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Just to remind you guys that this will be the final article/blog for 2024. As per usual at this time of year I take a much needed break to relax as well as to recharge for the new year.
I’ll be back on the 31st January 2025, however in usual Slaying Evil fashion, I always end the year with an Open Mic so that you guys can continue to post articles, links, videos etc in the comment section during the Christmas and New Year periods.
I absolutely love these OG, old school mothers who aren’t afraid to check their daughters and keep them in line. Even though the daughter and her husband were obviously in on the prank together(because they knew exactly how the mother would react), I still love the way that the mother didn’t hold back in telling her daughter what she needed to do as a woman(cancel the rebellious attitude, submit to her man and talk nice).
The mother and her daughter are from Vietnam but live in California together with the father and the husband. The father also isn’t afraid to check his daughter whenever required.
It’s a damn shame and a pity that we don’t have more of this in the West, women here would be in a much better condition if their mothers especially would reprimand them instead of cosigning their bad behaviour. Meanwhile:
You already know the saying, single women keep other women single. The bottom line here is she’ll run from Red Pilled men simply because she cannot control and manipulate them. She now comprehends that the Red Pilled man understands exactly who she is and therefore there can be no room for any shenanigans and GAMES on her part.
I’ve already covered the body count topic a number of times here, Western women(especially black women) want to spend their prime years being whores/sluts but somehow avoid being penalised and judged for such trashy behaviour once they decide to descend from the Summit of Harlots.
Promiscuous women will ALWAYS be judged harshly on their loose sexual activity, @dejachanel and the rest of her ilk will NEVER be able to buck that righteous trend.
This is why I’ll continue to state without apology that black women as a collective have the IQ of a chicken nugget and the braincell of a slug. In her delusional mindset she really believes she can still remain autonomous whilst being in a relationship, you cannot make this stuff up.
Of course she loves a blue pilled simp because he’ll brownnose/bootlick for her all day, is ignorant to her questionable, dodgy scheming and isn’t going to hold her accountable for any of her out of pocket, dysfunctional behaviour.
Gentlemen, give disjointed harriets like this an extremely wide berth, they’re broken beyond repair and are only fit for the scrapheap. You have to laugh at modern women, they somehow want your protection without you having any authority over them, what a joke.
Additionally, as we already know, most black women are professionals at remaining single for life. Brothers, continue holding the fort and remaining steadfast to the truth.
Modern women DO NOT like the fact that through RP content, you are understanding exactly who they are and what games they frequently like to play. We are no longer ignorant to their manipulative devises, oh well, that’s their problem, NOT OURS. Finally:
All this talk from left leaning feminist Jezebels about preferring to be in the forest with a bear rather than a man was all premium grade garbage, we already know how most women are afraid of bugs, insects, spiders, cockroaches, all other creepy crawlies as well as men disguised in bush suits.
Claiming not to be afraid of a massive bear but they’ll run around like headless chickens at the sight of a moth or scream to high heaven when some random guy dressed in a bush suit catches them slacking, get outta here with that rubbish.
Wishing all of you guys a Happy Christmas, a prosperous, fruitful and blessed New Year. Your support towards myself as well as this website is always greatly appreciated. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Stay Individual(In Your Mind)
Most High Bless
This white Russian woman died at 19 years old from a polar bear attack.
If modern western women would rather have a bear then let them get eaten by all bears and don’t rescue at all.
The simps would always rescue to bail them out.
Wittexton Witwijf,
The closest some Western women have been to a bear is at the zoo. I would even go so far as to say that most Western women have never seen a bear in real life at all. Western women because of the ease and comfort of living in the West live in a completely different dimension, they haven’t touched reality in a very very long time. Let these delusional heifers have the bear, they’ll soon find out men are the better option.
Lawd have mercy!
SYSBM: The last article of 2024
White sugar honey: Yeah, it’s been quite a year!
Last week I was ill. I had a headache, runny nose, sore throt, tiredness, I was frigged up man. That’s why I couldn’t comment on the last two articles last week. But I still go things done still after I got better. Well, a little bit as I still got a headache.
So, the final article for 2024. Cool article. We’ve seen so much going on with the ratchet black women, simps, the white beta male and so on. And I know that we will see it again in 2025. Even though, passport bros and SYSBM is still doing fine and they goanna keep on doing what they are doing as usual.
Since I was in my 30’s and now in my 40’s, I have seen a lot now and it’s nothing but bull shit. I don’t hope for the best for some people as the way they act and they get act worse over time and what makes it worse that they love it. they enjoy it.
When it comes to interracial relationships, black men are dating non-black women in high numbers. I heard that black men are with non-black women in the UK by 60 per cent because of the ratchetness they have seen with some black women. So, they just say forget this ratchetness and deal with the non-black honeys instead, you get me? Let’s see what happens in 2025. What’s goanna happen? I really don’t know. Will I be blogging in 2025? Don’t know about that.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
See you in 2025!
Happy Christmas and a happy New Year to you fam. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Hope you have a Happy Christmas and also a happy new year as well too. SYSBM 2025
Apparently black women feel entitled to jump behind the counter and determine their own portions at restaurants now. Notice the simp loser telling them to “just let her get her food”. SMH! And you wonder why these losers always feel entitled…
Matt M,
If more people clouted disruptive, unruly and violent black women in the head every time they stepped out of line, their stragg, feral behaviour would get knocked on the head very quickly. I understand that the law ties people’s hands somewhat but at this stage enough is enough. If I had an food establishment/business, I wish a black witch would try something like that, she’d find out very quickly that not everybody is going to treat them with kid gloves whenever they choose to step out of pocket.
Look at that big back hippo; now, customers have complained in the past about Chipotle and their portion sizes, but she doesn’t realize that she can ASK for more? As for the zestmeister behind the camera, I wish clowns like him would just disappear.
Here’s a streamer’s reaction to the Keisha crashout that happened at Chipotle; this contains some more of the backstory, as well as the Keisha in question’s response to the viral moment:
Happy Open Mic Monday, and Merry Christmas! That prank that the girl pulled on her mom is the first one I’ve seen where the mother reacts; all others I’ve seen involved the mother and child being in on the joke while the dad was the target. This Vietnamese mother spoke like a drill sergeant, and did you see that side eye she gave her daughter? She has a little gangster in her, and you can tell she wasn’t playing around! We need more mothers like her; as for that daggle talking about “red pill red flags”, do we really expect any better from a demographic that lives with delusions of grandeur 24/7/365? As for the females who are easily frightened by bugs and a “bush man”, let’s hope that they fare better when the bear makes its presence known. Anyways, merry Christmas, and I wish us all a happy, prosperous, more productive new year!
Amazon delivery driver dumped 80 packages on the side of the road because she was “stressed”; I also find it interesting that Dailymail is the only news site I see that lists the gender of the Amazon driver (it was a female driver). The police don’t plan to charge her, but I think she should be fired for this.
The title of this video is a bit misleading, so allow me to add a little bit of context that can be found in the comments section: so, this guy’s name is Farhan Jami, and he was obsessed with a female Twitch streamer named Kylee Carter (her streamer name is “justfoxii”); this simp was so infatuated with her, he stalked her and even sent her money, but then he learned she had a boyfriend. This enraged Farhan, so he drove all the way from New York to Ohio to set her car on fire in act of revenge; he was able to get her address from a third party seller on Amazon (using her wishlist) by requesting the purchase information for Carter (who wasn’t home at the time).
Blue Collar Trevor,
And these modern women are out here stating that they want men to be “more emotional”, smh. Emotional, blue pilled simp men are extremely dangerous, they do stuff like setting people’s cars on fire. This is why we need to make masculinity great again because it keeps emotional outbursts as well as reckless effeminate behaviour at bay. It wouldn’t surprise me if the pyromaniac was raised in a single mother household.
HNY to everybody!
So check out this video from 1:40 – 5:20
Do these bdubs even hear themselves sometimes? So this “already well taken” Keisha goes on a rant because some random black man minding his business didn’t say hello to her lol. Nothing new, right?
I’m not even going to break down her whole spiel, because she KNOWS damn well why growing numbers of black men have started to avoid black females in public.
Just the mere fact she feels entitled to a random stranger’s attention, has no accountability and never once addressed her fellow sisters as to the huge part they have so obviously played in this is a big reason why black men are done. I wonder how her man feels about her making videos whining because other men don’t greet her? Then she finishes off with the classic “AiN’t yO mAmA bLaCk” closing remark. That train is never late.
Funny how other women will smile, greet us and even pursue when they’re interested, but bdubs don’t feel they have to initiate effort or even reciprocate anything, but then act surprised that non black women are “taking their men”.
SYSBM Forever,
The days of black men acknowledging black women in public departed a very long time ago. As you questioned, how can she sit there and not take into account the hostile and militant atmosphere black women especially have created around themselves whenever black men attempt to approach them? I have to question if she’s actually taken seeing as she’s placing so much emphasis on black men not saying hello to her in the streets. This is the volatile environment black women have created, they’re going to have to deal with the pile of ashes and rubble that have come about as a result. Likewise, non black women say hello or at least smile at me all the time, not these black sirens though, it’s typically cut eyes and dagger stares from them.
This is how blue pilled simps and white knights ought to be dealt with.
Context: The black girl and the white girl are having a verbal dispute, the black guy in the red hoodie makes a funny gesture behind them. The white girl takes offence and slaps the black guy in the face to which he rightfully slaps her back. Then the white guy in the grey hoodie decides to initiate blue pilled white knight services and subsequently gets his clocked cleaned. Moral of the story, DON’T defend the out of pocket behaviour of violent, dysfunctional females, DON’T DO IT. If this was in the streets, things would’ve ended up much worse for the blue pilled simp:
I remember seeing this video before; note that the girl didn’t even acknowledge the blue pilled simp to thank him.
This short clip had me rolling!!
Just your usual loud and wrong, never know when to shut up, big mouth bdub who earns herself six months in jail for mouthing off to the judge. Ole boy wasn’t playing when handing down them sentences LMAO!
This stragg went from 30 days to technically a whole year in less than 1 minutes; whew, that Black girl magic is powerful!
SYSBM Forever,
300 days just because she wanted to prove that she’s a “strong black woman”. The jokes concerning the modern day black female have been writing themselves for years, social media has given us a deeper and more detailed insight into just how unhinged and lost in oblivion the overwhelming majority of black women are. As per usual, no humility whatsoever.
Have you lot seen this video??
So this nutcase bdub decides to kidnap, verbally abuse, assault, scream and yell like a lunatic at these delivery men because the fridge wouldn’t fit in her kitchen. Of course, like most of these ‘educated’ black females, she brings up her doctorate degree as if that makes her Thanos with all the infinity stones.
I’ve seen some comments using the whole mental illness excuse. No, this is simply the actions of a spoilt, entitled female with Princess syndrome who has probably been pampered her whole life – on top of being a KKKeisha. I’ve seen this type of behaviour before. I have a distant cousin who is just like this. Things don’t go her way, she throws irrational tantrums like a spoilt brat and will try to goad you into a confrontation. Hence why I give that creature a wide berth.
When people talk about black females being ‘unalived’ by their black partners – this is why most of the time. The female in the video doesn’t have to worry about that though, because clearly this Larry guy is a punk and is probably scared of her. If she feels comfortable doing this to grown men who are complete strangers, you can just imagine what he’s going through. I’m sure there were a whole bunch of red flags when they met and he ignored them.
She should get fired from her job at the very least, then sued to oblivion and locked up.
Black man, stay away from ALL bdubs, whether they’re the ghetto or ‘educated’ types, cos as you can see, there’s not really much of a difference. You’re gonna get the same dysfunction and chaos.
They have the nerve to talk about white women, but at least ‘Becky’ has the right idea:
SYSBM Forever,
I watched this video not so long ago and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. She really took the dude’s bag executing a fully fledged mission to stop them from leaving, smh. She bragged about her doctorate(which is something black women always throw in black men’s faces) yet she ordered a fridge that didn’t fit into the space in the kitchen, you cannot make this stuff up.
As for Larry the blue pilled simp, he started to annoy me when the guy whose backpack she stole began to increase the aggression in trying to get his bag back, Larry turned on him and started preventing him from retrieving the bag.
These blue pilled simps are a pestilence and a serious annoyance, as I’ve stated before, they’ll always stand in the way of getting men back to their rightful place.
The above highlights one of the bigger problems in gynocentric societies. this is what happens when men choose to tune down their masculinity and compromise their manhood in order to placate to the opposite sex.
Wild, feral, unbridled, masculine, violent women will come flooding out of the woodwork thick and fast with entitled, arrogant, haughty and prideful attitudes. This is one of many reasons why we need to make classic masculinity and traditional manhood great again and without hesitation throw the opinions of left leaning, feminist Jezebels straight into the sewer pipe.
I’m starting to think this Larry dude is not even her partner at all. In fact, everything about her screams ‘divestor’ and I sense a disdain for black men in particular. I wouldn’t be surprised if she goes online with all that ‘bullet bags’ and ‘kangz’ talk.
He’s probably a ‘friend’ – one of those simpish bag carrier/errand boy hangers-on types that she just uses and bosses around and has no regard for. “THAT’s not my husband” instead of “HE’s not my husband” says it all. He obviously has the spine of a jellyfish and no doubt it put the battery in her back to make her think she can just talk to ALL men that way. He must be really down on his luck because there’s no way the average man who has anything going for himself would tolerate half that mess on his worst day. He’s got easy mark written all over him.
This is why men need to be on their purpose and be self sufficient, because I’d be damned if I’m ever in a position where a woman feels comfortable enough to bark orders and tell me to shut the fukk up and talk down to me like I’m nothing.
Worst part of it all is that apparently the delivery guy refused to press charges! Trust another black man to let the side down so a bdub can get away with murder once again. Police could have rolled by at any moment and arrested or even blown him and his coworker away, but no let’s forgive the ‘kween’ who tried to destroy them over a fridge so she can get up to her usual antics again once the heat dies down. SMH.
A happy New Year to you all, additionally I appreciate you keeping this comment section lit with these crazy videos.
This is Keisha on the frontlines on patrol. The solution is simple, take out the dog as quickly as possible so that medical aid can be administered to the injured woman on the ground.
Of course Keisha continued to waste time fumbling the mission and refused to do what needs to be done aka take the dog out. The above video proves why women in general should NOT be on the frontlines when it comes to any occupations where lives are at risk.
Finally Keisha decided that the dog needed to be taken out and does what should’ve been done from the start. This video was disgusting, the injured party could’ve received medical care a lot sooner had Keisha not wasted so much time at the beginning.
Happy New Year brothers! 2025 and Keishas are still taking Ls. Courtesy of:
L Express – Delivery in 30 minutes or the next L is free. Worldwide. 24x7x365.
Happy New Year, fellow SYSBM Knights! As we continue into the new year, I want to highlight some trends that we as a society need to permanently leave behind in 2024; whether it be in social media or the real world, these things need to stop. Here’s a small list that I’ve compiled (feel free to add anything that I may have missed):
Podcasts: I’ll admit, there are some good podcasts out there, but there are way too many of them that shouldn’t be on the airwaves because the hosts and their guests have the most intellectually vapid conversations ever. It’s not every and any person who should be starting a podcast!
TikTok: I thought TikTok was cool at first because you could do fun, creative content like they used to do on Vine (in spite of the revelation of it potentially being used as a spy tool by the Chinese); at this point, they should just throw the whole platform out because it has become a repository for brainrot, misinformation, and propaganda. A lot of misandry is spoken freely on that platform.
Influencers: I have spoken extensively on influencers and the role they have to play; they have the label “influencer” because they serve the same purpose that Hollywood stars serve: they use their influential platforms to spread the messages that they are paid to preach to their followers.
So called “Pranksters”: There was a time when pranks were done on family and friends at home before some big YouTubers started doing them in public; sadly, that genre has devolved into certain low IQ individuals committing acts of crime and public harassment on innocent people. Whenever their targets foght back, they scream “it’s just a prank, bro”; these losers make me sick!
IRL Streamers: These guys are another batch of idiotic individuals who, much like the pranksters, harass people in public and push their buttons for likes, views, and clicks; this style of content is so maddening, many of us wish for the downfall of these streamers. What’s even more maddening is how these dudes get rich off of this content in such a short period of time while people who do honest work everyday have to struggle and sacrifice to reach that same level.
Man-on-the-Street Interviews: We’ve all seen the clips of guys like “The Desirable Truth” interviewing these lowest common denominator females, and more famously, Tim & Dee TV, when he interviewed the Hawk Tuah Girl; is it just me, or do all of these street interviewers follow the same script with what they do? There’s no originality with the questions, the questions aren’t wholesome, and the women they talk to are all trash!
OnlyFans (and similar sites): This one should really go without saying; I’ve seen several cases of women who’ve all left good professions or quit school to do OnlyFans because it was more lucrative than their chosen career paths. You know it’s bad when even female celebrities are getting into the OF hustle.
Balloon pop dating shows: Now, I like the novel concept behind the balloon pop dating show, but has become nothing more than a humiliation ritual for the male contestants; there’s also the ridiculous reasons that the females give for why they popped their balloons.
20v1 dating shows: Another novel concept for dating that has devolved into decadence and degenerate behavior; Black YouTube is most guilty of this allegation with their countless variations of this concept which features the inclusion of children, especially child rapper Lil RT. Alot of the content from that genre also borders dangerously close to child porn.
Relationship/dating “experts”: These people are a breed of scammers that give some of the worst advice ever when it comes to dating; they also charge you crazy amounts of money for courses that don’t provide results that will benefit you in the long term.
Simp gurus: These males all run the same hustle: pander hard to females, build a following, sell them something; wash, rinse, repeat. Derrick Jaxn set the bar for this, and now we have other “Jaxn clones” like Pastor Papi Don, Chris “GQ” Perry, Ace Metaphor, and YADA Awakening; I landlord hate these types of males!
Social media “Newspeak”: This is one of the dumbest, most annoying manifestations I’ve seen on social media; I’m sure you’ve all noticed this, as well: people who use lingo such as “grape”, “corn”, “unalive”, “delete”, “self delete”, “SA’d,” and “CP” to substitute words that describe horrific acts. People actually started doing this to get around the censorship of the algorithm, but it seems to have become the norm for people with larger platforms.
Clickbait/Ragebait content: This one is for those content creators who are so bereft of creativity that they resort to making videos with AI generated thumbnails and exaggerated titles; these people also address certain issues in such a manner, it only serves to justify bias and make the viewer angry (they especially love doing this with content on race related issues).
Staged videos: Another pathetic thing people do for clout is staging videos of things like Karen encounters, relationship drama, bad first dates, etc.; its gotten so bad, you can’t tell what real or what’s fake anymore. I just had an epiphany: what if this staged content is all part of a ploy to destroy the credibility of commentators who address these matters? Critics would say they can’t take them seriously because the video is obviously staged; I’ve seen this very thing with the Cheesecake Factory video.
I don’t know how long it took you to write this but you’ve pretty much nailed it. Anything that may not be covered here I’m sure we’ve already discussed in previous years. A maximum salute to you for this breakdown.
Honestly, it carried over from one day into the next; it was one thing to compile the list, but it was another to break each individual item down.
In the words of Dee Shanell:
“They need to raise the price of microphones”
So that Brazilian ho who worked as a Prison officer has been sentenced to 15 months. Mind you, she’s married, she and her husband are swingers and have an eight year old daughter! What an example to set. These harlots who are so eager to show the whole world what their privates look like for a quick buck never stop to think that one day their kids are gonna grow up and be tormented over shit their parents did. SMH
I never understood why they allow females to work in male prisons anyway. When things kick off a 5’4 chick isn’t gonna subdue a deranged muscular 6’5 man. Most of these female officers are getting their cheeks clapped by prisoners, but they’re at least smart enough to try and keep it on the DL.
BTW look at her mugshot compared to how she looks all glammed up. Makeup is truly sorcery.
SYSBM Forever,
This is one of the major problems social media has caused, everybody is so quick to whip out their phones and start recording because they all want to go viral. To be honest by far it is mostly women who have been bitten by the “I’ve got to go viral” bug, they’ll engage in all kinds of decadent degeneracy while the camera is rolling believing the moment is going to thrust them into stardom, smh.
That prison officer clearly wasn’t thinking but this is typical of modern day women these days. I really don’t understand what positive she thought would come out of her being recorded while getting dicked down by Slim Sauce in a cell.
Most women never think ahead, they only focus on the moment in front of them. This is yet another reason why I’ll maintain the position that women need to be controlled by men. Most women cannot perceive negative future outcomes based upon bad decisions they’ve made in the past and also in the present.
Get a load of this neo Nazi loser:
It’s been said that racial purity is the battle cry of the unattractive, and this guy is no exception; he couldn’t even stop doing what he was initially charged for long enough to avoid getting arrested again. On top of that, it sounds like he has mental issues which he’s been prescribed medication for; this is who claims to be the “master race”.
I cannot argue with what you said, half way decent looking to handsome white men aren’t engaging in this type of insecure, racist behaviour. You can clearly see the serious lack of testosterone in this guy, smh. These soy boys are something else. There is no way that I’d put my freedom on the line for foolishness like this.
Excellent breakdown of a totally ridiculous lecture from some white male simp advising females how to “train” and control their husbands.
SYSBM Forever,
This video above is one of the main reasons why in my church beast book I advise folks to walk away from the church and formulate their own true personal relationship with God outside of its confines. The so called “church” overall is a joke, the black church is even worse of a mockery and a disgrace. Both have been feminised and taken over by swindling, dodgy merchants who’ll allow women to run amuck in exchange for their coffers being filled every Saturday/Sunday. No wonder most men have already checked out of the church, it’s just become a cesspool of knuckleheaded females who attend just to be entertained No thanks, I’m good, I’ll pass.
Single Mom Loses BIG On Fake Check Scam:
So, this single mother is struggling to pay her rent with a server’s job (that isn’t even full time from the sound of it), but she foolishly listened to some guy she met a few months prior to dress up as a nurse and cash a bad check; I don’t care how badly down you are, but common sense should’ve told her something was wrong from the start. So much for “women’s intuition”.
Happy New Year Gentlemen and Verbs,
What has been happening during Christmas and New Year:
We had Kid Organic going hard on FBA (Foundational Black Americans) and it turn out that FBA has been trademark. The Pro Black claims that Tariq is not the leader of the FBA. Then some brothers has showing proof the Kid Organic that Tariq has trademark and own FBA. The question Kid ask is ‘How can you trademark a Lineage?”
Link =
This happen because FBA got butthurt over Fat Joe’s opinions
This video is very depressing because AC and the Red-Pill, also Verbs stated this many times that these BM are living in plantation and not aware of this. Something this hit home that one of MBD’s video and AC video. The comment I saw the simps have this ‘Stockholm’ mindset and this is sad.
This clip is about the wife swap and the Becky is saying to the BM that let the wife do wife stuff and men do hubby’s stuff. But this BM is use to dealing with BW so much he has been brainwashed completely by the Keisha that he is doing every chose in the house whilst his BW wife is acting all liberal
I want brothers to see this and show you what happen when you never break free and stuck with this Stockholm Plantation mindset.
Link =
In the UK:
Kier Starmer is getting a lot of hate because of the grooming gangs and other legal stuff.
That is what happen when the Brad is too liberal. Brian Solange stated that it is payback for invading foreign countries and let them in the UK for decades, they will take over. Islam is a threat for the west but since Brads cannot talk shit about the Muslims, they have to deal with it.
It is kind of funny because 14 years of Tories this ‘Whites vs Muslim’ stuff died down, then Labour is back in 14 years later, the war against Muslim is back.
I have to agree with comments commenter SYSBM Forever made a while back regarding FBA, they are literally a hate group who love to and can’t wait to hate on others. As I’ve stated many times before, Tariq Nasheed is all about the money and he has no problems merchandising his own FBA flock in order to keep those cheques rolling in. It’s just a pity that most of the people who follow Nasheed can’t see how they’re being hoodwinked and fleeced.
As for the second clip, black men in the US by far have the worst female counterparts bar none. The things most black men put up with from black women are beyond fathomable. In the West traditional women are so hard to come by, they most certainly DO NOT exist in black female society. Black women collectively are the mascots of the mutant feminist movement, a bunch of lazy, decadent slobs who are always looking for free handouts and an easy ride through life.
As for the UK, unfortunately most people here believed the country would continue to prosper using the devil’s formula. You cannot be a prosperous nation without a moral compass in place as well as a strong conviction regarding what’s right and wrong. Both of those come from a belief in God which for a while now has been decomposing in the sewer pipe.
When you reject God, devils are only too happy to step in and ruin your life. Note that back in the day when more people at least held to a semblance of Christian beliefs/faith, Islam wasn’t a problem. Jesus Christ and the bible are extremely effective repellents against the Islam English white folks claim is destroying the country.
I want to speak to the live that Kid Organic did about FBAs attacking Fat Joe: so, Tariq Nasheed (real name Marcus Sanders) trademarks FBA and is the sole owner; as Kid Organic asked, how can you trademark a lineage of people? Tariq just hoodwinked Black Americans with the same con game the Black church and pro Whacks used; who is supposed to benefit from this trademark outside of him? I, too, agree with SYSBM Forever that FBA is a hate group; they attack Blacks who aren’t descendants of slaves as well as Blacks who disagree with them by calling them names. Sounds very much like other prominent hate groups, does it not? FBA should mean “Federal Black Agent” because that’s what Tariq is looking like right now.
I remember Kid Organic mention a rumour and some brothers send of email as proof of FBA has been trademark.
Turns out this was reveal 2 years ago but it died down.
I found some links to this trademark for the brothers to see:
Link 1 =
Link 2 =
Link 3 =
Women: Men today are broke and dusty if he can’t pay your bills.
Also Women:
These modern day females are a damn joke, they don’t even know the proper definition of the word broke, but they love to throw said word in men’s faces all the time, smh. Most of these heifers are struggling financially big time, this is why they love to place such a big emphasis on men PROVIDING. Nope, no free meals nor cash handouts will be provided over here.
Life just gets crazier by the minute.
In any other time in history, I’d say this dude couldn’t run a bath, but the political landscape in this country (and of course the US) is such a parody of itself, he might as well be Prime Minister. It would be like a real life version of the show Spitting Image, but what’s the difference?
Maybe I’ll apply for Director General of the HMPO and start issuing passports lol.
SYSBM Forever,
I couldn’t believe what I was watching when a friend sent this to me yesterday. I listened to Tate’s speech and there was nothing he said that I disagreed with. The main problem in my opinion is two fold, as stated, this country is clearly being run by Satanist devils and the majority bulk of the UK people don’t believe in God either. Godless countries without fail will quickly fall into tyranny.
At least with Trump and the American people minus the lunatic lefty DEMONcrats, they have the right idea in that Christian values and morality desperately need to be restored in the US order for the nation to prosper:
Now, how far Tate will progress in this endeavour remains to be seen. It’s sad to see that NOBODY is looking out for the people over here, nobody. The UK needs an anomaly, either some outside interference or militant random mavericks from within to break the chains of this two party ping pong that has their feet on people’s necks.
I just wondering how much worse things will have to get before more people begin waking up. Unfortunately, most people in the UK are comatose, as long as their bellies are full, they can come home from work, switch on the idiot box and zone out watching Corry or Eastenders, they really don’t care about what is going on around them.
When you’re surrounded by folks who don’t believe in God and additionally are apathetic to evil and wickedness, you’re in serious trouble. Literally outside of a miracle, the UK is cooked for good.
I’ve said my piece on Trump and have nothing more to add about him (I don’t care about Greenland, but leave Panama the **** alone), however no matter how much of a joke UK politics are, I just can’t see them actually electing a mixed race supposed muslim PM any time soon. I mean, the BRUV party lol.
Anybody who wants to grab the big seat will say what people want to hear, that’s how it’s been from time immemorial, so I’m not moved by him stating the obvious. Stevie Wonder can see this country is a godforsaken huge mess, it’s not rocket science.
I will say though, the politicians in this country don’t even pretend to care about the state it’s in. Apart from the terrible state of the economy, dilapidated housing, terrible wages and discouragement of entrepreneurship, I’m horrified at the brazen lawlessness it’s descended into and the total political incompetence. Prime Ministers constantly change like playing a game of musical chairs, clowns like Sadiq Khan get a knighthood for doing fuck all while the capital is not even a shell of its former self. As for the main man, I don’t even know what use he has or what his deal is. It’s like he’s just there, that’s it.
There’s just been a particularly bleak energy/dark cloud hovering over this place for a while that was never there before. It wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but it just feels different nowadays which is why so many people are leaving. Satanists have always ran this place, heck they got rid of Jill Dando, the most high profile white woman since Princess Diana and the killer’s still running free.
As far as christian values, well, depending what one believes in, it seems like judgement has started early in America – Hollyweird specifically – despite it being a ‘Christian’ country. 2 Timothy 3:1-5 applies to that place more than any other. UK is definitely beyond cooked, it’s burned. I don’t even want to think what it’s gonna look like 10 years from now if things carry on at this rate.
Brad to Becky: “Burn the coal, you pay the toll!”
Also Brad to Becky:
My thoughts on this are as follows: I don’t buy into this notion that Spencer’s head injuries from playing tackle football contributed to the actions he took when he stalked Madison and stabbed her; there are plenty of White chickenshit clowns like him who have done the same without suffering brain injuries. That’s just who Brad is! Another thing that stood out to me is how Madison said she was in the process of getting a restraining order at the time of her stabbing; she said she was collecting evidence of Spencer’s movements, and his truck being present at the restaurant was another piece of evidence that would’ve helped her in getting said order. It’s maddening to know that there are women who’ve gotten restraining orders for much less than what she endured, and for BS reasons, on top of that.
One thing I must ask: why are White parents so negligent when it comes to their children who have issues? They bought their son the knife he used in the attack and wouldn’t confiscate it, even with the knowledge of his worsening depressive state. They should’ve made sure that he wasn’t in possession of anything that he could use to harm himself or others; I mean, he had already attempted suicide! Now, I don’t know what the restaurant had to do with this, because they had no way of knowing Spencer would crashout like that; I’d understand if they had been forewarned about him, but that’s not the case.
Here is your average single black mother at it once again, always resorting to violence and as per usual failing to keep her devil spawn seedlings under control.
I’ve come across so many videos like this over the years, single black mother allows her children to run amuck in areas where they should be controlled and properly supervised.
As soon as somebody else steps in to do what is right, the black witch goes off on the do-gooder and many times as in this case, things can get violent.
Shout out to the YouTube channel NightwingBMV1, a free thinking brother who has been documenting the modern day black female’s dysfunction and downfall for years:
Happy New Years everyone
Here’s a video from from someone who is allied with SYSBM. It’s in regards to an incident that happened on one of the American base Airlines, American Airlines to be specific. I wish I could say this is uncommon but it’s not. And at least we’re going to get a chance to see who really means what they say about “unity” and all this other b******* and who are just saying it for political reasons. But most of us have discussed this issue of bigotry disguised as “Wellness checks” especially Verbs and well this is something we need to be conscious of and just really boycott this f******
They better f****** get over it
Mack G
Shoutout to General Tito!
This “Doctor” really think she can tell a man she wants the passcode to his phone lol.
At 42 years old with her history, she should be thankful that a dude would even be willing to smash and then maybe drop her off at the nearest train station if he’s feeling generous. You’re unlikely to give a man kids at that age, but think you can talk like you’re in your sexual prime. Give me a break. They jus never evolve or grow up.
It’s laughable that black females always come with this masculine, rough and tough, crash-bang-wallop, bull in a china shop, adversarial demeanor straight out the gate and then seriously wonder why they’re avoided.
No real man with backbone will ever entertain that bullshit. No one’s getting access to my phone. If you have trust issues, that’s your problem. It’s not about whether I have “something to hide”, it’s the principle. Not that I’d ever have to explain myself anyway, but that’s my personal property with private exchanges, banking, utilities, social media etc and other stuff that would be a security issue if it gets in the wrong hands. The answer is no and that’s that. I have no interest in your passcode either unless it’s an emergency and you can’t access it for some reason.
Most importantly, you don’t get to dictate shit and tell me what the rules are and what “better be” going on, I TELL YOU. Being feminine and cooperative would actually go a long way and get you what you want, but you know how it is with this demographic. They’d rather invoke chaos and let everything be reduced to rubble before they let a man lead. I mean, look at the type of females they listen to. Being sweet, feminine and cooperative would go a long way, but they wouldn’t know anything about that.
Of course, this really isn’t my problem cos she would never have my number to begin with, let alone access to my actual device. Let the simps like Larry in one of my previous post deal with this shit.
Dr. Cheyenne Bryant is a fraud; also, it’s been alleged that she is a lesbian, so anything she has to say about heterosexual relationships means nothing to me!
Ohhhh…They got played
I don’t even keep up with most of these chicks because all these internet grifters come a dime a dozen nowadays. The mere fact she’s 42 and can’t settle with anybody says it all.
This right here proves that woman are retarded; she divorced her husband and used the money from the divorce to help an AI Brad Pitt. Come on, now…
I’ll keep on saying it till the cows come home, the modern day female has the IQ of a chicken nugget and the braincell of a slug. The video you’ve posted is just one of many reasons why women NEED men, to protect women from their braindead, knuckleheaded, living in a fantasy land selves. A man would’ve seen that scam coming from 100,000 miles away. Men have a deep foresight and extended perception, women DON’T. That scammer is laughing all the way to the bank, laughing really hard as well.
Saturday Night Live parodied “Pop the Balloon” on their latest program; were they accurate, or not? Check it out:–Q?si=L-kQslZ7WJosRFX2
Seems like a black male hater has met their untimely demise:
Some simp in the comments has the nerve to ask why don’t we address what she’s saying in the video lol.
We’ve BEEN addressing this: when you date and deal with trash black males and call the rest of us lames, cornballs, nerds etc this is what happens. Then you take it out on all black men and wish death upon us. Yet when we distinguish ourselves from the Pookies and Ray Rays, WE’RE the problem.
I’ve seen this female around social media for YEARS thotting it up and she had nothing to offer outside of a pretty face. Welp, too bad a simp couldn’t rescue her in time. Don’t expect no tears to be shed over here.
I don’t even know who this broad is (thank God); she sounds just as messed up as any dark skinned daggle.
Oh well. Karma came back like a boomerang. She got the day she deserved. Be even funnier if it turned out Chad deleted her. So what’s for dinner?
SYSBM Forever,
That black witch won’t be missed. As you said, I too despise these types of women who deliberately go out of their way to pick the trash of black male society expecting the relationships to run smoothly when even a nugget head could’ve seen and informed them of disaster coming down the pike.
Then of course all black men are now to blame because of her stupid choices in dealing with gutter dudes. It would’ve surprise me if she was taken out by the same 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce, Field Mouse types she was chasing after and no doubt getting her cheeks clapped by.
Thoughts on Flu shots? Especially since there’s a lot of information of their side effects and more.
This is Ace. Also the same person who commented on this post and many others before.
I personally would avoid the flu shot like the plague. The arch enemy of the flu is vitamin D3. You’re better off either getting a Vitamin D3 injection(a large dose) or you can supplement orally with the same.
At minimum an individual should be getting at least 8000iu of Vitamin D3 everyday. I supplement with between 20,000iu – 40,000iu daily. Additionally, make sure you take your D3 with Vitamin K2 to prevent calcium buildup in the arteries. Many companies combine both vitamins.
You can also throw in some Zinc into the mix while you’re at it, yep the same Zinc that was heavily demonised by big pharma during the Convid-1984 plandemic. Ensure the Zinc you take has a high ELEMENTAL zinc content.
Oh well. Karma came back like a boomerang. She got the day she deserved. Be even funnier if it turned out Chad deleted her. So what’s for dinner?
I’ve been getting error messages when I try to post for awhile now. I have to post, get error message that I made multiple posts (I didn’t), refresh, then go back to my post, then refresh again, then it appears. Any idea what the problem is? I’m on Chrome.
Yo Moma Black,
I’ve checked the website’s health and everything is good on my end but I’ll keep on eye in things. I don’t know what’s going on with the error messages but I’ll take a look at a few things that could be causing the issue.
Yet another example illustrating why women should NOT be on the front lines of any employment where people’s lives are at risk, smh. I have no words for this one.
You may not have words right now, but I’ll share some: this female cop is INCOMPETENT! I was so glad to read that she was getting fired over this incident; I also loved that the video included the bodycam footage from all 3 of the officers on scene. Did she not learn gun safety? She had her finger ON THE TRIGGER when she was removing the gun from holster; after shooting him, she just stands around like an NPC! That poor man; I hope he got the most handsome payout from this.
Black woman and her bottom shelf Bob get caught in a fraudulent check cashing scheme. I thought these dudes were supposed to be providers…
Wait, what? I thought Brad was the ultimate provider who was soooo much better than us dusty black males. I also thought Brad only got the top %1 of black women. There must be some mistake!
“What’s your favourite thing about him?”
“HIS MIND….his perspective on things”
When’s the last time you heard that from a “sista”? I’ll wait….
So much for the fEtIsH argument “our” women always love to pull.
Go where you’re appreciated and loved for YOU, black man. Once you have that, the physical and monetary side of things will have her eating out of the palm of your hand. That’s why you see non black women all over their black men.
SYSBM Forever,
That tells me that she actually listens to her man and values his input which is something very rare these days. Too many Western women out here roaming the streets believing they can breeze through life riding on the disjointed and jacked up advice from other broken beyond repair females.
Said women seriously believe they getting ahead in life by refusing to listen to men, oh well, that’s their funeral and their problem, NOT mine. Just like stubborn and prideful teenagers they think they know it all but in time will find out the hard way that they in fact don’t.
A few other things I noticed in this short clip:
– She didn’t have to pause or stop and think when asked what attracted her to him. When she mentioned his qualities it flowed so naturally and you could hear the genuine warmth in her voice. It wasn’t “he listens to ME, makes ME feel good, me me me….”
– He made a little comment in jest which led to their relationship. He didn’t need to have “swag” or sound like some Shaft/Superfly knockoff with the smooth lyrics. He didn’t have to “come correct”. Being playful was enough and she gravitated towards it. Can you imagine how he’d get dissed or probably be the topic of some bullshit tiktok video if he said that to a certain demographic? I’m all for men being stoic/serious about their business, but there should be balance and if I can’t be silly or playful with my partner at times, what’s the point.
– He mentioned she brings out a different side of him and gets him out of his shell when he’s feeling apprehensive about things. I’ll say this though, as men there’s no problem with us having a bit of wariness now and again, but we just need to bear in mind that women are supposed to be the “scary” ones lol. It’s good cos they both clearly complement and bring out the best in each other.
– She smiles at him, makes eye contact and just has a friendly, feminine disposition. I’m not walking around with some hard expressioned female who looks like an extra in an Onyx video. Also, a woman should sing your praises (and vice versa as long as she’s proved herself worthy). If she doesn’t make it clear to me and to others she values and respects me as her partner and as an individual, again, what’s the point. I really hate when I see good brothers with women who make it so obvious they’re only being tolerated at best. No reason to put up with that when you have so much going for yourself.
For black men who can’t move abroad or get to travel a lot, these are the type of women you go for.
The Twitter link isn’t working for me, but I must say I love the SYSBM music in MadbusdriverX’s latest videos!
This Ohio Karen tried to falsely accuse a Black man of stalking her:
So, this Karen (her name is Michelle Bishop) is now “crying” crocodile tears because she got cslled out as a racist (which I believe she is); I also find it funny how she immediately tried to gaslight the man and his wife when she returned with her husband, but that’s what White people do: they’re professional gaslighters. Nowhere in her apology did she say sorry to DaMichael, but to the outraged people who have blown up her phone and social media with comdemnatory messages; she’s since made her social media accounts private. If I were her husband, I’d be very upset with her for two main reasons: (1) her actions have brought unwanted negative attention to our family, and (2) she left the stroller behind at the Jenkins’ home! Another reason I’d be upset with her is because her actions will hurt her business; she’s a certified trainer and is both founder and CEO of “The Ladies Edge”.
Verbs and Gentlemen,
Check this out:
We have a woke bishop Mariann Edgar Budde who wants to ple for mercy to Donald Trump to show mercy towards the alphabet and the immigrants.
These liberals think that she is a brave women to stand up to Donald Trump. But unfortunately this is a ‘Black Eye’ on religion and liberals because whilst she is a Woke Activist, she never mention about the homeless American people, crime cause by immigrants and because of California was so focus on cutting water budget and give California’s budget to Ukraine, immigrants and LGBT, they have no may to put out the wild fire which 2000 homes are gone. Thanks to these people are pro liberals and being an Anti-Trump in California has now cost them their homes. Bishop did not mention that.
Trump did respond about the sermon that it was a crap one.
Then you have these liberals trying to compare with Exodus with the bible.
No, the Exodus is about leaving the plantation. As for using the bible about ‘love they foreigners’, those radical foreigners can take over and conquer the country without firing a shot. How do I know this?
This has been happening in the UK for years between White Men and Islam. However 14 years of Tories has slowed it down. When Labour is back into power, Muslim is back in the business to take over the whites. This also apply to Western Europe.
Back to this woke bishop, being a pro alphabet and pleading to Trump is a complete contradiction to the bible. Even Kid Organic went hard on her on his live stream. This sermon was the maximum blasphemous to the core.
Link 1 =
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Start from 47:30 at
I’m glad you posted this, allow me put my two pence into the mix. Firstly, I’m glad President Trump slammed her political speech and her cruddy service.
Secondly, as specified in the scriptures, women are NOT supposed to be in authoritative positions within the church, they are to be silent learning from the men namely their husbands.
These female preachers, pastors, bishops, reverends etc as far as Christ is concerned are all null and void. Additionally, Budde as a sodomite pretending to believe in the bible is a blatant desecration of the word of God itself.
There is no way that she can read the scriptures and come away with the idea that engaging in LGPTQP sodomite decadence is permissible, the bible clearly states that homosexuality and such likes are an abomination.
This witch believes God is a liberal just like herself, she deceptively has bought into the notion that by putting on a clergy robe, standing behind a pulpit and preaching, these actions will somehow save her from the gates of Hell, NOT SO.
I was actually quite angry when she asked Trump to be merciful on the alphabet crew because they’ve shown NO MERCY towards the countless number of innocent children they’ve successfully managed to indoctrinate, brainwash, program and convert into their degenerate cult.
Let’s not forget the countless labels and slogans that they’ve liberally thrown against folks over the years who’ve refused to support them in their decadent endeavours. In their eyes you’re not allowed to not support their causes. Degenerate bullies now pleading for mercy, what a joke.
As for showing mercy on illegals, don’t make me laugh. These US socialist democrats have imported the worst of the worst into America, the absolute scum buckets which is one of the main reasons why the country is spiralling down the toilet bowl.
Back to the alphabet crew, these sodomites have been relentless in pushing their agenda in the faces of anybody and everybody including children, therefore the time for leniency and mercy towards them has long departed.
Lastly, a shout out to President Trump for declaring that there are only two genders/sexes, male and female.
Has President Obama finally gone SYSBM? Rumors swirl about his tryst with Jennifer Aniston while Big Mike seethes.
Obama has suffered for his country and endured Mike’s disrespect long enough. Remember when she said she “hated him for 10 years” during their marriage? Or the time she said she was a “single mother”? Not to mention sitting out Trump’s inauguration.
Now it’s POTUS’ time to shine with his bunny. This is hilarious.
You can be President of the United States and still not get the respect of these black HEFFAS.
All roads lead to SYSBM!!!!!
Women are allowed to be predators:
Just to let you guys know that yesterday this website received a “friendly” visit from an individual portraying themselves as a racist Captain Snowy(though it could’ve been a black female because already we know how they go around online pretending to be white men just to start beef with black men). The individual who went by the handle “Kill All Ni***rs” assuming the person is actually a white male posted the following:
“Dumb ass nigger. You think ugly dark skin and black eyes are the standard of beauty amongst women? 😬 Be real. Black males are the least desired. You are seen as human garbage by women of all races. White men are the most respected & sexually desired men in the world. Being White is literally premium capital in the West. White, middle eastern, asian & hispanic women – all prefer White men. Even the poorest White man is still privileged in this country just because of the color of his skin. White men have looks, power and status. It’s a white man’s world, you’re just living in it.”
At the wise suggestion of commenter SYSBM Forever, the link to the Open Mic Wednesday where this comment was posted is linked below, feel free to respond to this dickhead if you so please:
I think that was a Black witch who left that comment; it could possibly be a racist Brad, but there is little to no difference between the two outside of race and gender.
Blue Collar Trevor,
Agreed, both behave in exactly the same manner.
Blue Collar Trevor,
You know what, now that I think about it, everything about that post from “KAN” gives off bedwench vibes. Probably the type who indulges in slave race roleplay:
Even white women are noticing lol. How embarrassing. But these are who black males still simp for and call Queens?
Like you said in response, it’s also weird how they commented on a post from months ago, almost as if they were scared we’d see it lol.
My reply still stands either way, cos they’re pretty much one in the same anyway.
Yes, this is a Plantation Keisha whitefishing as a Bottom Shelf Brad. Nobody cheerleads and hypes up white men like the ghetto gagging black bedwench. Keyword that gave it away: “least desired.”
Maybe I’m giving too much credit to (racist) Brad, but even he doesn’t pump himself up like that. If anything, he’s trying to convince you that white skin privilege doesn’t exist.
Also fully agree with SYSBM Forever that they buried that comment on an old page on purpose to avoid the fallout…even though the post is anonymous. Weak.
And Blue Collar Trevor’s link to the Keisha who does slave play is hilarious. Funny how her white GF sold her out and put her business out there. All these bedwenches want slavery to come back, don’t let them come back to the communitah trying to be Sister Souljah after play-acting like Kizzy in the sheets.
Here is yet another example demonstrating how Indian men also have deep insecurities regarding black folks and how they too cannot compete on an equal playing field. General Blizzard rolls into their country and destroys it yet they still lick his muddy boots, grovel at his feet and worship him. Yet, a black man can’t even run a barber shop within their vicinity without one of them engaging in some vindictive garbage. Mind you, black folks historically have done nothing wrong to Indians, make it make sense:
It really amazes me that black people in 2025 still think trying to prove their humanity and being all inclusive to everyone will just warm hearts and make people love and respect us. How have you not yet received the memo that that’s just not the way the world works?
Honestly, I hate to say it, but from a fellow person of Jamaican descent, this dude is a fool and I’m being nice as possible, because all that “brother” shit was really pissing me off. Just open up the damn store and serve whoever comes in, why the big song and dance about “everyone’s welcome here” and repeating yourself like a parrot?
Indian dudes are no brothers of mine at all. Only time they call you that is when they want you to buy something. I’ve heard how they get down in Canada with their anti black racism. Their most prolific one, Vivek Ramaswamy went out of his way to talk down on black people in America for brownie points and to elevate himself, only to now get egg on his face after receiving his wake up call and reminder that he’ll never be one of them (Ann Coulter literally told him this to his face ages ago).
Over here in the UK, we already know how Indians get down. We were the main ones fighting on their behalf, with nothing but disrespect shown for it in return. You even had the recent case of that Indian mother who got that black teenager locked up in Dubai for a year cos he had a thing with the daughter. You know she wouldn’t have done that to a white boy. They only wanna reach out to us when they’re in trouble and want backup cos they know the majority of us are fools. Considering all the literal shit that goes on in their own land, they really have a serious nerve looking down on black people.
At the end of the day, you’re either the hammer or the nail and I refuse to be the latter. Being “nice” just doesn’t cut it, sorry. We don’t live in the land of teddy bears and unicorns with glitter and sweets falling from the sky. Trying to appear safe and telling your aggressors, “I don’t want trouble, just don’t do it again” only makes you look weak and makes you an even easier target. I’m not saying he’s gotta go all crazy and start burning down stores, but at the very least report who did that. Besides, would he be so forgiving if the perpetrators were other black men from different islands? Exactly.
This is why although I’ve had a couple of issues with the brother International Passport in the past that I’ve already mentioned on here (I still listen to and support him obviously cos he’s doing great things), I really respect the fact that he’s made his teaching services and message to BLACK MEN ONLY. Like he said, he rejects other men who try to come on board, because we’re never included in whatever they’ve got going on and they don’t want us in their spaces.
Anyway, I unsubscribed from that channel long ago because the main guy Philip Scott is a clown who plays both sides of the fence with this whole FBA shit, especially on Twitter. I can’t stand people who wear two faces and never pick as side. You’re either Pan African or you’re not. His followers always have to make digs against other black people in the comments too.
Had to get that off my chest.
SYSBM Forever,
As much as these pro black, slowtep nugget heads continually talk about white supremacy this and white supremacy that, when it comes to black folks, my lifetime observation thus far is Western white people overall are the least racist towards us when compared with other groups.
The red, black and green fist pumping squadrons haven’t seen racism in its purest form. If they visited a South Asian or Middle Eastern country, they’ll quickly discover what raw racism is really all about.
Most of the help and assistance that I’ve had in my life has come from white people, NOT from blacks or other non whites. Reading your comment took me back to the 80s and early 90s when the Indian and Pakistani populations in the UK was considerably smaller.
Back then they were all pally with black folks, “brother” this and “brother” that until they built up their numbers to a significant amount. Now it’s the complete opposite, as you mentioned they’re only friendly with blacks when they want to sell us goods and services, smh.
The default disrespect and unwarranted hatred that comes from South Asians as a collective towards black folks is on par with the modern day black female’s disdain and hatred of black men.
It’s only the younger generations of Western born Indians/South Asians I’ve notice who don’t have such a hostile attitude towards black folks.
You’re right though, black people as a collective need to wake up stop bredding and begging for friendships believing this is the way towards getting respect and being treated better by outsiders.
That being all inclusive route has gotten black folks absolutely nowhere fast, you think they would’ve learned to be more exclusive by now.
I came across this video the other day (either Thursday or Friday); I think many of us here share the same sentiments as this brother here. I haven’t checked out his other videos yet, but he appears to be of the conservative persuasion:
Is it just me, or does so-called “Black conservatism” look like another form of Brad worship whenever guys like these two are the face of it? I couldn’t even make it through at least 1/4 of the video, but the comments underneath it are another thing; what would conservatism in America be without racism? This is why I no longer feel sorry for White people whenever the chickens come home to roost for them; they will never learn, neither will any of the Negros who cosign this behavior from Whites. As for the Caucasoid loser who distributed the flyers, he looks exactly how you’d expect him to; he’s supposed to be in his 40s, and he looks like he’s been to hell and back for every year of his life! Both of my parents are in their mid 60s, and their faces look healthier than his; he looks like the most sun he’s ever gotten on his skin was when he went out distributing those flyers! I posted an earlier comment about White guys who tout that “racial purity” mess as being unattractive; is it any wonder why White women seek out Black men once they divorce their Brad husbands? I’m pretty sure Brad’s irrational fear of White women going to Black men are at the center of him taking such actions.
Blue Collar Trevor,
I much preferred the Hodgetwins when they were doing their fitness/gym stuff. When they first came out as conservatives they weren’t nearly as bad as they are today. I also have noticed in quite a few of their videos they’ll cosign dysfunctional behaviour from whites while at the same time condemning justified behaviour/responses from blacks.
Once again, as I’ve stated before, there wouldn’t be such a mass exodus of white women running into the arms of black men if Western white men weren’t facilitating the downgrading, the demonisation and the overt destruction of traditional masculinity and classic manhood via that pestilent and decadent religion called feminism. #SYSBM™
Blue Collar Trevor,
I’m so glad to see you recognize that there are racists on the right who use conservatism as a cover, just like there are racists on the left who promote the black super woman versus black male weakling-loser meme.
Both groups of racists are harmful to the health and well-being of black men. But in recent decades the leftist racists, as personified by the likes of Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, have done us the most harm.
These are the racists who have used their disingenuity to build the social-cultural constructs and institutional structures in da communtah that serve to subordinate the black male to the black female. And these carpetbagging racists did it with full intention.
It is not possible for 4 years of Trump to fix all that ails America. And only a fool would think so. But I do expect that Trump will not give the sheboons special preferences, favors, and dispensations. The sheboons will be treated like everyone else. And the sheboons will be held to the same standards and accountability as everyone else.
The mere thought of being held to the same standards and accountability as everyone else, both terrifies and infuriates the sheboons.
Oh yeah, I’ve long noticed how conservatives use their politics as a cover for their racist feelings; they’re all hypocrites, and they’re professional gaslighters, too. Back on New Years Day, when the news broke of Shamsud-Din Jabbar driving a truck through a crowd in New Orleans, they mentioned him having an ISIS flag on the truck; there was one White chickenshit news anchor on Newsmax who invoked the names of George Floyd, Michael Brown, and Trayvon Martin in a rant about why he shouldn’t be called a racist for calling them out as criminals. First of all, what do those 3 guys have to do with the guy in New Orleans? Also, whatever past these guys had weren’t pertinent to the final moments they had before their deaths (by the way, Mike Brown had no criminal record); like I stated in my original post, I don’t feel sorry for White people when their chickens come hone to roost.
Police incompetence is a big problem in America:
Exhibit A:
In this video, the officers were looking for a Black Mercedes with 2 suspects, but this guy they stopped was by himself and was driving a grey/silver Volkswagen; not only that, but the plates didn’t match either! Upon realizing their error, that one meathead officer in the green shirt lied to the man about his car’s tags matching except for 2 numbers being off (in other words, they DON’T MATCH); as if he couldn’t help but make the man’s day worse, he still addressed him in a condescending tone as if to justify his incompetence. How does law enforcement keep hiring such airheads?
Exhibit B:
This one is another doozy; these officers had dispatch describe the suspect to them: a White male in his 30s with a tan coat. The senior officer, for some reason, set his sights on a 60 year old Black man in an orange coat; even after the younger officer said that wasn’t the guy, they still spproached him. This is textbook racial profiling; what’s even more pathetic is the excuses given by the officer interviewed by the news. Okay, so suspects can discard their own clothing, but how do you discard your own skin color?
The so-called “most educated” strikes again:
Blue Collar Trevor,
As I keep on saying, the overwhelming majority of black women have the IQ of a chicken nugget and the braincell of a slug. Did she really believe she’d be praised for this kind of reprehensible behaviour, smh?
Ugh I saw this. Nasty horny heffa. Did you see her mugshot? Her head looked like the surface of the moon without that wig. Disgusting all round.