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They Hate Seeing Black Men With Options!

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Some people unfortunately are still living in the stone age, the above screenshot involves fellow SYSBM™ practitioner and frequent commenter on this website Quincy Fitzpatrick, a pro blackity black shine bucket pretending to be Dr Umar Johnson as well as another sad individual(who I suspect is a black female) who doesn’t hesitate to spew the outdated rhetoric about black men being the least desired men on the planet(which isn’t true at all) and only being seen as a fetish to white women.

As we all know, the modern day black female would love to see black men in the same position as she is, the least desired, however when it comes to desirability in the dating market, black men overall “officially” rank 2nd but are fast catching up to their white male competitors.

Let’s examine and breakdown the above comments. @porter9494 writes:

“In the West most WW see BM as second class citizens. Only 1/1000 BM is seen as an equal human being by WW. BM are the least desired, the least respected. Most of the time BM can only pull the type of WW than WM don’t want. It’s sad.”

This talk sounds like it’s coming straight out of slavery times, the current year is 2024 NOT 1724. Though no clues are given by the YouTube profile, I strongly suspect that a black witch made this comment because this is the type of sorcery and witchcraft black women typically engage in.

They hate seeing black men happy outside of their control and they most certainly despise it whenever black men choose to expand upon their dating options where said black sirens are COMPLETELY EXCLUDED from the equation.

Only 1/1000 black men are seen as an equal human being by white women, where on earth is this ludicrous statistic coming from? Of course we know this is complete and utter rubbish and the individual is simply talking out of unfiltered jealousy because they don’t want black men to realise the power they have in the dating market once they choose to expand beyond black women.

Additionally, if black men can only pull the white women that white men don’t want then why are so many white men extremely quick to jump into the comment sections of black male/white female couple videos making sure to label the white female as a mudshark/coal burner, expressing their “disappointment” in her while at the same time calling the black male every racist name and title in the book?

Don’t take my word for it, check out any random interracial couple’s channel(black man/white woman), scroll through the comments and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. That venom/hatred is NOT resulting from black men soaking up rejected white women.

@DrUmarJohnson1 writes:

“It would be nice if you had pride, consciousness, and a good self-image. Interracial dating indicates one doesn’t think highly of his/her mother/father.”

Firstly, when the only techniques you have in trying to persuade black men to date black women exclusively are shaming and guilt tripping, you’ve already lost. I checked out that account and was disappointed that it wasn’t Gerbilface Johnson commenting himself.

Secondly, “your momma/father black” is far from a solid, complete and robust argument in favour of black men dating within their race.

You’ll also notice how mullet heads like this purposely overlook and breeze past the cancerous defections that have heavily infested black female society including the serious dearth of attractive black women as well as their default, baked in disrespect towards black men.

Pro blackity black, blue pilled simps will continue to hold black women in high regard no matter how deep they sink into the mire of degradation and degeneracy because they themselves don’t have the testicular fortitude to check “da sistas” and bring them back into line.

SYSBM™ continues to be the most robust, tried, tested, proven, viable and sustainable way forward for the free thinking black man to liberate himself from the shackles of “da communitah” and its dysfunctional leadership.

Gentlemen, continue paying NO ATTENTION to those knuckleheads who insist on you “keeping it real/keeping it black” while at the same time deliberately turning a blind eye to the extremely hostile black female landscape that is NOT welcoming to black men who aren’t involved in street loitering, shooting up the block, nefarious activities as well as criminal exploits. SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

SYSBM™ For The Win, Now And Forever

Most High Bless

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4 thoughts on “They Hate Seeing Black Men With Options!

  1. I used to comment on an interracial dating subreddit on Reddit. I say “used to” because I quickly realized the other commenters were mostly black women. They encouraged each other to date out because non-black men supposedly treat them better. But they shamed black men for dating out because it’s supposedly an indication of self-hate and fetishizing other races.

    The double standards and hypocrisy are ridiculous.

    No amount of shaming, whining, and finger-wagging will ever trick me into dating American black women. I’m so disgusted with how most black women look, behave, and treat black men, just the mere thought of touching one makes my skin crawl.

  2. Even during slavery days, a lot of black men married white women then and are still marrying white women today across the globe.

    They had segregation laws for this reason in the states.

    They had Apartheid laws in South africa and Namibia for this reason.

    The same can’t be said between white men and black women.

    White men never married black women during this era.

    White men only used negress sheboons as sex slaves then and are still using them today as sex slaves.

    Only a very small minority of white men are married to black women that is less than 1% of the whole world population combined.

    There will always be blackistan negroes worshipping their black devil females that won’t piss on them if they were burning on fire.

    1. Totally agree. I’ve yet to meet a white man married to a black woman who wasn’t a complete loser. It’s why I’ve always side-eyed Kamala Harris’ husband. When I found out he cheated on his first wife with their kids’ elementary school teacher and knocked her up, I wasn’t the slightest bit surprised.

  3. Good on Quincy for standing on business with that fraud.

    That whole comment section is COPE. “Oh it was staged!” “It was edited!” Blah blah blah

    Young Black Men are WINNING.

    Only thing I hate is these Mandingo-ized white women putting on that ghetto Shaniqua patois to “relate” to BM. I like the normal suburban Jan Brady who drinks Starbucks, listens to Dave Matthews Band, and still watches her Gilmore Girls boxset.

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