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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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I’m pretty sure you guys have come across this video in recent times where the guy above who works in the field of hospitality is exposing black women for footing 100% of the bills for their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost in the majority of cases, yet said black women refuse to even go 50/50 with a black man.

Any black men who are still willing to cut themselves extremely short just to “keep it real” need their heads thoroughly examined and thereafter ought to be sectioned in Arkham Asylum.

As I’ve been stating here for the longest while, to the black female the white man is her god, he his permitted to present himself in a run down, derelict state and she will happily raise and build him up from scratch, NOT your black side though.

Black women conspire nothing but wicked and evil works against their male counterparts, yet most black men still foolishly believe that black women are their friends and have their backs, smh.

Get those passports gents and don’t look back, the demolished and destroyed Western dating market is NOT about to fix itself anytime soon. Take advantage of the power of the passport while the iron is hot.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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Most High Bless

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30 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Another day, another fat ugly gargoyle sheboon talking shit about black men. Usually I don’t even use that term, but fuck it. I’m sure you’ve all seen this viral tweet:

    I’m not even gonna elaborate on this one. The positive thing is, these Deadites, the necessary evil entities called “black women” are waking black men up at a fast rate and making good black men their enemies, just look at some of the quotes:

    Good luck to you misguided IBMOR dudes still trying to find that unicorn for the sake of “black love”.

    Hopefully you’ll become SYSBM before your entire life is ruined.


    1. SYSBM Forever wrote:
      “Good luck to you misguided IBMOR dudes still trying to find that unicorn for the sake of “black love”.”

      In reality, BW stated that only Black Men (mostly Pro-Blacks) promotes ‘Black Love’.
      Females may support it, but they never promote it because they have no interest in ‘Black Love’ at all.
      Just only Pro-Black men goes on about ‘Black-Love’.

      1. The only time BW care about “Black Love” is when they see a well-to-do BM with a WW. Or an NFL/NBA draft time.

        1. Yo Mama Black,

          But that’s the thing, do they really care about so called “black love” or is their sole aim to simply disrupt, sabotage and destroy any black male/white female unions they encounter? Black love is dead and it was black women as a collective who single handedly killed it.

    2. SYSBM Forever,

      And we still have black men out here who honestly believe they can form a solid confederacy with these devils. I keep on saying it and will repeat the same until the cows come home, black women view themselves as a SEPARATE entity from black men.

      Unfortunately even though we share the same heritage, bloodline and skin colour, black women as a collective still see themselves as APART from their male counterparts. If only more block headed Negro men fully understood this and accepted it.

      Always remember, black women=black community, black men are viewed and used as OUTSIDER gruntwork flunkies carrying out various tasks and deeds on behalf of their black female overlords to forward the black witch’s agenda and her agenda alone.

      Speaking on the upcoming 2024 Presidential Election, it will be interesting to see the percentage of black men who’ll fall in line with the plantation’s order and vote for Kamala despite her atrocious track record regarding how she’s treated black men in the past.

      1. One of the many reasons I became SYSBM is when I realised the whole “black love” bdubs love to spew is just a smokescreen. Since black society is heavily matriarchal, it’s really about control, nothing more. As I’ve mentioned a few times recently, they even feel they have the authority to dictate what KIND of black female you should date.

        For reasons I don’t fully understand, they don’t like it when black men are happy in general. Bear in mind because black females know the misery they inflict, any black man with a non black woman is representative of someone who managed to evade their clutches whom they know will enjoy a better quality of life as a result. This is why they call black men who date IR “weak” for “taking the easy way out.”

        As for them, they claim to be loyal when in actuality they simply can’t attract non black men at the rate we can attract other women. On the rare occasion a non black man does show interest – even if it’s just sexual which is usually the case – all that “loyalty” goes right out the window and the sistahood high five each other and you never hear any condemnation. Rules for thee, not for me basically.

        I’m just glad the younger generation don’t have the fear of what these harridans think. They see the hate, dysfunction and chaos their female counterparts cause and want no parts of it. They also see their brothers all over social media with beautiful, feminine women from all walks of life and know they have options like never before. Good for them.

        The older generation of men could enjoy some peace and happiness too in the one life they’re given if only they’d grow some balls and stop being afraid of what bdubs and dick watching buffoons like Umar think.

  2. If every black man on earth sees this hospitality video of evidence, these are the questions below.

    How many black men would still be blackistan negroes with severe Stockholm Syndrome?

    How many black men would choose to date out with white women exclusively?

    How many black men would choose to date East Asian women exclusively?

    I think the answer of the first question is what most would choose.

    I have always chosen the 2nd question.

    1. Certified Milk Man,

      I like that Only Logical Dievest channel, proper documentation detailing the truth that these so called “swirlers” and “divestors don’t want to talk about. Accountable Commentary is cool when he’s not going on his FBA rants about “tethers”.

      1. Verbs,

        I know some SYSBM Brothers like SYSBM Forever do not rock with AC because he talks about ‘Tether’ and FBA.

        I do know where he is coming from and why he comes out mean on his video.

        He is usually mean sometimes because he had lots of bro-mates and home boys during his childhood years and growing up in real life. Still happening today. Where most of his homeboys, even some of hist mentors aka the ‘mentor bros’. They all follow the righteous path in life. Some married to Beckys and they are happy and healthy. However, most of them got done dirty, massively by Keishas and BWs. Some got jammed up by Keishas, the mentor got destroyed by a Keishas. Some of his friends of killed by these BW.

        Mind you there were not simps, they just grew up to have a family, but unaware how dangerous these BW are.
        AC seeing this throughout the years and he start to notice bit by bit. He start making video about this.
        Some may call him ‘David Carrol Mark 2’ as the original David Carrol passed.

        He made a angry video few months ago about Keishas because at the time he made a video, he one of his best mate in real got killed by a Pookie. What happen was had a long shift at work as he was working in the Warehouse. As soon as he got home, he chilled a bit, then when he went to his bedroom, he saw his B-Dub wife banging a Pookie, yes, in the master bedroom and the master martial bed. When he was de-escalating the problem, the Pookie shot him. Basically, the BW wife not just did the brother dirty, but got killed by a Pookie in his bedroom. AC went livid and I do not blame him.

        When you see your homeboys get knocked out by Keishas, one by one, this is when the Red Pill kicks in. He even supports SYSBM because of this.

        The point I am saying is if he mentions FBA or Tether, just pay him no mind as this is an American thing.

        Also a lot of Black Men Red-Pill content creators are using his lingo.

  3. Ye saw this video a couple months back. These black women will complain about black men who want to go 50/50 but they will pay 100 percent of everything when they go with a man of a different race especially a white man. Nasty work

  4. Good Open Topic Wednesday morning,

    I want to piggyback on this recent article from Slaying Evil entitled ‘Always Build Your Money Up For YOURSELF!’

    Women of this ilk really don’t have any realistic ideals to how money in the world works. ‘A man should bring home between 6 to 10 figures?’ Well, these women might get those successful 6 to 10 digit men like that in a parallel universe where said men don’t have to pay taxes upon taxes upon taxes to these world governments.

    Coming back to this dimension, these world governments are infinite richer than most of us so these ilk of women should be quiet from speaking more no-sense.

    1. Jab taking people out left and right, man. Can’t convince me otherwise.

  5. SYSBM: You know that there is a white guy who makes his black girlfriend pay the food when they go out.
    White sugar honey: Some of these white men are not gentlemen

    The man is right. These black women who are with white men are footing the bill when they are going out to eat. They won’t go 50/50 when it comes to black men but when it comes to white men, they are footing that bill, you get me? I have no issues of black women dating non-black men but they are just paying everything when it comes to the white man.

    When you see black men with black women, they are paying the bill. I see black men doing that as well with white women. And sometimes, the woman pays. But when the white man is with the black woman, he’s not paying no bill at all. You think that the white man will pay for the bill, most of the time he doesn’t.

    I have no issues of any man paying for the date. It’s kind like a gentleman thing. But these white men who are with these black women are just bum dudes really. Some of these women will not pay for the dates for them thugs but they will open their legs to them with the quickness.

    Have I had someone pay me for dinner? Yeah, a long time ago. Would a I pay for the dinner date for the honey? If I had a car, I’ll pick her up from her house, take her to the place to eat as well, go for a walk and take her back home. Because I wanna feel like the man.

    Hey, keep your white sugar safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  6. Verbs 2015.

    Black women love their white lord and saviour so much that they would do anything to be with their white father. It’s funny how when black women go on dates with white men the black woman pays 100 percent of the bill and the white man doesn’t have to do shit whereas if a black man tried to split the bill 50/50 then the black woman will go ape shit and call that black man dusty, broke and poor. It’s like black men cannot win with black women and it’s all by design.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      These pathetic black females will literally pick up a homeless white man off the streets and build him up from scratch before they’ll ever accept an established, stable brother. The modern day black female is a broken beyond repair vessel that must be abandoned and forgotten about forever. Let them chase after Captain Snowy, any misfortunes that come upon them will be their own doing. #SYSBM™

  7. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! I remember this video when you shared it a while back; Accountable Commentary has consistently pointed out that Keisha has to pay for Brad. This guy’s story just underscores everything he’s said about Keisha and Brad; that video also referenced Rose and Brett “Big Show” Miller, which reminded me of Accountable Commentary’s recent video where he broke the news that Brett has been arrested for felony family abuse:

    The L’s just keeping rolling in for Keisha!

  8. Gentlemen,

    This is the mentally deranged, devil possessed black siren in action. As we speak she’s current making sandwiches in hell for her father Satan. I’ll continue to stand by the same statement I’ve been making for years, most black women are possessed by evil spirits, the real individuals were subdued and taken over by said entities a long time ago.

    All of this “mental health” talk that is frequently extended towards women whenever they engage in malevolent acts is really the matriarchy/gynocracy providing them with a free get out of jail card. The Most High God is NOT a liberal, this is what most black women don’t seem to want to understand.

    Unlike the derelict and corrupt system of the West, the Most High WILL recompense and judge these black sirens for their iniquities, sins and transgressions, there will be no getting around that cup of judgement when it lands on their doorstep.

    1. Dude, I knew it was going to turn left when she closed the door after initially answering; that officer gave her way too much leniency for her to slash his face like that. If that were me in his place, I’m unloading the clip into her bomboclaat!

      1. BCT,

        Agreed, he was being too nice, his mistake was not applying the proper methods in dealing with violent black females from the very beginning, that almost cost him his life.

    2. Verbs2015,

      “Mental health” my foot. We all know too well black female insanity and madness as we’ve been the main ones to bear the brunt of it. Let the rest of society get a taste of it too. This is probably why so many of them get “unalived” in the home, although it’s made to seem as if black men are just randomly killing their partners while they’re in the kitchen innocently baking bread and singing sweet carols.

      Bdubs didn’t care for my struggles as a young child that I had to endure because of them, so they get zero passes from me. This chick was given a chance to stand down, she didn’t, so she got sent to the next realm. A black man would have been shot for simply scratching his head too quickly.

      It’s hard to feel sympathy for a demographic who celebrate the deaths of both innocent BOYS and men. Looking at all the comments and memes about this incident from non black people, they clearly don’t give a shit about bdubs either, so black females mocking black men has only hurt them as many of us who once cared are now indifferent. They brought it on themselves.

    3. Verbs,

      My only problem is the cop let her get within slashing distance. He waited too long to put her down. Otherwise it was a righteous shoot. Glad he killed that zombie.

      Just like when the white man kills his whole family and they find the most pleasant photo to put on the news, they put the attacker’s basketball team photo up from when she was pretty and normal. They usually scour a BM’s social media for the most thuggish pics they can find.

      BW’s rabid mental illness is getting harder and harder for the mainstream to ignore.

      1. Schadenfreude,

        I fully agree with you, the overwhelming majority of folks who’ve reacted to the video have said exactly the same thing, he hesitated and gave the black siren too much leeway. It took 5-6 shot to take her down, this goes back to the statement I’ve made here many times before about black women being possessed by evil spirits which give them slightly more enhanced immunity from physical harm.

        Yep, the mainstream media will always try to paint the black witch in a positive light even when she’s engaging in the most evil, wicked acts imaginable. They alongside Uncle Sam are all involved in the conspiracy to keep the black female as the faux leader of “Da Communitah” so she can continue to destroy what’s left of it as per the strict instructions of her white lord and saviour Admiral Frost.

  9. Gentlemen,

    So the Democrat planation owners decided to send out the empty suit in the form of Barack Obama to chide swaths of black men for refusing to fall in line with continuing the ritual of voting for a party that throughout its entire history has done NOTHING for them.

    I’m glad to see increasing numbers of US black men finally realising that the Democratic party is NOT the one(even if they don’t support Trump).

    I’m also happy to see more American black men recognising that black women will forever vote for the party that gives them free handouts as well as allows them to perpetually live a decadent, reprobate, hedonistic, materialistic, carnal, irresponsible and non accountable lifestyle.

    More American black men need to start being selfish, vote for what is in THEIR best interest instead of falling in line with what these black sirens dictate.

    1. I’m glad that you brought this to our attention; best believe the Black Manosphere played a huge role in waking these young brothers up!

      1. Blue Collar Trevor,

        I fully concur with your statement, despite its various shortcomings, the Black Manosphere did play a significant role in bringing younger generations of black men into a better place especially mentally, mainly to put their own interests first and to showcase how black women in reality are NOT their allies.

    2. Verbs,

      I saw this video, I remember Akwesi made a video about how Joe Biden is losing so what Biden did, he bring the face of Pro-Black of Black Americans – Barrack Obama. Why to bring Black people back into the Plantation.
      Now the BM are no longer falling for the Oke-Doke so what is Barrack is doing? Shaming Black Men back into the plantation. I saw the comments section of the video and most Black Men are very wise.

      I remember the uncut video of Joe Biden talking to the Pro-Black Civil Rights Leaders. Asking Joe, what he can do for the Black Community. It got funny when Biden responded. Basically Joe made it clear that he even told the Hotep leaders that he will not do shit for black people. Even saying they have to work with the Hispanic.
      He might as well say the Black Community have to be slave to Hispanic and suck Hispanic’s cock.

      Verbs take your time to watch the video
      Full Video =
      Get to 1 hour and 3 minute mark where Joe respond, this is where he start chastising the Pro-Black leaders.

      1. MMT,

        Rolling in the empty suit Obama isn’t going to help the situation at all because black men especially remember how he did nothing for them. Unfortunately it took black folks in general 6 years into Obama’s presidency to finally question him on what he was going to do for them, but by then it was too late. Wasn’t it former President LBJ who back in the day stated that he would have American blacks(in his own words ni***rs) voting Democrat for the next 200 years(American brothers, please correct me if I’m wrong)? More US black men need to wake up and smell that industrial strength coffee, even if they’e not fans of Trump, at thi stage it’s abundantly clear that supporting the Democrats is a fool’s errand that needs to be abandoned immediately.

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