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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!


Most folks unfortunately don’t seem to understand that the so called “threat of Covid” is to be used as a tool to keep the general public tracked(via the convid passport) and enslaved forever especially in the West and other countries who are choosing to tow the line and continue propagating the scam, the so called “booster shots” will only keep on coming, they won’t stop.

Those who have taken their injectable have now become commodities and the property of the big pharma companies but don’t know it yet. A lot of suckers rushed out and got their 2 shots believing that would be it, nope, the booster racket is already in place and will be a requirement for them at minimum every 3-6 months in order to keep their so called “vaccine status” in the green.

Fortunately in the UK there are safety systems in place both on the train and trackside to where if a train driver collapses, the train will eventually come to a stop safely without crashing into another. However, the same cannot be said for other modes of transport, for example, if a truck driver all of a sudden collapses at the wheel, what’s to stop his truck from steering uncontrollably and causing some serious damage? This same question can equally be raised for normal drivers.

The same can be said for airline pilots, many of whom are currently being given the ultimatum, take the bioweapon or lose your job. Auto pilot only works once airborne, it doesn’t land the plane nor launch it into the sky, the pilots actually perform that task. Get ready for a lot of jab related accidents in the very near future.

Too many people lull themselves into a false sense of security via implementation of the “I’ll be alright, nothing bad will happen to me” spell and many of them have found out the hard way that you cannot make deals with the devil and come out on top. Outside of deaths skyrocketing bioweapon disabilities are also going to go through the roof especially with the coming release of these so called booster shots, get ready!

Finally, I have to salute NBA player Johnathan Isaac and a few others for standing up for their rights to refuse to take the bioweapon(which the mainstream media continues to deliberately mislabel a vaccine):

Isaac answered those questions in a much smoother, less volatile and abrasive manner than I would’ve. He’s right, it should be an individual’s choice whether he/she wishes to take the shot, ultimatums automatically eliminate the freedom of choice option. Additionally, why are those who choose not to take the bioweapon being piled upon, browbeaten, ridiculed and shamed?

Also, ask the question as to why so many other treatments available for Covid(which is really a common cold/flu) aren’t being talked about or promoted, why is the jab the only route being pushed as viable, why isn’t natural immunity being discussed either? Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, you’ve got the floor gents, roll the dice.

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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90 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Spanish researchers have found a way to remove magnetic graphene oxide from the body after a covid jab.

    Freedom of choice is no longer optional when all organisations start mandating covid passport certificates.

    More riots in UK will happen once it is fully implemented here, then martial law.

    Military soldiers will be seen more often on the streets.

    It’s already happening due to the petrol fuel crisis.

    Booster shots are being used to enslave worldwide forever and many are actually accepting slavery again 2 centuries later after 1800’s.

    This time it is enslavement in digital form under the name of public health.

    The fact that if I had kids with a quality stargate, my kids could get the jab without parents consent is the main reason to avoid kids going to public schools.

    I can’t imagine my own future children being commodities to the state, surrounded by jab accidents, jab injuries and fatal deaths.


    1. Witwijf,

      I’m already use the majority of the supplements the guy in the video recommended, I’ve just ordered some Astaxanthin. He’s right about NAC, if everything else is taken away that would be the most important supplement to use.

      1. Verbs2015,

        “Also, ask the question as to why so many other treatments available for Covid(which is really a common cold/flu) aren’t being talked about or promoted, why is the jab the only route being pushed as viable, why isn’t natural immunity being discussed either? ”
        You posed an interesting question. I think the answer is simple. Money, its all about the money. which it usually is.
        You see, while the treatments might be more expensive on an individula basis, and therefore more profitable for big pharma on an individual basis, its all about scale. The treatments would only be given to those who got very sick, and not everyone would get very sick. Whereas the plan is to give the jab to billions and billions of people.
        If I sold a few hundred thousand treatments that cost a couple hundred dollars each, versus if I sold billions and billions of jabs that cost 1 dollar each. Do the math.
        Covid-19 is just the latest crisis used to terrorize the people. I remember a few years back, it was Ebola. I shudder to think what the next mass hysteria ‘health crisis’ will be. And I am absolutely certain that there will be more.
        Once the shock and terror aspect of covid-19 starts dying down, another scheme will be put out there. The point of it all is that the west wants to keep everyone except a chosen few elites, in a perpetual state of anxiety, terror, and economic slavery.

  2. Aaron Fountain Jr finally takes on his nemesis SoloTV84.
    I call this a year of the making because Aaron was afraid to debate him for months and after many months of stalking him, he finally caves in and have a discussion with him.

    It was a good debate.
    SoloTV84 mention that he is no longer part of the manosphere and claims that Aaron is a Liberal/Scraggle Daggle Sympathiser.
    Do not look at the comments as they are full off evil, bitter man-hating BW and full of simps because they cannot handle the truth from SoloTV.

    1. Mister Master,

      That was a good debate.
      I did not bother with the comments as Aaron’s supporters are nothing but angry bitter haters.

      It like putting a good guy in the Liberal Arena and they see you as a villan.

      I think people like Aaron is like a Sympathiser.

    2. Mister Master,

      Fountain Top did the same with Mad Bus Driver when he was doing livestreams, always hawking in the chat but he never wanted to jump onto the panels.

      I have no idea why Solo went onto his panel, I’ve got no interest in talking with a guy who’s a sworn enemy of heterosexual free thinking black men and who’ll do anything to prop up the black witch contingent even in their current below the bottom of the barrel state.

      Aaron Fountain’s majority audience consists of non thinking, brainless knuckleheads, those are the only types of people he can appeal to because black men with their heads screwed on straight are going to see through his garbage immediately.

      1. Aaron got to MadbusDrivers’ panel?
        He trying to come into Madbus’ panel to troll.
        That is how he record and spy.
        That is why he called the 2nd channel ‘Tracking the manosphere’.

        He does not get it that SYSBM does not affiliate with the manosphere.

        Solo wanted to challenge Aaron for months and now he got it.
        Aaron decide to accept his challenge to prove he is not a coward and face the people he critique.

  3. Verbs 2015.

    Like I said before Verbs I refuse to take the vaccine because I value my life too much.

  4. Good morning gentlemen, I hope you are all well. So I have been officially terminated from my job for failure to comply with the vaccine mandates. I honestly do not care one bit, because I have new opportunities that I’ve already presented themselves in that pay much more with better hours. I also do not care because I will gladly surrender a decent job, to preserve what little rights we have left. If we give away our right to choose what goes into our bodies we’re done for.

    New York State has pretty much lost their damn minds, and they say roughly 70,000 people have been terminated due to this mandate. That number is significantly higher from what I have been hearing from people from other hospitals and healthcare settings; I believe it’s closer to 100,000 maybe even higher.

    We will never get an actual number and our local news lie to us so often, it’s not even worth a conversation. There are still loads of protests throughout the state and in schools that you’ll never hear about because “New York is a blue state”. It’s really Albany and NYC that keep this state blue.

    On another note, (i don’t know if this has been brought up) pay close attention to the backlog of cargo ships waiting to come into ports all throughout the country. There is going to be a massive shortage at some point so if you haven’t stocked up already (which we’ve been stressing to on here quite often) please do so now. This is about to get a lot worse in my opinion.

    Also please be mindful of how and where you spend your money. Due to the wild spending of the federal government and severe inflammation, there’s going to be a correction of the stock market at some point, and the damage it’s going to cause is going to be unlike anything we’ve seen.

    Learn to grow your own food, stock up as much as you can. It’s going to get real sooner than we’ve anticipated with more restrictions and lockdowns.

    Just my two cents from people I know who happen to know some things….

    1. FDC,

      A maximum salute and commendation for taking a stand for your autonomy and what is right. A lot of people don’t seem to understand that this is more than the government ordering people to inject themselves with an unknown substance, this is about the State declaring itself as god over you and your life.

      Convid 1984 and climate change have now become the State’s fanatical religions that they expect everybody to bow down to and follow without question or resistance. No thank you, I’m good, I’ll pass.

      I will be doing exactly the same thing you did when my workplace announces the same mandates(which aren’t even law), I reckon at some point next year they’ll make the draconian announcement.

      Trump was spot on when he stated that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people, they’ve been lying to the public for so long. At one stage they almost lost the complete trust of most folks until this convenient plandemic came up, now most people have gone right back to trusting in an organisation that has proven itself to be untrustworthy many times over.

      I’m also watching the planned shortages very closely, those coupled with many people dropping down dead in the streets from their booster shots, things are about to get extremely hectic.

      I cannot believe how so many people can blindly trust the government when it has never done anything to prove itself trustworthy but yet has carried out every action imaginable demonstrating why it must NEVER be trusted.

      1. { Trump was spot on when he stated that the mainstream media is the enemy of the people, they’ve been lying to the public for so long. At one stage they almost lost the complete trust of most folks until this convenient plandemic came up, now most people have gone right back to trusting in an organisation that has proven itself to be untrustworthy many times over. }

        When are the pro-2nd Amendment “patriots” in the US, which truly is the head of the Convid snake, going to whack all of these Operating Mockingbird media shills who keep lying to them 24/7/365? These sustained & repeatitive LIES are ultimately destroying their so called “Republic”.

        Where are the Russell Edginton-like “patriots” who are ready to crack some skulls? I LOVE how this media shill is taken out:

        What fucking irks me is that IF it were black people who were behind this entire Convid Plandemic, u know those same Euro “patriots” would be gunning for ALL blacks — just like the 1921 Tulsa Massacre which destroyed Black Wall Street. But somehow, they seem IMPOTENT to go after their own considering we are in a LIFE or DEATH scenario with these illegal mandates.

        Hence I have ZERO RESPECT for a majority of white people – ZERO! Always fukin bitching about black people.

    2. FDC,

      I walked away from two jobs for the bullshit, one paying $1000, another for the mask mandates. It’s not easy living with principles and morals, but you did and you’ll live through this setback.

      If there’s a class action lawsuit going round, jump on it as these mandates are illegal. NY will be sued big time by several thousand pissed off workers.

      Be thankful you were fired as they made a big mistake.

      1. Michel,

        There’s already talks of a class action suit against Northwell Health (the biggest employer in the state) and where I used to work at. The setback is not easy and it sucks, but I’ll struggle while still maintaining my morals and standing up for what I believe in.

        It’s not about us, it’s about the future generations. We don’t fight for them now, they won’t be able to when they’re our age. People don’t seem to realize that and you can’t even say that to them without being called a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist; who have been pretty accurate about everything going on.

  5. Happy Open Mic Wednesday, gentlemen! I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I’ve come to the point in my life now where I refuse to listen to anything from the mainstream news; I can’t stomach hearing the lies and the BS anymore, especially where the Covid-1984 death toll for the unvaxxed is concerned. I received another telling article about the horrid dishonesty of the CDC’s reporting system for the beer bug:

    “Theatricality and deception are powerful agents” – Ra’s Al Ghul

  6. Plan B – not just a rapper but a new tightening of the restrictions. Apparently the self declared exemptions (including for religious purposes) from the CONVID passports are to end. The day when supermarkets begin harassing people for their “papers” is when shit starts boiling over. Or not, since most Brits are so compliant, they’d rather jib up their 13 year olds than pull them out of school. Jibs so safe, you have to be fired to be gaslit into taking one?

    Notice the 6uild 6ack 6etter branding behind Boris the Twat and Priti the Sellout in their party conferences. Dark winter, food shortage, wave of clot outs. Man it’s looking bleak.

    1. Michel,

      The compliance with overt tyranny in this God forsaken island called the United Kingdom is off the damn chain, very few if anybody questions anything, these Brits wallow in pure ignorance, they are seriously spellbound and don’t even know it. Religious exemptions ending? That move right there tells us all we need to know, this is more about the government establishing itself as a god over you and your life.

      This is what happens in socialist countries, they breed pure idiots who are unable to think and reason for themselves, they go along with everything the government says even when it’s to their detriment.

      Don’t be fooled by the army bringing in fuel, they’ve really been brought in because the government knows that things are about to kick off when they turn up the heat, the fuel shortage was the Kansas City shuffle the State used to get the army onto the British streets and as per usual the sucker general public fell for the Okey Doke.

      1. { The compliance with overt tyranny in this God forsaken island called the United Kingdom is off the damn chain, very few if anybody questions anything, these Brits wallow in pure ignorance, they are seriously spellbound and don’t even know it. }

        Here’s the thing though, Verbs…
        If the Brits & Kangaroos in Oz never gave up their guns, WOULD they use them RIGHT now, TODAY, with all of this medical tyranny? Heck, the American “CONservatives” have em, and they ain’t doing shit. Makes me wonder if all these pro-2A guns owners are just controlled opposition.

        On the other hand, we all know what Lord Euro’s kin would do IF blackie was behind this Scandemic: They would be lynching us from every lamp pole in existence.

        Sorry, but I really don’t give a flying fuck about Anglo Saxon/Protestants any more bcuz I know things would be a LOT different for blacks IF we were behind this diabolical depopulation agenda.

        Just try to save yourself, SYSBMers!

        1. Black Picard,

          Indeed, I really do have to wonder about the blind compliance and the obedience that is being exhibited by those who claim to be conservatives.

    1. Home schooling is at an all time high and will continue going up with this stupidity. When the bioweapon is approved and “deemed safe” for young children, sensible parents will be pulling their kids out at an even higher clip. This is just the beginning.

      You guys now see that the feds want to investigate angry parents who talk out at school board meetings, but not actual crimes???

    2. Afrofuturism1,

      Soros at it again, smh. Any kind of skullduggery operating on a grand scale you can guarantee he’s sponsoring it from the shadows. I’m surprised more countries haven’t put out warrants for his arrest.

      1. { I’m surprised more countries haven’t put out warrants for his arrest. }

        Fuk warrants! I’m SHOCKED that Anglo Saxon Protestant “CONservatives” in Texas, Florida, Kansas, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arkansas, the Virginias, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Wyoming, Idaho, Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Missouri, Utah or “Georgiiia” haven’t pumped a boat load of bullets into his white liberal Zionist ass & his Zio ilk.

        Can u IMAGINE IF Soros was BLACK?? Just think for a moment what would’ve happened to him by now & his hypothetical black accomplices by them supposedly “god fearing” CONservatives. That’s why I don’t give a flying fuk that their kryptonite — the fakers pretending to be God’s chosen people who have INFILTRATED their society — ELIMINATE them bcuz they’ve done a ton of shit to derail a truly authentic black conservative middle & upper class from ever developing in Amerika. Furthermore, this goes all the way back to the 1906 Atlanta Massacres & the 1921 Tulsa (Greenwood District) Oklahoma Massacre where those allegedly SUPERIOR “Christian” fukers destroyed a perfectly thriving & growing Black Wall Street out of sheer jealousy. Had that not happened, blacks would be far more wealthier today in comparison to whites, asians or latinos. Fact!!

        Lord Ratchilds deep pockets have proven that Anglo whites are the most corruptible people on the planet. And they thought they were BETTER than blackie. And now, Soros, Rothchild & the rest of the Ziostein gang are DETERMINED to eradicate the wishy-washy Anglo Euro Protestants from the face of the Earth. Yet these same anglos keep tormenting & dick policing an allegedly INFERIOR black race.

        Good fukin riddance!

  7. Had a good time Saturday and saw Venom 2 (which was GREAT, much better than the first). Neither the movie theaters or malls in Chattanooga give a shit about masks or stuff like that anymore, let alone anything else. Most of the few hanger on small businesses, most of whom were ran by liberals and hippies, have noticeably relented when it comes to this stuff.

    IDK about Nashville cuz I ain’t driving up that mountain, but TN is and has been wide open and the plandemic is over, including in big cities like Chattanooga and especially Knoxville.

    The same goes for Florida, Texas, and of course the Dakotas, Iowa, Utah and some other states. The main reason this rages on in America is because of gigantic shitholes like NY, Oregon, Hawaii and definitely California. Most of those states have historically been ULTRA liberal and we’re always going to be the ones to fall for this. It’s the same way in Europe how central and Eastern European countries are night and day compared to france, Italy and Germany.


    More countries are outright suspending these death jabs, especially since they’re causing more and more…. well, deaths. Heart issues galore among groups not know for having them, but tHeY’rE tOtAlLy SaFe!!!!

    Meanwhile, here’s this dumb shit from celebrities:

  9. I’ve heard mixed things on how it is in the UK, does it differ by region? This is one definite advantage of the States or even huge countries like India, Russia and Brazil: different states and regions have their own rules.

    1. Afrofuturism1,

      Now you’re really beginning to understand why you guys kicked out of this place and landed on Plymouth Rock. Unfortunately counties in the UK cannot nullify unconstitutional laws and regulations that get passed in parliament or maybe they can but the mayors of said counties don’t have the courage to do so.

      It wouldn’t be so bad if we had real patriots over here because then all of this foolishness would simply be cancelled at the local level, however because there are so many braindead zombies roaming this land, they typically cannot see the road ahead and unfortunately don’t recognise the tyranny being rolled out until it’s too late.

      There was a mayor up in the north of England(Andy Preston – Middlesborough) who went against the lockdowns when they first begun but now not surprisingly is facing “allegations of misconduct”.

      This is how they deal with folks who refuse to bow down over here, they demonise the individual, concoct garbage, throw it at said individual and hope that something sticks.

      The approaching tyranny that is about to be unleashed upon the UK is the pinnacle reason why Americans must NEVER give up their rights to bear arms, NEVER. If Brits own guns as folks in the US do, the UK government would be thinking 15 times over before executing any draconian manoeuvres.

      1. Sadly, just look at Australia. How the hell anyone can look at what’s going on there and not wake up is beyond me.

        1. Afrofuturism1,

          Indeed, and what is Australia, another socialist hellhole. Exactly like I said, socialist countries breed dunces and knuckleheads who can’t recognise when war is being waged against them by their own governments. Here is another example of the serious lack of foresight with the people of the UK:

          Now, the UK government recently announced that they were going to begin injecting children with the bioweapon in schools without the parent’s consent and ruled that children between the ages of 12-15 were knowledgeable enough to make their own decision concerning the bioweapon(how they’ve figured this out is beyond me, pure deviltry at its height), however as per usual most Brits are fast asleep at the wheel and don’t take what the government is saying seriously UNTIL IT HITS THEM PERSONALLY!

        2. The second amendment is the only thing keeping the US from being Australia. Seriously, that’s it.

    1. Afrofuturism1,

      Negroes don’t have any excuses when it comes to knowledge of the dangers of so called “vaccines” because we have a long history of being experimented on in all parts of the world via dodgy vaccine programs. Don’t even get me started on Gerbilface Johnson, indeed, he should be hitting these streets advising black folks NOT to take the jab but nope, instead this Gen X grifter is more worried about a so called “snow bunny crisis”.

      I’m honestly wondering when the general public are finally going to realise that most of these so called health care professionals have completely sold them down the river for some dockets from big pharma. When the rubber meets the road and things get even more serious, many of these doctors and nurses touting this DNA altering potion as a vaccine are soon going to go missing, some will be found dead, others will never be seen or heard from again.

      1. @Verbs

        If I am to be completely honest, I have little sympathy for these nurses. These doctors and nurses who are crying about being 86ed were the same ones who were all too happy to bask in the glow of these “hero” and “essential worker” titles as well as perpetuate this whole Covid hysteria.

        No one should be forced to take this vaxx, and their job shouldn’t be on the chopping block because of it.

        But that is as far as my sympathy for these (TikTok) doctors and nurses goes; the beast (Covid panic and hysteria) …that these (TikTok) nurses and doctors helped cultivate and nurture, all in the name of vanity and glory, has now turned on them.

        It’s always entertaining to see Frankenstein’s monster turn on its creator.

        Had these doctors and nurses not allowed themselves to be used to spread this fear and propaganda, then it’s highly likely that mandatory vaxxes wouldn’t even be something on the table (or part of the national discourse)!! The only real sympathy I have is for those who made honest and legitimate efforts to speak out, but were silenced and censored. Everyone else–whether they were willing & active participants in helping to spread this fraud or they stayed silent–can enjoy the beast that they helped to create.

        Karma’s a hell of a drug.

        1. Kameron Brown,

          I can’t even argue with anything you’ve said, the National Health Service and care home workers over here are being given the same ultimatum, take the bioweapon or lose your employment.

          Indeed, had they spoken out from the beginning, we wouldn’t be in this current predicament. It’s amazing how people are so short sighted, I bet most of those doctors and nurses would’ve never guessed that the monster they fed, nurtured and helped grow would eventually turn on them.

          I keep on saying the same thing, you cannot make deals with the devil and come out on top, eventually the devil will require repayment for services rendered, this is what most folks don’t seem to understand.

          1. @Verbs

            Mixed metaphor: “When you make a deal with the Devil, the bill shall eventually come due.”

            These same TikTok nurses/doctors didn’t mind everyone else’s rights & liberties being trampled upon, as long as they could be seen as heroes. Now they are crying and begging for sympathy when it’s THEIR butts on the chopping block.

            That’s why I have little sympathy for them.

          2. I have mixed feelings on this as the nurses who genuinely helped (drafted in student nurses) did, meanwhile the higher ups such as the fat arrogant matrons (who probably knew about the scam in the first place) can burn in a petrol fire.

            Meanwhile I regret ever clapping for them on Thursdays, now I see what the intention was behind it. When they needed staff, I was there but as soon as the ridiculous mask mandates came in, I was out. Again, principles cost money.

        2. Exactly, everyone was clapping for them and licking their buttholes last year. Now it’s “how DARE they not get jabbed!”

          The heroes and pariahs of the day are usually fleeting and interchangeable, these bedpan changers were stupid to think otherwise.

          Also, always remember that these same doctors fueled the opioid crisis.

          1. To be fair, there were PLENTY who spoke out in the beginning against this, but they were all quickly censored, threatened, fired or silenced.

            The ones who pushed this nonsense, I have little sympathy for.

    1. Afrofuturism1,

      These daggles are so desperate for attention that they’d resort to carrying out foolishness like this, smh.

  10. The trannies are mad at Dave Chapelle for pointing out the obvious. Trannies and that whole LGBT crowd get mad when people don’t want to deny reality to appease them.

    Dave Chappelle sparks LGBTQ+ controversy again

    “During the special, which debuted Tuesday, Chappelle says “Gender is a fact. Every human being in this room, every human being on earth, had to pass through the legs of a woman to be on earth. That is a fact.””

  11. As these people who took the vaccine and collapsing, getting injured by it or dying by it, I have one thing to say. They are now learning the hardway. We have told people that the vaccine is killing people and they were not listening to people. And now, people are collapsing, getting injured from it, even dying from the vaccine. Bill Gates is the biggest mass murderer I have ever seen. This beta male nerd made this poison just to jab people with it killing them. Here this, the only I will get a needle I will get is the tattoo needle for my next tattoo. Fuck the vaccine.

  12. As I’ve been saying, I point blank refuse to take seriously anyone who before all of this was advocating for “mental health awareness.” Most, not all, but most in the west who talk about “muh mental illness” are either looking for sympathy or just need to grow a pair of balls. Likewise, most of their mental dysfunction is SELF INFLICTED, you can’t advocate for liberalism, feminism and ESPECIALLY transgenderism and then say you wish to deal with mental illnesses. They want the “stigma” erased because they want lunacy normalized.

    With all of the depression and suicide running RAMPANT among the youth ATM, these same people can’t say SHIT about wanting to advocate for mental health.

    1. @AfroFuturism1

      As a free human being (Nationality be damned), I am under NO moral, legal, OR ethical obligation to tolerate nor accept dysfunction. The only thing I have ANY obligation to do is to treat others with basic human dignity and respect. I think that this is what these freaks and weirdos fail to comprehend. They try to force people to accept them, then wonder why they’re getting such (explosive) blowback.

  13. Good Open Topic Wednesday evening,

    Here’s some con-VID news:

    COVID/ Vax Hoax:
    *Pfizer Launches Final Study For COVID Drug That’s Suspiciously Similar To ‘Horse Paste’. Pfizer using same ingredients in Ivermectin:

    *Israeli Jab Victims Decided To Speak Out And Make a Change:

    *Covid Vax long term side effects dangerous: Project Veritas has released the third part of its ExposeCovidVax series, in which it exposes Johnson & Johnson officials who said that children do not need a vaccine against Covid because long-term side effects can be dangerous.

    *COVID Jabs Have Killed At Least 150,000 People In The USA – 574 Are Innocent Children! – The True Reporter:

    *Doctor Reveals COVID Bioweapon Program! Vaccine WILL KILL Millions!

    *BILL GATES grandfather, Dr. Frederick L. Gates was involved with Rockefeller experiment Bacterial Meningitis that killed 100 million people between 1918-1920. Still think it was the flu. Same family names keep popping up.

    *Check out these dangerous pathogens found on masks after usage:
    Sreptococcus pneumoniae – pneumonia
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis- tuberculosis
    Neisseria meningitidis- meningitis
    Acanthamoeba polyphaga – keratitis
    Acinetobacter Baumanni – Utis
    Escherichia coli – food poisoning.
    Take off those masks they are killing you. Your body needs to breathe in fresh air not carbon dioxide.

    *Pfizer Launches Final Study For COVID Drug That’s Suspiciously Similar To ‘Horse Paste’. Pfizer using same ingredients in Ivermectin:

    *Covid Vax long term side effects dangerous: Project Veritas has released the third part of its ExposeCovidVax series, in which it exposes Johnson & Johnson officials who said that children do not need a vaccine against Covid because long-term side effects can be dangerous.

    *COVID Jabs Have Killed At Least 150,000 People In The USA – 574 Are Innocent Children! – The True Reporter:

    *Thousands in major countries were marching in the fightagainst mandates on the mRNA gene modifier masquerading as a vaccine, while mass vaccination deaths collided with engineered starvation and the collapse of gas and energy.

    *Covid Vaccine Mandates and Death Report:
    There are far more people dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” than the authorities are admitting. A new scientific report explains that there are now millions of people all around the world who have either died or become seriously and permanently injured or disabled from the jabs – with no end in sight.
    As of Aug. 28, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had logged more than 16,000 deaths and more than 450,000 adverse events caused by Fauci Flu shots. A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fraud expert says the true figures for each of these categories is at least five times higher. This means that well over 80,000 people may have died and more than 2,250,000 people have suffered an injury due to getting jabbed for Chinese Germs – but wait, there is more!
    It is said that about 150,000 reports of injuries and deaths have been scrubbed from the VAERS system in recent days. Add that to the tally and we quickly approach 2.5 million adverse events, including death, caused by Wuhan Flu injections. Another factor to consider is that if a vaccinated person dies within two weeks of injection, that death is not logged into the system as a vaccine-related death. Only those deaths that occur after 14 days are categorized as vaccine deaths. We also know that the true number of incidents involving anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) from the shots is up to 120 times higher than the CDC claims. This adds even more numbers to the tally.
    The status quo dis-incentivizes honest reporting of vaccine injuries to VAERS. In just three months’ time, drug giant Moderna reportedly received some 300,000 reports of adverse events. Only about one percent of these — and all others from the vaccine industry — are ever reported to the public. Part of the reason for this is that very few people even know that VAERS exists, let alone how to use it. Many physicians also fail to report their cases to VAERS, meaning the database only provides a small sliver of the true figures.
    “Aggressive censorship and propaganda told the public that adverse events are rare, causing people to not understand how their health problems stem from past injections,” reports GNews about the vaccine sham. “The shaming and blaming of medical professionals who say anything against the vaccines causes many in the medical community to avoid reporting adverse events. The fear of being held accountable after administering an injection that killed or disabled patients further prevents medical personnel from reporting it.”
    Another thing to keep in mind is the fact that many medical professionals accept bribes in exchange for not reporting vaccine injuries and deaths. The more inconvenient data that is kept out of the system, the better Big Pharma looks to the public eye. It is all about profit, in other words. People’s lives mean nothing to the pharmaceutical cartels, which have so infected policymaking that it is a rarity to ever find any truth from government sources. “Profit-driven vaccine manufacturers have every reason not to report the destruction their untested experimental products are causing,” GNews further warns.
    “250,000-plus Facebook users comment about vaccine deaths and serious injuries. Nurses and doctors testify how their hospitals are hiding vaccine injuries.”

    *Biden FAKES White House vaccine photo-op and media is puzzled.

    *BOMBSHELL from attorney Thomas Renz: Nearly 50k Medicare patients died soon after getting COVID shot.

    *MILLIONS are dying from covid vaccines, but the media isn’t telling you about it. Iodine the new ivermectin: Government, media attacking all covid remedies that actually work.

    *BOOOM!!! Deaths via Covid Vaccination CRISIS: There are far more people dying from Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” than the authorities are admitting. A new scientific report explains that there are now millions of people all around the world who have either died or become seriously and permanently injured or disabled from the jabs – with no end in sight. As of Aug. 28, 2021, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) had logged more than 16,000 deaths and more than 450,000 adverse events caused by Fauci Flu shots. A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) fraud expert says the true figures for each of these categories is at least five times higher. This means that well over 80,000 people may have died and more than 2,250,000 people have suffered an injury due to getting jabbed for Chinese Germs – but wait, there is more! It is said that about 150,000 reports of injuries and deaths have been scrubbed from the VAERS system in recent days. Add that to the tally and we quickly approach 2.5 million adverse events, including death, caused by Wuhan Flu injections. Another factor to consider is that if a vaccinated person dies within two weeks of injection, that death is not logged into the system as a vaccine-related death. Only those deaths that occur after 14 days are categorized as vaccine deaths. We also know that the true number of incidents involving anaphylaxis (allergic reaction) from the shots is up to 120 times higher than the CDC claims. This adds even more numbers to the tally. Australia: 6 out of 7 or 86% of people who “died from COVID-19” yesterday in New South Wales, Australia, were fully or partially vaccinated. Nanochips were found in the bodies of those who died from vaccination – a conference of German pathologists from the Institute of Pathology in Reutlingen (Germany) on 09/20/2021. On Monday, 09/20/2021, a conference of pathologists was held where the results of autopsies of eight deceased after vaccination against COVID19 were presented. CBK: Let me be as clear as I can be. If the vaccine protects the person who is vaccinated from serious illness, but they can still get COVID and they can still transmit COVID. Then the ONLY point of a Vaccine Freedom Passport is control. Undeclared components of the COVID-19 vaccines (2021-09-20) A Panel of German doctors find contaminates in the vax. You can see the distress in their faces during a video of the conference. This is easily the most in depth look at the contents of the shots. A panel of medical experts in Germany did an emergency broadcast to alert the public about what they have found. 52:45 – Autoimmune Reactions. 1:19:00 – Blood samples of vaccinated (Important), 1:27:00 – Microscopic images of vaccine samples (Very Important) YouTube will ban any video that claims “vaccines are ineffective or dangerous” from now on and has suspended the accounts of prominent vaccination opponents, including Joseph Mercola and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (WSJ) mRNA Vaccines Pose a Threat to Society, Stella Solaris ONG Foundation, Serdar Duzgoren, “We are contacting you on behalf of our NGO in connection with the 8-month study we conducted. In the course of this research, we have come across valuable information and considerations that, in our opinion, require immediate attention. We also contacted people from different fields of practice: medical scientists, researchers and human rights activists. So we came across a Hungarian biochemist Katalin Kariko, who has been a developer of mRNA therapy since the 1990s, and has also been working at BioNTech RNA Pharmaceuticals for the last 8 years. During an e-mail exchange, she confirmed to us that from a scientific point of view it is possible that “1 (one) spike protein can give immunization against more than one version of the virus” (K. Kariko’s response). There is another reason why mRNA vaccines pose an even greater potential threat. An mRNA vaccine can be used as a tool for a biological attack on humanity by simply entering the genetic code of a protein from another, but much more deadly disease. This slightly different protein can give a broader spectrum of immunization that works against more than one disease. For example: the spike protein of the Delta variant gives immunity against a much simpler version of the Alpha virus. Immunizing people secretly against another, but much more deadly version of the disease (already developed, but not yet released), can be used as a biological attack: when this version is released in the future, it will lead to the planned number of people remaining alive in each country. This technology could be used on people even selectively if somehow, all over the world, old, sick, disabled people could be separated from young and healthy people and vaccinated at different times. Thus, one vaccine could be deliberately kept away and not given to undesirable people. According to this logic: Priority groups of the World Health Organization (the elderly, the sick, the disabled and the authorities of all countries) could actually be created to divide the world’s population by age, medical groups, so that a “double-effect vaccine” could be delivered to countries during vaccination of a healthier, younger part of their population. This plan (for “priority” and early vaccination of the old, sick, disabled with any other vaccines, but not this “double-effect vaccine”) has been prepared specifically for non-EU countries, where the majority of the world’s population lives – 7 billion people. The reason why mRNA technology began to be widely used during this pandemic may be that it is the only way to secretly give people another immunization against a non-circulating (not yet released) virus. This would be impossible using the classical method of vaccine production (with the classical method of vaccine production, the vaccines had to contain components of a non-circulating, future virus that is easy for scientists to detect)…” “Whether the virus exists or not, at any time when the world’s population is divided and different brands of vaccines are administered to people of different ages and health conditions (through early vaccination periods), it can be used for selective depopulation, as it is briefly explained: right now millions of people can be immunized against this future deadly pathogen of one of the coronavirus mRNA vaccines. Soon after, the target number of people will be immunized, and when this pathogen is released, the result will be as follows: ▪️Elimination of all those who have not been vaccinated with the “double effect vaccine” ▪️Elimination of the majority of elderly people, people with chronic diseases, people with disabilities and the homeless. (bEcause in all countries except the USA, Canada and Switzerland, these people were vaccinated with other brands before the “double-effect vaccine” began to be used, due to the priority risk groups of the WHO Covid19 vaccination program) ▪️The world population will be reduced to approximately the desired number of people (equal to the approximate number of vaccinated with a “double-acting vaccine”), and the survivors will only be from countries where these vaccines are sold and used. ▪️The elimination of most of the world’s authorities (because everyone received priorities and had already been vaccinated before the “double effect vaccine” appeared) and the reboot of all political, judicial, financial and medical systems, the erasure of all governments. We found this information very disturbing and collected equally disturbing details in our study: Moderna did not publish its mRNA code and continues to keep it secret; using various methods (described in detail in a separate document), Moderna vaccines were delivered specifically to each non-EU country after the country had already vaccinated most of the old, sick people with other brands, and after they began vaccinating the population under the age of 60; and as AstraZeneca, which causes blood clots in young people, is used by almost all countries to inject old people, so most of the Moderna vaccines get to young people (this side effect is accepted and even encouraged by the system that led to old people being injected with this drug). This is not a risk worth taking, thinking that a private company associated with eugenics is injecting millions of people with unpublished genetic code. Therefore, it is scientifically possible that selective depopulation can be achieved with the help of mRNA vaccines, by immunizing some people also against another pathogen and releasing this deadly pathogen in the future so that only those immunized with a “double-effect vaccine” remain. The mRNA code that is introduced must be transport, it must be publicly confirmed that the genetic code is identical to the sars-cov2 spike protein. The genetic code kept secret should be used as a reason in a lawsuit to stop vaccination. This new approach should reach lawyers around the world involved in trying to stop the introduction of an unknown genetic code in the name of Covid19 mRNA vaccination.”

  14. Attention trash bag carrying dusties/air mattress + no box spring crew/down low booty bandits:

    I have come over here in retaliation for SYSBM and other Dusties harrassing women in B.W.E. spaces. You deserve a taste of your own way.

    The bm has been tested and found failing. I hate it for you (actually I don’t).
    The determination has been made to no longer birth BM babies. This is spreading like a forest fire. Let’s spread the word.

    Now, back to what you were, you lame and entitled af I.T. Specialist, Bus driver, and House Painting dusties! Get to work you no office having niggas! Curious Georgie and the bullet bags and hashtags, Kick rocks, loose booty ash monsters!

    1. So, did you come for attention displaying feminine traits? Similar to a sexually suspect homosexual. Because you’re in the wrong space.

      But hey feel free to act like an idiot for all to see.

    2. Yet this “divester” daggle with 10 kids can’t leave us lames alone. Funny that… Where’s yo daddy? 😹

      Lord Jason Pope

    3. Failed Divestor,

      True SYSBM practitioners aren’t in black women’s spaces harassing anybody, you’re just making that garbage up because your white lord and saviour Colonel Sleet isn’t giving you the attention you desire from him, oh well, that’s your problem, not mine. Over here we honestly couldn’t care less about your decision not to birth black male children because we already know to keep our seed far away from you black witches.

      Your so called “dusties” and “bullet bag” Negroes are either loitering on street corners, in jail, prison or worse still in the grave, that’s where you’ll find the dusties you created with your own dirty hands, scram witch.

  15. What items should be stocked up in the arise of emergencies? Because I will be taking notes of this. Especially for food since I am considering salmon and organic products.

    1. Non perishable items like nuts, rice, tinned goods. Shit that comes in powder like drinks and soups.

  16. Greetings brothers, glad to see more information about this “vaccine” being revealed at this time of Open Mic Wednesday.

    I also agree with the comment on setting a good example for future generations when it comes to taking a stand against heinous and tyrannical acts such as the mandate. Which at this point, it is forced genetic modification that leads to long-term deterioration of one’s health.

    I still make my stand that I will never take the jab despite the lack of job hirings I have lost after making my decision. Because no job is worth your life for starters, and even though in my case, it is infuriating that many school programs have follow along with this nonsense while not taking exemptions, I refuse to give up on myself. Not now, not ever, and never again.

    I will admit that after learning the corruption of those who participate in this sin, I will time after time reevaluate my health choices. Given that it will acquire time for me to digest information involving this and connect it to other vaccines and medication in the future. And since I have made nutrition, dieting and exercise plus mindset a constant priority, I will have lots of fun while I practice my health mindset.

    Long rant over and many thanks for those who take the time to read this comment.

    1. Blackdjedi,

      Long rants are always welcome over here, feel free to speak your mind, this is Open Mic Wednesday after all.

  17. Along with my contribution to this expanding truth regarding this “vaccine” I have some links that break down the BS in greater detail.

    First is this video titled “Undeniable Proof : Doctor Reveals Blood Test Before & After the “JAB” Destroys The Immune System!!!”
    Another video revealing metal materials as well as a parasite in the jab

    Last but not least, another video from early 2021 regarding the consequences of the BS-19 poison shot:

    1. Michael,

      I remember that post. Spot on. If BW do not like god’s creation, man cannot do it either.
      Just leave them.

      It is true about the eyebrows because a I seen this with my own 2 naked eyes (I say naked as you do need vision to see this) that African women shaved their eyebrows and draw their own eyebrows with their marker pen or crayons.

  18. Michael,

    It is true about the eyebrows because a I seen this with my own 2 naked eyes (I say naked as you do need vision to see this) that African women shaved their eyebrows and draw their own eyebrows with their marker pen or crayons.

  19. Gentlemen,

    As you can see UK music artist Remeece is on the front lines performing his due diligence going to schools and warning children about being coerced into taking the bioweapon and guess who is the first to stand in his way(remember the Detroit 300).

    These black sirens are on the front lines alongside their white lord and saviour as well as liberal Karens defending open genocide against children, the chest tatted up fat black witch even tried to take the guy’s megaphone.

    As I’ve stated before, black folks should know better than to defend children receiving an unknown injectable because we already have a serious history of being experimented on.

    In the same case as doctors and nurses, once parents begin witnessing their children drop down dead from the bioweapon, many headmasters and school teachers are going to end up missing, some will be found dead, others won’t ever be seen or heard from again:

      1. Afrofuturism1,

        Eric Clapton unfortunately eventually fell for the propaganda even though he was a dude who was traditionally against the system. Clapton knows he made a massive boo boo.


    I want to start off by saying that I don’t know who George Peterson is, but Google suggested his name and I felt impressed to click on it; so, this man died unexpectedly days before he was set to compete in 2021 Olympia weekend. Here’s an excerpt from the article:

    “Peterson was found lifeless in his hotel room by his coach and friends. They tried everything to revive him but it was just too late. The bodybuilding world has been flooded with speculation and theories on what led to the death of George, but until an autopsy is made, the cause of death cannot be confirmed.”

    I have a growing suspicion that Mr. Peterson took the jab; I refuse to believe that a young man of 37 years at peak physical shape will just go dead like that.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I know of George Peterson only because in my local gym the owner plays videos of past Mr Olympias on the screens that are throughout the building. Like I said before, expect many more sudden deaths from the bioweapon. It’s extremely rare that people who are fit and healthy all of a sudden collapse and die for no reason, in fact that is unheard of. I also suspect that Peterson took the jab.

      Most folks don’t seem to understand that if they choose to take the bioweapon, any form of exercise engaged in is bringing death right to their doorstep in record time.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The so called “vaccine” is only supposed to reduce the chances of hospitalisation(according to the “official narrative”), having gotten the jab you can still catch Covid and pass it onto others, therefore the jab isn’t a vaccine by definition as a real vaccine is supposed to protect and give immunity from said disease/virus concerned. The mainstream media keep on running the Kansas City shuffle of deliberately mislabelling this unknown potion as a vaccine when it is far from it.

      1. @Verbs

        Like I previously stated: Any “vaccine” that only lessens the symptoms of a disease is NOT a vaccine, but something that may as well be liquid Tylenol.

    1. Glen S,

      Guaranteed there are desperate simps in her inbox gassing her head up, even in light of how grossly overweight she is, smh. Disgusting looking creature, yuck!

      1. Jesus Christ!!! Her neck weighs as much as my leg!!! And she’s wondering why her relationships don’t work? Maybe cuz she cheats with Ronald McDonald all the time.

  21. Heads need to roll like a fucking bowling ball for this CONvid Plandemic & the resulting medical tyranny emanating from it. Death to tyrants & their enablers!

    📌 Police brutally arrest a protester this evening in Bern, Switzerland during the demonstration against the health pass.

    On Monday, Dr. Chris Rake, a UCLA anesthesiologist who is against the vaccine mandate was escorted out of the UCLA medical plaza and placed on unpaid administrative leave for refusing to get vaccinated or provide a medical exemption.

    Ontario Liberal MPP John Fraser (@JohnFraserOS) just introduced a bill to make vaccinations mandatory for all frontline healthcare and education workers, in all settings in Ontario, Canada.

    Ontario doctor resigns over forced vaccines, says 80% of ER patients with mysterious issues had both shots. 📌

    And check this frigging video of a jabbed NHS staff member sharing her fucked-up condition with seizures, ticks etc. after getting poked in March. 👇🏽

    Crazy shit, eh? Yet my know-it-all expat neighbours who are too self absorbed in their Netflix & DSTV “programming” — always calling my links “Fake News!” — keep suggesting I get jabbed. And all the poor uninformed Africans who work for them in their hospitality establishments or factories have been jabbed or they would be terminated bcuz, u know, “its to protect our customers.” Evil narcissistic colonialist mentality. They can piss off & die!

  22. WTF? 12 months of deaths in 10 WEEKS?
    Anglo Saxon white people put up with waaaay too much shit. But but “reparations are not a good idea”.

    📌 Shocking revelation from John Lartner, paramedic, an undertaker who’s seen 12 months of deaths in 10 weeks!!! #clotshots #australia #coercionisnotconsent #stoptherollout 📌

    In my world, every nite, tyrants & their associates are getting whacked for imposing this tyranny on the masses UNTIL justice is served.

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