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The Brainwashing Of Western Women Is Ingenious! #SHORTS

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Isn’t the female in the first video so feminine, shouting at the top of her lungs in her car like a true rabid, materialistic, money grabbing savage, and these women wonder why in 2024 they remain chronically single at such a high clip, smh.

It amazes me how men in general have no problems examining, scrutinising and decoding any messages that are put across to them and thereafter putting them through the fire in order to determine if said messages/ideas can be constructively and productively applied to their lives.

Not Western women though, your average Western female possesses absolutely NO critical thinking capacity, NONE. Bar the temporary euphorias and fleeting buzzes, very few if any Western women have mustered up the courage to admit that feminism has been a complete and utter failure.

Sure, we’ve had a few women step forward and admit that they’ve been duped, however when compared to the vast majority of mullet headed females still going along with the feminist brainwashing, the numbers don’t compare.

Whoever put together the plan to completely brainwash and indoctrinate women in the West into wasting their prime years chasing things that won’t matter in the long term was a genius, the results are evident.

What’s even more fascinating is their defiance to take a more straight and narrow traditional path even though they can clearly see with their own eyes that putting off having a family, chasing a career, chasing the bag, running the streets/being a whore, branding themselves with tattoos as well as following many other decadent trends handed down to them are detrimental and destructive choices.

Instead what I now see taking place is Western women either attempting to persuade men to follow them down a path of degeneracy and destruction or trying to shame well to do men into taking them onboard in their ran through, used up, rinsed out state.

The reality is deep down these Western females know that they’ve messed up royally, however because the West continually pampers them and never holds said females accountable, they can always allow pride and being stubborn to get in the way of openly acknowledging the truth and thus changing for the better.

Additionally, it doesn’t help when you have older women on social media handing out catastrophic advice to younger women because said females are jealous of the female youth and the fact that as old hags, they cannot turn back time and correct the mistakes they made.

Many of these elder Western women are no different than the devil himself, they’ve messed up their own lives and know they’re going straight down to hell, so therefore their objective now is to take as many other women with them as they can.

Though most are still willing to stick it out, I’m happy to see steadily increasing numbers of Western men choosing to get their passports and travel overseas in order to find NORMAL women.

The only way Western women are going to learn anything valuable is if they’re left to crash and burn out in their own failures through men withdrawing themselves from them. The truth is as long as Western governments continue to coddle and exalt them, don’t expect Western females to change anytime soon.

As I’ve stated before, whenever you’re confronted with a dysfunctional dating market, it’s not your job to adapt and adjust to it, it’s your responsibility to abandon such an environment and seek out quality women elsewhere.

Gentlemen, grab your juice and popcorn, the next 5 years are going to be very interesting with record numbers of Western women openly admitting they’ve shafted themselves through women’s empowerment, however until there is no government for them to fall back on, THEY CANNOT BE TRUSTED. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Western Women will Drink Down Their Judgement In Full

Most High Bless

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9 thoughts on “The Brainwashing Of Western Women Is Ingenious! #SHORTS

  1. I could watch movies or tv shows of a white female being the main character and a lot of western women think it is real life to always be the main character.

    1. These 300 lb black heffas and “body positive” white hippos with big stretch marked fupas and cottage cheese thighs on IG all think they’re Main Characters, hahaha. It’s disgusting out here, man. I blame simps.

  2. I can only imagine what that first female who is clearly a few trees short of a forest looks like without the makeup. Her lunacy won’t do her any favours, because no man finds it cute or attractive when women act like that. I think she’s got bigger problems than any “bag” she’s supposedly chasing. The fact she has a million followers on TikTok shows where these females are heading.

    The second chick in her captions is deluded as hell and really doesn’t know how men think. “Chase your career and the men will follow?” Actually, we WON’T lol.

    The need to get one over on men is so strong in these females that they continually cut their noses off to spite their botox faces and then expect us to feel sorry for them when they crash and burn later in life.

    Anyway, they were all warned and had their chance. They laughed at us, but the Ark doors are closing and it’s starting to rain, don’t expect us to rescue you now. We have to tend to the traditional women inside with us. Stay out there and find a log to float on, you got this lol.

  3. Strong, independent modern Western women with Main Character Syndrome got all the answers, so just sit back and let them fall on their face. Many of us fall within the 90% of invisible men yet we are somehow responsible for the actions of the 10% date-raping fuckboys they can’t seem to stay away from. Don’t help them, don’t save them.

  4. SYSBM: Today was a wet day.
    White sugar honey: Something else is wet too.
    SYSBM: I know what you mean, boo!

    As I see the videos of these women or modern women, I can see why the passport brother movement is so big. And the reason for that is because of the modern women’s behaviour. The passport brothers are getting their passports and flying out of the mess they are seeing with their two eyes.

    I know that the passport brothers is more of an American thing but will the passport brothers movement get larger in Britain? Maybe of what these men are seeing in the UK. The modern women or western women are upset of the passport movement but they know why this is happening. They need to look what is going on with the women in the USA. Britian as well.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  5. In America it is the Democratic party that fuel’s female delusions. Why ? Because the Democratic party is the party of uber billionaires like Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates. Their politicians become millionaires by selling influence and legislation to the highest bidders. They keep women programmed so that women vote for them in a block, thus keeping them in power. They have mastered doing this to black for generations.

    Now I’m not saying the Republicans are good guys. Far from it. Both parties are pretty much about the same thing. Getting paid to serve uber rich donors at the expense of the masses.

    But here’s the critical difference. The Republicans won’t pander as hard to women as the Democrats. They will hold women to slightly greater accountability than the Democrats. This is why I keep saying that if the Democrats win, you will see dysfunctional female behavior reach new depths of degeneracy, while you might even get a little push back against dysfunctional female behavior if the Republicans win.

    1. Project 2025 alone is good reason to vote Republican this cycle. The only downsides that I’ve seen is they will attack unions if implemented (unions keep the working black man’s wages up) and they want to give qualified immunity to cops. But that’s a Pookie issue. Productive Black Men are going to work and/or school and not hanging out in front of the gas station or the liquor store.

  6. If the crazy eyes on that broad in the first video weren’t enough to determine her mental state, her outburst will definitely make it plain for those in doubt; as for the second video, that broad is equally as delusional. What man is following behind a woman who is career driven? We don’t care about any of that! All of these broke females who demand a man’s finances are destined for misery, nothing more, nothing less; as for the chicks who endorse hoe phases, as the classic hip hip track stated, “you gotta let a hoe be a hoe”. Don’t feel sorry for them when they hit the Wall, either.

    Verbs wrote the following: “Whoever put together the plan to completely brainwash and indoctrinate women in the West into wasting their prime years chasing things that won’t matter in the long term was a genius, the results are evident”; the real genius thing about this plan is how they’ve weaponized the Western woman’s nature against them. What I mean by that is how women today are unapologetic for anything they do, even when they know they’re dead wrong; they can’t take accountability for anything!

  7. “What I now see taking place is Western women either attempting to persuade men to follow them down a path of degeneracy and destruction or trying to shame well to do men into taking them onboard in their ran through, used up, rinsed out state.” ~ Verbs

    This observation is all too true.
    You truly have to wonder how 1000s of women post these daily 1st person confessionals showcasing their unhinged personalities without thought about consequences.

    More and more men living in the West are leaving silently or quiet quitting. Its this quiet walking away that still hasn’t reached mainstream discussion but it is slowing gaining more attention. As women scream into their smartphones in dirty cars and filthy apartments, they miss the point that more men then ever don’t care or have muted them.

    The announcement by OnlyFans that their revenues surpassed $6 billion in 2023 is the death knell for the Western mating, dating, and hookup markets. The society is in total freefall when MARRIED men represent the 90% of OnlyFans subscribers. The commodification of female access is accelerating with women navigating the ship. And its only 2024.

    Even corporate media admits by 2030 1/2 of all Western women will be childless, heavily indebted, cat ladies living in small apartments with no prospects for long-term male companionship.

    Yes, the very same two-faced men on social media talking about marriage are living in sexless homes spending their money on E-Thots. Then there are millions of leftover women reaching 30 unwed with no prospects as men have seen too deeply into the black mirror of the female mind and behavior.

    Soon, these same women will regret not only radical feminism but allowing their own vanity to turn them into social media fanatics and e-thots. They have shared the playbook to their depraved nature widely all for a few likes and Tik Tok attention.

    The full cost is revealing itself week by week.

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