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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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Black men need to stop involving themselves in this type of nonsense especially when most of them have grown up in single mother households where their black mothers have treated them like complete and utter trash.

There aren’t any points in history where black women have actually stuck out their necks for black men and black society, NONE. This business of giving black women undeserved accolades just based on the fact that we share the same skin colour is beyond ridiculous.

You’ll notice that anytime black men are seen involving themselves in productive and constructive endeavours, the first thing black women as a collective will do is CRITICISE, not praise or congratulate.

Black women live to berate, denigrate, mock, ridicule and disparage black men, that’s all they’ve ever done and that’s all they’ll ever do. Most black men however unfortunately are not ready for that conversation.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week fellas? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

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9 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Did all of these blackistan negroes get paid for participating in this nonsense video?

    Even if someone offered me money to promote black love, I would still turn it down and refuse with morality principles.

    Black love only exist in interracial relationships from black men.

    In my case it is mixed with white love.

    I would promote love you white women.

    Black love does not exist in interracial couples from negress sheboons.

    The only difference is they treat non black men differently because they won’t tolerate bullshit from them compare to blackistan negroes.

    I would rather be offered money to promote these statements that is based on truth of reality, not fictional black love that never existed from black devil females.

  2. I know its old news what is your opinion about that black kid who stabbed those children in Southport UK. I don’t condone it he had autism i think that could of played a part. I’m not making excuses these far right dicks heads are using it as exist to riot.

    1. Goldenman,

      I personally get very suspicious with stabbings where the mainstream media jump all over the story. I smell a pungent rat with that entire account. It reminds me of Dunblane as well as that soldier Lee Rigby that was stabbed back in 2013. People get stabbed everyday but the mainstream media for some reason picks and chooses which stabbings to highlight. I believe the stabbings that the lame stream press highlights and pushes with fervency for the majority part are orchestrated.

    2. goldenman,

      It’s tragic what happened to those little girls, but I’m also very suspicious of the whole thing. Not sure why a 17 year old kid would just suddenly go and randomly stab 6 year olds (not even girls his age). ‘Manchurian Candidate’ comes to mind, but I don’t want to make light of the tragedy, whatever was really behind it.

  3. Yeah, they better be careful and stay on the good side of bdubs. Just wait until they make the mistake of dating a light skinned female or not marching to the black woman’s beat in some other way, the hyenas these simps praise will turn on them quicker than Quicksilver can blink and their lives will be made a living hell.

    Too bad they’ll never go viral or acknowledged lol.


    So yesterday an old video from some anti-SYSBM bozo popped up on my timeline:

    Of course this dunderhead is very critical of the movement and attacks MBDX and Verbs. He is off on a number of things as his ilk always are when referring to brothers who don’t tolerate BW’s mess, but one thing that stood out to me through the 16 minutes of simp drivel (it was playing in the background I barely paid attention to it) is when he said something along the lines of us over exaggerating how black women react negatively to black men in IR. I know this video is old, however it clearly it hasn’t aged well cos for the last couple of years alone I’ve seen IR couples get bullied and harassed incessantly by these hyenas. You just have to look at the comments on the latest viral tweet to see the BW’s vicious nature:

    I’m not seeing black men act in this fashion when BW’s are with white men. In fact, so many are cucked they actually CELEBRATE it too!! Not only that, I don’t see other women attacking their men for dating IR. I know white women don’t like to see white men with Asian women for instance, but you don’t see the psychotic, jealous and spiteful KKK style level of harassment. That guy who runs the channel Legion of Men even said a while back he noticed in his younger days living in the states that for all the cultures he’s seen, the women would get disapproval from the men for dating IR, whereas in our cultures….well, take a guess….

    As or this notion that we value whiteness, want to live around whites or hate ourselves. LOL, well I don’t. I don’t see anyone as better than me. I have no desire to live in an all white neighbourhood and it’s not something I’d ever recommend. And yes, why shouldn’t we big up ourselves if we managed to use our brains and worked hard to make something of our lives? Don’t successful white men think they’re better than trailer park meth heads? Why should I downplay myself just to make Da Communitah feel better, yet if I remained amongst them, they’d be the first to try and destroy me – which has already happened to a lot of successful black men? YES I AM BETTER THAN THEM. So is every other smart, intelligent black man who made his life a success story and didn’t wallow in self pity and victimhood or look for a handout from other black folks just cos of skin colour. Not my problem if Pookie and KKKeisha feel some kind of way. I don’t owe anyone shit.

    I also don’t put other women on a pedestal JUST because they’re non black. Trash is trash, especially here in the west. They’ve been called out on this site too. If this simp read the tenets, he’d know this. I don’t want some attention seeking OF thot or some tattooed, purple haired, septum ring, overweight white woman neither. My preference are darker skinned Hispanic and Asian women (especially Thai/Cambodian), Ethiopian/Eritrean and even non Keisha influenced mixed women.

    However, where the bdub is concerned, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We’ve all known it’s particularly worse with black women even from our childhoods, long before SYSBM was even a thought. Tell me I’m lying? I don’t need to get into the details cos it’s literally all around us for the whole world to see.

    Some might say “why not just hold out for a quality black female?” Well, we’re not IBMOR, we’re SYSBM. We just take it a step further as is our right. Tough if anyone doesn’t like it. Black women are on the internet all day, everyday declaring their hatred for us and telling everyone they’ll never touch us with a barge pole. We’re not nearly as vocal, but when we do it, even in subtle ways, all hell breaks loose.

    There’s a lot more I could say, however it’s still always SYSBM FOREVER. No goofy videos with stupid memes and sound effects is gonna change our minds.


    1. Oh, that’s just Aaron Fountain, AKA Fake Academic Fountain; we’ve been aware of him since about 2019 when he began his crusade against the Manosphere and SYSBM.

      1. BCT,

        Oh that dickhead who pops up on here every once in a blue moon, didn’t realise it was him lol.

    2. SYSBM Forever,

      Aaron Fountain believed that if he went against the Black Manosphere as well as SYSBM™, he could snag himself a black queenie in the process. It didn’t work, he failed miserably and was forced to retreat back into the dark, damp and dusty catacomb he crawled out from, a wounded soldier.

      Fountain Top even set up his own website believing that he could go toe to toe with Slaying Evil in defending the black witch. I wrote a few articles concerning the fake academic on the old website before it was taken down. He has passed through here occasionally in shock at the fact that SYSBM™ is still going strong. Of course, unlike other black digital spaces, we at the SYSBM™ Knights Roundtable don’t feel the need to involve women in the day to day running of the philosophy/lifestyle.

      Fountain Top even stated that out of all the black digital spaces he’d encountered, he hated SYSBM™ the most because we give the black siren absolutely NO ROOM and NO PASSES whatsoever. We’re practically the only group that has the testicular fortitude to cut the black witch off and never look back, this action as far as Aaron Fountain was concerned was akin to heresy.

      You already know how these ultra blue pilled, pro black simps roll, to them the modern day black female is a god to be exalted and worshipped unconditionally at all times. The dude hates heterosexual, masculine, free thinking black men, this is the bottom line.

  4. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! I really hate these sappy “I love Black women” videos where they overlay it with some R&B track; all of these guys are blue pilled simps to the core! I must address that one simp who said he loves how the B Dubs articulate their emotions; does he mean the ghetto, scraggly way they act where they go to unnecessary extremes such as trashing somebody’s establishment because things didn’t go the way they would’ve preferred? Does that include false accusations of racism because they were caught stealing? Does that include throwing boiling hot water on their man, cutting his hair for allegedly cheating, or destroying his property?

    Does that include the repeated disrespect of Black men, like calling us “nakers”, “dusties”, and “bullet bags”, or even celebrating the demise of Black men? They are now selling merch celebrating the death of Kevin Samuels! Don’t believe me? Watch this:

    Stockholm Syndrome on steroids! Don’t be like these blue pilled simps; go where the appreciation you have for your woman is reciprocated, Black men; SYSBM is the only viable option left for you.

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