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Stop Selling Yourself Short, You Deserve Much Better! #SHORTS

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Do you know what’s really sad, when you look at the video and note how happy this guy is with the scraps and the crumbs he’s receiving. This female already gave up her womb to another or other men and this guy is buying her flowers and treating her as if she’s the best thing since the internet.

On top of this she’s tatted up, she has lip injections, fake eye lashes and is cake faced up to the hilt. Additionally, if you pause the video where they’re taking a picture in the mirror at the 9 second mark, you’ll notice that she’s not smiling.

That’s because Mr Simpy here is NOT the guy she really wanted, the men she was pining after pumped and dumped her with children en tow. This guy needs to understand that despite having two children by God knows how many men, she still thinks she’s above her husband.

She opened her legs to Chad believing that she could get him to commit, however as we can see, that plan went horribly wrong(as it always does).

To make matters worse simp boy went ahead, married and thereafter impregnated her. Men in general, black men in particular need to STOP selling themselves short by dealing with single mothers, they are NOT viable and suitable candidates for long term relationships.

This isn’t only happening in the West, I’m also seeing a lot of Western men going to foreign countries and settling for single mothers in those lands as well.

I really don’t understand the mentality of some men who have an opportunity to start afresh but still manage to find themselves getting into relationships with single mothers no matter what countries they go to or reside in.

As I’ve been saying for a while now, as long as these blue pilled simps remain economically stable, single mothers will always have a plethora of muddy, bootlicking flunkies/cucks to choose from. These simps have to be broken economically in order to bring about a drastic change in their behaviour.

Gentlemen, DON’T be like this guy in the video, never sell yourself short even if the female is exceptionally attractive, Always maintain your standards especially when it comes to single mothers.

Single motherhood is a complete and utter disgrace and those females who choose to participate in that decadent culture must be shamed, shunned as well as given an extremely wide berth.

There are too many single childless women out here for men to be settling for women who already have children believing that this is the best they can achieve. NEVER sell yourself short gents, leave these single mothers to crash and burn out in their own failures. #SYSBM™

The Deprogramming And Decontamination Process Continues

Single Mothers Are For Blue Pilled Simps And Those Who Lick Clean Muddy Boots

Most High Bless

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9 thoughts on “Stop Selling Yourself Short, You Deserve Much Better! #SHORTS

  1. I paused the video at the 9 second mark and noticed both of them ain’t smiling at all.

    When I looked at MBD videos, tons of images are shown of white women smiling with black men.

    Black men looked happy without drama from single mothers and without Keisha.

    1. Deep down he knows he fucked up, but it’s “better than being alone!”. Fools out here dumpster diving just cause they can’t stand their own company.

  2. All these white beta cucks have a certain look. When I was young, no self-respecting white man would mess with a single mom or a fat chick or else they’d be considered losers. Fat white girls in particular were relegated to black dudes. “They’re taking our leftovers.”

    Now times have changed and white dudes are the biggest cuckolds. Shaking my head at the emasculation.

    They created the black matriarchy to keep black men under control, but every social engineering scheme that targets black people boomerangs right back at the majority population within 20-30 years.

    Keep the bangers coming, Verbs.

    All roads lead to SYSBM.

  3. Verbs 2015.

    That white dude in the above video isn’t truly happy because he settled for a single mother. As you already know Verbs that I refuse to date single mothers as a childfree man at 42 because I have high standards for myself no matter what life situation that I am in whether I am rich or poor. I am only interested in dating beautiful childfree Turkish women, Turkish Cypriot women, Greek women, Greek Cypriot women, White women with brown eyes and Indian women who is also slim or athletic build and who lives in London like me. When these single mothers were childfree in their sexual prime years (18 to 30) they wouldn’t have given decent men a chance to date them because these women wanted the bad boys instead and they put good guys in the friend zone. Now that these women made the horrible mistake of becoming single mothers now they are now interested in dating childfree decent men to take on their baggage and leftovers. Childfree men need to know their own high sexual market value and date childfree women instead so that they can have their own kids and create their own nuclear families. Single mothers are NOT girlfriend or wife material.

  4. To quote the late Malcolm X as portrayed by Denzel Washington, “Yeah, that brother’s starving”; he must’ve really been starving if he is happy to have sloppy seconds behind other men. Is it just me, or do all of these janitors who perform clean up services for single mothers look like cornballs? She’s clearly with him for help because life taught her the hard way that being “strong and independent” is a lie, and now he’s tied to her because he impregnated her; now, she has her whole retirement plan going for her, and he doesn’t realize he’s being used, but he’ll find out eventually. As for me, no clean up man services are available!

  5. Verbs2015,

    The armies of blue pilled simps in the west have pumped up the female population and instilled in them hypergamous delusions of grandeur. On top of this, these women have been taught and trained by western culture that they deserve to get more from men than they themselves will ever bring to the table.

    Conversely, the west has taught men to reach down and uplift ungrateful entitled females who are not as attractive as them, who have less wealth and resources than them, and who bring zero virtue, and zero intangible qualities of character to the table.

    Then there is the family court industrial complex in the west. Like most things bad about the west, it has its worst manifestation in the US. A simp who marries a single mother with kids puts himself at great liability and great risk. If said simp is married to said single mother for 10 years in the US, the family courts system says this woman is entitled to half or more of everything said simp has worked for. Even if the simp has had no children by the single mother, he still owes her half of everything he has worked for. He will be required to pay her alimony for years, if she decides to leave him because she misses the whorish life.

    The only sort of man who is not punished and persecuted by the family court system is the never do well broke deadbeat. He can spawn all the kids he wants and never pay a cent, because he is broke. There are no consequences to him nor the irresponsible females he has bred with. I cannot believe that men in the west still tolerate the family court industrial complex.

  6. Years ago a woman I knew admitted to me that deep down single mothers don’t respect these men. This is not something they will shout from the rooftops for obvious reasons. Don’t let the “I’m the dad that stepped up” bullshit fool you – subconsciously you’ll be seen as a sucker and won’t be respected by anyone. I’m serious about this. The only time that’s not the case is if you’re an older couple in the 50+ age range and yours and her children are already grown and left the house. Even then, there’s still many disadvantages that come with that.

    Otherwise, why take on such a thankless role that offers you nothing in return, especially if you have a lot going for yourself? No matter what you’ve done for HER kids, at any moment she could decide to get back with their biological father and move to the other side of the world and there wouldn’t be a single thing you could do about it.

    Oh and remember this:

    Start your own legacy, man. There’s millions of childless women in the world to choose from. NEVER accept leftovers.

    1. All these single mamas in the West are punching the air right now that Beta Bob decided to man up and get his passports, DuoLingo apps, and resident visas in search of real, in-shape, feminine, childless women. They are still steady making anti-Passport Bro videos trying to shame these dudes. Maybe they should nag and bitch harder and dudes will stay. I absolutely love to see this hahahaha!


  7. SYSBM: Camberley is nice there.
    White sugar honey: It’s not South London. And Money Cultural should come to South.

    Hey Babatunde, gimme a second, bro!

    Now, I’m ready. This is a long one here!

    I was on twitter which is now X. And I saw the NBA basketball player Tyrese Hailburton sending a message top rapper 50 cent. On the video, there was three white honeys you know. Now, it that was me, I’ll breed off the three of — I hope everyone is doing well. I was at Camberley at the weekend because it was my sister’s birthday on Saturday. And I heard that the white women there do like black men there so, SYSBM, you can go to Camberley and get a white honey. I was thinking of looking for a curvy white one.

    Right, to the topic now. So, not only that simp was buying her flowers but he married her? The man put a ring on that, yo! I know that we have seen so many black men who are simps but now it’s the white dudes who rising up to be simp dudes. I don’t know about buying flowers for a woman is alright nowadays. If they are married, then that is fine. You can give roses to your wife but in this situation, it’s a no, no!

    Right, let me ask you a question. Do you know how many baby mothers I know? Six. Six baby mothers. Four in Jamaica and two in London. And I had sex with three of them and that was a long time ago. And the other three in Jamaica? I’m not settling down because I having too much, you get me? But I don’t mind someone who I can love and be with but not with a woman with children because I don’t have any children of myself.

    So, the simp marries the woman and she’s having his child. She has two children. I like to know who is the baby fathers are. It’s obviously Brad and Chad who slam out her punany and breed her up. And the new guy come along and saved her. And this is not the guy that she really wants. She want the Chad that will press it under the bedsheets and make he moan and groan. So, the simp is in great danger at this moment because he wifey her. I’m goanna talk about the men who goes to foreign countries and settling with single mothers as well as you said on your article, Verbs. I might talk about LGBTQ as well. Whatever it is because I’m not with it!

    Oh, I made a mistake. It’s seven baby mothers I know. Not six!

    Hey, keep your white sugar honey safe at all times as these ghetto ratchet scraggle daggles are coming after non-black women.


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