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Black women are not our women, deal with it.
Big up former black male Youtuber SadBlackWoman(SBW) for making the above video, even though it’s 9 years old it still rings very true especially today. The very last video he made was around 7 years ago, I suspect he stopped because of the YouTube Gestapo and their encroaching censorship rules.
He used to have a lot more videos on his channel, however you already know these black sirens made sure to get rid of as many of them as possible.
I’ve stated this time and time again, however it’s evident that most black men are either hard of hearing or they point blank refuse to read and accept the writing on the wall, black women DO NOT belong to black men, they are the property of white men and his system, this has been the case ever since chattel slavery and this arrangement will never change.
Most black women see black men as a “fall back, he’ll have to do” option. As has been discussed here many times before, black women want the seed of white males because white men are the ones who can give them those mixed race children with light skin, light eyes and so called “good hair”.
Thereafter the black female can live vicariously through that child and their white lord and saviour Major Sleet believing that having a white boyfriend/husband and a mixed baby is helping her climb the mountain of whiteness, however nothing could be further from the truth.
I honestly don’t understand outside of witchcraft, spells and enchantments how black men can still deal with black women comfortably knowing that said females are only dealing with them because they don’t have many options available ie white and other non black men just aren’t checking for them in significant numbers.
I honestly don’t understand how black men can deal with a group of women who don’t want them. Any and every opportunity black women get, they use it to disparage, mock and ridicule brothers while at the same time playing out their fantasies of being Captain Snowy’s whore slave or side piece. For those dumb black men who still don’t get it, here is a search link on Amazon for black women/white men(BWWM) romance novels:
These black female/white male romance novels go on for page after page after page after page. These are the usual suspect women pretending to all of a sudden care for the same black men they’ve been spitting in the faces of since slavery began.
Remember, during the times of slavery it was a rare thing for black women to be raped by the slave master, most of the sex that took place between both parties was consensual even with those black sirens who were already married.
Black women would go out of their way to groom their daughters for “massa” in the same manner that they groom their children for these church beast predator pastors today.
Nothing has changed, there is nothing new under the sun. As SBW said, black women are better off with white men, it’s just a pity that they’ve run themselves so far into the gutter and allowed themselves to be so deeply corrupted, that white men who would’ve had no problems dealing with black women in the past are now beginning to give black women the side eye and a wide berth.
Do you realise that the overwhelming majority of videos on TikTok where girls/women are showing interest, love and appreciation towards black men are coming from white and other non black females? Let that sink in for a moment, you’re much more appreciated in non black female society than by your own female counterparts.
Finally, don’t ever forget the television show Scandal and how black women avidly tuned into every episode living through Olivia Pope, dreaming that they were in her position as the President’s adulterous side piece. As the saying goes, the black woman would rather be the white man’s whore than the wife of a black man.
Gentlemen, continue to go where you are being shown love and appreciation, only a fool would continue to deal with a group of females who positively don’t like him.
The first video above is simply confirmation that black men not being wanted by black women should take the next logical step and seek love and companionship elsewhere. As the SYSBM commander and chief MBD would say, SYSBM brothers, be free. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
SYSBM™ Till The Wheels Fall Off – Go Where You’re Loved And Appreciated
Most High Bless
I remember watching Scandal years ago.
That fictional tv show is a reflection of real life.
The relationship dynamics between white males and negress Jezebels is very low and very rare.
On my left hand, the negress ends up with white males that white women are avoiding on dates.
The relationship dynamics between black men and white women is very high and not rare.
On my right hand, conservative white women date black men who are avoiding pookie and thug lifestyle.
Wittexton Witwijf,
The problem with most black women is they refuse to accept the relationship dynamic between themselves and their white lord and saviour General Blizzard. The black female is the white man’s flunky and sex toy, nothing more, nothing less. A black female has to look exceptionally attractive in order to land herself a white guy who has something going for himself.
Of the minuscule number of black females that do manage to get themselves a white male, the overwhelming majority of them are dealing with Bottom Shelf Brad types. White men who have their stuff together simply aren’t checking for black women, that’s the truth.
If black women are the best version of themselves when they are with a white man, then this is who they should be with. The problem for black women is that only the top 5 percent of black women are acceptable mate material to the bottom 10 percent of white men.
This is the black women’s problem and black men have absolutely no dog in this fight. It is only the black male simp who concerns himself with this. It is only the black male simp who goes around talking about ‘our women’. Ever since I evolved out of black male simp-hood, I find the entire ‘our women’ mentality to be repulsive.
Truth be told, there is only a small minority of the black female population that I would want as mate material anyway. That is if their mentality is right. The attractiveness of the black female collective writ large is very very exaggerated and overstated. The average black woman is simply not very attracted, and this is a fact.
Only a nearly retarded, preconditioned black male simp could talk himself into believing that the average black woman with her masculine rough features, and her coarse unrefined lack of femininity. is a thing of beauty.
And good black does indeed crack. In the US, black women enjoy the highest standard of living of all black women on the planet. Which means they have access to the best food, best medical care, etc. Yet, most look like a totally different person at 40 than what they looked like at 20. They usually weigh a hundred pounds greater while remaining at their average height of 5’4”. Often, they gain more than 100 pounds. Middle age and older black women give off an unpleasant odor. It is probably related to excessive testosterone, obesity, unwise dietary practices, and lack of exercise. Their 24/7, 365 mental and spiritual negativities concerning their own race probably plays a role as well.
The fact is this. Every black man should be trying to obtain the best possible female that he is capable of obtaining. In order to do this, he must not confine himself to black women only.
When average black men mate with average black women, I have no problem with this as long as neither was forced to do so. What I do have a problem with is making it a requirement that black men call an average black woman exceptional.
Your comment is a slam dunk, nothing much needs to be added. In summary, black women give black men the worst versions of themselves while giving white men the complete opposite.
The only black men who concern themselves with black women are the whipped, fragile, overly emotional blue pilled, black male simps who exalt and worship black women on the daily.
The amount of quality black women within black female society are extremely few and far between. This is especially true in recent times with so many black females becoming obese as well as making themselves look even more unattractive with all of the external appendages they love hanging onto.
Black men need to find the best quality mate no matter the colour of the female. Finding and locking down a quality stargate is of far more importance than choosing from a group of sub par women just for the sake of “keeping it real”.
The overwhelming majority of black women are average at best despite the black female propaganda these overgrown blue pilled, black male simps spew and sputter from their deceitful mouths.
Verbs 2015.
I seen the above video years ago and black women love their white lord and saviour so much they would do anything to get with him. Black women do not belong to black men and these stupid pro blacks need to get this Walt Disney fantasy out of their stupid heads there a unicorn black woman out there and we SYSBM black men are just looking in the wrong places for these black women trying to get us back into the plantation to date these horrid beast looking ugly black women. No thanks I will pass. I refuse to date black women as a childfree SYSBM black man at 42 and I don’t feel guilty about it at all. I noticed that even in my own family that my mixed race cousins can get away with more things and they are treated better than I was treated growing up.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
These pro black knuckleheads will never get their unicorn black female, she doesn’t exist and is never coming. I’m not going back to the plantation to get with a group of females who’ve already made it clear that they don’t like me and never will……………until they require a clean up man to rinse out his money and resources.
No thanks, I’m good, I’ll pass. SYSBM till the wheels fall off and even then, we’re still willing to roll on rims and watch the sparks fly.
SYSBM: Some of the black women choose the below average white men.
White sugar honey: I know that they can do better.
I have no issues with black women dating non-black men. I have no issues of black men dating non-black women. But the thing is that when it comes to black women and interracial dating, they always choose the worse type of white man or the below average white dude. Not the Nice Guy Nick who is successful and drives a ÂŁ100,000 Mercedes Benz S Class.
They will go for the below average white guy. Some of the black women will say that black men don’t provide and don’t take care of their children and there are some black men are worthless like my sisters baby fathers but they always choose the hopeless white dude when it comes to interracial dating. But anyway!
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
As I always say, when you mess around with dickheads, you shouldn’t expect any miracles to manifest from such unions. The overwhelming majority of black women purposely choose the worst kinds of black imaginable but then have the audacity to label decent brothers with an extremely sullied brush. From there that’s when they choose to “divest” claiming white men are supposedly “better”. This is pure nonsense on its face and they all know it.
They are definitely not “our” women at all. They couldn’t be more diametrically opposed to us at this point.
Nine times out of ten, they’re only (seemingly) pleasant towards us when they want something, in a bind, or have some type of ulterior motive or agenda. I simply don’t trust nor do I have any desire to deal with them at all unless I have to – far from the man I used to be whenever that video was uploaded.
There’s just so much evidence of who they really are, it’s not even funny. Just read through this:
You notice how it’s the black men who are either accomplished, intelligent, smartly dressed or have anything going for themselves who seem to be their main targets? You know why? Because they don’t want us being more palatable to wider society. They know that any successful black man can easily escape their clutches and will have all types of doors opened for him. Most of all, of course, they know that once we see them for who they are, going for other women will be the natural step.
Meanwhile, rather than improve, they double down on their animosity and dysfunction when it comes to us, but give white men the best version of themselves as they even admit. So how could they possibly be “our” women?
But WaTcH OuT fOR tHeM bEcKiEs, though right?
Honestly, although white women are way more pleasant to deal with generally (although they’re starting to slip nowadays), in my opinion Hispanic and East Asian women are the best for black men. They have the bodies, the melanin, long hair but without all the bullshit that comes part and parcel with your average black female.
SYSBM Forever,
Yes, in other words it goes back to what I’ve been stating about black women purely viewing black men as slaves, commodities and assets. As far as the black female is concerned, it’s all about what black men can do for her, there isn’t any residual energy of reciprocation in her DNA.
And to think that we still have these pro black/slowtep Negroes out here such as Dr Umar “Gerbilface” Johnson talking about “black queens forever, snow bunnies never”. The good thing is younger black men are seeing through the “keeping it real” rhetoric, they’re choosing to date whoever they want and they don’t care what Umar and like folks have to say about it.
Upwardly mobile black men aren’t stupid, they’ve observed the open hostility black women have demonstrated towards them and have made the necessary adjustments. As I always say, SYSBM™ till the wheels fall off and even then we’re still willing to roll on rims and watch the sparks fly. Snow bunnies and non black females forever, black sirens never.
That is absolutely correct; they’re not our women, therefore they are not our problem to handle when trouble comes their way. Quality stargates are our womwn, and the average B Dub is anything but a quality stargate.
Blue Collar Trevor,
The black female continues to trundle downhill at an astronomical rate. The worst thing is she’s not even willing to engage in any form of introspection and make the necessary corrections. As I always say, oh well, that’s her problem, not mine. SYSBM™ will continue to grow while the black siren will be reduced to a minuscule footnote in the history books.
I remember SBW. He had some intense videos. I thought he got purged in 2017 when they tried to get rid of black male content en masse. 7 year old video but still relevant because black hoes never change and black culture remains stagnant.
Nice sentiment in the video but the problem for Keisha is that most WM think BW are hideous. We’ve found out over the past few years that only old, drug addict, degenerate wigger Bottom Shelf Brad with zero options amongst his own people even messes with Keisha.
Thanks to we see that Brad is setting these BW on fire, dismembering them, one even raped then decapitated his own biracial daughter.
Never seems to end well for Bedwench Keisha.
This is part of the reason BW hate us so much. They can’t move like we do. Passport Keisha’s always running into problems in foreign lands, while BM get nothing but love abroad.
Yup BW are the WM’s woman, you just have to convince WM. LMAO.
The case for SYSBM and Passport Bros gets stronger everyday.
Yo Mama Black,
I’ll keep on saying it, black women as a collective don’t want to accept the relationship dynamic between themselves and their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost. The black female is the white male’s grunt work flunky and sex toy, nothing more, nothing less.
Her main job is to ensure the ongoing destruction of black society and the black community in exchange for temporary treats, benefits and trinkets from the State. On the flip side her secondary occupation is to allow herself to be debased and dehumanised sexually in order to satisfy her lord’s darkest and wackiest fetishes.
And as we’ve discussed before, whenever the black witch gets out of pocket, Admiral Frost has no problems dispatching her to the phantom zone without hesitation.