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Leave Women With This Type Of Mindset To Die Off!

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Leave women with this type of mindset to die off.


Georgia Guidestones Commandment Number 1 reads:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

Everyday I’m amazed at just how dumb and stupid most Western women demonstrate themselves to be and how they can so easily be misled down a path and given directions they think they’ve arrived at through their own reasoning powers. The wench in the last video has even dedicated her entire TikTok page to celebrating being “child-free and happy”.

In the same way that we SYSBM™ free thinking black men have accepted that the modern day black female is our enemy, non black Western men are going to have to read and accept the same writing on the wall concerning their female counterparts.

The bottom line is most Western females in 2025 are NOT fit for purpose, they’re unable to think and reason for themselves and thus completely lack the ability to recognise when they’re being bamboozled and hoodwinked.

Men need to STOP attempting to persuade these types of women to have children, on the contrary, genetic dead-ends and dummies need to be left in a corner to die off in order to bring an end to their redundant lineage.

Though all women have been given the biological capacity to incubate and bring forth children, as is clearly evidenced through feminism as well as social media, most Western women don’t deserve that gift.

Despite what these child hating delusional demons continually propagate, having children is NOT a societal construct, it is an innate instinct that has been placed into each man/woman to keep his/her family tree/lineage in continuance.

It is Western women who having moved away from traditionalism now embrace modernity in which part of its decree involves instructing them to either put off having children until their latter years or worse still not to have children at all.

Feminism and social media have really done a mind job on your average female in the West. For example, these same women thought their unrealistic, outlandish and ridiculous expectations of men were perfectly fine until the Soft Guy/Drizzle Drizzle era held a mirror to their faces which showed them otherwise.

The late Yuri Bezmenov, the Russian KGB defector referred to women who subscribed to feminism as “useful idiots”. In the same way that Satan was able to successfully tempt Eve with promises of a “better life” by eating the forbidden fruit, modern western women have also fallen into the exact same trap where they’re temporarily rewarded by a failed society for putting aside their biological purpose to instead chase vain, superficial and fleeting pleasures.

We know that women are social creatures, the only reason why females like this feel emboldened to speak up and spread their janky ideologies is because now through the internet they have the ability to connect with one another in real time.

Thus they’re able to continually feed off the fumes of distraction they all generate amongst each other in order to keep the delusion of being happy and satisfied with life perpetuating.

In addition to this you’ll notice that they’ll keep themselves very busy and preoccupied, this is also done to avoid the true reality of their foolish decisions sinking in and thus bringing them back to the real world.

These women aren’t fooling anybody, we already know the familiar scenario, the guys they wanted didn’t want them. So in rebellion they’ve chosen to embark upon a rampage mission of not having children as if this will remedy their pain, smh. “I don’t have children and I’m happy” coming from the mouth of a woman is all cap.

The message and movement to NOT have children is NOT a grass roots one, the instruction is coming from the top and being trickled down to the masses below.

Top down movements are typically government/NGO sponsored and always have PAID AGENTS amongst the people deliberately disseminating bad information in order to “nudge” folks in the “preferred” direction.

What makes me laugh is all the prominent people who have and are currently pushing the “don’t have any children” message all had and have children themselves.

The late Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, the same woman who stated that black people needed to be exterminated, the same woman black females adore and worship every time they hop, skip and jump to an abortion clinic at the time of her death in 1966 had 3 CHILDREN.

Let’s talk about Bill Gates, yes the same fellow who is constantly talking about the world’s population being too high and the need to reduce it.

Yes, the same guy who during the Convid-1984 plandemic was going around telling people to wear masks, yet he was never seen wearing one himself. Bill Gates also has 3 CHILDREN.

Now let’s talk about Klaus Schwab, the same old codger who says that you the common folks at some point in the near future “shall own nothing and be happy”.

Yes, the same dude who says that we(not himself and his ivory tower ilk) need to start eating insects and bugs for protein instead of from normal animal sources in order to cut down so called CO2 emissions. Yep, bug boy Schwab has 2 CHILDREN.

I challenge you to conduct your own investigations into anybody prominent who supports and pushes the agenda for women to abstain from having children, I guarantee you’ll discover that they’re NOT practicing what they preach.

Western females continue to prove themselves to be dumber than a box of rocks, they never connect the dots and almost always fail to conduct any adequate investigations in order to determine exactly where certain trends/fads/ideas are coming from.

Decent women in Western countries have become a needle in a haystack, they are so few and far between. Most of the younger females are social media raised knuckleheads and the older women for the majority part have been successfully indoctrinated, brainwashed and poisoned by the same.

Gentlemen, expand on your dating options as far as possible and never look back, Western women are determined to crash and burn out in their own failures, these decadent, lazy slobs refuse to listen to any men, they view us as the enemy even though life for them has been made ultra comfortable, cosy and easy by said men.

Throwing away their ability to have children just so they can live their lives as carefree 304s, permanent freelance whores in real life while at the same time scavenging for clicks, likes and views on the internet from total strangers, smh. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Leave Western Females To Their Own Destructive Devises, Don’t Save Them, They Don’t Want To Be Saved

Most High Bless

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15 thoughts on “Leave Women With This Type Of Mindset To Die Off!

  1. Verbs 2015.

    I refuse to date women who say that they don’t want kids because I want have kids one day with the right childfree non black woman who also wants to have kids. I want to continue the Fitzpatrick family tree. 🌲🌲

    1. Quincy Fitzpatrick,

      I agree, any women who don’t want children are definitely no good to me, like yourself I want to ensure that my family tree/legacy continues. This is what I was put on this planet to do.

  2. I would rather not have kids with women who only know English.

    I can only have kids with a white girlfriend from foreign communities.

    It has to be a foreign community that won’t allow feminism and won’t allow LGBTQP.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      A foreign non black female who staunchly rejects feminism and any related LGBTQP garbage is a must. Those decadent religions have ravaged and destroyed Western culture even though most Western women are either too dumb or outright refuse to see it because they’re trying their utmost to hold onto the power society has given them.

  3. It is a red flag, yes, but it would be best they never had children anyway. If they did, they would only resent them and treat them like some lifelong inconvenience like that annoying female in the first video alluded to.

    Many of these females in western society are total trash as they keep showing day by day, so it’s pointless trying to convince those who aren’t even worth a five minute fuck session in an alley somewhere to go forth and multiply.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      Most of these Western females are completely useless, they can’t cook, they can’t clean, social media, feminism and dating apps have turned their brains into complete rot and garbage. All they want to do is garner endless attention and validation online from complete strangers all day as well as be classless, unaccountable 304s.

      A sad state of affairs, a stark contrast from even 15-20 years ago where nearly all women here dreamed of being in a committed relationship/married and having children. You’re right, most females in the West aren’t fit to be mothers, they don’t qualify for relationships either.

  4. This is my take. Children are not for everyone. Too many people have children when they shouldn’t be having children. We need more quality parents. Also if you have a child you need make sure you have good finances because kids are expensive. Unplanned kids cause poverty. There’s a good chance that people regret their children. There youtube videos about people regretting have children. Its better to regret not having kids then to regret having kids. Kids are a long term comminmnet there for life. Also you got to be prepared to be a single parent when you have child. Because alot of relationship don’t last. Children are beautiful i got the patience for kids. But i’m 80% sure i don’t want kids there not for me i don’t think i will reget not having kids. But i will get a long term girlfriend.

    1. Goldenman,

      Agreed, there are a lot of people who having gone along with society’s decadence and degeneracy edicts, have now rendered themselves unfit to be parents. These unfortunately are the people who are having the most children which goes back to your point about there desperately needing to be more QUALITY parents.

      Raising children can be expensive but I think a lot of the expense is to do with parents overly spoiling their kids instead of putting strict boundaries in place concerning spending according to their budget and making their children earn the money and the gifts they receive.

      The regret you mentioned in the overwhelming majority of cases is from women who wanted to be carefree, freelance whores in the prime just like their friends but instead they ended up getting impregnated typically by a dude who never stuck around(that’s their own fault, these types of women did it to themselves).

      That regret of having children is one of many reasons why men who want to have kids MUST vet the women they seek to make mothers very carefully as there are large swaths of women out here who have chosen to defect from their natural biological purpose.

  5. SYSBM: I would love to have a family.
    White sugar honey: Me too, sweety.

    But at the end of the day, these are the women a man should not have children with anyway. If a woman like you see on these videos, not the last one, not only there are not capable of being mothers but they are not capable of being good girlfriends or wives. I know that there are women that can’t have children but if a woman doesn’t want kids, then the man can go elsewhere without no complaints. You know I would love to have children. I would love to have a family.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


    1. Money Cultural,

      Yep, the moral of the story is don’t force women to slot into your program. If they have desires to go in a different direction, NEVER plead or attempt to negotiate with them trying to change their minds.

  6. Verbs,

    You are correct that this is a tantrum that these girls didn’t get the Chad of their dreams so this is their way of getting back at the world.

    Is that first girl the female equivalent of the blackpill? Femcels are real.

    The western female is mentally destroyed regardless of race.

    All this sh*t was beta-tested on da sustahs over decades (#1 demographic for abortion), then unleashed upon the general (white female) population, same as every social engineering scheme in the first world.

    Not sure how effective the passport is these days with the golden age of remote work coming to an end, but it’s better than going down with the gynocratic ship in the west. These are the most horrible bitches in human history. It’s a nightmare.

    SYSBM now more than ever. The Lord Commander MBDX was so far ahead of the curve it’s insane.

    1. Schadenfreude,

      The Western female’s mind has been fragged and corrupted big time because she point blank refuses to listen to the advice coming from wise, learned, masculine men.

      It’s truly incredible to observe in real time just how rotten and contaminated Western women as a collective have become.

      These gynocentric harridans of the West are a bunch of unapproachable, entitled, arrogant, delusional, vindictive militants who are determined to ride their road of destruction right up until the very end.

      The West is an amazon prime example of what happens when you give women endless privileges and options, as I’ve said before, they’ll always lean in the direction of immorality, decadence, debauchery and degeneracy.

      Indeed, free thinking brothers need to expand upon their already expanded options, anything is better than dealing with these defective beyond repair, fruit loop Western harriets.


  7. Not wanting children is a red flag that she is either a 304, or she doesn’t want to have your child (if you establish a relationship); most females today are walking red flags themselves! They lack any modicum of femininity, maternal instinct, or personality; they’re about as exciting as watching paint dry on a wall. Look at the females in the above videos; do any of them look or sound like they’re fun to be around? Going SYSBM and getting your passport is not up for negotiation anymore; it’s mandatory!

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      They’re all clones of each other, they’re afraid to stand out and be original ie NORMAL for fear of being ousted by other members of their female friend groups.

      They all look the same, eat the same, drink the same, say the say things, speak in the same way, wear the same clothes, get the same septum rings, nose rings, tattoos, fake eyelashes, fake nails, duck lip fillers, botox etc

      They all wear makeup, there isn’t an original bone in the bodies of any of these modern day females. Agreed, all of those women above sound like they’d be a drag to hang out with. #SYSBM™

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