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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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The modern day black female’s image and reputation on display right there, a picture paints a thousand words. Shout out to YouTuber Passport Bros Business Class, that’s who I picked up this image from.

In other news, upon being informed by a few commenters and having checked myself, it looks like the Black Witch of Scalp Summit aka Cynthia G’s YouTube channels have finally been terminated.

That black siren was nothing but a curse, a pestilence and a thorn in the side of black men for years. It’s about time YouTube gave her misandrist backside the boot, however I’m sure there are 10 black men hating black harriers ready and waiting to take her place.

One day black women are finally going to realise that Admiral Frost is NOT their friend and that he will freely give them the boot whenever their usefulness expires.

Slaying Evil, a platform for free thinking brothers continues to remain strong and resilient even in the face of adversity.

Finally, in other news I’ve heard about a list that has been compiled by Western women detailing places that men are not allowed to take them to on first dates.

Any extra information regarding this list would be greatly appreciated. The nerve of the Western female, her entitlement complex at this point is off the damn chain, smh.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week brothers? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice.

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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38 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

    1. Brotherdanunlimited,

      These sodomites want to have their ceremonies of perversion all year round, one month just isn’t enough for them anymore, smh. The West is done.

      1. Yep, now this LGBT+++ perversion movement is developing into non-west countries.

    1. Here is the men’s rebuttal list. As you can see, the blue-pilled simp who posted it turns against his own gender for pussy points. I didn’t check but was probably dead silent about the list that started it in the first place. Between simps and Pookies I hate sharing a race with these niggas. SYSBM™

      1. Schadenfreude,

        These blue pilled, triple cream certified pro black simps are always ready to jump to the defence of black women. The men’s response list looks perfectly fine to me. Some of us understand our worth and what is NOT to be accepted especially from these lower tier Western women.


        1. Beaware of these so called good great Black American Women like Kelly Stamps. It’s crazy that from time to time she will talk about racial black issues but mainly for herself and Black Women but it now really gets to me that she never as far as I have seen in her videos said anything or talked about any topic relating to Black Men. I mean it’s like we don’t even exist in her own world. She now calls herself being a good christian woman now I mean now you can see where so many of the so called good Black American Women have gone these days. Check out her latest video A pretty, Black, Christian, intelligent woman is THEIR worst nightmare!! It’s really crazy how social media in the west has fucked up so many things for men but at the same time Western Women Especially Black Western Women of this generations are the most spoiled up and morally messed up. Kelly now calls herself struggling to get a good man now but she either at times doesn’t seem to know what she wants especially since she likes to go travel around the country or around the world. Black Men in the west avoid these spoiled so called independent confused women hell even Megan Thee Stallion said Black Men we want you but we don’t need you. Also check out her latest video with her obsession with Long hair because she now loves expensive wigs and seems to worship them

      2. Schadenfreude,

        I really hate these simps with a passion. This is a huge part of the reason why black females will never change and feel so comfortable attacking black men whenever they want. They know they will always have these weak motherfuckers to defend them whenever they get resistance from men like us who don’t tolerate their bullshit and actually have standards. SMH.

        1. Also be aware of these so called good great Black American Women like Kelly Stamps. It’s crazy that from time to time she will talk about racial black issues but mainly for herself and Black Women but it now really gets to me that she never as far as I have seen in her videos said anything or talked about any topic relating to Black Men. I mean it’s like we don’t even exist in her own world. She now calls herself being a good christian woman now I mean now you can see where so many of the so called good Black American Women have gone these days. Check out her latest video A pretty, Black, Christian, intelligent woman is THEIR worst nightmare!! It’s really crazy how social media in the west has fucked up so many things for men but at the same time Western Women Especially Black Western Women of this generations are the most spoiled up and morally messed up. Kelly now calls herself struggling to get a good man now but she either at times doesn’t seem to know what she wants especially since she likes to go travel around the country or around the world. Black Men in the west avoid these spoiled so called independent confused women hell even Megan Thee Stallion said Black Men we want you but we don’t need you. Also check out her latest video with her obsession with Long hair because she now loves expensive wigs and seems to worship them

    2. I’ve just looked at the list of dating criterias of both men and women.

      Its very clear to me after looking at both lists that men and women aren’t compatible at all.

      Good luck to anyone who is trying to find someone of quality.

      It ain’t really good luck.

      Its actually bad luck at this rate.

      This won’t encourage anyone to live in the west that can think straight of having future plans to build a new family from scratch.

      This is why in my opinion, EU passports are more valuable than UK passports, USA passports, Australian passports, Canadian passports, New Zealand passports.

      I don’t agree with a lot of policies within the EU politically and economically, but there is more options in my situation when it comes to dating white women from different nations within the EU.

      Anglo saxon is the western societies.

      1. You better hurry up, the West including the EU is being overrun with these military age Ay-rab and African “migrants.” They are also gunning for the same white women. Not looking to date them though, unless rape is considered a “date.” Stay vigilant.

  1. The picture above is a composite of Serena Williams and Precious. LOL

    1. Funny thing is, that racist AI caricature was more than likely made by the same white boys they’re openly praying to God for on Twitter.

      “Pleez Gawd when youz gon’ send me a white boy?” LOL.

  2. I seen that list recently.
    This was originated from this BW who wore a green dress trying to shame the Indian guy. But it got backfired and she played herself to the corner.

    Then they will be the same hotep will ask you why you are not dating BW.
    Show them the list which will answer their question. But again these Pro-Blacks will give in to the list and pay Premiums just to be sake of Black-Love.

    1. MMT,

      These Western women especially black females have combined their religion of hedonism, superficialism and materialism with their delusions of grandeur. The next time I visit the US I’m going to go to the Cheesecake Factory just to see what was so bad about visiting that particular restaurant(from the backlash that black witch received, the Cheesecake Factory is regarded as a perfectly good spot).

      The Indian guy sent her packing, she thought he was going to simp and pander like the usual pro blacks she’s used to dealing with but the guy was having none of it.

  3. Verbs,

    As for Cynthia G getting her channel terminated for hate speech.
    I agree what you said and also Accountable Commentary also mention this that the reason why this is happening is because of the election.

    They are supporting and promoting Black Men that way Biden get remain in 2nd term.

    If Trumps wins, then this will be long term, howeve if Biden remain in Office, then it will revert back to man hating content and become open season again towards BM.

    My advice to all Thinking brothers hereas Verbs stated, do not fall for the Oke-Doke.
    This is just like another Kansas City Shuffle just like these ‘I love you BM’, ‘Soft Girl Era’ videos.
    Do not fall for it.

    This is another Venus Fly Trap trick to get you back into the Plantation which Simps will always fall for.

  4. Verbs 2015.

    At last Cynthia G got her youtube channel terminated because she was talking so much evil and hate towards decent black men like us. That weave headed bitch got what she deserved because her white lord and saviour got fed up with her shit. I saw that dating list of the places that black women don’t want you to take them for the first date and it is fucking ridiculous, crazy and unrealistic. It’s like black women want to be wined and dined on very expensive meals without giving anything in return and its no wonder why that SYSBM black men like us refuse to date black women and that’s the reason why black women are the least desired woman on the planet. I avoid black women and gold digger women like the plague.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      The Black Witch of Scalp Summit aka Cynthia G got what she deserved, I don’t feel sorry for that evil siren at all. Her unrelenting hatred and endless war against black men is straight from the bottomless pit, from constantly referring to us as “bandits” to advocating for the assassination of unborn black male children in the womb.

      As I keep on saying, modern day black women are the devil right-hand henchwomen, they’ve got no problems carrying out malevolent works in order to further establish Satan’s kingdom on earth(while pretending to be followers of the Most High and the scriptures, smh), this is one of many reasons why they should be abandoned at all costs.

      Black women as a collective are the most hedonistic, materialistic and superficial females on the planet, yet more reasons why black men with sense and intelligence must expand on their dating options and never look back.


      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with bro. I am SYSBM for life man. 😎😎💯

  5. SYSBM: Boo, do you know how much Cynthia G makes a month on YouTube?
    White Sugar Honey: Twenty thousand dollars. That’s how much I make a month also.

    So, Cynthia G’s channel has been terminated. Well, with all the evil she was saying about black men, showing hatred towards them, it was like the termination of her channel was coming. I have seen so many channels getting terminated since 2013. From Mad Bux Driver, Kid Organic, Hardcore Tito and the list goes on and on.

    The reason why these channels will get taken down is that the ratchet black men and the simps report them to YouTube and flag them. And that’s how they get taken down, you understand?

    Not only that, these simps get their channel terminated as well. all of the simps from Monty Woodgrain, Bum Picker, D Derrel and all of the other simps are gone because the ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles turn on them. And now we don’t see them ever again.

    Now are the ratchet black women are getting their channels deleted by YouTube? Cynthia G’s channel is gone because she might of said something that YouTube didn’t like at all.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.



    From 10:45 onwards:

    In a nutshell, these two annoying black females spoke about a time when they were at a restaurant and a group of younger black men were there and none of them approached them. The brothers were talking to some white women who were very clearly friends of theirs. So these harridans were on their way out the restaurant and feeling some kind of way about it. So of course, rather than just keep it moving like anyone else would, they decide to be fucking annoying and go up to the group and ask these men what they were there for. The brothers simply replied “a reunion”. That’s it. That’s the end of this non story.

    You notice a pattern here? It’s like that weird, bug eyed femcel living in Japan (unfortunately) from just a couple of weeks ago attacking the black men there for just going about their day to day lives not practicing black female worship, whatever she expected of them. You can’t even mind your own business anymore without some entitled black bitch going on a podcast or making some viral tiktok video attacking black men for not bowing to them in the middle of the street or something.

    These are the same women who are generally rude, impolite and sometimes even openly hostile towards black men. They get a kick out of it too, so it’s only right black men turn the tables. No, we’re not “intimidated”, we just don’t give a fuck about you anymore and not playing your stupid games.

    I have to say, though, I was smiling when I heard how those brothers responded to these two harridans. That’s the way to do it. Nonchalant, indifferent and dismissive. “Yes, I answered your question. Go away now please”. What did I say about this younger generation of black men finally waking up? They ain’t trying to listen to these Plantation Simps like that scruffy grifter Umar spewing that kween bullshit because they’re much wiser now, realise their worth, have more self respect and options.

    I want this to spread like wildfire and be the norm. I want brothers at their best, improving themselves in every aspect of life and getting with much higher quality non black women who deserve them and shutting out and ignoring these black females. Don’t be one of those dudes who sit on the couch all day complaining while doing nothing. When you take steps to improve your life, a whole new world opens up for you – stuff you never would have expected otherwise. Just because these females tried to make you feel like shit so they could control you and keep you down doesn’t make it true at all. Black men are POWERFUL.

    These harridans only have themselves to blame. My only caveat with some of these shows is that they need to stop addressing black women altogether and just solely focus on brothers. Black women will never change. Stop wasting precious energy like our late brother Kevin Samuels did who should have just left them to their own devices and just be about black male improvement. Black women will never do any self reflection and look at the part they played in all of this. I don’t care for the “good” ones either, since they never differentiate themselves and call out their fellow sisters and/or make excuses for them. At least we openly condemn Pookie and Ray Ray.

    In a way, this is great because they’ll just make themselves look crazy while good black men will look like rock stars and be even more appealing to non black women. Meanwhile, other men will give black women an even wider berth than they already do, then black females will really be further up shit’s creek without a paddle.

    Oh well, not my problem.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Black women make themselves unapproachable and they’ve been like this for as long as I can remember. Before I went SYSBM™ from 2005, back in the late 90s to the early 2000s I remember trying to approach many black women and being met with stank attitudes as well as unnecessary hostility for nothing.

      Some of these black sirens would give you the dirtiest looks that could be felt from 5 miles away. Black women via their own hands and mean mugging faces have created the hostile environment to where more black men are choosing to give them a wide berth and instead are opting to talk to kinder, more approachable non black females.

      Like I always say, oh well, that’s their problem, not mine.

      1. Verbs2015,

        Yet those were the ones who always had something to say when those same brothers they were hostile to and pushed away end up with white and other non black women. And I bet years later they could do with some attention now that they’re older, washed up, overweight, single mothers and whatever halfway decent looks they had has faded. They really thought they were gonna be hot forever and that their disrespect of black men wouldn’t have consequences later down the line. Tough shit.

        I’m just glad the tables are turning and brothers aren’t giving them any attention at all now. You read the comment section on this and other videos and black men are literally crossing the street when they see them and walking away when they’re in the vicinity. Good. I’ve been a few places where I could sense some black woman was expecting me to engage her in some kind of way and I just never looked in her direction. Nah, you ain’t getting first right of refusal or an ego boost from me.


  7. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! So, Cynthia G is now completely banned from YouTube; good riddance, she won’t be missed in this space. As for that image at the top of the page, it reminded me of the actress Amber Riley (if you don’t know her, look her up); talk about art imitating life! Lastly, that list of places that women refuse to go to on a first date should be the last straw for any guy still holding onto hope for Western females; truthfully, we could build a museum exhibiting all of the “final straws” that should’ve Black pilled men who are fed up with the antics of Western straggs. I just knew there would be a rebuttal list made by thinking brothers; that list would make a great companion to the Traditional Treatment Disqualifiers.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The thing about it is black women will simply look at him as a flunky who is supposed to be worshipping them by default. Black women don’t appreciate good deeds/gestures, these triple cream certified, blue pilled, pro black simps are very hard of hearing.

  8. Brothers, that “bad first dates” list has gone viral! The term “cheesecake factory first dates” is trending on Google right now, and the list is apparently backfiring in a major way; besides, all this talk about cheesecake is making me want some right now. L Express certainly has their work cut out for them!

    1. That Cheesecake Factory woman really thought she was shaming that Indian guy by recording them, and it blew up in her face. L Express had to put on an extra shift this year to keep up.


  9. I don’t know if any of you heard of this movie called “Good Burger” from the mid-90s, but while I was at my apartment complex’s gym on the bike, I noticed the TV on Nickelodeon and they put out an advertisement for a “Good Burger II” movie (with at least one of the actors from the original “Good Burger” reprising his role).

    1. JC,

      I’ve moved this comment to the last Open Mic Wednesday, I’ll be checking out the link you sent. I can’t believe Taz the curry goat is still lurking about, smh.


    One harmless tweet from a random latina woman is enough to make these mentally ill daggles go crazy. “Our” independent women who call us bullet bags and don’t need us really hate it when other women express any kind of love or desire for us to the point they hurl all kinds of threats, insults and wish death upon them. Of course they’re too stupid and socially retarded to realise that their behaviour only shows why we give them a wide berth in the first place and that it makes them more undesirable in the eyes of everyone.

    I’m so glad we have other options because I’d be sick if we could only choose from the absolute worst women on the planet we’ve been cursed with for counterparts.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      These black sirens stay insecure in their feelings whenever White, Latina, Asian or other non black women express an interest in black men and the black American female is the worst jealous culprit of them all.

      It’s funny how these black females continually state that they don’t want us but have no hesitation calling black men every nasty name under the sun as soon as we choose to expand our options past them, smh. Continue to wide berth the scraggle daggle like your life depends on it(which it does). #SYSBM™

  11. Here’s what “our” Queans think about you, black man:

    As I tweeted, it’s interesting how non black women seem to pick the best of black men and aren’t complaining, meanwhile most non black men and increasing numbers of brothers don’t want to touch black women with a barge pole.

    They think they’re hurting us saying shit like this when the joke is actually on them considering they’re the least desired and non black men don’t even think they’re worthy enough to fuck on a drunken one night stand.

    If you still deal with black women in 2023, something’s wrong with you.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      We tried to tell him. Dude thought he could get femininity out of a black female from the motherland, that didn’t really work out for him did it? Eastern European women are still holding the fort as some of the most feminine and traditional females on the planet.

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