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White woman puts black women back in their place, throwback.
Increasing numbers of white women are beginning to grow tired of black women, black women’s repeated attempts to imitate white women have not gone unnoticed by them and white women are now striking back pointing out the black woman’s blatant shortfalls.
I’ve always stated that black women constantly leave themselves wide open to be laughed at, criticised, mocked and ridiculed.
On the issue of black women trying to be like white women, Emma Swan is spot on, many of us black men have been stating the same thing for the longest while.
Black women of course have denied the accusation, however the weave wearing, the skin bleaching and the application of lightening filters to their photos on social media platforms leaves no room for the evidence to be interpreted in any other way.
Of course we already know that black women hate being black from how they treat black children as opposed to their treatment of mixed race and white children.
In like manner we can draw the same conclusion based upon how black women treat black men as opposed to the treatment they show white and other non black males. Lastly we know that black women hate being black from how they attempt to distance themselves as far as possible from their natural looks.
Emma Swan talked about “Bumquisha” due to the fact that black women primarily in the US are notorious for giving their children stupid names, thus they are jinxed from birth and their children commence their lives from a position of deficit. Bumquisha is also a reference to the fact that black women are renowned for being lazy individuals.
On the issue of “baby mommas” Swan again is not wrong, black women are well-known for birthing an extremely high rate of children outside of committed relationships/marriage.
Remember, black women hate children as standard, they only have them for two main reasons, to use them as a tool to get on the government payroll as well as a weapon to use against the father when required.
In the case of “nappy hair”, it is actually black women who are the ones responsible for originating and circulating this phrase, they are the ones who commonly use the phrase “nappy hair” hating on their own black daughters and any other black women around them who decide to keep their hair natural.
Black women ought to be ashamed of themselves, however we already know that black women feel no shame no matter what evil they commit.
The only area I take issue with Swan on is her last statement, of course white folks are more prone to success, we are under a white infrastructure, it has been set up for yourselves, not us.
It is obvious that white folks would have much more of an advantage over other races in their own system, this isn’t rocket science to figure out, this is basic logic and common sense.
Black women enjoy imitating white women, white women are currently the standard for black females hence why black women will always use white women as a comparator whenever they are caught engaging in questionable activities. Does the saying “white women do it too” sound familiar?
This type of critique is going to occur more often, since black women have now set up white women as their gold standard, white women now have the right to step in and reprimand black women whenever they see fit and on whatever issues they choose.
Black women do themselves no favours attempting to emulate other races of women, from a black man’s perspective if Keisha is trying her best to look like Suzy, it makes much more sense to deal with Suzy(the original)instead of Keisha(the copy).
Black women have fallen, traditionally minded non black women have surpassed them in every way which is one of the main reasons why increasing numbers of black men are choosing to abandon black women altogether.
Be sure to check out my book Negro Wars where I exclusively deal with the modern-day black women and her deeply insecure nature. #SYSBM™
The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues
Black Females Stay Copying White Women
Most High Bless
*****Long post alert*****
You know, if you told me eight years ago that I’d ever side with white women over them, I would have told you you were out of your mind. I don’t know what the discourse was between Emma Swan and whatever black female she was arguing with, but back then I would have been one of the first pro blacks to insert myself into the conversation and call Emma all types of ‘wet dog smelling cave bitch’ and all these other slurs in defense of my ‘Queens’.
Now, I simply don’t care anymore, this is not my fight. I no longer wear the cape. It’s similar to that famous picture of Peter Parker walking away from the Spider-Man costume he threw in the trash. Bdubs did this to themselves and deserve to get roasted.
Remember that simp last year who praised some linebacker built Keisha for her natural hair on Twitter and said that’s how he prefers to see black women, only for that SAME female to put the weave back in and post a selfie of herself sticking her middle finger up as a literal ‘fuck you’ saying something along the lines of “ain’t no bum gonna tell me how to wear my hair”. Imagine that. This is the type of beast we’re up against. You show them adoration and respect and these disloyal heffers will just turn around and give you their ass to kiss out of pure hatred and spite. Let it be a white man giving them the same recognition and they’d get wetter than Niagra Falls.
Black men NEVER told bdubs to forgo their natural hair and start wearing weaves, especially blonde weaves. That’s THEIR bullshit. We also never came up with the term “good hair”. I’ve only ever heard black females say that, yet somehow they try and put it on us. I remember when Wendy Williams said natural hair doesn’t look professional. It’s not us saying all this.
In my opinion, me walking around with a black female on my arm who sported a blonde weave would also be a bad reflection on me, just as if she was obese. Subconsciously it would signal to others I failed to lead as a man in the relationship. No black husband is telling their wife to look like that. You might as well have the real thing which many black men already do.
Besides, bdubs have the vilest personalities and think they can just say whatever they want to whomever they want with no repercussions and don’t have a feminine bone in their bodies. They attack the few white women who wear braids talking about “cultural significance”, meanwhile they’re out here trying to look like Pamela Anderson in Baywatch lol. More and more people are starting to see them for who they are hence the backlash. Rather than look inward and take accountability, they choose to make a whole bunch of videos complaining about us dating out and ignoring them in public and not coming to their defense. Therefore, we’re done. We’re not the only ones sick of them.
With the last sentence this Emma woman made, I guess she’s probably a white nationalist and anti black in general so this is another broken clock case (Tomi Lahren is also right but she’s a clown). If we had a patriarchal community with cooperative women, we would surpass anybody, however that’s far from the case since we have so many scared males who can’t even stand up to or correct their own women, but choose to attack men like us instead and simp for brownie points. Oh well.
The new black community is us getting with submissive and cooperative women who have no problem following our lead and raising children in nurturing environments. The rest can take a jump as far as we’re concerned. They can’t say we never tried. Some of us did more than we should have done.
SYSBM Forever,
This is a key point, the fact that black women as a group have become a bunch of masculine brutes while at the same time black men collectively have morphed into a group of effeminate softies(exactly what the overwhelming majority of black women wanted them to be) who are afraid to check their female counterparts and put them back in line.
There are so many reasons why I point blank refuse to deal with black women, this weave/wig wearing religion has to be one of the top issues in my book.
I refuse to be associated and walk around with a woman who has a problem with sporting her natural hair and as a result believes it’s normal to wear the hair of white women on her head 24/7.
Weaves/wigs, tattoos, fake eyelashes, wolverine raptor claw fake nails, septum rings, BBLs, tranny-esque type thick makeup, the list goes on and on for many of the unsavoury practices most black women love to engage in.
Western women in general have become a mockery and a complete disgrace when it comes to taking accountability, however the modern day black female positively takes the biscuit.
I can’t even remember the last time I heard a black female apologise for something she either did wrong or got wrong. I refuse to defend dysfunctional customs and bad behaviour.
I also refuse to defend a group of women who are disrespectful towards me by default and feel it’s their given right to do so.
Now in Europe in 1000 bc to 1600s with black nobility ruling. Fashion and art had a heavy influence over white culture.
The dresses in Europe had a thin wire frame to make the butt appear bigger. This trend carried over to colonial America by white WW. 💃
Now black women LOVE to wear weaves🙍♀️ to look like WHITE WOMEN👱♀️. Time⏰ repeats itself ⏰women are not capable of living outside of what is popular, in its time.
Women as a whole are not introspective like so called BM.
Indeed, women in the West have a serious lack of introspection. This wouldn’t be the case if there weren’t so many blue pilled simps lurking about who refuse to check these heifers whenever they set a foot wrong.
Additionally, the obsession most Western women have with trends and what’s trending in any given moment is a massive contributory factor towards their downfall. Weave/wig wearing is an unacceptable practice that most certainly will NEVER fly with me.
The black Moorish empire was successful because they had white wives.
I can’t think of any successful black empires that actually existed with Keisha in the picture.
The reason why I can’t think of any is because it’s non existent.
Men can’t build empires with Keisha in the picture.
Black males globally have tried building empires with Keisha but always fails each time.
These are patterns of political science and social economics.
I don’t know when Emma Swan wrote this but her message remains the same as today.
Her last statement about prone to success is her comparing white feminism verus black feminism.
White infrastructure is catered to white feminism in western world.
Imagine if black men built black infrastructure with only non Keishas in general, I would see results.
Wittexton Witwijf,
I remember some years back there was a meme of a black man building a wall on one side while a black female was removing the bricks on the other. Black men cannot build with black women, however most black men refuse to read and accept the writing on the wall concerning this.
Many still believe they can make it work and that all black women need is more time and they’ll eventually come around and see the light, that’s NEVER going to happen.
Black women refuse to respect, submit to and cooperate with black men, therefore they must be abandoned and non black, traditionally minded women should be sort after instead.
I have been saying this for years, I never have and never will mess with black wmn. They are loud, fat, UN-hygenic, uncouth, have horrible attitudes, are masculine and always combative. I don’t care if Emma Swan is a neo-nazi, she is right in 90% of everything she said. Black men will only build successful and sustainable communities when we date and marry NON-GHETTO white, Latina and Asian women.
Agreed, I believe that black men as a collective would’ve gotten so much further than they have had they abandoned ship on the black female years ago. SYSBM™ is a must for the free thinking brother to be able to build his kingdom, pairing with traditionally minded, cooperative and submissive non black females ensures that the building process has more of a chance to be a successful one.
SYSBM: Black women always wearing this damn weave.
White sugar honey: Black women always look so beautiful when they have their natural hair.
Right, black women spend over 8 billion pounds of weave every year just to look white. And they still lose when they are trying to compete with white women that can grow their long hair naturally. It really goes to show that natural beauty wins every single time. I know that a lot of black men talk about black women that are wearing weave. I use to talk about it when I did the weave wearing black women series.
Black men see that as an issue because some of the black women are copying the black woman’s hairstyle. And white women are seeing this and they are tired of black women copying them. And you why these Asian stores are making so much money on black women. Because they are spending in these Asian cosmetic stores.
I see a lot of black women on the street, in raves, even on social media wearing weaves. Emma Swan is right. She knows that black women are trying to copy the black women. Tomi Lahren is right also. Even I have said this numerous times. There is a huge majority of black women weaving wave so it could be rare to see a natural black woman.
Hey keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non black women. And their hair too, holy shit!
Enjoy the Friday night rain with your white honeys, SYSBM.
Money Cultural,
The rampant, dysfunctional weave/wig wearing culture most black females partake in is one the main reasons why I went SYSBM™. Wearing the hair of white and other non black women on their heads as black women is totally unacceptable, such behaviour must be mocked, ridiculed and condemned at every turn.
I sorta remember this flap on X/Twitter. White women have double barrels, especially the conservative ones. Don’t let them take aim at ya they won’t miss.
Black women have been done since then1990, the jig was up then. Now in the face of the Passport Bros movement is the parallel movement I am starting to call Neo-Pan Africanism. I am starting to see this wave of Black men constantly mentioning and asked content creators to talk more about Kenya for example.
There are also Neo-Pan Africanist in the comment sections of these creators like Skylar and others saying BM are more welcomed in Kenya than anywhere else.
I call bullshit and I agree with the above statement that no successful society has been created with a Black woman sharing the crown.
I blame that knuckle head Austin Hollermen. These Kush idiots will find out soon enough that isn’t the answer.
I believe Auston Holleman is a plant within the Passport Bros movement; he went viral for talking about Keishas in America and praising Brazilian broads, and now he’s trying to convince Black men that ugly African women are a viable option for dating and marriage? Absolutely not!
Blue Collar Trevor,
For a guy who has so much to say in his videos, he surprisingly says very little when being interviewed regarding abandoning dating in the West. Thus what you’re saying about him being a plant within the Passport Bros movement is extremely plausible. I can’t mesh with him promoting Sub-saharan African women who we already know the majority of are no different to black females in the West.
Auston Holleman headed down to Nairobi, Kenya because it is a cesspool city filled to the brim with debauchery. A quick search on X will show you what Nairobi is really all about especially the club scene which is what Holleman is into.
The dude I believe is still in his early to mid 20s, his penis still rules his thought processes. Yes, black men would fit in more easily in a country like Kenya but at what cost?
From what I see many black females in Kenya and other African countries have picked up the same bad habits as Western black women, weaves/wigs, fake nails, septum rings and tattoos included.
You’ll get no argument from me, societies and empires that have been successful have gotten that way WITHOUT black females being in the midst of them.
In that post, Emma Swan was essentially saying, “they (Keishas) not like us”; I won’t comment on the rest of that post, but her initial statement is correct. I remember seeing a clip of Brother Polight interviewing a blonde girl in New York who told him that Black women want to be like her, and she specifically mentioned her blonde hair and blue eyes; Black women want to be White, and the reason is that they wish to be in Becky’s place as the “default woman”, but that’s never going to happen.
Verbs 2015.
Black women love their white female lord and saviour so much that they would do anything to look like white women. I fucking can’t stand it when black women wear weaves/wigs on their heads because they hate being black so much and black women are the biggest self haters on the planet but they call us black men self haters for just dating non black women which is ironic because we stay looking black and we don’t change our appearance just to get with a non black women. I refuse to date black women as a childfree SYSBM black man at 42.
Quincy Fitzpatrick,
Black women collectively believe they can make up their own rules as they go along. It’s cool for them to throw white women’s hair on top of their heads but then as commenter SYSBM Forever pointed out, if a white woman plats or puts braids in her hair, all of a sudden there is a problem that must be addressed. Black women hate being black and the hypocrisy is very real. SYSBM till the wheels fall off.
The irony here is that black women WILL wear their natural hair…AND lose weight…AND speak with a quieter tone…for Chad and Brad. Not for you, black man. You get the finger, just as SYSBM Forever described. He’s spot on except her word for us was “guttersnipe,” as in “I’ll never do what those guttersnipes want.”
I’m glad these non-black women are clapping back at these hoes. Not only white women, but Asian women as well. BW have always been in a one-sided war with everybody and people pretty much ignored them. Now people are hating them back and letting them have it. Love to see it.
As always the message is the same: SYSBM, gents.
This article was so spot on.