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Give Them An Inch, They’ll Take Ten Miles! #SHORTS

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Here we go again, Western women demonstrating why they’re the most prolific beggars, scroungers and charity cases in the western hemisphere. So, it’s not enough that the man in 99% of cases is going to pay for the first date, now an extra bolt on is paying for her friends the first time you meet them, smh.

That’s NEVER going to happen, the nerve of these Western harriets, always pushing the boundaries, trying their hardest to extract as much as they can from men in as short a time as possible while at the same time reasoning in their delusional minds that because they have vaginas they deserve it.

This is one of many reasons why in the last 10-15 years dating in the West has turned into a full on bread and circus monkey show entertainment circuit. Western women have completely lost the plot, subscribing to the doctrine that the man is solely a financial utility to be used at their will.

This is also one of the main reasons why I maintain the position that until an actual relationship is established, the cost of any dates should be as low as possible as there is no viable justification for excessive amounts of money being spent on somebody you don’t know.

As I’ve stated many times before, the first number of dates are purposed so that each person can properly initiate getting to know the other, money has absolutely nothing to do with the process of getting to know a potential companion, where do these grifting heifers get off?

Western women in their greedy, selfish and desperate quest to hold on to power have fully utilised feminism, hedonism, social media, dating apps, the MeToo movement as well as the court system to completely ruin the dating market here, and they wonder why more men are choosing to get their passports in order to seek out NORMAL women elsewhere.

Way back in the day a man would pay for the dates because in those times most women weren’t working, this is where the tradition of the man paying for dates stems from.

However, the year is now 2024 not 1954, women have been in the workforce since the feminist movement received its turbo boost from the late 1960s onwards, therefore now they at least have the means to contribute towards any dates they partake in.

Despite Western women modernising themselves, I honestly believe that most men wouldn’t have a problem or at least wouldn’t put up some resistance paying for dates if said women weren’t so haughty, arrogant, prideful, greedy, selfish, inconsiderate, spoiled, rude, entitled, ungrateful and disrespectful.

Gentlemen, the same message still stands, abandon ship and walk away from Western females because the dating market here is NOT going to get better anytime soon. Western women are first going to have to crash and burn severely before they’ll ever learn anything from their mistakes.

I point blank refuse to be used as a cash mule flunky by a hedonistic, materialistic, superficial witch who believes that my only purpose on the planet is to supply her with endless quantities of money she can put towards any carnal itches she wishes to scratch.

Finally, for those choosing to stick it out dealing with Western women, to make things easy and simple, in the name of EQUALITY, as a viable alternative I propose that both parties should equally pay their share(go Dutch), that way the man doesn’t feel like he’s being used and the woman doesn’t feel as if she owes the man anything in return. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Western Women Are In NO Position To Demand Anything From Men

Most High Bless

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7 thoughts on “Give Them An Inch, They’ll Take Ten Miles! #SHORTS

  1. If the women brings her friend to a date unknowingly, even I agree to pay for the food before the date. The agreement is void and null because bringing your friend is a huge flag itself. This will be an Auto-Dutch and her friends have to pay, if not the dating partner will pay for her friends. That will be the consequence.
    I give props to African man because he know how to deal with women like that because they do not play just I would:

    I want this clip to sink in to all the SYSBM brothers how this is done. Mind you this is an 8 year old clip which is a classic.
    Verbs, download this video
    Link =

    Unfortunately Black Men in America and probably UK. Mostly America do not know how to deal with this and instead of going on his business, pay for his own meal and walk out, he rather go back and forth with these BWs like a simp he is.

    Link 1 =
    Link 2 =

    Some White men found solution to the problem:
    Link =

    Then you have single mums bringing their kids to the date because they cannot afford a babysitter and expect a simp to pay for the kids meal. This is now becoming the norm:

    Link 1 =
    Link 2 =
    Link 3 =

    I could not find more video as an example.
    Some more could be on Facebook.

    1. Real Talk Michael,

      I do not mind pay for a date. However if the female ever think about bring her friends, that will also be an Auto-Dutch and she will have to pay for he friend’s food.

      The 1st link with the African guy is a legend for doing this. He is not playing when the female like to invite her Committees.

      Another note as you stated few week ago and I agree with Accountable Commentary. 50/50 dating actually started in the late 1990s because of more women in the workforce since 1970s meaning they are paying too. All cultures of women understands this and adopt the 50/50 way. It just the Western females, mostly Black Females just gaslighting men. Masking the word ‘Culture’ and ‘Tradition’ for their new gold-digging ways. Few men are now aware of this.

    2. This is why I only date a white dutch woman to go dutch on dating.

      1. “This is why I only date a white Dutch woman to go Dutch on dating.”
        Smart move and the best solution.

  2. SYSBM: It’s getting dark in the afternoon now.
    White sugar honey: Yeah. Daylight saving time ends. Great summer though.

    I can see why the passport brothers movement is so big now because of the western women. I don’t have an issue if a man is goanna pay on the first date. That’s his choice but he shouldn’t pay three of her friends. There is a video of a guy who took his girl out for her birthday and his girlfriend said that he has to pay for 18 of her friends. I don’t know if it’s a skit or real but there are situations happen like this.

    I don’t know how it happened. I don’t know when it happened. But for some reason we have so many entitled women around the place. When you look at different directions, there is an entitled woman. These women are no wife material or mother material but they wanna scam a man who they don’t even like whatsoever.

    Dating in the west has now gone even harder and the men have three choices. Go SYSBM if you are a black man, get your passport and fly to the foreign honeys or stay single.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet, gold digging scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  3. I’ve shared this article before, but I’ll post it here again since it’s pertinent to this article’s subject matter:

    These modern Western females are something else; I remember a former teacher I had in 9th grade who shared a story where her mother told her to have some money on her when she goes on a date. She didn’t listen, so she went on a date with a guy, and when it came time to pay the bill, he gave his card, but it declined; he tried a different card, and that one declined, as well. I can imagine how uncomfortable she felt as she sat there.

  4. I remember a day where western white women didn’t care about money and would gladly go dutch in the initial phases. And if you paid for the date, they’d repay you in other ways. That was one of the main differences between them and the weaveheads. Now they’re expecting free rides for them and their friends, just like Shaniqua. Verbs as always is on target when he puts the decline at 10-15 years. Hmmm I wonder what happened in 2015. Fat, tattooed, money-hungry, loudmouth, feminist, attention vampires, IG and OF whores. A sad comedown for the once-gold standard of femininity.

    Not even sure a passport would help anymore, niggas have flooded the zone. Everybody’s hip to it now. Those local girls see you coming. I guess at least they still know how to seduce you out of your bag aka The Girlfriend Experience, instead of the entitled screeching of western hoes.

    SYSBM, family.

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