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They Wonder Why They Remain Single At A High Clip – Throwback!

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They wonder why they remain single at a high clip.


Yet your pro black female/black women first pundits as well as your frying, flash in the Pan African water boys would still expect free thinking black men to wife up these weaved up, tatted, fake butt, fake eye lash and heavy make up wearing black whores.

You’ll notice that whenever these pro black love proponents go in on and berate those black men who choose to expand upon their dating options, they can NEVER show you attractive, natural, feminine, child free, classic black women who don’t fit the dysfunctional demographic.

Additionally, as has been discussed many times before, many of these pro blacks have white and other non black women as girlfriends/wives and in some cases they even have mixed children.

Others don’t have a black female companion at all yet both groups want to tell you that dating interracial is a mistake even though they can clearly see just how jacked up the overwhelming majority of black women have become.

Pro black female, B1 feminist Jason Black aka The Black Authority has plenty to say concerning black men who date out, the same goes for the coke sniffing, no school manifesting miscreant Dr Umar Johnson who I’ve had to light up quite a few times on the website.

Yet for all they have to say about free thinking black men expanding upon their dating options, neither Jason Black nor Umar Johnson have a black female companion by their sides, smh.

General Seti is another “black power King’s court jester who runs around screaming “the black woman is god” every 5 minutes, yet where is his black queanie, as per usual, nowhere to be found.

You’d think these dudes would keep their mouths shut about dating and marrying your own female counterparts until they had the women in place to first set an example, but no, they’re extremely quick to jump on brothers who’ve chosen to look for love and companionship elsewhere while these arrogant shines walk around with no women to show and prove with.

At the end of the day all that black women can appeal to men with is sex, they don’t have any genuine substance because if they did they’d surely be pushing those other qualities to the forefront like traditionally minded non black women do on the regular.

Dudes out here looking stupid as hell walking around talking about black women being gods and the mothers of all civilisation, yet black women themselves are out here behaving like low premium whores, sluts, tramps, low grade serfs, vagrants and vagabonds twerking in every nook and cranny they can find seeking attention while at the same time looking as synthetic as astro turf.

The only men who are interested in women like this are your 12 Gauge Mike, Road Runner, Field Mouse, Bric A Brac, Sparky, Two Snacks type black men and to be honest from the latest observations even they are slowly beginning to branch out and look further afield for other females.

Black women need to be picking from the pool of blue pilled simps that they’ve raised up especially for these times because black men with sense and intelligence aren’t falling for this garbage at all, a used up heifer honestly believes that she can appeal to free thinking black men via twerking.

Herein lies the difference between free thinking black men vs Blackistani black males, genuinely smart brothers look at black women twerking as a warning sign to steer clear as opposed to the low frequency savage who looks at the black witch shaking her behind as a mating call/invitation.

Yes, an invitation to his own peril however using his penis to think instead of his brain, he can’t see the red flags and the dangers ahead.

There you go gentlemen, another prime example of what the overwhelming majority of black women have to offer those who dare to enter, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE AND VALUE, all the best to those men who still wish to deal with these women, do so at your own peril and don’t complain when they turn on you and bite your hand.

Here we have yet another example of black women seriously lacking the ability to behave themselves and exercise some level of decorum in public, as I always say, NOT my women, NOT my problem, ABANDON ship, walk away never to return.

Twerking in public on Monday afternoon but then on Tuesday night these were the same deceitful black harridans calling into Kevin Samuels livestreams trying to act pious, humble, demure and innocent claiming they have no clue as to why they can’t get a man and keep him for good, get out of here with that garbage.

As my saying goes, black women as a group are for the sewers, the streets are too good of an option to give them. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Abandon Ship And Never Look Back

Most High Bless

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2 thoughts on “They Wonder Why They Remain Single At A High Clip – Throwback!

  1. Verbs wrote:
    “General Seti is another “black power King’s court jester who runs around screaming “the black woman is god” every 5 minutes, yet where is his black queanie, as per usual, nowhere to be found.”

    Since you bring up how Pro Black always call these Black Women ‘God’, they need to be reminded that the Black Culture have a long history of these Pro Black Queens always screw these Hotep Simps done dirty.

    The simps who are ‘Male Feminist’ always gets jammed up or get buried.
    The men who are Pro-Trans women supporters get exposed by the trans people. I have trans-women friends tell me dirt on these librals. Then you have simps who are pro ‘Me-Too’ end up getting ‘Me-too’ed’ by the same women.
    Simps will never learn, but they will learn the hard way.

    Madbusdriver made a video about how Pro-Black Hotep Queens who are Gods getting Hotep Simps locked up.
    Link =

    As for Umar Johnson, Hardcore Tito come up this new term for ‘Dick Policing’ which is know as ‘Umar-Sexual’.
    Basically if these simps dick police, they will be labelled ‘Umar-Sexual’.

    Unfortunately that these Pro-Black rich simps will always wife up these 304s as we see it everywhere. Especially in the UK where Footballers do the same here and end up getting broke by these same 304s because they think money attract females.

  2. SYSBM: Today was hot, boo!
    White sugar honey: (Runs her foot between his legs) But tonight is goanna get hotter if you go upstairs with me!

    When I saw the two women fighting and the two black women twerking especially at the NFL game, all the black men will say that “It’s goanna be hard to find a black woman to wife up you know.” And they will say that because that they have tried to find a good black woman which is rare but they see the ghetto ratchet harridans fighting, twerking and so on.

    What shocks me that all of these simps like Dr Foolmar Johnson, General Seti and Jason Black The Black Unauthority thinks that black men should date and marry these women and the black men are saying no to these simps. So, some of the black decides to date non-black women and setting down with them.

    As these black men decides to settle down with the non-black honeys, these simps will come after them for being with women from other races but say nothing when black women are with non-black men. Verbs, you light up Dr Foolmar Johnson numerous times on this platform. Quincy82 done the same thing. Me, I think light him up even worse!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggles daggles are coming after non-black women.


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