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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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Here is one of the photos that accompanied that tweet:

I have to laugh at the tweet, exactly what are Western white men rebuilding when it comes down to preserving their populations around the world?

Themselves and their female counterparts(at least liberal white females) are the most opposed to having children because Admiral Frost of the West would rather push the LGBTQP agenda as well as woke ideologies, gender fluidity, pronouns, non binary, so called “equality” on top of spitting on and making a clean mockery of classic masculinity and traditional manhood.

Black men are getting high value white women all the time because Major Sleet just isn’t cutting the mustard anymore. In 2024 he’s not even 1/5 the man his ancestors used to be, he’s not a threat to black men on any level.

Here is a Instagram channel ran by commenter TeamWhiteGirls(I believe I’m correct) dedicated to showcasing black men with quality white women, yes, the ones black men don’t need to “dream about”:

White men as a collective cannot compete fairly and squarely with black men when the playing field is level, this is why they have been openly operating grand scheme propaganda campaigns demonising black men 24 hours per day, 7 days per week for many years.

Captain Snowy is so desperate to maintain his main character/default man status, he’ll resort to any means necessary in order to ensure he holds onto that spot.

As I’ve stated before, the proper way to deal with racist white men as well as the same from other non black male groups is simple, take their women and impregnate them in order to raise up new black families.

Leave these keyboard jackals to continue venting and blowing their gaskets on Twitter, true SYSBM Practitioners have other “more important” things to attend to. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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22 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Gentlemen,

    Please show me videos of black men rolling up to black women with mixed children in public and calling them bedwenches, I’ll wait. I think it’s abundantly evident who the most insecure men on the planet are, enough said. #SYSBM™

  2. I want to see most western white males travel to Russia and get nuked off the face of planet earth.

    Eastern white men should take over western Europe and America.

    Get rid of Uncle Sam.

    Get rid of gender fluidity pronouns.

    Get rid of non binary.

    Get rid of LGBTQP agenda’s.

    Eastern European women should set a good example to white women in the west.

    If it was up to me I would also replace the brown Asian populations with white dutch women from Afrikaner motherland.

  3. Why is everyone in the world concerned with who black men are dating . Apparently according to stats we are the least desired they claim . Bw , wm , Hispanic man everybody. Just talks and watch the bm constantly the obsssession is insane it’s like bm should not have women or something very sick twisted ideology they have . Bm ask god for protection this whole world is evil asf and just wants to see your downfall . It’s very crazy people don’t speak of this dynamic because it’s reality . I never been jealous of no race when their with their own or with bw so I don’t understand this madness.

  4. This is a classis example of white men have inferiority complex. The media tries to demonise the black male image. But like you know the more you make something taboo the more it draws someone into it.

  5. Verbs 2015.

    Racist white men hate the fact that we SYSBM black men can attract beautiful good looking childfree non black women in their prime years. This vexs them because in their mind that black men are ugly and that they are the least desired man on the planet because no decent good looking non black women desire black men. If that was the case then you wouldn’t be seeing lots of mixed race people who are half black walking around on the planet. Evidence on Instagram destroys the racist white man mentality when you see lots of beautiful white women and other non black women with black men and they are having families together.

  6. All the while lusting after Asian women lol – and they REALLY hate it when we bag them! For men who are supposedly at the top of the totem pole, they’re a real pathetic and insecure bunch. And it doesn’t take much to harass a woman with her young daughter. These losers clout chase behind their computer screens and think because they go outside their basements and ‘safely’ troll easy targets or shout at IR couples from moving cars that they’re doing something. No man with an abundance mindset acts like that. Any white man who is an incel has to be a special type of loser.

    They’re just pissed off because they have to compete. They want all the pickings and spoils for themselves (including bdubs) and think we’re supposed to just fall back. They can’t believe the same men they’ve been demonising and slandering for centuries are attracting women all over effortlessly. This whole played out notion of us only being able to attract undesirables has worn so thin it’s practically invisible.

    They’re just as obsessed and dick watching who we’re with like their black female equivalents. Only difference is, they simply want white women with other white men and that’s enough. Where bdubs are concerned, being unbearable as they are, they have even more ‘rules’ – if black men’s partners are black, they can’t be light skinned, lighter than you, look racially ambiguous, have an abundance of hair, be slim and feminine, too attractive etc.

    Both white men and black women want black men to just have the trash or be eunuchs. Not happening!

  7. Few things for Open Mic Wednesday:


    So this interesting youtube video randomly popped on my timeline and I gotta say I agree with his sentiments for the most part. It’s good to see more brothers who know the deal. I don’t think he’s SYSBM per se, but he’s speaking cold hard facts on bdubs and Da Communitah at large. It’s definitely worth the listen. I don’t need to get it into it too much, however whilst he’s talking about the “black community” stateside, I feel the exact same way about the bunch we have over here in the UK.

    On the rumble video he REALLY goes in lol, mainly due to the fact that you can say a lot more without all the strikes and having your channel taken down for almost nothing. Check them out.


    This Pookie who murdered his friend finally got caught after 28 years during a traffic stop. Ole boy thought the hotep look, puppy dog eyes and pleading was gonna get him out of it lol. Nah, where’s that Pookie who ended his friend’s life by shooting him in the face? If he was really righteous and changed like his look suggests, he would have turned himself in. At least the rapper G Dep did the right thing cos it was weighing on his conscience.

    Of course his female family member on the phone is pleading too, cos you know how they just love their Pookie relatives while disrespecting and mistreating the good men in their families.


    Honeytrap movie

    Based on what happened to Shakilus Townsend. Must watch for young black men out there to show them the dangers of simping for females, especially in Da Communitah which is already a volatile cesspit.

    Too bad the bitch who set him up is back in Trinidad acting like nothing happened. It’s a shame the movie made her appear more innocent and naive than she really was.

  8. SYSBM: This beta male shit is on again!
    White sugar honey: Who raise them, their father?

    We all know that the white beta male can’t cut it, that is the reason why some white women are dating black men or marrying them. Some of the white women have had enough with white men as I look it. As white beta males typing racist comments on Twitter and shit, they are pushing the LGBTQ agenda. If a man wants to be gay, he can live his life but I know that these beta male motherfuckers are pushing this agenda.

    We know that these beta males go ape shit when they see the size of the black man’s penis and continuing pushing this homo agenda. And that’s when I open my mouth and curse the fuck out because it will make me very uncomfortable of any man talking about the black man’s wood. These beta males are fool, yes. But we know that they can’t get no woman at all. They can’t get a Stacy that is a fill 10 out of 10.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles, simps and beta males are coming after non-black women.


  9. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Why must White men be so insecure and pathetic? So, that guy, rather than ask her about herself (e.g. what she does for a living, her hobbies, her future aspirations, etc.), he asks her about who she slept with? That is just weird; it also speaks to his “teeny weeny peeny” psychosis which he put on full display in that bar (I first heard that phrase on General Tito’s channel; shoutout to him). This also proves that White racism is gynocentric; did you catch the part where that White girl said he went off on her about “being dirty”? That response was triggered by her admission to sleeping with a Black man; he now views her as “dirty” because he can’t compete with men whom he views as being the “lowest common denominator”, but our sexual prowess is top tier. Ask any non Black girl who is with a Black man or is curious about Black men.

    As for that bearded loser yelling “Mudshark” at that young White girl with her daughter, what did he think he was accomplishing? Don’t get me started on that recessive chromosome playing keyboard warrior on X; ever since Elon Musk took over that site, these White boys have been showing their true colors (no pun intended). Oh, and that photo of the lynching was a nice touch! Do these fools realize that everytime they express their insecurity over Black men and White women being together, they are signing them over to us? Not to mention how effeminate they have become; I don’t know about the rest of you guys, but I’ve been noticing more and more White dudes painting their fingers and toes with nail polish. Nasty work!


    And just like clockwork, it was only a matter of time before da communitah made it’s way to Japan. Just your average loud, overweight, weavehead Keishas acting a fool in public as always along with the Ray Rays with the sagging pants as if they’re in Atlanta somewhere.

    Bdubs shouldn’t even be there at all, I said that when they had that viral video last year of the Keisha complaining about black men ignoring them out there. Pookies who get lumped in with us also don’t care about their image either. So many good, intelligent black men who are ‘nerds’, educated, tech experts, multilingual, business minded etc but we have to be drowned out by these fools.

    Traveling is one of the best things to do in this world, it’s just as shame that when the information is out there it also attracts the dregs of society.

    1. I blame Passport Bros for this one. They publicize their travels too much. Those Shaniquas clearly want to poison the well for the decent black dudes that go there. It’s amazing how they follow the guys they don’t want to the ends of the earth. The good black man can’t have nothing. I notice a lot of black scumbags are washing up in Japan now. Hopefully the Japanese cops will lock them up and deport them asap. Zero tolerance.

      1. Schadenfreude,

        You’re right. If good black men were travelling to the North Pole, these Keishas would be following them there too.

        I just can’t think of a single reason for a ghetto weavehead hoodrat to want to go to Japan. None. They’re not into Anime for one. The black men who are into it are the ones who are seen as “lames”. They’re just being parasitic as usual. Plus look at how classy and feminine the average Japanese woman carries herself out there compared to bdubs. You don’t see them wilding out anywhere for some reason.

        Also no black man should be walking around with his pants sagging. It’s just unbecoming and makes you look like total trash. Even as a kid, I thought it looked dumb when Kriss Kross was out. But you got grown men in their 30s dressing like that SMH. Not saying brothers gotta walk around in a suit and tie everywhere, but come on, have some self respect. If you want an example of a brother who has swag and represents himself well, check out This is how black men should be carrying themselves and I wish brothers like that as well as the ‘nerds’ and intellects were way more influential than these Pookies.

        I do blame a lot of these blabbermouth Passport Bros for blowing up the spot and always focusing on vices instead of culture because that draws the attention of too many degenerates. Look at Medellin. It was a beautiful place when I was there just five years ago, now the locals are so sick of tourists I hear the energy has totally changed. The male scumbags of all races have contributed to that though, to be fair.

    2. If Japan ever starts to discriminate against Blacks, I wouldn’t be upset at them; they’ve already had to deal with clowns like Johnny Somali, and now they have these Blackistanis wreaking havoc in Japan without any regard for their cultutre or customs. I do wonder if they were paid to go there and behave like this.

  11. This is one of the many reasons why I don’t deal with white people in my free time especially white males

    1. Bro, I can’t even look at most of them the same way after learning the truth.

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