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You’ve Placed Yourselves At The Bottom!

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Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their strong desire to hold onto and practice dysfunctional behaviours.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their inability and unwillingness to cooperate with their own male counterparts.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their embrace and practice of mutant feminism.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their embrace and practice of slut culture and the ease at which they’ll open their legs to, have sex with and get impregnated by the absolute worst candidates from black male society.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their reluctance to represent their natural looks.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their obsession with weaves/wigs containing hair that comes from other races of women.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their obsession with external appendages(fake eyelashes, fake nails, makeup etc) which make them look extremely freakish/circus clown esque.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of the inherent disrespect they have towards black men.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they don’t respect themselves.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because non black men see the rotten way black women treat their own male counterparts and as a result want absolutely nothing to do with such women.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their embrace of modernity alongside their rejection of traditional customs and values.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because most of them have become obese, refuse to address the issue and instead will attempt to guilt/shame black men into accepting them as being fat.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their incessant acceptance, support and propagation of the LGBTQP agenda alongside the regularly scheduled attempted emasculation and effeminisation of black men.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their ritualistic obsession with killing unborn black babies in the womb as well as their non loving, foul and horrible treatment of black children in general.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their naturally hostile, disgruntled, angry, bitter, miserable, stubborn, prideful, arrogant, haughty and malevolent natures they feel they must put on display at all times.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because most of them no longer look like black women.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their outright refusal to compete with women of other ethnicities for the men they desire.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their unholy confederacy with the State in seeking to keep black men and black society flat on their faces in exchange for government benefits, programs, assistance etc.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they feel that making more money than their male companion somehow equates to an elevated leverage for them in a relationship.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their insatiable lust for money, material and superficial possessions.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their inability to manage their money and finances in a responsible, accountable and honest manner.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they have no problems being disloyal towards GOOD black men and without any qualms will frequently throw us under the bus.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their atrocious historical track record which renders them completely untrustworthy.

Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their creation of the blue pilled, black male simp who has become the primary gate keeper, protector and enabler of black female dysfunction.

Gentlemen, as I always say, this list is not the be all and end all, feel free to chip in and add anything you see that I may have missed. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Don’t Complain About The Position You’ve Placed Yourselves In

Most High Bless

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25 thoughts on “You’ve Placed Yourselves At The Bottom!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    It’s black womens own fault that they placed themselves on the bottom of the dating market because they are always having kids with the worst type of black men, they are always fake looking from head to toe, they hate good black men, but they worship bad black men, they love their white lord and saviour white men and other non black men and they waste their best sexual prime years (18 to 30) by having sex and riding the cock carousel with the worst type of men. Also black women are always blaming us good SYSBM black men for their own stupid choices in life especially when they become obese and fat and when they become single mothers with lots of bastard kids from different wutless baby fathers. I don’t feel sorry black women and black single mothers at all. I am so glad that I never had sex with black women because they would have destroyed my life and I am so glad that I am a childfree SYSBM black man at 40 who wants to have kids in the future. I am only interested in getting into a relationship with beautiful childfree in shape non black women and I want to have kids with them so that I can create my own nuclear Fitzpatrick family with non black women.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I can’t feel sorry for black women either, if black men like ourselves can recognise paths that will end in death and destruction and avoid them, why can’t black women do the same?

      I have to laugh when black women make the all too often rotten choice to open their legs to the dregs and the scum of black male society but then want to lump the decent guys they deliberately skipped over in with the trash, smh.

      There are no other communities on planet earth where dealing with single mothers is normalised and promoted as a good thing, only in black society is such degeneracy tolerated. This is one of many reasons why decent brothers kick out never to return.

      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with you bro 100 percent. 😊👍

  2. You’ve mentioned 24 reasons why black females aren’t desirable.

    I will add a few more.

    High testosterone is number 25.

    Manly facial features is number 26

    Their natural afro hair is manly at number 27

    Their big feet is manly at number 28

    Fake weave wigs is number 29

    High STD’s at number 30

    High obesity rates at number 31.

    I recently watched a reality dating show of a black man with a white german woman.

    The two black women on the show are all single.

    One tried to break up the sysbm relationship but never succeeded in the end.

    The sysbm german couple have a baby together.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Appreciate the additional contributions especially the one about the STD rates, that one totally escaped my mind. Regarding that show you watched, can it be found on YouTube, what was it called?

      As I keep on saying, black women aren’t about to allow black men who’ve chosen to expand on their dating options to peacefully ride off into the sunset with their non black female significant others without attempting to sabotage and if possible destroy those unions.

      Black women who’ve rejected a brother before will implement their witchcraft and PRETEND to be interested in him as soon as he gets with a non black female.

      If the guy isn’t SYSBM™ grounded and is foolish enough to believe the black siren is genuine, he’ll break up with the non black female and chase after the black female only for the black witch to outright reject and curve him hard.

      First right of refusal exercised as well as mission accomplished in sabotaging/destroying a black male/non black female union. As I’ve stated before, SYSBM™ is for the very, very few, NOT the many!

      1. The name of the show is titled ‘Too Hot To Handle’

        I’ve seen all 4 seasons of it and season 5 is coming soon.

        The German version only has season 1 but will probably release season 2 in future.

        Its on Netflix but I don’t think you would be able to watch it on Youtube for free.

        I don’t see it on Youtube premium.

        He seems grounded on sysbm.

        His white german girlfriend is pregnant.

        Both of the black women from germany are still single till this day.

        I’ve said numerous times that all black females have the same cultural mentality globally.

        Speaking of pregnancy, my nephew has been born today 25th April.

        I will need to meet the right quality partner for me, so that I can lead by example to my nephew.

        I know I won’t be able to be in his life most of the time cause I’m not living in London and based in Nottingham.

        When I do visit my nephew, I would like to have a white girlfriend by my side.

        My brother-in-law is an illegal immigrant married to my sister.

        He has struggled with legal court fees for years because his single mother decided to come back to the UK illegally in 2005.

        He was born in the UK in November 1991 and lived in Nigeria until he was 14 years old in 2005 with his mum and sister.

        He has many nigerian family members in London and no support from his side of his family at all for court fees.

        He was given a work permit from the judge to stay in the UK.

        Now the baby is in the picture and he still gives his mother pocket money for her to survive on because she can’t legally work as unemployed.

        His sister doesn’t contribute to helping their mother so he has to look after his mum and his newborn baby at the same time.

        My sister knew he has been an illegal immigrant before marrying him in 2018.

  3. Awwww, The Weave Roaches are SAD because nobody wants to LOWER their standards and deal with the vermin. Another flawless #SYSBM victory.


    1. TeamWhiteGirls,

      Nobody wants to deal with a combative, rebellious, belligerent, angry, bitter and disgruntled group of women, non black men most certainly are NOT going to go there and increasingly more black men are choosing to seek out love and companionship amongst women of non black ethnic backgrounds for the same and many more valid reasons. #SYSBMFORTHEWIN #SAYNOTOTHEDAGGLE

  4. This is what they wanted and voted for multiple times. Also, they’re aggressive towards good black men at warehouse jobs, but give pookie huge passes.

    1. Robert Chavis,

      It’s a pity that decent black men are only shown love and appreciation from non black females as soon as they begin expanding on their dating options. The modern day black female loves her some 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce and Field Mouse type Negroes but at the same time utterly despises the decent brother who isn’t trying to get lit up in the streets or create a rap sheet 7 miles long with sundry criminal convictions.

  5. You think they’re at the bottom now – wait until that Freaknik documentary drops. A lot of the strong, independent educated PHDs and other so-called professionals are quite nervous, to say the least.

    GOOD! They’ll soon learn that they can’t run or hide from their pasts.


    1. Thebackhandofreality,

      Many men are going to have to question the paternity of their children once the Freaknik documentary drops. as I said before, I believe the 30% negative test rate is going to increase significantly once certain women have been exposed.

  6. White sugar honey: Your here. I’ve been waiting for you.
    SYSBM: Couldn’t wait to see you. Now I’m here.

    I think you got everything here. It’s all spot on.

    Scraggy: Black men are dating white women and light skin women
    Me: 80 per cent of black men are with black woman. What are you complaining about? Oh, they’re not dating you!

    As we know that in the UK that around 60 per cent of black men have made it with non black women and the reason why is because that black men in the UK has enough with the ghetto ratchetness of these scraggle daggles and their dysfunctional ways. And they are not afraid to show it on display especially on the internet.

    So, it was like for the black British men is like “The hell with it!” and date out. Then start a relationship and marry them later on. In America, black men are just getting their passport and jet it the hell out of here. They don’t wanna deal with a woman that is ratchet and enjoy every bit of it.

    As black men who are think minded, these simps who are protecting the dysfunctional behaviour with these ghetto ratchet hoodrat show are coming after them because there is no way that they will be with women that are problematic but they end up getting hurt when the hoodrats open up their legs and give away the punash to the thugs like 357 Jimmy, Colt Five Rounds, Long Dick 44 and Fuck All Night Freed.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Black women believed the spell they have black men under was sufficient enough to keep them under heel for eternity, however all it takes is for the spell to be broken is for a non blue pilled simp black man to have a NORMAL experience with a non black female. From that point onwards he’ll seriously question his allegiance towards black women, even if he still chooses to “keep it black” it will only be a matter of time until that changes.

  7. Verbs2015,

    I would only add this one to your list.

    Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because of their past and current history of voluntary bedwenching to upper class white men, and ghetto gagging for bottom shelf Brads; while at the same time demanding impossibly high standards of treatment from good Black Men. They are so stupid that they can’t discern that Black Men and everyone else knows that they bedwench and ghetto gag. And the fancy educated ones are bedwenching in corporate America, even if they have a black simp husband at home. They expect real Black Men to regard them all as entitled ‘Queans’, and pretend that their propensity for bedwenching and ghetto gagging doesn’t exist. I know a few Black Women who I greatly respect. It is not because they demand to be thought of as ‘Quaens’, but rather because of their goodness of character. You will only ever meet a very few like this, because only a very few like this exist.

    1. AmericanBlkMan,

      Good entry, black women stay breaking the rules for their white lord and saviour General Blizzard while at the same time they’ll put in place the most stringent bureaucracy and complicated red tape for any decent black man who just happens to pass them by.

      Black women don’t even behave like baseline serfs and slaves, they most certainly are NOT entitled to be addressed as “queens” but instead as you’ve pointed out should be correctly labelled as “queans”.

      I also know a few decent black women who I have no issues with, the problem is they’ve become such a rarity.

  8. Wow, you’ve compiled quite the list there, Verbs; Wittexton Witwijf also added some some great entries to the list. Here are a few that I could think of:

    Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they think that a man’s preference for something other than them is discrimination against them for just being a Black woman.

    Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they feel entitled to you paying all of her bills, wining and dining her, and showering her with gifts while all she gives you in return is her used up snatch.

    Black women have placed themselves at the bottom of the dating market because they have deluded themselves into thinking that they’re all 10s while actually being less than 4 on the scale.

    1. BCT,

      Good entries, we as black men can clearly see why black women have relegated themselves to the bottom of the dating market via their own hands yet these same black females will still attempt to act dumb, play the victim and pretend they don’t know the real reasons why increasing numbers of black men are choosing to walk away from them day by day.

  9. Verbs,
    I do feel sad for this woman and young black girls on this video because they fed all these liberal lies from the elder BW.

    Unfortunately at young age BW taught that BM are enemies because of their existance. Black Patriarchy is bad and living in the current Black Communitah of a Matriarchy hood.

    They done this to themselves.
    It is one of those situations when ‘Patriarchy is out of the picture’. Meaning no men involve.
    I know females like those Divestors find many ways to blame BM, but they got nothing to do with the liberals, except for blue pillars.

    I agree with Verbs as they done this to themselves, now they have to live with the consequnces because of the elder Black feminists.

    You cannot blame men for this except for blue pill simps.

    You made your bed and you lie in it.

    1. I also Verbs, the list is spot on and other who added to the list.
      There are always be a long-term consequences for winning against Patriarchy and cost them the big time. Always. They got pookies to date, have them.

    2. MMT,

      As I explained to commenter Quincy Fitzpatrick above, I don’t feel sorry for any of these black women at all because they have brains, they’re forever claiming they’re smarter than black men because of their “education”, yet over and over again they’ll still choose to take the same paths of calamity, death and destruction even when the black men who still love them stand in the gap and try to warn these sirens about the perils of making such bad decisions.

      Feminism is an experiment that did what it was supposed to do in black society, reduce said communities down to piles of ashes and rubble.

      Black women see the destruction they’ve caused as a result of embracing, subscribing to and practicing feminism and yet they still won’t stop. At least some non black females have recognised feminism for the deceptive religion that it is, not the black witch though.

      She’s going to ride that feminism express until the wheels fall off and even after that happens, she’ll jump out onto the tracks and try to push the train forward herself.

      The blue pilled, black male simps will try to save them but will also perish in the process. The modern day black female has cooked herself, at this point it’s a straight chicken wrap for her.

  10. I’m waaaay past giving a shit about their sob stories. They know damn well the issues everyone (particularly black men) has with them, but because they’re so damn stubborn and arrogant, they won’t change.

    I’ve experienced the wrath of black women from early childhood within my own family. You do the slightest thing to piss them off even as a young boy and they think they can just say the most vile things to you without giving a shit about the mental scars it will cause.

    The more good a black man is, the worse they treat him. But we’re supposed to give our hard earned resources, love and time to the worse females on the planet? Give me a break. For all the pain they cause, you’re better off sticking your dick in a blender.

    They expose themselves through social media to the point that everyone can now see they’re not the poor little innocent victims they portrayed themselves as for decades. A viral video came out just today of two grown black women in their 30s blasting music loud on a PLANE and giggling just to be a nuisance – undoubtedly in the hopes of provoking a confrontation so they can play victim. This isn’t surprising since they just live to cause chaos and will create problems where there are none.

    If they feel like trash and unwanted – GOOD. They brought it on themselves. They can go to the Pookies and Ray Rays they love so much.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Firstly, dealing with the two daggles on the plane, it wasn’t even hard to find the story:

      Of course one of the daggles involved took the video down from her Tiktok profile probably because she was catching some serious heat for being a dickhead as well as a disrespectful wench:

      Unfortunately for her I found the video on Twitter and have archived the Tom Foolery:

      As you can see, the daggle from the UK is no different to her US cousin, same foul gutter mouth, same inconsiderate attitude towards others around her, same engaging in annoying and provoking activities just to garner some sort of attention.

      Black women hands down have the most evil thoughts and expressions on the planet bar none, I’ve also had my fair share of experiences of being called everything under the sun and more by a black witch just because I said something she didn’t like or I happen to prove her wrong.

      Don’t tell a black siren the truth about herself, that’s when you’ll really see the black female release Jezebel out of the cage in her full glory. Just like Sherri Shepherd’s son said back in July 2018, “black girls are mean”, he wasn’t lying, he was simply going off his own observations and experiences.

      Of course the black witch’s coven had a million and one reasons at the ready as to why Shepherd’s son was in the wrong. As I’ve pointed out before, the overwhelming majority of black women have a deep seated disdain and hatred for black men that most black men are either ignorant of or simply refuse to acknowledge.

      Most black women are a nasty bunch, I’ve run across more black females who have been mean, nasty and vindictive to me than I have ones that have been good, pleasant, friendly, kind, humble, pious etc.

      When was the last time a black female randomly smiled at you in the street or said hello, I’ll wait? I get random greetings and smiles from non black females all time by the way.

      1. Thanks for the links.

        I’m from the UK too, North London to be exact. The black women here can definitely give their US counterparts a run for their money. You could write several articles on just them alone.

        They’re a very nasty set of women. I don’t care for Judi Love but this is an example of how nasty black women are towards good men simply because they’re not attracted to them:

        If that black man isn’t SYSBM after that, then he’s a fool.

        Like I mentioned, I dealt with it in my own family and they nearly destroyed me several years ago. There’s a reason why IR is so high in this country. Brothers here have had the SYSBM mentality for decades lol. In my misguided pro-whack days (after what I’ve been through, you’d wonder why I even gave them a chance at all) I used to be annoyed and even embarrassed at the statistics, but since my eyes have been opened I realised those brothers had the right idea. Who the fuck would want to be reminded of their past? Plus notice how at peace black men with good non black women seem to be? Notice how nice their homes are, how their children are happy and just how generally they seem to prosper. Black women can’t stand those brothers particularly because they have nothing to leverage and it’s a reminder of what they can’t have and don’t deserve.

        Of course, since black women have always had a bigger microphone and love to throw dirt on our name every chance they get, the common notion is that black men in the UK are all just a bunch of white worshipping c00ns while they’re the oh so loving and loyal ones who can’t understand why we’d possible look for love elsewhere. I’ve even seen them on social media attacking UK black men to black Americans to save face, and of course the pro whack black men out there just love the UK “sistas” because they’re enamoured and bedazzled by the accent not knowing what they’re really like.

        To tell you the truth I don’t even see the appeal on a physical level. At least black women in the US are prettier than the ones here and have better bodies – the non obese ones of course. The ones in the UK aren’t even the prettiest in Europe and barely have curves, yet they’re ten times as stuck up.

        That last part, you’re right. They avoid eye contact in the workplace and basically everywhere else. Other women will definitely smile, greet you and sometimes even initiate conversation. Black women are way too “stoosh” and think they’re too good to even look at you. They certainly notice you when you’re with or around other women though…

        My heart’s turned to stone where black women are concerned. I know what it’s like firsthand when they form like voltron to make your life a misery. If your own so called family will do that, it’s nothing for strangers. So I don’t give a fuck about any of their issues. They can rot in dog shit. Any black man with sense should avoid black women like the plague. The so called good black women very rarely call them out, and on the rare occasion that they do, they don’t go hard enough, so fuck them too.

        The one positive is that my options for good non black women without children, without hang ups, without needless drama and rudeness ad infinitum have opened up now that I’m SYSBM forever!

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