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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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On This Week’s Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!


As I and many other brothers here have stated time and time again, the days of men approaching women in the West en masse are finished.

The truth of the matter is increasing numbers of men are recognising that most Western women have turned themselves into a group of evil, mean, nasty, vindictive, empty headed, hedonistic, superficial, materialistic, morally bankrupt, decadent, degenerate savages who aren’t worth a fart in a windstorm.

The overwhelming majority of Western women don’t have any character anymore, they seriously lack sound ethics, most aren’t pleasant to look at yet alone to be around due to everything they do and say always being placed through the lenses of feminism and social media first.

They most certainly don’t bring peace to a man’s life, they expect you to put up with their endless nonsense and have a thousand and one names at the ready to label you with if you’re a man who upholds reasonable standards and boundaries.

They can’t think and reason for themselves, they possess no critical thinking skills, they’ll readily listen to extremely bad advice from other broken beyond repair females online while at the same time gleefully rejecting sound advice, knowledge and wisdom from decent men.

Western women all in all collectively have become a liability and a burden to be around and to interact with. Brothers, continue avoiding these derelict Western females like the plague and any other women who think like them.

If you can manage to find a foreign woman on domestic soil who hasn’t been corrupted and contaminated by feminism, social media and dating apps then by all means obtain and hold onto her. Outside of that keep getting those passports and never look back.

Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gentlemen? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Stay Individual(In Your Mind)

Most High Bless

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29 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    It’s not that guys are afraid to make a move to women it’s that modern day women in 2025 have become so rude, arrogant and haughty towards men that men these days know their self worth and they are walking away from women. I don’t blame these men. Women need to change for the better if they want men to talk to them.

    1. Don’t forget, the legal system openly enables them to bear false witness against you if you are deemed “creepy” (not attractive), with no consequences.

    2. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      These Western females have overplayed their hand. There is only so much decent men will put up with before they abandon ship and men are clearly showing that they’ve walked away and will NOT be returning. It’s now the woman’s job to hunt, pursue, court and prove themselves to men as is supposed to be the natural order of things.

  2. Nope, nobody’s stepping up to be labeled a “creep” if you’re not 6 foot with a jawline. Or to be shot down in general. Today’s horrible feminists are too obsessed with imaginary “rape” to just have a casual, flirty convo with a stranger. I’ve said it before on here, as recently as 2019 women were normal-ish. Just in the past 5 years they’ve gone insane. Nobody is stroking massive, entitled female egos by cold approaching, those days are over.

    Bros, despite their bullsh*t rhetoric, you can see they’re hurting. Keep your feet on their necks. Give them nothing.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      These heifers are on the ropes bleeding out heavily but there is no team in their corner to throw in the towel on their behalf. Modern women live in a delusional fantasy world 24 hours per day, they literally believe that all men(outside of the ones they find attractive)are predators out to get them and cause them physical harm. Such women cannot be helped.

      Let them continue to stew, marinate and burn in their own failure. The reset is here, these sirens desperately need to be body slammed back into the real world.

      1. “Let them continue to stew, marinate and burn in their own failure. The reset is here, these sirens desperately need to be body slammed back into the real world.”

        Yup. This is EXACTLY why I voted for Trump. And damned if he’s not delivering. All those cushy DEI double-minority gubmint jobs that these “strong and independent” queenz use to beat us over the head are going bye-bye. Same with Section 8, WIC etc etc. Love to see it!

        1. Schadenfreude,

          Yep, President Trump is firing on all cylinders, blazing hot, doing what a leader is supposed to do, serving the people. I can’t even keep track with all of the positive things he’s doing. DOGE(Department Of Government Efficiency) was and still is a God send, so much monetary wastage is being exposed because of it.

          I don’t see these Demoncrats regaining power for a very long time, Obama was the empty suit that first begun the radicalisation of the Democratic party, he sealed their fate by doing so. I still remember the Democratic party under Bill Clinton being completely different ie normal. Keisha and those who think like her needs to be crushed, their recompense/judgement day is long overdue.

    2. You know it’s over when even white men are done with their own women.

      These western women are starting to realise the free lunches are starting to dwindle and they’re gonna have to put in some work themselves.

      The problem we’re having now is you got guys who are red pill in the west only to go to other countries in Asia and Latin America and becoming Mr Super Simp and Sam Sexpat, totally fucking up the program and making these women pull the same stunts as the ones back home they’ve avoided. Now the Philippines, Thailand and Colombia are washed mainly because of them. That’s probably another topic.

  3. If modern western women want men to approach them then here is a solution.

    Women have to make the first move but I will obviously reject women if English is their native language.

    I don’t want to be falsely accused of rape and get arrested to jail.

    Once accused, it is very dangerous in prison if a criminal has those type of charges and RIP to careers.

    The western dating market needs a reset.

    The word foreign is key when it comes to finding a white girlfriend on my side.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      Women are going to have to do what they’re supposed to when it comes to seeking a long term male companion, approach, court, chase after, swoon, propose to and serenade men. This is the way things were before the 1960s wave of feminism hoodwinked and tricked men into chasing after women ie viewing them as the prize.

      The additional problem most Western women have is the fact that they’ve squandered away their value. Even if they begin approaching men, most guys will still recognise that they’re trash. Non Westernised foreign women are indeed the way forward.

  4. SYSBM: I heard that Bonnie Blue had sex with over 1,000 men.
    White sugar honey: I know.

    Alright, these men are not approaching women anymore and mostly in the street. All the men are doing is look for women on these dating apps, DM’s and speed dating. That’s what the men are doing nowadays when it comes to looking for a woman.

    I wanna say something. What does the only fans models Bonnie Blue and Lily Phillips have in common. They are both pregnant. That’s what the rumours are saying.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet women are coming after non-black women.


    1. MC,

      I’ll continue to push my reckoning that Bonnie Blue is an agent being sponsored either by the State, NGOs or both in order to ensure the cycle of degeneracy and debauchery amongst the youth continues. The same goes for that whore Lily Phillips.

  5. Happy Open Mic Wednesday! I have this one thing to say to females who lament that men no longer approach them: don’t act like a stuck up hoe, be nice, be in shape, and carry yourself with grace; do those things, and men just might approach you. You can tell that the Wall of Silence is driving them crazy; keep that wall fortified, brothers! In other news, it seems we’ve had another potential mass shooting suspect’s plan averted:

    Now, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the obvious: that’s a male in the mugshot; I couldn’t help but notice the masculine looking face. I have shared a Hotep Jesus livestream on numerous occasions last year where his guest, BX, revealed that transgender youth are being groomed to become mass shooters in the same way that the incel community was being targeted; incels and transgender people both are prime candidates for this type of grooming given that they both suffer from mental illnesses and likely suffer from anxiety due to certain circumstances.

  6. More wisdom from this demographic:

    Apparently if you don’t have kids by a certain age, it’s a red flag and it makes you “gay”. Of course, this totally unbearable set of females are not mature or even the least bit smart enough to know there could be a myriad of reasons as to why a black man doesn’t have children. It just means you’re gay according to these grown 30 or 40 something females. SMH.

    You notice everything that makes a man great is something black females ridicule and abhor – from waiting for the right time to have kids, being ambitious, responsible, pursuing education, dressing and acting your age etc. This is why you need to give this demographic a widest berth.

    I’d rather be childless than have children with a black witch. I know plenty of good black men as we speak getting hell from their baby mothers for no reason, I’ve got stories for days, recent and old. I knew a female some years back who had nothing good to say about her son’s father who she was no longer with. Never mind the fact this man works hard, pays for his son’s clothes and education and takes him away to Jamaica every year to visit family. I guess because her ex literally does everything a good father should and everyone knows it, she can’t play the victim and call him a deadbeat. Even if what you do is beneficial for your child’s development, if the black sow can’t get one over on you, she’ll hate you for it. SMH.

    Black females will shit out their little future Pookies and mini Keishas by any old wasteman, even if they don’t have a penny to their name and live in the middle of a warzone. They wouldn’t know responsibility if it fell out the sky and landed on them.

    It’s a shame black men still put themselves in positions where they are around these females and feel the need to explain their life decisions. Like MM said, the issue in the community is not black men, but black ‘women’. He needs to stop addressing these witches cos honestly, they’re a hopeless case and are only going to get worse.


    1. I guess I’m gay as well, not because I’m attracted to other males, but because I haven’t blindly walked into a marriage that I’m not yet able to handle financially; the vapid things these hoes say is just beyond dumb!

      1. BCT,

        It’s not even about marriage. They think all black men should just produce kids (only with Keishas of course) just because, no matter the circumstances. Black females never consider child wellbeing at all. Let’s just fuck and bring them into this world.

        Any black man who doesn’t fit their idea of what a black man should be is “gay”. I remember back in Lennox Lewis’ heyday how they used to accuse him of being gay because you never saw him surrounded by a whole bunch of women and he kept his business private. Apparently, if you don’t carry yourself like a degenerate and let everybody know you fuck everything that moves, that makes you gay. SMH

  7. This fits right in with the comment I just posted that hasn’t been submitted yet:

    Like I say, impregnate these demons, this is what your children are at risk of experiencing. Nah, I’m good. I’ll happily be labelled a “sellout” by Foolmar Jackass and da communitah and even have kids with a “snow bunny” if it comes to it than a black sow any day.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      The so called black community is burnt to a crisp. Only a mutant himself would impregnate that savage looking, calorie rich beast. What’s wrong with these dudes? Their urge to bust a nut is so strong it completely clouds their judgement.

      As for her getting violent with her son, one day she’ll learn the hard way when he clocks her in the head. At the moment fear is the only thing holding him back, once that’s removed, she better start making some serious healthcare arrangements because she’ll be needing a cover plan.

      1. Verbs2015,

        Luckily he’s been taken into care from what I’ve read, but like with all bdubs, the best thing would be TOTAL ABANDONMENT. He shouldn’t have that evil piece of shit in his life at all, now and in the future. Honestly, I’m glad these black mothers are being exposed for what they are. Now more people can see why so many black despise this demographic. The old “yo mama black” isn’t gonna hold any weight soon.

    2. Oh, so now the page is taken down when earlier I was able to see the video; I guess X (formerly Twitter) is still giving cover to Keishas under Apartheid Boy’s watch. Anyway, the little bit that I did watch took me back to my own childhood where I was in the same position as that boy: mom puts her hands on you, and you don’t fight back out of fear; this shows us that Keisha NEVER left the plantation.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      The worst thing is the bottom hasn’t even dropped out for these black sirens, their behaviour is still set to get even worse especially as more black men opt out of dealing with them altogether.

      1. Verbs,

        Sitting back with my popcorn watching these black hoes burn in the comment sections. Karma is on the way like a freight train, facilitated by President Trump. What did ol’ Obsidian used to say…CUTS! No rescue here.

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