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The First Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday Of 2025!

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On This Week’s Open Mic Wednesday!


The last skit had me laughing because we already know how most black women will give you dagger eyes and dirty looks if they see you as a black man in the company of a non black woman(especially if the female is white).

The black women who’ll throw out the usual line of “we don’t care who black men date” are full of decomposing garbage as their actions whenever they see black men in public with non black women clearly speak otherwise.

Being honest though, it isn’t only black women engaging in this ignorant behaviour, insecure Admiral Frost also does the same especially when he sees black men with decent looking to very attractive white women.

As the saying goes regarding interracial dating, there isn’t a problem until black men start getting involved in it. Lastly, I found this video below hilarious:

Black women stay smoking their own supply, no normal black men are looking at them whilst being in public with their non black female companions. Again, it’s actually the reverse, it’s these black sirens who are constantly clocking on and watching black men hard who are in interracial relationships.

Brothers, welcome to the first Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday of 2025, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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52 thoughts on “The First Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday Of 2025!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    The whole world hates it when they see black men in public happy in mixed race relationships with good looking white women and good looking other non black women because it destroys the racist narrative that no decent looking non black women is attracted to black men or black men can only get the ugliest women of each race. Black women and their white lord and saviour white man hate seeing decent black men in successful mixed race relationships and being successful in life.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      Interracial dating is only a problem whenever black men get involved in it, I’m seeing this time and time again. Mind you this is across the board, black women as well as non black men of all shades and colours giving black men the evil eye whenever they see them with their female counterparts. However by far the worst culprits are these black sirens alongside their insecure white lord and saviour Admiral Frost.As we always say, SYSBM™ cannot be stopped!

      1. Verbs 2015.

        I fully agree with you bro. I am SYSBM for life man and I refuse to date black women because they look so horrid in 2025. I am so glad that I am seeing more and more black men with good looking non black women and its only going to get bigger. Mixed race relationships between black men and non black women is a great thing.

  2. Gentlemen,

    Notice how this so called dating coach couldn’t tell you that you need to approach women in the West because overall they’re still quality females.

    Over here at the SYSBM Knights Roundtable we’ve observed especially since Covid that these dating roaches are suffering and bleeding out heavily due to men either abandoning dating and marriage in the West altogether or simply choosing to get their passports and opting to go overseas where they can once again encounter NORMAL women(where dating roaches are NOT required).

    The Western dating pool at this point is contaminated beyond measure, the quality of women in it overall is in the sewer pipe. Again, if you’re looking for casual hookups then the Western dating market is fantastic, however it is extremely far from ideal if you’re seeking a long term, stable relationship.

    On the contrary, men need to continue staving these entitled Western heifers out. They’re going to learn the hard way that their imaginary guy who is 6 foot plus tall, earns 6 figures, has a 6 pack and a minimum length 6 inch member IS NOT COMING TO SAVE THEM.

    Don’t believe Q Pill when he talks about women not being willing to approach men, they’ve already begun doing it albeit in smaller numbers which are only set to increase, watch this space.

    Men are no longer going to be shaken off their square with the whole “men are afraid of rejection, this is why they don’t approach women anymore” propaganda.

    Western women as stated before simply are not worth approaching plus we know that Q Pill’s business is heavily contingent upon men in the West believing that these disjointed, ran through, used up and rinsed out Western whores are their only available option.

    A much needed Western dating market reset is currently taking place in the favour of men and there is nothing Q Pill or the rest of these dating/life coaches can do to stop it.

    Social media for the last 10 years especially has been dictating the reality of modern women. The same females making their outlandish, ridiculous and unrealistic expectations known online are the same ones you’re walking by in the streets. Dating app data clearly confirms this.

    1. This Q Pill guy is an agent; he has to be talking this crap! General Tito started roasting dating coaches back in 2023 because he knew that they were paid off; dating coaches are selling a gynocentric worldview to gullible men, a task which not only makes them money, but also helps drive the nation’s GDP (that is, restaurants, jewelry stores, and bridal shops all benefit from men being blue pilled).

      1. Blue Collar Trevor,

        The time of the dating coach has finished. When women in the West were still tolerable, those guys were creaming it, however most Western females at this point have become so insufferable and reprehensible, dating coaches are simply wasting their time trying to cajole and shame men into approaching and dealing with gutter females.

        The good thing is more men are no longer buying into the gynocentric paradigm these dating roaches are selling, they’ve realised that peace and tranquility are of far more importance than being in the presence of a nagging, complaining, sub par harriet. Dating coaches should’ve focused on improving the product instead. I refuse to be a therapist for any woman.

    2. I already knew after 20 seconds when he claimed what the reason was that he was just gonna subsequently spew a whole bunch of nothing for the remainder of the clip. This isn’t 2014, his argument is totally outdated. If he seriously thinks that’s the reason men have stopped approaching women then he needs to give up the dating coach hustle and get into some other grift.

      1. SYSBM Forever,

        The guy isn’t stupid but at the same time is quite prepared to use foolish, nonsensical, dysfunctional female talking points when the money flow begins drying up.

        He knows full well the real issue is the Western dating market is full of volatile, non critical thinking, 304 knuckleheads who are packed to the brim with trauma, baggage as well as so many of them suffering from deep psychological instabilities.

        He’s engaging in the same actions as the blue pilled, pro black simps, trying to shame men into walking through the fire instead of focusing on and dealing with the women ie improving the product itself, smh.

  3. I think english women are overrated. Now eastern Europeans are more attractive especially , Lithuanian, Lativian, Ukraine etc.

    1. Goldenman,

      Agreed but I personally would avoid Eastern European women from the better known countries such as Russia and Ukraine, they tend to be scammers and premium grade gold-diggers.

    2. @goldman overrated? Ion think anybody ever rated them high enough for them to be overrated 😂. I have never heard any man from any country regardless of race sing the praises of of them. I wonder why lol.

  4. By default, I would automatically reject English women when it comes to dating in general.

    One of my non negotiables is only a white girlfriend from international foreign communities.

    I’m sure black men are already dating out at 65% in UK, especially London.

    It has been like this for years and many generational decades over here.

    Brad and Keisha can’t control stereotype narratives of interracial dating scenes in UK like they do in USA.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Yep, black men in the UK have been ahead of the curve when it comes to interracial dating, back in 2007 the dating out rate for black men here was well into the late 50 percentage wise.

      “Brad and Keisha can’t control stereotype narratives of interracial dating scenes in UK like they do in USA.”

      This is very true, I notice the “black men can only get with the rejects of white female society” propaganda typically comes from the mouth of US black females whenever they talk about US black men.

    1. JD,

      Absolutely disgusting but we shouldn’t be surprised. And these sirens wonder why they remain chronically single at such a high clip. The modern day black female by far is the worst creature to ever walk planet earth, she has no redeeming qualities that can be listed, NONE.

  5. SYSBM: Did you see the ratchets watching us?
    White sugar honey: Yes, I did.

    When a black man is with a non-black woman especially a white woman, people start talking about it. Even black women who are ratchet. But when a black woman is with a non-black man and mostly a white man, nobody says a word. We know that interracial relationship rate is high in the UK all because of that black men will not put up with the ratchetness with black women. So, they decided to date non-black women. I can date whoever I wanna date, no matter what colour the women is.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  6. Happy 2025, gents! I’ll bet my whole 401K that nobody and I mean nobody is staring at that baby hair bandit. Least of all a dude with an interracial honey on his arm. These main character syndrome black hoes stay delusional.

    This is gonna be a cold Valentines Day for a lot of these heffas. Get the popcorn!

    1. Yo Moma Black,

      Nobody is checking for these fake eyelashes, weaved up, tranny makeup wearing black sirens, therefore they have to forcefully throw themselves into the mix in order to be seen and heard.

      Indeed, Valentines day is fast approaching, it’s going to be a very interesting day this year especially seeing as more men are choosing peace, tranquility, their happiness and saving money over being in the presence of as well as entertaining entitled, volatile 304s.

      Popcorn and freshly squeezed juice are at the ready. Let the show begin.

      1. Verbs wrote:
        “Indeed, Valentines day is fast approaching, it’s going to be a very interesting day this year especially seeing as more men are choosing peace, tranquility, their happiness and saving money over being in the presence of as well as entertaining entitled, volatile 304s.”

        I cannot believe you bring up Valentines day because this will be interesting.
        This should be Friday 14th February article.
        I am glad you bring this up because I remember 20 years ago, I call it ‘The Relationship Casino’.
        I call Valentine’s day the ‘Relationship Casino’ because this is where these western females put their relationship and even marriage on the betting table as why I use the Casino analogy.

        These females will put their relationship on the line every valentine’s day because they expect their man or simp husband to pay premiums. If they simp boyfriend/husband did not meet the females’ expectation they will either cheat or end relationship over that day. Even they are good men, these females will put it all one the line for that day.

        1. I like the term ‘Relationship Casino’ when it comes to Valentine’s Day. This is a perfect name for that day.

        2. Andy C,

          Isn’t it funny how a man can show his woman maximum love and appreciation for 364 days of the year, yet she still expects you to put in an extra effort for this one silly day and as you mentioned, if you set a foot wrong on that day she’s ready to end the relationship. These modern day females are truly a diabolical lot.

      2. Verbs, exactly why are these women scraping the bottom? Weaves, tranny fake-up, tattoos, fat, always crying about their hair, always bitching about bros who date out while simultaneously drooling over white men, main character syndrome, insufferable. 2s who think they’re 10s. Offended by everything, ashamed of nothing. We really need to drill down in 2025 and get to the root of the problem.

  7. Uh yeah, that fat ogre with the weave in the last video needs to take several seats somewhere. There’s no black man in an interracial relationship or single for that matter looking in her direction for anything. GTFOH. If he is, it’s probably relief that he no longer has to deal with THAT in his life.

    And Admiral Frost also needs to get over it. You no longer have all the spoils for yourself and complete dominion over white and Asian women (who they REALLY hate to see us with). You now have competition and black men’s desirability is undeniable. All your little hate campaigns on boer boy’s platform calling women who deal with us “coalburners” and negative media programming ain’t doing nish when a good black man with his stuff together enters the room.

    Even that Legion of Men guy on youtube who seemed like one of the cool ones has revealed himself to be a hater and resentful of black men particularly and thinks he can tell us to only stick to Africa. Fuck that dude. He ain’t telling his white brothers to stop travelling to Africa and smashing every woman they come across. This ain’t the 1950s. We’ll date who we want and people can stare all they want.

    Like Ollie and Jerry said, there’s no stopping us!

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I remember watching that particular video when Legion Of Men’s Bo Refec said “stick to your own”, smh. How’s he going to tell black men to stick with the most morally destitute, broken beyond repair female counterparts on the planet?

      Nope, we SYSBM™ free thinking black men HAVE TO expand on our dating options and we have been. It’s easy for him to say what he said, he comes from a region where you can still find quality females in abundance. The same is NOT the case for black men. As you stated, we’ll date whoever we want to. #SYSBM™

      1. Verbs2015,

        He should be telling black men NOTHING, period. Even if we had the most exceptional women on the planet, it ain’t for him to dictate to us who we should pursue. He’s not our boss and I’m getting sick and tired of people thinking they can order black men around. His community posts on youtube tells you everything you need to know on where he’s at which is why I unsubscribed.

        I will say though, a video he made was in response to some lame black man who embarrassed himself with a ‘fuck Poland’ video because he went out there and wasn’t shown any interest by women. This fool really set himself up for ridicule and disrespect and of course, people love to see black men take L’s so LOM couldn’t wait to jump on the opportunity to make a video on him and black men in general – which is interesting cos I remember seeing a clip a couple of years ago where he admitted he’s seen black men do well in some European countries. Anyway, Skylar made a video in response which he never responded to of course. The black guy who went to Poland deleted his video after being shamed about it and tried to do some copywrite strike against LOM which just made it worse.

        Black men need to be mindful to stop putting these types of videos because there was a case of a group who went to Brazil and complained about the white men on some boat party getting more attention and complained of “racism” – apparently these guys were out of shape anyway, but again, a bunch of lames making us all look bad with this catty, feminine energy instead of just getting their shit together. If certain women ain’t feeling you for whatever reason, so what? To actually go on video and complain about not getting attention is a real bad look as a man. That type of whiny complaining and entitlement should be left to women. I don’t know what they expect to achieve by doing that. These type of clowns always give others ammunition to go against black men as a whole.

    2. I used to watch Legion of Men. When Passport Bros broke big 2 years ago he seemed to be on the side of the brothas. Not surprised, though. Those MGTOW guys bitch about liberal western white women all day long but when black men scoop them up it’s a problem.

      1. Yo Mama Black,

        I’ve said it on here before….white men are cool until black men start making traction in the dating market and receive sexual attention. You can excel at almost anything else in life, but that’s the one thing that will make them show their true colours. They HATE sexual competition from black men especially, because they’re used to always being the star of the show and having the pick of the litter. This is why I don’t discuss my business when it comes to women with white men.

        1. I noticed that a lot of white men who identify with the redpill/MGTOW movements are openly white supremacists/nationalists. They’ll claim to be done with women as a whole, but will complain about who white women are dating..

        2. They HATE when you’re more successful than them too. A lot of them believe that they should be the ONLY ones to be successful or have nice things..

    3. SYSBM Forever,

      I don’t understand why in 2025 any Black man still thinks he can find camaraderie with Brad; it really does annoy me to see how low some Negros will go to appease White guys, only to have them turn around and disrespect, gaslight, and address them in a condescending manner. So, this “Legion of Men” guy had a video telling Black men to stick to Africa (which video is that exactly?); who is he, the Dick Police? This is another thing I’ve noticed about so-called red pilled White men; they can’t let go of their racist, colonialist mindset for anything, not even male empowerment. They will highlight a case of a dysfunctional Becky and say “see, we tried to warn you guys about them”. Stop the cap! We know the real reason is because the sight of a Black man with a White women triggers their insecurity over their tiny pee pee.

      1. BCT,

        If I’m remembering correctly, I believe it was this video below where Legion Of Men critiqued a dumb Negro for going to Poland, not getting much if any play at all and complaining about it on YouTube:

        1. @Verbs2015

          ^^^Yep, that’s the video. Notice the “dusty” – I wonder who he got THAT from….

      2. I don’t understand why some black men identify with the MGTOW label either. It’s filled with racist white dudes who claim to be done with white women, but will get in their feelings the minute the white woman with a man of color..

        1. Correction: I don’t understand why some black men identify with the MGTOW label either. It’s filled with racist white dudes who claim to be done with white women, but will get in their feelings the minute they see white woman dating a man of color..

        2. Correction: I don’t understand why some black men identify with the MGTOW label either. It’s filled with racist white dudes who claim to be done with white women, but will get in their feelings the minute they see a white woman dating a man of color..

          1. JD,

            It’s funny because MGTOW was originally founded by a black guy named Barbarosa who used to make videos on YouTube a long time ago. Even those racist Captain Snowy types have already admitted that black men were the first MGTOWs. Additionally, anybody who claims to be Red Pill but engages in dick policing activities as well as attempts to block another man’s life path in general is far from it.

      3. BCT,

        It’s funny cos LOM did a face to face interview with our old friend Auston Holleman a long while back and everything. Of course they never express their real feelings to our faces.

        There definitely is no camaraderie with Brad. It’s just like when bdubs in America were fooled into thinking white women were their allies when they were just simply being used as canon fodder because white women were angry at their men which had nothing to do with black men at all. Bdubs being disloyal were convinced to throw their counterparts under the bus only to be left high and dry and in a worse off position than they ever were.

        A lot of these accounts on Twitter before it became X started to reveal themselves after a while. Posting slick things like a white woman holding a mixed race child (real or photoshopped) with a caption like ‘I’m a single mother and no one wants to date me’ and just making little digs at black men in general. Some of them are just about fitness and general self improvement, but whenever we come into the picture they turn into a whole other beast and all that ‘positivity’ goes right out the window. If they weren’t so insecure, they could have worked together with likeminds to re-establish patriarchy in society, but when it comes to it, they’re always going to be threatened by the Black D (pause) as Frances Cress Welsing used to explain in depth.

        Black men have no allies.

  8. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Have you guys heard about the stragg who went to Pakistan with the hopes of marrying a 19 year old Pakistani male? In case you didn’t hear about it, her name is Onijah Robinson, and she is a nutjob:

    Here’s the livestream he did on this crazy big back hippo:

    In the comments section of the live, Onijah’s son, Jeramiah Robinson, left a comment telling Tito that he’s going to sue him if doesn’t take the video down; he actually created a whole new channel just to say that! Anyways, back to this crazy stragg; word on the street is that she catfished the young Pakistani male using a filter that makes her look like a White woman! I can hypothesize why she did that: (1) she must know how crazy these South Asian guys are for Becky, or (2) she wanted to present herself as the woman she wishes she looked like because she knows she’s not desirable; either way, that’s nasty work! Upon meeting her, his family pressured him to end the relationship, and now she refuses to leave; the world now sees what Black men have had to put up with for so long.

    1. Matt M,

      I’m surprised that black witch is still alive, the way she’s been talking to folks over there especially the men shows how she completely lacks decorum and additionally she foolishly believes the disrespectful antics she regularly pulls in the US can also flex in Pakistan, NOT SO.

      I grew up amongst Pakistani men, they’re not going to deal with a black woman unless that female is exceptionally attractive. They most certainly are NOT going to deal with a single mother, that type of status is heavy frowned upon in South Asian communities.

  9. Another Queen Mother Earth Goddess aged 29 fatally kills her 14 year old child after beating him for a whole HOUR over chores! SMH. Let him have been a drug dealer bringing home some cash and she’d be celebrating twerking all over the place.

    RIP to the poor boy. Your life is literally at risk when you come out of the womb of one these jackals.

    I’m sure the sistahood and the pro whack simps will be begging for leniency and blaming black men for this.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      This is precisely why as a free thinking black man you must NEVER put your seed into one of these Frankenstein monster black females. There isn’t a nurturing, mothering or caring element of DNA within them. They stay killing black children inside of the womb as well as outside. These modern day black females are the worst, at this point they’ve easily outdone the devil himself in wickedness and evil deeds by many, many miles, smh. RIP to the young lad.

      1. Verbs2015,

        I totally agree. They’re a very horrid bunch. Worst women ever. There’s no way I’m procreating with the same witches who gave me hell as a young boy. This is why decent black men are giving them a wide berth. We actually want our children to live happily and prosper through life.

    1. SYSBM Forvever,

      I don’t even know why the dude wasted his time. The definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting a different result every time. That precisely describes black men who still choose to deal with black women believing that one day they’ll eventually find that unicorn, smh.

      1. Verbs2015,

        I relayed to them it’s a waste of time trying to find that needle in the haystack, but some still insist on putting their hand in the fire hoping the next time they do it they won’t get burned. Oh well.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      These black sirens want a black man to have a resume of achievements 6 miles long, meanwhile Brad aka Admiral Frost is cleaning house with only a few degenerate sentences on social media, you really cannot make this stuff up. If a black man was speaking to these black harridans in the same manner, they would fake rage and talk about how he’s being “disrespectful”. It’s amazing how so called disrespectful comments all of a sudden becomes acceptable once the colour of the male is changed from black to white. This is just one of so many reasons why the overwhelming majority of black females(96% of them) simply cannot be taken seriously.

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