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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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On this week’s Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday.


Now, notice the black witch from the 0:05-0:08 mark and what she said:

“Refusing to yield to men when walking down the street”

Of course the weave and fake nail wearing black siren would engage in the type of behaviour that has the highest probability of leading to a physical confrontation, why are we not surprised?

Additionally, what she really meant to say was “refusing to yield to BLACK MEN when walking down the street”.

A lot of these women are going to discover the hard way that their social media bubble cannot protect them from the consequences of disrespecting men in real life.

We already know that black women aren’t going to engage in this type of aggressive pushback against their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost as he’ll have NO PROBLEMS checking and putting them back in line if and whenever required.

Don’t even get me started on the fruity Negro in that clip, unfortunately he is an example of what Western men are turning into as a whole. It’s an extremely hard struggle finding masculine men walking the streets these days, especially in London. Meanwhile:

I’ve never heard such a ridiculous, nonsensical and stupid explanation in my entire life. This is what happens when women smoke their own supply. Nope, men simply want to see what you really look like, not the false image that you’ve chosen to convey to the world.

Fellas, as a precaution be sure to avoid women who use makeup excessively as well as every external appendage they can lay their hands on.

If they have to doll themselves up so much it’s probably because they look extremely average at best or just plain ugly underneath. Most of these female spend their entire lives running from their true visage, smh. Moving on:

Of course in true black female fashion she turned off the comment section because she knew exactly what was coming, see for yourselves:

Once you begin to understand the types of black men most black women prefer and regularly chase after(thugs, criminals, gangsters, street loiterers, serial impregnators etc), then what she’s saying starts making perfect sense.

As I’ve been stating for years now, when you choose to date and procreate with unstable, hostile and militant male counterparts, DO NOT expect any miracles to manifest.

Additionally, we must always remember that by default the overwhelming majority of black women have a deep distain and hatred for black male masculinity and authority. THEY DON’T WANT BLACK MEN TO LEAD THEM. Finally:

I don’t even believe white men would use this overweight, weave and fake eyelashes wearing Frankenstein creature for recreational purposes only. Once again, another example of black women believing their own hype.

If interracial dating and marriage were viable options for black women then they would’ve taken full advantage of them from the beginning.

The fact of the matter is non black men are NOT checking for black women in any significant numbers. In order to date interracially, there has to be an interest on the other side from those you view as potential candidates.

In 2025 I believe most black women don’t really understand just how unattractive they look and how undesirable they’ve become especially in the departments of aesthetics as well as behaviours and attitude.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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8 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Looking to discuss strategies for dating white women, and to bond with like minded folk over this preference.

    Discord : lovesbeauty

  2. These black höes are disgusting just straight up slags. Especially that last one, what non-black man is going to take on that fat bitch and her baby hair, fake eyelashes and gross tonnage? All she does is eat. And more than likely got a kid or two behind the scenes. She’d be lucky to get a Pookie right out of jail let alone a white man. And ugh, that Jessie Woo again. We all know why she doesn’t want to show her bare face. These modern black höes are DELULU.

    SYSBM is undefeated.

    1. Yo Mama Black,

      The wide load cruise ship in the last video has the audacity to say that she’s had enough of black men and is open to dating out. However, as per usual black women fail to examine themselves and ASSume that they’re acceptable candidates to non black men.

      Western women in general especially suffer from the serious condition of lack of introspection. They automatically ASSume that they’d be chosen by the imaginary men in their heads because they’ve overinflated their true market value.

  3. Anyone else want to discuss dating and marrying white women. Add me

    Discord : lovesbeauty


    I always find it funny when these hair follicle deprived KKKeishas think they can go toe to toe with me and try to get my attention on social media whether through vicious DMs or posts I made ages ago.

    They always come back with some irrelevant shit and act like they made a prime Michael Jordan slam dunk lol. I’m supposed to care when they hit their late 30s and tell me they’re childless because they don’t want to have kids with black men (which is good for us) and have been focusing on their careers or bullshit degrees no employer cares about. Of course, I could easily fire back with more ammunition than Rambo, but I’m not about to give these heffas attention they don’t deserve.

    You click on their profiles, you’ll see why no man would ever give them the time of day, hence their hateful and toxic sista circle echo chambers wishing death and destruction upon us. Difference between them and us is, we (good black men) generally exude positive energy and when we meet non black women, we don’t do the whole “neh neh neh neh neeehhh” towards bdubs, we just keep it moving. It’s not some big celebratory event for us. Neither do we care about their little once in a blue moon interracial slavery race play adventures with other men like they think.

    The only reason I big up good black men raising families with non black women is because I like to see good brothers finally break the spell and be with women who embody the three Fs that love them, nurture them and give them peace and don’t see them as dollar/pound signs or 24/7 on-call minions.

    Boy, I’m happy for the freedom SYSBM brings.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      These blacks sirens love social media because whenever their fee fees get hurt, they’ll quickly run to flag and report your comment/post.

      Twitter used to be one of the worst for free speech censorship/violations until Elon Musk took it over. I’ve no doubt that there are tweets that are still being removed, however not nearly at the astronomical rate as before.

      These black harpies won’t dare to come here because they know this is a free speech platform, they can’t run to any administrators and engage in censorship at Slaying Evil. That black witch @Klapt K isn’t even afraid to declare that she’s a misandrist, smh.

      The standard religion of the modern day black female is to hold a deep disdain and hatred for black men while at the same time blame the same for every calamity and disaster that occurs in their lives, even ones said black females brought about via their own hands.

      As I’ve stated numerous times before, outside of witchcraft and deep sorcery, I really don’t understand why black men continue to stick it out with these malevolent black harridans. Why continue to deal with a group of females who’ve made it abundantly clear that they don’t like us?

  5. 1 – Of course she’ll refuse to yield. They think it’s cute and funny to be adversarial for no reason and wonder why their lives keep getting bad results. It’s not exactly rocket science.

    2 – All I heard was this:

    3 – Hmmm… but isn’t it funny how once we keep away from the main source of our trauma and date other women, we don’t seem to have that issue and neither do they? Being feminine alone can work wonders and complement black male masculinity like yin and yang. Which women are known to be the least feminine? Which men are known or at least perceived to be the most masculine? There’s the answer.

    Her slick little dog whistle isn’t gonna work and won’t keep non black women away, she ain’t slick.

    4 – YAWN….who cares.


  6. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! About those videos, that first one sounds like typical daggle behavior (well, at least the first few did); that second one is all the more reason to completely abandon BW as a dating option. That third video is just more daggle babble about “struggle love”, yet non Black women STRONGLY beg to differ; as for the last video, thinking Black men are no longer interested in you, as well. Good riddance, ghetto gagger!

    P.S. To piggyback off of the idiocy uttered by Jessie Woo, the music industry’s latest plant, Doechii, was on Hot Ones with her DJ, and she said that a dating red flag is being a straight man; that’s not surprising, considering she identifies as “queer/bi”. We really need to stop making stupid people famous and giving them platforms to speak from.

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