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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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I’m sure you guys have come across this video of the triple cream certified black male simp who lives in Colombia and who foolishly decided to help out some daggles on a boat trip because they were a bunch of financially illiterate and irresponsible harridans.

Of course they DIDN’T appreciate his help one bit(predictably) and arrogantly reprimanded him(bar one)for not helping them out more. MBD is right as per usual, most black men can’t help but prostrate, brownnose and bootlick for black women whenever they come into their vicinity.

Dude is supposed to be living his best life in a foreign country, yet as soon as he sees black females, he folds like a premium grade sucker, absolutely disgraceful, smh. Additionally, as far as I’m concerned, the guy’s sexuality is questionable with that nose ring as well as his flamboyant, fruity mannerisms.

I’ll keep on telling you black men the same thing until the cows come home, DON’T help these black sirens with anything whether it be in your own country or in a foreign one, stop extending olive branches out to these magnified ultra ingrates. STOP being dummies.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

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5 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. He’s an idiot. What did he expect? Why does he think so many black men are going overseas in the first place? Like a dummy, he’s the one who decided to approach them, so I’m not even going to blame the black females in this situation anymore than I would a crocodile for biting someone’s arm off after foolishly sticking it in the animal’s mouth. It’s all on him.

    I’ll never understand black men who feel the need to simp over and subsidise grown women overseas. He says they’re in a foreign country and don’t speak the language. So? How is that his problem or responsibility? Isn’t that something they would have known about the country they decided to travel to? Isn’t up to them to do their research? Did they look like they were trafficked into the country? Were they disabled?

    Nothing good comes from interacting with black women, especially in trying to show them how much of a nice guy you are. NOTHING. He tried to help them out and they still gave him their backsides to kiss which is 100% their nature. I don’t care about the supposed good one in the group either. Birds of a feather flock together…she’s in with them for a reason. It was probably just a tactic on her part to soften the blow so he’ll continue to bail them out. She knows the type of females she’s friends with, so I’m not buying that whole fake good cop/bad cop, voice of reason act. Good, sensible black men don’t hang out with Pookies.

    I wouldn’t even have paid for a group of local women, let alone western women and especially let alone western black women! These fools never learn.

    As for the narrator, I looked at his channel’s description and it’s all about “helping” women, especially the black woman. Good luck to him. A great man once tried that and all they did and still do is piss on his grave.

  2. When you see, hear or read stories about being a good samaritan, it never ends well.

    So many good samaritans have either been fucked over or lost their lives for just being a good samaritan.

    I have allowed this statement to sink in deeply for all blue pilled males out there, especially blackistan negroes.

    The only woman I’m speaking to right now in a foreign country is a potential white dutch girlfriend.

    If I see one negress injured, I’m still walking away to let someone else help the sheboon to call an ambulance.

  3. SYSBM: They finally caught the diddler.
    White sugar honey: He’s goanna get a life sentence.

    I have seen the video. I’m really not surprised what happened with the black guy and them harridans. Why would they act like this while they are in another country? Black men are getting their passports and leaving America with the quickness. I’m not surprised what happened with him while he’s in Colombia. But he shouldn’t be paying their bill.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  4. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! This guy must’ve forgotten who he was approaching after being in Colombia for however long he’s been living there; Black women are ungrateful leeches who will expect you to pay for them regardless. As for his mannerisms, I can tell he was raised without masculine influence; he was giving very strong zestmeister vibes in that video, from the ugly face contortions to his exaggerated vocal outbursts, just like the scraggle daggle. Speaking of the scraggle daggle, here is an article where one B Dub is complaining about being asked by a job recruiter to go home and change:

  5. TikToker “dines and dashes” on date who brought her friend with her after realizing they were trying to finesse a free meal at his expense:

    There is some lessons here to be learnt; first, stay off of these dating apps. Second, you as the man must make ALL of the decisions; in this case, the female suggested hibachi, she brought her friend who was uninvited, and she said that the whole tab was “all in one”, and he went along with it. At least he peeped game; this goes to show that the Red pill tree bears much fruit. Also, who is surprised to hear that a Captain Save Em came through to pay the bill after they sat there for 30 minutes? These broads really don’t leave their homes with any cash on them; I’m certain of that.

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