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Valentine’s Day Is A Scam Fellas, Don’t Bother With It!

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Valentine’s day is a scam fellas, don’t bother with it. A shout out to commenter Michael Mister Tea(MMT) for suggesting this topic.


Even though videos 1,2,3 and 5 are from last year, they’re still relevant for today because just like a leopard and its spots, modern day women never change.

Notice how on occasions like this there are always blue pilled simps lurking in the shadows who come out of the woodwork ready to perform brown nosing and bootlicking services in expectance of Scooby snacks and doggie treats.

Firstly, it is widely known that Valentine’s day is pagan in origin, therefore as a man who subscribes to biblical beliefs and principles, I would NOT be celebrating it anyway as I’m not pagan. Any female who is not accepting of this is free to leave.

The equivalence to this is propagating and pushing Muslims and Jewish people to celebrate Christmas(which is also pagan in origin I might add, as is Easter) even though it clearly isn’t a part of either’s religious practices/faiths/beliefs.

Secondly, I refuse to be held to ransom by stupid, ignorant women as well as multi national companies who make a killing this same day every year from guilt tripping men into going along with this Valentine’s day custom.

Valentine’s day is an overt financial scam(for men), I’m glad to see that increasing numbers of guys are clocking on to this and as a result taking the appropriate evasive action.

I’ll keep on making this statement until the cows come home, most women are fiscally illiterate and financially irresponsible knuckleheads who are complete failures when it comes to successfully managing their own monetary affairs.

Any woman who would hinge the entire future of her relationship based upon her boyfriend’s or husband’s performance on this particular day is a premium grade mullet-head who deserves to be abandoned with the quickness.

Notice how these women conveniently forget what their men have done for them during the other 364 days in the year. They’re prepared to put their entire relationship/marriage on the line based upon the outcome of this day alone, smh.

Additionally, notice how Valentine’s day in the overwhelming majority of cases only goes in one fixed direction, men treating and buying women gifts. I’ve yet to see a female take her man out and treat him on Valentine’s day.

This is despite the fact that according to the custom itself, the day is supposed to be one where BOTH PARTIES further demonstrate their love and appreciation towards each other.

There is no way that I’d allow any female to intimidate, shame, guilt trip or bully me into going along with any custom that I’ve chosen not to celebrate(for whatever reason).

More men need to grow a pair and put these women in check. If you don’t celebrate Valentine’s day for whatever reason, the female you’re involved with simply needs to accept your position or kick rocks.

Even though more men are breaking free from the Valentine’s day chains and shackles, it’s still disappointing to see so many dudes year after year getting roped into this unnecessary garbage.

Always remember fellas, YOU are the ones who control access to relationships and marriage. NEVER allow these greedy, materialistic harridans to usurp your power, NEVER.

How any female can completely negate all of the things a man has done for her all throughout the other days and solely focus on the outcome of this one day called Valentine’s day to me is beyond diabolical.

Men simply need to boycott Valentine’s day and never look back. The day most certainly doesn’t profit them at all. The only ones who gain from it are gluttonous, unappreciative, ungrateful women as well as greedy, profit driven businesses.

Any female who cannot recognise the love and appreciation you have for her OUTSIDE of this holiday is definitely NOT the woman for you. Love and appreciation towards your lover is demonstrated 365 days of the year, not only on February 14th.

Valentine’s day is just part of the cultures of consumerism, materialism, superficiality and vanity. It’s a damn shame that most women can’t see things this way but instead become upset and angry if you refuse to partake.

Gentlemen, don’t bother wasting your money, time or energy on this money fleecing racket and never be afraid to tell any woman from the jump that you don’t participate in it(if you’ve chosen not to). #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Valentine’s Day Is NOT My Priority And That’s The Way It’s Staying

Most High Bless

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21 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Is A Scam Fellas, Don’t Bother With It!

  1. Shout out to Verbs because your are a legend for making this Valentine’s day article.

    I want you SYSBM brothers take notice the comparison between American Keishas and British Keishas.
    Even some may disagree that American BW are worse than British BW. Unlike American Black females, British Black females are best at gaslighting you intellectually. Also the British BW are better at intellectual and emotional manipulating.

    Let me explain what this means.

    When you watch these videos between American vs British BW, when they speak, they speak with natural tone and the words they use is pure gaslighting which they can emotional trigger any man when they speak.
    The British BW are worse at this because when they talk to simps and they gaslight in a calm way they bring up colourism and all this nonsense.

    The 1st video is the perfect example of this.

    Also I say shout to ‘Andy C’ for using the term ‘Relationship Casino’ when he was in his 20’s which was when he see this on Valentine’s day.
    But his was not on the internet when he come up with the term for things like.
    All videos are perfect example of this.

    1. Thank you for your shout out Michael,

      This is why I call it ‘Relationship Casino’ 15 years ago before the internet and social media because videos like this.

      This is how the ‘Relationship Casino’ explained:

      The man put all the effort to make the relationship work and this is where have a ‘Casino Analogy’ comes into play. I describe as on the Valentine’s day (sometimes mother’s day if they have a man or a husband) by where these female putting the relationship on the betting table (as know as putting the whole, especially long term relationship on the line) to see if the man put the effort to buy unrealistic materials and spend extortionate amount of money to make an ungrateful female happy. If the man did not do enough to make them happy, they will dump and block him just like you put all the hard earn money and resources on the take card table and lose all the money by simply losing the bet. Basically throw away the hard work relationship down even they have kids together down the toilet over 1 day which is Valentine’s day.

      Modern western females turn Valentines day from a special day to a ‘High-Stakes in Relationship’ Day.
      Valentines day is meant to be for couple to appreciate their relationship, not turn it into ‘High-Stakes’.
      That is why Red-Pill no longer believe in Valentines day. This is why I take a day off from work on that day because I see sadness and envy-ness in London. At least foreign women buy flowers for their man (some are Asian types) during Valentines day as I seen this often in real life.

      As ‘Accountable Commentary’ stated, Black Men done enough for these females. Nothing is good enough for these ungrateful females.

      1. Andy C,

        “At least foreign women buy flowers for their man (some are Asian types) during Valentines day as I seen this often in real life.”

        It’s funny you should say this because black male YouTuber Average Man Unplugged is currently in Thailand and the woman he’s dating there did indeed buy him some gifts. Non Westernised foreign women know what it takes to keep a man, these Western females on the other hand are experts at driving men away, just one of many reasons why they’re NOT being approached or chosen anymore.

        I will look upon any female who attempts to elevate Valentine’s day over the other 364 days with a serious side eye. I point blank refuse to participate in this relationship casino as you’ve put it as well, additionally I will NOT be spending exorbitant amounts of money just to fill the coffers of these multi national companies who are operating this Valentine’s day racket/scam/ponzi scheme.

    2. MMT,

      British Keishas have no value. Half as pretty at best and five times as stuck up as the American Keisha. They’re really vile females. They have always had nothing but disdain for black men over here and have been pushing good brothers away for decades. Just check some of the videos that have gone viral. Every time I turn around they have nothing good to say about us and it’s been that way for as long as I can remember – and I’m referring to the men who simp and still crazy enough to get in relationships with them, not even the ones who date interracially. Nothing we do is ever good enough. When have you ever seen accountability from a British Keisha? Skylar can be somewhat of a big mouth clown, but he at least got it right when he said they’re not worth bothering with at all.

      Over here, there’s very few head turners and the ones that do exist, well, you know the men they go for and it’s not the ones who look like you and me. At least some American Keishas are actually attractive and have some small remnants left of a feminine demeanor and will be brave enough to call out their fellow sisters on the b.s.(rare as it is nowadays), so I can somewhat, only SOMEWHAT, understand why some black men over there still fruitlessly try to get that needle in a haystack. Here on this always cloudy and grim island, there’s no needles left at all. The ones you probably could go for are the mixed race women (with a black father) who still have a good head on their shoulders, aren’t Keisha poisoned and don’t think black men are the devil incarnate.

      Honestly, they have nothing to say of value.

      1. SYSBM Forever,

        The ones you probably could go for are the mixed race women (with a black father) who still have a good head on their shoulders, aren’t Keisha poisoned and don’t think black men are the devil incarnate.

        You’re spot on with this statement because I’ve noticed that mixed race women who have a black mother and white father are just as bad if not worse when it comes to them viewing black men collectively as malevolent, evil, bloodthirsty savages. I think back to the video that I wrote an article on in March 2024 where a blue pilled, black male simp cross train tracks at Bruce Grove station to talk to a mixed race female who was NOT interested in him in the slightest.

        I know of one mixed race lady with a black mother that has been in a long term relationship with a good friend of mine(black male), they have 3 children together. However as you’ve pointed out, these types of combinations where the mixed female’s mother is black and she gets with a black man are extremely rare to almost non existent.

    3. MMT,

      These black British females think they sound smart because of their accent, however in the grand scheme of things they’re just as dumb and blockheaded if not more than the Keishas in the US.

      I don’t care what these UK black daggles have to say, I don’t celebrate Valentine’s day and I never will whether I’m involved in a relationship or I’m single.

      Since men control access to relationships and marriage, we have to STOP allowing any females to throw in their dictates if said females are looking for long term commitments.

  2. Verbs wrote:
    “Any woman who would hinge the entire future of her relationship based upon her boyfriend’s or husband’s performance on this particular day is a premium grade mullet-head who deserves to be abandoned with the quickness.

    Notice how these women conveniently forget what their men have done for them during the other 364 days in the year. They’re prepared to put their entire relationship/marriage on the line based upon the outcome of this day alone, smh.”

    This is how Andy C describes ‘Relationship Casino’ as stated.
    Shout out to Andy C with the ‘Relationship Casino’ and Michael with the suggestion for this post. Verbs is the legend putting this out topic in 14th February.

    I know Quincy will have his 2 cents and I will agree with him.

    I can see this by a mile away:
    Black Female Divestors sending flowers, gifts and spending materialistic stuff on broke Brads.
    We all know that these BW not just submit, but do 2 to 3 jobs to provide for White Men.
    I notice on the YouTube channel called ‘Only Logical’ that you see it is reverse when Divestors paying ‘Premium’ to White Men. But they will put relationship on the line when it comes to straight Black Men.

    1. Sheriff X,

      Yep, black women regardless of where they’re located on the planet will break the bank and do anything for their white lord and saviour Admiral Frost, especially when he gives her those mixed race children with “good hair” and light eyes.

      However as we already know these same disjointed Keishas will require black men(even those in a better position that bottom shelf Brad) to jump through a million and one hoops just to sniff at the possibility of a date, smh.

  3. I’m not against buying a very cheap gift for a white girlfriend if she has done a lot for me on 365 days in a year.

    What I am against is if she expects me to buy very expensive gifts and forgets what I have done for her on 365 days in a year.

    This analogy scenario of relationship casino is spot on by Andy C.

    Also shout out to Michael Mistertea about how the British Keisha is no different than American Keisha and other Keishas out of UK and out of USA globally.

    1. Wittexton Witwijf,

      This is unfortunately how most of these Western females operate, On February 14th they enter the relationship casino as commenter Andy C has wisely labelled it and gamble the future of their entire relationship based upon the man’s actions for that day only.

      This is why I’ll continue to make the statement that the overwhelming majority of Western women are NOT cut out for relationships/long term commitment and should instead be used for recreational purposely only(if you’re inclined towards that type of lifestyle).

  4. SYSBM: Such a cold Friday night.
    White sugar honey: It’s much better to stay in a watch the erotic movie Henry and June. The first movie to get a NC – 17 rating.

    Gentlemen, SYSBM and Passport brothers, it’s Simp Valentine’s Day. Right, I heard that this day is pagan and I’m goanna do some research about it because it sounds interesting. I know why men are not celebrating valentine’s day is because there are some materialistic women around and the men feel that it’s not worth it buying things for their women who could be materialistic.

    You should love a person every single day and not one just one day. If a woman dumps a man for not buying something for valentine’s day and she dumps him, he can say “Bye bitch!” I meant to go out tonight just to drink but I just couldn’t be bothered with all the valentine’s day shit, you get me? I told my mum about valentine’s say and she says that there’s goanna be batty man all over the street. No diddy! The next valentine’s day is on a Saturday.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  5. Verbs 2015.

    Valentines day is a waste of time and it’s a commercial rip off.

    1. I agree with you.
      Remember the term as this will help you – ‘Relationship Casino’.
      Some foreign women will mitigate against the ‘Relationship Casino’.

  6. This is why relationships in the west are destroyed. Then they wonder men no longer want to date or pursue women. Who needs this shit?

    That first video with the typical husky voiced unfeminine black british female those of us in the UK have the displeasure of being around is a shining example as to why relationships in the west are messed up. Can you see why most of us avoid these horrid females? Ugh. As soon as I heard that voice it was a struggle to listen to that. My surprise is she’s actually married (according to her profile). Good luck to that fool who chose to marry a self proclaimed “feminist”. Anyway….

    First of all, grow up. We’re not in school. If it’s not your birthday or our relationship’s anniversary, get over it. The only reason a woman would “feel left out and suffer” is Princess Syndrome and because of busybody females like you nattering in her ear and putting foolishness in her head. I don’t need to explain or make excuses for anything. I’m not in trouble with my teacher in class lol. What I say goes, end of story. Take it or leave it. What a couple does for each other is none of your business last I checked. Any woman I’m with certainly wouldn’t be friends with the likes of you and would share a similar disdain and contempt.

    And like Verbs said, no talk about what the WOMEN have to do for the men whatsoever. That tells you all you need to know. Most of these females should be lucky a man even claims them nowadays. Most of them can’t cook and wouldn’t even buy their man a pack of disposable Bic razors from the local pound shop, but we’re supposed to spoil them for every single occasion from Valentine’s Day to the anniversary of the moon landing. Yet if a man doesn’t do that, she should end the relationship. SMH. Never mind the fact he’s probably part of the reason she even has money in her account in the first place. If she walks away, then good riddance. She’ll be making videos crying because she pushed a good man (or her meal ticket) away for nothing.

    As for that dude who made the TikTok video, he must be a homo or something. I don’t know what type of man with any testosterone would even make a video like that. Some of these dudes are more bitch than any woman SMH.

    Fcuk Valentine’s Day.

    1. SYSBM Forever,

      There is a severe lack of testosterone filled men in the West, I walk these London streets and all I see are delicate, fruity looking men with feminine faces wearing women’s style jeans and carrying handbags.

      The other day I was on the tube travelling back home and sitting opposite me was a mixed dude who had lip filler done, I kid you not.

      These are the results of foolish men capitulating to left leaning, liberal women, becoming more emotion, getting in touch with their so called “feminine side” while at the same time savagely reducing their levels of masculinity as well as compromising their manhood.

      As for the daggle in the first video, it’s possible she’s married or she could be lying as we know how most black women roll when it comes to their online persona.

      If she’s telling the truth and is actually married then the guy has to be the bluest blue pilled simp for allowing to make her feminist TikTok videos and still choosing to stick by the harridan.

      It amazes me how most women in the West are so short sighted, rather than develop a unique relationship that’s catered specifically towards themselves as well as the men they’re with, they instead always want to copy/mimic what they see other couples doing.

      Back in the day being a copycat was frowned upon heavily, however in 2025 it’s celebrated and praised. Women need to get over this, Valentine’s day just like the dating apps is on the decline and just like Bumble, Hinge, Tinder etc, there will be no resurrection for it.

  7. Valentine’s Day is a holiday I refuse to partake in due to its pagan origins and the heavy commercialism used to promote it; I noticed back in late January they stocked the shelves with Valentine’s Day merchandise (same goes for all of the other major holidays). As for the above videos, I suspect this to be more agent activity because of their insistence that you go out and buy something for the girl or else she’ll abandon you; this can accomplish 2 objectives: (1) the entitled stragg gets what she wants at your expense, and (2) big businesses make a pretty penny off of you being a sucker. What kind of incentive is that to do anything for some broad who won’t reciprocate the same level of generosity? Abandon Valentine’s Day; keep your money saved up for more important things in your life.

    1. Blue Collar Trevor,

      I personally don’t celebrate any of these holidays not even my own birthday(which may seem extreme to some). I point blank refuse to be roped into going along with what a decadent, degenerate and morally bankrupt society has “normalised” and deemed “acceptable”. As I stated before, I’ll never allow any woman or anybody full stop to cajole me into going along with something I don’t celebrate and have no interest in. As for the videos above, we always have to ask that one fundamental question:

  8. If you go to see this new comedy horror movie Heart Eyes that’s out right now, watch what happens at the very end lol. If I say any more I’ll just give it away, but it’s something that’s been talked about on here before.

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