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They Will Always Tell On Themselves! #THROWBACK

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That is until she has been ran through by the dregs and the lowest scum of black male society and has 6 children by 5 different men, it is at this point that the harsh realities of single parenting begin to kick in and now the “good guy” who was considered boring and lame many years ago is now seen as quality stock and a prize investment.

Don’t save them black men, don’t save them at all, stupid black women like the one above once they find themselves in the position of single motherhood must be left to stew and marinate in their own failures.

Black women are the only women on the planet who refuse to take heed to wise counsel and set high standards from the beginning in order to ensure that they will have a more successful and smooth life.

Black men, always remember when black women say that good guys are lame and boring, the fault does not lie with you, it lies with them.

They are the ones who are dysfunctional, mentally ill, mentally damaged and mentally unstable individuals, thus do not be surprised when these statements proceed from their mouths, such stupidity is to be expected from a group of psychologically broken women.

You have to laugh really, black women reject the decent guys in favour of the scum bags, the scum predictably will treat them like scum because that is what dregs and scum do by nature, behave like scum. It is from their experiences with the scum that black women will then deem all black men as trash fit for the dumpster.

Black women are free to choose whom they wish to choose, I don’t particularly think it is wise to opt for the lowest denominators of black male society to date and procreate with, however if that is the choice of most black women then so be it. There is nothing I can do about it, I can only take action in my life and make adjustments accordingly.

The problem I have is when these same black women who finally realise the error of their ways then attempt to venture in the good guy’s direction, expect him to take up the slack and further expect him to be the clean up guy and set himself up as a sacrificial goat for their innumerable transgressions.

I wouldn’t have a problem if these black women upon realising they messed up simply accepted their lot and threw themselves upon the trash heap of failure.

However, as we already know there will always be a blue pilled simp lurking in the shadows who will be more than willing to throw himself upon the altar of no standards and self disrespect in order to try to land himself some nookie.

Black men, stop trying to save these ran through and broken down black women, it is NOT your job to try to fix them, they are used and damaged goods that ought to be left by the wayside.

It is certainly not your job to step in as a step father to a black female or any woman’s fatherless children, remember, you are not the clean up man nor are you obligated to take that role onboard.

Let these reckless harpies clean up their own mess, after all they were the ones who created such destruction within their own lives to begin with.

I don’t deal with single mothers, I am going to be starting my own legacy and family tree from scratch. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

They’ll Always Tell On Themselves If You Give Them Time, Guaranteed

Most High Bless

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20 thoughts on “They Will Always Tell On Themselves! #THROWBACK

  1. SMH….and this idiot is a so called “relationship coach”. Who qualified her for that, Donald Duck? They really want to plant bad seeds into the minds of impressionable young women and drag everyone into inevitable misery.

    I wouldn’t even care if these same women didn’t expect the same “boring” black men to play janitor after they’ve been ran through and have several out of wedlock brats and/or dick police and obsess over those who get into relationships with non black quality women and thrive. I don’t wanna hear that she never mentioned black men either, because we all know who she’s referring to. A “boring” Brad who showed any interest in them would get more cooperation than police interrogating a scared snitch.

    I’m not interested in any kind of discourse with these females. At least white women who have only started to be abandoned by their men in recent times still have a hope. Bdubs are done out here and will NEVER improve, no matter how dire their situation is. They actually love misery and want to wallow in it like pigs in mud. Good luck to them then, because we’ve checked out of Da Communitah Hotel. They can enjoy all the bad boys they want, nothing to do with me.


    1. SYSBM Forever,

      We already know that the worst people to take any form of relationship advice from are women unless they themselves are being guided by masculine, learned, wise men(even then men must only take advice from other men).

      I remember I wrote an article some years back where I highlighted the fact that black women especially are desperately looking for clean up men(I’ll re-release that article sometime in the near future) and they’re NOT interested in guiding the younger generations of women in a better direction.

      Social media has really driven the overwhelming majority of black women to the point of no return. I can’t even remember the last time I encountered a black female who wasn’t like the common decadent demographic.

  2. Verbs 2015.

    The above videos with that weave headed ugly bitch reconfirms the reasons why I refuse to date single mothers as SYSBM childfree black man at 42 because they are always making stupid life choices by having kids with the worst type of black men. I don’t feel sorry for them at all and their stupid plight that they themselves created. Black single mothers and other non black single mothers should leave us childfree men alone and they should date single fathers because they are both in the same situation as being single parents. I refuse to be a step father because that’s disrespectful to my manhood because I want to create my own kids with a beautiful childfree non black women so that I can create my own nuclear family from scratch.

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I REFUSE to bail out single black mothers or any other female who has children, that’s not my job. My mission/objective is to start my own legacy from scratch, this business of black men “stepping up” to look after somebody else’s children needs to stop.

      Leave these single black mothers and single mothers in general to crash and burn out in their own failures. I will NOT be falling upon the sword for any children that aren’t mine. Single motherhood is a dysfunctional, decadent and abominable culture and it needs to be called out as such.

  3. Not my women, not my issue.

    The ugliest demographic group of females that mostly get attention from only blackistan males.

    This hasn’t got anything to do with me as I’m not a blackistan male.

    I never have been and never will be.

    Even the minorities of Brad sees them as net worth of $5 dollars and nothing more than that.

    I’m only interested in building a family with a white dutch woman or white afrikaner woman.

    The future is reciprocation and childfree to avoid a lot of problematic relationships.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      I fully agree with you. This is one of the main reasons why SYSBM™ was formed, as a solution to counter the degenerate and reckless decisions of black women who have demonstrated that they much prefer to deal with the dregs and the scum of black male society.

      Now said black women cannot accept that the guys they wanted to play clean up men and turning away and saying no realising they can do better for themselves.

      Oh well, that’s their problem, not mine. Only childfree, critical thinking, fit, feminine, friendly, submissive and cooperative women will be accepted over here. Black men must understand that regardless of what black women say, they are NOT obligated to play the role of a step father.

  4. SYSBM: You know what Money Cultural said to SYSBM to hunt down many white pussy as possible?
    White sugar honey (Laughs): He really needs to move to South London.

    Until she gets impregnated by Weed Man Jake, Rapid Fire Rasta, Chopper Man Stoley, Machete Man Briggy, Rum Head Frasier, Long Cocky George and Fuck All Night Freed, that’s when she tried to look for a good guy to settle down with. And there is no way that any man should take care of another man’s child or children.

    Right, this is to SYSBM from Money Cultural. Run down every whitey in sight. All you white pussy murderers ram out a whole leap of pussy. Use no condom on the white honeys and fire sperm in their pussy without thinking. Don’t pull out! It’s Friday night you know and SYSBM should think about the next white pussy to suck and fuck. I like all shapes and sizes, even fat white women and curvy women as well, I meant to go to a plus size speed dating thing but I had a shoulder injury so I have to go another time.

    Tell them ratchet hoodarts and these dick policing simps to fuck off. It’s your wood and you can slam any punany you want. Dr Foolmar Johnson is suspect to the core when he’s coming after black men who are with non-black women. Man’s a homo blud. Straight up fish that! if that was in Jamaica and a man is dick policing another man, they will call him a fish in a heartbeat. Chi chi that. Let him continue scamming people to donate to his school so he can feed his coke habit.

    Ram your wood in some white pussy and cum in there and breed it!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      The dick policing simps can “step up” and take care of the same single mothers they continue to tell us are “a catch”, they’ve got this. What they need to do is STOP attempting to shame black men who do NOT wish to play the role of a step father. Whenever you come across a blue pilled black male simp who tries to persuade you to render janitorial services, simply turn to him and say “you’ve got this bro”.

  5. I don’t think I’ve ever seen another demographic of female that looks for the worst traits in a good guy and looks for the best traits in a bad boy to justify their love for thugs; and she’s supposed to be a “relationship coach”? I swear, these dating and relationship people only exist to maintain the status quo by giving terrible advice; anything to make sure their rent is paid, am I right? I’m not mad at it, though; they say water seeks its own level, so if they are checking for thugs, what does that say about them?

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      Exactly, I see no difference between modern day black females and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Just as Eve was mesmerised by the forbidden fruit and was easily persuaded by the Devil to eat of it completely disregarding the long term ramifications of her poor decision, black women in particular are exactly the same when it comes down the men they choose to open their legs up to and get impregnated by.

      As I keep on saying time and time again, leave these reckless black females and single mothers to crash and burn out in their own failures, DON’T save them.

    1. Matt M.

      The above is exactly why women need men, because most women in the West are a bunch of incompetent dummies who are incapable of making sound, rational, logical and wise decisions when left to their own devises. Women need men to protect women from THEMSELVES.

  6. What these blackwomen and all women need to learn. You make your bed you lie in it. They want bad boys who will break there hearts and get them pregnant and leave. But then they wan’t ” boring guys” e.g functional black men who have their shit together. To be the bin man fuck that!

    1. Goldenman,

      Black women are NOT long term thinkers/planners. Just as they’ll accuse black men of only thinking with our penises, they demonstrate themselves to be no different, only thinking with their contaminated snatches and failing to take into account how said thugs and bad boys are going to impact them long term.

  7. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
    Another YouTube Swirler exposed for scraping bottom of the barrel as she livestreams her and her white man arguing.
    YouTuber “Rose”, Who Referred To Husband As ‘White King’ & “He’s Better Than Black Men” Now Regrets Saying It after she reveals that her “white knight” was living on a mattress in some ghetto ass dump of a neighborhood when they met. She also mentions that she paid for everything to get them set up in life and their channel. 😂😂
    Damn. They REALLY have to go dumpster diving to get white men ( as of her & her Serta King, if he could even afford the name brand 😂😂, were needed as more evidence.
    Makes sense really. Most black women are bottom of the barrel so that’s what they get. Water seeks its own level as they say…

    1. They will pull a white man off skid row, move him in their house, clean him up and pay for everything, but your black ass need to be spending $200 minimum on the first date. Like David Carroll used to say, “the white man’s ice is always colder.”

      Passport Bros
      Project 2025

    2. You can’t make this sh*t up. They will make 100-1 excuses to date any White man. I will not disclose what is happening to me personally. I will say however that I know of a White man, 24 who is homeless because of his own mother’s dysfunctional relationship with her eldest son, ran into the arms of a Black woman who is currently taking classes at the local uni and working part time.

      Said White man is an amateur skater, major weed head but otherwise nice dude. Black women will take a White man any way they can get them and still say they are better than most Black men.

      These types of relationships are never put under scrutiny!

      But you as a Black man date a White woman….. Need I say more?

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