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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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In this week’s Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday, a free economics 101 class.


I doubt the black witch off camera learned anything from what this guy said, however the lesson was still a much needed one on her part.

I’ll keep on saying it till the cows come home, the overwhelming majority of black women are fiscally irresponsible and illiterate knuckleheads.

They’re the worst and genuinely don’t have a clue when it comes to the basics concerning money and finances which is one of the main reasons why in the US they carry the highest debt out of all groups, male and female.

As soon as the money comes in, the black siren will spend it equally as fast on frivolous, materialistic nonsense. Like the dude said, why would you spend $2K plus on a bag that only cost $50 at most to produce?

Of course your average black harridan doesn’t care because she’s bought into the religion of consumerism and materialism wholesale.

Her insatiable lust to possess designer clothes, money, designer bags, jewellery, expensive cars, fake hair, fake nails, fake eyelashes etc as far as she’s concerned must be satisfied regardless of the cost.

Brothers, be sure to steer clear of financially illiterate and irresponsible women, don’t get sucked in to their feral vortex of materialism, superficiality and reckless spending.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

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23 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Joy Reid is SYMBOLIC of the black American heffa at large. When her liberal zaddy is in office, she’s so ARROGANT…INSUFFERABLE…says what she wants with zero backlash…SO MUCH BETTER than those dusty black males…WHY can’t they get it together and step it up? RUNNING RINGS AROUND those dusties…

    But when Trump takes over and starts cutting those cushy DEI jobs…and welfare…and Section 8…and food stamps…here come the tiny violins and crocodile tears as they get booted out of the big house back to the plantation they came from…with inflation kicking their ass…not so strong & independent anymore, huh?

    Now they’re looking for the REACHBACK…some simp to latch onto…“where are the good black men”…crying for SIMPathy like Joy…etc etc

    Those of us old enough to recognize the cycle find it oh so familiar…

    The key this time is to never vote these bitches’ way EVER AGAIN if you’re a BLACK MAN. You’re voting for your own demise. No liberal government, no Joy Reids. Ever again. ZERO EMPOWERMENT for these bitches at ALL LEVELS.

    I personally don’t intend to vote (D) ever again.

    Happy Wednesday


    1. The sheboon, the negress, the scraggle daggle, however you wish to describe her; she is an anachronism. In 2025, the only types of males who take the black female seriously, are the hopelessly blue pilled black male simps, and the loser type white zaddies, the type of white males who are invisible to white women all their lives. So these white males get validation from ‘color struck’ caucasian worshiping low quality black females.

      These black females in turn give themselves validation by claiming to be superior to black men since they are favored by loser type white zaddy.

    2. Yo Moma Black,

      Let the blue pilled, pro black simps provide the reach-back services these washed up, ran through and rinsed out black sirens require. It’s extremely pleasing to see a larger contingent of American black men finally breaking free from the mental chains of the proverbial liberal plantation and its overseer Keisha.

      23% of black men who voted in the 2024 Presidential election cast their votes for Trump and that percentage is only set to rise as black women continue to degrade themselves as well as perpetually demonstrate just how disloyal they are to their male counterparts. The modern day black female is beyond cooked, she’s burnt and there will be no redemption for her.

  2. How is this even a discussion?

    Honestly, I wish brothers would value their time and sanity more and stop engaging black females altogether.

    Look at the defensive comments from the Keishas in that video. One I see says it’s the way he’s talking to her that’s the problem and another one says he just doesn’t value her enough to give her what she wants. That’s what they got from this SMH. I don’t see a single thing wrong with how he’s talking to her, but you know how it is. Whenever you tell them something they don’t want to hear, rather than humble themselves, learn, become wiser and accept our LEADERSHIP, they pout and sulk like little children and throw a tantrum.

    Black females are simply huge liabilities to good, productive black men and are not worth bothering with at all. We just don’t go together like oil and water. We couldn’t be more incompatible and different from each other if one was an ostrich and the other was a bicycle. It is what it is. Inflation is at an all time high, people are worried about the price of groceries, but you seriously wanna debate with me on why I should get you a $2000 purse? Apart from their many negative qualities, they have the financial literacy and intelligence of a newly hatched gnat and are just as annoying.

    SYSBM is the way. That’s it. It will save you from A LOT, including bullshit like this. As I get older, my tolerance levels are rapidly reducing and if something like this really has to be explained to a grown adult then maybe they should go back to nursery/kindergarten and start all over again.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      These black sirens will always be the first ones to attempt to stifle a masculine black man in his walk. Black women are the most repugnant females on planet earth, they positively HATE black masculinity because as we know they view that element as a threat to the faux leadership position they’ve been given over black society by their white lord and saviour General Blizzard.

      It doesn’t matter how black men talk to black women, they’ll never accept what’s being conveyed. If he’s masculine and speaking with authority they’ll really have a problem with the message. I don’t see anything wrong with the way he addressed her either, however the modern day black female lives for being offended and crying victim.

      Black men in particular and men in general simply need to allow their masculinity to flow at full capacity and not worry about the feelings of women. This fem-centric garbage has gone on for long enough. For the longest while men overall haven’t been functioning properly at all because they’ve constantly been demonised for engaging in normal, masculine thought processes and activities. Enough is enough.

  3. SYSBM: These designer bags are so damn expensive and badly made.
    White sugar honey: And they only cost fifty dollars to make.

    I don’t know about Joy Reid but I know that she got fired at her job on I don’t know what show she was on. Now the man who has that great credit score. When the woman who wants a bag that cost a lot of money to buy while it cost little to make, all I know that she’s going for his money. She wants to bleed this man dry financially and when the money is gone, she’s gone. Why would he spend money that he doesn’t have?

    If the man knows that she only wants him for whatever he has and not for him, then he should just leave the broad and find someone else better then her. I know that these designer bags cast so much money and this dude is with her while she is ready to milk him out financially. But when it’s a worthless man she is dealing who is doing nothing for her, I think you know the answer, guys.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      “She wants to bleed this man dry financially and when the money is gone, she’s gone.”

      This sentence right here sums up the materialistic black siren in a nutshell, drain the resources of the current man and once they’ve run dry, move onto the next victim.

  4. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! Whoever taught this brother his financial literacy did very good teaching him; the levels of knowledge he demonstrated are what most people lack when it comes to having credit, and the stragg we hear speaking off camera certainly is no exception to the rule. She didn’t care to understand the point he was trying to make, which is this: it isn’t smart to spend money that you don’t have to buy something as frivolous as a $2000 bag that is produced for $50; is it any wonder why they’re so deep in debt? Keep in mind, these are the same knuckleheaded broads that will call YOU broke for being smart about your money. SMH

    1. BCT,

      This is what spending too much time on the internet does to some folks, what on earth was the guy thinking? Pokimane has almost 6 million plus followers on Instagram alone. Her TikTok has 6.9 million subscribers as of the writing of this comment. How any man yet alone this delusional fool thinks he can compete with that amount of attention is beyond me.

  5. Have any of you guys noticed people using Accountable Commentary’s lingo on social media? If you’re not familiar with the lingo, he uses words and phrases like “upper room”, “crashout”, “nasty work”, “crazy work”, “diabolical”, etc.; I’ve noticed his lingo being used in pages that aren’t even Manosphere adjacent. That lets me know that the message of this space is reaching a lot more viewers than we believe; the Manosphere has to be the greatest social phenomenon of our generation!

    1. Blue Collar,

      I see a lot of people using Accountable Commentary’s lingos a lot.
      I thought that Accountable Commentary is the new David Carrol as he experience this in real life before Social Media.

      Shawn James come up some terms for Prison Pookies/Thugs.
      They are ‘Bubba’, ‘Tiny’, ‘Big Melve’, ‘Rosco’ and ‘Mr Sprinkles’.
      Some term are related to homo thugs as he knows how homosexual in prison works.

      He use it a lot when these simps dealing with when they get sent to prison.


    To answer Chez Charde’s video, yes black men have checked out. Tiktok alone is enough to put any black man off after seeing how bdubs conduct themselves and talk about us. Why even give the time of day to women who go out their way to be repulsive? It’s not just American bdubs alone. The ones over here simply don’t cut it and I’m hearing black men are having the same issues even as far away as Australia.

    One of the comments from a brother:

    “As an official “Passport Bro”?….I will say this:
    I was married (to a Jamaican) in like 1998… divorced in 2007….and have dated many black women here in NYC….and I’m done. You’re absolutely right Chez, I’ve checked out. I’ve been to the Philippines..and Thailand?…and the TREATMENT a man gets from women there?….CANNOT BE COMPARED. Sorry, but I’m soon to be married to a Thai woman and while I would have liked to find another black woman?…the constant barrage of “How Much You Make”?…How many kids you got?…how tall are you?….like the constant parade of foolish statements from these women?…has shut me down permanently from dating here in the U.S.”

    My sentiment exactly. It’s really only BWs who have ever asked me all these invasive and quite frankly inappropriate questions. I should have BEEN left them alone. We’re not putting up with it anymore. They can forget asking God to help them find a good black man too, cos God is the one who paved the way for us to meet better women and finally enjoy peace and stability away from our so called counterparts.

    1. Scrolling through the comments there…these black bitches will pretend to not see them, and will be back asking the same question next week. One dude was hilarious when he said he doesn’t even get in line at the store behind a black woman because he knows there’ll be problems. He said he’d be out the door with his purchase while a black hoe got the other line tied up. Funny thing is, I’ve seen that happen a couple of times myself. It’s always them. LMAO.

      Good for the brothas going Passport Bro or SYSBM. Black men fed up out here.

      The late, great David Carroll would be having a field day with all this.

      1. I don’t blame him. Whether they’re standing in line or doing the serving, there’s ALWAYS gonna be some bullshit. I remember years ago at my local sports centre I had to make a booking and this Nigerian female who worked at the reception desk asked me something I said yes in a very normal tone and she was like “OK! I’m just asking!” I was like WTF, I answered your question. Then she goes it’s the way you said it to me. I was like are you being for real, can we just get this done so I can go about my day. Then she glares at me and said something and her white female colleague overheard her and said “she was only asking you”. The whole thing just came out the blue and really pissed me off for the rest of the afternoon. A few weeks later I saw her get into it with this young turkish guy who would have socked her in the face if his friend wasn’t holding him back. I thought, yeah unlike weak simp black males those Turkish men don’t play and will show you rather than tell you.

        I say that to say, there’s nothing good that comes with them. They’re literally agents of chaos and this is why they’re making videos complaining of us ignoring them in public. It’s because we’re sick of their shit. They will create conflict out of nowhere for the hell of it. They don’t get any type of hello from us, nothing. They did it to themselves.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      I have to say hands down that I fully agree with those black American men who state that their female counterparts are the worst women on the planet. That wide load oil tanking, tatted up, nose ring wearing beast with her stupid bonnet looks absolutely disgusting. Of course the heifer is exuding high levels of masculinity, not a feminine bone in her damn body. What is it with these disgruntled black sirens and their insatiable desire to bully random people who aren’t doing anything to them?

      1. Verbs2015,

        But let it be a white boy rocking canerows or locking his hair and she would have been creaming herself and begging to indulge in race play.

        She’s harassing the white girl because she knows she looks hideous herself.

        1. “But let it be a white boy rocking canerows or locking his hair and she would have been creaming herself and begging to indulge in race play.”

          Not so fast there buddy.

          But when the cams were off, she probably went back to his dorm room and f*cked him, we know how these bell hooks race play college feminist hypocrites roll.

  7. Looks like there’s trouble in paradise with the Hotep Walrus and his estranged daughter who’s been calling him out recently for being a deadbeat.

    Maybe he should worry about his own house instead of dick watching other black men who actually raise their children in loving environments and are married to their mothers.

    1. Yup the chickens are coming home to roost for the Pimpin’ Prince of Pan-African Pandering. AC just dropped a video on it. It’s “black queens forever” except for his own daughter lol.

      Seeing these black hoes and their simp enablers fall apart in real time is glorious to watch. Popcorn and juice ready!


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