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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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I just wish that more black men had the testicular fortitude to give these multi coloured weave wearing fully loaded oil tankers calling themselves black females both barrels as that white guy did to the land whale. I came across another one from the end of 2023 where a blonde wig wearing, light skinned black siren also got that well deserved work:

I just wanted to use the above examples to showcase the huge gulf in creativity between men and women. Men are creative creatures, this is why in the overwhelming majority of rap battles said women will get their clocks cleaned with no room for redemption.

Men are just better creators all round because that’s what we were created by the Most High to do. Women as a collective simply need to stay in their lane and stop trying to compete with men because they can’t.

I’d just thought I’d bring something different for this Open Mic Wednesday, however as per usual the floor is yours gents. What’s on your minds for this weeks Open Mic? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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Most High Bless

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30 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Well, this was something different for OMW, but very entertaining; these UK battle rappers are built a bit differently than US battle rappers, but they both are creative with their lyrics, I must say. UK battle rappers are very funny and witty; for example, the guy in camouflage was creative with his lyrics about his female opponent, especially when he switched it up with the Christmas vibes. As for that White guy in the first two videos, he is a savage with his bars; he didn’t just roast that big back daggle, he cremated her! Also, the beats they spit bars over are fire! You gotta love the energy from the crowd, as well; all in all, these females better learn to stop going against men in battle rap because these men will destroy them with their lyrics, and there is no room to cry “misogyny”, either.

  2. *****long post alert******

    I was going to post something else, but I couldn’t resist this one lol. So this Asian dude figured he’d jump on the bandwagon of the whole nothingburger saga involving Andrew Schulz and the two black men who backed down like some punks and apologised for not having black women’s backs when they were supposedly disrespected.

    He comes with the usual spiel of how black women are so strong, kind, nurturing etc but are the most disrespected blah blah blah. Remember that article Verbs posted a while back of some Jew boy and that punk loser ‘AngryBiracial’ who was spewing the same crap?

    But what got some backlash on this was the part where he said his own mother once told him if he’s ever in trouble, go to a black woman for help lol. Amazingly, the harridans were enraged at this non black man. To quote one of the responses:

    “Sorry, I don’t have anything nice to say about that horse shit. Black women are not your mules. We don’t exist to save or make you feel good about yourself. Get the entire fuck out of here, we don’t have to accept crumbs, you’re not doing us a favour. Piss off.”

    Many of the responses are similar. You know, on a very rare occasion – not that I care – I have to agree with black female sentiment on this one.

    Firstly, this dude and many of his ilk ain’t slick – they’re just trying to get one up on black men and make us look bad with their fake praising of black women, I see right through that shit. Secondly, telling me I’m great to go to in times of need isn’t a compliment. It’s just like being in the friendzone, or having that fake mate who never contacts you first, invites you anywhere, is nowhere to be seen when you’re going through hard times, but the minute they’re down and out or in some kind of emergency you’re the first one they call. If I was a pro whack, I’d also be offended: could I call on Asian women if I need help with anything?? I don’t think that thought has crossed the mind of any black man, so why should Sanjeet here have any kind of access to “my” women for assistance? Why can’t he go to his own folks?

    Also, black women don’t care for good black men or black male panderers because black male simps praise them all day long and get either disrespected in return or not acknowledged at all. No one was a fly on the wall when black men have faced psychological/emotional terrorism at the hands of their mothers or female partners. No one says shit when these harridans call black men all kinds of naykers, bullet bags etc, mock good, intelligent brothers for being “corny”, or harass black men for simply being with a woman who is a few shades too light for their liking (even if that woman IS black). The minute black females are supposedly disrespected, all hell breaks loose – this is despite the fact that black female dysfunction is literally all over social media.

    Near the end he basically admitted black women and the “community” at large are simply the cleanup crew for him and his people. He mentioned Doreen Lawrence (I guess Stephen’s father Neville who was also very active in his son’s life and equally fought for justice is just dog shit, huh?) and Betty Shabazz (he doesn’t mention that Malcolm X who literally took bullets in front of his family and sacrificed his life for the greater good, only the quote he made about black women being the most disrespected). When has all the help and kind treatment we gave Asians in this country ever been reciprocated?

    The woman who posted this tweet is also getting some flack too and you know the black harridans would go at her lol. Serves her right though. Let her and everyone else get some of the hate and abuse that we as black men are so used to. Maybe then they’ll see they’re not loving and kind innocent angels after all and they’ll mind their damn business in future.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      “When has all the help and kind treatment we gave Asians in this country ever been reciprocated?”

      NEVER! 100% cosign everything else you stated here as well.

    2. Hmm, it seems the video is not under the girl’s post; is there any other place where I can view this video? Aside from that, what is with all of these outsiders who never lived the Black experience always jumping out of the window for BW?

        1. SYSBM Forever,

          I should add that I’m not on Twitter/X; maybe that’s why I’m not seeing the video.

  3. I normally won’t listen to hip hop nowadays but these videos are exceptional because these negress sheboons are roasted and cremated from battle rap.

    Iggy Azalea is a perfect example to not date a white female rapper cause she would end up a single mother.

    Traditional feminine women in general can easily get corrupted from hip hop and many other things if visiting western shores from overseas or just going on social media to see everything on display.

  4. SYSBM: That rap battle was raw.
    White sugar honey: I wanna do something, raw!

    When it comes to creativity, the men are more creative when it comes to that. When I started Money Cultural in the summer of 2018 (And I don’t know how long I’m goanna be doing it), when it comes to the thug names like Weed Man Jake, Rapid Fire Rasta, Machete Man Briggy, Six Shooter Derrick, Rum Smuggler Don, Whiskey Baron Tony, Long Cocky George and Fuck All Night Freed, they are based of worthless black men that the scraggle daggle black women will go for when it comes to love and relationship.

    When it comes to rap battles, men always win no matter what. Women, they win sometimes but not like the men. The two women from the fatty with the blue weave and the light skin one with the blonde hair who lost the rap battle, they lost heavy. And I mean, they lost heavy. And the white was hard on the mic. But at the end of the day, it’s just a rap battle you get me? That is all.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    Dumb, FAT, HIDEOUS black chick is caught driving drunk with EIGHT kids in the car!!!
    These losers REALLY struggle to meet even the lowest standard of the most basic forms of common sense! I don’t know who I feel worse for… the kids or whatever low income loser that’s stuck knocking her up in whatever section 8 housing unit she crawled out of.

      1. Verbs2015,

        So how was this welfare behemoth driving a Tesla?. I mean, even if it was rented it cost a lot money to rent. Tesla’s are very very expensive automobiles.

        I don’t know about England, but many of the black male simps in America are mind numbingly nasty. As unbelievable as it is, there are many black male simps in America who will gas up this oil tanker, give her money, especially to buy weave, cake makeup, slut outfits 5 sizes too small, and pay for nasty sex with her. Any sex with her can be nothing but nasty. How do you think she has 8 kids?

        in America, this sort of behavior is not at all uncommon in da communitah.

        1. AmericanBlkMan,

          The sad thing is Uncle Sam is always weaponising and looking out for these terroristic black females and their blue pilled, black male simp flunkies, that is a very large part of the ultimate tragedy right there, smh.

    1. Yeah I came across that earlier. So much for the “race-loyal” black queens who’s got Black Men’s backs. More like stabbing us in the back. The BW you casually come across in public could be one of these hoes literally plotting your downfall with actual white supremacist allies. A teacher, post office clerk, cashier, etc.

      What’s funny is these Dr. Umar simps will still defend their queens even in the face of this evidence.

      SYSBM and Passport Bros now more than ever!

      1. Schadenfreude,

        “What’s funny is these Dr. Umar simps will still defend their queens even in the face of this evidence.”

        They will just say the black bogeyman drove them to it. These fools still believe in that ‘Mother Earth’ bollocks despite all the glaring evidence to the contrary.

      1. Verbs2015,

        I’ve yet to see the black male equivalent of this anywhere. Oh and where are all the “good” black women calling stuff like this out?

        Two black men who literally did nothing wrong had to apologise because Andrew Schulz made a small remark on their platform and all hell broke loose to the point where you got that cross dresser Lakeith Stanfield throwing his cape on and chiming in…..yet black women say worse all day everyday and even join WS platforms encouraging harm of black men and you can hear a pin drop.

        These are the same women who act surprised when increasing numbers of black men want nothing to do with them. I always smile like a proud dad when I hear bdubs crying about how they went out somewhere and black men totally ignored them and never bothered to look in their direction.

        I agree when you say total abandonment is the answer. There’s no other way.

    2. MadbusdriverX just released a video today which featured the video in the second link.

  6. This Pookie is concerned about qualified immunity of police if Project 2025 is implemented. Of course the street hustler archetype will be profiled and targeted. Stop and Frisk will also make a comeback. It was successful at the time in lowering petty crime. I never heard of a clean-cut educated Black Man making his way to work or school being victimized by these policies. Not our problem. Let’s hope Pookie and Shaniqua can find a solution. Good luck.

    Trump 2024.

    1. Lil Scrappy just told on himself for being another ignorant Negro who chugged the Democratic Kool-aid; police DO kill White people, and they kill more Whites than they do Blacks, but it’s just not reported as much. This is the deal White America has made with the Devil: they will excuse police killings of their own people in exchange for feeling they’re being protected from Pookie and Pookeisha.

    2. Schadenfreude,

      As we already know, Pookie will always to support and vote for the party that allows him to continue being a degenerate piece of trash. The police are definitely a requirement in keeping garbage like his kind in check.

    1. Wouldn’t surprise me. Many Black Men are dropping dead at relatively young ages these days from mystery cancers or heart attacks. It’s refreshing to see Black legends like James Earl Jones or Frankie Beverly of Maze pass away from simple old age.

  7. Gentlemen,

    Here is yet another example of an evil spirit possessed black female who refuses to follow simple instructions, smh:

    1. It’s always a fat, loud, ugly dark-skinned heffa on some bullsh*t. They can’t get attention for being pretty, so they’ll get it by being a nuisance. Urban America breeds these ugly mutant bitches. They literally do not exist outside the USA. They are an American problem.

    1. Another loudmouth, septum ring Shaniqua who thinks she’s above the law, what a shock. If that had been a brother resisting, we all know what would have happened. The good officers did a bang-up job on this one, though. Lock her up. One less chaos agent out here on the streets. Next round’s on me, gents. Hahaha!


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