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More Men Are Avoiding Dating, Relationships And Marriage in the West and for many very valid reasons. I’m back for 2025 gents, let’s go.
I’m sure you gentlemen came across this video in 2023, I just thought I’d put my two pence worth into the conversation. So, she asked the question and out of 24K plus comments, these were just some of the responses she received in the comment section:
Firstly, let’s deal with this recently introduced word “partner” that’s now being widely used to describe male and female relationship dynamics.
The word “partner” originally comes from e-commerce and business. The alphabet crew aka the rainbow coalition aka the LGBTQP community were the first ones who took that word and used it to describe their same sex relationship dynamics.
This makes sense for them because they are pairing with somebody who has exactly the same role as they do being the same sex.
The influence of the decadent and degenerate religion called feminism in conjunction with the promotion of equality is chiefly why heterosexual couples began picking up the same term and running with it.
There is no equality in male/female relationship dynamics, unfortunately relentless feminist propaganda, brainwashing as well as social media programming has fooled many people into believing otherwise.
I have NEVER used the word/term “partner” to describe my relationship dynamics and I NEVER will. I am and will always be the head of any relationship I get involved in, any women who disagree with this arrangement are free to walk out the door or walk away at anytime.
Now that’s out of the way, let’s continue. The main problem I see with these responses is there are too many men out here giving out relationships to Western women who are below gutter trash, they simply aren’t relationship material.
There are a lot of damaged beyond repair females in the West seeking relationships who just aren’t fit to be paired up with any man.
No men outside of the West are clambering to get themselves a Western woman, women in the West are the worst females on the planet bar none and everybody knows this except these blue pilled Western simps who continue to deny reality.
Yes indeed, NORMAL, decent men value their peace above all else, we’re not going to tolerate a chaos emerald wielding Jezebel entering into our lives and wreaking unnecessary havoc.
These Western females and any other women around the world who think just like them are mentally unstable, volatile, hostile decadents and degenerates who need to be given an extremely wide berth at all costs.
This is why I have absolutely no hesitation in advising black men with sense and intelligence to get their passports and with CAUTION, seek non Westernised foreign women abroad if decent ones cannot be found on domestic soil.
I say with caution because non Westernised foreign females as we know also have smartphones and engage with social media. Therefore the same vetting processes MUST be applied to them as is done with women in the West.
Western females as a collective within the last 10-15 years especially have become an observable grand failure and disappointment, they have no character, no moral compass, no integrity, no dignity and most definitely no self respect.
They’re so willing to engage in any kind of behaviour just to get their RDA of attention and validation from men. They completely lack any discipline, temperance and self control.
Modern women have made some serious miscalculations, they anticipated that men en masse would abandon their moral compass as they have and join them embarking upon a path of hedonism, materialism, superficiality death and destruction.
Unfortunately for Western females, this has NOT been the case. Unlike the overwhelming majority of women, men have what’s called “foresight”. We can look ahead and envisage the tragic future end results stemming from engaging in present day degeneracy.
It was a colossal mistake to empower women and to give them so many options. Notice how whenever women are granted rights, privileges and benefits, they’ll typically lean towards reprobation and degeneracy.
Ask yourself the question, how many women have you come across engaging in productive and constructive endeavours based upon the so called “freedoms” they’ve been given, I’ll wait?
Gentlemen, continue holding the line, value your peace above all, any females that come into your arena seeking relationships MUST first prove their worth and demonstrate the value they’ll be bringing into your lives.
Keep your standards high, never settle for anything less, be sure to give garbage females a wide berth and DO NOT hand out relationships to women who don’t deserve them. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Ran Through, Used Up And Rinsed Out Women Are NOT Relationship Worthy, Scrap Em
Most High Bless
Happy new year! My take the word partner is used for homosexual relationships. I use the word girlfriend. My take is dating western women is like pulling teeth . e.g entitlement expecting you spend ÂŁ100 plus a first date paying for the first few dates, most of them are slags, or single mothers and fat especially black women, and realistic high stands e.g 11ft tall making one milliound pounds and 12 inch penis. I don’t blame men for opting out for dating and just sleeping around. Personally i’m 30 and i’m tired of random sex with random women i still do it. But I’m looking for a long time girlfriend. But we won’t live to together and no marriage and no kids. But finding that in the west is like catching a lightning bottle.
Happy New Year brother. I haven’t dealt with Western females in such a long time, the overwhelming majority of them are so NOT worth the trouble and have been a rotten bunch who are becoming even more rancid by the day.
These Western females honestly believed they could whore themselves out upon the mountains of Chad, Brad and Tyrone, thereafter descend complete and total wrecks and somehow get decent men to pick up the gutter leftovers.
I keep hearing the question being asked as to whether women need men. Knuckleheaded females will say no, however my answer is a resounding YES. Women need men to save women from themselves.
As commenter SYSBM Forever stated, most men actually want long term relationships, however the Western dating pool has become so soiled, contaminated and destroyed, women of actual quality in the West are now extremely few and far between.
The so called black community as well as the Western dating market are Amazon prime examples as to why you must NEVER place societies, infrastructures and critical markets into the hands of women to control and operate.
This is like crocodiles asking zebras why they refuse to go in the water. She already knows the answer.
Most men deep down actually DO want to be in a loving relationship with a genuinely good woman if we’re being honest with ourselves. We’re simple creatures. But look around you in 2025. What man wants that in his life when he can just simply focus on his purpose and live in peace (and keep their wealth)? Not that he plans to live as a monk forever, but at the very least he’ll be extremely picky and careful who he chooses as a “partner”, let alone a wife.
There’s a reason dating apps are dying out and men aren’t going to clubs like they used to. Like one of the replies said, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.
Even abroad the tide is now slowly turning in some places…
SYSBM Forever,
I’ve always said that women’s options should ALWAYS be extremely limited and said rights/benefits/privileges should ONLY come from their boyfriends/husbands, NOT from the State.
The overwhelming majority of these Western females in 2025 are ran through, used up, rinsed out, psychologically damaged harridans who at this point are only fit for the scrapheap.
I have to agree with you 100%, most men deep down still do want relationships. however as I stated above, the dating pool at this point is so contaminated and destroyed, encountering quality women in the West is literally like trying to find a needle in 10 haystacks lumped together.
These days I wouldn’t pass wind on a dating app yet alone use one, they’re a very large part of the main reasons so many women in Western countries have become used up, ran through, rinsed out delusional dummies.
Men in response as you pointed out are choosing to instead focus on themselves and do the things that actually make them happy and give them enjoyment without having to deal with a mentally damaged, chaos emerald wielding nagger in the background.
I’m glad more men are coming to the conclusion that most Western females are NOT relationship material, even many of these blue pilled simps are starting to get burned out and are also choosing to abandon ship.
Verbs 2015.
Welcome back Verbs. These modern day women dating requirements in 2025 is so stupidly unrealistic it’s not even funny. I don’t blame men who refuse to date these women and they only concentrate on their life goals. As a 42 year old childfree London man I miss dating in the 1990s to early 2000s because women in general were alot easier to date/get into a relationship with or just to talk to. I am going to be very careful on which future girlfriend I am a going to date with.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
Thanks bro. It’s sort of good to be back, I was really enjoying the time off, lol. I’m glad I take 5 weeks off at the end of each year as it helps me recharge and prepare for the following one.
I too remember how easy and simple the dating process was back in the day, none of this needing to spend exorbitant amounts of money on first dates. The dates were extremely down to earth and very cheap.
The sad thing is in the West there are very few if any young girls/young women who have the discipline, the self control and the restraint abilities to catch themselves and in doing so choose NOT to venture down the road of decadence and degeneracy readily promoted by social media and feminism.
Women calling men cheap who refuse to invest in trash females in 2025 isn’t going to work either. As I stated above, I’m glad to see that more men are realising that most women in the West are NOT fit for relationships and therefore should NOT be offered any.
Verbs 2015.
I fully agree with you bro.
SYSBM: 2025 is here. How is the year goanna be?
White sugar honey: I hope it’s goes well for everybody.
Happy 2025 Verbs. Hope everyone is cool with you.
Right, the reason why that men are avoiding dating is that there are so many gold diggers everywhere, whores, users, manipulators and so on. And also, they just want their peace. There are some men are just focus on getting money and that is a good thing. There are some men that on their purpose instead of chasing these women.
In the west, there are men that are refusing to deal with women in the US and sometime UK as well. So, they just get their passport and fly to another country and look for a honey to wife up overseas.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet women are still coming after non-black women.
Hope 2025 goes well you guys!
Money Cultural,
Salute to you fam, happy 2025. Men simply need to focus on themselves and only allow QUALITY women into their cypher who are willing to prove themselves worthy to be chosen. Women are slowly beginning to realise that they’ve made a terrible mistake whoring themselves out as well as living for materials and money. The problem is it’s too late for them, they cannot undo sleeping with men in the double, triple and quadruple digits, nor can they reverse the psychological damage and mental instability that comes with engaging in a promiscuous, hedonistic, morally bankrupt lifestyle.
Yeah, that is right. Some of the women were just whoring around like these Onlyfans women and some are doing to get attention from men.
Happy new year and welcome back Verbs.
At this point, the only way to find a girlfriend in UK is international foreign communities.
London is number one destination when it comes to international foreign communities in UK.
I’ve decided to live in London again in January 2025 after 9 years of living outside of London and living out of the UK for over a year.
I can be here as guidance towards my nephews.
I need to set a good example for them as they grow up.
I would want them to see me build my own family tree with a white afrikaner girlfriend.
I have been studying how the Ashkenazi Jews and Muslims operate in their communities in UK.
They know the British culture is satanic but they teach their kids their own cultures that ain’t native to Britain.
Wittexton Witwijf,
Salute to you, welcome back fam. That’s quite a move returning back to London. Are you sure you’re ready to face the innumerable NPCs/zombies/bots who don’t look where they’re going when walking the streets because they’re so engrossed in their mobile phones? Prepare yourself because you’re going to need some serious patience dealing with people in this place. A maximum salute to you for looking out for your nephews.
Your statement concerning international foreign communities is spot on, it’s a viable option in addition to going abroad as long as the female hasn’t been sucked in by feminism and social media. The Jewish community especially is a true definition of a community, they rarely if ever have to deal with outsiders bar seeing them in supermarkets getting their groceries.
I’m pretty much retired out here in these streets. Leaving it to the younger cats. Been in long-term relationships, was engaged to the last one. Ended because I moved away and she couldn’t follow. Nothing out here but misery. The absolute worst generation of females hands down. 18-45. Awful. As recently as 2019 you could meet a halfway decent chick on Tinder or Bumble. Go on some dates, have fun. If it doesn’t work out, no hard feelings. One woman didn’t work out sexually, but we remained friends. Now all it’s all bitter menopausal hags with kids, bald headed non-binary feminist dykes, and trannies trying to fool straight men, but put on a Pikachu face when they rightfully get deleted.
Match on an app, and you’re carrying a dry, boring one-sided convo with 8-10 hours (or more) between texts. They’re never more than 3 feet away from their phone even at work, so you know they’re on some bs.
Passport Bros is already played out because the foreign women see these American dudes coming and are ready with the finesse. Especially the Asians. You’re getting the equivalent of the Girlfriend Experience where they really pretend to like you. Get it how you can, but I dunno.
Sad state of affairs, just stay home with your hobbies or hang out with your known running buddies. I’ve got an old buddy who was telling me his kid who’s in his 20s does not date. The kid is ahead of the game just saving his money and not trying to “court” an OF hoe with a double-digit body count and STDs.
Good luck!