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Their Imaginary Man Is NEVER Coming! #SHORTS

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This is why I keep on telling you guys, leave these Western females alone to crash and burn in their own failures and delusions, for the overwhelming majority of these disjointed Western sirens, their 6 figures, 6 feet tall, 6 inch member, 6 pack packing man is NEVER coming.

This is as retarded as waiting for a bus or train service that doesn’t exist, nethertheless, this is the delusional avenue most Western females are choosing to venture into.

There are two main reasons why Western women want the men they get with to be generating so much money off the bat:

1. Western women have accumulated incredible amounts of debt(a large part of that being from student loans) which they want their prospective man to take onboard and pay off.

2. Most Western women in recent years have become a bunch of decadent, lazy slobs who are only looking for free handouts and an easy ride through life. Therefore, having now thrown aside their natural purpose in pursuit of carnal, hedonistic, superficial and material lusts/pleasures, they want and now expect us as men to freely sponsor their princess treatment, high on the hog, ivory tower, celebrity-esque type lifestyles.

They(especially black females) will regularly call you broke yet here they are constantly begging you for food, money, clothing, expensive trips etc arrogantly stating that “the man is supposed to be the provider”.

Once again, provision is a TRADITIONAL CUSTOM in which the only type of females that qualify for and are entitled to such treatment are TRADITIONAL WOMEN. The modern day female point blank refuses to accept and understand this and will STILL attempt to shame you into providing something she’s NOT entitled to, smh. Provision must be earned, it isn’t just handed out freely upon request.

Also, material, superficial, carnal and hedonistic lusts/pleasures are NOT part of the provision package, however feminism, social media and dating apps have heavily brainwashed modern women into thinking that whatever they want and desire is now classed as a “need”.

You have to laugh really, most women in the West are average at best, yet they’re out here militantly demanding men who are way above average, make that make sense.

Additionally, when you ask these same females how they’ll stand out from the crowd in order to attract a high calibre man, most of them have nothing constructive to promote about themselves outside of their ran through, used up, rinsed out vaginas as well as their depreciating looks, smh.

Modern women really believe that a ran through vagina every Tom, Dick and Harry has had access to is still valuable and honestly feel that sex is all that is needed to ensure that a relationship goes the distance, what a bunch of premium grade dummies.

Men are NOT mindless, heartless ATM machines who are here to pump out cash whenever a materialistic harpy wants a Gucci bag, we want to be loved, be appreciated, cherished, feel desired, respected, honoured, shown affection as well as given attention by the women we’re involved with.

Unfortunately, finding decent women in the West has now become the old needle in the haystack scenario, this is why I’m advising men to get their passports and search abroad for women who still have character, a moral compass, who enjoy embracing their traditional roles as females and who want to help you keep your family tree/legacy in continuance.

Fellas, DON’T save these Western females, they’re finished. Leave them to wait for men who aren’t coming. Most of these women are going to have to crash and burn out on their own before they’ll even consider acknowledging that they were majorly bamboozled, hoodwinked and taken for a massive joyride by feminism, social media as well as dating apps. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Leave Western Women To Crash And Burn Out In Their Own Failures

Most High Bless

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4 thoughts on “Their Imaginary Man Is NEVER Coming! #SHORTS

  1. SYSBM: You know how many women what a man that makes six figures?
    White sugar honey: I know it’s a shit loud of gold diggers!

    When a woman says that she wants a man that makes six figures, one, a small number of men makes that kind of money for the whole year and two, a woman that says that, she wants to use the man financially. And I know that black men don’t make that much in a year. I wish I can make that much in a year.

    A six-figure man is like a train or a bus that will not come yes and I agree with that. but if a six-figure man comes in these women way if they are western women, then he will deal with them on a relationship thing or marriage thing as the modern women are gold diggers. And six figure man, well he will have more then one woman or just don’t date at all, you get me?

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  2. Verbs2015,

    Everything you wrote is point on fact. But then you have the overwhelming majority of black males who are average at best, making all kinds of noise and racket about beautiful black quaens who they worship and grovel at the feet of.

    And the overwhelming majority of these quaens they are groveling for are unhygienic, way past shelf life, ugly, often obese, beasts. And most of these quaens they are groveling for have characters and souls that are straight out of the pits of hell.

    Now make that make sense!

  3. I could create a white female character in GTA video games to earn millions of dollars and a lot of western women in general would think it is real life.

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