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He took her back, don’t be like this guy here.
Most black men out here because of being raised by single black mothers have serious self esteem, self confidence and self respect issues and as a result don’t know their worth.
This female cheated on him, got pregnant and he took her back, really? The dude is hardcore stepping up as a janitor to clean up that woman’s mess, NEVER ME.
I see from her TikTok that she has some other children in the mix, I’m hoping those are his biological children, however with the declining mental state of so many black men these days, you really don’t know.
She clearly doesn’t respect nor genuinely like the man, hence why she cheated in the first place. Now she really doesn’t respect him because she sees he’s weak and willing to forgive her for something he shouldn’t.
The reality of the matter is because most females no longer hold to a moral compass, the overwhelming majority of women in the West have absolutely no sexual discipline/temperance at all.
These heifers have the audacity to talk about men only wanting one thing yet they’re the ones who are constantly busting it wide open anytime the opportunity presents itself.
More women in the West are having sex than men, yet they’ll still attempt to paint us as the sexual deviants and predators, smh. Yet they’re the ones who are constantly on their backs, smh.
Feminism and social media have been the primary culprits responsible for indoctrinating women into accepting the 304/slut culture, however as we see with so many of these delusional females, most are never prepared for the negative consequences that typically follow.
Once again gentlemen, SYSBM™ isn’t only about saving yourselves from the wiles of Keisha, steering clear of shaky, disloyal, undisciplined and unbridled non black females is also part of the edict.
The reason why so many women these days are such prolific cheaters is because there are too many men out here who refuse to hold them accountable for their actions.
Gentlemen, don’t be a sucker, don’t be a clean up man, don’t be like this guy, NEVER take cheating females back. If she cheats, she belongs to the sewers, the streets are too good of a place to give her.
Once again, here is a clear example of why men MUST vet the women they interact with very carefully and why most women are not relationship material and thus NOT entitled to a long term commitment. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
ALWAYS Reward Cheaters By Kicking Them To The Kerb
Most High Bless
I won’t be risking my life dating women if English is their first language.
There are too many simps in western world.
I would definitely vet a foreign white girlfriend to make sure I’m not cheated on.
Wittexton Witwijf,
It’s a pity that English first language speaking females have gone down the toilet so rapidly. Not so long ago there was much more of an abundance of them that were decent woman.
SYSBM: You know the guy that got cheated by his boo.
White sugar honey: And she had another man’s baby as well.
This is a long one but we all why!
Right, if you’re a man and your woman cheated and had a child with the next man, then you have just do a runner and move on. She’ll might do it again and breed for the next man. But as I see the mentality of black men now is that they are willing to be the clean up man and take care someone else’s mess. How many times there are black men that are willing to be simps? There are so many black men that are willing to be simp dudes.
But why did the simp stay if she had another dick go up in her raw? Maybe he couldn’t mind a place to stay so he come back to her. You know that these simps will live off on women most of time and all the time. I don’t know Verbs. I just don’t know.
You know when some black men say that white women are better then black women? well, to be honest, I think all women are the same really. I have no issues of these white honeys and I like them in all shapes and sizes but it seems to me that they are all the same, you get me? black men are big time simps. I have seen black men simping for women for many years now and things have now gone worse.
Me: You breed that?
Rapid Fire Rasta: Mi wish me breed it, Donovan!
She has beautiful children but I don’t think they are his children. When I see her Tiktok, the white sugar is thick as a snickers bar. She’s thick as oatmeal. And I can see why the dudes wanna hit her up and hit that raw. I don’t mind the white girls thick. I don’t mind that whatsoever. As these dudes saw that rice pudding with full of thickness, Yo Verbs, I can see why they lay her the pipe.
Right, the reason why she cheated on this simp that she doesn’t like him or respect him. or maybe she wants to get rid of him because I know that women especially black women resent the simps and the only way that they can get rid of him is basically creep on him with another man. The best thing for a man should do is go for a woman that likes him.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
A fundamental point you raised right there, men should go for women that like them as those women are much less likely to go astray. Too many men out here are giving their power and relationships up to women who wouldn’t urinate on them if they were on fire.
Yeah, I agree. Go for the woman that likes you. It’s much better.
Verbs 2015.
I will never ever end up in a situation like that because I refuse to date single mothers as SYSBM childfree black man at 42. Black men need to value themselves more especially if they have their lives sort out like having a good job that pays good money or if they have their own business that makes them rich, if they are good looking, they dress well and they travelled all over the world, they are not in debt then they should never ever settle for a single mother because these decent black men can attract all different types of good looking childfree non black women who will date them plus the world is their oyster.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
Dealing with single mothers is a dysfunctional practice. I can understand why many man will sleep with single mothers because they typically tend to be an easy lay up.
However what I scratch my head at is guys who choose to give single mothers long term relationships and take onboard their bastard seed.
Being a step father is a thankless job, as you pointed out it also demonstrates how those men who choose to “step up” clearly don’t value or respect themselves, smh.
In the words of Accountable Commentary, “Don’t accept the Reachback”; the crazy thing is that this guy probably would make an excellent father, but he settled for far less than what he deserves. His decision to take her back gave her the green light to continue in her old ways; he just doesn’t know it yet. Also, he now has the burden of caring for a child that isn’t biologically his while the real father is out there somewhere knocking down another chick most likely; this is the “Alpha Fux, Beta Bux” dynamic at work. Don’t be like this guy; save yourselves from scraggle daggles of ALL varieties! #SYSBM
Blue Collar Trevor,
Cheating on the man and getting pregnant by the perp is beyond disrespectful, the guy should’ve NEVER taken her back. It just goes to show just how little he values himself and how he’s willing to accept disrespectful conduct. I keep on saying that most women in the West don’t deserve relationships because they’re not fit to handle them, the same goes for some men, on the flip side they equally should be locked out of ever having the opportunity to give out relationships period.
I just have to laugh in genuine amusement and at the same time shake my head at the comment section. These women are so full of shit. So many praises towards her for “doing the right thing” and getting her baby back because “everybody makes mistakes” and getting this pathetic simp she cheated on to come back and play house with another man’s baby. It’s very clear to anybody who values themselves what the deal is here, I don’t even need to elaborate.
Any time females are on some “awwww that’s so sweet”, trust me it is NEVER a good thing for the man involved.
I’ll take (self)-RESPECT over being a nice guy any day.
SYSBM Forever,
You cannot make this stuff up, women will ALWAYS excuse the bad behaviour of fellow sisterhood members but will hypocritically come down extra heavy on men whenever we set a foot wrong. And said females wonder why more men are choosing to give them an extremely wide berth with absolutely no regrets. Self respect MUST be upheld at all costs, a man cannot expect outsiders to respect him if he doesn’t even respect himself.
These are the simps and cucks that single black mamas raise. But instead of being a doormat and safety net for Keisha as designed, he accepted the reachback from a ghetto white chick who will cheat on him AGAIN. The siren call of thug dick is like the Green Goblin mask for these hoes. Sad sh*t. Don’t be like that guy. Get your passports, young men. Make your OWN babies and INTACT families with worthy females, not hood b*tch reachbacks. What a travesty.
Yo Mama Black,
I believe one of the main take aways from the above is self respect and that begins with NOT tolerating any disrespectful/out of pocket behaviour from any women. This further extends into starting your own legacy/family tree from scratch as opposed to taking onboard and raising somebody else’s children. As I’ll keep on saying, the overwhelming majority of women in the West don’t deserve relationships because having squandered their value away in their 20s, they simply no longer qualify for long term commitments.