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Black Women DON’T Want Black Male Leadership – Classic!

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I’ve been hearing a few black women talk about themselves wanting to be led by black men, however nothing could be further from the truth. The fact of the matter is the overwhelming majority of black women today are ultra liberal new age feminists who do not want to be led by black men at all.

As many of you would know from reading my book Negro Wars, in it I talked about the fact that black women are prolific liars, how they cannot be trusted under any circumstances and how anything proceeding from their mouths must be double, triple and quadruple checked and verified.

Allow me to explain once again why black women do not want black men to lead them. Number one, it’s pretty obvious to anyone with eyes to see that black women have a deep-seated resentment and hatred towards black men, I have been stating this for the longest while in my blog and I have been providing readers with more than enough evidence to prove this position.

I would say the main reason why black women do not want black men to lead them is because they already have a leader in the form of the State who in turn through continued sponsorship has placed the black woman as the faux leader of black society.

Remember what I’ve stated many times before about black women being contractually obligated towards the government to keep black men and black society in the gutter.

Therefore to allow a black man to lead her would be in direct violation of her State employment duties and would also be a breach of her state contract.

Black men, don’t fall for the Kansas City shuffle that a select number of black women are putting out there talking about wanting black men to lead them, that talk right there is just another smoke and mirrors illusion designed to coax you back onto the plantation black women are overseeing for Admiral Frost.

Black women are lying bums as standard, they have perfected the art of fabrication and telling porkies. They are desperate to keep black men locked into slavery and misery, black women hate seeing black men being successful or celebrating success when they are not a part of the equation.

This is one of the main reasons why black women hate seeing black men with non black women, as far as they are concerned you are supposed to be a slave under their watch, in their eyes we are not meant to be leading which is exactly what black men are given the opportunity to do whenever they start dealing with non black women.

Watch out black men, these modern-day black women are full of tricks and schemes which is why I commonly refer to them as witches.

The problem however with many black men is they’ll listen to the black woman’s lying words instead of making judgements based upon her actions. The observable evidence clearly illustrates the fact that black women will only submit to the leadership of a man if he is non black(and these days even that is temporary, Jezebel will break free eventually).

To be honest, not having dealt with black women in such a long time, this is no skin off my nose at all, I recognised what was going on a while ago, I took appropriate action and thus made the necessary adjustments required.

Walk away black men, just walk away, you cannot build with tricksters, deceivers, liars and traitors, the overwhelming majority of black women fit those descriptions to a T.

Black men typically have absolutely no problems with leadership when involved in relationships with non black women, which is all the more reason why black men ought to be abandoning black women altogether and heading over to non black female pastures where they as well as their leadership skills and qualities will be fully accepted and very much appreciated.

Black women constantly talk about how black men are incapable of leading them, not at all. On the contrary, we black men now understand that black women have a government bound duty NOT to be lead by us.

Black women are quite comfortable sitting underneath the wings of their white father the federal government and they have no intentions of changing that comfortable, cosy and convenient relationship anytime soon.

This is why I continue to laugh at pro black men, if the RBG(red, black and green) movement built from scratch an entirely new kingdom separate from white folks, black women would do one of two things.

Either they wouldn’t follow black men into that kingdom at all or they would enter into it with the sole purpose of completely destroying it in order to protect their white father’s kingdom, thus ensuring that it wouldn’t be threatened and would continue to prevail.

Once again black men, stop trying to lead black women. Their government occupation is to ensure that you lead neither them nor black society.

This is why black women deliberately go out of their way to pick the lowest dregs of black male society(unproductive, criminal minded, serial impregnators) to date and procreate with, they know full well that those particular individuals are not leaders by default.

Read and accept the writing on the wall black men, move on to greener pastures where you will be appreciated and loved without having to have a rap sheet 6 miles long. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Black Women DON’T WANT Black Men Leading Them, Get Over It

Most High Bless

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8 thoughts on “Black Women DON’T Want Black Male Leadership – Classic!

  1. You can just look at the thumbnail and tell what she’s about. She’s a christian according to her profile, but as usual, 1 Corinthians 11:3 goes right out the window when it comes to black men.

    They’re the biggest insubordinates regardless of whether you’ve held a “leadership position” or not and will always move the goalpost and use nonsensical logic, so why bother? I don’t jump through hoops for any woman, especially overweight ones who have to wear other women’s hair on their heads and come with all these terms and conditions while not bringing anything to the table themselves.

    I think it was Filipina Pea who stated that once a Filipina is in a relationship with a man, recognising him as the head and following his lead is standard. As long as he’s doing his part, there’s no issue. It’s mainly black women who always have to be a headache from the jump and create difficulties and problems where there doesn’t need to be any.

    I’m preaching to the choir here, but for any brothers outside reading this, just leave these black females be. From that alone, you’re automatically eliminating 70% or more of the needless drama and bullshit. Look at the peace and happiness levels of black men who are in relationships with non black women compared to those stuck with the “sistas” and tell me you don’t see the difference…?


  2. SYSBM: You know what happened with the black women and the big white guy?
    White sugar honey: Yeah, I heard about what happened.

    The ratchet black women don’t want black men leadership because that they want to continue with their wretched ways. But when it comes to the below average white man now, it’s a whole different story. Have you heard about the white guy who was with this black woman and he got arrested for DV? Her name is Rose Miller and I can’t remember the hubby’s name.

    So, what about the thugs, bums, worthless black man and so on? Well, I don’t think they wanna lead black women but they will ram their punany out and breed them off like Weed Man Jake, Rapid Fire Rasta, machete Man Briggy, Long Cocky George and Fuck All Night Freed. When it comes to non-black women, black men will lead her but when it comes to black women, they don’t want black man leadership at all.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. Verbs 2015.

    Black women are a pain in the arse and they are fucking hard work and that’s the reason why I refuse to date them as a SYSBM childfree black man at 42. I avoid black women as much as possible.

  4. It is in the DNA of negress sheboons to fight against black patriarchy leadership in America and Europe that goes all the way back from Ancient Africa to modern day Africa.

    I will never have this issue with a white dutch goddess from the motherland or in Europe.

  5. The Daughters of the Trade have sided with the white man against us since Day Zero, of course they won’t accept Black Male patriarchy and leadership. Them saying they want a BM to “lead” is disingenuous. BM thrive with non-black women, especially black boys. I’m with Verbs, go where you are respected as a man. Unfortunately many of our brothers are hard-headed “Dear Mama” masochists who have to learn the hard way.

    Oh well, not my problem.

  6. If she doesn’t want a Black man’s leadership, then she most certainly shouldn’t see an issue with me not saving her from danger; if I can’t get submission, she doesn’t get protection. I said what I said! #SYSBM

  7. I’m so disconnected from black community . I have no idea what it’s like to date a bw and I don’t want to find out. I see them all the time I don’t understand that communities dating dynamics it’s insane .i just want my money my white wife and live in peace . I am cool I don’t don’t want nothing to do with these people I’m mentally scarred for life with my experiences just interacting with them . I love being a black man but the community is just full of shit and Iut best to stay away. My mixed kids will have a better life anyway and won’t complain about colorism or featurism or whatever . I don’t want them to experience pain or anything else peace.

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