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Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

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These are the ultra retarded black females these knuckleheaded pro blacks expect us to get with, cuff and impregnate, really? Just listen to the fat, red haired, fake eyelashes wearing black witch, her IQ level is clearly in the damn sewer pipe.

As per usual, black women who get caught engaging in criminal activity always seem to ramble on like devil possessed nut jobs. They play dumb and pretend that they have no clue as to why they’re being arrested but over here we’re not stupid, we know better.

As we always say at the SYSBM™ Knights Roundtable, QUALITY CULTURES MATTER! This is another reason why more quality black men are turning away from black women, we don’t want our future children(for those who still desire to have some) to be emotional vegetables and mindless zombies.

Additionally, always remember that these are the same black women who are forever calling black men broke, meanwhile they’re out here religiously engaging in 5 finger discount activities as if their lives are hanging in the balance, smh.

Brothers, avoid these Frankenstein mutants and unrecognisable creatures called black females as much as is humanly possible. Another Open Mic Wednesday is here, what’s on your minds for this week gents? You’ve got the floor, roll that dice. #SYSBM™

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13 thoughts on “Free Topic/Open Mic Wednesday!

  1. Gentlemen,

    Here is another black female who believed she was above the law and that the rules didn’t apply to her. Of course when the police got physical, her wig hit the ground before she did, lol:

    1. Hey Verbs,
      You need to make a page (like the swirl graveyard) just devoted to watching the horse’s @$$ hair wearing, diamond faced Sharkeishas, run-ins with the law. You could also include the list of common occurrences that a few of us compiled a few weeks ago as kind of life a fun bingo element 😂😂😂😂😂

    2. Hey Verbs,
      You should make a page (like the swirl graveyard) just devoted to watching the horse’s @$$ hair wearing, diamond faced Sharkeishas, run-ins with the law. You could also include the list of common occurrences that a few of us compiled a few weeks ago as kind of life a fun bingo element 😂😂😂😂😂

    1. JD,

      One of the worst thing about this Presidential election is the fact that the Dems keep trying to palm Harris off as black when she’s not. Hopefully, more black men(we can’t expect any major changes from black women, they’ll always vote for the right to keep their feminism, degeneracy and hedonism in place) are getting it and finally realising that it makes no sense to vote for a party that is full of empty promises. The Dems have NEVER delivered anything for black men, I personally think that plan for black men is smoke and mirrors just to sucker black men in once again to garner their votes.

    2. Latino men are actually building families, unlike blackistan societies.

      Kamala Harris knows this but why would she care about black men?

      This is one question nobody is asking.

      Locking up black men is what she is known for.

      I don’t like Paki Indians and other brown Asians in general.

      These Pakis despise black men.

      No one will ever see me travel on vacation with my future white girlfriend to India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.

      Barrack Obama had the nerve to go on live TV to talk down on black men.

      He has never done anything for black men either.

      1. Wittexton Witwijf,

        This is true, South Asians as a collective despise black people much more than white folks do. At least with Admiral Frost there is such a thing as white guilt, there is no such buffer when dealing with South Asians as a group. Their hostility and racism towards blacks is full on, especially with the older generations.

        I won’t lie, I’ve known a number of Pakistanis and Indians for many years who have been fair to me, their behaviour towards me has never become hostile, however I’m not foolish enough to believe other members of their groups share the same sentiments toward us. You just have to judge them on an individual basis.

        Speaking on the Dems, Barack Obama shouldn’t have come out trying to help Harris garner the black male vote, he has stirred up old wounds because black men still haven’t forgotten how he did nothing for them while at the same time showing favour towards and elevating every other group imaginable.

        1. South Asians only dislike black men because they think it will put them closer to white society. Too bad whites still just view them as computer coolies and streets hitters and expendable low cost labor.

  2. SYSBM: I Hope everything is fine when it comes to stress.
    White sugar honey: Stress is a serious thing.

    These arrest videos with these black women are crazy. and most of them get arrested for resisting arrest. These videos are mad. When I see black men getting their passports and flying out of the states, now I understand.

    I’m goanna roll the dice:

    You see the LQBTQ, if a man is homosexual or bisexual, then he can live his life. But the LQBTQ thing, they are pushing it to the core. All I see is rainbow on the roads, on signs, on trains and so on.

    I meant to talk about this on Monday but I didn’t had the time. There are dudes that are going to foreign countries to wife up women with children. And to be honest, they are men that are going to foreign countries and settling with women. And some of them are being these women to the States and in Britain as well.

    I wanna say is this. I don’t know what is goanna happen around the corner but I know that something is goanna happen. More simping? More beta males? I really don’t know.

    Hey, keep your white sugar honeys safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


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