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On This Week’s Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!
This black female above is hit and miss. She’s right when it comes down to these so called “divestors” making videos talking about how much better white men are than black men. However if you noticed towards the end of the video she switched it up to include black men in this crazy mix.
If you’re going to create a video calling out black women on their black male hating religion then BE CONSISTENT and REMAIN ON TOPIC(keep with what your caption says).
Black men aren’t out here making videos bragging about how much better non black women are, though if asked, free thinking brothers will be more than happy to affirm that this is indeed true as well as give the precise details/reasons why.
Outside of her attempting to falsely implicate black men in engaging in this same type of behaviour, @DanaDane1987 is right. As I’ve been stating for many years, the black female is the white man’s sex toy as well as his grunt work flunky, nothing more, nothing less.
It’s only black women themselves who point blank refuse to understand and accept the true relationship dynamic between themselves and their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost.
In order for a normal, average white man to take any black female seriously beyond sex, she has to look exceptionally attractive and most certainly NOT exhibit any negative mannerisms as most black women typically do.
This is why of the minuscule number of black females who do manage to get chosen by Brad, they’ll typically home in on a guy who’s not economically stable and affluent as this gives said black females the room they need to run the show without having to change their behaviour significantly.
Black men don’t care about who black women date and marry, however the same cannot be said for the opposite. Black women being the least desired and least married women on the planet will ALWAYS be concerned about black men leaving the plantation and dating out, ALWAYS!
Another Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Stay Individual(In Your Mind)
Most High Bless
Verbs 2015.
I never gave a shit on who black women date but what pisses me off more then anything is when we decent black men date outside of our race the whole world 🌎 has a fucking problem with it including black women. I can date any race of women that I want and I don’t give a fuck on who gets offended.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
Yep, I couldn’t agree more. The main reason why black women get a bee in their bonnet whenever they see black men dating out is because they’re the least desired females on the planet. Outside of black men, no other races of men are checking for them in significant numbers and black women fully well know this. Again, this is not my problem.
They threw and continue to throw black men under the bus in order to forward themselves, however they’re now reaping the consequences that come with stabbing black men in the back.
I checked out that new Netflix show Adolescence that’s been creating a huge buzz.
What a load of propaganda if I ever saw one! It’s a shame because the acting is top notch all around. The boy is clearly gonna be a big star in the future just off the strength of this, Ashley Walters is finally in an age appropriate, non stereotypical role and Stephen Graham plays the hell out of his character as the father. However, once I heard the ‘manosphere’ would be mentioned, I already knew what deal was.
There’s not really any spoilers because the plot says it all, but the woman/girl=good, man/boy=bad tone as well as the complete misrepresentation of what the manosphere and red pill is truly all about couldn’t be more blatant. And of course, the obligatory mention of Andrew Tate had to find it’s way in there. I personally don’t care for the guy and think he’s a clown (and a plant), but it just makes me laugh how he’s always made the bogeyman. People seem to know way more about him than I do, I just don’t hear his name pushed out there like that on the podcasts and youtube channels I listen to.
I’m not gonna type a whole lot but I wouldn’t mind discussing certain parts that stood out to me if anyone else has seen it.
It’s only a matter of time before Passport Bros become the next target. I can’t see them getting off that easily, especially since women are already in their feelings about men migrating to greener pastures. Watch this space…..
Also, the guy on the left makes some brilliant points about this show and the erosion and attack on masculinity in general.
The best one he made was asking the panel what do women have to offer men in return for masculinity, sacrifices and provision? We get sent off to war as canon fodder, have to do all the building and heavy lifting and protection in society, soooooo what can we expect from the women? Of course, that racist ditzy bimbo Tomi Lohren and that flaming fruit in the blue shirt had to resort to the usual ad hominem attacks and say what a “real man” is since they didn’t have an answer. Even folks in the comments were surprisingly on his side.
Misandry and feminism has literally destroyed male and female relationships, not men. Things have never been as bad as they are now.
I grew up watching shows like Knight Rider, The A-Team and many others when men were MEN and when the rough, tough and rugged man was encouraged and praised. Men were building stuff, beating up and throwing bad guys out the window, literally kicking in doors while smoking cigars and talking shit and rescuing women who played the background. Those type of shows would never fly now. In this day and age, just raising your voice and talking back to a woman even in a fictional setting is “toxic masculinity”. women are supposedly badass all of a sudden and can defeat men three times their size lol. I hear they even want to tone down Kratos from God of War and cut out the nudity and make him nicer to female characters in the game remasters now lol SMH.
In real life, they force homosexuality on to men and try and shame fathers for refusing to put on makeup to appease their little daughters. They bring all kinds of freaks into the schools, put dresses on little boys and do any and everything to tarnish masculinity and then act surprised when a small minority of boys act out because they’re not allowed to be their natural selves. It’s crazy.
Once again, I blame the simps who let this happen even more than the nutcase females they’ve allowed to run amok. Honestly, we were better off when women stayed in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant and kept their mouths shut and knew their place. Yes, I said it!
SYSBM Forever,
It goes back to what I said before about men being bamboozled and hoodwinked into centering women through the decadent feminist movement from the 1960s, it’s come back to bite us in the backside, hence why so many men are going abroad to find women while others are throwing in the towel on dating altogether.
What’s the saying, weak men produce hard times. Men need to allow their masculinity to flow without apology and completely bypass any women who attempt to stifle or shame us into reducing it.
Stuff these dysfunctional harridans and their so called “toxic masculinity”, we need to embrace and be proud of who we are as men. These sirens are already on the ropes bleeding out heavily, they cannot sustain this gender war for much longer, in fact they’re already defeated however most don’t know it yet.
Embracing masculinity also means REJECTING anything that is related to feminism. As we’ve already seen, the powers that be are really trying to push this sodomite nonsense hard, they truly want men weak and fully controllable.
Completely cosigned, yes women do belong in the home, they have NO business being involved in the affairs of running a society. They simply need to have children, respect and be obedient to the men they’re with and keep their mouths shut. Too many of these females think that what comes out of their mouths is valuable, most of the time it isnt.
SYSBM Forever,
I’m going to check out that Adolescence show at some point soon. The SYSBM™ Knights including myself in the past have discussed the high possibility of the lamestream press at some point coming after us mainly because we stand 10 toes down on traditional values as well as staunchly reject the decadent religion of feminism and ALL of its related branches.
Those will be trying times but we must be ready and ALWAYS stand on principle. I point blank refuse to fold to decadents as well as women who I’m the head of as a man. The hate for masculinity in the West is off the chain, we have stupid women being lead by evil people in dark corners putting the battery in their backs.
You’re right, these heifers are extremely disgruntled not only with men going abroad to find decent women but also with men choosing to bail out of the dating game altogether. These women are drunk on State bestowed power and will not be giving it up easily.
I also see them at some point coming after single men who are protecting their peace and want nothing to do with them, however once men have decided they’ve had enough, that’s it. The female shaming tactics attempting to intimidate, bully and cajole men back onto the plantation aren’t working now and they most definitely won’t work whenever they decide to attack.
“There’s not really any spoilers because the plot says it all, but the woman/girl=good, man/boy=bad tone as well as the complete misrepresentation of what the manosphere and red pill is truly all about couldn’t be more blatant. And of course, the obligatory mention of Andrew Tate had to find it’s way in there. I personally don’t care for the guy and think he’s a clown (and a plant), but it just makes me laugh how he’s always made the bogeyman. People seem to know way more about him than I do, I just don’t hear his name pushed out there like that on the podcasts and youtube channels I listen to.”
BOOM! I am so glad to know I’m not the only guy here who recognizes that Andrew Tate is a plant; he literally came out of nowhere, and then he was everywhere! Think about it: all of the people who are put up as the poster children of the Manosphere all came out of the blue and blew up overnight; strange, ain’t it? In retrospect, I believe Tate was put in his current position to be elevated and then brought down, controlled demolition style; that seems to be standard procedure with a lot of these agents online. I especially can’t cosign this man after he said that it’s a “higher level of thinking” to consider dating a tranny that looks like Megan Fox over a biological woman that looks like Hulk Hogan:
This abominable video from Andrew Tate is another example of what I recognize as being problematic for many who identify themselves with the Manosphere: they are too hung up on the IMAGE of masculinity as opposed to the SUBSTANCE of it; so, “Top G” wants you to believe it’s not gay to deal with a transformer that may resemble a hot Hollywood actress, but somehow it is if you choose a biological woman who looks like a hulking wrestler with a mustache? The only biological woman I know of that resembles Hulk Hogan is his daughter, Brooke Hogan; look at her, and tell me she’s not better looking than a trans Megan Fox doppelganger. This guy is nuts (no pun intended)!
I’ve never seen black men bragging about dating out with conservative white women.
I don’t know what this negress is on about in that regard.
Danadane just made that up out of spite because Danadane is no different than any typical negress.
Wittexton Witwijf,
Cosigned, black men dating out is like a walk in the park for us, we don’t feel the need to brag about things that are normal and easy for us. These black sirens always have a sleight of hand strategy up their sleeves even when they “appear” to be on our side.
In response to the article, she just had to bring black men into the mix, didn’t she?
I don’t date black women nor consider them a suitable partner for myself or any other black man with a bright future ahead of him, simple as that. It’s not something I need to announce to the world anymore than what I had for breakfast this morning. It’s just what I do. I don’t shop at Tesco to spite Asda or purchase Sony products to spite Panasonic. You can love it, hate it or be indifferent. That means nothing to me cos I’m not trying to get your attention in doing so.
Clearly bdubs and their simp minions DO care who we choose to lay with. There’s way too much evidence of that to be denied. No one is more dick policed than black men. In fact, black males are such weak cucks that any non black man with a “sista” is invited to the BBQ lol. That’s how pathetic they are.
It’s for black men to ignore them and stop being so scared and allowing themselves to be controlled by women who aren’t even their mothers. Brothers need to grow a pair, live their lives and leave these broads to their own devices.
I couldn’t give a shit about who black women date. But what boils my blood is when a black men dates out his race the whole world goes insane
Indeed, the hypocrisy whenever it comes to black men dating out is off the chain. Black women love smoking their own supply and hyping themselves up. The only black men who are concerned about who black women date are the sex starved, weak, back blue pilled, pro black male simps.
When we react to the hypocrisy, they make out like we “care about who they date.” No, it’s the hypocrisy. Anything to pump up their own ego.
Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Hmmm, I sense a chameleon in our midst with this video; she had done a video in the past where she had a beard filter on her face and was making mockery of Black men who got their passports. This is why women in men’s spaces are NOT to be trusted! Anyway, SYSBM Forever shared a link to Tommy Sotomayor’s X profile where he shared a video of a stragg who tried to stab a Black man who was trying to throw her out of his place:
Thank God she didn’t actually stab him, and he eventually was successful in removing her; this is more proof that the scraggle daggle look at Black men as cattle.
Blue Collar Trevor,
I remember that Passport Bros mocking video she did. The bottom line is these black sirens cannot be trusted even when they “appear” to be on our side. As for that video link, as I’ve stated in the past, nothing is ever straightforward with the black female, breaking off a relationship with most of them can be 10 trips to hell and back. As I’ve stated before, black men who still chose to deal with black women do so at their own risk and cannot complain whenever these black sirens bite their hands.
SYSBM: You see the way the ratchet hoodrats staring at you and me while we was at Brixton?
White sugar honey: I think because that my bunda is bigger then theirs.
Black men don’t care who black women are dating, especially if a black woman is dating a white man. None of us don’t care as we have other things to worry about. But the thing is this that when a black man dates a non-black woman, it’s a problem for everyone especially with Dr Foolmar Johnson who is could be LGBTQ with all of the dick policing.
As when a black woman dates a white man, she ends up with the below average white guy with nothing to offer. It seems that she is doing the same thing when she dates a black man who is worthless and then have a child with him. And he’s not taking care of the child, you understand me?
I have no issues with black people dating non-black people as long as that person is treating you right. But sometime black people, they always get it wrong from black women dating a below average white man right down to the black man dating a white single mother and then get cheated on and the baby mother has another man child and taking care of it as if his own like the other article from verbs don’t be that guy.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
I cannot take any talk about “real men” seriously from a group of women who won’t even wear their real hair in public. Not that I’m so enamored with 4c hair; it IS the worst hair type. But I’ve seen plenty of Black men who let their hair grow out and make it work, be it dreads, braids, hot combs, relaxers, etc. Never seen a single man, black or otherwise, wearing a damn weave from another race.
u need to do an article on Dr umar Johnson’s daughter. Something tells me she is a hood rat.
His daughter is a deranged divestor, some brothers here posted some material on this scandal in the last Open Mic Wednesday and I believe the one before.
Here is a shining example of the product of a black single mother’s “leadership”.
Happy Open Mic Wednesday!
Conjugal visit goes awry. Here we have proof that thug love doesn’t stop with age with these old hoes. This grandma loved her elderly Prison Pookie to DEATH.
SYSBM ’till the sun goes supernova. LMAO
Absolutely for this. Now thankless 304s can quit crying about random men protecting them in public (giving nothing in return) and just hire these bodyguards and security guys off the app. Employ these gents and leave us alone. Problem solved.
I am not sure if this is me. But something I observer for many years:
You have these so called ‘Street smart’ people which I have no problem with because they give us all the real knowledge. However there are few who have the real knowledge of modern western female who sometimes have some beef with other people with options.
You have people like ‘Minister Jap’ and other dating coaches.
Then you have ‘Shawn James’ who call himself the ‘street smart’ guy.
Akwesi (Brother of Brother and Common Sense) and we notice that you have 40 year old red pill men go after the 50 year olds.
The reason the 40 or under go after 50 year olds because people in their 50’s still want the thinking Black Men to still deal with western females. I think because the men in their 50’s are too old to have options to date elsewhere.
I had a brother who is a street mart and a people’s person, but because he is a Londoner he talks about how wonderful London is and diversity. Also, the problem is that because him and other people living the ‘London’ Bubble, and it is multi-diverse. But fail to realise that it is multi-Western Diverse meaning all cultures adopt western mindset and get poison by the west. Which the reason why they are stuck dealing with ‘Modern Western Females’ and never go outside of the London and understand there are options out there.
Same as Shawn James as when they say ‘Women are women, no matter what’. All he see just all race of women in New York which all adopt the western mindset.
So they never know or been outside the block to see that females outside the west are more family oriented.
This is why I listen to SYSBM such as MBDX and Verbs. As well as Accountable Commentary because unlike these fake ‘street smarts’ who teach you how to deal with modern females, Accountable Commentary and SYSBM tells you to completely avoid these Keishas and Karens.
Maybe it is me.
I give you my take in this:
Street Smart meant to teach young bros knowledge about life and western females.
But I have also notice that they still want you to deal with these same Modern Keishas which I do not understand why and I think they are too old to have options meaning they are stuck dealing with them.
Just like dating coaches, they are also street-wise when it comes to Keishas, but still want you to deal with them.
This is why years ago after the Covid, Dating Coaches went to war again the Black American Men with Passports becuase they are loosing money and when these American Black Men with Passports travel, they meet people organically without game or sway. They just being them.
I stick with SYSBM such as Verbs (Slaying Evil), Madbusdriver and Accountable Commentary because they encourage you to stay way and stop dealing with Keishas and Modern females. Also have options else where.
So, last Friday we lost former professional boxer George Foreman; he was also a preacher, and businessman who also sold the George Foreman grill. I read that his family didn’t release his cause of death when the announcement was made, but then I found something; surprisingly, this discovery was on my phone, and I didn’t realize it! Whenever a photo or video is shared on Whatsapp, it automatically saves it to your phone even if you don’t read the message, and I just so happened to see a video of George Foreman on KHOU 11 in Houston taking the vaccine for the media. Need I say anymore, gentlemen?
Blue Collar Trevor,
So many folks are being taken out by the jib jab and as per usual the mainstream media is completely silent on it. We have to remember that this was the same lamestream press telling people to take it because it was supposedly “safe and effective”, they also had no problems berating and disparaging those such as ourselves who refused to get injected with the poison as we saw right through the scam from the beginning.
The first Slaying Evil website was taken down because left leaning didn’t like the fact that I was sounding the trumpet and warning folks against taking that shot. The loss was worth it, I’ll stand by and declare the truth every day of the week over lying to people.
Most importantly, too many folks out here are extremely reluctant to want to entertain the fact that the COVID jab is killing people left and right as we speak because they themselves took it and will be forced to face the reality that they could be next to kick the bucket.
Speaking of which….
Why do these busybody weaveheads always say black men with white women and IR in general “look ashamed”? I’ve personally never seen this. Why is this husky voiced witch even paying attention to how brothers with white women are acting anyway since they always claim they don’t care?
Because those black men aren’t looking in their direction, these bdubs see that as “looking away in shame”. It could be he was irritated by that stupid smirk on her face.
I’m pretty sure whoever she saw is more confident in his relationship than she would be in showing what her real hair looks like….
SYSBM Forever,
Where is her own confidence in wearing her own natural hair in public? These weave wearing black sirens really need to keep their mouths shut especially with all of the external appendages they’re using in attempting to enhance their looks.
Check this out
What is it with certain white men having a massive problem with a brother just existing?!
It’s not your usual Essex Daves or the random Eastern European builder but it’s really the Tarquin Townies and Steven from middle management who is an unnecessary arsehole. At Canary Wharf (business district in central London) one dude purposely moved to my side while walking, stood against a door frame and started wiping imaginary dirt off the soles of his shoes. I mean what the actual fuck?
Typical passive aggressive nonsense. I can’t believe how soft, weak and fragile the average Englishman has become. When black folks first starting coming over here LEGALLY during the Windrush period, these guys made sure that most areas were off limits for us to venture into. Fast forward to 2025, migrants are rolling into the UK by the boatloads and English Jonny has absolutely no fire in his chest to push back against them. Truly pathetic but this what is to be expected from folks who’ve abandoned God and replaced him with hedonism, socialism, feminism etc.