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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday

Here are 12 important questions and answers before considering getting vaccinated:

”If I get vaccinated can I stop wearing a mask(s)?”

Government: “NO”

”If I get vaccinated will the restaurants, bars, schools, fitness clubs, hair salons, etc. reopen and will people be able to get back to work like normal?

Government: “NO”

”If I get vaccinated will I be resistant to Covid?”

Government: “Maybe. We don’t know exactly, but probably not.”

”If I get vaccinated, at least I won’t be contagious to others – right?”

Government: “NO. the vaccine doesn’t stop transmission.”

”If I get vaccinated, how long will the vaccine last?”

Government: “No one knows. All Covid “vaccines” are still in the experimental stage.”

“If I get vaccinated, can I stop social distancing?”

Government: “NO”

“If my parents, grandparents and myself all get vaccinated can we hug each other again?”

Government: “NO”

“So what’s the benefit of getting vaccinated?”

Government: “Hoping that the virus won’t kill you.”

”Are you sure the vaccine won’t injure or kill me?”

Government: “NO”

”If statistically the virus won’t kill me (99.7% survival rate), why should I get vaccinated?”

Government: “To protect others.”

”So if I get vaccinated, I can protect 100% of people I come in contact with?”

Government: “NO”

“If I experience a severe adverse reaction, long-term effects (still unknown) or die from the vaccine will I (or my family) be compensated from the vaccine manufacture or the Government?”

Government: “NO – the government and vaccine manufacturer’s have 100% zero liability regarding this experimental drug”

So to summarise, the Covid19 “vaccine”…

Does not provide immunity

Does not eliminate the virus

Does not prevent death

Does not guarantee you won’t get it

Does not stop you from passing it on to others

Does not eliminate the need for travel bans

Does not eliminate the need for business closures

Does not eliminate the need for lockdowns!!!

Even if you’re for the vaccine, with these responses, what exactly is the point of taking it, I’ll wait?? Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, as always providing a real location for heterosexual free thinking black men to engage in free speech without being penalised. You’ve got the floor gents, roll that dice.

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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33 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday

  1. This stupidity goes on for as long as we allow it to. Start hitting them where it hurts most; their wallets.

    The second their wallets take a significant hit. The madness will come to a screeching halt.

  2. My mum wants to take the pfizer covid vaccine because she hasn’t seen negative reviews about any side affects of pfizer. Her defence is having experience of taking vaccines in the past that are non covid. She is avoiding the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine. In reality, I don’t think any brand of these covid vaccines makes much of a difference. Apparently more than 24 million people in the UK have received at least one dose of the covid vaccines.

    The current population of the United Kingdom is 68 million as of Wednesday, March 17, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. The UK population is equivalent to 0.87% of the total world population. The UN depopulation will decrease the UK population percentage further down as soon as people have waited for their second dose after 12 weeks. Its fucking sad that people in west are falling for this. Sadly, some quality stargates will take it thinking it’s the safest way to protect themselves, but reality is completely different. Can’t save everyone. #SYSBM #TeamWhiteQueens

    1. Wifwijf,

      It’s all the same sorcery and witchcraft, just under different names. Pfizer’s bioweapon is killing folks left, right and beyond. If those who take it manage to survive, many end up suffering from horrible disabilities, many permanent:

      I cannot believe how people are getting suckered in by this garbage, you’d think that folks would’ve clocked on to the ridiculous goalpost moving that governments in the West have been engaging in, but no, the sheep are still quite happy to go along with the program without asking any important and pertinent questions. The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank while people in this country are still walking around afraid of a made up boogievirus, smh.

      1. Verbs 2015.

        This UK government want to play dictatorship with peoples lives by forcing them to take the vaccine even though they themselves admitted that it doesn’t protect people from the so called covid virus and even if you did take the vaccine you still have to wear that blasted face mask. Like I said before Verbs I am not taking that fucking vaccine because it is going to kill me.

        1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

          Exactly, if the so called “vaccine” doesn’t protect an individual from the supposed virus they claim is out there lurking about then by definition it’s not a vaccine they’re offering, however most people are so caught up in the fear factor, they’ll fail to ask fundamental and basic questions.

          1. Verbs 2015.

            I fully agree with you bro. The government are using the vaccine to kill off people so that they can meet the world population reduction quota.

  3. Man suspected of killing 4 in fight over stimulus check:

    Stimulus check argument sparked Indiana quadruple murder, family says”

    The stimulus checks have begun going out and its about the get crazy. People get $1400 for themselves and $1400 per child. Pookie and Ray Ray are going to be robbing these single moms left and right, knowing how much cash they just got. Oh well. SYSBM

    1. These idiots about to give it all to the Asian and Indian store owners buying weaves, liquor, a new iPhone on her metro one/boost plan etc.

      Man man, Tyrone, bojack and chedda cheeze gonna spend it on a new ps5, some rims on his 2002 Tahoe with 300k miles with an transmission that’s about to blow, stereo, and some weed and new Jordan’s. Or they’ll all try to rob each other.

      Then go to Whole Foods use their wic, food stamps etc to buy lobster, filet mignon, expensive shit. Take the Gus back to their section 8 housing or shelter. And blow it all in 72 hours.

      Some of these ninjas are predictable and pathetic.

      1. Don’t forget about butt implants. LOL Plastic surgeons will be getting some business too.

        1. I forgot all about those 🤣🤣🤣. And of course they’re in someone’s dingy ass ghetto basement, and not a real doctors office LOL.

  4. MBD’s latest video about Black Men and Asian Women was deleted for “hate speech” lol. I guess MBD could post videos about white women all day long, but when he talks about brothas going for Asian women and vice versa, it’s a bridge too far. I’d bet my Biden stimulus that it was WHITE BOYS not the daggle that flagged the video. They think Asian Women are their property. As a former poster used to say, “The Black Woman IS the White Man”! The modern, mobile, thinking brotha with means is no longer shackled to the plantation and Whitey and his Negro concubine are getting nervous. SYSBM!

  5. “Men To Face 6pm Curfew After Murder”: UK Peer

    UK Government are thinking of banning ALL men from the streets after 6pm, just because one white woman was ‘killed’ by her police boyfriend. Aside from the made up false flag storyline, the proposed curfew will surely put another dent into lockdown when all stores open up again.

    Motherfuckers are intent on keeping us under house arrest. We’ve lost ONE YEAR over CONVID, once all this shit is over, Schwab, Gates and the world’s politicians need to face Hague and Nuremberg trials for crimes against humanity.

    Aba and Preach put it succinctly here:

  6. Well, The Bachelor ended with this guy dumping his chick for “racial undertones” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Is it me, or do part of me feels like that this dude dumping his chick and the black chick (our friend Rachel lindsay, the original bachelorette) speaking on it was set up to make the group look dumb? I don’t know what the lady said cuz I don’t watch the show, but if she did do something “bigoted”, then how the hell did this dude not vet this woman well enough to find out her background before picking her? Like what the fuck, you can’t be that gullible and you damn near 30. Might be harsh but I’m just saying.
    it just seems that all of this was staged to project a SjW talking point. Using the black man of course. Just like coming 2 America. Where Eddie and Arsenio complained about casting white people in this movie, but yet the concepts they use (feminism) is a white European concept. As Sotomayor says make that make sense
    Not everybody has what it takes to be a SYSBM practitioner. Perhaps, Matt James fall short in that regards. it takes more than just picking a random white chick on some stage reality show to be SYSBM. But, the whole season of The bachelor is a great learning experience and something to put in the war chest when it comes to specific issues that us sysbm Brothers May face. This is more specific and for us than shit in the communitah. Can’t lie, talking about shit with the communitah gets old, like Shari Headley alter ego Lisa McDowell old.
    Just my ramble. Happy wednesday!

    1. Ps. The black chick that I met was The bachelorette Rachel Lindsay. Oh the irony

  7. Well, The Bachelor ended with this guy dumping his chick for “racial undertones” whatever that’s supposed to mean. Is it me, or do part of me feels like that this dude dumping his chick and the black chick (our friend Rachel Lindsay ) speaking on it was set up to make the group look dumb? I don’t know what the lady said cuz I don’t watch the show, but if she did do something “bigoted”, then how the hell did this dude not vet this woman well enough to find out her background before picking her? Like what the fuck, you can’t be that gullible and you damn near 30. Might be harsh but I’m just saying.
    it just seems that all of this was staged to project a SjW talking point. Using the black man of course. Just like coming 2 America. Where Eddie and Arsenio complained about casting white people in this movie, but yet the concepts they use (feminism) is a white European concept. As Sotomayor says make that make sense
    Not everybody has what it takes to be a SYSBM practitioner. Perhaps, Matt James fall short in that regards. it takes more than just picking a random white chick on some stage reality show to be SYSBM. But, the whole season of The bachelor is a great learning experience and something to put in the war chest when it comes to specific issues that us sysbm Brothers May face. This is more specific and for us than shit in the communitah. Can’t lie, talking about shit with the communitah gets old, like Shari Headley alter ego Lisa McDowell old.
    Just my ramble. Happy wednesday!

  8. What’s happening, SYSBM family? So, last night I was listening to an old David Carroll video on his public YouTube channel where he asked these hoteps why it surprises them to hear that Black woman are married to Proud Boys members. I was actually looking for an interview he mentioned in a different video, but then I noticed this particular episode of ‘Divorce Court’:

    What caught my attention regarding this video was not the video itself, but that the show is now hosted by Judge Faith Jenkins; upon watching this episode, I learned this was an old episode featuring Judge Lynn Toler (reuploaded in January on Inauguration Day). What’s significant about this upload’s timing is that the plaintiff in this case is Nicholas Ochs, the leader of the Proud Boys in Hawaii who was arrested for his participation in the siege at the Capitol; this guy was dumb enough to tweet a selfie of himself inside the Capitol building while smoking a cigarette.

    What’s even more interesting is that after this episode first aired, they stayed together and had a biracial daughter! If you read some of the comments, you’ll see commentors joking about him becoming a Proud Boy after the way she treated him, you’ll see straggs talking about how fine they think he is, and others who seem confused about their being together. David Carroll said it best, “His White skin covers a multitude of imperfections and sins”, therefore it’s no surprise to us that she stuck with him in spite of the habits that turned her off; then again, the Proud Boys are self-described “Western chauvinists”.

    I wonder if she, like Stacey Dash, will try to come back to the communitah to find a Black simp to play stepfather for her daughter after her Proud Boy hubby was arrested on TV; we as free thinking Black men will have to pass on that one. #SYSBM

  9. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I don’t know how much I’m gonna keep talking about these current events that’s going on because they gone too far now. These vaccinations killing people left and right, but these psychopaths still forcing people to take it, putting humanity in extremely danger, the censoring ship has gone wild, that cancel culture, climate change, their “President” Biden and his pals trying to “save” America, but their actions are telling me different, especially with them letting a bunch of illegals into America, the passing bill on Gun Control (which was a bad idea), the trillion dollar plan they pass, they done open doors to some unwanted, dangerous events that’s definitely gonna lead to the destruction of America, and probably earth by wiping out humanity on this earth. Not only this gonna affect the people, but it’s gonna affect them too, if they haven’t noticed.

    “You’ll own nothing, and you will be happy about it,” What the F?! There are some serious questions about this nonsense because I’m trying to figure out what would the world be like if billionaires didn’t exist. I swear it’s somewhere in the bible that says “Money is the root of all of evil.” Talking about a “new normal,” everything won’t be back to where it used to be, man things won’t be back to normal because these psychopaths mess it up with the dangerous agendas they pushing. These psychopaths see nothing but dollar bills, but that money is gonna be their downfall for sure.

    Covid vaccinations and these psychopaths: I known at some point around my school year, and I think I did spoke about this, but I remember a literature teacher of mine showed a video in class one day, and this was one of the most darkest videos I ever watched. That video showed what will happen if humanity disappear, and trust me, it wasn’t no pretty sight. I think the other day, I did read an article about what will happen to the world or something if humans go extinct, and from the info I read about it, from my standpoint, earth might not survive, even the animals may not survive, and I’m not sure if AI (Artifical Intelligence or Robots), or these crazy technologies they pushing on the people, is gonna solve the problem. Buildings, bridges, statues will collapses, power will extremely go out, it’ll look like one huge ocean, and it’ll also look like a rain forest. When I saw this, I’m like Damn, this is scary as hell, more scarier than a horror movie. But anyway, about this whole covid situations, these people got to go, and this crap needs to end NOW! I’m sorry, but I can’t take reading and listening to the news of how they handling this “Covid” and the vaccine rollouts, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, people dying left and right, it’s way too many red flags that came out from the jump of this whole COVID mess. Punishing people left and right because they speaking out against this mess, forcing the vaccinations, making it mandatory, it’s gone way too far now. Plus we can’t sue them?! Of course that was a slick move of them doing it, plus I don’t know how long are they gonna hide behind their “protection” anyway until one of their protectie take the vaccine and that person end up dying or having a severe side effects on them.

    Censoring and Cancel Culture: They gone wild with this Censoring and Cancel Culture, I swear to god man. Changing the english language around, making it more complex, these folks lost their mind with that. Censoring, they can censor and hide from the truth all they want too, but the truth is gonna save lives for sure. Like on Twitter, they censoring people who tell the truth, but they ain’t censoring people who posting adult content on their pages, promoting sex work, escorting and stuff. I thought on Twitter Privacy policy, they prohibit adult content and all that, but nah, they lied. These sex workers pages, these Adult content pages are still on Twitter. With Cancel Culture, they’re doing the most. It’s not that damn serious. Talking about Racism, but practicing reverse racism by making everything anti-white, which is making me Scratch my head like what the hell?! It’s gotten way out of hand man.

    Gun Control: Yep! They done pass the bill. All I can say is, it’s their grave they walking into. Like I said, take away second amendment, and watch when some unwanted events occur.

    With the sex change, forcing transgender heavily: I’m really trying to figure out what will happen if the world went LGBTQ, went transgender. They went too far with the transgender mess too. They giving these LGBTQ people too much power, and it’s sick as hell. Then they forcing this crap on kids and teenagers too?! And punishing the parents? Bruh these LGBTQ people, and the people pushing transgender, are not normal at all.

    It’s official y’all: America done turned into a warzone. Due to Biden and his pals letting these illegals come in, once again, they done open doors to some unwanted, dangerous events that’s gonna be on all the news. Like I said before, I don’t vote for neither party, nor I’m trying to get involved in that politics mess because it’s not healthy, but I find it funny how these dems and corrupt politicians are blaming Trump for the mess they caused. This old man Biden done been in office for like two in a half months, and already the destruction has gone wild.

    I know I had said a lot, but I had too man. I having a lot of frustation talking about these current events that taking place because all this nonsense is getting out of control. The only good news I can say is that yesterday, I think some European countries are suspensing or stop the vaccine rollout because of people dying from it, and having adverse effects. I wonder are there gonna be some other countries that gonna fall along with stopping this.

  10. What do you guys make of this?

    Noticed how this woman had multiple chances do comply yet if that was a black man or boy he would have been shot before he got the chance. America is finished. So is the West in my opinion.

    Now the EU are going to start issuing vaccine passports this getting out of hand. I hope just for that the EU disintegrate. Soon we’ll see Frexit, Dutchixt etc…

    What do you guys think of some of the EU countries banning the astrazentica vaccine due to blood clots even Ireland has.

    1. Guess we need a new black martyr after the George Floyd fakery… smh.

  11. You know that America is done right, just like Britain. You see with people dying from this vaccine, I was wondering will they come after Bill Gates for mass murder. This four eye beta male son of a bitch is a wicked man, just a wicked man. And another thing, the police officer who murdered the woman. I did an article today about it. Would you believe a police officer would do such a thing like this? My question is this. When a white woman get murdered, she always get murdered by a white man. why are this white beta males killing these white women? Why are they offing these white broads? And yo, that could have been my girl. And the girl has a boyfriend. Let me tell you tell you something, if that was my girlfriend and a police officer kill her, I’ll try to find a way in the police station and murder him blood claat!

  12. As Verbs has stated, it’s sad when Desis (Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshi people) are the only ones ihn the UK fighting that homosexuality crap. If I’m not mistaken, homosexuality is illegal in Sri Lanka and Pakistan, and those who openly engage in it will receive as they would in Africa.

    Sri Lanka is also an incredibly slept on country that tropical and very cheap to live in. You can get by decently with English too, so more black men need to look into relocating there. Plus, the women are sexy as hell! Good stargates.

    Likewise, no daggles or pookies. Do you think most hood boogers even know where Sri Lanka or what continent it’s on?

    Plus, just like Indian men, you know Sri Lankan men probably leave the ladies a lot to be desired. Black men worth a damn could easily score a good wife and make a family.

    1. AfroFuturism1,

      You are spot on about Sri Lankan women. There are some drop dead gorgeous ones. And compared to Sri Lankan men, the average black man is a god.

      But, as you probably know, Sri Lankan men are incredibly jealous, possessive, and insecure when it comes to their women.

      They know that their women swoon for virile black men. Sri Lankan men will be hyper paranoid and controlling of their women, when black men are around.

    2. AfroFuturism1,

      I met a Sri Lankan woman six years ago. She had just graduated from the University of Texas. She would have made an excellent stargate. But I was not in the market for a stargate.

      Brothers should not sleep on this cohort of women. There’s a gold mine of quality in this collective of women. You could live like a king in Sri Lanka on less than $1000.00 a month.

  13. Sports Illustrated has just featured its first Black tranny model on its magazine cover, and any man (let alone Black men) with his masculinity unsullied should be disgusted at this; you literally can’t tell the difference between this tranny and an actual Black female! It’s not looking good for the Black queans out here!

  14. This hits home for me because while my mother isn’t going for it my younger sister is. I’ve watched her grow hell changed her diapers and she’s willingly taking it smh

    We joked about how she says she’s going to tell me how it is after and I told her simply I’ll know if you’re here or not.. it saddens my heart but I’m resolved in this I flat out refuse to take this shit. They are going to have to kill me first and I’m taking a few with me.

  15. In more positive news my data drive finally arrived which leads to my own project in direct opposition to that homo academic

    I’m gonna continue to ask in this space who all should be recorded digitally for the younger and future black men?

    I believe it’s highly important that there is always some record of the truth that can last so they can know and these paths aren’t tread again.

    Especially when I believe they are gonna increase the censorship to a fever pitch.

    So if any want to share productive brothers channels and or content so it can be disseminated repeatedly in the future I’d love all suggestions no fuckery though them dudes can stay on YouTube conversing with bw

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