or in the area. They’re walking like brother and sister but when the guy sees you, he puts his arm all around her and acts all luvvy-duvvy LOL. Insecure white boys are a trip.


  6. SYSBM: These white beta males are really cringe!
    White sugar honey: They are too weak to handle this donkey donk I got!

    Right, these beta males really make me cringe, holy shit. Question, I know that there are some white women would date a black guy and some don’t but here this question. Do you think that these white girls will ever date, be in a relationship or marry these dudes? Hell to the no. They wouldn’t even think about dating fools like them. the reason why they are acting like this is because that they can’t get women. That is the reason why they are acting like this. the beta male in the bed, I was wondering “I’m on the computer writing like crazy, tired as hell because of the late nights writing, thinking about being a freelance writer, thinking about getting this money and the guy is laying in the bed upset that he sees a blonde with a black guy. Let me tell you something. You know where the dick police come from? from these white beta males who has these gay tendencies. And speaking of white guys. Chad and Brad are running through white girls like Katie, Sharon and Suzie.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  7. Oh diddums, Rear Admiral HardFrost isn’t happy with me being with a white woman?

    Well, she came to me, I resisted through my past experiences (all with white/non black women) but she took possession of me.

    Despite centuries of the white man’s heavy indoctrination depicting the black man as a simpleton animal savage (too dumb in general but smart enough to steal and drive 💁🏿‍♂️) we still attract Stacy, Amelia and Brianna.

    Admiral Sleet Shower is going to have to cope with his women seeking out brothers. What is he going to do about it? What’s EDL Dave going to do about it? Fuck all.

    Toll paid? Sure, she gets free access to my black ass.

  8. The type of women I prefer, and the women who I choose regardless of race, ethnicity is really none of these white boys (other non black boys who got a problem also), black women, and pro black business. First of all, these people can’t control other people’s preferences, and who they wanna date. Nobody controls who I prefer nor date but me. If you don’t like it, then get the fuck outta dodge then. I’m not obligated to date/procreate/marry a woman of the same race as me. Maybe I’ll end up with a black woman, maybe I won’t. If I do end up a black woman, 9 times out of 10, she’ll probably be an Afro-Latina, Blasian, or Biracial (Black/White) chick. Then of course, the BW will still have something to say even if the chick is Biracial, or a “Light Skin” Chick. But I know 100% sure, my future girlfriends, and wife will probably be non black. Latinas, or Asians.

    What’s been on my mind: Nothing really. It’s just that 2023 ain’t been my year at all due to unexpected events throwing me off guard with trying to become a better version of myself physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually. Lately, I’ve been experiencing some wake-up calls to where it’s time for a change, completely. Three of my biggest wake-up calls I have experienced are my social circle, getting my health in order, and keeping a lock on my money. With my social circle, I finna start cutting some people off because it seems like people are only my “friend” because they want something out of me, and them people gotta get the hell out of circle and out of my present. I don’t mind being a helping hand, but I’m not finna baby these people because they can’t do shit for themselves. Getting my health in order, lately I’ve been hitting that gym 3 – 5 days a week, doing treadmill, chest, abs, lifting weights, and hitting the punch bag. Plus I figure out what I’m gonna do for my career, and I’m shooting for it next year. For the rest of the year, I’m gonna be practicing my art to get ready for next year. Financially, I’m putting a severe lock on my finances, because outside of family, I’m completely gonna be off limits of people asking me for a couple of bucks, and trying to act like a “friend.” So yeah, I’m exhausted, I’m tired, and I’m stressed the fuck out. It’s cool because for the rest of the year, and from here on out, things are gonna start changing around here for sure. At the end of the day, I wanna thank these people, because they taught a real, REAL, valuable lesson. I learned that I can be a good person, a whole heartsome person, but I can’t let people take advantage of me. What I did the other day: Wrote down my new years resolutions for 2024, because it’s time for a change, for myself.

  9. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! White male insecurity is a real case study; I thank God that I’m not one of them because it must be depressing to have to live with the psychosis that White women are just running wholesale to Black men while some Jewish boogeyman is lurking around the corner to ensure White people’s extinction. I also love how they want to accuse the “BIPOC” crowd of racism, yet counter their rhetoric…with more racism! This is why I can’t feel sorry for White men out here anymore when they complain about what they feel are the ills of Western society; they need to learn to use statistics and data to counter their opposition instead of clinging to outdated racist propaganda and pseudoscience that has been debunked a long time ago. Until then, they can all buy knives and stick themselves!

    1. Great job Verbs!
      This article was spot-on. This article and information we have talked about is one of the reasons why that personally my favorite chapter in the SYSBM book is about the default man.
      I mean even seeing it with even the Migtow that we’ve talked about on OMW. Your sandman, hammerhand ( who has been on MBD livestream and even considers himself an ally to SYSBM?), tfm, that guy that Tito roasted undead chronic, an MGTOW ally. Yeah I’m naming names f*** it at this point.
      Come to us as if we don’t have our own experiences with these women. As if we don’t vet and know how to pick certain types of women, no matter their
      ethnicity. Its condescending and unsolicited advice.
      Like Wittexton mention, these fools seem to think that we are all the same. We are retarded simps and that we get with mostly fat undesirable white women.
      I even heard these guys using that long debunked fake stat from the non-existent Spelman College professor quoting the 90% of mixed kids by black men are bastards. These guys sound like daggles and they don’t even realize it.
      I say to them
      M************ we know about these white women probably better than you. We are more diverse than just chasing f****** white women. If we want your advice, we will ask for it. Don’t come to us claiming you giving us advice and you just s******* on us because of our f****** preference. That’s what the dick police among them dudes I swear. Acting like the divesters that being in Undead chronics DMs according to him.
      One of them is talking about Adele getting married to A-list sport agent Rich Paul.
      Yeah I personally wouldn’t have married Adele because I don’t deal with single moms. But Paul has no problem with it and that’s on him. Plus I think he has a few kids himself, so it’s basically a blended family. Which has been common in the before I was even born. She shows more affection in public with him than she did for her ex. Even though they keep their relationship private and low-key.
      This is why it’s rational for black men to be separate from other men’s groups. I don’t personally like it, because you have the same comment enemy. It would be more powerful if we were together.
      But we’re not that point where these guys could get rid of the legal/social aspect of race. They still hold on to that and outdated formulas.
      Much like the pro black. Two sides of the same coin.
      So much for the bell curve, lol!

      PS: these guys really need to chill out staring at me whenever I’m dating a hapa or a mixed chick. Like these idiots have a claim to them.


    2. Great job Verbs!
      This article was spot-on. This article and information we have talked about is one of the reasons why that personally my favorite chapter in the SYSBM book is about the default man.
      I mean even seeing it with even the Migtow that we’ve talked about on OMW. Your sandman, hammerhand ( who has been on MBD livestream and even considers himself an ally to SYSBM?), tfm, that guy that Tito roasted undead chronic, an MGTOW ally. Yeah I’m naming names f*** it at this point.
      Come to us as if we don’t have our own experiences with these women. As if we don’t vet and know how to pick certain types of women, no matter their
      ethnicity. Its condescending and unsolicited advice.
      Like Wittexton mention, these fools seem to think that we are all the same. We are retarded simps and that we get with mostly fat undesirable white women.
      I even heard these guys using that long debunked fake stat from the non-existent Spelman College professor quoting the 90% of mixed kids by black men are bastards. These guys sound like daggles and they don’t even realize it.
      I say to them
      M************ we know about these white women probably better than you. We are more diverse than just chasing f****** white women. If we want your advice, we will ask for it. Don’t come to us claiming you giving us advice and you just s******* on us because of our f****** preference. That’s what the dick police among them dudes I swear. Acting like the divesters that being in Undead chronics DMs according to him.
      One of them is talking about Adele getting married to A-list sport agent Rich Paul.
      Yeah I personally wouldn’t have married Adele because I don’t deal with single moms. But Paul has no problem with it and that’s on him. Plus I think he has a few kids himself, so it’s basically a blended family. Which has been common in the before I was even born. She shows more affection in public with him than she did for her ex. Even though they keep their relationship private and low-key.
      This is why it’s rational for black men to be separate from other men’s groups. I don’t personally like it, because you have the same comment enemy. It would be more powerful if we were together.
      But we’re not that point where these guys could get rid of the legal/social aspect of race. They still hold on to that and outdated formulas.
      Much like the pro black. Two sides of the same coin.
      So much for the bell curve, lol!

      PS: these guys really need to chill out staring at me whenever I’m dating a hapa or a mixed chick. Like these idiots have a claim to them.


  10. Great job Verbs!
    This article was spot-on. This article and information we have talked about is one of the reasons why that personally my favorite chapter in the SYSBM book is about the default man.
    I mean even seeing it with even the Migtow that we’ve talked about on OMW. Your sandman, hammerhand ( who has been on MBD livestream and even considers himself an ally to SYSBM?), tfm, that guy that Tito roasted undead chronic, an MGTOW ally. Yeah I’m naming names f*** it at this point.
    Come to us as if we don’t have our own experiences with these women. As if we don’t vet and know how to pick certain types of women, no matter their
    ethnicity. Its condescending and unsolicited advice.
    Like Wittexton mention, these fools seem to think that we are all the same. We are retarded simps and that we get with mostly fat undesirable white women.
    I even heard these guys using that long debunked fake stat from the non-existent Spelman College professor quoting the 90% of mixed kids by black men are bastards. These guys sound like daggles and they don’t even realize it.
    I say to them
    M************ we know about these white women probably better than you. We are more diverse than just chasing f****** white women. If we want your advice, we will ask for it. Don’t come to us claiming you giving us advice and you just s******* on us because of our f****** preference. That’s what the dick police among them dudes I swear. Acting like the divesters that being in Undead chronics DMs according to him.
    One of them is talking about Adele getting married to A-list sport agent Rich Paul.
    Yeah I personally wouldn’t have married Adele because I don’t deal with single moms. But Paul has no problem with it and that’s on him. Plus I think he has a few kids himself, so it’s basically a blended family. Which has been common in the before I was even born. She shows more affection in public with him than she did for her ex. Even though they keep their relationship private and low-key.
    This is why it’s rational for black men to be separate from other men’s groups. I don’t personally like it, because you have the same comment enemy. It would be more powerful if we were together.
    But we’re not that point where these guys could get rid of the legal/social aspect of race. They still hold on to that and outdated formulas.
    Much like the pro black. Two sides of the same coin.
    So much for the bell curve, lol!

    PS: these guys really need to chill out staring at me whenever I’m dating a hapa or a mixed chick. Like these idiots have a claim to them.



    This gave me a good laugh yesterday. Just a whole bunch of smart dumb babble focusing ONLY on BM-WW relationships. Any intelligent person would see right through this drivel for what it is really is, because he’d mention ALL men and encourage his other bros to only seek white women if he was such a purist, but of course they want to have their cake and eat it.

    Of course, no other race of men get mentioned in this article. And as I pointed out on twitter, white men lust and fetishize after Asian women particularly (hell, even black women) who look nothing like their mothers all day long but I’m pretty sure that’s OK.

    In 2023 they really think they can still shame people out of getting into relationships with each other. they’ve made laws and even committed acts of violence to try and keep white women away from black men in particular, yet here we are. They can’t accept the fact that IR are just not going anywhere. This whole “fetish” shit is so redundant.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Did I just read what I just read in that tweet? Like I said before, Admiral Frost is upset at the fact that he’s no longer the main character, the star of the show, the default man(as talked about in the SYSBM™ book). He still wants to believe he’s hot stuff even though he’s seeing his favoured status quickly diminishing. Again, when Major Sleet promotes the LGBTQP agenda as well as anything and everything emasculates and effeminises men, exactly what does he expect his woman to do?

      This was my response comment:

      “One of the main reasons why more white women are homing in on black men is because we’ve chosen to retain our masculine essence instead of throwing it into the sewer pipe like many white men have. When white men promote feminism, LGBTQP etc, exactly what results do they expect?”

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