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Nope, Fix YOUR Own Damn Community Woman! #SHORTS

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Don’t you find it comical that the black men these disingenuous black sirens constantly laugh to scorn, ridicule, mock, berate and disparage are the same ones said deranged members of the angry and bitter black sisterhood of failure are calling upon to fix “Da Communitah”, smh?

Why on God’s green earth should progressive, well to do black men lift any fingers to help fix a community they had no part in the destruction of? Why should intelligent black men help fix a community for a bunch of profound premium grade ingrates who’ve literally ousted them from said community?

Why don’t black women ask Pookie and Ray Ray for help in fixing “Da Communitah”, yes the same bottom of the barrel scum buckets of black male society the overwhelming majority of these unbridled black harriets love opening their legs to and getting impregnated by?

Nope, they want the so called “educated lames” and the “squares” to roll in and get their hands dirty putting together a community that black women themselves have been instructed to completely destroy in exchange for Uncle Sam’s State treats and benefits, always keep that part in mind whenever you hear low IQ black harpies bleating about the restoration of “Da Communitah”.

No witch, fix your own community, the one that you’ve been tasked to destroy at the behest of your white lord and saviour General Blizzard, the one you and your Pookie underlings have been so happy to desecrate, sabotage and ruin.

Yes, black men with sense and intelligence early on recognised what the game was and took evasive action a long time ago. Yes, free thinking brothers chose to surround themselves with women who would appreciate and love them, not tolerate and hate them.

Is that the best way this black female hellion understands how to appeal to black men, by calling them weak and cowards? Just observe the masculine demeanour as well as the relentless swearing/cursing, what black man in his right mind is going to want to help her with anything?

Again, always notice how black women without fail will label those black men who refuse to put up with/tolerate dysfunctional standards and conditions as “weak” and “cowards”.

In the eyes of your average black female a strong/real black man is one that will ALWAYS put up with black female dysfunction unconditionally as well as never hold said females to account for any of their bad behaviour and poor decision making, you cannot make this stuff up.

It’s a no brainer really, would you much prefer to be surrounded by humble, demure, fit, feminine, friendly, submissive and cooperative non Westernised females or be forced to subject yourself to listening to this masculine Frankenstein monster above, I’ll wait?

Gentlemen, NEVER feel guilty for walking away from a community that shunned and REJECTED YOU FIRST. You are under no obligation to roll back onto the plantation and fix that which you had no hand in breaking.

These black females are playing games whenever they talk about fixing “Da Communitah” or black society as a whole. They’re NOT serious, they’re simply trying to get free thinking black men to return to the proverbial plantation. Don’t be that guy, don’t fall for the Okey Dokey.

The black community is dead and black women were the evil savages that killed it. Leave the black community to crash and burn down to the ground, DON’T SAVE IT. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

The Black Community Is NOT Your Obligation To Save

Most High Bless

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8 thoughts on “Nope, Fix YOUR Own Damn Community Woman! #SHORTS

  1. A “community” implies that the people within it associate with each other of their own free will. This cannot happen in low income areas where you just can’t afford to move, but blackistanis people will find ways to gaslight themselves into we’re a big family, cause they didn’t have one at home.

    It almost must be pointed out that when too many niggas are concentrated into a single area, things go south very fast as they chase everyone else out! These hyenas want smart black men to do all the grinding while they sit on the sidelines and do all the whining! Meanwhile Chang and Apu can open up a Beauty Store/nail salon in the middle of the ghetto and make money out of thin air.

    1. “Meanwhile Chang and Apu can open up a Beauty Store/nail salon in the middle of the ghetto and make money out of thin air.”

      I saw a video where a BM was trying to open a grocery store in the hood (food desert), only to have it broken into and vandalized before he even had a chance to open.

      Another black grocer had a store but his prices were higher because he couldn’t take advantage of bulk discounts like his bigger competitors. Negroes went to the other store ’cause it was cheaper and he had to close.

      Dude in Ohio’s parents had died and left him a big house. He wanted to open a rec center in it for the kids. But niggas broke in multiple times. The last time they caught him inside and beat him up. He shot a video of him and his bloody face, crying. The video is still out there somewhere.

      In Oklahoma, a Korean beauty supply dude punched a BW in the mouth in front of her daughter (deserved). I think she was trying to steal. When BM called for a boycott and protested in front of the store, the owner called a 50% off sale and the BW stormed the place and yelled at the BM. The Koreans let the BW in 2 at a time only.

      BW in Chicago called a Chinese nail salon “racist” so a Pookie simp enforcer went up there and smashed in their front window with a garbage can. The Chinese called the cops and they sent 2 black female cops to arrest him (symbolism). The Chinese boarded up the window and kept it moving. BW never stopped going to this establishment.

      SYSBM Forever mentioned the Detroit 300. BM who came together to oust crack dealers from the hood by force. I think they burned down some crack houses. But local BW shut them down.

      Yup these were all BM who tried to step up and defend da sustahs and improve the hood, but BW’s hardwired mission is to tear down anything BM try to build. Nor do they respect what BM try to do.

      It is BECAUSE foreign women don’t “need our assistance” is what makes them so appealing. A man with resources would choose them over a foul-mouth, loudmouth, masculine black HEFFA. I thought BW didn’t need no man anyway.

      Kevin Samuels warned that winter was coming. Now it’s here.

      So yeah, f*ck that broad. Let the hood burn. Not our problem. SYSBM remains the solution for the thinking black man.

      1. Yo Mama Black,

        Brilliantly said. Black men should compile a whole list of the things that brothers have done in their communities only for it to be sabotaged and circulate it when they make the false claims we never attempt to do anything.

        You notice how they never say that they will support black men who attempt to make positive changes? They just want to sit back and enjoy the benefits and keep fucking with Pookies and Rays Rays and then when shit goes wrong, they can just hurl rocks at us while hiding their hands and play innocent. Black females DON’T want things to change, even when they know everyone is miserable and things are falling apart. They’re like Scar from The Lion King in that sense.

        I didn’t expect to hear anything in this two minute foul mouthed rant on what role SHE will play in standing by black men’s side, because that’s a feminine trait which is something black females totally lack. White women (who I’m sure she hates) would be a much bigger helpmate in the black cause then she ever will.

  2. Man, if SYSBM had an open day, that video would serve as great recruitment. This demographic certainly know how to make people hate them.

    “Just observe the masculine demeanour as well as the relentless swearing/cursing, what black man in his right mind is going to want to help her with anything?”

    Exactly what I was thinking listening to this hyena. If I had a pound for every time this bitch said “fuck” and its variants, I wouldn’t even need to play the EuroMillions tonight. I don’t know why they go out their way to be as vile and repugnant as possible and still expect us to want to listen to them or deal with them in any way.

    You notice how they always address US, but never the Pookies and Ray Rays actually causing the destruction nor their fellow sisters? Telling good black men to “fix the community” is like telling us to mop the floor while they keep spilling juice all over it. The Detroit 300 that was set up to protect Da Communitah was destroyed by the very same women berating black men for not doing anything. Whatever we do, if they can’t control it, have a say in it, or get held accountable in any way, they sabotage it. When we speak out against those same black males causing the destruction, bdubs are the first ones to jump to THEIR defense, not ours. Bdubs don’t want good black men to take the lead and become the majority, because that means they’ll have to fix up (which they never will) and lose their position of power. They don’t want the “black community” to become patriarchal.

    This hotep hoe wants to tell us how we fail compared to other men. Bitch, you really DON’T wanna do the comparison game. I have a list a mile long on how you’re lacking physically, mentally, spiritually, economically, socially etc and way behind compared to other women. Trust me, I will win that one with my eyes closed.

    As for her typical resentment of us smiling at “women overseas who don’t need our motherfucking assistance” as she so eloquently puts it – well, I’d leapfrog over a thousand of you just get to one of those foreign women and wife them up, EASILY. They’re FEMININE, cooperative, loyal, pleasant, etc everything we could want in a woman and they’re willing to follow our leadership. They’re better than YOU. So if they don’t need a good brother’s “motherfucking assistance”, well it’s their lucky day, because they’re gonna get it.

    No woman is ever gonna address me effing and blinding to make a point. That mouth is why everyone from the police to the Pookies they love always ragdoll them from the house to the streets, because they just don’t know how to communicate.

    Us good black men, we’re not turning into cowards, we’re turning our backs. There’s a difference. She and the rest of Da Communitah can all go to hell in gasoline boots. It’s SYSBM Forever!!


  3. After watching this video only adds more fuel to the fire.

    I actually want “Da Communitah” to get nuked off the map permanently.

    Not just in America but all over the world.

    Latino communities are already replacing blackistan societies in many parts of the states.

    I’ve always chosen a white becky and not changing for no sheboon negress.

    Keisha should just die off with pookie.

    None of them deserve my assistance.

    1. Kkkeisha doesn’t realize when Latino, Asian, and South Asian communities reach critical mass, they will NOT have the infinite patience of naive liberal progressive whites and will act accordingly! They don’t and won’t give a damn about “muh reparashunz” an sheeeit, not after having to sit on the sidelines for so long while the communitah hogs the spotlight with self victimization.

  4. SYSBM: I’m goanna stay in tomorrow, hun!
    White sugar honey: Just wanna rest myself.

    Right, here is the thing Verbs. You said that why don’t they ask Pookie and Ray Ray fix the community. I was thinking about that. Why can’t them worthless black women who breed these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles off fix the so-called black community? Because that they don’t know how to or they won’t fix anything.

    They won’t ask the simps at all as they are living off them day by day and taking care of children which doesn’t belong to them. as black men see ratchet black women like the woman on the video, you can see why black men are dating non-black women or getting their passports and looking for the next fastest jet to leave out of bloody dodge.

    I don’t know who this woman and frankly I don’t care but it seems like this female is nothing but a bitter broad! Lord have mercy!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


  5. Here we go with this nonsense again 🙄

    I must point out her TikTok page is gone; I guess either she took it down or she got the boot over something she said. Regardless, she is just another belly warmer who has some audacity to be wagging her finger at Black men; she couldn’t even refrain from using profanity (which is probably why the audio was removed from her other videos). I won’t spend too much time on the folly of her message, but we’ve heard this tired message before of why were “weak” and “cowards”; to sum up what she’s saying, we need to stop “complaining” about what Black women aren’t doing, fight White supremacy, and rebuild the communitah. We’ve already tried that numerous times, and each time it was Black women and her Pookie kids that ruined it; we learned from the past attempts that it’s a fool’s errand to try and fix the monument of failure that is Blackistan.

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