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249 thoughts on “Off Topic Section

  1. Wow, I’m FIRST…yeah!
    This Twitter tweet is for all YOU dumb scraggle daggles AND the dumb ignorant simps that BREEDED with YOU. Look at the stupid shit YOUR progeny CREATES time & time & time again. Yes, I am a proud black man. But I don’t consider YOU ignorant scraggles AND simps MY PEOPLE. Nough said.

    The fcuking PROBLEMS YOU scraggles AND simps bring on all that WAS good in Black Society is incalculable to the point of starting a race war with Captain Euro or other prominent minority groups. Fcuking idiots YOU lot.

    After 4 failed marriages and giving her best years to non-black men and disrespecting the black community several times ( Stacey Dash, now 54, damn near broke and used up, wants to start dating black men again. As per usual with swirlers, like clockwork. LOL. There should really be an unwritten rule, there is ongst smart black men who see through this garbage, to never take back these defeated swirlers. She went for broke in her prime and now wants to give black men the scraps. Plus I think she is just pandering to blacks since white America gave her the boot.
    HELL NO!
    She’ll likely find a pu$$ywhipped simp unfortunately. SMGDH

    1. Matt M.

      Isn’t it typical of these used up swirlers to always return to black men once they given up their prime years to Captain Snowy? You’re right, she’ll find her black male simp who will be more than willing to take her onboard, just waiting to see which sucker is going to volunteer. Article coming tomorrow on this, smh, thanks for posting.

      1. No thanks! I’m good. I see through that “technique” a mile away on my PR — “perceptive radar”. Any black man who goes for them thar scraps is a SIMP — a simplistic FOOL at that.

  3. And then they wonder WHY their womin gravitate towards “blaaack guys”. Fcukin retards I tell ya. #SYSBMers for the win. Right Verbs? 😉

    “US research has found that a drop in casual sex among young people is linked to, among other things, boys’ obsession with gaming. spoke to the report’s authors to learn why the youth of today are spurning the opposite sex. ”

  4. So a well-known European restaurant in our relatively new office building closed down. Haven’t been in the building for a good month or so since we’re “working” from home. So I enter into the building & notice EVERYTHING in this patio restaurant on the ground floor (furniture, signs, etc.) is gone with the wind.
    This Corona bullshit has really fcuked up Kenya’s vibrant tourism, restaurant & hospitality industry. So many well-known joints are suffering.

    And now these government clowns are stinking up the place again. Must be nice as the head of state that your family owns some of the most profitable dairy/food processing businesses AND being stinking rich. Ditto for all these parasite government bureaucrats earning top dollar from the taxpayers.

    I guess that makes it very EASY to screw the sheep who work in the PRIVATE sector. Heck, when you’re a politician, no need to worry about losing customers or sales. This is what I hate about African politicians. No vision whatsoever.

    Now lookie here —>

    Covid-19: Kenya’s president bans political gatherings, extends curfew
    Friday March 12 2021

    Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday banned political and large social gatherings for 30 days as he announced a raft of measures to stem the spread of Covid-19.

    He further ordered security agents to strictly enforce this order.

    The president announced that more people are getting infected, with the positivity rate increasing alarmingly to the current 13 percent from two percent in January, necessitating a return of old measures.

    The nationwide 10pm to 4am curfew has been extended for a further 60 days.

    Burials will also be conducted within 72 hours of a person’s death, with funerals limited to family only, he added. Funeral and wedding attendance have been capped at 100 people.

    Places of worship will now limit attendance to one third of their capacity, while bars and restaurants have been ordered to close by 9pm.

    The Cabinet Secretary and stakeholders will work jointly to revise travel protocols, the President announced.

    African leaders need to stop with the cooning while sucking Western dick policies. When a business shuts down, it ain’t never opening again.

  5. Black Picard,

    Unfortunately we’ve seen these scenarios play out time and time again, too many African leaders and politicians are looking for a fat bank account as well as a high rise apartment overlooking Miami beach.

    Unfortunately just like modern day black women many of them will never learn that licking the muddy boots of Lord Euro will profit them nothing, even Putin came out not so long ago and said that Africans won’t get respect until they begin respecting and standing up for themselves.

  6. MBD’s latest video about Black Men and Asian Women was deleted for “hate speech” lol. I guess MBD could post videos about white women all day long, but when he talks about brothas going for Asian women and vice versa, it’s a bridge too far. I’d bet my Biden stimulus that it was WHITE BOYS not the daggle that flagged the video. They think Asian Women are their property. As a former poster used to say, “The Black Woman IS the White Man”! The modern, mobile, thinking brotha with means is no longer shackled to the plantation and Whitey and his Negro concubine are getting nervous. SYSBM!

    1. Schadenfreude,

      Lord Cooler has been getting increasingly concerned about us ie heterosexual free thinking black men for the longest, we pose a big problem to him and his establishment because we refuse to be buckled down the proverbial plantation.

      MBD isn’t lying when he states that black men are cleaning house in East Asian countries, he’s done videos about this before especially dealing with Nigerian men marrying Chinese women and has provided plenty of receipts.

      Even in lockdown Admiral Frost is still overly concerned about where free thinking black men are placing their family jewels, smh.

      1. Lord Whitey the male feminist cuck and his bored Karens have nothing better to do in this pandemic than scour the internet for things that offend them. In that regard they are no different than the daggle or maggle. All are aligned against the heterosexual, thinking Black Man of means. Remaining vigilant here.

  7. As the Derek Chauvin trial continues, the defendant invokes an earlier George Floyd arrest:

    This invocation of a past arrest of George Floyd is a ‘whataboutism’ and an attempt to smear his character; any person with two functioning eyes – even those with one functioning eye – can read the autopsy report for themselves and learn that his death was ruled a homicide. This really lights a fire under how they continue to gaslight the country on what really contributed to this man’s death; we as Black men have no allies in this world, which is why I’m riding with SYSBM till the wheels fall off.

  8. This stragg is proud of the afros growing in her armpits:

    This is what she tweeted in response to the comments: “It is so misogynistic to attack women for having body hair. They wouldn’t do it to a man, and the level of steam they have for me is definitely because of my Blackness. It makes them mad that this big brand gave me and my armpit hair a platform.”

    1. There is no floor for these nasty black bitches. Anything for attention. I guarantee only bitches and male feminist cucks in the comments are co-signing the fuckery. Any stand-up guy would think it’s gross. Do what you want in your own life, but I’ve got to look at that shit. White liberals, big brands, and the Joo advertising industry bend over backwards to broadcast black bitches’ undesirability to the world. Leave black feminist hoes alone at all costs. As always, S Y S B M.

  9. What do you brothas think about gun control? From my perspective, They can put down laws on second amendment all they want too, and destroy the second amendment, but I’m not gonna say nothing when unwanted events start occuring. They can take away guns, but they can’t take away your five fingers though because they attached to your body. Plus, it’s a dumb move, but guess what, it’s their grave they’re walking in. I’m not sure if you guys have heard about the shooting that happen in Colorado, and man, these politicians are making the dumb move of using it as an example as to why we need “gun control.”

  10. Verbs,

    The Dems done lost their minds now. With all these current events that going on, I’m about ready for a war to happen because I can’t take these the bullcrap that’s happen no more. First off, I did mention about the Gun control. Biden about to Sign Executive orders, which is finna cause some serious gun fights between gun owners that’s probably not gonna comply, and the law enforcement that’s gonna “break into homes without warrants, and seize guns,” but they want that just because of “gun violence.” Second, I read about something on NTD News about the US Military gone “woke,” and this right here is why America is standing on it’s last two feet. Third, I can tell definitely some unwanted events are gonna occur with these Dems letting these illegal immigrants in America, and Kamala and Biden ain’t doing shit about this. Fourth, with Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the climate change, this shit needs to end before they destroy this beautiful planet earth and Humanity. Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, WEF (World Economic Forum, you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy about it, yeah right), the whole Climate Change (which not only is gonna affect us, but it’s gonna affect them too while they playing with us), the whole forcing vaccinations, putting a freaking monitor on our health, the dangerous technology and agendas they pushing, it’s got to go. These people are not our friends.

  11. Verbs, here’s something you always talk about in regards to marriage to feminized womin in the Western world. I kinda feel sorry for this bloke, but his profile also says he’s been married 6 times. He needs to find a non-Western woman. What’s fcuked up is the man was pulling in a SIX figure salary & a nice lifestyle for his wife & kids.

    Below is a Quora response by David B Smith to this question:
    “My husband says he’s tired of me after 5 years of marriage. We have 2 kids and the second child is just 2 months old. What do I do?”


    David B Smith, Married six times.
    First, a little bit of qualifying.

    I had the perfect marriage. We owned a house, I had a great job making six figures consistently for years, my wife was a stay at home mother for our two kids–a girl of eleven and boy of three.

    There had been no violence or cheating (that I knew of or suspected). We were deliriously in love and content. I often thought about how our love had overcome so many obstacles to bring us to that point and entertained the idea of writing a book to capture it’s essence. I had a title ready, too: Rhonda and David: A Love Story.

    Then, seemingly out of the blue, Rhonda said she wanted a divorce. At first I dismissed it, shrugged it off. She kept bringing it up, even in front of the kids. She was serious but wouldn’t give me a why. I brought in my mother to mediate.

    “You guys? Divorce?” She asked incredulously. “The same two who spontaneously burst into song while doing the dishes together? I always held you two up as the epitome of what marriage could be. What’s the problem?”

    Rhonda launched into a series of pet peeves about me, the gravest one being that I did not pick up my towels off the bathroom floor after showering.

    All of her grievances were addressed. She agreed to see how she felt about the marriage in the absence of those complaints.

    A couple of months later the divorce talk resurfaced. Once again I tried to pinpoint the issue. A new complaint was that I did not watch the kids enough. I offered to take them out of the house every Sunday for six hours. Movies, parks, the mall. Rhonda would have her me time.

    I followed through on the towels, the Sunday with the kids and a myriad of other former complaints religiously and to the “T”. I did not want a divorce.

    But the day came again when the dreaded “D” word was dropped. We were alone in the kitchen and I threw up my hands in despair. “What now?” I asked in exasperation. “What can I change about me now to make you value my partnership and want to work on this too?”

    Tears welled up in her eyes as she looked directly in to mine. Here comes the truth. “You could change everything I don’t like and I would still want to leave. I can’t stop thinking about the touch of somebody new.”

    It was a gut punch but at least I had the truth. And I believed her. If you love somebody set them free… I had to let her find out if she was missing something, I reasoned, no matter how much it hurt. I knew eventually I wouldn’t have a choice, she wouldn’t ask.

    She took our kids out of state. She was dating immediately. She didn’t come back and by divorce court she was pregnant with another man’s baby, something she revealed with a smile while looking directly at me from the witness stand.

    What’s the upshot, the take-away? It’s that I had made a projection of my feeling about the marriage into a narrative that included her. I’m sure there were signs long before the end that I chose to downplay or ignore, and so I was living a fantasy in my bubble while she was falling out of love.

    Believe him and consider that this revelation of dissatisfaction is likely fully fleshed and has been nurtured and constructed for a long, long time.

    I don’t know that it can be saved and I don’t think you should want to frankly. He doesn’t care enough about you to avoid hurting you with this action, and he has pictured his life without you and he is not only okay with that, he is taking steps to speed it along. That doesn’t match the guy in your head you love, does it?

    Let him go and don’t be bitter. Find the guy who matches the guy in your head rather than projecting him on someone who already has proven he is not worthy.

    I am sorry you have to suffer right now. I wish you the best I really do.

    80.1K views, 939 upvotes

    My thoughts:
    1. You can’t pay me any amount of money to marry a white or black Westernized woman. No way!!

    2. I keep thinking of the video Verbs played about a “questionable queer” Kevin Samuels & I’m thinking, does this simp “have a BIG dick”?? Lol 😉

    1. Black Picard,

      I’m personally at the stage where I preferably wouldn’t touch any black female regardless of her location, even many of these East African chicks I’m seeing suffer from the same “Lord Euro” worship as well as image insecurities as their West, Central and Southern sisters. Nope, that black bloodline has to be diluted with something else at minimum.

      As for white women, the best white women are in Eastern Europe and the Eurasia region, westernised white women are a huge risk and undeniably a gamble, I won’t argue with that. As for the Kevin Samuels video, what I found incredibly disturbing is the amount of black men who are supposedly heterosexual coming out of the woodwork and attempting to defend him for asking such a sexually suspect question to another man.

  12. Gentlemen,

    I see that the vaccine got to DMX as well, yet the mainstream media attempted to fly the “drug overdose” propaganda even though he wasn’t on any drugs according to family members:

    1. Damn, DMX bit the dust from an experimental CONvid “vaccine”? I doubt he ever took any drugs that would lead him to OD. He was a little bit more sensible than other toxic “entertainers”. Fcukin lying ZioPress disinformation.

      They don’t even say which vaccine he took so that it doesn’t get “blacklisted” by the communitah. Evil evil people.

      We are well past the point of cracking skulls for this scamdemic treachery & a lot of other destabilization shit these “Western” Anglos are constantly offloading on society. I wanna see heads roll like they constantly do on Game of Thrones.

      And where are all the proud patriotic pro-2nd Amendment gun owners who keep saying they ain’t gonna put up with any more shit? I’m looking at u Chad, Tex, Jethro, Kyle, Mack, Luke, Larry, Cletus, Roscoe & Thomas.

      And where’s the proud gun owners like “Braveheart”, Hunter, DurangoKidd, CrackSummSkulls, Nailbanger, Houston/Cypress/Katy/Shtf, Frank Thoughts & all the other alleged “PATRIOTS”/ex-Vietnam Vets from the SHTF Plan blog & other similar alt-Right “CONservative” blogs who talk a big game in their comments? What da fcuk are ya’ll waiting for? Huh?

      Just talk, talk talk & more talk. And these above cats are armed to the teeth & most likely make up part of that 50-80 MILLION gun owning Americans with hunters licenses. Well boys, Lord Ziostein is locked onto u & he’s using degenerate blackie elements to distract u while u keep prepping for economic collapse. Well, it’s here!!

      1. Black Picard,

        I’m going to release an article on DMX on Monday, there are some other bits and pieces that need to be tied in, stay tuned.

        1. Verbs, me thinks you’ll be writing 2 articles my man!
          Looks like another big fish — a sista who’s a media slave on Lord Ziostein’s Fakestream Press — in the form of MSNBC & CNN legal analyst Midwin Charles got pinched from a jab NO ONE IS BOTHERING TO TALK ABOUT. So she will now be joining DMX in taking a permanent long nap 6 feet under. smdh

          I only found out about this latest “newz” cruising the “From the Web” section at the bottom of this The Duran article where Lord Ziostein’s attack dog, Admiral Pentagon, is looking for a serious beat down in Mother Russia’s back yard, the Black Sea:
          Ukraine Crisis: US Navy Enters Black Sea, Merkel Calls Putin, Zelensky Talks Peace

          MSNBC legal analyst Midwin Charles posted that she was ‘not feeling well’ on In stagram 3 WEEKS before she died

          * MSNBC and CNN legal analyst Midwin Charles died on Tuesday; she was 47.
          * Cause of death was not mentioned in the post from Charles’ family members.
          * Charles had taken to Instagram on March 19 to share that she would not be having routinely scheduled Happy Hour ‘Hey guys! Sadly, happy hour tonight is canceled. I’m not feeling well,’ she said in the post. ‘See you next Friday’

          * The lawyer was the founder of law firm Midwin Charles & Associates LLC and a contributor at Essence Magazine.
          * She provided commentary on shows including CNN, HLN, Bloomberg TV, MSNBC and TV One.
          * While working for CNN, she provided legal commentary for live trials daily on InSession (formerly CourtTV) on truTV.
          * Notable media personalities, politicians, and other celebrities took to Twitter to remember the brilliant and passionate lawyer.

          source: Daily Mail –

          Top comments:
          Politely_Pompous, Southampton , Bermuda, 2 days ago
          “If she had indeed received her covid shot 2 weeks before first taken ill, that is indeed scary.”

          leggyemulous, Oxfordshire, 2 days ago
          It’s not in dispute, the post from 1st March about her visit to be jabbed is still on twitter.

          HollowVictoryForDems, MyFlorida, United States, 2 days ago
          “Too many people dying from the vaccines and not being reported properly.”

          nobody13, Austin, United States, 2 days ago
          “She got her “jab” on March 1st….. coincidence?”

          justposting, Utopia, United States, 2 days ago
          “M S M sup pres.sing she di.ed. two weeks after taking her second mRNA “vac cine.” And they keep trying to force us to do this!”

          Saint Stephen, everywhere, United States, 2 days ago
          “She had her shot March 1 and tweeted about it. See her tweet”

          PauletteRevere, San Diego, United States, 2 days ago
          Yes, why is this not mentioned in the article?


          My thoughts:
          Is anybody really surprised with these “vaccine” shenanighans?? I’m sorry Midwin bit the dust. Really. But she is part of Lord Ziostein’s Disinformation Forces, so I DO NOT GIVE A FLYING FCUK about her. Ya hear?

          Nough said.

  13. Another one for the Swirl Mountain archives, a black witch, her white lord and saviour Captain Blizzard and his mother tortured, starved and beat 3 of their children and kept them locked up in the attic for over 2 years.

    It hasn’t been confirmed yet but I have a sneaky suspicion that the three children that were abused, the white male was not the biological father of(in other words they were black and from previous relationships), but the fourth child(who I reckon is mixed) was his, though I could be wrong. This is your black witch and the resulting of her swirling, so called “divestment” and “levelling up”, smh.

    1. You need to bring back “Swirl Mountain Graveyard” so we can chronicle the swirl fails. They are coming in thick and fast. So much for the “pink pill.” #LEVELUP

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Be sure to post this in Open Mic tomorrow, this is exactly why I wrote my church beast book, people need to leave these churches in their droves as these so called “pastors” have no problems selling them down the river for 2 shekels of silver and a breadcrumb.

    1. The BEST dating advice for bros are:
      1. Keep your body in tip-top physical condition.
      A sexy fit brotha does not have to do much talking to take part in panty removal duties. Try to do at least 50 to 100 pushups & body squats a day to maintain your figure.

      2. Keep your mind sharp, intelligent, versatile so that you ALWAYS appear INTERESTING to the skirts. If you can keep em talking & interested over a long duration, the panties are coming OFF.

      3. Have a fcuking LIFE.
      Most womin nowadays are boring & lead VERY boring uninteresting lives. By being a SYSBM man of purpose, you will always pique the interest of their very limited minds, which doesn’t take much these days.
      Do yoga! Join a gym. Learn some new skillz. Travel & learn to interact with different cultures while exporting your skillz to them.

      4. Look sharp!
      Dress for success so you stand out from the simp crowd. Just make sure your clothes fit you WELL so that physically fit body in Step 1 above can shine through. I love wearing form-fitting long sleeve turtle necks with a nice pair of form-fitting dress pants (or classy jeans) topped off with a classy pair of shoes.

      5. Avoid dumb broads. Stick to chasing good looking intelligent womin who actually have a brain. You’ll find them in libraries, museums & in the Science/Engineering departments of most College or University campuses.

      6. Turn off the Idiot Box (TV).
      In fact, get rid of since it will dumb you down quicker than a racist can scream “nigger!!”. Lord Ziostein is very GOOD at what he serves over the airwaves to the ignorant sheep — especially blaaack sheep. Just look at Amerika & its dumb down niggas who listen or watch all of that toxic shit (Hip Crap, ghetto TV, etc. served by their Zio lord).

      Nough said.

  14. What da fuq is going on in Ontario, Canada?

    Ontario sets up checkpoints, shuts construction in virus battle
    In a Hail Mary attempt to control a third wave of COVID-19, Ontario unveiled its strictest measures yet to restrict the movement of people, setting up checkpoints with neighboring Quebec and Manitoba for the first time in the pandemic.

    The government of Premier Doug Ford said it will extend an emergency stay-at-home order to six weeks from four. The province is forcing non-essential construction sites to shut down and closing recreational facilities including golf courses, playgrounds and soccer fields. Essential stores such as supermarkets and pharmacies will have to operate at 25 per cent of usual capacity.

    “My friends, we’re losing the battle between the variants and vaccines,” Ford said at a news conference Friday afternoon. “The reality is, there are few options left.” Schools, restaurants, personal care services and many retailers were already closed.

    What’s really needed are more vaccines. If the province could triple its daily rate of inoculations to about 300,000 a day, it would significantly improve the chances of getting the virus under control, health officials said Friday, comments Ford echoed. “Until we have more vaccines, we need stricter measures.”

    The globalists really wanna kill off Canadians.

    This bit was funny:
    Vaccine hesitancy is an issue in some areas, particularly after health authorities suspended use of the AstraZeneca Plc vaccine for people under 55, given rare links to blood clots. Health Canada has updated warnings on the label but now says the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks.

    Elsewhere in Canada, the situation is also worsening. The western province of British Columbia hit records for new cases and hospitalizations and on Thursday said new cases could double to 2,000 per day by May if people don’t reduce contact. Close to 60% of cases are now variants, roughly split between the U.K. and Brazil strains. Alberta and Saskatchewan are also seeing spikes.

    Well, duh!! I’d be hesitant of these toxic experimental vaccines, too.

    Here comes the Orwellian speak by corrupt Health Canada bureaucRATs:

    Really?? Then go vaccinate all of your family members instead, commie bureauRATs! Those medical tyrants should be executed for coming to that conclusion.

    The BIGgest unfortunate mistake EVER in Canada’s existence was being convenient neighbours to that pathological warmongering City of London corporation called USA South of the border.
    We just can’t get enough of their freedom & liberty.

    1. Black Picard,

      As I’ve stated before, the variants are the vaccines and the vaccines are the variants, they are one and the same. The Canadian government and every other government around the world following this insane vaccine protocol for the boogievirus Covid-19 are actually creating new viruses and diseases, hence why so many people are either dying or suffering serious health complications from these bioweapons being administered no matter which manufacturer they deal with.

      The Canadians just like the British for the most part are fast asleep, even when many of them take their last breath they still wouldn’t have figured out exactly what is going on, as the saying goes, like sheep walking towards their own slaughter, smh.

  15. This is a MAJOR turn of events in these CONvid times, me thinks! Looks like a big part of the US population are refusing the toxic experimental BigPharma jab. If the illegitimate UNELECTED Deep State tries to force the jab on the heavily armed pro-2A Zio-luvin “Christian CONservatives”, some THING HAS to GIVE: A massive shootout or unbridled COMPLIANCE.

    Clearly a sizeable amount of Pindostan’s citizenry don’t want the jab. And not a peep in Lord Ziostein’s army of 24/7 fakestream Presstitutes.

    US vaccination sites are closing from California to Texas, Ohio to Mississippi as demand for Covid shots plummets across the country – despite less than 28% of the population being fully inoculated
    * At least seven vaccination sites across the U.S. are shutting down this month or next.
    * As of Friday, just shy of 42 percent of Americans – and nearly 53 percent of adults 18 and older – have had at least one dose of vaccine and 35 percent of adults are fully vaccinated.
    * After rising to more than three million a day for at least a week, the seven-day rolling average of daily vaccinations is now below that figure.
    * Vaccinators in Kansas, Mississippi, Ohio and other states report that demand has dropped precipitously in their states – and some are requesting smaller shipments.
    * About 20 percent of Americans are vaccine hesitant with high rates in the South and Midwest.

    Top comments:
    Marie, USA, 2 days ago
    Wow, biggest marketing campaign in history and it’s only 28 percent?

    Bamboogaz, New York, United States, 2 days ago
    They will have you believe 80 million Americans took the vaccine…wink

    Kat Brown 1728, Ft Lauderdale, United States, 1 day ago
    The issue here is lack of transparency. I have personally taken part of an experimental medical trial. Before signing the papers to agree to the procedures, and or medications, I was provided with about 1000 pages of information. It included what I was to have injected in me, what the possible side effects are due to the components of it, and what I could possibly be facing during and after the procedure. I read the information and was able to make up my own mind whether I wanted to participate or not. Here we have a situation of constant “I don’t know”. What’s being injected into people, answer, Not gonna tell you. Have any components shown or known to have adverse reactions? Answer, we’ll have to wait and say,. Doesn’t stir up much confidence. The Argument that it is for the good of all that outweighs the negatives already being seen by some, is in a way, quite Machiavellian, from which the ends justify the means. Doesn’t make me want to go out and get jabbed just yet.

    Wisemarko, Los Angeles, United States, 1 day ago
    The greatest danger to Americans is their obesity. Country looks like a zoo with overweight people including children barely able to walk around. That causes cancer, early death and morbidity. But hey worry about vaccines – something too advanced to understand for average individuals.

    FOX0AHD1, Kempston, United Kingdom, 1 day ago
    I had a vaccine on the 6th March. Ever since I’ve suffered from headaches and migraines, something I’ve never suffered from before. I was prescribed sumatriptan to treat it. My biggest regret ever.

    BB20, Boringsmalltown, United States, 1 day ago
    Do people not get it. Even if you get vaccinated you still have to wear masks. You can still get a unique variant of Covid. Some businesses here like vets are really taking full advantage and still won’t let people bring pets in. We have to call and call for appointments weeks in advance. Everyone has gotten so lazy and rude. Especially old people. They are so paranoid. You are going to die sometime of something. I wish I had never gotten the J and J shot. It’s been two weeks and between horrific headaches and breathing problems, I haven’t been able to leave the house. We do not know what is in this crap. I would never tell anyone to get vaccinated. I will not do it again if something else comes around. I had mine and many problems a week before I even knew of complications with them so I know mine were caused by the shot. No one told me.

    supewrench, Beach Side, United States, 2 days ago
    I got a rash on my leg after the first shot, thought it was poison ivy, but it’s still there three weeks later, second shot not happening.

    Les Grossman, Hollywood, United States, 2 days ago
    All you suckers who took it see all of us who haven’t still as healthy as you. I’m guessing a lot of you would like a do over now that you’ve got some government poison pumping through your veins. That’s called suckers remorse.

    justdontwatch, Utopia, United States, 2 days ago
    The fear factor is wearing off and people are making rational decisions. Can’t have that obviously…but don’t they realise the more they try and push the next killer strain the more people are switching off. Their arrogance will be their undoing.

    littleladyalice, Chatham, Canada, 2 days ago
    A recent Nordic study found one’s chances of death are higher with AZ than actually contracting the Sars-COV2 virus. Not surprising considering we have an immune system for a reason. And, real immunity will take place, not a false sense of security.

    Kulimboy, Kulim, Australia, 2 days ago
    STOP- Here is something you need to read. Look up on Google a book by german publisher “goldegg” called ” Corona Unmasked” as this chapter is FREE and in English as a pdf file by Dr Suchsrit Bhakdi and it will explain in detail that People taking these FRANKENSTEIN EXPERIMENTAL jabs still dont do their homework that before it you have to sign a WAIVER document that you rake full responsibility for the jab you have now been offered and accept. What they dont tell you is that as it is EXPERIMENTAL you have ZERO insurance cover for any side effects or death. Look up beforeitsnews and you can see the documentary he also produced and what is going on globally in particular what happens after the 2nd Injection. Don’t Red flag this article until you have read above for you own knowledge and safety. It’s free.

    source: Daily Mail UK

    Interesting times ahead, SYSBMers! I tell ya, the US is imploding faster than a red giant star in the sky that’s about to go supernova. And u know when a star’s about to blow, u wanna get as FAR da fcuk AWAY as possible.

    Abandon the US ship at all costs: Fake election, fake President, economy collapsing, a fascist CANCEL culture, illegal immigrants WELCOMED during these difficult times, Russia & China starting to flex their muscles, etc. This isn’t going to end well folks.

    1. At this point, if you ignore the widespread reactions and still choose to have the green dream in your veins, that’s your funeral. Playtime is over.

    1. The more they keep moving the goal post, the more suspicious is gonna rise. These guys playing that hero light is gonna die off of them.

    2. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The goal post moving is so ridiculous, at this point only a completely braindead numbskull would still struggle to figure out what’s going on. As I’ve stated before, if the virus was real and genuine then there wouldn’t be any room for moving the goalposts with such wide swaths. I have to agree with David Icke, if you can create the perception of a virus being out there, the fabrications surrounding it can be endless.

      Be sure to post this in Open Mic Wednesday tomorrow. And to think, so many people have run out gotten themselves injected with an unknown potion over this hoax, smh.

  16. Niggas doin what niggas do best. And over here waaaaay waay in East Africa, we have buraucratic niggas cooning for Colonial Euro & his demented agenda. This is what happens when sheep continue to remain out to pasture grazing away while everything around them goes fascist.

    📌 No traveling out of Kenya without a vaccine passport from 2022: CS Balala
    According to Tourism Cabinet Secretary Najib Balala, the government is working in consultation with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) to develop the vaccine passport.

    The proposed vaccine certificate will be similar to the yellow fever vaccine certificate that Kenyans use when traveling, facilitating their travel beginning in 2022.

    “There will be a vaccination card just like the one for yellow fever being pushed by IATA . We are continuing to consult with them . At the moment we cannot say that people need to be vaccinated to travel. But soon it will be,” CS Balala said on Wednesday. 📌

    source: Citizen TV Kenya

    1. Black Picard,

      It seems as per usual that Negroes have to learn the hard way. So Africa being overrun by Captain Snowy the first time wasn’t a good enough lesson to learn from, now they’re pulling this garbage upon themselves to appease Lord blizzard, smh.

      These so called African Leaders and politicians need to be burned at the stake for their treachery and disregard for people’s God given rights, additionally the sheeple should be strung up with them as they can’t see anything past their noses and are equally a burden as well as a waste of space.

    1. Jon,

      Same old deadly bioweapon but now in pill form, they must think we’re really that stupid over here. I won’t be touching any of it, I’ll trust in my own immune system, it’s been doing great for me so far.

      Exactly, so many folks have rushed out and got jabbed up for a virus that’s no worse than the common cold. First it was only 2 shots required, now the goalposts have been moved yet again, booster shots will now be required every 6 months to a year.

      Those who either allow themselves to be injected with or swallow down that poison deserve everything that’s coming to them and they can’t say that they weren’t warned. As I keep on saying, you can’t make deals with the devil and come out on top.

      1. Of course if you call it a “bioweapon”, that kinda gets the sheep’s limited attention span a little bit more. So let’s call them “vaccines”, shall we? lol

        URGENT! 5 Doctors Agree that COVID-19 Injections are Bioweapons and Discuss What to do About It

        Ever since reports have surfaced in recent days that people who have chosen NOT to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots but have been exposed to those who have received them, and have suffered what appear to be infections coming from these fully “vaccinated” people, affecting mainly women who have reported menstruation difficulties, heavy bleeding, miscarriages, and reduction of breast milk, I have been watching my newsfeed to see if any of the dissenting doctors and scientists we feature regularly here at Health Impact News would address these issues.

        Fortunately, a team of 5 doctors in the U.S., all of whom we have featured in the past here at Health Impact News and are highly qualified to address this topic, just held a round-table discussion a couple of days ago to address these issues.

        The issues they discuss affect ALL of us in the U.S. (and around the world) right now, and it is imperative that you take 79 minutes of your time to watch this video.

        Not only do these highly qualified doctors discuss why they think this is happening, they also give practical advice at the end about what we can be doing right now to protect ourselves and stop this attack on the human race by the Globalists seeking to reduce the world’s population.

        Every single one of these doctors believe that these shots are NOT vaccines, but bioweapons designed to kill human beings.


  17. FYI…
    Just saw this post in the Telegram group for America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) which every1 should be following in order to keep abreast of all the pending lawsuits moving forward against BigPhrma, corrupt businesses & Lord Ziostein’s government.

    Morehouse College is arguably one of the top black institutions of higher learning on the planet. And it only caters to black males. Spelman does the same for black women & is always a Top50 ranked institution nationally.

    I don’t know what the fcuk they’re doing trying to reduce the intelligent black male population with these toxic experimental vaccines. What is wrong with Black Society?? smdh

    Clark University & Morehouse in Atlanta just announced ALL STUDENTS MUST BE VACCINATED FOR FALL!

    Telegram message link:

    Looks like Duke University based in the South (North Carolina) is also lending “legitimacy” to this vaccination farce. And Brown, Cornell, Rutgers & Northeastern U — all primo US universities — are joining the party. Wow!

    Clark Atlanta, Morehouse, Spelman requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for fall semester
    The announcement has the AUCC joining a growing number of universities requiring students get the COVID-19 vaccine. Universities including Rutgers, Brown, Duke, Cornell and Northeastern recently told students they must get vaccinated before returning to campus next fall. They hope to achieve herd immunity on campus, which they say would allow them to loosen spacing restrictions in classrooms and dorms.


    It’s time for me to get the popcorn out…gonna be a LOT of newz around August/September after most of these Millennial sheep clowns get their jabs. Gonna be a LOT of angry parents once Katie, Zoe, Charles, Cathy, Paige et al start dropping like flies.

  18. What on Earth is wrong with these kneegroe scraggle daggles? This one did a hit & run on one of King Snowie’s sons – in Georgia! Amerikan ghetto blacks truly are living on borrowed time. There will be a huge backlash against that ignorant “woke” lot once the Snow King’s fingers gets “itchy” to release some lead tension with their pro-2A guns.

    SANDY SPRINGS, Ga. – Police arrested a woman accused of fatally colliding with a 25-year-old pedestrian and his dog on Sunday night in Sandy Springs.

    Police said 38-year-old Dominique Houston of Newnan is accused of striking and killing Michael Farmer and his Catahoula, Bruce, in a car. Houston faces two counts of hit-and-run, first-degree vehicular homicide, reckless driving and following too closely.

    Police said officers found the victims on Hammond Drive near Glenridge Drive after receiving a call of a hit-and-run.


    Are you folks ready for Race War 1.0?? It’s coming!

  19. The stupidity continues….man if these thugs had the same energy for Rotschild and Johnson I’d be impressed:

    This is the future of the black ‘community’. Divided, fighting each other and constantly in chaos. A perfect execution of Lord Oldberg’s plan. Black hoes and racist liberals don’t want to show you this as this would disrupt their schemes and wake a lot of the sheep up to what the royals really think of them.

    1. Brendan Dubalos,

      I’ve moved these links to the off topic section, feel free to post them again in this week’s Open Mic Wednesday.

  20. Me thinks Queen (aka Freddie Mercury) is gonna have to start charging royalties from the grave for his song from over 4 decades ago: “Another one bites the dust!”

    Lookie here at what the Grim Reaper scored recently — out of IGNORANCE of course! smdh

    HEALTH IMPACT NEWS: 44-Year-Old Pastor DEAD after Moderna COVID Shot
    – Wanted Other Pastors and African Americans to Follow her Example and Take the Shot

    Dr. Kimberly Credit was the first female pastor at the Mount Zion Baptist Church in Boonton Township, New Jersey. She had a master’s degree in divinity and a doctorate in ministry, and she was the founder of The Preaching Lab Podcast.

    On February 10th, she was injected with the first experimental Moderna mRNA injection at a public event where she was interviewed by the New York Times and a local TV news outlet.

    She stated publicly on her Facebook Page:

    As a leader, I want to lead by example especially for Pastors and the African American community. Got my first vaccine dose today. Thank you to Pastor Joe Carter for his leadership in pulling Black Clergy together and for allowing me to pray live for our news outlets. Thank you New York Times and Channel 2 News for interviewing me. #DoTheResearch #BeInformed #OurTrustIsInGod #WeNeedEveryoneVaccinatedToEndThis

    Since the second Moderna shot is given 28 days after the first one, she would have received her second injection around March 10th.

    All of her Facebook posts after this time were positive, giving no indication that she was feeling sick.

    On Easter Sunday, April 4, 2021, the day before she died she posted a message on her Facebook page about listening to an online event that evening and prefaced it with this statement:

    Listen… let me say this before I get a good and needed nap in.

    Whether her fatigue and need for a nap was her usual Sunday routine, or because she was feeling ill, is not certain…

    …There was no indication that anything was wrong, but it was her last public post, as she died later that day, before the scheduled podcast.

    Her obituary states that she died “suddenly and without warning.”

    Those waiting for the livestream event on Facebook that night were shocked when they learned that she had just died.

    KC’s Vaccine certificate –


    Soooo, who’s getting their high tech MODERNA, Pfizer or Astra Zeneca jab? Anybody?? lol

    On a serious note, I expect to be attending a few funerals down here once some of these dumb expat womin & their naive female house staff take their AZ jabs — maybe in another month or 2, tops.

    To hell with Sports betting! I think there’s money to be made in Vaccine Death Betting. That’s guessing when some ignorant sheep is gonna croak due to volunteering to take these EXPERIMENTAL “vaccines”.

    Queen – Another One Bites the Dust (Official Video) [483 million views]

  21. Oh where oh where is that thar Pfizer “vaccine” smoking gun. Why, lookie, it’s over tharrrr — in their own damn documentation. Whooops!
    Now let’s see what dirt our brave doctor friends over at the America’s Frontline Doctors Telegram public channel dug up to disseminate to the ignorant sheep? So will the ignorant sheep wake up from these “shedding” revelations?

    Contradictory much? Pfizer trials warned men to stay away from pregnant women… but now the CDC is pushing pregnant women to take an experimental biological agent without a second thought.
    -posted April 29 (798 comments)

    Exhibit A: Pfizer’s mRNA Vaccine Trial Documentation References Knowledge of “Shedding”

    Exhibit B: CNBC – Health & Science: “CDC recommends pregnant women get Covid vaccine after study shows it’s SAFE for mother and baby”


  22. Is anyone surprised by this “significant jump” in CONvid vaccine “suffering”? Heck, any non-libtard non-simp awakened citizen knew this spike was coming since Lord Ziostein & his Deep State shills are on a tight schedule to get the Depopulation Show on the road.

    Significant Jump This Week in Reported Injuries, Deaths After COVID Vaccine
    VAERS data released today showed 118,902 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 3,544 deaths and 12,619 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, 2021.

    The Defender is experiencing censorship on many social channels. Be sure to stay in touch with the news that matters by subscribing to our top news of the day. It’s free.

    Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed a significant jump in reports of injuries and deaths compared with last week’s numbers.

    VAERS is the primary government-funded system for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

    Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received as of a specified date, usually about a week prior to the release date. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020 and April 23, a total of 118,902 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including 3,544 deaths — an increase of 358 over the previous week — and 12,619 serious injuries, up 2,467 since last week.

    Exhibit A:
    article: Childrens Health Defence News & Views –

    1. As a follow up to my above post, check these “stats” out. It’s from the same article at Childrens Health Defence. Now you SEE why Big pHARMa was given immunity from future litigation regarding death or injuries. To hell with immunity, these corrupt doctors, scientists & bureauRATs pushing this agenda need to be whackamoled 6ft under to send a stern warning to future psychopaths.

      Big props to America’s Frontline Doctors for doing their best in order to keep us all (sheep & non-sheep) updated on these disturbing figures via their very informative public Telegram channel.

      source: [390 comments]

      In the U.S., 222.3 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of April 23. This includes 97 million doses of Moderna’s vaccine, 117 million doses of Pfizer and 8 million doses of the Johnson &Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine.

      Of the 3,544 deaths reported as of April 23, 25% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 17% occurred within 24 hours and 40% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated.

      This week’s data included three reports of deaths among teens under age 18, including two 15-year-olds and one 16-year-old who died unexpectedly from a blood clot 11 days after receiving her first Pfizer dose.

      A 15-year-old female died of cardiac arrest after receiving the second dose of the Moderna vaccine, and a 15-year-old male died of cardiac failure two days after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

      This week’s VAERS data show:

      * 21% of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.
      * 54% of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.
      * The average age of death was 75.3 and the youngest deaths reported include two 15-year-olds (VAERS I.D. 1187918 and 1242573 ) and a 16-year-old (VAERS I.D. 1225942). There were other reported deaths in children under 16 that could not be confirmed or contained obvious errors.

      * As of April 23, 598 pregnant women reported adverse events related to COVID vaccines, including 170 reports of miscarriage or premature birth.
      * Of the 1,099 cases of Bell’s Palsy reported, 51% of cases were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations, 39% following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine and 131 cases or 12% of Bell’s Palsy were reported in conjunction with J&J.
      * There were 121 reports of Guillain-Barré Syndrome with 44% of cases attributed to Pfizer, 43% to Moderna and 17% to J&J.
      * There were 33,673 reports of anaphylaxis with 39% of cases attributed to Pfizer’s vaccine, 44% to Moderna and 16% to J&J.

      CDC ignores The Defender, no response after 53 days

      Hmmmn, what da fcuk is Bells Palsy?? 👀🤔

      “Bell’s palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. Symptoms can vary from mild to severe. They may include muscle twitching, weakness, or total loss of the ability to move one, and in rare cases, both sides of the face.” [Wikipedia]


  23. These libtard intelligentsia are frigging insane using their babies as guinea pigs. WTF?

    Children as young as 6 months old part of new vaccine trials
    Pfizer and Moderna are studying to see if their vaccines will be safe and effective for children

    Apr 27, 2021 8:21 PM EDT – ABC News

    (ABC News) —As nearly 140 million American adults have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine and we inch closer to herd immunity, vaccine makers Pfizer and Moderna have moved on to the next phase of the fight against the virus: studying to see if the vaccine will be safe and effective for children.

    “Children under 18 make up 85 million people in [the] U.S. – about 20% of the population,” Dr. Yvonne Maldonado, professor of pediatrics, epidemiology and population health at Stanford University, told ABC News. “Getting them vaccinated is a major contribution to reducing transmission of virus.”

    Today, kids as young as 6 months old are taking part in trials for both companies’ vaccines with their parent’s consent. Dr. Zinaida Good, a research fellow at the Stanford cancer center, enrolled both her sons in Stanford Hospital’s Pfizer trial.

    “We thought participating is a really good way to protect our kids,” she said. “So far, because this vaccine has been tested in a lot of teenagers and so many adults and it was shown [to be] very safe, we felt pretty comfortable to participate.”

    Her son Soren is one of the youngest in Stanford Hospital’s Pfizer trial at only 7 months old. He received his first shot last week. Good says he’s doing well.

    Soren’s older brother 3-year-old Andel also got the shot.

    “He had a sore arm for like for a day and was a little bit low on energy for like a day,” his mom said of his reaction to the shot.

    Good is an immunologist who has studied the virus at length. She says she and her husband are confident in the safety of the vaccine.

    “It would be wonderful if we knew how to communicate better the benefits of the vaccine and its safety. The data is very clear,” she said. “Those who get vaccines like this, MRNA vaccines, at least they are protected and they don’t really have any real side effects, not any real long term consequences.”


    WOW! These intellectuals are fcuking delusional. “SAFE”, no “real side effects”??
    These researchers are totally negligent in the parenting department to risk their kids lives on a toxic experimental “vaccine”. If they’re that callous with their own kids, you can imagine they’d have no conscience about jabbing an unwilling or unknowing human sheep.
    There’s liberalism for ya.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Lord Euro must have thought that he was back in the 16 and 1700s, smh. $500,000 restitution, smh.

      1. That Hillbilly lowlife don’t even get the privilege of being called “Lord” or “Euro”. I assure you most grounded & intelligent white folk wouldn’t even give this degenerate freeloader a second look if they walked past him in a public setting. A picture, after all, is worth a thousand words.

    2. Absolutely sickening. Such lowlife Hillbilly scum. But allegedly, this Anglo “freeloader” is supposed to be superior bcuz of his pale pink (er white!) skin. Riiight.


    While many are anticipating the upcoming exhibition bout between Floyd Mayweather and Logan Paul, we now have Kevin Samuels VS the Prince of frying pan Africanism, Dr. Umar “Gerbilface” Johnson in a separate match; who could’ve seen this coming? Umi Zoomi (as MBD calls him) has called out Samuels over his controversial comments on Black women, but Samuels has clapped back at Umi Zoomi for having 2 kids out of wedlock and taking money for a school he has yet to open. This should be interesting to watch!

    1. Kevin Samuels is cutting into Dr Umar Gerbilface’s profits, nothing more.

      I beg him to restart his beef with Tariq Nasheed so he can hilariously clap back at his dumbass. No school having con artist.


    2. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I don’t even know why Mayweather is wasting his time with this bout with Paul, but hey, if there is money involved then I suppose that’s the angle he’s looking at it from. As for Gerbilface Johnson vs Samuels, I have to admit that the impersonation Samuels did of Umi Zumi was funny.

      Additionally, as we’ve pointed out many times here before, Samuels was right to bring up the fact that Gerbilface Johnson has two babymothers who he hasn’t married as well as collected money for a so called boys school that has yet to be opened.

      You’ll notice that the bread and circus monkey entertainment show called the Breakfast Club have brought the coke sniffing failure back onto their platform without even asking him pertinent and relevant questions.

      Gerbilface reminds me of Cynthia G, he has absolutely no grounds to stand on, however because of his brainwashed and blinded knuckleheaded followers, he still has this foolish idea in his head that he’s somehow relevant.

      You’d think dude would slip into the shadows and concentrate on what he needs to concentrate on(cuffing a black queanie and opening up his boys school) knowing that if he puffs out his chest, it can easily be deflated by bringing up these same shortcomings, but no, the dude keeps prattling on and dick policing black men dating preferences.

      Cool Whip Samuels and Johnson are no different to each other, other than Samuels facing the fact that black women as a collective are indeed broken and require serious reparations, BOTH however still want to palm the black witch off onto free thinking brothers.

      Notice how very few prominent black men have brought up the fact that Johnson has still yet to open up his pipe-dream of a school. I’m going to have to light Gerbilface up on Monday once again, it’s about that time, stay tuned.

      1. I don’t know why Mayweather is fighting Logan Paul either (could possibly be a clout thing), but at least he’s choosing a real opponent with a flawless record unlike Jake Paul who fought a retired NBA athlete who never sparred anyone and an MMA fighter who had hip replacement surgery some time before his fight against the younger Paul brother; Jake needs to be like Logan and fight a real boxer. As for Samuels and Umi Zumi, it would be more interesting to see how their Internet beef plays out, and I’m looking forward to Monday’s article.

  25. Now this is what I mean when I say SysBM brothas should aim to be versatile, adaptable, intelligent & WORLDly like Hao Ge. Heck, I think I’ve seen the future for enterprising, creative Black folk right in China’s own back yard. Here we have a Nigerian who is a trained Engineer but who had a passion for music since he was a child.

    Hao Ge is very famous in China & highly respected too. Read the comments at the links posted below. Honestly, I doubt he has any problems scoring with hot feminine Asian women since he always leaves his audiences captivated, enthralled. In essence, his persona is very positive for ALL black folk who have relocated to EurAsia since it makes us all look good. Hence we need more cats like him permanently heading East. Yes?

    He began his singing career in the choir at Lagos’ House on the Rock Pentecostal church in Nigeria. He received a degree in engineering, and began to pursue a singing career, which led his father to disown him. Before getting his career off the ground in China, he was a country music singer…

    He is fluent in Mandarin Chinese (Hao Ge said that he uses Pinyin to learn Mandarin) and is applying for Chinese citizenship. He was asked to sing in the Beijing Olympics, Summer 2008. Hao Ge also travels all over China to perform and do television shows. He can be seen on CCTV-9.


    郝歌-草原上升起不落的太阳 (Hao Ge – The Sun That Never Sets Rises on the Grassland)
    – famous Chinese Mongolian song

    Mongolian Long Song – 13 years ago
    To Asian music, he is like Tiger Woods to golf. What a breath of fresh air!!! He shows how a song can be expressed so freely for someone who grew up from a politically and culturally emancipated environment.

    Unlikely Chinese Star – Uwechue Emmanuel (Hao Ge)

    Jimmy Lin – 6 years ago

    孔文旭 – 10 years ago
    What an outstanding voice. I would like to compete in such a competition some day.

    People’s Republic of China(1949-Present): 東方紅 “The East is Red” Brother Hao 郝歌

    Tong Liu – 1 year ago
    The East is Red with soul! Love it!

    YouDuoShaoAiKeYiChongLai (有多少爱可以重来) — Hao Ge (郝歌) From Africa

    Tynan Draper – 9 years ago
    I think I just saw the future. . where everybody learns Chinese and Shanghai is the new Hollywood.

    KingDrudge – 13 years ago
    Seeing Hao Ge sing in Chinese gives me greater inspiration to continue taking Chinese. Its bad enough that most Americans are still stuck with taking French and Spanish, but for any black man to get ahead in this country, he better learn much more complicated languages like Chinese or even Arabic.

    Red Song King Good Brother in Nanchang 红歌王好弟南昌街头向市民学唱红歌

    Sam Donohoe – 3 years ago
    That’s dedication to learn such a hard language and learn the songs etc, best of luck to him.

    Wang Xi Yu – 1 year ago
    True spirit of internationalism.

  26. Just in case anyone uses online dating apps if you ever get banned just turn it on them and use the data protection act 2018 and request for them to erase your data and remind them of the act. If you’re in the UK. If they can ban people for no reason they shouldn’t have the right to keep your personal information. Funny they won’t get rid of delusional people.
    I don’t rely on apps but at times it can help

    What do you think?

    1. I’m more of meeting in person type of guy. If it’s one thing I learn from my late pops, is Do not ever meet people over the internet when it comes to dating because 9 times out of 10, you don’t know who’s behind that profile.

      1. I’m same as well, I prefer meeting person but a lot of people around my age (23) use their phones. I just use online as extra thing really sometimes I get lucky sometimes I don’t.

        That is true always got to be careful that’s why if I ever do I meet in public and also analyse from a distance before I meet. Also if it helps I don’t go for daggles of any race.

    1. Aw yeah! I heard about it. I’m definitely gonna talk about it too. I’m still not getting the vaccine though.

    2. Now that Gates’ depopulation agenda is being implemented, he is no longer useful. Remember, he was the major salesman of it. Hard to fathom that there are powers even above Bill Gates to take him off the chess board.

      1. King Bi and Rothschild will continue to rob the West dry of tech and intelligence…while Shaniqua and white zaddy keep on trying and failing to watch black men’s dicks instead of doing their jobs…

    1. Jews’ 70-year-long social engineering & multimedia campaigns to force people to like them is falling apart. Good.

      1. B..but we wuz KANGZ and shit bro…KANGZ!

        Dude, you can’t make these people up! Whining about ‘anti-Semitism’ and ‘white genocide’, when they don’t even belong in the Holy Land, instead of working to build the hood and stopping the stereotypes. These types love to complain about other people when being the most hypocritical and delusional themselves.

        This is why I can’t take white zaddy, the black female and the racist Jew seriously. They love to complain about black men and white women but when pushed to the table, they’re just as incompetent as the worst monarchies in Europe.

        Jane Austen and Eric Blair (George Orwell) were right, they don’t love the poor, they simply loath and despise the ‘rich’.

  27. You murdered it Verbs! These Eurasianist wignats and hotep goose stepping simps are simply insane and off their rocker, who the heck is watching another man’s dick in this day and age? Check this out:

    Even the rainbow flag Ashekenazim don’t want Hitman Hanzelstein and False Flag Fedowitz around them, yet black hoes and white zaddy continue to suck up to these losers.

    1. Brendan Dubalos,

      This is good to see, I’m going to move this to the Off Topic section, feel free to repost the link this week’s Open Mic Wednesday.

      1. Sure man, no problem. This shows you why SPD and NVDP were able to build one of the world’s strongest empires from the ruins of the Napoleonic War and use the Nazis to wreck the Soviets, while black females, white zaddy and racist oligarchs still fighting each other over the ‘revolution’. Anybody dumb enough to fall for MSM or wignat/hotep nonsense in this day and age is a clown, there’s a reason why people were given brains.

    1. The thug boyfriend who was sentenced to 15 years is a simp for killing a guy his girl cheated on him with; she belongs to the streets, so leave her alone.


    Y’all see this? People are gonna be dropping dead like flies sooner or later. That third article explaining the five phases of vaccine compliance, Once again, I’m sensing a war is gonna break out sometime sooner or later, and you can thank the people behind all this mess, and the people who advocate for the vaccine to “get their life back.” At the end, the “anti-vaxxers,” us conspiracy theory people, whatever named they trying to label people who spoke nothing but the truth and refused the vaccine, won the fight. Are these people even worried that even though they ain’t liable for the deaths, them deaths will still come back and haunt them forever.

    1. { People are gonna be dropping dead like flies sooner or later. }

      I got first dibs on my landlord’s $4000 16inch blazing fast 64gb RAM, 1TB, Intel Core i9 MacBook Pro with Retina screen & fab speakers. After her 2nd upcoming Astra Zeneca jab, i intend to resize the OSX partition to the bare minimum & install Windows Server 2019 as a rock solid reliable workstation without all the Cortana spyware & annoying random updates shit from crappy Windoze 10 which was released for sheep masses.

      Heck, I might even install Kubuntu, Linux Mint Cinnamon, MX-Linux KDE, or Manjaro Cinnamon IF the hardware support for everything is stable & reliable.

      I recently dedicated 8gb RAM to a VMware Workstation Pro Windows 7 virtual machine for her inside that beast of a machine to do her QuickBooks 2010 chores since it won’t install on Win10 & the frigging processor never goes past 1% CPU utilization. Amazing!

      So….twiddling my fingers waiting for this naive ignoramus who should KNOW BETTER than to get an experimental jab to kick the bucket…
      ….. waiting 👀 🤫 🙈 👀

      ….waiting 👀 🤫 🙈 👀

      …waiting… 👀 🤫 🙈 👀

    1. Brendan Dubalos,

      I going to have to move this to the Off Topic section again as I want us to stay relevant with the current topic, once again feel free to post these links in the last Open Mic Wednesday or the up and coming one.

    2. Brendan,
      The irony from all those links u posted is that if Kill Gates & his Anglo Saxon ilk were Blaaaccck, Captain Euro & his merry men would be looking for blood from all black folk. Cognitive dissonance at work once again.

      You think white people would tolerate this CONvid scandemic if it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that King Blackie designed & released it in the Western world?

      Nope, we’d be in a serious race war by now. Whites simply skate by when they do all kinds of destructive shit.

      Does “white privilege” exist?? You damn right it does!

      1. This Anglo Saxon nonsense is simply psychological warfare, straight out of Rothschild and Chabad Lubavitch. Eurasianists all suck off each other, from Soviets to DemoKKKrats. And yes, I call out Putrid because he’s a agent of Lord Ziostein.

  29. Hmmmn, I wonder what excuses Lord Euro will make up about high value SysBMers.

    GQ Magazine – The fetishisation of black masculinity
    { But the problem of fetishising black masculinity goes beyond being treated as a walking black dildo by overzealous white people. Perhaps if white “allies” knew their history, they would reconsider their signs.

    The over-sexualisation of black masculinity has, historically, led to intense surveillance and intervention over our bodies. Going back to the 19th century, the English Victorian eugenicist Francis Galton would make pseudo-scientific claims that there were “savages”, with “anatomical differences” between black and white men, such as penis and pelvis size. So white men were morally superior to black men because they were more sexually controlled…

    Black men in Britain were therefore seen as major threats to public health, with castration even being recommended as a method of preventative treatment to protect the safety and sexual dignity of white citizens.

    What does this pseudo-scientific view of black men’s bodies and sexual capacities have to do with anti-black police violence today? Because this need to “control” the sexuality of black men through physical violence has been a long-term solution to what is termed “black peril” – the colonial-era fear white settlers had that black and native men would have sexual relations with white women.

    In the colonised British New Guinea, “black peril” led to the “White Women’s Protection Ordinance” of 1926, which introduced the death penalty for the rape or attempted rape of a European female by a native person. This criminalised interracial sex between black men and white women. Interracial sex was viewed as a violation independent of the concept of consent. Naturally, this standard didn’t apply to white male colonisers, who were free to rape black and native women as their right.

    In late 20th-century Britain, white feminist movements often complied with racist ideas that black men present a more significant sexual threat to them than white men. As Valerie Amos and Pratibha Parmar claim in Challenging Imperial Feminism, “Reclaim The Night” marches – which demanded that women be able to move through public spaces at night – would predominantly march through black inner-city areas. This “played into the hands of the racist media and the fascist organisations” such as the National Front, “some of whom immediately formed vigilante groups patrolling the streets ‘protecting’ innocent white women by beating up black men”.

    And the fetishisation of black masculinity has also positioned white men as our sexual rivals, which has ultimately culminated in the kind of anti-black violence we have faced from police officers and so-called vigilantes. Liam Neeson’s confession in 2019 that he sought to kill a black man after his friend was raped drew parallels with the white men who murdered 14-year-old Emmett Till just 65 years ago. Again, presenting black men as aggressive sexual rivals encourages white men to seek sexual revenge. }


    But IF you’re the “superior” race, why all the dick policing against black men? SysBMers already know the reason to that rhetorical question. And note that nobody is talking about the fake hair, weave wearin scraggle daggle “woman”.

    1. The superior race is currently being soyified and cuckified by the same group that empowered them to create those 70s fascist groups back in the day. Your dick policing officer is no longer Skinhead Steve or Essex Dave, it’ll more like Twinky Tom, Rainbow Rich or Neckbeard Nick.

      1. LOL. White nationalists and racist Jews need each other. This wignat movement is simply a scare tactic to get the likes of Tesla and Aaron Swartz to make ‘aliyah’ so Likud can basically steal their work and use it to oppress Palestinians. They can all take a trip to Russia for all I care, not my problem.

        As Verbs said, you can’t make deals with the literal devil and expect to win. Pride Boys and Milo are just the nail of this Eurasianist Kremlin controlled white nationalist revolution.

  30. Most white supremacists are insecure betas created by single motherhood and lack of a strong man. I say this for both sides, the hardcore skinhead Bolshevists and the fake woke libtards. And of course you have Lord Ziostein and Bottom Shelf Brad controlling them…nobody is going to tell me some Turkish guy whose ancestors lived in is one of God’s chosen people.


    All I’m gone say is this: They about to experience some unwanted events that’s gonna trace back to what these people done push. They force that poison and putting a tracking system on me, I swear to god. I got a lot to say about this, but I’ll wait until Wednesday because I’m ready for all this shit to end, because enough damage has been done.

    1. Michel,

      That lace front weave wearing feral beast looks horrific. Of course this is all the black witch knows, every conflict must be solved via the use of violence, true communism at its finest.

    1. Carlos The Unjabbed,

      I’ve moved this comment to the Off Topic Section but feel free to post this link in this week’s Open Mic Wednesday.

  32. The majority of Western black womin are TOXIC. Glad I departed the decrepit “West”. I wonder what the feminist score card is 3 years later after this article was published. Once again, my beloved Canada is doing everything possible to keep me from ever returning over thar with this diabolical globalist agenda.

    Caribbean feminist activists and groups to set the agenda in leveraging Canada’s Women’s Voice and Leadership funding in their region

    Astraea and The MATCH Fund to work alongside on-the-ground partners to further feminist movements in the Caribbean.

    (OTTAWA, September 5, 2018). Yesterday from Bridgetown, Barbados, Canadian Member of Parliament Kamal Khera, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development, announced a five-year, $4.8 million initiative aimed at strengthening feminist movements in the Caribbean.

    Working alongside women’s organizations in the region, The MATCH International Women’s Fund (The MATCH Fund) and Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice (Astraea) are leveraging funding opportunities from Canada to mobilize significant resources which will further the priorities of feminist organizations in the Caribbean.

    “In the current wave of progressive Caribbean women’s organizing, this grant from the Canadian Government could make a significant contribution to advancing our feminist agenda,” said Peggy Antrobus, long-time Caribbean-based gender advocate and The MATCH Fund Board member.

    …“What’s most significant about this initiative,” said The MATCH Fund’s CEO Jess Tomlin, “is that it will be led by grassroots Caribbean feminist groups – those who are experts on the local context, and who are best positioned to find sustainable solutions.”


  33. From the files of Henry Makow. Now, this is an article from 2001 about the feminism agenda at the University of Winnepeg (UW) in central Canada. 20 years later, TOXIC feminism is big across Canada & the dying “Western” world — especially in 5Eyes countries. Quite frankly, this is the fault of the cucked & allegedly superior Main Street Anglo male sheep who are more concerned about maintaining their PRIVILEGED position at Lord Ziostein’s table instead of putting him & his associates 6 feet under. But now, I realize they’re just all talk & about dick policing.

    Oh well, fcuk em! Not my problem.

    The new face of intolerance: UW President Constance Rooke.
    UW Teaches High School Girls Lesbian Masturbation, Winnipeg Sun, June 5, 2001.

    – Reprinted in the Wall Street Journal June 6,2001

    Parents ‘livid’ after students taught to masturbate with fruits, vegetables
    By Tom Brodbeck, CITY COLUMNIST

    River East School Division students got the shock of their lives when they signed up for a mini-university course at the University of Winnipeg in April.

    The teenage girls thought they were going to get a lesson in art history from a one-week “Women in Art” course designed for high school students.

    What they got instead was an orientation on lesbian lifestyle and how women can satisfy themselves sexually without men using a variety of fruits and vegetables.

    “People were shown fondling objects such as carrots and/or cucumbers and saying you could use this, you don’t need a man,” said John Carlyle, superintendent of River East School Division. “The message was not one of art, it was a message of ‘girls don’t need men, you can get along without them quite nicely — use the following kinds of paraphernalia and you’ll be OK.’ ”

    Good grief. Is this where our tax dollars are going these days?

    You gotta ask yourself what a publicly-funded institution is doing giving teen-age girls tips on how lesbians can get off without men.

    It’s not my idea of a higher education….

    UW’s Elite Agenda Prepares you for Friendly Fascism
    By Henry Makow Ph.D.

    Feminism has achieved enormous power in society because it serves the long-term elite agenda of destabilizing society and reducing population. The elite’s goal is “New World Order” — a United Nations-based global government that uses the arbitrary power of the state to promote the agenda of monopoly capital. It is the “left” in the service of the “right.” Wake up people! Women’s Studies is funded by the Rockefeller Foundation! Gloria Steinem worked for the CIA!

    Behind the smoke screen of women’s rights, feminists like UW Pres. Constance Rooke are pursuing a radical, Marxist lesbian program designed to spread psychological and social dysfunction. It denigrates heterosexuality– masculinity, femininity and the nuclear family and promotes a gender-less or homosexual model. They are using publicly funded universities like U.W to indoctrinate young people and to shut out opposing views.

    Feminists pretend to represent women when, in fact, they despise femininity. In typical doublespeak, they practice all the things they impute to men: sexism, racism and intolerance. Self-righteous as they are self-seeking, theirs is the official ideology of the New World Order. Did you know that the expression “politically correct” originated in the Communist Party in the 1920s?


    “So long as feminism remains institutionalized it will purvey coercion. Feminists may be beyond rational persuasion. . . But they are in the end asking women to make themselves unattractive to men, and to forego love and children. Feminism will be forgotten, commanding only the loyalty of barren women whose genetic lines are running to extinction.” — Michael Levin, Professor of Philosophy, City College of New York in Feminism and Freedom, p.306

    source: Henry Makow

    1. These white betas are a joke to be honest. Constantly moaning on and on and never putting in any work. Proud of being bottom of the pile and doing the jobs no one wants..which is quite sad. And they and BW constantly attack migrants when both of these scumbag groups are lazy delusional clowns who hate hard labor. Say what you want about Arabs & Eastern Europeans but these two groups actually take action.

    2. Feminism is just another wing of the depopulation agenda. Dress the wolf in sheep’s clothing and parrot talking points straight from the dark cult. Gather some MK altered peeps to make the thing more tangible, push it through the media and voilà. Men desire each other, women hate children, no more babies born, we did it to ourselves. Just make sure we can profit of this too.

    1. Elissor,

      Yep, one of the Caribbean islands recently suffered a major disaster and the rescue teams were stating that only the so called “vaccinated” would be rescued. We see where this is going.

    1. Sorry to break this to you Kameron. Idris was born in East London, his first regular acting gig was in The Bill and he started in Luther for 2 seasons before permanently moving to the USA.

      Idris Elba is just that good an actor.

      1. @Michel

        On a serious note, why would he take such a role, given all the blockbusters he has under his belt?

        Sure, Knuckles the Echidna is a popular and well liked character in the Sonic series, but considering the major roles he has on his CV, this would be the cinematic equivalent of Dr. Ben Carson choosing to work the line at Mickey D’s.

  34. Brothers, especially Americans.

    Learn Spanish.

    Why? Because you have a whole continent of feminine attractive Latinas to choose from. They love black men. If you also speak Spanish? Hot damn..

    Colombia, Venezuela, Argentina, Ecuador, Paraguay, Mexico, Costa Rica, Dominica…

    How to learn? Read short stories in easy Spanish whilst listening to the text. Watch a little Telemundo, speak with friends.

    Seriously, Spanish is easy, 3 months of reading and listening will get you fluent. Then pay for Speaking exchanges and you’ll have so many women you won’t know what to do with them all.

    Verbs agrees.


    So, people are going to boycott this Asian American actress for using a “Blaccent” for rap songs, but they won’t say anything about scraggle daggles wearing a White women’s blonde wigs and Indian weaves, or for their impersonation of a Valley girl accent; also, her speaking in a “Blaccent” makes her “anti-Black”, but Issa Rae isn’t anti-Asian for calling Filipinos the “Blacks of Asians” even though they are the most financially prosperous of the East Asian ethnicities?

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      And it’s happening because the dumb sheep are continuing to do what they are told instead of questioning the draconianism, smh.

      1. Yet we are supposed to believe that Donald Trump was a fascist tyrant…

        On another note, our governor (Abbott-TX) has basically said that he would fight the federal vaxx “mandate”, but I hope that I don’t have to channel the spirits of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego when it comes to my job or anyone for that matter.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      That brawl was disgraceful, even when they have prominent positions, they still can’t behave themselves.

    1. Darrion Robinson,

      Unfortunately yes, commenter Glen S posted this in I believe the last Open Mic Wednesday. That oversized steam cruiser is in no position to be talking about anything relationship related until she loses at least 450 of those 600 pounds she’s holding onto. The delusions of grandeur are really heavy with that freak of nature.

  36. I cant seem to get onto the latest Free Topic Wednesday for some reason! All I see is black screen, twirling forever. Y’all be getting censored or something?

    Anyway the worm is turning in this godforsaken island, SAGA Rebellion getting dragged off the roads by Polish women and black men! Police stood down for their bullshit deliberately. I wouldn’t blame a lorry driver if they just treat the old crusty Soros whores as speedbumps.

    1. Michel,

      No, everything is working fine from this end, have you tried using a different browser assuming your internet is working normally?

  37. Hey Verbs,

    Long time reader, first time commenting.

    Not sure if you have seen this yet. I searched the blog and didn’t see anything. Maybe I didn’t look good enough.

    But check out the 13 year old daughter of ex-NBA player Corey Benjamin. Her name is Cori Benjamin and she is also a basketball player. She is caught on video, not once, but TWICE, sucker punching 3 other girls on the opposing team during two separate high school basketball games in Garden Grove, California. This news hit about 3 days ago on November 9th, when Alice Ham posted a video on Instagram of her daughter being punched, knocked out, and suffering a concussion:

    You can hear Cori’s mother, Tyra Hunt, shout from the crowd to “hit” the victim. Here is Tyra’s Facebook page:

    Doesn’t get any more ratchet than that.

    Here is a second video from Alice Ham’s Instagram showing Cori punching out another girl at another game, then running to attack a third girl who tried to stop the fight:

    I seriously thought I was watching “When Animals Attack” on the Discovery Channel when I stumbled across this video on the NY Post website. Imagine the horror of the girls who were punched out of nowhere while playing the game. I’m glad the girl in the second video fought back. Notice how all 3 victims were either non-black, or light-skinned black girls.

    Then, like clockwork, just like you always say Verbs, here comes a simp defending the animal:

    Just in case he deletes it, here is what he said:

    #coribenjamin #benjaminballers #tmzsports #hennychang #channel4news
    there two sides to every story. In this video Cori is being attacked by two highschool girls. Cori might be big but she is only 13 years old. I have other evidence that shows she was also being mulled and accosted in the game in question.”

    Of course he got tore up in the comments with people calling him a fool for trying to explain away this animal’s behavior. I guess he thinks we are blind and did not see Cori attack out of nowhere, while the victims were minding their own business playing the game.

    Here is Cori’s Instagram which has been set to private since the ordeal took place:

    Then she has the nerve to have “God 1st” in her bio. Lol. I can’t make this stuff up Verbs.

    Here is her Twitter:

    Her father Corey Benjamin came out and issued an apology:

    Now why is this man apologizing for his wife and daughter? Why can’t they apologize themselves? Not only is the mother a disgrace, this guy also has a few domestic violence cases himself. No telling what kind of criminal record the mother has. Looks like the whole family is garbage. No wonder the daughter is the way she is.

    1. Long Time Reader,

      The anger that was seething through me watching those videos, if I was at that game and the devil spawn black witch did that to any of my children(if I had any), I wouldn’t of hesitated to jump onto the court and busted her straight upside the head.

      Too many folks out here don’t understand how to deal with these hellion young black females who have been professionally trained to be violent, raise hell and wreak havoc on others by their malevolent mothers.

      Yet another example as to why black men with sense and intelligence should NEVER place their seed into these evil creatures, smh. Feel free to post this in the Daggle/Maggle Watch page if you wish and thanks for alerting me to it, absolutely disgusting behaviour.

      Don’t even get me started on the bootlicking simp trying to defend these deplorable actions.

  38. OK looks like a few pages got deleted, on top of connection issues. Are you swapping hosts or some simp soldier interfering.?

    1. Michel,

      As far as I can see at the moment, the article I released on the 14th Jan is the only thing missing thus far, if you see anything else strange, please feel free to point it out. No super simp interference outside of the particular article that was reported. Connection issues were due to a pending SSL certificate, it’s all good now, SSL certificate in place, I’ve gotten over the bumpy parts of the transfer.

  39. Anybody know where King Sigma is? These bedwenches are dropping like flies from Swirl Mountain lol. Like literally falling. And another just today killed by White Zaddy. I miss his commentary. His last post on YouTube was 4 months ago. After David Carroll got sick and dropped dead, you never know.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      No need to panic, I talked to King Sigma at the end of last week, he’s doing fine, he told me he’s just been busy with other projects.

  40. This Whole Kanye & Kim Thing is Insane. I Mean the Fact that Kim Ducked out on Kanye & Chooses to Hop in Bed With Pete Davidson just Shows How Rancid She is. I Mean This Guy had been on SNL (Saturday Night Live) & Made Crude Jokes About Kanye & Kim & Even their Kids is just Foul, But then Again the Kardashians are Known for Being Foul People. Anyone Notice How the Men that they Went Through End up Becoming Bizarre Fixer-uppers. Bruce Jenner is Proof of that When He got with the Head of the Family Kris Jenner, Gave her 2 Other Daughters Kendall & Kylie & After they Divorced, Now Bruce after a Sex Change Operation Refers to Him or Should I Say Herself as a Woman Named Caitlyn. If I Were a Famous Person & Anyone Around my Circle wanted to Date Any of the Kardashian Women, Kim & Khloe. Mostly I Would Tell them ”I Wouldn’t Go There”. There’s a Reason Why The Men They got With are Screwed up Now. As of Which Kanye is Looked at even Further as a Villain in the Media. While they Make Kim out to be the Victim. Mind you Now, When She was With Kanye. People Called All kinds of Names Slut, Whore, etc. Yet Now that She’s With Pete Davidson, That Same Crowd Now Looks at her Like a Delicate Flower. Though Anyone with Common Sense Knows that Ain’t the Case, Cough ”SEX Tape with Ray J”. Which Reinforces Something Harvey from ”Your World, Your View” Said About Brothers Who Date Non-Black Females, Then They Get Looked at as The Worst in Their Eyes, But When it Comes to White Men Who Date the Women of their Race or Any Other Race of Women. Then the Tone is Entirely Different. They’re Not Called Any Derogatory Names & The Funny thing that People Always Seem to Get Confused with. Is the Fact that The Kardashian Women Kris, Kim, Khloe & Kourtney are Not Caucasian Women at All. They’re Actually Non-White Females, But they Feel that Just Because they’re of a Lighter Skin Tone & Got their Bodies Surgically Altered that they Can Pass as White Women. Which also Shows the Self Hate they got of Being Black. Here it is, Kanye is Concerned About the Kids that He & Kim Have. He Worries About their Well Being, Because Their Mother is Out there Whoring it up for a Guy Who’s Been Known for Being a 1st Class Asshole also For the Life of Me, I Can’t Process Whatsoever at What Women See in that walking Toolbox. Unless they Have Low Self Esteem Issues. If that Being the Case. It’s No Wonder Why Most of the Hollywood Women are so EASY. Clearly What Kim is Doing to Kanye is Something a Scraggle Daggle Would do to Any Other Brother Who lay in Bed With Them. That’s Why I’m 100% #SYSBM.

  41. Verbs –

    A few times I have sent you links to stuff, I am not sure if you see it because I don’t get any replies back.

    My screen name is the same as my email it’s spelled out as money rather than monie.

    1. Anthony,

      I gotten your past emails and am always much appreciated for the links, sometimes I’m just so busy that I either forget to reply or the time to respond just isn’t there.

        1. Anthony,

          Not sure exactly what you mean but if you want an article you’ve written to be published, just send it to my email and I’ll release it in the next available slot.

  42. L Express just dropped a BIG L on the matriarchy known as the communiteh:

    While watching this LONG video:

    I saw the L dropped in the chat replay (near the end of the video):

    “The Mexicans and Americans didn’t want the Haitians but they both rolled the red carpet for Ukrainians. Well black Biden voters, there goes your reparations!”

    L Express – Delivery in 30 minutes or the next L is free. Worldwide. 24x7x365.


    1. Kameron Brown,

      A new path is most definitely needed, the woke garbage has gotten way out of hand infecting nearly everything it comes into contact with, smh.

      1. @Verbs

        I plan on supporting this myself; the initial campaign is going pretty well, so far–especially for someone who lacks the financial backing of multinational conglomerates.. I will post this on OMW tomorrow, so hopefully more of the boys will see this.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I still reckon the Convid-1984 injection Samuels took was the real cause of his death. The hypertension I reckon was a direct result of the jab.

      1. Verbs2015,

        I agree with you that the jab was the cause of his death.

    2. My family have had high blood pressure for years, they’re still alive!

      However the uncle who dropped dead suddenly of a heart failure did take the clot shot more than once. I call BS on that doctor’s report.


    Boy, this plandemic has driven people so crazy; I’m not sure how old or recent this is, but this Karen in the wild wished death on a father’s children for not wearing a mask!

    1. BCT,

      Why am I not surprised, these black females stay choosing old white men who already have one foot in the grave but then have the audacity to state that black men can only get with leftover non black women, smh.

  44. I’m just going to dump a few links here for future Open Mic Wednesday posts:

    That’s all for now, but there are more posts I plan to put here; I’ve been meaning to share these for a long time now, but never got around to it.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      What news clip are you referring to because you’ve posted the link to the IG account, not the post?

      1. A few Thanksgiving holidays ago, my brother intimated something about this when I asked him a question about his job in marketing; he said they get “woke points” for what they put in some of their advertisements. This little short confirms what he told me.

  45. I don’t know if any of you heard of this movie called “Good Burger” from the mid-90s, but while I was at my apartment complex’s gym on the bike, I noticed the TV on Nickelodeon and they put out an advertisement for a “Good Burger II” movie.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      “Black women are ten toes down for black men”. Where exactly is this support, loyalty and comradeship because I don’t see it. I saw the comments, black women as a collective aren’t going anywhere for two main reasons:

      1. Their State directive is to ensure that black men and black society remain in disarray in order to continue receiving government treats, benefits, assistance etc.

      2. If black women leave black men, who are they going to use as a scapegoat whenever they suffer the consequences of the stupid decisions they themselves make?

      Exactly, black women aren’t going anywhere. Additionally, which race of non black men is going to accept them if these black females did decide to leave black men en mass, I’ll wait?

      1. Since we’re so bad, why don’t they just leave us alone then? Why are they always making viral tiktoks and going on podcasts complaining because some random black man somewhere didn’t speak to them? Why do they still care so much about who black men date and where we travel to since we’re just low level bus drivers and dusties? We can’t even mind our own business anymore without them speaking on us.

        Plus all the comments are telling them to go where they’re loved lol. I’ve been hearing this for as long as I can remember and I’m still waiting for this mass exodus of black women leaving for other men.

        And I don’t believe anything about some mystery black male friend telling her that bullshit. This is just a ploy to get some sympathy dick from the few non black men who’ll give them some attention.

        I’m so tired of their persecution complex.

  46. Today is 21/11/23 I will be discussing this tomorrow.
    Long story short, this is about gatekeeping SYSBM and people attacking all of us because of what somebody he has beef with said
    Pablo Frescobar is a passport roll who also has claim syspm. We all know who he is and I think some of us have put out his videos on his channel. I’m still subscribed to him too. Pablo claims that SYSBM attacked him and the Passport Bros. Apparently he’s talking about this livestream made by Truism the Storm Crew
    I’ve never heard of truism I am a little bit familiar with freeze on lou, and of course founding knight gw3 was on that panel.
    From what I seen, the Truism panel was going over a livestream from Obsidian about Leslie Jones dissing PPB. Obsidian been all over that topic like well how obsidian usually do.
    Tommy Sotomayor made a surprise appearance. Later on , Pablo who is a frequent panel guest of obsidian, showed up and talked with Tommy and Obsidian. Truism and that panel roasted the hell out of Pablo and passport bros. I can’t lie, I did not like seeing it and I don’t have any problems or beef with Pablo personally. Talking about that man’s divorce and him personally was unnecessary. But that’s their panel and they obviously had a reason for going after this group so it is what it is
    Yeah, we pointed out some of the flaws that we think of passport bros, most of us have to give them their props and have been supportive of them . Some of our criticisms were never to the point that this live stream from truism and freezone Lou and crew went.
    Again, I’m not that familiar with these guys, and really , they come off more as people caping for the women then what sysbm discuss. I’m just saying .
    Since gw3 was Tre the NBD was there, so that’s why Pablo is framing it as an attack from us. Their main point was that passport bros need to stop talking about Western women and specifically bws and what they do since they’re down traveling. The same argument that has been made to you Verbs and Mbdx and others to stop talking about the communitah since we’re now dating a different type of Stargate.
    Truism channel is too f****** small for all of SYSBM to be brought into a f****** beef with the passport Bros and Pablo.
    The comment section is where we get called out for not sticking to our tenets. Again, some of those people are came as fast but I never heard of them. Phantom clutch made a video against some of us that’s why it’s being members years ago because we weren’t telling the other side or being honest about how women act overseas. Insinuating that we were putting them on a pedestal
    Pablo put this out.
    His live stream I can’t find, but he did respond and apparently he went in on SYSBM.
    If Pablo wants that smoke, he will get it, we are precise and strategic when you break down people like him. The n***** Pablo is overreacting to content creator who he claim is too small, but yet want to bring SYSBM into this s***?!

    Here’s the thing, Pablo is cool and I don’t think we should be beefing with Pablo just because some dudes who claim to be SYSBM and probably aren’t are roasting the dude.
    Just because Gw3 is on that panel does not mean that his specific views (that he made himself clear on) represent all of what we have to say. Pablo knows who to go to if you want to discuss where SYSBM stands. He can go talk to gw3. They know who they can email if they want to discuss the tenets.
    But don’t claim that we are not willing to talk about our tenets, when we have told you how this will work with us. We do this our way.
    The fact that Pablo and his fans didn’t makes me wonder should we even respond to them.
    If you see this after today, I will probably be posted on the open topic Wednesday session. I don’t play when it comes to this gatekeeping with this.
    Of course the usual haters out out in that section talking s***, we’ll see how Pablo reply to them.


    1. Mack G,

      Most definitely, be sure to post everything here in tomorrow’s Open Mic as well. In the meantime I’ll be reading through this and checking out the video you linked.

  47. * when I mentioned the main point of the live stream, I’m talking about the main point of truism live streaming. His claim that passport bros need to stop talking about Western women since they’re traveling. He blames the passport rolls for giving these women attention. Even though we all know the women go online and talk about it because well they’re not as much pushback and there are protected
    I think that Truism panel waslow-key capping for these women or at least they act like (especially Tre) like those fresh and fit red pill dating type guys.. you know, those “maintain frame” those “man up” workout and the women will come to you type dudes? That don’t discuss the Nuance of all of that? I’m not that familiar with these guys again

  48. Another Correction, Phantom clutch was in the comment section on that video. He was criticizing SYSBM because we were according to him at the time putting non-black women on a pedestal. Even though we often talk about vet and other races of women. But I guess he was salty because American eyes Asian women were rejecting him. Even though I told this was to be expected it became a Fallout on one to discord and he left. SYSBM is only a philosophy so it is what it is
    I think he has come to his senses since then but I don’t know I unsubscribe for him when he said that.

  49. Here’s a recent live that General Tito did on a pathetic Captain Frostbite pandering to Black women:

    Here’s another live Tito did where he gives the Passport Hoes a taste of their own medicine that they try to feed us:

    NOTE: If you go to Tito’s channel, you won’t see this videos under his Live tab; I guess he made them unlisted for a reason, but I had them saved to a playlist which is how I can still see them.

  50. I don’t know if any of you guys are familiar with a gentleman named Akira Toriyama, but for those of you who may be, he has passed away at the age of 68.

    1. Kameron,

      It’s very unusual for Japanese men to die so early, I’m wondering if Toriyama took the dreaded Convid-1984 jib jab.

        1. Kameron,

          It sounds like the the jab could’ve caused this because it normally causes issues either related to the heart, the brain, both and/or the blood.

    2. He’s the same man who gave us “Dragon Ball Z” which was a staple of many a youth’s childhood; the news of his passing was all over social media.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Times have changed, as we’ve been stating, modern day women are NOT entitled to traditional customs/treatment being bestowed upon them, it’s as simple as that. He can simp and try to shame men all he wants, nothing is going to change the trajectory at this point.

  51. So, there was a third assassination attempt on President Trump yesterday (10/13/24); I won’t say too much as I’m currently prepping to leave for work at the time of me publishing this comment, but here are the first two videos I’ve seen on this recent development:

    I’ve noticed something strange going on with these two videos; first, an Australian news channel was the first to report on this before American media, and the second thing is how YouTube has manipulated the videos time of publication. They both came up this morning on my smartphone as being published 10 hours later than they actually were, but it’s showing up differently on my tablet; now, it’s only one of the videos I see doing this. Something fishy is going on.

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