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They DON’T Want Strong Masculine Leadership! #SHORTS

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They DON’T want strong male masculine leadership.


Men are quickly wising up to these 304s who are opting to choose religion as their shield against being criticised for having nefarious and extremely shady pasts, we’re not fooled over here in the slightest. It would be very interesting to investigate what government agency or NGO is behind these two fleecing merchants.

Just look at those women, they’re claiming to be Christians yet they still have 50,000 pounds of industrial grade makeup on their faces, they’re still rocking with the fake nails, they’re still seeking attention, validation and most of all they’re rattling off a false doctrine about wanting masculine men.

Remember, these are the same females who for the last 15-20 years have been going out of their ways to demonise NORMAL men who engage in everyday masculine activities as “toxic”.

They say they want masculine men but are the same ones who are quick to call you “toxic” whenever you assert and engage in masculine functions, you cannot make this stuff up.

Let’s deal with what these deceitful sirens said in the video. Just to make things clear from my side, I don’t believe these women are Christians at all, I believe they’ve been sent in as actors to set the blueprint in place for other whores to adopt the same “I’m now a born again Christian” facade.

This “conditional femininity” garbage is exactly the same doctrine that’s being rattled off by secular women. They claim their femininity will manifest once the man has fully established his masculinity.

A woman should come as feminine straight out of the gate, anything other than that should be given an extremely wide berth and avoided at all costs.

Isn’t it funny how when interacting with non Westernised foreign women, they’re feminine by default? A woman’s femininity is NOT contingent upon a man’s masculinity, NEVER allow Satan’s harriets to tell you otherwise.

Just like a man’s masculinity, a woman’s femininity is supposed to have ITS OWN BASE and manifest itself regardless of the surrounding environment.

Could you imagine a man saying that he’d only bring out his masculine energy when the female fully immerses herself in her feminine energy? Do you see how ridiculous that sounds coming from a man?

Fellas, the bottom line is these types of women DON’T WANT TO BE LEAD, they’ll continue to move the goalposts as well as always conveniently introduce new stipulations in order for the “perfect” conditions to be met.

This is why the apostle Paul stated that when it comes to teaching, women shouldn’t, they should be silent and learn with all subjection under the authority of men(1 Corinthians 14:34, 1 Timothy 2:11-12).

The above is a premium example of what calamity can take place whenever you allow women to step up and teach, they’ll prattle off all kinds of questionable and dodgy doctrines but at the same time believe they’re spreading and imparting Godly wisdom, smh.

Nope, you better come feminine out of the gate, that conditional femininity devil’s doctrine that secular women attempt to preach isn’t going to be accepted by men worth their salt because a particular group of hoes preaching it now claim to be Christians.

Gentlemen, be very weary of lurking Jezebels out here on every corner attempting to repackage themselves as virtuous women, these 304s are desperate to get snatched up and they’ll execute ANY rackets and dodgy schemes in order to hide their reprehensible pasts. DON’T get bamboozled and hoodwinked by these hoes.

Finally, always remember that the woman was made for the man, these women must conform to what you want from and out of them. It’s NOT the man’s job to cater to any woman. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

The Woman Was Made For The Man, NOT the Reverse

Most High Bless

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8 thoughts on “They DON’T Want Strong Masculine Leadership! #SHORTS

  1. I have recently started going to a foreign church in London and I can just tell by default of how these foreign white women are straight out of the gate feminine.

    All of these white Christian women in my new church congregation are not British at all and English is their second language.

    I would consider myself a pre-christian because some of my spiritual beliefs are not the norm when it comes to christianity and one example out of a few examples is my belief in reincarnation.

    I would stay away from anglo saxon churches.

    Western Jezebels would never travel to my church but they will continue travelling to anglo saxon churches.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Unfortunately harlotry and whoredom is solidly baked into Western culture, these modern day females have no shame when it comes to opening up their legs to anyone and everyone that walks by them. As you’ve mentioned before, foreign communities are where you’re more likely to find wholesome non black females. All you have to do is ensure that any potential candidates you consider haven’t been westernised and they equally REJECT feminism.

  2. SYSBM: We got some rain today.
    White sugar honey: But only light rain, though.

    When it comes to some women, they do not want a masculine man or leadership. Why is that? it’s because that if they see a masculine man, they will have issues or problems of controlling him. That is the reason why they don’t want a masculine man.

    So, what do they do? They go for a feminine man. So, they can control him and rule the guy. But in reality, they wanna get rid of the man because they don’t want a man that is feminine because let’s face it. What a feminine man can do for a woman?

    All the simps that come after other men on social media from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and so on, do you think they are masculine? Does anyone think that these scragglies want these men as they are feminine?

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. –When it comes to some women, they do not want a masculine man or leadership. Why is that? it’s because that if they see a masculine man, they will have issues or problems of controlling him. That is the reason why they don’t want a masculine man.–

      This is a good point. I think they just want a good-looking live-in butler/paypig/therapist. Whenever I hear women complain about a man being “controlling” my first thought is that he must`ve said no to something.

      1. QuietNinja,

        Modern women are simply a bunch of unrealistic prakatans who want to be in relationships but at the same time want to maintain their autonomy. In other words, they’ll be in a relationship with you, however you’re not allowed to tell them what to do. These disjointed sirens really do live off planet. Where’s the asteroid man?

    2. Money Cultural,

      It’s funny isn’t it, how women will complain about a man being so called “controlling” yet they themselves will deliberately home in on a man they can control. You really cannot make this stuff up. I’ve got an article coming soon about this whole control business. Traditional, feminine women have no problems with decent men controlling them because they know it’s for the greater good and plus their emotions need to be kept in check by the man’s masculine essence.

  3. <>

    This is a good point. I think they just want a good-looking live-in butler/paypig/therapist. Whenever I hear women complain about a man being “controlling” my first thought is that he must`ve said no to something.

  4. Verbs wrote the following:

    “This “conditional femininity” garbage is exactly the same doctrine that’s being rattled off by secular women. They claim their femininity will manifest once the man has fully established his masculinity.

    “A woman should come as feminine straight out of the gate, anything other than that should be given an extremely wide berth and avoided at all costs.

    “Isn’t it funny how when interacting with non Westernised foreign women, they’re feminine by default? A woman’s femininity is NOT contingent upon a man’s masculinity, NEVER allow Satan’s harriets to tell you otherwise.”

    I couldn’t have said it better myself; the late Patrice O’Neal said on his satellite radio program that women want masculinity on their terms, and this “conditional femininity” garbage is another variation of that. Let’s do a brief thought experiment: let’s say that a man who is wealthy courts a woman who believes in conditional femininity; what’s going to hsppen when he falls on hard times and the money isn’t rolling in anymore? She’s going to flip character on the guy and monkey branch to another rich simp! Don’t fall for this trap, gentlemen; stay sober, and stay vigilant. #SYSBM

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