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Most Western Women Are Dummies!

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First of all, the red hair, the makeup alongside the witch’s claws are a dead giveaway that this is the type of woman any decent man worth his salt should NOT be dealing with. As much as I despise all of these external appendages most women use, they do serve a critical purpose in helping men identify the trash and the scum from women of value.

Of course, these will be the same women complaining in their late 20s, 30s and 40s about men not valuing them while at the same time clean forgetting how they devalued themselves in their teens and early 20s via religiously running the streets being freelance whores and sluts, smh.

The above red headed harridan and her twisted thought process is your modern day Western female in a nutshell, hold off finding a good man and having a family during your prime years, but instead live the lifestyle of a whore throughout them foolishly believing that you can “settle down” after you’ve had your fun.

These Western 304s in their delusions of grandeur honestly believe that they can rewrite their value once they get older and the attention they were getting from men begins to diminish ie the wall approaches, however nothing could be further from the truth.

A woman’s value is intrinsically linked to her purity, therefore the more men she chooses to sleep with, the less valuable she becomes, however most Western females point blank refuse to accept this and will go out of their way attempting to shame men into taking them onboard in a ran through, used up and rinsed out state(no thanks, I’m good, I’ll pass).

Women in their prime years are supposed to use their youth, beauty and fertility to attract and secure the best mate in order to have a family early, non Westernised foreign women fully understand this which is why even if they venture down a career path, finding a suitable man and having a family ALWAYS remains the top priority.

However through feminism and social media, Western women have successfully been brainwashed, hoodwinked and bamboozled into throwing away their best years on riotous 304 living believing they have all the time in the world to “be free”.

Additionally, you also have older women who having already run the gauntlet, realised that they were tricked and deceived yet still choose to hand down extremely bad advice to younger women lying to them and pretending everything will be just fine when they’re older.

When feminist minded women reach the end of the road realising they’ve been taken on a massive joyride, they’ll either get on TikTok crying their eyes out about how they can’t find a mate to “settle down” with because men aren’t taking them seriously(for many good reasons) or they’ll use the same platform to lie to younger women pretending everything is great while behind closed doors still crying themselves to sleep at night.

A woman’s prime years are typically between the ages of 18-30 whereas a man’s prime typically begins from his early 30s well into his latter years. This is the massive difference between men and women that feminism, social media as well as the mainstream press refuse to truthfully lay out.

A man can afford to have fun in his 20s because his prime years haven’t even started yet, however men ought to be using their 20s to grind and build up their wealth and value so that they can reap the rewards down the pike.

Most Western women however just cannot accept that they DO NOT have the same time window as men, they should prioritise having a family first and can always get into a career and have fun with their long term boyfriends/husbands later on once their families are established.

This for a woman is the common sense and logical way to do things, however as we’ve seen time and time again, feelings and emotions are the reigning forces whenever Western women make any critical, life changing decisions.

Women should NEVER be the priority of younger men, however unfortunately this is often the main area where a lot of younger bucks waste time and get caught up by deceitful harridans which in turn sets the stage for their older years to be more difficult than they need to be.

Brothers, get those passports and leave these hedonistic, undisciplined, delusional, morally bankrupt, hookup culture participating and celebrating Western whores to stew, marinate, crash and burn out in their own failures.

Unfortunately in 2024 it’s evident that the overwhelming majority of Western women would much prefer to learn their lessons the hard way rather than listen to the sound advice that wise, learned, masculine men can impart to them. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Don’t Save Them, They Don’t Want To Be Saved

Most High Bless

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5 thoughts on “Most Western Women Are Dummies!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    I refuse to wife up hoe’s who wasted their sexual prime years (18 to 30) having sex with the worst kind of men and worst still if they make the stupid unfortunate choice of becoming a single mother especially if have kids with the wrong men. These same women are complaining about where have all the good men have gone and my answer to that is that these same good men that you rejected in your sexual prime years either are still in the friend zone or they moved on to be dating younger women in their 20s. These washed up post wall women have nobody to blame but themselves because they are always rejecting good men for lots of stupid reasons and I don’t feel sorry for them or their sob stories. These modern day women created the problems that they complain about.

  2. The first video shows me instantly which white women have common sense.

    The red hair gave it away to spot trash.

    The second video explains why men should be paranoid if their girlfriends or wives are planning to go on holiday vacations with their friends.

    On a girls night out, anything goes in this circle of cheating and morals out the window.

  3. SYSBM: This Red label wine taste great.
    White sugar honey: I know, it taste so great! Great for the mood tonight!

    Let a hoe be a hoe and leave her to it. but there is one thing. when she says that she is looking for a good man, don’t choose her to wife up.

    As we see the start of the western women, the man have no choice but to get their passports and find the quickest jet to fly out of dodge in a flash. Because there are some western women are no wife martial or even mother martial, you get me?

    If a woman wasted her years from 18 to 30 by whoring around with one man to another and jumping to one willy to another, how is she goanna be able to love a man or look for a man that can love her and treat her good if she has a whorish past?

    There is this woman who is my ex-lover and she was straight up hoe in the district where my parents grow up. It was 200y and I was in Jamaica and I heard that one man paid her one hundred Jamaican dollars for sex. That time it was one pound. Verbs, don’t laugh bro, please! Lol!

    You know, it’s very difficult to find a woman in the west. And for black men, it’s very hard to look for a good black woman. So, what do they do. They go elsewhere.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  4. That girl with the red Hawaiian Punch colored hair is a product of Aleister Crowley’s “Do What Thou Wilt” philosophy; this “I don’t judge” attitude towards hookup culture is also very problematic. What that one lady said is very true about adding value to yourself; when you join hookup culture and just allow anybody access to your body, you cheapen yourself and lose value as you continue engaging in that behavior. You know, that song is very fitting for this; don’t even try to stop these 304’s from doing what they do. Let them deal with the consequences of living recklessly; some may end up as single mothers, some may ride the cock carousel until it breaks down, and others may catch an STD they will never get rid of, but it’s no skin off of my nose. Let a hoe be a hoe, and don’t save her under any circumstances! #SYSBM

  5. I got nothing except peep how in the second video that light skinned girl gang is letting the token dark skinned chick hang out with them. You don’t see that everyday at least not in the States.

    Everything else has been said a million times, I’m exhausted. To paraphrase Sun Tzu, “If your enemy is destroying herself, let her.”

    All roads lead to SYSBM.

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