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The open attack on masculinity from Hollywood continues.
I can guarantee you that his wife Gabrielle Union is so proud of her work, emasculating not only her husband Dwayne but also his son who decided to embark upon the lifestyle of a tranny around 5 years ago.
Let’s not even talk about the fact that in addition to carrying his “murse”, Wade also engages in the female practice of painting his finger nails, smh.
Masculinity in the West especially in Western Europe is dying and declining hard, I can’t even believe what I’m observing whenever I walk the streets of London.
Near the beginning of the year whilst travelling home from work, I had the unfortunate pleasure of sitting opposite a fruity looking mixed race male who had gotten lip filler surgery done, I kid you not.
All I see around me these days are soft faced men either wearing extra baggy trousers/jeans or the same that practically resemble leggings.
In addition to this I’ve see a lot of these guys carrying around these so called “murses”, at minimum bags that look incredibly feminine.
I really don’t understand how these types of males can stand proud having voluntarily flushed their masculinity and manhood into the deepest sewer pipe.
Even many of these so called “roadmen” aka 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce, Field Mouse types can be found prancing the streets with their feminine looking man bags.
At what point do you look at a bag, note that it’s clearly feminine in appearance and as a man rightfully choose to give said bag a wide berth?
Hollywood as well as left leaning, liberal, feminist females in their quest to demonise and destroy classic masculinity and traditional manhood have been successful in effeminising large contingents of the Western male population.
Yet these same women are the ones now complaining about there supposedly not being any real men left and how men overall just aren’t as driven and ambitious as they used to be.
These women are premium grade dummies, the drive and ambition they claim they want men to have comes from the same masculinity that for years they’ve been religiously labelling as “toxic”.
Additionally, corporate, career driven women understand that they have to tap into masculine energy in order to generate the drive and ambition required to climb that corporate ladder.
Gentlemen, please understand that in the West there are currently hoards of women you walk past everyday who utterly despise your existence because of the masculine frame you carry.
They would like nothing better than to have you in physical chains and shackles serving them under every capacity with no remnant of masculinity/manhood remaining within you.
They are thoroughly disgusted by your presence, however at the same time they know that they don’t have the physical power to subdue you.
Gentlemen, NEVER be ashamed of being traditionally masculine, allow that masculinity to flow to its fullest capacity and be sure to check/put in line any females and blue pilled simps who attempt to stifle you being NORMAL.
A traditionally feminine woman will AWLAYS embrace her man being fully masculine because she knows that great achievements can be made by a man who is encouraged to delve deep into his masculinity.
Always maintain your masculine frame at all times gents, NEVER allow gynocentric Hollywood, dodgy celebrities or these disjointed feminist females out here to move you off your square.
I have NEVER rocked a “murse” and I’ll NEVER be seen with one. There are a variety of men’s small shoulder bags being sold out here that don’t make me look sexually suspect, I’ll be sticking to those and I’m NOT apologising for it.
The first part of SYSBM Tenet Number 7 reads:
“7. SYSBM STAUNCHLY REJECTS FEMINISM, HOMOSEXUALITY, LGBTQP and any and all related branches, we do not support such lifestyles that are decadent, reprobate, degenerate, dysfunctional, reprehensible, malevolent, abominable, unnatural and contaminated. Additionally, we DO NOT believe that men and women require equal rights because we accept the inherent differences between the sexes. Men and women ARE NOT THE SAME, it is the man’s duty to lead and the woman’s duty to follow his lead.”
As I’ve stated before in previous articles, my masculinity and manhood are NOT up for sale. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Resist The Slave Mind, Embrace Your Masculinity To The Fullest Degree
Most High Bless
SYSBM: Brentford was nice wasn’t it?
White sugar honey: Yeah, that was the first time going there.
SYSBM: You wanna stay home tomorrow?
White sugar honey: Why not. I need to rest.
I didn’t see the painted nails until now. Emasculating in Hollywood has been happening for years. I have seen so many videos on YouTube about this. I don’t know what is a murse and this is the first time I’m hearing about this things Dwayne Wade has carrying. Not only he’s feminine but his son is a tranny now. If he wants to live his life, then let him go head but men have to be careful approaching women now.
Hollywood is a place where it’s full of LGBTQ there. And I know that the actors engage into homosexual acts. Why? Because they want to get to the top. For instance, if an actor wants to get the twenty, fifty or a hundred-million-dollar club, they have to go on their knees and suck some man off or they get their back blown out.
All of the actors have done things to get where they are going in Hollywood and that is homosexual acts to get movie rolls and so on. a lot of things happening in Hollywood and it’s something mostly weird stuff happening there. masculinity is getting attacked in the Western Europe and they are continuing to attack it. maybe its these governments are attacking masculinity and not only feminism.
As I see Dwayne Wade, I have seen many black men who are feminine. It’s a huge pile of black men who has these feminine characteristics. Women feels that masculinity is a problem. Then what they are goanna do with a feminine man? He can’t do anything at all.
Hey, keep your white sugar honeys safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.