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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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This is an Irish teacher by the name of Enoch Burke who is currently being persecuted for NOT affirming the LGBTQP, tranny, gender fluid, woke nonsense ideology. Remember, this was the same thing that happened to the professor Jordan Peterson some years back.

As much as I admire Burke’s stance in trying to help the children, if the dumbass parents are still choosing to send their children to schools that push and promote the tranny philosophy, then the burden is on THEM, NOT HIM.

If the parents had pulled their children out of the schools in support of Burke then the so called authorities would’ve taken the matter more seriously.

As much as many folks have their gripes concerning the bible and Christianity, at least up until recently, it’s been Christianity that has kept the LGBTQP pestilence at bay.

Even if you’re NOT religious, you should still be concerned that the only standard that kept the LGBTQP agenda in check is now being heavily persecuted with the aim of totally eradicating it altogether.

If what little remains of Christianity is completely removed, there will be nothing to stop the LGBTQP squads from rolling full steam ahead including wielding the authority to steamroll over YOUR right to reject it.

I have NEVER affirmed nor supported the LGBTQP agenda nor any of its related branches and I NEVER WILL. The first three sentences of SYSBM Tenet Number 7 read as follows:

7. SYSBM STAUNCHLY REJECTS FEMINISM, HOMOSEXUALITY, LGBTQP and any and all related branches, we do not support such lifestyles that are decadent, reprobate, degenerate, dysfunctional, reprehensible, malevolent, abominable, unnatural and contaminated. Additionally, we DO NOT believe that men and women require equal rights because we accept the inherent differences between the sexes. Men and women ARE NOT THE SAME, it is the man’s duty to lead and the woman’s duty to follow his lead.

As I stated in the comment section of Monday’s article, these statutes and acts that are currently being written up and legalised by Western governments are no longer aligning with what is morally right/correct. Therefore as far as I’m concerned, they do NOT have to be adhered to and obeyed.

Additionally, take note and definitely keep in mind that the overwhelming majority of the police surrounding you are mindless drones who will follow any and all orders given regardless of how wrong, morally bankrupt and draconian they are.

Tough times are ahead, as I keep on saying, get those passports and flee the West(if possible) as things here aren’t going to get better anytime soon. Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week fellas? You’ve got the floor, let’s go. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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23 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. I don’t see far right nationalists fighting against gender fluid nouns of LGBTQP.

    I don’t see far right conservatives fighting against transgender philosophies.

    The police are members of scottish rite masonry so they will always be enemies to citizens that reject woke ideologies.

    Republic of Ireland are still part of the EU so anyone in Ireland could easily move out of there and live in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia etc.

    The fact that white Irish women from Republic of Ireland have one of the lowest divorce rates in Europe shows they are the only hidden gems for Black men still living in UK.

    Here is a link of Ireland being 7th in the top 10.,restrictive%20criteria%20for%20obtaining%20divorces.

    Northern Ireland is still part of UK so it won’t be as easy to move out for anyone living there.

    Home school is my only option for my future kids with a white dutch afrikaner goddess.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      That’s the sad part, here in the UK it mostly south Asians now who are standing up against the LGBTQP agenda, white folks are practically nowhere to be found apart from the odd outliers here and there.

      It seems that the true and primary meaning of being a conservative in the UK is really all about white folks living amongst themselves separated from “us” as well as ensuring that Katie and Kiley don’t date black guys.

      I don’t really see so called conservatives conserving anything apart from their right to live separate from non whites. Where is their preservation of morality and sound ethics, as per usual, nowhere to be found, smh.

    Black woman steals white woman’s cart of paid for groceries and starts to throw them in her trunk. These dumb, broke pieces of garbage stay stealing. I guess even the EBT isn’t cutting it. 😂
    Seriously, who else would be entitled/ dumb enough to do something so brazenly ridiculous?

    1. Matt M,

      Yet these are the same women who are forever calling black men broke, lol. What a joke. Every corner you turn there is a black female engaging in the religion of the 5 finger discount, smh.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! So, I was on the phone with my brother Saturday night, and he told me about this “glitch” at Chase Bank ATMs that TikTokers exploited before it was fixed; they’re now discovering the huge cost that comes with check fraud:

    You have to be a special kind of stupid to write a fake check, go to a bank to open an account in your name, and deposit that fake check; the government doesn’t play around when it comes to fraud!

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Over here that wouldn’t work because the cheque has to clear before you can access the money. Admittedly, the system here is a lot quicker than it used to be(I remember the days very well when cheques would take at minimum 3-7 working days to clear).

      I haven’t used a cheque for a long while, apparently they now use a process called cheque imaging where the money is available on the next working day. As for this Chase business, typically sluggish Negroes, they always think they can get around the system.

      The TikTok of the guy who got put $38,000 plus in the red was funny, he did that to himself and has nobody else to blame but his own brain plus his own two hands, lol.

  4. SYSBM: This gay agenda!
    White sugar honey: Tell me about it!

    When it comes to the LGBTQ community, they are coming after the boys. The reason why is that they are trying to emasculate them at an early age. They should really leave them kids alone and let them learn their book in school, lord have mercy! The parents should know that this is going on in schools or do they know?

    Now, if a man wants to live his life, then that’s up to him. But they need to leave them kids alone and let them learn. You will never see that in Jamaica even though that Jamaica has change with the gay and transgender thing. Look at the UK now, all I see is rainbows everywhere now, especially in the West End.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Sodomites get a thrill from embarking on foreign territory. Additionally, homosexuals cannot reproduce, so they go about indoctrinating the children of heterosexuals in order to convert them to the dark side. It’s a pity, a damn shame and a travesty that too many heterosexuals over the years have become LGBTQP friendly and as a result don’t seem to care about the overt agenda to convert their children, smh.

  5. Verbs 2015.

    I am not religious but I believe in God but I disagree with the LGBTQ lifestyle because its wrong and it’s not natural. If the whole world turned gay and lesbian then the human race will die off because there no new humans being born. Straight relationship couples are paramount to the human race survival.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      As you always say, I fully agree with your bro. As you’ve pointed out, sodomites cannot reproduce, this is exactly why they have to replenish their numbers via conversion.

      Since adults are much harder to convert because of their ability to think critically, they instead choose to home in on the children who they know can’t think critically and at the same time are still ready to learn and take onboard anything and everything.

      Just like commenter Wittexton Witwijf said in his comment, when I have my children homeschooling them will be the only option. I refuse to subject my future offspring to being taught the abomination that is called homosexuality as well as the LGBTQP pestilence.

  6. It’s gotten way out of hand. Apparently in the states they can literally take your child away from you if you refuse to allow them to undergo surgery to change genders. It’s a Satanic attack on the family structure.

    Oh and let’s not forget “our” women’s role in this. ‘Choke No Joke’ called them out on this in a recent interview (10:10 – ):

    I agree with him. You always see them at the forefront pushing this bullshit on black men.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I will continue to label black women as a collective as the Devil’s righthand hench-women, as they’re the ones who are always eagerly pushing forward and promoting Satan’s works.

      I was discussing this with a black woman I know well and even she was ashamed to admit that black women are at the forefront when it comes to the LGBTQP agenda being pushed.

      Once again, the black witch doesn’t want her faux leadership position over “Da Communitah” to be challenged, this is why black women will have no problems exposing black boys especially to child abusers(including themselves).

      Black women want young black boys turned out so that said females can continue to rule over their swamp unchallenged.

      As for the video link you posted, incredible, especially the part about them featuring a tranny in the Big Poppa video as well as the Flava In Ya Ear remix.

      HipHop pre Diddy was masculine, as soon as he came in with his song Missing You featuring Faith Evans(1997), from that point onwards that’s when I noticed the music started becoming softer and more effeminate.

      I really appreciated DMX because at least he attempted to inject some masculinity back into the genre in the early 2000.

      Finally, on the family structure being destroyed, this unfortunately is the West in 2024, it isn’t a conducive environment to raise a family in. The West hates the family unit, this is why brothers need to get their passports and escape if at all possible.

      1. Verbs2015,

        “As for the video link you posted, incredible, especially the part about them featuring a tranny in the Big Poppa video as well as the Flava In Ya Ear remix.

        HipHop pre Diddy was masculine, as soon as he came in with his song Missing You featuring Faith Evans(1997), from that point onwards that’s when I noticed the music started becoming softer and more effeminate.

        I really appreciated DMX because at least he attempted to inject some masculinity back into the genre in the early 2000.”

        I can’t even tell you how sick I felt when it was discovered that ‘female’ was actually a tranny. SMH. If you know, you know is all I’m gonna say to that……

        As for masculinity in hip hop, you’re right. I come from the 90s era. One of my favourite hip hop songs of all time is Headbanger by EPMD:

        When men were MEN! Raw black male masculinity at it’s finest. It doesn’t amp you up to shoot someone, it makes you wanna lift some weights or do boxing. that’s not even to mention Public Enemy, Wu-Tang Clan, BDP, etc and the countless other groups who weren’t on any type of feminine wave at all. The very idea of a ‘Lil Nas X’ was totally inconceivable back then. If you told anybody 30 years ago hip hop would be in the state it’s in now they’d look at you like you’re crazy.

        As for Diddy, that dude is a bad omen through and through. People can talk about Suge Knight, but more chaos, death and destruction has come through that guy than Suge could ever hope to have done at his peak.

        Huge shout out to DMX. His abusive mother really messed him too (surprise, surprise) and the fact she was JW only added to the trauma. It’s a shame he had to battle those demons cos he was so talented.

    1. JD,

      Black women are insufferable, uncooperative, rebellious, belligerent and unaccountable individuals, it’s that simple. These are some of the top main reasons why non black men(especially white men) want nothing to do with them. It never fails with the modern day black female, they’re always seeking to scapegoat black men for their own transgressions and shortcomings, smh.

    2. JD,

      “Black women are not the least desirable, black men are”

      LMFAO, yeah OK…..

    3. So, this stragg expects us to believe that non Black men base their attraction to Black females on whether or not they like Black men? Shhhiiiiiiddd!!! There are cases of White men who committed hate crimes against Black men, yet still clapped Keisha’s cheeks, but facts don’t matter to these clowns.


    How long have we been saying this?? I usually don’t pay much attention to anything bdubs have to say, but even I have to admit it’s somewhat refreshing to hear one articulate and break down why that charlatan is one of the biggest frauds the “black community” has ever seen.

    Maybe people should listen to sensible black men immediately instead of only realising we were right a hundred years later, but that ain’t gonna happen.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      It’s about time these black women started calling out Gerbilface for the con-artist that he is. It’s not like we haven’t been telling this either.

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