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One reason why you must not marry in the West.
Yep, many women in the West view sex with their boyfriends and husbands as a chore and many women especially in marriages choose to use sex as a weapon against the man if he says or does something she doesn’t like or agree with.
This is especially true with the modern day black female who is the queen of withholding sex if the man has upset her in some way, shape or form. Black women are notorious for punishing the men they’re with by not having sex with them for long periods of time.
At least if you’re a boyfriend and your girlfriend starts putting rations on sex, you can tell her to either fix up or exit stage left. However as soon as you choose to sign that government deathtrap………sorry contract called a marriage licence, things become a lot more complicated.
We already know that one of the reasons why women love marriage in Western countries so much is because of how much leverage they receive once a man signs a marriage licence.
Therefore in a marriage they can pull this “I’m not having sex with my husband, sex is not owed to him” nonsense and somewhat get away with it.
This is why until the laws change to favour men in the West, I’ll proudly continue to advise men NOT to get married in the West, the risks are far too high and men stand to lose too much.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for marriage however NEVER in countries whereby you can be robbed for half your assets if your wife one day allows Satan to get into her head and asks for a divorce.
It simply amazes me how so many women in the West completely lack the foresight as well as the critical thinking skills to see how they’re being manipulated and indoctrinated on the daily into their own misery.
Modern Western women continue to demonstrate why increasing numbers of men are either choosing to give them the boot in favour of foreign women or simply exiting the dating market altogether and going their own way.
Gentlemen, SAY NO TO MARRIAGE IN THE WEST and any countries where the divorce laws are NOT stacked in your favour. Above all else, DO NOT tolerate sexless unions.
Unfortunately as it currently stands, there are a lot of men trapped in sexless marriages. As I’ve stated before, most Western women are not fit for either relationships or marriage.
It has to be stated that a lot of men are inflicting these types of wounds upon themselves because they gave relationships and marriages to women who didn’t deserve them at all.
Apart from the woman being on her menstrual cycle or being sick, there is no reason why she shouldn’t be giving up the cooch on the regular.
Withholding sex from your significant other is one of the fastest ways to destroy any relationship/marriage.
More men need to seriously toughen up and put uncooperative women back in their place. If said females continue on a path of rebellion and refuse to listen, never be afraid to replace them with BETTER options.
Sex is not optional in any relationship, both individuals have an obligation/duty to fulfill the normal sexual needs of the other.
Just like men take the sexual satisfaction of their girlfriends/wives seriously, women need to do the same for their boyfriends/husbands without reservation. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Say NO To Marriage In The West, Walk Away From Sexless Unions
Most high Bless
Verbs 2015.
I am never going to get married in the western world because it’s too dangerous especially when women divorce men and take all of their assets and money. If I was ever in a situation where I had a girlfriend and she withold sex from me then I would dump her and replace her with a younger better looking woman who will give me sex every day. Sex is majorly important in a relationship or marriage.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
Agreed, women who don’t want to cater to their men need to be gotten rid off with the quickness. I’m happy to see more men are choosing their peace and tranquility over getting with these ran through, used up, rinsed out liabilities. Quality women only will be considered over here, nothing less. #SYSBM™
Verbs 2015.
I fully agree with you bro.
Both of my parents are in a sexless marriage as they don’t sleep on the same bed and they have separate rooms.
This can never be me in a relationship let alone a marriage.
I would never recommend marrying anglo saxon Jezebels.
I would only marry a congregational pre-christian white girlfriend from a foreign congregation.
I would only marry a white christian goddess that wants to die married with me as I don’t believe in divorce at all.
Western Jezebels are already thinking about divorce before marrying.
Wittexton Witwijf,
That’s the problem with the overwhelming majority of Western women today who get married, they don’t do it out of wanting to keep their family tree in continuance. Nope, their angle is purely a selfish one, it’s all about locking in the man’s money, commodities and assets. Then comes the divorce from which they can clean house.
The mentality of the woman any man gets with is so important, however most men make the fundamental mistakes of ignoring red flags and letting things they ought not to slide.
SYSBM: The bed is squeaking loud, honey bun!
White sugar honey: Not only the bed is making noises, babes!
Right, I’m not against marriage. I was raised in a two-parent home by a Jamaican mother and father and they had other children as well so I’m a product of the two-parent home until my died at 17 years old. I have seen my mum and my dad sleeping in two separate rooms when I was a mid-teen when I started college up at the college of North West London and here this. my mum had another bum dude in Jamaica right through the marriage and now she married him and he’s doing nothing for her during the entire marriage.
Now, a sexless marriage is properly the worse thing for anyone who is married especially the man. Men and physical and they wanna touch. When it come to sex, men do need it. And I say women as well. When a wife is holding sex from her husband is like a woman is playing games with another man and men don’t have time for that. When a woman is in her 20’s, she was giving it up on the roads but when she got married, she doesn’t open her legs to the hubby when it wants some punany.
And when a man is lacking sex from his wife and even his girlfriend, he will get it somewhere else. I know that cheating is wrong but what the man should do when his girlfriend or wife is not having sex with him or making love? The wife or girlfriend can’t complain if the man is not getting anything from his boo. This is one of the reasons why men are not getting married because the women are not giving them any sex.
Here’s a next thing. If the woman is not giving the man any sex, is she giving it to someone else? Because that is one of the reasons why the wife is not having with him whatsoever. This has happened to many men when it comes to marriage and this also happens when girlfriends do this to other men. Men should choose the women that will be down for them and so chasing these women who can make their life difficult for them.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
Men need to heavily vet the women they’re getting with from the very beginning. Any minor infractions need to made know to the woman immediately. Any major infractions should be dealt with by giving the woman the boot especially rude, disrespectful and rebellious behaviour.
I believe if more men checked the small things from the start, these women would automatically know not to bring any majorly janky behaviour to the relationship.
The blue pilled simps have heavily contributed to these heifers getting out of pocket. Social media hasn’t helped the situation either, now the majority of these females who are average at best all believe they’re entitled to a top tier man, smh.
That is true. I agree with that!
Wholeheartedly agree !!!
I know I posted this comment before, but to all the guys who come here: PLEASE look at the comments about Teyana Taylor’s divorce at the link I attached. These broads are DISGUSTING. Any man still getting married today is a god-damned fool. Some non-black women are in the comments agreeing with them too smh. Trust none of the creatures no matter their race >>
Any women in the West who cannot accept that because of the bias laws against men, marriage has to be removed from the table must be given an extremely wide berth and avoided at all costs. Western women as a collective aren’t entitled to marriage just based on the fact that they’re the ones who initiate the majority of divorces.
I’ve seen many of these videos in the past with women giving their so called reasons as to why they don’t have sex with their husbands or boyfriends and in a nutshell, it’s basically this – if she’s not giving it up, she’s simply not attracted to you and doesn’t like or respect you. Simple as that. Doesn’t matter what type of mumbo jumbo these women spew, that’s all it really boils down to.
Isn’t sex supposed to be pleasurable for a woman too? So why would she treat it like a chore or something she “has to do”? I’ll tell you one thing, she’ll be up for it at any time with the man she IS into, no matter how “tired” or “busy” or whatever “emotional needs” she has, remember that.
I know it’s a cliche, but this is why we stress that men need to be on their purpose and be the best versions of themselves. Don’t be the guy that just wants to have any woman like that simp Boyce Watkins who was happy and giddy to finally marry his ran through, leftovers high school crush after 30 years SMH.
Women have to know that you’ll be good without them and they can easily be replaced if they don’t fall in line. You also have to watch any woman you’re with very carefully and pay attention to the red flags.
As for marriage in the west, we already know that’s a no go. It’s sad that it means less of a family structure in society, but that’s what they obviously wanted. You have to protect yourself.
I couldn’t agree with you more.
SYSBM Forever,
I feel a lot of men give relationships to the wrong women, on top of this they place said females on a pedestal while at the same time debasing themselves ie compromising their manhood as well as reducing their masculinity.
Feminism has done a serious number on men today, we’re NOT supposed to be chasing, courting and pursuing women. It’s supposed to be the reverse because we as men are the ones who hold the keys to relationships and marriage.
Once again it is the blue pilled simps that have heavily contributed towards these topsy turvy dating dynamics. The arrogance, haughtiness and pride that has manifested amongst so many Western women today demonstrate why women should never wield power or be empowered.
I’ve said it before, most Western females have turned into decadent lazy slobs who are looking for free handouts as well as an easy ride through life. They want the protection and provision masculine aspects from men but want other things attached to masculinity scrapped.
It’s a damn shame the horrible direction marriage has gone in. As I’ve said before, marriage isn’t the problem, it’s the government’s involvement in it as well as the bias laws associated that are the primary issues. Incentivising as well as rewarding women to divorce their husbands before the marriage is even out of the gate, no thanks, I’m good, I’ll pass.
This whole discussion of sexless marriages is another symptom of female retardation and hypocrisy in Western society; these broads would say they don’t owe men sex, but they will be the same ones condemning men for cheating on them. What did they expect, for men to be content with her rationing sex? These females play games too much; they should just be honest and say they don’t like the men they’re married to. In my blue pilled simp days, I used to think guys were crazy for not wanting to get married; today, I totally understand why men don’t want to get married anymore: they have nothing to gain but everything to lose, and apparently, intimacy is among those things.
Blue Collar Trevor,
I’ll keep on saying it, women are not supposed to be empowered nor are they supposed to wield any kind of power. The current condition of the modern day Western female is exactly what happens when you begin showering them with rights, privileges and benefits, they’re guaranteed to become corrupt.
I agreed, you can’t ration or withhold sex and not expect the man to seek it from another woman who is willing to give it up. The deep and tragic lack of intelligence amongst Western females in 2025 is a serious but not surprising disappointment.
So I’m supposed to be on my grind 24/7, hustle hustle hustle, look good, build up my wealth and get on with my own business… For no cooch?!
To be fair, since women don’t want sex, men should just carry on being themselves, it’s not 40+ men advertising themselves on Instagram begging for attention and PayPal credits.
It’s the classic you giving anything and everything to a woman and receiving nothing in return. There are women out here who foolishly believe that they can take, take and take more in a relationship while at the same time reciprocating absolutely nothing. As I mentioned to commenter Blue Collar Trevor, the rapid decline of intelligence amongst most Western women is disappointing however not surprising.
Well well well… As if by magic.
Giving up the cooch within the bounds of matrimony is the bare minimum. If these bitches can’t even do that, you may as well stay a bachelor.