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Ran through women talking about their “high standards”.
You’ll notice that for all the empty talk classless black women have on “raising their standards”, they can never seem to apply any high standards directly to themselves in terms of ceasing to look like Ru Paul-esque trannies/prostitutes.
What about finally removing white women’s hair from your heads for good? What about getting rid of the unattractive fake eyelashes and fake nails? What about keeping your face natural instead of loading it with 100,000 pounds of industrial strength grade makeup? What about demonstrating some class by not branding yourself with tattoos looking like a pirate?
Nope, of course not, this is why black women are NOT to be taken seriously whenever you hear them talking about femininity and self improvement. Black women most definitely are the last group of females on the planet who should be talking about femininity as well as improving one’s self.
Black women as a collective are utterly repulsed at the idea of walking the streets looking natural, they have a strong adversity to the thought of not using their favourite external appendages when in public.
Additionally I would like to point out a pattern that I’ve seen amongst these types of unbridled females. You’ll notice that women like this only choose to implement their so called “high standards” AFTER they’ve already been used up, rinsed out and ran through by Tyrone, Chad and Bottom Shelf Brad.
They never enter the dating market with reasonable standards from the beginning ie those that will help them avoid being victims of the same F boys they’re always complaining about.
They always have to be bashed about, ran over, crashed and smashed around first before they finally decide to pump the brakes on getting caught up with all the free attention and validation they’re receiving from strange men.
Let’s quickly hit on the points she raised in the video. Generational curses? Oh you mean single mother households? It’s you black females who love opening up your legs to and getting impregnated by 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce, Trap House Jim and Field Mouse.
Most black men are invisible to the majority of black women, it’s only the small percentage of Pookies who are catching the eyes of the majority of these black females as well as getting the same pregnant. Remember, most black men(at least in the US are SINGLE AND CHILDLESS, 54% to be exact).
Getting more for what she deserves? Let’s look at this black female above for a moment. Fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes, thick layers of makeup, tattoo(check her Instagram photos).
She point blank refuses to represent herself to the world in her natural state but somehow she believes she deserves more. Fellas, you cannot make this stuff up. Modern black women are lazy slobs, in their delusions they believe all they have to do is look good and somehow the rest will take care of itself, NOT.
They don’t have a clue when it comes to relationships and how they have to work together with their male companion in order for the union to go the distance as well as for the relationship to be fruitful and prosperous, smh.
Dealing with her final point about looking for a good father, despite the nonsense she rattled off previously, I’ll give her a little credit in that so far she’s managed to steer clear of becoming a single mother ie another statistic.
Yes, for a woman it is very important to choose a good man to have her children with, it’s just a pity that most black women DELIBERATELY make the worst choices when it comes to who they choose to get pregnant by.
“You meet people where they’re at not where they could go”.
This is the typical “I’ll meet you at the finish line” mentality held by most black harridans. This is why traditional white and other non black females are leagues ahead when it comes to choosing good mates as they see and run with the potential as well as work with the man all the way through until he becomes successful.
You must be smoking some premium grade flakka if you believe I’m going to work my backside to the bone and at the end of the journey share my success and spoils with a black witch who didn’t want to walk with me through the hard times.
There are absolutely NO prizes for any women waiting at the finish line over here, NONE. Always remember, these are the same black females who are responsible for contaminating the Western dating market. Get those passports gents and never look back. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Beware Of False Self Improvement Gurus, Ye Shall Know Them By Their Fruits
Most High Bless
To the black female – whilst you have a mile long list of what you “deserve” from me, answer this: even if I was willing to get with you at the end of the finish line after years of grinding without your presence and support, what would YOU have to offer me outside of sex? How does MY life improve and enhance from being in a relationship with you when I’m already accomplished?
There’s a reason why there is a huge rise of successful men remaining single and being very picky and choosy of who they mate with. You think we’re just gonna risk throwing all that away or reward some female who thinks she deserves a slice of the pie for simply existing so she can look good on social media and in front of her birdbrain friends?
The difference between them and ‘Becky’ and traditional women is that they are smart enough to look at the bigger picture and stay by a man’s side while he’s grinding, then subsequently benefits from all the support and love she bestowed on him during that time. That’s how it should be.
Don’t call me a lame or corny and mess around with Pookie, then when you’re washed up you come to me and expect me to take the leftovers when you’re past your prime. Bdubs are the ONLY women who have made snide remarks or tried to belittle any attempts on my part to self elevate. Literally the only ones. I thought it was just me until interacting with more brothers and realising this is a very common thing.
And it’s not my job to break YOUR family generational curses or lift you out the muck. I had to deal with my own trials and tribulations at the hands of female relatives and never got the support from witches like you. Everytime I see your ilk, I’m only reminded of what I had to suffer from a young age, so no, I’m not taking on your burdens. When the chips were down, you were nowhere to be seen. I haven’t forgotten that.
You notice the one thing they very rarely mention is SELF ACCOUNTABILITY? Without that, nothing else they say or do matters anyway.
It’s funny how they will have some lame podcast then think they’re the wise guru sitting on top of the mountain when everything that comes out their mouth is pure bollocks.
“And it’s not my job to break YOUR family generational curses or lift you out the muck.”
That’s the first thing that jumped out at me. How is it MY job to break YOUR “generational curses”? I got generational curses of my own. If you see a successful, straight black man it’s damn near a fluke. He’s better than these black heffas by default. HE’S the one who deserves more. Which is why I’m confused at these smooth black dudes who have it all together going on these balloon-pop shows with these misshapen black wildebeests with tattoos and Pookie babies. But that’s another topic.
SYSBM non-stop!
I remember listening to this radio show years ago and an elder black man called in and said this female he once worked with told him she can’t stand dating black men because we have too much baggage and she feels like she’s being treated like a social worker.
When YOU were going through it and had nothing, their empathy and compassion extended the length of a penny. But when you overcame your personal challenges, rose up and gained success without their help, they were the first ones to try and get at you while expecting you to carry them through their issues. Nope, we don’t you need anymore. Sorry.
Now that we have more options, we like our women very feminine with slim figures, long flowing NATURAL hair and NO “generational curses” or money problems – these women have gotta be a breath of fresh air straight out the gate and look good on our arm and be an ASSET. How about that? If you don’t fit that criteria, then you know what you can do…..
SYSBM Forever,
I can’t stand these finish line loitering females who believe they’re entitled to a man’s hard earned end results. As I stated before, these heifers can take 10 seats if they don’t have any skin in the game when it comes to my come up or at least demonstrate themselves to be quality women who are going to be a net positive to my life including adding to my peace and tranquility.
Frolicked in the hay with 12 Gauge Mike, Slim Sauce and Field Mouse but once their expiry was reached, all of a sudden the good, hard working, progressive black man is now considered an option, really?
Mind you as we’ve pointed out time and time again, these black sirens want to reach back to the same black men they gleefully slated off, mocked, ridiculed, disparaged and berated when they were in their prime years. Sadly there are very few black men walking this planet who haven’t suffered the wrath of these angry, bitter and disgruntled black harridans.
I’m glad I put out my book Negro Wars 10 years ago advising critical thinking black men that it wasn’t their fault they were subjected to the nasty, vile, evil and wicked treatment they received at the hands of the black witch’s coven.
The bottom line is black men need to stand tall and proud. Most of all they need to understand that they’re NOT obligated to choose from females who are not invested in them from the start or who those who are only looking out for themselves and what they can get from a man.
Verbs 2015.
What makes me laugh about these fake arse looking black women is now they have these ultra high standards for good black men after they fucked their lives up by having kids with the wrong men. It’s not my job as a childfree SYSBM black man to fix your problems that you yourself created and I ain’t being the clean up man and the step father the to your ugly arse gremlin kids from trey trey and roughneck man and I am not stopping your Generational curses that your family created on their own. I am going to create my own nuclear family from scratch with a beautiful childfree non black women who loves and supports me throughout the good times and bad times in life and who was there with me when I was broke and had no money. The trouble with black women is that they are only waiting on the finish line for the successful finished product black man to get with him because in these black womens stupid delusion mind they fill that we owe them something just because we are both black and we share the same skin colour while at the same time while good black men was building for a successful future on their own in their younger years(18 to 30) while they was single. At the same time these black women in their sexual prime years (18 to 30) was ignoring the decent black men and having sex with the worst type of black men ever and stupidly getting pregnant and having kids from those types of men and those black women exist their prime years past 30 when they are all washed up, hit the wall and they become single mothers with multiple kids from multiple wutless thug baby daddys now they wanna get upset when they see black men like myself get with childfree non black women but these non black women have been loyal to us good black men from the beggining in our younger years in which something black women lack.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
I fully agree with your bro. It’s NOT the job of free thinking black men to perform the role of a janitor and clean up the dirty mess these discombobulated black females created via their own hands. It’s a pity that most black men are under the black witch’s spell and unfortunately still feel obligated to settle for these gutter dwellers.
Black women as a collective are on their own, they created their sullied bed which they must now lay in by themselves. As I keep on saying, DO NOT offer these black sirens a helping hand in their days of tribulation and distress. Let them summon their spirits of strength and independence, stand to the side and allow those entities to come to their rescue.
Verbs 2015.
I fully agree with you bro.
I haven’t been posting much lately due to being unusually busy. I just want to give you a shout out for the service you perform on behalf of the black male. Yours is a lonely voice in a sea of clamor, noise, and downright anti-black male propaganda designed to steer the black male to failure in life.
From the grey heads in da communitah to the sick institutions of da communitah, nobody provides honest useful information to black men, information he can use to help him navigate the mind field of pitfalls and traps laid for him in Anglo Saxon societies.
The most pernicious and prevalent trap laid for the black man with potential, promise, and purpose, is the negress, the sheboon, the scraggle daggle; or whatever term you use to describe her. The biggest threat to the success of a black man of potential is, and has always been, the scraggle daggle.
Yours is one of the very few voices that warn black men about the shortcomings, the malice, the chaos, and the destructive energy of most black females. May God bless you for the service you render.
It’s all good fam, I fully understand how life can get sometimes. Your kind words are much appreciated brother. Having the gift to break down and articulate what’s going on, I feel I have a duty to step forward and rail heavily against the nonsense that is the scraggle daggle aka the black siren, her blue pilled simp underlings as well as the endless propaganda being disseminated from her feminist propaganda machine.
As long as the Most High God continues to allow breath in me, I will continue to fight against the daggle and her evil agenda to subdue and diminish the black man. More black men need to be broken from the black siren’s trance so they can finally recognise the daggle for the number one enemy combatant she is.
God bless you too brother.
SYSBM: Spring is around the corner.
White sugar honey: I can’t wait for it, hun!
The woman is talking about high standards while she has been ran through with multiple woods? If a woman has been slammed out multiple times, I don’t think any man is goanna deal with her when it comes to relationships or making her his wifey. As she finds out that she has been slammed out, how a good man is goanna give her a chance? Maybe she has rejected multiple good man and went for the worthless men who got between her legs quicker then a fast GT car.
As I look at her Instagram, I start to think that “Alright. She got to a nice body. Curvy too like Holly in This Morning,” but the thing is that she has the weave and black men prefer natural hair more then the fake stuff, you get me? And I know that most of the woman on Insta, their bodies are not real. I know that black men are with black women mostly but black men are just with non-black honeys because they don’t wanna deal with some black women. look at the UK which 60 per cent of black men are with non-black women.
Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.
The overwhelming majority of black women lack sexual discipline, hence why the likes of 12 Gauge Mike, Two Snacks, 6 Shooter and Chunky Bruh can roll through and freely use them for recreational purposes only. These types of females get so caught up in the euphoria of getting attention and piped down by Tyrone, they can’t observe and recognise that their prime years are dwindling away until it’s too late.
Standards? What standards? Interesting that the “standards” they employ on you disappear when the right (wrong) fella shows up, just like Elon the Kethead showing up at the CPAC with a chainsaw. facility to fire all the workers
It’s like many things in life, a 1001 rules for you, but none for thee.
I’ve got something unbelievable (to most brothers) coming up in Free Topic Wednesday.
Yes indeed, they’ll break their rules and throw their so called “high standards” straight out of the window whenever 2 Snacks and Field Mouse pass through. Looking forward to your story for tomorrow’s Open Mic Wednesday. Always good to hear from you brother, it’s been a while.
This is their way of doubling down on their delusions; the older they get, the LESS choices they have, reality is a nightmare to modern women, anything to keep the fantasy going.
These black sirens love dwelling their their delusional, fantasy land, off earth dimension zone. The main reasons why they’re able to do so is because of society as well as the hoards of blue pilled simps who constantly exalt and worship them.
How to raise your standards? More like “Checklist to land you a sucker”! First of all, I’m not responsible for breaking her family’s generational curses; what do I look like, a simp in a Tyler Perry movie? Second, she sounds entitled to him giving her the best of everything, but what else is new? Lastly, whether you want him to be your child’s father is entirely on you; given her demographic’s track record on this, I know she won’t choose right from the jump.
Blue Collar Trevor,
If they had reasonable standards as well as discipline as soon as they entered the dating marketplace from the beginning, they wouldn’t be running into a multitude of problems down the line. As commenter SYSBM Forever mentioned, at what point do these black females practice quality and authentic introspection, evidently never.
SYSBM Forever wrote:
“To the black female – whilst you have a mile long list of what you “deserve” from me, answer this: even if I was willing to get with you at the end of the finish line after years of grinding without your presence and support, what would YOU have to offer me outside of sex? How does MY life improve and enhance from being in a relationship with you when I’m already accomplished?”
Verbs wrote:
“I can’t stand these finish line loitering females who believe they’re entitled to a man’s hard earned end results.”
Verbs and SYSBM Forever,
This is something where Black Females can never answer because in reality, they have nothing to add at the finish line.
It is like saying that a black man is now on top of the mountain and on top of the food chain there is nothing any female can add to the top black man.
Those finish line men will look for wives and a help-meet/mate which will be usually a foreigner because western females can never add anything to the man who is on top and at the finish line.
In the Madbusdriver theory and he is 100% spot on when he said that they want a black man at the finish line because they expect these men to completely build his kingdom and his empire, then these females expect these productive black men who finish to hand over the keys to the kingdom to these worthless females.
In the black celebrity world who promotes ‘black love’ where every time these females chases men at the finish line, these same men who bust their balls get legally taken to the cleaners. This usually happens when it comes to Pro Blacks who promote black love.
One latest example is Iman Shumpert =
Lets get to generational curse:
It is not the black men’s job to lift the Black females’ curse because these same females do not like solution anyway.
This is remind me of the ‘Tronicfix’ analogy where these black men have to pay the ‘King’s Ransom’ to fix the black female.
Usually, any black man fix their generation curse end up getting a Becky, dating foreigners or getting passport because BM know that to heal their minds, they have to leave the black communitah altogether.