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Most Western Women Are Beyond Disgusting! #SHORTS

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Absolutely disgusting and the bottom hasn’t even dropped out for these heifers yet.


I came across this video a while back and I’m sure that many of you brothers also saw it. At this point the modern day Western female is a morally bankrupt, reprehensible degenerate on steroids, and to think that these will be the same whores telling men that body count ie a woman’s past “shouldn’t matter”, smh.

The fact that she had no problems bragging about beyond gutter sexual behaviour for all to see should give your average man a much clearer understanding as to how far the Western female has fallen from grace.

These whores are all out here talking about how they want a guy who is a top earner, yet the overwhelming majority of them don’t even qualify for a homeless man living under a bridge in the streets.

The guy who decided to eat out her snatch got what he deserved, a mouthful of another man’s semen. I’m sure the dude was a blue pilled simp who deliberately overlooked red flag after red flag. Promiscuous women give away so many signs regarding their lifestyle, there’s no way Mr Simpy could’ve missed all of them.

The above is a typical example of most Western women, they’ve fully embraced sexual liberation, whoredom, feminism and being sexually undisciplined to the maximum and there’s no sign of them pumping the brakes.

The sad thing is that there will always be a blue pilled simp ready to lick this slapper’s muddy boots in the hopes that he can get an opportunity to pump a snatch that’s already been thoroughly ran through, rinsed out and used up.

I’m glad that these hedonistic western females are being so candid with their sexual exploits through social media, this way they’ll continually confirm to us that they aren’t worth a fart in a windstorm.

For those men who’ve resided to be content dealing with these reprobate decadent whores, always remember the policy, catch and release, smash and dash, pump and dump ONLY. NEVER fool yourselves into believing that such females can be converted into being suitable for long term relationships, NEVER.

The internet especially brain rot TikTok is chocked full to the brim of degenerate modern women openly bragging about their sundry 304 activities:

A large portion of the content on this female’s TikTok page is her constantly talking about enjoying some “backdoor” action. In addition to this of course this tatted up whore has an OnlyFans where she’s currently running a 50% off discount sale, lol.

These females despite their claims of “knowing their worth” price themselves very cheaply, in the case of Miss Victoria Myers, she’s whittled down her own value/worth to a $10.99, 28 day cycle subscription.

You really cannot make this stuff up, modern women are more than capable of writing their own outlandish and crazy scripts surrounding their own lives.

Yet these will be the same women who down the road will have the audacity to complain and grumble about men refusing to consider them for long term relations. Honestly, what man in his right mind with his life together would take an OnlyFans prostitute seriously, I’ll wait?

Gentlemen, the message remains the same, get those passports and don’t look back. I’ll keep on saying the same thing over and over again, outside of recreational use only(if you choose to go there, so many of these harridans are diseased up to the hilt out here), leave these Western degenerate contaminated females to crash and burn out in their own failures.

Let these blue pilled simps deal with and attempt to save these hoes and face the subsequent fallout by themselves. Don’t be a sucker, don’t be that guy. A much better quality of female is waiting for you elsewhere. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Steer Clear Of 304s For Your Own Health And Safety

Most High Bless

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15 thoughts on “Most Western Women Are Beyond Disgusting! #SHORTS

  1. This article reminds me of the Manosphere classic “Women Are Nasty” by BlackRam313; here’s the video:

    General Tito piggybacked off of BlackRam313’s video, but you’ll have to go to his website to watch those videos (shameless plug for; most recently, we’ve had 2 British whores, Lily Phillips and Bonnie Blue, go viral for their sexual escapades with multiple men. Both of these slags have been the subject of much controversy and backlash, and they have absolutely no shame in their behaviors! I won’t even list what they’ve become notorious for, because you most likely have already heard it.

    1. BCT,

      Shout out to General Tito, he’s smart to start backing videos up on his own website seeing how unpredictable and volatile YouTube can be.

      I still believe Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips are government paid agents deliberately put in place to ensure the cycle and culture of degeneracy and decadence continues.

      Unfortunately so many young girls have had their brains rotted out by social media especially TikTok, they honestly believe being a freelance whore is cool and trendy.

      As we already know, they’ll pay the price down the road when no man will respect or take them seriously for a long term relationship.

      1. Verbs my brother don’t forget the western bitches are all muff divers. I’m from Atlanta ga and all the females I tried to get are dykes. This isn’t talked about much. But in the United States most women are bisexual and non binary lgbtq+ demons. This is just the reality.
        Stay up bro. God bless.

        1. Richard,

          Much respect fam. You have a very good point because so many of these women are experimenting sexually as well as freely identifying with mutant groups such as the rainbow coalition, trannies etc. All it takes in one alcoholic drink with the overwhelming majority of these women and they’re prepared to do anything, smh.

  2. The complete and total collapse of the Western White Liberal Feminist Female over the past 10-15 years from the pinnacle of feminine desirability to fat, diseased, degenerate, tattooed, pierced, IG and OnlyFans whores has been a spectacle to behold. Kudos to Verbs and others who are chronicling this decline.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      Appreciate the shout out brother. I’m extremely disappointed in the direction most Western women have taken, however this is exactly what happens when they stop listening to wise, grounded, masculine men and instead choose to confer amongst themselves believing they know better.

      The downfall of the Western female continues to bolster my position about the overwhelming majority of them having the IQ of a chicken nugget and the braincell of a slug.

      Only premium grade knuckleheads would continue walking a path where all they observe around themselves is destruction, calamity and failure.

  3. Something that Madbus Driver stated:
    When women openly, supremely and confidently admits what they say on YouTube, people need to take notice.
    Do not say ‘Internet is not serious’. Take internet seriously because when you take that knowledge from the internet when feminist spout out hate towards men to Red-Pill knowledge to the offline real world, you mind and vision becomes clearer because this will save you financially and legally.
    The reason why people should take social media seriously because you see the feminists and liberals true colours and you see their mask removed to see their true gremlin demon selves.

    As Verbs stated for many years that the ‘writing is on the wall’ meaning this is ‘outright’ and ‘clear as day’.

    Once you acknowledge this you can alter your path instead of stay here in the plantation. Losing like a blue-pill simp who still want to deal with Modern Western females.

    1. MMT,

      Social media is absolutely translating to real life. The same women in videos where they are interviewed on the streets talking about how they want a guy who is 6 foot plus, earns 6 figures, has a 6 inch member at minimum, has his own car, house/flat/apartment etc, we walk past said females everyday.

      Their mentality doesn’t change just because there isn’t a camera in their faces. This whole business about it only being social media and not real life is NOT true, not anymore.

      This is why there are so many single women in the West now, they’re all waiting for an imaginary man to turn up and sweep them off their feet. Of course that is NEVER going to happen, however you cannot tell the Western female this.

      Just as free thinking brothers have abandoned the modern day black female, once again we must expand past Western women(the majority of whom have also become gutter trash).

  4. SYSBM: Did you heard what this woman did on the first video?
    White sugar honey: Nasty bitch!

    Guys, let me tell you something. You have to let a hoe be a hoe. You can’t deal with these 304’s, 405’s and 606’s. You just have to leave them be a hoe, a slut, a sket, a gyal for the roads. That what these whores are. These hoes have been rammed out by some of the worse type of dudes on the planet. And to be honest, they can fucking have them.

    Now, I’m not a perfect man but there is no way that I will give these hoes a chance. There’s no way I’m not giving them a time of day. The only thing they are good for is just a quick one and that’s it. Nothing special but just a quick thing and that is it. You think some of these men care for these women?

    One more thing. Men love whores. They love hoes, 304’s and women that get a train rain to them. But they will not make these whores as their girlfriends, partners, wife and mothers of their children.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      Hoes, sluts, whores and 304s need to stay in their lane and stop believing that they’re now entitled to the same privileges classy, upstanding, morally sound, premium women would benefit from.

  5. When women start openly admitting certain stuff they did on camera, and saying it like they’re proud of it, The only question I extremely want to ask them: Is Common Sense in your everyday life? The minute these western women start being on camera, that’s the minute they start acting a fool. I swear on the man above, these western women got to be the most promiscuous women walking on planet earth. Then, have some nerve to say they want some top tier man (Which sometime on Open Mic Wednesday, I might be explaining that most women in America are chasing an illustration), Like what top tier man is gonna get with a woman in the videos above?

    1. These western SLAGS have a problem with the concepts of consequences and second order effects. Meaning in their mind they are still deserving of a top tier man no matter what they do in the present.

    2. That Retro Guy,

      Most Western women as they stand today don’t even qualify for guys who are below average. The only reason why the delusions who they reckon they are continue to remain in place is because of the hoards of blue pilled simps who are constantly sliding into their DMs.

      However, even those desperate simps are slowly starting to realise the juice isn’t worth the squeeze anymore. Western women as a collective are hot trash, this is why they’re the least desired females on the planet with the black witch’s coven leading that charge.

      Western women as a collective being the dummies they are only see what’s immediately in front of them, they can’t look ahead and see the future ramifications that will come to bite them in the backside because of their reckless, morally bankrupt and irresponsible behaviours in the past and the present. Oh well, that their problem, NOT mine.

  6. Verbs please do an article on the loud mouth black woman in Pakistan. Everyone is talking about it.

    1. Jedi Master Coon,

      Feel free to raise the subject in todays’s Open Mic Wednesday. That single black mother is truly ridiculous. I’m surprised she’s still alive the way she’s been talking to the men out there especially at the press conferences, smh.

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