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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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In this week’s Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday.


Yep, if we go by the base $1.36 million figure, this wide load, supersized, 5 finger discount professional was syphoning an average of $272K per year from the company over a 6 year period.

ALWAYS REMEMBER to remind black women of the different types of thievery they’re regularly involved in out here in these streets whenever they attempt to gaslight you by calling you broke.

In recent times black women in increasing numbers have really been getting busted for cashing or attempting to cash fraudulent cheques as well as trying their utmost to utilise other monetary instruments that don’t belong to them.

Additionally, notice how messy the house was, this is typically what many women do, they’ll clutter a property with anything and every piece of junk they can lay their hands on.

Men on the other hand are simple creatures, we don’t need to have many possessions in an apartment/house in order to be comfortable. We can get by with the bare essentials without any problems.

Black women out here calling black men broke at every opportunity that presents itself, yet they themselves are getting arrested at astronomical rates for stealing anything that isn’t bolted down to the ground, smh.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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20 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. “Additionally, notice how messy the house was, this is typically what many women do, they’ll clutter a property with anything and every piece of junk they can lay their hands on.”

    This reminds me of my sister-in-law when I visit my 1 year old nephew.

    She is a Keisha married to my brother and sadly she is pregnant again but great news is another nephew.

    It will be born in June or July and she had a miscarriage a few years ago.

    They often eat a lot of junk food and order takeways almost every week.

    Of course eating unhealthy ain’t healthy for babies in the womb.

    I’ve heard my brother arguing with his wife a few times shouthing at her and she told him not to shout.

    When she gets into arguments, she deflects every time.

    This is why I have to find a foreign white girlfriend in London to set a good example for my nephews.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Choosing women who are accountable, responsible, honest, self aware and that understand feminism is nothing short of a con/scam is critical in order to give the relationship a viable and fighting chance of survival. Keisha type females(the overwhelming majority of black women) and others who think like them MUST be avoided like the plague.

  2. SYSBM: You know Michelle Trachtenberg from Buffy the television show?
    White sugar honey: I heard that she passed away at 39. And Roberta Flack gone, Henry Kelly from Going For Gold, gone!

    Fatty defrauded how much? You know nothing surprise me nowadays when it comes to the ratchet black women. when you look on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, X and so on, nothing shocks me when it comes to the ratchet black women. We see the ratchetness everyday now and I say, the same old thing really.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      I personally will stand by my reckoning and what I’ve been saying since 2021, that the overwhelming majority of the people who are dying today especially those who are unusually young are croaking it because they took that Covid injection(it was NEVER a so called “vaccine” to begin with).

      All of these mysterious deaths are NOT being covered by the mainstream media, however this shouldn’t surprise us because it was the same lamestream press that relentlessly promoted and pushed the Covid propaganda, falsehoods and lies from the start.

      Again, let’s not forget what Bill Gates said in his Ted Talk speech where he stated that new vaccines as well as “reproductive health services” aka abortion if executed well could reduce the world’s population by 10-15%. Gates’ plan is running in real time but most folks unfortunately are still fast asleep at the wheel:

    2. Going for Gold was sick!

      Literally sick when watching it while off sick from school. Couldn’t tell you what the rules of the game were though.

      But anyway RIP to Henry Kelly. Seems all of our TV heroes are dying off.

    1. Michel,

      Why is this guy going around sleeping with a woman who clearly looks like a man wearing a wig? Her face has absolutely no saving grace whatsoever, she literally looks like a Frankenstein mutant on steroids. The dude has nobody else to blame but himself. You’d think these male sports players would be extremely precautious knowing that they’re already high profile and as a result prime targets, smh.

    2. WTF? Seriously man?? SMH

      I notice black male athletes are either very wise or INCREDIBLY STUPID when it comes to who they lay with.

    3. Even with his status as a star athlete, he’s still down bad; it seems that more times than not, it’s these Black male athletes that get caught up in these scenarios over and over again. This needs to stop!

      1. I guess for some dudes, the sex drive is too high and they think with the wrong head. Plus they are young and with more money than they know how to handle.

      2. I guess for some dudes, the sex drive is too high and they think with the wrong head. Plus they are young and with more money and acces to sex than they know how to handle.

  3. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! I, too, have noticed there is an increasing number of Black straggs getting arrested for attempting to cash fraudulent checks; they would be the same ones calling us “broke” and “dusty” while saying that they’re winning. I’m just going to cut right to the chase: this is all the results of Brad and his feminist lapdogs conditioning Keisha to be this way; now, we are seeing their chickens come home to roost! Another thing I’ve noticed is that Western females as a whole are beginning to crashout and have meltdowns when dealing with consequences; I don’t feel sorry for these Keishas, nor do I feel sorry for the people who are victimized by them, because they continue to support a government with their tax dollars and votes that tells them they are better than Black men. They also support a media industrial complex that feeds them lies, and they have artificially propped them up as the matriarchal leaders of the communitah; this is the Frankenstein monster that Brad created.

  4. When I first saw the thumbnail of this video I had to do a double take because this Keisha is the spitting image of a cousin of mine, same complexion, hippo build, long horse weave and everything. They could be twins.

    But yeah, we should lay down with these queens because how can you build a strong black family otherwise lol. They’ll always put the money to good use and maintain a healthy home for our children as you can clearly see in this video. You know, generational wealth and all.

    Stay away from the Beckys and non black women cos all that money will go right back to their communities and not ours, right?

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Black women stay spending money frivolously. Out of all females on this planet, the black witch is financially the most irresponsible and illiterate of them all chiefly due to her ultra hyper lust for material possessions. These black sirens are the original nugget heads trying to keep up with the Joneses.

      Let’s not even talk about how much money black women funnel into the pockets of South and East Asians due to their addiction to wearing white women’s hair on their heads. Black females collectively have by far clearly demonstrated themselves to be the most fiscally irresponsible dummies on the planet bar none.

  5. Brothers, come look at this skit:

    Note how this Keisha is turned on by this Pookie who’s attempting to rob her; she’s literally getting butterflies in her stomach while her very well-being is being threatened. Also, I didn’t expect the ending where she robbed the Pookie of his phone; that’s a crazy way of showing that you are what you attract, is it not?

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      The black witch is a staunch proponent of thiggism and those black men who practice that religion. I remember a video I featured some years back on the old website where a black female thought she could test a thug and he shot her while she was streaming live on Facebook. Thug around and found out, Keisha loves dealing with dangerous men.

  6. Notice they don`t say her name out loud. If this was a Black man (or really, any man), they`d shout his name from every rooftop and list all of his social media accounts. Oh, and she`s a hoarder! Proof that some people can`t handle excess wealth. All that money must`ve went to her food budget.

    1. QuietNinja,

      You already know these black females, whenever they get arrested for engaging in some form of skullduggery, they act like the mainstream media, nothing to see here, move along, move along now. Or they’ll ignore what’s happening hoping it will quickly disappear into the realm of forgetfulness, smh.

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